German Submitted Surnames

German names are used in Germany and other German-speaking areas such as Austria and Switzerland. See also about German names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Trumpfheller German
Means "drummer". From Middle High German trumbeler "drummer", from trumbe "drum" and the agent suffix -er.
Trux German
Variant of Drux.
Tschida German
The Germanic spelling of the Hungarian name Çsida. Derived from the Turkish word for rider, or man on horseback.
Tschida German
Derived from the Czech word "třída," which means class, kind, category, grade, or avenue and place.
Tschirhart Alsatian
Alsatz regional variant of Gérard.
Tuell German
nickname from Slavic (Old Slavic toliti ""to soothe or calm"")
Türer German
Means "doormaker" in German, from German Tür "door".
Turnbo English, German (Americanized)
Americanized spelling of German Dürnbach.
Turnbow English, German (Americanized)
Americanized spelling of German Dürnbach, from a habitational name from any of several places so named or from places in Austria and Bavaria named Dürrenbach (meaning "dry stream").
Tylson English, German (Anglicized)
English: variant of Dyson (see surname Dye). ... [more]
Über German
From German meaning "above" or "over".
Übermacht German
Same given to someone with a lot of power.
Uhl German
Uhl begins in the German province of Bavaria. Uhl is a nickname surname, a class of German names derived from eke-names, or added names, that described people by a personal characteristic or other attribute... [more]
Uhler German
Uhler is an Ortsgemeinde – a municipality belonging to a Verbandsgemeinde, a kind of collective municipality – in the Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It belongs to the Verbandsgemeinde of Kastellaun, whose seat is in the like-named town.
Uhlmann German
From a pet form of a Germanic compound personal name beginning with odal ‘inherited property’.
Uhr German, Jewish
Derived from the given name Ulrich. In Jewish, it is a metonymic occupational name for a watch or clock maker, derived from German uhr meaning "watch, clock".
Ullmann German
Variant spelling of Uhlmann, associated with Jewish Europeans, meaning "man from Ulm". It is derived from the name of the city of Ulm in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Ulmer German
German surname meaning "from the city of Ulm".
Ulrich German
Derived from the personal name Ulrich.
Ulshafer German
Altered form of Ulshöfer.
Ulshöfer German
Habitational name for someone from a place called Ilshofen (old form Ulleshoven), near Schwäbisch Hall.
Umlauf German
German: occupational name for a policeman in a town or city, from Middle High German umbe laufen ‘to make the rounds’.
Ungar German, Jewish
ethnic name for a Hungarian or a nickname for someone who had trade relations with Hungary. Cognate of Ungaro and variant of Unger.
Unger German
German, Jewish (Ashkenazic), and Slovenian: ethnic name for a Hungarian or a nickname for someone who had trade relations with Hungary, from the ethnic term Unger ‘Hungarian’ ... [more]
Ungnade German
Castle builders in antiquity, my dad came from Ravensburg Germany on Bodensee.
Unterberger German (Austrian)
Denoted someone from Unterberg, the name of many places in Austria.
Unterreiner German
Topographic name for someone who lived below a mountain ridge, from Middle High German under meaning ‘under’ + rein meaning ‘ridge’.
Urech German (Swiss)
Derived from the given name Ulrich.
Utech German
From Middle Low German ūt-echtisch ‘outsider’, a term denoting someone who was not a member of a particular guild.
Utsler German
Derived from the given name Utz.
Vader German (Rare)
From Middle Low German vader meaning ‘father’, ‘senior’; in the Middle Ages this was used a term of address for someone who was senior in rank or age.
Valaitis Lithuanian, German (East Prussian)
Best known as the surname of a certain Lena.
Valee German
From French origin, denoting someone who lives or comes from a valley.
Vallie German
Probably an altered spelling of German Valee, a fairly common surname of French origin denoting someone who lived in a valley. The name in Germany is also spelled Wallee.
Van Blankenberg German, Belgian, Dutch
Means "from Blankenberg", a toponym from any of various places so called, in particular in Hennef and Gelderland, or from Blankenberge in West Flanders, Belgium. Probably derived from blanken "white, pale, bright" or "bare, blank" and berg "mountain, hill".
Varner German
Habitational name for someone from Farn near Oberkirch, or Fahrnau near Schopfheim.
Veers German (Rare)
German variant of Weers.
Veis German, Yiddish
Yiddish form of Weiss.
Veit German
From the given name Veit.
Velte German
German variant of Velten.
Velten German, Dutch
From a vernacular form of the personal name Valentin or Valentijn.
Venn German
Derived from Middle High German venne "mire, bog, fen".
Vermette German
Variant of Mette.
Vesper German
Either a nickname from Latin vesper "6 o’clock in the evening evening time" originally the second to last canonical hour or a habitational name from a place so called on the Ruhr river.
Vetter German
from a nickname from Middle High German veter(e) ‘uncle’, ‘nephew’. The word is from Old High German fetiro (a derivative of fater ‘father’), which was used more generally to denote various male relatives; the meaning of modern German Vetter is ‘cousin’.
Vierling German
Derived from Middle High German vierlinc meaning "one-fourth of a measure", hence a status name or nickname for someone who had an annual tax liability of this amount.
Vietmeyer German
German: distinguishing name for a tenant farmer who was a tenant of or owed some obligation to an estate or monastery named for Saint Veith.
Vilbig German
Villard German
Altered form of German Hilgard, from the female personal name Hildegard, composed of the Germanic elements hild "strife, battle" and gard "fortress, stronghold".
Villasurda German
Villasurda is a Germanic name dating back to the time of the Vikings. It, roughly translated from a Norse word, means, "the one who is fat."
Villwock German
Of uncertain and much debated origin.... [more]
Voelker German
My maiden name Surname.
Vögele Upper German, German (Swiss)
Swabian and Swiss German diminutive of Vogel.
Vögeli German (Swiss)
Swiss German diminutive of Vogel.
Vogelmann German
occupational name for a birdcatcher from Middle High German Middle Low German fogal "bird" and mann "man".
Vogelsang German
Means "bird song" in German. From the German words vogel (bird) and sang (song).
Voges German
North German: possibly a patronymic from Vogt.... [more]
Vogl German (Austrian)
Southern German variant of Vogel.
Vogler German
Occupational name for a birdcatcher.
Volker German, Dutch
From the given name Volker.
Volkmann German
Probably denoted for a speaker or a people's person, derived from German volk "people" and mann "man". Alfred Wilhelm Volkmann (1801-1877) was a German physiologist, anatomist, and philosopher... [more]
Volkmuth German
Volk: People... [more]
Volksmärchen German
A German surname meaning "folk tale".
Vollbrecht German
From a German personal name composed of the elements folk ‘people’ + berht ‘bright’, ‘famous’. In the U.S. this name is often Americanized as Fulbright and Fullbright.
Völler German
German cognate of Fuller and a variant of Voll 2. A notable bearer is the retired German soccer player Rudi Völler (1960-).
Vollmar German, Germanic, Low German
This name is a variant form of Volkmar and the Low German form of Waldemar. It is of Germanic and Slavic origin and comes from the following roots: (VOLKMAR) and (VOLODIMĚRŬ).
Volmar German, Germanic, Low German
Variant Of Vollmar.
Von Aachen German
Means "from Aachen", a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, ultimately derived from Latin acquae "water, water sources", referring to the sacred springs associated with the Celtic god Grannus.
Von Allmen German (Swiss)
Means "of Allmen."
Von Arx German (Swiss)
Means "from Arx."
Von Der Lehr German
"from the Lehr" Meadow or Clearing
Von Esmarch German
Means "from Esmarch" in German, Esmarch being an unknown meaning. Friedrich von Esmarch (1823-1908) was a German surgeon who developed the Esmarch bandage and founded the Deutscher Samariter-Verein, the predecessor of the Deutscher Samariter-Bund.
Von Hammersmark Popular Culture, German (?)
Means "from Hammersmark" in German. Bridget von Hammersmark is a fictional character in Quentin Tarantino's film 'Inglourious Basterds' from 2009.
Von Langenbeck German
Means "from a long stream" in German, from Low German lange "long" and beke "stream". Bernhard Rudolf Konrad von Langenbeck (1810-1887) was a German surgeon known as the developer of Langenbeck's amputation and founder of Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery.
von Stauffenberg German
From the name of the former castle Burg Stauffenberg in Swabia, southwestern Germany.
Von Sydow Swedish, German
von Sydow is a German and Swedish noble family from Pomerania, an area in modern day Poland and Germany. Some members of the family immigrated to Sweden in 1724. The name literary means "from Sydow"... [more]
Von Westphalen German
Denoted a person from Westphalia, a region of northwestern Germany, borrowed from Medieval Latin Westphalia, derived from Middle Low German Westvâlen "west field".
Vorwald German
Topographic name for someone who lived "in front of (Middle High German vor) a forest (Middle High German walt)".
Vosberg German
Means "foxhole" or "fox hill", from vos "fox" and berg "hill, mountain".
Vossler German
Possibly related to Voss.
Vought German
The surname Vought originates in the Latin form "vocatus" or "advocatus," and referred to someone who appeared in court on another's behalf. As a surname, Vought is an occupational hereditary surname for a "bailiff" or "overseer of a nobleman's estate".
Wachs German, Jewish
Occupational name for someone who dealt with beeswax from Middle High German wahs German wachs "wax".
Wachsmann German, Jewish
Occupational name for a gatherer or seller of beeswax from Middle Low German was "wax" and man "man".
Wachter German, Dutch
Means "guard, sentinel", an occupational name for a watchman.
Wachtmann German
Occupational name for a watchman.
Wacker German
From a nickname for a bold or energetic person, from Middle High German wacker meaning ‘fresh’, ‘lively’, ‘brave’, or ‘valiant’.
Wackerman English (American), German
From the Americanized spelling of German Wackermann, a variant of Wacker, with the addition of Middle High German man, meaning ‘man’.
Wagar German
Variant of Wager.
Wagenknecht German
occupational name from Middle High German wagenknëht "hauler's assistant" from wagan "wagon" and kneht "servant".
Wagenmann German
Occupational name from Middle High German wagenman ‘hauler’, ‘wagoner’.
Wager German
An occupational name for an official in charge of the city scales.
Waggoner German
German name; variant of Wagner
Wagmann German
Possibly derived from Swabian Wegman, meaning "herb".
Wahl German, Jewish
From Middle High German Walhe, Walch "foreigner from a Romance country", hence a nickname for someone from Italy or France, etc. This surname is also established in Sweden.
Wahlberg German, Swedish, Norwegian (Rare)
Composed of German wal "field, meadow" or Swedish vall "grassy bank" and berg "mountain, hill".
Waidelich German
A variant of the surname Weidlich.
Walch German
From the personal name Walcho.
Wald German, English
Topographic name for someone who lived in or near a forest (Old High German wald, northern Middle English wald).
Waldmann German
topographic name for someone who lived in a forest or alternatively an occupational name for a forest warden from Middle High German waltman literally "forest man" derived from the elements wald "forest" and man "man"
Waldorf German
Habitational name from any of at least three places so called, derived from Old High German wald "forest" and dorf "village, settlement"... [more]
Waldstein German, Jewish
Habitational surname for a person from a place in Bohemia called Waldstein, which is derived from Middle High German walt "forest" + stein "stone".
Wallbaum German, Jewish
Either a topographic name from Low German walbom "walnut tree" derived from wal "walnut" and boum "tree"... [more]
Wallee German
Of French origin, denoting a person who lives in or is from a valley.
Wallenstein German, Jewish
Variant of Waldstein a habitational name from Wallenstein (originally Waldenstein "forest rock" Czech Valdštejn) in Bohemia... [more]
Walliser German
Denoting somebody from Valais (German form Wallis), a canton in Switzerland, or someone who immigrated from Valais, ultimately from Latin vallis "valley, vale".
Waltrip German
Derived from the name of the father of the original bearer, indicating the "son of Waldrap." The Germanic personal name Waldrap, is a short form of Walraven, a name used mostly among nobles, knights, and patricians.
Walz German
Variant of Waltz.
Wanamaker German (Anglicized), Dutch (Anglicized)
Americanized form of Wannemacher. A famous bearer is the British-American actress Zöe Wanamaker (1949-), as well as her father, actor and director Sam Wanamaker (1919-1993).
Wannemacher German, Dutch
Occupational name for a maker or seller of baskets, particularly winnowing baskets or fans, derived from Middle High German wanne literally meaning "winnowing basket" and macher meaning "maker"... [more]
Warmbier German
Metonymic occupational name for a brewer, derived from Middle Low German warm meaning "warm" and ber meaning "beer".
Warnecke German
North German from a pet form of the personal name Warner, Low German form of Werner.
Warneke German
German variant spelling of Warnecke.
Warnke German
German variant of Warnecke.
Warns German, Dutch
Patronymic form of the Germanic given name Warn (see Warin). Alternatively, a habitational name from various Frisian places likely named using the same or similar elements.
Warthen German
German: from a short form of the personal name Wartold, from Old High German wart ‘guardian’.
Wäscher German
Occupational surname for a washer, from Middle High German waschen, weschen "to wash".
Wasser German, Jewish
Topographic name from Middle High German wazzer "water".
Wassermann German
German cognate of Waterman 2. occupational name for a water-carrier or a topographic name from Middle High German wazzar "water" and man "man"... [more]
Waterhouse German
Old German and Dutch locational name meaning “a house by water.”
Wax German, Jewish, English
German and Jewish variant and English cognitive of Wachs, from Middle English wax "wax" (from Old English weax).
Waxman English, German (Americanized), Jewish (Americanized)
Occupational name for a seller or gatherer of beeswax from wax "wax" plus Middle English man "man". According to the Oxford English Dictionary wax-man is an obsolete term for an officer of a trade guild who collected contributions from members for wax candles to be used in processions... [more]
Wechter German
Variant spelling of German Wächter
Weg Dutch, Jewish, German
Means "way, road, path".
Weghorst Dutch, German
Habitational name from a location near Hanover, possibly derived from weg "way, road" and horst "thicket, grove, heap, elevated land" or "nest of a bird of prey, eyrie".
Wehlburg German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Possibly derived from German Wehl "pool of water (esp. behind a dyke)" (cognate to Dutch weil "vortex, maelstrom; dyke breach pool") and burg "fortress, citadel".
Wehmann German
From Middle Low German wede, "wood forest" combined with man, "man"
Weichmann German
From the given name Wigman. Derived from ancient Germanic wig "battle fight" and man "man".
Weichselbraun German (Austrian)
From Weichsel, "sour cherry" in German and Braun, "brown" in German
Weide German
Either a topographic name for someone who lived by a conspicuous willow or by a group of willow trees from Middle High German wide "willow"... [more]
Weidemann Medieval German, German (Austrian), Norwegian
Weidemann is a German family name and comes from the Middle High German terms for hunter or woad farmer.... [more]
Weidling German (Austrian)
May refer to the district of Weidling, located in the municipality of Klosterneuburg, which is situated in Lower Austria, near Vienna. A notable person with this surname was Helmuth Weidling, a German general of the Wehrmacht during World War II.
Weidmann German
Name meaning, "hunter".
Weigel German
Derived from the given name Wigand.
Weiher German
Meaning:... [more]
Weil German, Jewish
South German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): habitational name from any of various places so named in Baden, Bavaria, and Württemberg, from Latin villa ‘country house’, ‘estate’ (later used of a group of houses forming a settlement).
Weiler German, Jewish
Habitational name from any of several places so named in southern Germany. Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant of Weil.
Weimar German
Habitational name from any of several places called Weimar in Hesse and Thuringia.... [more]
Wein German, Yiddish, Hungarian
Means "grape, vine, wine" in German and Yiddish (װײַנ). According to Nelly Weiss, Wein-style family names originated from signboards (house sign, house shield) in Jewish communities. Wein may also be related the German verb weinen meaning "to cry"... [more]
Weinbach German, Jewish
From the name of a commune in Hesse, Germany.
Weinberg German, Jewish
Weinberg means "Vineyard" in german.
Weinbrenner German
Occupational name for a distiller of brandy, literally 'wine burner'.
Weinel German
From the name Wino.
Weingartner German
Derived from German weingärtner meaning "wine maker, vintner", which itself is derived from German weingarten meaning "vineyard". The latter is a composite word consisting of German wein "wine" combined with German garten "garden"... [more]
Weinheimer German
German: habitational name for someone from any of the places named Weinheim, for example in Baden and Hessen.
Weininger German (Swiss), Jewish
Denoted a person from Weiningen, a municipality in the Canton of Zürich, Switzerland. It is also a Jewish ornamental name derived from German wein meaning "wine" and the suffix -inger.
Weinkauf German
From "wein kaufen" meaning "buy wine" or "wine-buyer"
Weinland German
Topographic name for someone who lived in a wine-producing area from Middle High German win "wine" and land "land" or a habitational name from a place so named.
Weinmann German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) occupational name for a viticulturalist or wine merchant, Middle High German winman, German Weinmann.
Weinreich German
from the name "Winrich"... [more]
Weinstock German, Jewish
English variant of the German surname Wenstock, an occupational name for a producer or seller of wine, from German Weinstock "grapevine" (also compare Wein).... [more]
Weintraub German, Jewish
This surname translates into English as “grape”.
Weintraub German, Jewish
from Middle High German wintrub "grape" derived from wein "wine" and traub "grape" hence either a metonymic occupational name for a vintner or a topographic or habitational name referring to a house distinguished by a sign depicting a bunch of grapes.
Weis German
Variant of Weiss.
Weise German
Means "wise, prudent" in German. Notable bearers include Christian Weise (1642-1708), a German writer.
Weisenburger German, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from any of numerous places named Weissenburg "white fortress".
Weiser German
Variant of Weise.
Weisfeld German, Jewish
topographic name from a field name composed of Middle High German wiz "white" and feld "open country". Cognate of Whitfield.
Weishaupt German
Nickname for someone with white hair from Middle High German wiz "white" and houbit "head". German cognate of Whitehead.
Weishuhn German
Derived from Middle High German wiz meaning "white" and huon meaning "hen, fowl", hence a metonymic occupational name for a poultry farmer or dealer, or perhaps in some instances a nickname.
Weisman German, German (Austrian), Jewish
A German surname meaning "white man"
Weißmüller German
from Middle High German wiz "white" and mulin "miller" an occupational name for a miller who produced white flour which was produced as early as the 14th century.
Weissmuller German
Translates to "White Miller".
Weixel German
German: variant spelling of Weichsel, a topographic name for someone who lived near a sour cherry tree (St. Luce cherry), from Middle High German wīhsel (modern German Weichsel(n), pronounced ‘Weiksel’.
Welfing German
Name given to our family by our relative, a German king.
Welk German (East Prussian)
Nickname from Middle High German welc, meaning "soft and mild". The name was first recorded in South Holland, however many of the bearers of the name trace its roots back to East Germany. A famous bearer of this name was Lawrence Welk, an American musician and host of the Lawrence Welk Show.
Welker German
Variant of Walker.
Welle German
Topographic name for someone who lived by a spring or stream, Middle Low German welle.
Weller English, German
Either from the Olde English term for a person who extracted salt from seawater, or from the English and German "well(e)," meaning "someone who lived by a spring or stream."... [more]
Welsch German
From Middle High German welsch, walsch "person from a Romance country (especially Italy), foreigner", hence an ethnic name or in some cases perhaps a nickname for someone who had trading or other connections with the Romance countries.
Welti German (Swiss)
Derived from a diminutive of the given name Walter.
Weltraum German
A German surname meaning "outer space".
Welty German (Swiss)
From a Swiss German diminutive of the German given name Walther. A literary bearer was the American writer Eudora Welty (1909-2001).
Wend German
Variant of Wendt.
Wendelin German
From the given name Wendelin.
Wendt German, Danish
Ethnic name for a Wend, Middle High German wind(e). The Wends (also known as Sorbians) once occupied a large area of northeastern Germany (extending as far west as Lüneburg, with an area called Wendland), and many German place names and surnames are of Wendish origin... [more]
Wenger German, German (Swiss)
The surname Wenger is derived from the Middle High German word "wenger," "meaning "wagoner" or "cartwright."" It was an occupational name given to someone who worked as a wagon maker or driver. Another possible origin is that is derived from the German word, wenge, "meaning field of meadow"
Wenig German
From the German word “wenig”, meaning little.
Wentz German (Rare)
Originally a pet form of the given names Werner and Wenceslaw. Meaning "guard" or "army".
Wentzel German
Variant spelling of Wetzel.
Wenz German
Variant of Wentz
Wenzel German
Variant of Wentzel or from the given name Wenzel
Wepener South African, German
South African, German decent/history
Werb German
Name for an artisan or craftsman, from Middle High German werc(h), meaning "work, craft".
Werdum German
Werdum is a municipality in the district of Wittmund, in Lower Saxony, Germany.
Wertheimer German, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from Wertheim.
Wertz German
From a pet form of the personal name Werner.
Weseloh German
German habitational name from a place so named near Hannover.
Wesner German
Habitational name for someone from any of several places named Wessen.
Westendorf German
A habitational surname that means 'West Village' in German.
Wester German
From Middle High German wëster ‘westerly’, hence a topographic name for someone who lived to the west of a settlement, or a regional name for one who had migrated from further west.
Westernmeir German
Of German decent.
Westinghausen German
The original meaning of Westinghouse, meaning ‘westwing house’.
Wettläufer German
Derived from Middle High German wetteloufer meaning "runner", probably a nickname for a fast runner or someone who rushed around.
Wettstein German (Rare)
North German: variant of Wetzstein, from Middle Low German wetsten "whetstone".
Wetzstein German
Either a metonymic occupational name for a knife grinder from Middle High German wetzstein "whetstone", A habitational name from a lost place called Wetzstein near Emmendingen, or a topographic name from a field name for example Wezstein near Esslingen... [more]
Whynot German (Americanized)
Americanized form of German Weinacht.
Wick English, German
English: topographic name for someone who lived in an outlying settlement dependent on a larger village, Old English wic (Latin vicus), or a habitational name from a place named with this word, of which there are examples in Berkshire, Gloucestershire, Somerset, and Worcestershire... [more]
Widemann German
Derived from the given name Widiman, composed of Old High German witu "wood" or wit "wide" and man "man".
Widman German
Altered spelling of German Widmann.
Widmann German
Variant of Wiedmann ‘huntsman’ and Wideman.
Wiebe German
From a short form of any of various Germanic personal names beginning with wig ‘battle’, ‘war.’
Wiedemann German
Variation of Wideman.
Wiederspahn German
Carpenter or roofer who applied wooden shingles from Wied, Wieden, or Wieda. Associated with the German-speaking minority that lived along the Volga River in Russia from 1764 to 1941.
Wiedmann German
North German variant of Widemann.
Wiegel German
From a pet form of any of the various Germanic personal names beginning with the element wig 'battle', 'war'.
Wieland German, Germanic Mythology
Derived from the given name Wieland.
Wielandt German
From the given name Wieland.
Wien German, Jewish
Habitational name from the city of Vienna (German Wien Yiddish Vin)... [more]
Wiens German
Patronymic from a short form of an ancient Germanic compound personal name beginning with wini "friend".
Wiese German
Derived from the Old German word wisa, which means meadow.
Wiesel German, Jewish
Means "weasel" in German.
Wiesenthal German
Habitational name from any of various places called Wiesent(h)al.
Wiesner German
German: habitational name for someone from a place called Wiesen, or topographic name for someone who lived by a meadow, a derivative of Middle High German wise ‘meadow’.
Wilbert English, German
From the given name Wilbert.
Wildfong German
An Americanized form of German Wildfang. A nickname from Middle High German Wiltvanc "Wildman Stranger", denoting a person who was not a member of the community.
Wilhelm German
From the given name Wilhelm.