Unisex Submitted Surnames

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Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Höld German
Variant of Held.
Holder German, Jewish, English
1. German: topographic name for someone who lived by an elder tree. Middle High German holder, or from a house named for its sign of an elder tree. In same areas, for example Alsace, the elder tree was believed to be the protector of a house... [more]
Hole English
Topographic name for someone who lived by a depression or low-lying spot, from Old English holh "hole, hollow, depression".
Holiday English
Variation of Holladay.
Holkeri Finnish
Finnish surname, derived from Scandinavian given name Holger.
Holl German, Dutch
Topographic name meaning "hollow" or "hole", from Middle Low German and Middle High German hol.
Holl German
Short form of German Höld.
Holl English
Variant of Hole.
Holl Dutch
Variant of Holle.
Holladay English
English: from Old English haligdæg ‘holy day’, ‘religious festival’. The reasons why this word should have become a surname are not clear; probably it was used as a byname for one born on a religious festival day.
Holland Irish (Anglicized), Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÓileáin, a variant of Ó hAoláin, from a form of Faolán (with loss of the initial F-)... [more]
Holland Romani
Holland is an English surname that was adopted by some Romani families that immigrated to England in the 1500s. It is unclear if the surname was simply adopted, or if it an anglicised form of a Romani surname.
Hollande French
French form of Holland 2, indicating someone from the province of Holland in the Netherlands.
Hollander German, English, Jewish, Dutch, Swedish
Regional name for someone from Holland 1.
Hollandsworth English (British, Rare)
Possibly an alternative spelling of Hollingsworth. Likely named after the town of Holisurde(1000s AD)/Holinewurth(1200s)/Hollingworth(Present) The town's name means "holly enclosure"
Holle Dutch
Derived from a short form of given names containing the element hold "friendly, gracious, loyal".
Holley English
English (chiefly Yorkshire) topographic name from Middle English holing, holi(e) ‘holly tree’. Compare Hollen.
Holliday Scottish
An ancient Scottish name that was first used by the Strathclyde-Briton people of the Scottish/English Borderlands. It is a name for someone who lived near the mountain called Holy Day in the country of Annandale.
Hollier English, French
Occupational name for a male brothel keeper, from a dissimilated variant of Old French horier "pimp", which was the agent noun of hore "whore, prostitute". Hollier was probably also used as an abusive nickname in Middle English and Old French.... [more]
Hollifield English
habitational name from a minor place called as "the holy field" (Old English holegn "holy" and feld "open country") perhaps Holyfield in Waltham Holy Cross (Essex) or less likely for linguistic reasons Hellifield (Yorkshire).
Holliman English
Possibly means "holly man"
Holling English
Location name for someone who lived near holly trees.
Hollinger German, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from places called Holling or Hollingen.
Hollinger English, Northern Irish, Scottish
Topographical name from Middle English holin 'holly' + the suffix -er denoting an inhabitant.
Hollingshead English
Habitational name from a lost place in County Durham called Hollingside or Holmside, from Old English hole(g)n "holly" and sīde "hillside, slope"; there is a Hollingside Lane on the southern outskirts of Durham city... [more]
Hollingworth English
Habitational name for a person from the village in Greater Manchester and other villages as such, all derived from Old English holen "holly" and worþ "enclosure". Leta Stetter Hollingworth (1886-1939) was an American psychologist, educator, and feminist.
Hollis English
Topographic name for someone who lived where holly trees grew.
Hollister English
An occupational name for a female brothel-keeper, a feminine form of Hollier.
Hollobone English
Common surname in the southeast England, predominantly Sussex
Holloman English (British)
Nickname, perhaps ironic, from Middle English holy ‘holy’ + man ‘man’.
Hollow English
Variant of Hole.
Hollowell English
Either a variant of Halliwell or derived from another place named with Old English hol "hollow" and wella "spring, well".
Hollywood English
Habitational name from any of various farms or hamlets in England called Hollywood such as one in Sandon and Burston (Staffordshire) perhaps named with Middle English holegn "holly" and wudu "wood".
Holman Dutch
Topographic or habitational name from Dutch hol "hollow, hole" or Middle Dutch heule "arched bridge, weir". It can also derive from the given name Holle, a short form of names containing the element hold "loyal, faithful, gracious".
Holman English
Uncertain etymology. Could be a topographic name derived from Old English holh "hollow, hole" or holm, which can mean either "holly" or "small island" (see Holme), combined with man "man, person"... [more]
Holmbeck Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish holm "islet" and bäck "stream".
Holmez هولماز Kurdish
Name of Kurdish, kurmanji origin used in northern syria. Surname of an old family
Holmqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish holm "islet, small island" and kvist "twig".
Holmsten Swedish
Combination of Swedish holm "islet" and sten "stone".
Holmstrøm Norwegian, Danish
Norwegian and Danish form of Holmström.
Holod Ukrainian
Means "famine".
Holodnyuk Ukrainian
From Ukrainian голодний (holodnyy), meaning "hungry".
Holodov Russian
Variant transcription of Kholodov.
Holoubek Czech
Holoubek - white dove Columban
Holovashchenko Ukrainian
Possibly from Ukrainian голова (holova), meaning "head".
Holovchak Rusyn
Rusyn version of Holovko. This surname is specifically Lemko Rusyn.
Holovko Ukrainian
Derived from Ukrainian голова (holova), meaning "head".
Holstein German
habitational name from the province of Holstein long disputed between Germany and Denmark. This gets its name from holsten the dative plural originally used after a preposition of holst from Middle Low German holt-sate "dweller in the woods" (from Middle Low German holt "wood" and sate sete "tenant")... [more]
Holter English, German, Norwegian, Dutch
Derived from Old English, Old Dutch, and Old Norse holt meaning "forest, small wood".
Holtey German
Old German name meaning "Wood Island". Holt means wood and ey means island. Family can be traced back to around 650 A.D. and is located in the Ruhr and Essen area of Germany.
Holthaus German
North German: topographic name for someone who lived by a copse (a small group of trees), from Middle Low German holt ‘small wood’ + haus ‘house’.
Hölttä Finnish
Means "unreliable" or "untrustworthy". A nickname for a deceitful person.
Holtzclaw German (Anglicized, Modern)
Americanized spelling of German Holzklau, which translates into modern German as "wood thief", but is probably a nickname for someone who gathered wood, from Middle High German holz "wood" + a derivative of kluben "to pick up", "gather", "steal".
Holtze German
Variant of Holtzer.
Holtzer German
Variant of Holzer.
Holtzmann Upper German, German
Derived from the Upper German word "holz," which means "forest." Thus many of the names that evolved from this root work have to do with living in the woods
Holyfield English, Scottish
Although the Scottish surname is known to derive from the Medieval Latin word "olifantus," meaning "elephant," its origins as a surname are quite uncertain. ... He was one of the many Anglo-Norman nobles that were invited northward by the early Norman kings of Scotland.
Holyoak English
Habitational name from Holy Oakes (Leicestershire) or else a topographic name from residence near a "holy oak" (or "gospel oak") from Middle English holy "holy" and oke "oak" (from Old English halig and ac).
Holz German
Variant of Holtz.
Holzberg German
Habitational name from any of various places called Holzberg for example in Hesse and Silesia.
Holze German
Variant of Holzer.
Hölzel German
The surname of Austrian singer Johann "Hans" Hölzel (1957-1998), better known by his stage name Falco.
Holzhauer German
Occupational name for a "lumberjack, woodsman" with the element holz "forest".
Holzheim German
The meaning of Holzheim is " wood home". Holz=wood and heim=home. ... [more]
Holzinger German, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from any of various places called Holzing or Holzingen.
Holzklau German
From Middle High German holz ‘wood’ + a derivative of klūben ‘to pick up, gather, steal’. It means "wood thief" but it was probably more likely used as nickname for someone who gathered wood
Holzschuh German
Occupational - from German holz "wood", and schuh "shoe".
Homan English
Variant of Human.
Homan Dutch
From Old Dutch hovitman "leader, head man, chief". Alternatively, the Dutch form of Hoffmann.
Homans Dutch
Variant of Homan.
Homayouni Persian
From the given name Homayoun.
Homberg German
The surname Hamberg could be derived from it.
Home English, Scottish
English and Scottish variant spelling of Holme.
Homeyer German
Status name from Middle Low German ho "high" and meier "headman steward" (see Meyer 1).
Homka Polish
Simplified version of the polish surname Chomka.
Homma Japanese
From 本 (hon, moto) meaning "origin, source, root" and 間 (ma) meaning "pause, between, while".
Homme Norwegian, French
Habitational surname "small valley" from Old Norse hvammr, variant of French Hommet
Hommik Estonian
Hommik is an Estonian surname meaning "morning".
Homola Czech
Variant of Homolka.
Homolka Czech
From homolka meaning "(cone-shaped lump of) cream cheese". The word homolka itself is derived from homole "cone". This was either a nickname for a mild person or an occupational name for someone who made cheese.
Homura Japanese
This surname is used as 保村, 甫村 or 穂村 with 保 (ho, hou, tamo.tsu) meaning "guarantee, keep, preserve, protect, support, sustain", 甫 (fu, ho, haji.mete, suke) meaning "for the first time, not until", 穂 (sui, ho) meaning "crest (of wave), ear, ear (of grain), head" and 村 (son, mura) meaning "town, village."... [more]
Homuta Czech
Hon Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Hakka)
Cantonese and Hakka romanization of Han.
Honchar Ukrainian
Means "potter" in Ukrainian.
Honcharenko Ukrainian
Means "child of the potter", from Ukrainian гончар (honchar).
Honecker German
Erich Honecker was the leader of the GDR from 1971 to 1989.
Honegger Swiss
Arthur Honegger (10 March 1892 – 27 November 1955) was a Swiss composer, and a member of Les Six, a group of composers associated with Jean Cocteau and Erik Satie. His most famous work is "Pacific 231".
Honesto Spanish
From the given name Honesto.
Honeyball English
From Honeyball, a medieval personal name of uncertain origin: perhaps an alteration of Annabel, or alternatively from a Germanic compound name meaning literally "bear-cub brave" (i.e. deriving from the elements hun "warrior, bear cub" and bald "bold, brave").
Hồng Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Hong, from Sino-Vietnamese 洪 (hồng).
Hong Chinese, Korean
From Chinese 洪 (hóng) meaning "flood" or "vast, wide".
Honig German, Jewish
Metonymic name for a gatherer or seller of honey, from Middle High German honec, honic "honey", German Honig.
Honikman Yiddish
It literally means "honeyman", possibly denoting a beekeeper.
Honjo Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese 本庄 (see Honjō).
Honjō Japanese
From Japanese 本 (hon) meaning "root, origin, source" and 庄 (shō) meaning "manor, villa".
Honma Japanese
From Japanese 本 (hon) meaning "root, origin, source" and 間 (ma) meaning "among, between".
Honoo Japanese
Means "flame" in Japanese.
Honorato Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Honorato
Honorio Spanish
From the given name Honorio
Hontar Ukrainian
From Ukrainian гонтар (hontar), meaning "plasterer".
Hooch Dutch (Americanized, Rare, Archaic)
Possibly an archaic or Americanized form of Dutch Hoog "high, tall".
Hood English
Habitational or topographic name derived from Old English hod "hood, hat", referring to a hood-shaped hill, or possibly taking from the older meaning of "shelter, cover".
Hood Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hUid meaning "descendant of Ud", a given name of uncertain derivation. Compare Mahood.
Hooft Dutch
Means "head" in Middle Dutch.
Hoog Dutch
Variant of De Hoog.
Hoogenboom Dutch
Means "high tree" in Dutch, from hoog "high" and boom "tree", a topographic name for someone living by a tall tree, or a habitational name from places called Hoogboom and Hogenboom in the Belgian province of Antwerp... [more]
Hoogendijk Dutch
Derived from Dutch hoog meaning "high, elevated" and dijk meaning "dike, ditch, levee", referring to someone who lived near a high dyke or embankment.
Hoogendoorn Dutch
From any of several place names derived from either hoog "high" or haag "hedge" combined with doorn "thorn bush".
Hoogerdijk Dutch
Variant of Hoogendijk meaning "higher dyke".
Hoogeveen Dutch
From any of several places called Hoogeveen, derived from Dutch hoog "high, elevated" and veen "peat bog, marsh".
Hoogland Dutch
A toponoymic or habitational surname meaning "highland", derived from Middle Dutch hooch "high" and lant "land".
Hoogteijling Dutch
Habitational name from Hoogteilingen, derived from hoogh "high" and the toponym Teijlingen, from Old Dutch *tagla "tail, narrow ridge".
Hooi Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Xu 2.
Hooijkaas Dutch
Meaning uncertain, spelling possibly altered by folk etymology.
Hooiveld Dutch
Means "hay field" in Dutch.
Höök Swedish
Derived from Swedish hök "hawk".
Hook English
This surname is derived from a geographical locality. "at the hook," from residence in the bend or sudden turn of a lane or valley.
Hookham English
This surname may derive from Old English hóc meaning "hook, angle" and hám meaning "village, hamlet, dwelling."
Hoop Estonian
Hoop is an Estonian surname meaning "strike" or "blow (hit)".
Hoorn German (Austrian)
From the Germanic word horn meaning "horn". This was an occupational name for one who carved objects out of horn or who played a horn, or a person who lived near a horn-shaped geographical feature, such as a mountain or a bend in a river.
Hoornaert Belgian
Comes from the Dutch word "Hoorner" meaning Horner. Surname more prevalent in Northwest Belgium.
Hooshmand Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian هوشمند (see Houshmand).
Hooshmandi Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian هوشمندای (see Houshmandi).
Hoot Dutch (Americanized)
Americanized form of Hout or Hoed.
Hoot German (Americanized)
Americanized form of Hoth.
Höövel Estonian
Höövel is an Estonian surname meaning "planer".
Hop Dutch
Variant form of Hopp. Alternatively, an occupational name derived from Dutch hop referring to the common hop (Humulus lupus), a kind of plant traditionally used to preserve and flavour beer.
Hopf German
An occupational name for a brewer or farmer, from German Hopfen meaning "hops", a plant used in preserving and flavouring beer.
Hopkinson English
Means "son of Hopkin"
Hopla Welsh (?)
1st recorded Hopla.... [more]
Hopp German, Dutch
Variant of Hoppe. Can also be a pet form of the given name Hubrecht.
Hoppe German, Dutch
Derived from hoppen "to hop", a nickname for an active person. Can also be a variant of Hopp.
Hopperstad Norwegian
Probably a habitational name from a farm name in Norway.
Hoq Bengali
Alternate transcription of Bengali হক (see Haq).
Hoque Bengali
Alternate transcription of Bengali হক (see Haq).
Hora Czech
Czech word for hill or mountain
Horaczek Polish
From a diminutive of Horacy.
Horan Irish
The last name Horan means warlike.It is the last name of one direction member Niall Horan
Horbanenko Ukrainian
Ukrainian equivalent of Gorbachev.
Horbatenko Ukrainian
From Ukrainian горбатий (horbatyy) meaning "humpback".
Hörberg Swedish
The first element is probably derived from a place name starting with hör. The meaning of this element differs depending on which place name it was derived from, examples include harg "sanctuary, altar" (from Höör, Hörby), "hay" (from Hörröd), and hörn "corner" (from Hörnefors)... [more]
Horbunenko Ukrainian
From Ukrainian горбун (horbun), meaning "humpback"
Horcicky Czech, History
Derived from Czech hořčice, meaning "white mustard". This surname was the original Czech form of Jacobus Sinapius.
Hordiyenko Ukrainian
Means "child of Hordiy".
Hore English
Variant of Hoare.
Horgan Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Ó hArgáin.
Hori Japanese
From Japanese 堀 (hori) meaning "ditch, moat, canal".
Horiba Japanese
From Japanese 堀 (hori) meaning "ditch, moat, canal" and 場 (ba) meaning "place, situation, circumstances".
Horie Japanese
From Japanese 堀 (hori) meaning "ditch, moat, canal" and 江 (e) meaning "bay, river, inlet".
Horigome Japanese
掘 (Hori) means "moat" and 米 (gome) means "rice, America". ... [more]
Horiguchi Japanese
From Japanese 堀 (hori) meaning "ditch, moat, canal" and 口 (kuchi) meaning "mouth, entrance".
Horii Japanese
From Japanese 堀 (hori) meaning "ditch, moat, canal" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
Horikawa Japanese
From Japanese 堀 (hori) meaning "ditch, moat, canal" and 川 (kawa) or 河 (kawa) both meaning "river, stream".
Horikiri Japanese
Hori means "moat, canal" and kiri means "paulownia".
Horikita Japanese (Rare)
Hori ("Moat"),this can also be used: Ho ("Protect") + Ri ("Benefit,Profit,Gain") + Kita ("North").
Horikoshi Japanese
From Japanese 堀 (hori) meaning "moat" and 越 (koshi) meaning "across".
Horimiya Japanese
Hori means "moat, canal" and miya means "shrine, temple".
Horino Japanese
Hori means "Moat" and No means "Field, Wilderness."
Horio Japanese
Hori means "ditch, canal, moat" and o means "tail".
Horio Japanese
From Japanese 堀 (hori) meaning "ditch, moat, canal" and 尾 (o) meaning "tail, foot, end".
Horisawa Japanese
Hori means "canal, moat" and sawa means "swamp, marsh, wetland".
Horiuchi Japanese
From Japanese 堀 (hori) meaning "ditch, moat, canal" and 内 (uchi) meaning "inside".
Hörmann German
The distinguished surname Hormann is of very ancient German origin. It is derived from a Germanic personal name made up of the elements "heri," meaning "army," and "man," meaning "man."
Hormazabal Basque
From Basque meaning "thick wall".
Hornæus Swedish (Archaic)
Probably a latinization of Härnösand, a city in Västernorrland County, Sweden. A notable bearer was Swedish priest Laurentius (Lars) Christophori Hornæus (born as Lars Christoffersson in 1645 in Härnösand)... [more]
Hornby English
A habitational name from locations called Hornby in northern England, though predominantly associated with Lancashire. Derived from the Norse horni meaning "horn" and býr meaning "farm" or "settlement".
Hornecker German
Habitational name denoting someone from any of various places called Horneck.
Horner English
1 English, Scottish, German, and Dutch: from Horn 1 with the agent suffix -er; an occupational name for someone who made or sold small articles made of horn, a metonymic occupational name for someone who played a musical instrument made from the horn of an animal, or a topographic name for someone who lived at a ‘horn’ of land.... [more]
Horney German (Anglicized)
German: Eastphalian or Americanized form of a personal name composed of the Germanic elements hard ‘hardy’, ‘brave’, ‘strong’ + nit ‘battle fury’, ‘eagerness to fight’, or a habitational name from a place so called in Brandenburg or in the Rhineland... [more]
Hornowski Polish
Habitational name from Hornowo, ultimately from Belarusian горны (horny) meaning "upper".
Hornsby English
A habitational name from Cumbria, derived from the Norse Ormr meaning "serpent" and býr meaning "farm". Similar in form to Hornby, Hornsby is a widespread surname in northern England.
Hornseth German
Name of a German farm.
Hornshteyn Yiddish
It literally means "hornstone".
Hornton English (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from the surname Horton or perhaps used to describe a horn maker meaning “maker of horns.”
Horobchuk Ukrainian
Derived from Ukrainian горобець (horobets) meaning "sparrow".
Horobets Ukrainian
Means "sparrow" in Ukrainian. Given to someone who either worked with sparrows (or birds) or someway resembled a sparrow.
Horobin English
From a nickname meaning "gray robin".
Horodnyuk Ukrainian
From dialectal Ukrainian город (horod), meaning "city".
Horomona Moriori
This was not only a last name but a first name. This was one of the last names of the last full blooded Moriori named Tame Horomona Rehe (Tommy Solomon).
Hořovice Czech
Czech from of Horowitz.
Horoz Turkish
Means "rooster" in Turkish.
Hörschelmann German
This denotes familial origin in the former village of Hörschel (annexed to Eisenach in 1994).
Horschwald German
Surname probably of German origin. Most people with this surname live in Poland today.
Horsley English
Old English hors ‘horse’ + lēah ‘woodland clearing’... [more]
Horst Dutch, Low German
Means "elevated and overgrown land, thicket" or "bird of prey’s nest, eyrie" in Dutch, the name of several locations.
Horta Catalan, Portuguese
Means "garden" (Latin hortus), hence a topographic name for someone who lived by an enclosed garden or an occupational name for one who was a gardener.
Horvitz English (American)
Surname of Richard Steven Horvitz, a voice actor in Angry Beavers, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, and Invader Zim.
Horwitz Yiddish
Derived from the Yiddish pronunciation of the name of the town of Hořovice in Bohemia.