German Submitted Surnames

German names are used in Germany and other German-speaking areas such as Austria and Switzerland. See also about German names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kalk German, Dutch
Occupational name for a lime burner from Middle High German kalc and Middle Dutch calk "lime" (both a loanword from Latin calx).
Kalkbrenner German
Occupational name for a lime burner from Middle High German kalc "chalk lime" and brenner "burner".
Kalkreuth German
Derived from German kalk meaning "lime," and reut meaning "cleared land". Most likely an occupational name for a lime burner.
Kallmeyer German
from a Germanized form of Slavic kal "marshland bog" or from Middle High German Middle Low German kalc "lime" and Middle High German meier "tenant farmer" (see Meyer 1) hence a distinguishing nickname for a farmer whose farm lay on marshy land or near a lime pit.
Kallweit German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German (and thus heavily Lithuanian influenced) name meaning "smith; blacksmith; farrier", derived from Old Prussian kalt "to forge; to hammer" and Old Prussian kalweitis "the village smith".
Kalp German, Jewish
From Middle High German kalp ‘calf’, German Kalb, probably applied as a metonymic occupational name for someone who reared calves.
Kalt German, German (Swiss)
From Middle High German kalt "cold" probably applied as a nickname for someone who felt the cold or for someone with an unfriendly disposition.
Kalthoff German
German (Westphalian): habitational name from a place named as 'the cold farm', from Middle High German kalt "cold" + hof "farmstead", "manor farm’, "court".
Kaltman German (Americanized)
From a nickname for a cool, unfriendly person from middle high German kalt "cold" and mann "man"... [more]
Kaltmann German
From a nickname for a cool, unfriendly person from middle high German kalt "cold" and mann "man".
Kametz Polish (Germanized), German
From the Polish kmiec, meaning ‘small tenant farmer’.
Kamm German, Estonian
Means "comb" in German, an occupational name for a wool comber or fuller, or perhaps a maker of combs. In some cases it might have been used in the sense of "ridge of mountains, hills", making it a topographic name... [more]
Kämmerer German
from Middle High German kamerære "chamberlain" (from kamere "chamber") a status name for the treasurer of a court monastery a great household or a city and in Switzerland for the manager of a church property a so-called Widem... [more]
Kamp German, Dutch, Danish
From the Germanic element kamp "field", derived from Latin campus "open space, battlefield".
Kämpf German, Jewish
From middle high German kampf, German kamf "fight, struggle" an occupational name for a champion a professional fighter (see Kemp ) or a nickname for someone with a pugnacious temperament.
Kamprad German, Swedish (Rare)
Possibly a variant of the German surname Kamprath meaning ”cogwheel (in a mill)”. A notable bearer is Ingvar Kamprad (1926-2018), a Swedish business magnate and the founder of IKEA... [more]
Kandt German
Probably from Middle High German kant meaning "jug" (from Latin olla cannata meaning "pot with one spout") and hence an occupational name for a maker or seller of jugs.
Kapeller German, German (Austrian)
Derived from Middle High German kappelle, kapelle "chapel", this name denoted someone who lived near a chapel.
Kaplan German, Czech, Jewish
Means "chaplain, curate" in German and Czech, ultimately from Latin cappellanus. It is also sometimes used as a Jewish name, from a translation of Hebrew כֹּהֵן (kohen) meaning "priest" (see Cohen).
Kari Finnish, German (Austrian), Slovene (?), Hungarian, Indian, Marathi
As a Finnish name, it is a topographic and ornamental name from kari "small island", "stony rapids", "sandbar", or "rocky place in a field". This name is found throughout Finland.... [more]
Kärlin German
German surname from the personal name Karl. Also an altered spelling of German Gerling.
Karling German
A habitational name from Karling in Bavaria.
Karlowitz German
German form of Karłowicz.
Karlsberg German
Means "Carl's Mountain" in German language, it is also used in other Germanic languages
Karmann German
German form of Carman 1.
Kärner Estonian, German
Derived from an archaic loan word meaning "gardener", related to German Gärtner.
Kartmann German
Derived from German karte meaning "card". Possibly an occupational name for someone who makes, sells or trades cards. In an alternative representation, it could be a nickname for someone who gambles.
Käsemann German
Occupational name for someone who makes or sells cheese.
Käser German, German (Swiss)
occupational name for a cheesemaker or a cheese merchant (see Kaeser ). topographic name for someone who lived by a summer dairy in the Alps from a Tyrolean dialect word derived from Ladin casura... [more]
Kasper German, Czech
From the given name Kasper.
Kassel German
habitational name mainly from a place of this name in northeastern Hesse so named from Frankish castella cassela "fortification" a military term from Late Latin castellum "fortified position fort" or a topographic name from the same word.
Kasselmann German
Combination of the German place name Kassel (or Cassel) and German Mann "man".
Kassler German
habitational name for someone from Kassel (see Kassel).
Kastl German
From a pet form of the saint's name Castulus, itself a diminutive of the Latin adjective castus 'chaste'.
Kathriner German (Swiss, Rare)
From the given name Kathrin + er meaning "of, from."
Kau German
From Middle High German gehau "(mountain) clearing" hence a topographic name for a mountain dweller or possibly an occupational name for a logger.
Kau German
Topographic name for someone who lived by a mineshaft, from Middle High German kouw(e) "mining hut".
Kauk German
probably a variant of Kauke from Middle Low German koke "cake" (dialect kauke) hence a metonymic occupational name for a baker or confectioner or a nickname for a cake lover.
Kauke German
Variant of Kauk from Middle high German kauke "cake" hence a metonymic occupational name for a baker or confectioner or a nickname for a cake lover.
Kaus German
From a regional (Hessian) variant of the habitational name Kues, from a place on the Mosel river, probably so named from Late Latin covis "field barn", "rack" and earlier recorded as Couese, Cobesa.
Kausch German
Pet name derived from the Old High German personal name Gozwin, of uncertain origin.
Kausch German
From a medieval form of the Old High German personal name Chuzo.
Kaut German
Netonymic occupational name for a flax grower or dealer, from Middle High German kute, from Kaut(e) "male dove", hence a metonymic occupational name for the owner or keeper of a dovecote.
Kaut German
Topographic name from the Franconian dialect word Kaut(e) "hollow", "pit", "den".
Kautz German
Nickname for a shy or strange person, from Middle High German kuz "screech owl".
Kautzmann German
Variant of Kautz, with the addition of Middle High German -man "man".
Kaylor Scottish, German
Variant of Scottish Keillor.... [more]
Kayser German
Variant of Kaiser.
Keagle German (Americanized)
This surname is the Americanized form of the German surname "Kegel".
Kebel German (Americanized)
Possibly an Americanized form of German Kübel "tub, vat", a metonymic occupational name for a cooper or barrel-maker.
Keel German (Anglicized)
Americanized spelling of German Kühl, Kiehl, or Kiel.
Keel German (Swiss)
Swiss German variant of Kehl.
Keeper German (Americanized)
Americanized form of German Kuper.
Kegler German
Nickname for a skilled or enthusiastic skittles player, from an agent derivative of Middle High German kegel meaning "skittle", "pin".
Kehler German
Habitational name from various places called Kehl, notably the town across the Rhine from Strasbourg. In some cases it may be a variant of Köhler.
Keicher German
from the East Prussian dialect word keicher "small cake, pastry" hence a metonymic occupational name for a pastry chef or cook.
Keim German
Keinath German
Possibly a variant of Keinrath, from the personal name Konrad. ... [more]
Keiner German
Reduced form of the personal name Kagenher, from Old High German gagan 'against' + heri 'army'.
Keiper German
Similar to the origins of Kuiper (Dutch) and Cooper (English), Keiper was an occupation which means "cooper" or "barrelmaker".
Keiser German
Variation of Kaiser.
Keith German
Nickname from Middle High German kit "sprout, offspring".
Kelch German
nickname from Middle High German kelch "double chin", "goiter". from another meaning of Middle High German kelch "glass", "chalice", hence a metonymic occupational name for a chalice maker or a habitational name for someone living at a house distinguished by the sign of a chalice.
Kellen German
From the name of a place in Rhineland, which is derived from Middle Low German kel (a field name denoting swampy land) or from the dialect word kelle meaning "steep path, ravine".
Kellers German
Variant of Keller.
Kellner German, Dutch, Jewish, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian, French
Means "waiter, cellarman" in German, ultimately derived from Latin cellarium "pantry, cellar, storeroom". This was an occupational name for a steward, a castle overseer, or a server of wine.
Kelm German
Germanized form of Polish Chelm ‘peak’, ‘hill’, a topographic name for someone who lived by a hill with a pointed summit, or habitational name from a city in eastern Poland or any of various other places named with this word.
Kelner German, English, Vilamovian
Means "waiter" in German.
Kelsch German (Anglicized)
Partly Americanized form of German Koelsch.
Kemerer German
From the Old German word "kämmerer," which means "chamberlain." A chamberlain was the person in charge of the noble household; to him would fall the duty of ensuring that the castle and court of the noble ran smoothly.
Kemmer German
Kemmer is a surname. The surname Kemmer is an occupational surname. Further research revealed that the name is derived from the Old German word "kämmerer," which means "chamberlain." A chamberlain was the person in charge of the noble household; to him would fall the duty of ensuring that the castle and court of the noble ran smoothly... [more]
Kemper German, Dutch
From Kamp "field, piece of land", an occupational name denoting a peasant farmer. It could also indicate someone from a place named using the element. Alternatively, a variant of Kempf meaning "fighter".
Kempes German, Dutch
German and Dutch variant of Kemp or Kamp. It could also be a habitational name for a person from any of the various places named Kempen on the border between Germany and the Netherlands (for example the town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, close to the Dutch border), a status name for a peasant farmer or serf, or an occupational name for an official calibrator who marked the correct weight and measures for verification, derived from Middle Low German kempen... [more]
Kenner German, Jewish
Means "expert, connoisseur" in German, from kennen "to know", a nickname for someone considered to be intelligent or knowledgeable.
Kenner German
Habitational name denoting someone from Kenn, Germany.
Kepler German
From Middle High German kappe meaning "hooded cloak". This was an occupational name for someone who made these kind of garments. A notable bearer was German astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler (1571–1630).
Keppler German
Variant of Kepler.
Kerbel English, German, Russian (Rare)
Means "chervil" in German, a parsley-related herb. The surname probably came into England via Germanic relations between the two languages, hence it being most common in German & English countries.
Kercher German
1 Southern German variant of Karcher .... [more]
Kern German, Dutch, Jewish
from Middle High German kerne "kernel, seed pip"; Middle Dutch kern(e) keerne; German Kern or Yiddish kern "grain" hence a metonymic occupational name for a farmer or a nickname for a physically small person... [more]
Kerstein German
Derived from -kirsch "cherry" and -stein "stone", variant of Kirstein.
Kess German (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Keß.
Kessel German
Occupational name for a maker of cooking vessels from Middle High German kezzel meaning "kettle, cauldron, boiler".
Kesselberg German
Habitational name for someone from any of various places in Rhineland, Bavaria and Baden called Kesselberg.
Kessenich German
Habitational name from Kessenich near Bonn.
Kessler German, Jewish
Means "kettle-maker, tinker", denoting a maker of copper or tin cooking vessels, derived from Middle High German kezzel meaning "kettle, cauldron". In some instances, it could have referred to the shape of a landform.
Kestenbaum German, Jewish
from German dialect Kästenbaum (from Latin Castanea) a topographic name for someone living near a horse-chestnut tree... [more]
Keuch German
Variation of Kuch.
Keurlis German
Unknown origin. This surname is no longer found in Germany.
Kiebler German
Comes from the Middle High German word "kübel" meaning a "vat," or "barrel." As such it was an occupational name for a cooper, or barrel maker.
Kiel German
German surname of several possible origins and meanings.... [more]
Kienbaum German, Jewish
from Low German kienbaum "Scots pine" originally denoting any species or variety of pine tree. Derived from kien "pine tree" and boum "tree".
Kiener German
Named after profession from Middle High German kien ‘pine chip, torch’ for someone who chips pine wood (wood from pine or spruce) and sells it (e.g. to smelters), a lumberjack or charcoal burner.... [more]
Kies German
Either from Middle High German kis "gravel, shingle", denoting someone who lives in a gravelly place, or kiesen "to choose". Johann Kies (1713–1781) was a German astronomer and mathematician.
Kiesler German
Topographic name for someone who lived on a patch of gravelly land, derived from Middle High German kisel or Old High German kisil meaning "pebble, gravel".
Kiestler German
Possibly a form of Kistler an occupation name for a joiner or cabinet maker.
Kiff German
Topographic name from a Westphalian dialect Kiff "outhouse, tied cottage, shack".
Kilburg German, Luxembourgish
"Kyll castle," from German burg (castle) near the Kyll river in Germany. Also "wedge mountain" in Swedish: kil (wedge) and berg (mountain).
Kilian German, Dutch, Polish, Czech
from the Irish personal name Cillín (see Killeen).
Kill German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Perhaps derived from Kilian.
Kill German (Rare)
A habitational name for someone from a place named Kill.
Killian Irish (Anglicized, Modern), German
Meaning "little church". From cill (Irish for "church") and -ín, a Gaelic diminutive.
Kilmester German
Kilmester is attested as a surname near Rostock in the 13th century.
Kimmel German, Jewish
Derived from Middle High German kumin and German kümmel meaning "caraway" (related to Latin cuminum, a word of Oriental origin, like the plant itself), hence a metonymic occupational name for a spicer, literally a supplier of caraway seeds... [more]
Kimmich German
The surname hence a metonymic occupational name for a spicer.
Kind German, Jewish, Dutch
From Middle High German kint, German Kind "child", hence a nickname for someone with a childish or naive disposition, or an epithet used to distinguish between a father and his son. In some cases it may be a short form of any of various names ending in -kind, a patronymic ending of Jewish surnames.
Kinderknecht German
Occupational name for a servant in charge of the children at a manor, derived from kinder (plural of kind) meaning "child" and knecht meaning "servant".
Kindermann German, Jewish
occupational name for a schoolteacher literally "children man", from the elements kind "child" and man "man".
Kindleberger German
One who lights bergs
Kinkle German
Derived from the Middle High German word "kunkel," which meant "spindle." It is thus supposed that the first bearers of this surname were spindle makers in occupation.
Kinne German
From the female given name Kinne, a Silesian diminutive of Kunigunde.
Kippenberger German, French, Scottish
Mainly means "Shepard".
Kipping German
German: habitational name from a place named with Middle High German kip ‘point’, ‘peak’ or from Kippingen in the Rhineland.
Kipps German
Topographical name for someone living on a hill, from Kippe 'edge', 'brink'.
Kircher German
from Middle High German kirchner "minister, sexton patron" hence an occupational name for a priest or a church assistant.
Kirchhoff German
An old Norse origin surname. Combination of Norse word Kirkr and Hoff means 'garden'.
Kirchmann German
From Middle High German kirihha "church" and man "man" hence an occupational name for someone working in the service of the church or possibly a topographic name for someone living near a church... [more]
Kirchofer German
German topographic name for someone living near a churchyard, or habitational name for the proprietor or tenant of a farm named as "Church Farm", from Middle High German kirche "church" + hof "farmstead", "manor farm".
Kirchschläger German (Austrian)
Habitational name of several places in Austria named Kirchschlag, all possibly from Middle High German kirche "church" and Schlag "blow, hit".
Kirsch German
Means 'cherry' in German, short form of Kirschstein or other surnames starting with Kirsch.
Kirschbaum German, Jewish
topographic name from kirschbaum "cherry tree" derived from the elements kirsch "cherry" and boum "tree"... [more]
Kirschenbaum German
From German means "cherry tree".
Kirschenmann German
from Middle High German kirsche "cherry" and man "man" an occupational name for a grower or seller of cherries or a topographic name.
Kirschner German (Silesian)
From the German word "kirchenære." The other occupation is that of a furrier and, in this case, the name is derived from the word "kuerschner."
Kirschstein German
German surname meaning "cherry stone".
Kirshenbaum German
Means "cherry tree".
Kirstein German
Derivative of the Latin personal name Christianus, also an Americanized spelling of Kirschstein.
Kiser German
Variant of Kaiser.
Kissel German
From a pet form of the Germanic personal name Gisulf.
Kissinger German The Kissinger surname derives from the Old High German word "kisil," meaning "pebble," or "gravel." The name may have been a topographic name for someone who lived in an area of pebbles or gravel; or it may have evolved from any of several places named with this word.
Kitt English, German
English: From the Middle English personal name Kit, a pet form of Christopher... [more]
Kittell German (Anglicized), English
English: variant of Kettle. ... [more]
Kitz German
Meaning "kid".
Kitzmüller German
Meaning "kid miller".
Klaarwater German
"Clear water."
Klapp German
Nickname for a gossip or a slanderer, derived from Middle High German klapf, klaff meaning "prattle, malicious gossip".
Klarerstein German
German surname meaning "Clear stone".
Klarwasser German
"Clear water."
Klass German
The name is patronymic and it comes from the German first name "Clausen" which is a variant of the name "Nicholas".
Klaus German, Dutch
From the given name Klaus.
Kleber German, English (American)
Derived from German kleben "to bind, to stick", hence an occupational name for someone who applied clay daub or whitewash on buildings.
Kleehammer German
Means "Cloverleaf hammer"
Kleffner German
Topographic name from Middle Low German clef, cleff "cliff", "precipice".
Kleffner German
Nickname for a prattler or gossip, from Middle High German, Middle Low German kleffer(er).
Kleiber German
Derived from an agent Middle High German kleben "to stick or bind" an occupational name for a builder working with clay or in Swabia for someone who applied whitewash. in Bavaria and Austria an occupational name for a shingle maker from Middle High German klieben "to split (wood or stone)".
Kleinfeld German
Means "small field" in German
Kleinknecht German
A combining of the German word klein "small" and knecht "servant", originally an occupational name for a secondary hired hand. A famous historic figure who bore this surname was Jakob Friedrich Kleinknecht (8 April 1722 in Ulm - 11 August 1794 in Ansbach), a German composer of many works of chamber music and symphonies, flutist and Kapellmeister (chapel master).
Kleinman German
Nickname meaning Small Man.
Kleinschmidt German
Occupational surname which means "small smith", that is, a maker of small forged items and metal hand tools.
Kleis Upper German, Romansh
Derived from the given name Kleis, a South German variant of Klaus. The Kleis settled in Romansh-speaking areas after the Napoleonic Wars.
Klem German, Dutch
From a short form of the given name Klemens, or a location named using the personal name.
Klemm German
Either from Middle High German klem "narrow, tight", a nickname for miserly person, or from the related klemme "constriction; narrows", a habitational name for someone who lived in a narrow area... [more]
Klepper German
Derived from Middle High German kleppern "to clatter, chatter; to gossip", a nickname for a talkative or gossipy person.
Klepper German
A metonymic name for someone who bred or kept horses, from Middle High German klepper "knight’s horse", possibly derived from kleppen "to strike rapidly, to ring sharply" in reference to bells on their harness... [more]
Kliebert German
Occupational name for a woodsman or woodworker, from an agent derivative of Middle High German klieben meaning "to cleave or split".
Kliewer German, German (West Prussian), Mennonite
Germanized form of Dutch Kluiver, an occupational name for a court official, originally a hangman or torturer.
Klimt German (Austrian)
Derived from the given name Kliment.... [more]
Klingbeil German
From Middle High German klingen "to ring or sound" and bīl "axe", literally "sound the axe", an occupational nickname for a journeyman, carpenter, shipwright (or any occupation involving the use of an axe)... [more]
Klingemann German
Occupational surname for a knife maker, literally meaning "knife maker, weapons smith". It is derived from German klinge meaning "blade".
Klinger German
Klinger is a German surname meaning ravine or gorge in Old German. The English variant of Klinger is Clinger.
Klingler German
Occupational name for a bladesmith.
Klopfenstein German
It means striking stones
Klopfer German, Jewish (Ashkenazi)
Derived from Middle High German klopfen "to knock, pound, hammer", an occupational name for a clothmaker, metalworker, miner, or hunter. As a Jewish name, it can refer to a shulklopfer, someone who knocks to call people to synagogue.
Klopp German, Dutch
Habitational name from a place called Kloppe.
Kloppenburg German, Dutch
From Cloppenburg, the name of a town in Lower Saxony.
Klor German (Austrian)
The Klor surname may have evolved from the feminine personal name Klara. Or it may have come from the Middle High German and Middle Low German "Klar," meaning "Pure" or "Beautiful".
Klose German, Silesian
From a Silesian short form of the given name Nikolaus. A notable bearer is the German former soccer player Miroslav Klose (1978-).
Klostermann German
Combination of "kloster" meaning "monastery," and common German suffix Mann.
Klug German (Austrian)
First recorded in the early 14th century in present-day Austria (southeastern region of the Holy Roman Empire at that time). The surname was derived from the ancient Germanic word kluoc meaning "noble" or "refined".... [more]
Kluge German
Variant of Klug
Klumpp German
Variant of Klump.
Klutz German
The ancient and distinguished German surname Klutz is derived from the old Germanic term "Klotz," meaning "awkward, clumsy." The name was most likely initially bestowed as a nickname, either on someone who was clumsy or in an ironic way on someone who was exceptionally graceful.
Kluver German
From the word kluven meaning "split wooden block". It used to refer to bailiffs.
Knab German
Variant of Knabe.
Knabe German
German status name for a young man or a page, from Middle High German knabe (English knave). In aristocratic circles this term denoted a page or squire (a youth destined to become a knight), while among artisans it referred to a journeyman’s assistant or (as a short form of Lehrknabe) ‘apprentice’... [more]
Knape German
Variant of Knapp.
Knapke German
A relative of mine has said this surname means “over the hill” and that it is of German origin.... [more]
Knapp German
Occupational name from the German word Knapp or Knappe, a variant of Knabe "young unmarried man". In the 15th century this spelling acquired the separate, specialized meanings "servant", "apprentice", or "miner"... [more]
Knappe German
German variant of Knapp.
Knauer German (Silesian)
Nickname for a gnarled person, from Middle High German knur(e) 'knot', 'gnarl'. habitational name for someone from either of two places in Thuringia called Knau.
Knaus German
Comes from Middle High German knuz ‘proud’, ‘arrogant’, ‘daring’, hence a nickname for a haughty person. In Württemberg knaus (and in Switzerland knus) also meant ‘gnarl’, hence a nickname for a short, fat, gnarled person; topographic name for someone living on a hillock, from knaus ‘hillock’ in the Swabian and Alemannic dialects of German
Knauss German
A variant of Knaus.
Knecht German, German (Swiss), Dutch
Means "servant, assistant" in German and Dutch, an occupational name for a journeyman or male servant derived from Old Germanic kneht meaning "servant, knight" or "youth, boy"... [more]
Knick German
German: from Knick “hedge”, “boundary”, hence a topographic name for someone living near a hedge or hedged enclosure or a metonymic occupational name for someone who lays hedges. Hedging is a characteristic feature of the pastureland of Holstein, Mecklenburg, Westphalia, and Lower Saxony.
Knife German (Americanized), English
Americanized form of German Kneif a variant of Kneip. A nickname from Middle English knif "knife dagger" (Old English cnīf) perhaps used for a cutler... [more]
Knigga German (Rare)
Possible variant of Knigge
Knobel German, German (Swiss), Yiddish
Derived from the Middle High German knübel probably a nickname for a fat person or in the sense "ankle". However the term also denotes a rounded elevation and may therefore also be a topographic name for someone who lived by a knoll... [more]
Knodel German
dweller near a hilltop; descendant of Knut (hill, or white-haired); a lumpish, thickset person.
Knoedler German
Occupational name, probably for someone who made dumplings, from an agent derivative of Middle High German knödel.
Knoll English, German, Jewish
English and German topographic name for someone living near a hilltop or mountain peak, from Middle English knolle ‘hilltop’, ‘hillock’ (Old English cnoll), Middle High German knol ‘peak’... [more]
Knopfler English, German
Derived from Knopf (German for "button"), this surname was originally given to button makers or button sellers. A famous bearer of this surname is English musician Mark Knopfler (1949-).
Knorr German
From a nickname for a gnarly person, derived from Middle High/Low German knorre "knot, protruberance".
Knuth German
From the given name Knut.
Knutz German
Variant of Kuntz
Koboldt German (Rare)
Derived from German Kobold (Middle High German kobolt) "kobold; hobgoblin; puck; imp".
Kochendorfer German
Habitational name for someone from any of several places called Kochendorf, in Württemberg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Bohemia.
Köcher German
It literally means "quiver".
Koehl German
Variant of Köhl
Koehnline German
Anglicized form of the German name Köhnlein used by people who moved to the US from Germany during the 19th Century.
Koell Upper German (Rare)
(Koell) named used when came1880s to 1905 in America changed to( Kohl)... [more]
Koelsch German
German from the adjective kölsch, denoting someone from Cologne (German Köln).
Koelzer German
From a noun derived from kolzen "ankle boots" (from Latin calceus "half-boot walking shoe") hence an occupational name for a boot maker or a cobbler. Or a habitational name for someone from Kölzen near Merseburg.
Koerner German
Koerner is an occupational name for a grain merchant or possibly an administrator of a granary. ... [more]
Koeth German
Variant of Köth
Koger German
South German: occupational name for a knacker, from an agent derivative of koge ‘carrion’.
Kohlhaas German
Apparently a nickname from Middle Low German kōlhase, literally "cabbage rabbit".
Kohlman German
This surname comes from the Middle High German word kol which translates into English as coal. However, German Kohl, kol or Kohle also translate into English as cabbage. Middle High German man and German Mann translate into English as man... [more]
Köhn German
From the given name Köhn.
Köhnlein German
From the personal name Köhn + the diminutive suffix -lein
Kohr German
1. occupational name for a guard or watchman on a tower, Middle Low German kure.... [more]
Kolb German
Comes from Middle High German Kolbe.
Kolber German
From an agent derived from Middle High German kolbe "club, cudgel" an occupational name for someone who made wooden clubs later for an armorer, or a habitational name for someone from Kolben in Württemberg or Cölbe in Hesse.
Kolden German, Norwegian
From Middle Low German kolt, kolde ‘cold’, a nickname for an unfriendly person; alternatively, it may be a habitational name, a shortened form of Koldenhof ‘cold farm’ in Mecklenburg (standardized form: Kaltenhof, a frequent place name in northern Germany, East Prussia, Bavaria, and Württemberg).Norwegian: habitational name from a farm called Kolden, from Old Norse kollr ‘rounded mountain top’.
Kolesar Czech (Modern, Rare), German (Modern, Rare), German (Austrian, Modern, Rare)
Means either 'wheelwright' or 'coleminer' depending on the region.
Kolkmann German
Kolk is an old German word that means '' man who lives by the river'' and Mann is German for 'man'. The name Kolkmann comes from a man who lived by the North Rhine.
Koll German
From the given name Colo or Koloman. Alternatively derived from Middle Low German kolle "head".
Kollar German
Derived from the kolar "cartwright".
Kölle German
Variant of Koll.
Koller German
The name is derived from the Alemmanic word "Kohler," meaning "charcoal burner," and was most likely originally borne by a practitioner of this occupation.
Köln German
German form of Cologne.
Kölsch German
From German kölsch, denoting someone from Cologne (Köln in German).