KarbowskiPolish Habitational name for someone from Karbowo in Torun voivodeship, a place so named from Polish karbowy "overseer (of farm laborers)", from karbowac "to make notches", i.e. to keep records.
KarchJewish 1 Jewish (Ashkenazic): Americanized spelling of Karcz .... [more]
KarczewskiPolish habitational name for someone from Karczew, named with Polish karcz ‘stump’.
KareninaLiterature In Leo Tolstoy's novel 'Anna Karenina' (1877), this is the title character's surname, the feminine form of her husband's surname, Karenin.
KarhuFinnish Means "bear" (the animal) in Finnish.
KariFinnish, German (Austrian), Slovene (?), Hungarian, Indian, Marathi As a Finnish name, it is a topographic and ornamental name from kari "small island", "stony rapids", "sandbar", or "rocky place in a field". This name is found throughout Finland.... [more]
KariEstonian Kari is an Estonian surname meaning both "reef" and "herd".
KariatsumariJapanese (Rare) Combination of 狩り (kari) meaning "hunt(ing)" and 集まり (atsumari) meaning "gathering, meeting, assembly," mainly concentrated in Kagoshima prefecture in southern Japan.... [more]
KariyapperumaSinhalese Derived from the words “black” or "dark", and “peruma,” which means “big.” Together, the name can be interpreted to mean "great blackness" or "big darkness."
KarjaEstonian Karja is an Estonian surname meaning "herding".
KarjahärmEstonian Karjahärm is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "pasture (karjamaa) frost (härmatis)".
KarjalaFinnish Finnish from karja ‘cattle’ + the local suffix -la, or possibly from a word of Germanic origin, harja- ‘host’, ‘crowd’, Old Swedish haer. Historic records suggest that the Germanic inhabitants of the area around Lake Ladoga (in present-day Russia) used this term to refer to the Finns who once lived there.
KarjamaaEstonian Karjamaa is an Estonian surname meaning "pastureland".
KarjaneEstonian Karjane is an Estonian surname meaning "herdsman".
KarkEstonian Kark is an Estonian surname meaning "stilt" (Himantopus himantopus).
KarkavandianArmenian, Iranian Those belonging to the Karkevand/Garkevand district of Iran who are most likely of Armenian origin. Typical modern Armenian last names end with the originally patronymic suffix -յան or -եան, transliterated as -yan, -ian, or less often '-jan'... [more]
KarkiNepali Occupational name for a tax collector from Nepali कर (kar) meaning "tax" (ultimately of Sanskrit origin).
KärkinenFinnish Combination of Finnish kärki "peak point" and the common surname suffix -nen.
KärkkäinenFinnish From Finnish kärkäs meaning ”eager” and the suffix -nen. A Finnish department store chain bears this name after its founder, Juha Kärkkäinen.
KarkusEnglish Anyone with information about this last name please edit.
KarlgrenSwedish Combination of the given name Karl and Swedish gren "branch".
KärlinGerman German surname from the personal name Karl. Also an altered spelling of German Gerling.
KarlinJewish Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic) habitational name for someone from Karlin, a suburb of Pinsk in Belarus, in which the Jews formed the majority of the population until the Holocaust. A well-known Hasidic sect originated in Karlin and at one time it attracted so many followers that a (now obsolete) Russian word for ‘Hasid’ was Karliner (of Yiddish origin)... [more]
KarmanJewish From Russian карман (karman) meaning "pocket, bag pocket", probably an occupational name for someone who made such items. Alternatively, could derive from Hungarian Kármán.
KärmasEstonian Kärmas is an Estonian surname meaning "smart", "ready", "swift" and "brisk".
KarmazinasLithuanian Perhaps a habitational name taken from the Lithuanian village Karmazinai. The name of the village is allegedly derived from Polish karmazyn "crimson". See also Karmazsin, a Hungarian occupational name for a dyer or for someone making dyestuff (taken directly from Hungarian karmazsin "crimson").
KarpPolish From Middle High German karp(f)e Middle Low German karpe or Slavic (Russian and Polish) and Yiddish karp ‘carp’ hence a metonymic occupational name for a carp fisherman or seller of these fish or a nickname for someone thought to resemble the fish.... [more]
KarrantzaBasque Habitational name from Basque Country, Spain, a Basque adaptation of Carrantia, a toponym probably of Cantabrian origin meaning "high rocks" (compare Basque harri "rock, stone" and (h)andi "big, large").
KarrasGreek Means "dark" in Greek. Feminine form is Karra.
KartashyanArmenian Means "son of the stonemason" from Armenian քարտաշ (kʿartaš) meaning "stonecutter, stonemason".
KarterBreton Breton form of Carter. This was the birth surname of Breton-French explorer Jacques Cartier (1491-1557), who is known for discovering the gulf of St. Lawrence.
KartmannGerman Derived from German karte meaning "card". Possibly an occupational name for someone who makes, sells or trades cards. In an alternative representation, it could be a nickname for someone who gambles.
KarunasiriSinhalese Derived from Sanskrit करुणा (karuna) meaning "compassion, mercy" and श्री (shri) meaning "diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty".
KarunathilakaSinhalese Derived from Sanskrit करुणा (karuna) meaning "compassion, kindness, mercy" and तिलक (tilaka) meaning "mark (on the forehead), dot, ornament".
KarunawardanaSinhalese Derived from Sanskrit करुणा (karuna) meaning "compassion, mercy" and वर्धन (vardhana) meaning "increasing, strengthening, growing".
KaseJapanese From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "add, increase" and 瀬 (se) meaning "rapids, current".
KasedaJapanese If kase is spelled like 加 (ka) meaning "add, increase, join, include, Canada" and 世 (se, yo) meaning "generation, world, society, public", then it can also be read as kayo... [more]
KaseiJapanese From Japanese 火星 (kasei) meaning "Mars".
KasenurmEstonian Kasenurm is an Estonian surname meaning "birch meadow".
KaseorgEstonian Kaseorg is an Estonian surname meaning "birch valley".
KasepõldEstonian Kasepõld is an Estonian surname meaning "birch field".
KasepuuEstonian Kasepuu is an Estonian surname meaning "birch tree".
KäserGerman, German (Swiss) occupational name for a cheesemaker or a cheese merchant (see Kaeser ). topographic name for someone who lived by a summer dairy in the Alps from a Tyrolean dialect word derived from Ladin casura... [more]
KasesaluEstonian Kasesalu is an Estonian surname meaning "birch grove".
KasetaluEstonian Kasetalu is an Estonian surname meaning "birch farmstead".
KasetsiriThai From Thai เกษตร (kaset) meaning "farmland" and ศิริ (siri) meaning "glory; splendor".
KashaniPersian Indicated a person from the city of Kashan in Isfahan province, Iran. The name may be derived from the Kasian, the original inhabitants of the area.
KashevarovRussian Derived from Russian кашевар (kashevar) meaning "cook (in military unit or team of workers)".
KashgariUyghur, Arabic Originally denoted someone who came from the city of Kashgar, located in the Xinjiang region of western China. The city's name is of Persian origin probably meaning "rock mountain".
KasongoCentral African A Congolese surname derived from the town with the same name, located in the Maniema Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
KasperovichBelarusian The last name taken literally is Kasper's son with -vich being a common patronymic suffix in Belarus and other slavic countries. The Kasper likey refers to an unknown Kasper in the family. However some stories tie the name to one of the wise men who visited Jesus after his birth - not named in the Bible but later referred to as Gaspar or Caspar/Kaspar in Eastern European traditions.
KasselGerman habitational name mainly from a place of this name in northeastern Hesse so named from Frankish castellacassela "fortification" a military term from Late Latin castellum "fortified position fort" or a topographic name from the same word.
KasselmannGerman Combination of the German place name Kassel (or Cassel) and German Mann "man".
KatDutch, Frisian, South African, Jewish Means "cat", a habitational name for someone who lived by a sign depicting a cat, or a nickname for someone who somehow resembled a cat, perhaps in agility or an independent nature.
KatabaJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 片 (kata) meaning "one side; one-sided" and 場 (ba) meaning "place".