HanafinIrish Shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAinbhthín (modernized as Ó hAinifín) ‘descendant of Ainbhthín’, a personal name derived from ainbhíoth ‘non-peace’, ‘storm’.
HanafusaJapanese From 花 (hana) meaning "flower, blossom" and 房 (fusa) meaning "room, chamber".
HanaoJapanese Hana means "blossom, flower" and o means "tail".
HanaokaJapanese From Japanese 花 (hana) or 華 (hana) both meaning "flower" and 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge".
HanarashiJapanese From Japanese, using the kanjis 花 (hana) meaning "flower", combined with 嵐 (arashi) meaning "storm".
HanasakiJapanese From Japanese 花 (hana) meaning "flower" or 華 (hana) meaning "flower, petal" combined with 咲 (saki) meaning "blossom". A fictional bearer of this surname is Tsubomi Hanasaki (花咲 つぼみ) from Heartcatch! Pretty Cure.
HanaueJapanese From Japanese 花 (hana) meaning "flower" or 華 (hana) meaning "flower, petal" combined with 上 (ue) meaning "above, top, upper, superior" or 植 (ue) meaning "planting".
HanayaJapanese From Japanese 花屋 (hanaya) meaning "florist", which combines 花 (hana) meaning "flower" with 屋 (ya) meaning "shop".
HanceEnglish Allegedly a patronymic from the personal name Hann.
HancockEnglish One plausible meaning for Hancock, due to the armorial achievement of the rooster charge. In medieval times, (500-1500AD) the rooster symbolized Christianity. This was due to with the fact the cock was crowing before Peter denied Christ, however, quickly after, it became a symbol for repentance & vigilance for looking out for sin... [more]
HandschuhGerman Occupational name for a maker or seller of gloves or perhaps a nickname for someone who habitually wore gloves from Middle High German hantschuoch "glove" literally "hand shoe" from the elements hant "hand" and schuh "shoe".
HanedaJapanese From Japanese 羽 (hane) meaning "feather, plume" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy". It can also be formed from 羽 (ha) meaning "feather, plume" combined with 根 (ne) meaning "root" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
HanesakaJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 羽根坂 (Hanesaka), the common name for the area of Furukawachōshimono in the city of Hida in the prefecture of Gifu in Japan.
HaneyIrish Derived from the Gaelic name Ó hEighnigh
HaneyamaJapanese From Japanese 羽 (hane) meaning "feather" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
HanfordEnglish Habitational name from any of several places called Hanford, Handforth, or Hannaford, derived from either Old Welsh hen "old" and ford "road, way", or from Old English ford "ford, river crossing" combined with the given name Hanna.
HanleyIrish Means “descendant of Áinle.” Derived from “O’Hanley,” an anglicized form of “Ó hÁinle,” ultimately from Gaelic “ainle” meaning “beauty, grace.”
HanlonIrish Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAnluain "descendant of Anluan", a personal name from the intensive prefix an- and luan "light", "radiance" or "warrior". Occasionally it has been used to represent Hallinan.
HannamEnglish Habitational name from a place called Hanham in Gloucestershire, which was originally Old English Hānum, dative plural of hān ‘rock’, hence ‘(place) at the rocks’. The ending -ham is by analogy with other place names with this very common unstressed ending.
HansIndian Derived from Sanskrit hamsa "swan; goose".
HansaluEstonian Hansalu is an Estonian surname possibly derived from the masculine given name "Hans" and "salu", meaning "grove"; "Hans' grove".
HansardEnglish Possibly from Middle English hansard "merchant or citizen of a Hanseatic town". Alternatively, from the given name Ansard, derived from ansu "god" and ward "guard" or hard "strong".
HanzaikeJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 繁在家 (Hanzaike), sound- and script-changed from 半在池 (Hanzaiike) meaning "Hanzaiike", a division in the area of Kirida in the city of Towada in the prefecture of Aomori in Japan... [more]
HarambašićCroatian, Bosnian, Serbian Derived from harambaša (харамбаша), which was a historic rank for the senior commander of a hajduk band. The hajduks were bandits and freedom fighters in the Balkans who fought the Ottomans.
HaramijaCroatian Derived from harambaša, which was a historic rank for the senior commander of a hajduk band. The hajduks were bandits and freedom fighters in the Balkans who fought the Ottomans.
HaramotoJapanese Hara means "plain, wilderness, field" and moto means "origin".
HaranoJapanese Hara means "plain, field" and no means "field, wilderness, plain".
HarareetHebrew Topographic name derived from Hebrew הֲרָרִית (hararit) meaning "mountainous". A famous bearer was Israeli actress Haya Harareet (1931-2021; birth name Haya Neuberg), who had a prominent role in the movie Ben-Hur (1959).
HarbinEnglish This surname is of Anglo-Saxon origins, and is derived from the personal names Rabin, Robin, and Robert. It has the English prefix 'har', which means gray.... [more]
HarbourEnglish Variant of French Arbour or a metonymic occupational name for a keeper of a lodging house, from Old English herebeorg "shelter, lodging".
HardacreEnglish Topographic name for someone who lived on a patch of poor, stony land, from Middle English hard "hard, difficult" and aker "cultivated land" (Old English æcer), or a habitational name from Hardacre, a place in Clapham, West Yorkshire, which has this etymology.
HardleyEnglish The name comes from when a family lived in the village of Hartley which was in several English counties including Berkshire, Devon, Dorset, Kent, Lancashire, York and Northumberland. This place-name was originally derived from the Old English words hart which means a stag and lea which means a wood or clearing.
HareIrish (Anglicized), English (American) Irish (Ulster): Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÍr, meaning ‘long-lasting’. In Ireland this name is found in County Armagh; it has also long been established in Scotland.... [more]
HargitayHungarian Denoted one from Hargita, a historical region of Hungary now known as Harghita County in eastern Transylvania, Romania. A famous bearer was Hungarian-American actor and bodybuilder Mickey Hargitay (1926-2006), as well as his daughter, actress Mariska Hargitay (1964-)... [more]
HärjapeaEstonian Härjapea is an Estonian surname literally meaning "ox head", but derived from a colloquial name for "clover".
HarjoEstonian Harjo is an Estonia surname, a variation of "Harju"; from Harju County.
HarjoCreek From Creek Ha'chō meaning "crazy brave; recklessly brave".
HarjuFinnish Means "esker", a long ridge formed by a river flowing underneath a glacier.
HarkawayEnglish From a sporting phrase used to guide and incite hunting dogs.
HarkerEnglish (British) English (mainly northeastern England and West Yorkshire): habitational name from either of two places in Cumbria, or from one in the parish of Halsall, near Ormskirk, Lancashire. The Cumbrian places are probably named from Middle English hart ‘male deer’ + kerr ‘marshland’... [more]
HarknessScottish, English (British), Northern Irish Apparently a habitational name from an unidentified place (perhaps in the area of Annandale, with which the surname is connected in early records), probably so called from the Old English personal name Hereca (a derivative of the various compound names with the first element here ‘army’) + Old English næss ‘headland’, ‘cape’... [more]
HärkönenFinnish A surname derived from the Finnish word härkä, meaning 'bull', and the common surname suffix -nen.
HarkonnenLiterature Derived from the Finnish surname Härkönen. Vladimir Harkonnen is a fictional character in the ’Dune’ franchise created by American author Frank Herbert.
HarlacherGerman Habitational name for someone from Ober- or Unter-Harlachen, near Überlingen.
HarlessEnglish, German English: probably a variant spelling of Arliss, a nickname from Middle English earles ‘earless’, probably denoting someone who was deaf rather than one literally without ears.
HarlinEnglish English surname transferred to forename use, from the Norman French personal name Herluin, meaning "noble friend" or "noble warrior."
HärmaEstonian Härma is an Estonian surname meaning "frosty" or "frosted".
HarmaFinnish, Estonian Anglicized form of either Härma or Haarma. The former is a toponymic surname referring to several places in Estonia and Finland, probably derived from the given name Herman... [more]
HarmenszoonDutch Means "son of Harmen" in Dutch, the Dutch form of Herman. This was the other surname for the Dutch painter Rembrandt (1606-1669), the other being Van Rijn.
HarmerEnglish (British) Meaning, of the Army or man of Armor, from the battle at Normandy, France. It was formerly a French last name Haremere after the battle at Normandy it moved on to England where it was shortened to Harmer.
HarndenEnglish From an English village Harrowden in Bedfordshire. This place name literally means "hill of the heathen shrines or temples," from the Old English words hearg and dun.
HarrisWelsh A combination of the Welsh adjective 'hy', meaning 'bold' or 'presumptuous' and the common Welsh personal name 'Rhys'. This surname is common in South Wales and the English West Country and has an official Welsh tartan... [more]
HartfordEnglish Habitational name from Hertford, or from either of two places called Hartford, in Cheshire and Cumbria; all are named with Old English heorot ‘hart’ + ford ‘ford’.