EisenhowerEnglish (American) American form of German Eisenhauer. A notable bearer was Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), president of the United States between 1953 and 1961. His ancestors immigrated to Pennsylvania from Germany in the 1740s and at some point the spelling changed from Eisenhauer to Eisenhower.
EkbergSwedish Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and berg "mountain".
EkbladSwedish Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and blad "leaf".
EkdahlSwedish Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and dal "valley".
EkernNorwegian (Rare) From Old Norse ekra "meadow, field". This was the name of a farmstead in Norway.
EkholmSwedish Composed of the elements ek "oak" and holm "islet"
EklandSwedish (Rare) Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and land "land". A famous bearer is Swedish actress Britt Ekland (b. 1942), but in her case, the name is a variant of Eklund.
EklöfSwedish Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and löf, an archaic spelling of löv, "leaf".
EkmanSwedish Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and man "man".
EkvallSwedish Composed of Swedish ek "oak" and vall "field, pasture".
ElanderSwedish Combination of an unexplained first element and the common Swedish surname suffix -ander (originally from Greek aner, andros "man").
ElestialEnglish (British, Modern, Rare) First used as a surname in September 2000, first appearing on a birth certificate in July 2009. Meaning "protected by angels"; the origin is an adopted surname from a type of quartz crystal, often referred to as a new millennium crystal... [more]
ElfvingSwedish Possibly a combination of an obsolete spelling of Swedish älv "river" and the suffix -ing (ultimately from Proto-Germanic -ingaz) meaning "coming from, belonging to, descending from"... [more]
ElwoodEnglish It's either from a place name in Gloucestershire, England called Ellwood that is derived from Old English ellern "elder tree" and wudu "wood", or a form of the Old English personal name Ælfweald, composed of the elements ælf "elf" and weald "rule".
EnrothSwedish Combination of Swedish en "juniper" and rot "root".
ErberJewish, German Meaning uncertain. Either a habitational name for someone living in a place named Erb or Erp, a name for a owner of a farm named Erbhof (derived from MIddle High German erbære "honorable, noble"), or derived from the given name Erpo.
ErlanderSwedish Derived from the personal name Erland. A famous bearer was Swedish politician Tage Erlander (1901-1985), Prime Minister of Sweden between 1946 and 1969... [more]
FarrowEnglish Northern English: hyper-corrected form of Farrar, occupational name for a smith or worker in iron. The original -ar or -er ending of this name came to be regarded as an error, and was changed to -ow.
FastGerman, Swedish Either a short form of a name starting with the element fast meaning "steadfast, firm", or a nickname for a reliable steadfast person.
FinneFinnish, Finland Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish (Rare) Derived from Swedish, Norwegian and Danish finne "Finn", ultimately from Old Norse finnr "Sámi, person from Finland". In Norwegian and Danish sometimes habitational.
FinstadNorwegian Means "Finn's farmstead", from the given name Finn 2 and Old Norse staðr "farmstead, dwelling". This was the name of several farms in Norway.
FiskeEnglish, Norwegian From the traditionally Norwegian habitational surname, from the Old Norse fiskr "fish" and vin "meadow". In England and Denmark it was a surname denoting someone who was a "fisherman" or earned their living from selling fish.
FivelandNorwegian (Rare) From the name of a farm in Norway named with the word fivel possibly meaning "cottongrass, bog cotton". This plant grows in abundance in the marshy land near the location of the farm.
FlinkSwedish From Swedish flink, an adjective for someone who is quick and accurate.
FloNorwegian Famous bearers include Norwegian footballers and relatives Tore Andre, Håvard, and Jostein Flo of the Norwegian national team that upset Brazil twice in both a friendly in 1997 and a 1998 World Cup group match.
FlobergSwedish, Norwegian (Rare) Of uncertain origin. Could possibly be combination of flo, an unexplained element (but probably either ornamental or locational), and berg "mountain", or a habitational name from a place so named.
FlodqvistSwedish Combination of Swedish flod "river" and kvist "twig, branch".
FlygareSwedish Means "someone who flies" in Swedish, ultimately a combination of the verb flyga "to fly" and the suffix -are denoting a person who performs the action of the verb. The surname was first used in the 17th century and is therefore unrelated to the modern occupation pilot (the Swedish word for pilot is also "pilot"), instead, a flygare probably referred to a person who was quick, fast.
FrickerGerman, German (Swiss) Habitational name for someone from the Frick valley in Baden, Germany, or from Frick in the canton of Aargau, Switzerland.
FriedbergGerman, Jewish Combination of either German vride "security, protection" or Friede "peace", with berg "hill, mountain". The name is most often locational, but may in some cases be ornamental.
FrödingSwedish Meaning uncertain. Possibly from a place name element derived from Swedish frodig meaning "lush, thriving, flourishing" or from the name of the Norse god Frö (see Freyr)... [more]
GadolinFinnish (Rare) Derived from the name of the homestead Magnula in Kalanti (formerly Nykyrko) parish in southwest Finland. Magnula is thought to be associated with Latin magnus "large, big, great" and the name Gadolin is derived from Hebrew gadol with the same meaning... [more]
GalishoffUpper German, German (Austrian) Derived from the ancient Roman name Gallus, meaning "rooster" in Latin. Hoff meaning house combines the growing or tending to poultry on a farm house, hence the name Galishoff which has been modified over the millennia... [more]
GallowayScottish Scottish: regional name from Galloway in southwestern Scotland, named as ‘place of the foreign Gaels’, from Gaelic gall ‘foreigner’ + Gaidheal ‘Gael’. From the 8th century or before it was a province of Anglian Northumbria... [more]
GereEnglish Variant of Geer, Gehr or Geary, all related to the Old High German element gēr (Old English gār, Old Norse geirr) meaning "spear, arrow". A famous bearer is American actor Richard Gere (b... [more]
GladSwedish Swedish soldier name meaning "happy". ... [more]
GlæpurPopular Culture Means "crime" in Icelandic. Glanni Glæpur, or Robbie Rotten as he is called in English, is a fictional character in the Icelandic children's TV-show 'LazyTown' played by StefánKarlStefánsson... [more]
GloopLiterature, Popular Culture Augustus Gloop is an obese and gluttonous character in Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, published in 1964.
GoebbelsGerman, History Originally an occupational name for a brewer. Paul Joseph Goebbels was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.
GoodenoughEnglish From a medieval nickname probably applied either to someone of average abilities or to an easily satisfied person; also, perhaps from a medieval nickname meaning "good servant".
GoodrichEnglish Derived from the Middle English given name Goderiche (itself derived from the Anglo-Saxon given name Godric), composed of Old English god meaning "good" and ric meaning "ruler, mighty, god's ruler, power"... [more]
HagemannGerman, Danish Derived from Middle Low German hage "enclosure, hedge" and mann "person, man".
HäggSwedish From Swedish hägg meaning "prunus padus", but also known as "hackberry, bird cherry". It is a type of small tree native to northern Asia and Europe.
HäggkvistSwedish Combination of Swedish hägg "bird cherry" (a type of tree native to Sweden) and kvist "twig".
HägglundSwedish Combination of Swedish hägg "bird cherry" (a type of tree native to Sweden) and lund "grove".
HäggströmSwedish Combination of Swedish hägg "bird cherry" and ström "stream, small river".
HagmanSwedish Combination of Swedish hage "enclosure, pasture" and man "man", thus making it a cognate of German Hagemann.
HagströmSwedish Combination of Swedish hage "enclosure, garden" and ström "stream, small river".
HållbergSwedish (Rare) The first element might be taken from place names starting with (or containing) hå, hål, or håll. The second element is Swedish berg "mountain".
HallbergSwedish Combination of Swedish hall "hall, stone, rock" and berg "mountain".
HalldénSwedish Combination of the dialectal Swedish word hall (Standard Swedish häll, Old Norse hallr), a type of flat rock, and the common surname suffix -én. The first element may be taken from a place named with this element (e.g. Halland, Hallsberg, or Hallstavik).
HallénSwedish Combination of Swedish hall "hall" or häll "rock, stone" and the common surname -én.
HallgrenSwedish, English Combination of the dialectal Swedish word hall (Standard Swedish häll, Old Norse hallr), a type of flat rock, and gren meaning "branch". The first element may be taken from the name of a place named with this element (e.g. Halland, Hallsberg, or Hallstavik)... [more]
HalliwellEnglish Derived from various place names in England named with Old English halig "holy" and well "spring, well".
HamillIrish According to MacLysaght, a shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÁdhmaill "descendant of Ádhmall", which he derives from ádhmall "active".
HammarSwedish From a common place name element ultimately derived from Old Norse hamarr meaning "hammer, stone, steep cliff".
HammarbergSwedish Combination of Swedish hammare "hammer" and berg "mountain".
HammarlundSwedish Combination of Swedish hammare "hammer" and lund "grove".
HammarskjöldSwedish (Rare) Combination of Swedish hammare "hammer" and sköld "shield". A notable bearer was diplomat and Secretary-General of the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld (1905-1961).
HansIndian Derived from Sanskrit hamsa "swan; goose".
HansdotterfSwedish Means "daughter of Hans". This name is only given to females. A notable bearer is Swedish alpine ski racer Frida Hansdotter (b. 1985).
HarbourEnglish Variant of French Arbour or a metonymic occupational name for a keeper of a lodging house, from Old English herebeorg "shelter, lodging".
HarknessScottish, English (British), Northern Irish Apparently a habitational name from an unidentified place (perhaps in the area of Annandale, with which the surname is connected in early records), probably so called from the Old English personal name Hereca (a derivative of the various compound names with the first element here ‘army’) + Old English næss ‘headland’, ‘cape’... [more]
HärkönenFinnish A surname derived from the Finnish word härkä, meaning 'bull', and the common surname suffix -nen.
HarkonnenLiterature Derived from the Finnish surname Härkönen. Vladimir Harkonnen is a fictional character in the ’Dune’ franchise created by American author Frank Herbert.