Jewish Submitted Surnames

These names are used by Jews. For more specific lists, see Hebrew names and Yiddish names. See also about Jewish names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Feitussi פיטוסי Judeo-Spanish
Variant of Fitoussi.
Feldman Jewish
Americanized spelling of Feldmann
Feldmann Jewish
From the surname Feld combined with the German suffix mann "man"
Feldstein German, Jewish
Ornamental name meaning "field stone" in German. A famous bearer is American actor and filmmaker Jonah Hill (1983-), born Jonah Hill Feldstein. Another famous bearer is Hill's sister, actress Beanie Feldstein (1993-).
Fell English, German, Jewish
Metonymic occupational name for a furrier, from Middle English fell, Middle High German vel, or German Fell or Yiddish fel, all of which mean "skin, hide, pelt". Yiddish fel refers to untanned hide, in contrast to pelts "tanned hide" (see Pilcher).
Feller English, German, Jewish
Occupational name for a furrier, from an agent derivative of Middle English fell, Middle Low German, Middle High German vel, or German Fell or Yiddish fel "hide, pelt". See also Fell.
Fellous Judeo-Spanish
Derived from Maghrebi Arabic فلوس (fallus) meaning "chick, young chicken".
Fenster German, Jewish
Occupational name for a window maker from Middle High German venster German fenster "window".
Feuer Jewish
Ornamental name from modern German Feuer "fire".
Feynman פיינמן, פיינמאן Russian, Yiddish
Russian and Yiddish form of Feinman. This name was borne by the American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman (1918-1988).
Fine Jewish (Anglicized)
Jewish Americanized spelling of Fein.
Finger English, German, Jewish
Probably applied as a nickname for a man who had some peculiarity of the fingers, such as possessing a supernumerary one or having lost one or more of them through injury, or for someone who was small in stature or considered insignificant... [more]
Fink German, Slovene, English, Jewish
Nickname for a lively or cheerful person, Jewish ornamental name derived from the Germanic word for "finch", and German translation of Slovene Šinkovec which is from šcinkovec or šcinkavec meaning "finch".
Finkelshteyn פינקלשטיין Jewish (Russified)
Russian form of Finkelstein.
Finkelstein פינקלשטיין Jewish
Means "spark stone" from Old High German funko meaning "spark" and stein meaning "stone".
Finster פֿינסטער, פֿינצטער German, Jewish
Nickname from German finster "dark, gloomy" or Yiddish fintster (Middle High German vinster). The name may have referred to a person's habitual character or it may have been acquired as a result of some now irrecoverable anecdote... [more]
Finzi פינצי Judeo-Italian, Judeo-Spanish
From the name of the city of Faenza in Emilia-Romagna, Italy.
Firestone German (Americanized), Jewish (Americanized)
Calque (translation into English) of the German and Ashkenazi surname Feuerstein.
Fisch German, Jewish
From German (fisch) meaning "fish".
Fischbein פישביין German, Jewish
Means "fish bone".
Fischmann German, Jewish
Cognate of Fishman. occupational name for a fish seller from Middle High German fisc Yiddish fish (German fisch) "fish" and Middle High German and Yiddish man (German mann) "man".
Fish Medieval English, Jewish
From Middle English fische, fish ‘fish’, a metonymic occupational name for a fisherman or fish seller, or a nickname for someone thought to resemble a fish.... [more]
Fishbein פישביין Jewish
Variant of Fischbein.
Fitoussi פיטוסי Jewish (Sephardic)
Meaning uncertain, possibly from the Tamazight place name Fitous located in present-day Libya. Alternately it may be related to the Arabic root ف ط س (f-t-s) meaning "flatness", possibly used as a nickname for someone with a flat nose.
Fitoussy פיטוסי Jewish (Sephardic)
Variant of Fitoussi.
Flam Jewish
Ornamental name from Yiddish flam "flame".
Fleischhacker German, Jewish
Occupational name for a butcher from German fleisch "flesh meat", and an agent derivative of hacken "to chop or cut".
Fleischmann German, Jewish
occupational name for a butcher literally "meatman, butcher" from Middle High German fleisch "flesh, meat" and man "man".
Flom פלאם Jewish (Ashkenazi), Norwegian, Yiddish
Some characteristic forenames: Scandinavian Erik, Birgit, Jalmer, Nels, Selmer, Sig.... [more]
Forster English (Anglicized), German, Jewish, Slovak
English: occupational and topographic name for someone who lived or worked in a forest (see Forrest). ... [more]
Fraidstern פרייד שטערן Jewish (Anglicized, Rare)
Anglicized version of Freydshtern, Yiddish for "Joyful Star" literally "Joy Star".
Frankenberg German, Jewish
habitational name from a place in northern Hesse named as "fort (Old High German burg) of the Franks". From German franken and berg "mountain hill mountain"... [more]
Franzblau פראַנצבלאַו Jewish
Means "french blue" in German. One of the many names assigned to Jews during the rule of Emperor Joseph II, who required all Jews in the Hapsburg Empire to adopt surnames.
Freitag German, Jewish
Means "Friday" in German.
Freydntol פֿריידנטאָל Yiddish
Fridman Yiddish, German (Anglicized)
Derived from the Yiddish "Frid" (see fridu) meaning "peace," combined with "man" meaning "man" or "person." Originally derived from a vernacular form of Shalom, it is also an anglicized spelling of the German name Friedmann.
Friedberg German, Jewish
Combination of either German vride "security, protection" or Friede "peace", with berg "hill, mountain". The name is most often locational, but may in some cases be ornamental.
Friedgant Yiddish
Means "hand of peace" in Yiddish.
Friedman English (American), Jewish
Americanized form of Friedmann as well as a Jewish cognate of this name.
Friedmann German, German (Swiss), Jewish (Ashkenazi)
German and Swiss German from a derivative of Friedrich. ... [more]
Frisch Jewish
Ornamental name or nickname from modern German frisch, Yiddish frish "fresh".
Frischkorn German, Jewish
An occupational name for a farmer composed of German frisch "fresh" and korn "grain"... [more]
Frish פֿריש Yiddish
Yiddish form of Frisch.
From Jewish
Variant of Fromm.
Fuks פֿוקס Yiddish
It literally means "fox".
Furman Polish, Czech, Slovak, Jewish, Slovene, English, German (Anglicized)
Polish, Czech, Slovak, Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic), and Slovenian: occupational name for a carter or drayman, the driver of a horse-drawn delivery vehicle, from Polish, Yiddish, and Slovenian furman, a loanword from German (see Fuhrmann)... [more]
Futterman Jewish
Occupational name for a furrier, from Yiddish futer "fur, fur coat" and Yiddish man "man".
Gaber Jewish, German
In Jewish, from Haber, and in German from Gabrijel.
Gabison גביסון Judeo-Spanish
From the name of a town located in either the province of Valladolid or near the city of Santander in Spain. It has also been connected to the Spanish word cabeza, used as a nickname for a stubborn person.
Gadot גדות Hebrew
Means "riverbanks" in Hebrew.
Gaerlick Jewish
A name given to people whose homes were burnt down.
Gai Jewish
From the given name Gai.
Gal גל Hebrew (Modern)
From the given name Gal 1, means "wave" in Hebrew.
Galante Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Jewish
Means "gallant, courteous, chivalrous; romantic" in Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, both derived from French galant "gentlemanly" or "flirtatious, amorous". In the case of Mordecai Galante, a Spanish exile in 16th century Rome, his courteous manners won for him from the Roman nobles the surname Galantuomo, meaning "gentleman" in Italian, from which Galante was eventually derived.... [more]
Galanty Jewish, Judeo-Italian
Possibly derived from the Italian Galantuomo meaning "gentleman"
Galicki Jewish, Polish
A Jewish and Polish surname for someone from a lost location called 'Galice'
Galit גלית Hebrew
From the given name Galit.
Gamer Jewish
From the Russian pronunciation of Hamer.
Garfinkel Yiddish
Jewish (Ashkenazic) ornamental name or nickname from Yiddish gorfinkl ‘carbuncle’, German Karfunkel. This term denoted both a red precious or semi-precious stone, especially a garnet or ruby cut into a rounded shape (in which case it is an ornamental name), and a large inflamed growth on the skin like a large boil (in which case it is a descriptive nickname).
Garfunkel גאָרפֿינקל‎ Jewish, Yiddish
From גאָרפֿינקל‎ (gorfinkl), "carbuncle" in Yiddish, which in turns derives from German Karfunkel. A notable bearer of this surname is Art Garfunkel.... [more]
Garson Scottish, French, English, German (Anglicized), Spanish, Jewish
Variant of Scottish Carson and Corston, French Garçon, Spanish-Jewish Garzon and English Garston, or an Americanised form of German Gerson... [more]
Garten German, Jewish
metonymic occupational name for a gardener or overseer of a garden or enclosure. Originally the term denoted the keeper of an enclosure for deer later of a vineyard or smallholding from Middle High German garte "garden enclosure"... [more]
Gassmann German, Jewish
From German Gasse or Yiddish גאַס (gas), both from Middle High German gazze, meaning "street", denoting someone who lived in a street of a city, town or village.... [more]
Geller Yiddish, German, Russian
The name may derive from the German word "gellen" (to yell) and mean "one who yells." It may derive from the Yiddish word "gel" (yellow) and mean the "yellow man" or from the Yiddish word "geler," an expression for a redheaded man... [more]
German English, Norman, German, Jewish, Greek
From Old French germain meaning "German". This sometimes denoted an actual immigrant from Germany, but was also used to refer to a person who had trade or other connections with German-speaking lands... [more]
Gersch German, Jewish
Variant of Giersch. ... [more]
Gershon English, Hebrew
Hebrew One of the tribes of Israel ... [more]
Gerson German, Jewish
Variant of Jewish Gershon, or derived from a short form of the German given name Gerhard.
Gesshel געשעל, גשל Jewish
Possibly derived from Heshel, a Yiddish diminutive of the given name Yehoshua... [more]
Gestetner געסעטנער Hungarian, Yiddish
Gestetner, of an uncertain etymology, is the surname of the Gestetner mimeograph’s eponymous inventor.
Ghermezian Iranian, Jewish, Persian
The surname’s most notable bearers are the Ghermezian Family, Iranian Canadians of Jewish descent.
Ghez גז Judeo-Spanish
Variant of Guez.
Gideon גדעון English, Jewish
From the given name Gideon.
Gil גִּיל Hebrew (Modern)
From the given name Gil 3.
Gildner Jewish
Occupational name for a worker in gold, from Yiddish gildner 'golden'.
Gilmor גִּילְמוֹר / גִּיל-מוֹר Hebrew (Modern)
Combination of the surnames Gil and Mor, means "happy myrrh" in Hebrew, also a modern Hebrew version of the surname Gilmore.
Gimpel German, Jewish
German: from a pet form of the personal name Gumprecht (see Gombert). ... [more]
Gingold Jewish
An invented Jewish name, from Yiddish, literally "fine gold". Hermione Gingold (1897-1987) was a British actress.
Ginsberg Jewish
Ornamental varient of Ginsburg
Ginsburg German, Jewish
Habitational name for someone who came from Gunzberg in Bavaria, Günsburg in Swabia, or Gintsshprik (Königsburg) in East Prussia. Its origin is from the name of the river Günz, written in early Latin documents as Guntia, which was probably of Celtic origin, and Old High German burg meaning "Fortress, walled town".
Gitelman גיטלמן Jewish
Eastern Ashkenazic variant of Gittelman.
Gitlin Jewish
Matronymic from a pet name of the female given name Gute.
Glauber Jewish (Ashkenazi)
Derived from German glauben "to believe" and the suffix -er. It was originally given either to an elder of the tribe, one renowned for his counsel, or to a layman who kept 'the faith'.
Gloukh גלוך Russian, Jewish
Means "deaf" in several languages, from Slavic gluh. It is borne by the Israeli soccer player Oscar Gloukh (2004-).
Goeta גואטה Judeo-Spanish
Variant of Guetta.
Gogol Ukrainian, Polish, Jewish
Means "Common goldeneye (a type of duck)" in Ukrainian. Possibly a name for a fowler. A famous bearer was Nikolai Gogol.
Golan Jewish
Israeli ornamental name from the Golan Heights in Israel.
Goldberg German, Jewish, Danish
From German gold 'gold' and -berg, meaning 'gold-mountain'.
Goldburg English, Jewish
Anglicized form of Goldberg.
Goldenberg Jewish
Ornamental name from a compound of German golden literally meaning "golden" and berg meaning "mountain, hill".
Goldfarb English, German, Jewish
Goldfarb is a Jewish occupational name that was originally derived from the Old German word gold.
Goldfeder Jewish
Ornamental name composed of Old High German gold literally meaning "gold" and feder meaning "feather pen".
Goldfinger Jewish
Ornamental name composed of Old High German gold literally "gold" and finger "finger". It may perhaps also be a nickname for someone who wore a prominent gold ring on their finger.
Goldman German, Jewish
Possibly meaning goldsmith in German, from Gold and Mann.... [more]
Goldmann German, Jewish
occupational name for someone who worked with gold denoting anything from a gold-miner to a maker of gold jewelry or a gilder (someone skilled in decorating surfaces with a very thin layer of gold leaf)... [more]
Goldring German, English, Jewish
This surname was probably given to someone who wore a gold ring.
Goldstein גולדשטיין Jewish
Means "gold stone" in German.
Goldstern Yiddish (Germanized, Rare)
It is a Jewish surname that means (Gold Star), which in Hebrew is כוכב המלך דוד the star of King David. This surname has its origins in Hungary, Austria and Germany, this surname was bought by the Jews who worked as sellers of gold, diamonds, emeralds and jewels... [more]
Goldvaser וואַסערגאָלד Yiddish
Goldwater German (Anglicized), Jewish (Anglicized)
This name is an Anglicized form of the German or Ashkenazic ornamental surname 'Goldwasser', or 'Goldvasser'. The name derives from the German or Yiddish gold', gold, with 'wasser', water, and is one of the very many such compound ornamental names formed with 'gold', such as 'Goldbaum', golden tree, 'Goldbert', golden hill, 'Goldkind', golden child, 'Goldrosen', golden roses, and 'Goldstern', golden star.
Goldwyn English, Jewish
Derived from the Old English given name Goldwine, composed of the elements gold meaning "gold" and win meaning "friend".
Golomb Jewish
Ornamental name from Polish golab "dove" (from Latin columba "dove").
Golovchanskiy Russian, Jewish
Russian Jewish form of Holowczak.
Gorelick Jewish
A name given to people whose homes were burnt down. Americanized form of Gaerlick.
Goren גורן Jewish
Jewish (Ashkenazic) altered form of Horn (5), under Russian influence; since Russian has no h and alters h in borrowed words to g. In Israel the name has been reinterpreted by folk etymology as being from Hebrew goren 'threshing floor', which is in fact etymologically and semantically unrelated.
Goshen Jewish
Variant of German Göschen.
Gotlibe גאָטליבע Yiddish
Yiddish form of Gottlieb.
Gottfried German, Jewish
Derived from the given name Gottfried. A famous bearer was the American comedian and actor Gilbert Gottfried (1955-2022).
Graf Jewish, Yiddish
Ornamental name selected, like Herzog and other words denoting titles, because of their aristocratic connotations.
Granoff Jewish
Short form of Granovsky.... [more]
Granov Jewish, Bosnian
Habitational name from Granov, Ukraine.... [more]
Granovsky Jewish
From the town of Granov, Ukraine (cf. Granov).
Grau German, Jewish
Nickname for someone with gray hair or a gray beard, from German grau "gray".
Greenberger German, Jewish
Anglicized form of the German surname Grünberger, which is formed from the words grün "green", Berg "mountain", and the habitational suffix -er. This name indicated a person who lived on or near a forest-covered mountain.
Greenblatt Jewish
Ashkenazi Jewish Surname incorporating Yiddish/German elements meaning “Greenleaf.” Writer and storyboard artist C. H. Greenblatt (born 1972) most known for SpongeBob SquarePants is a famous bearer of this name.
Greenburgh German, Jewish
The surname Greenburgh is anglicized for the German Jewish surname Greenberg which translates into English as green mountain.
Greenstein גרינשטיין Jewish
From German, means "Green Stone".
Griner גרינער German (Anglicized), Jewish
Americanised form of German Greiner. It could also denote a person who came from various German places called Grüna or Grünau. In Jewish, it is a topographic name for someone who lived in a green of leafy area, derived from Yiddish grin meaning "green" or Middle High German gruene meaning "greenery".
Grob Jewish, Yiddish
From Yiddish grob. May also mean "fat".
Grobglas גרובגלס, גראָבגלאס Jewish
Perhaps an ornamental name derived from Yiddish גראָב (grob) meaning "crude, coarse, rough" and גלאז (glaz) meaning "glass". Israeli actress Yael Grobglas (1984-) bears this surname.
Grodsky Polish, Jewish
Altered spelling of Polish Grodzki, a habitational name from Grodziec or Grodzie, places named with gród ‘castle’, ‘fortification’ (cognate with Russian grad)... [more]
Grossman Jewish
Jewish nickname for a large man.
Gruber Jewish
A nickname from an inflected form of Yiddish dialect grub meaning ‘rude' or 'impolite’.
Grün German, Jewish
from Middle High German gruoni "green fresh raw" hence a nickname for someone who habitually dressed in green a topographic name for someone who lived in a green and leafy place or a habitational name for someone from a place called with this word such as Gruna Grunau in Silesia... [more]
Grünbaum German, Jewish
from Middle High German gruoni "green" and boum "tree" probably a topographic or habitational name referring to a house distinguished by the sign of a tree in leaf... [more]
Grünfeld German, Jewish
Habitational name from any of several places in northern and central Germany named Grünfeld named with elements meaning "green open country" derived from the elements gruoni "green" and feld "field"... [more]
Grünwald German, Jewish
Habitational name from any of various places called Grünewald from Middle High German gruoni "green" and wald "wood forest"... [more]
Grunwald German, German (Swiss), Jewish
German and Swiss German (Grünwald): habitational name from any of various places named Grün(e)wald, from Middle High German gruene ‘green’ + walt ‘wood’, ‘forest’. ... [more]
Guedj יגדג Judeo-Spanish
Possibly derived from the Kabyle word agaji related to movement, though it may in fact be a variant of the surname Guez.
Guetta גואטה Judeo-Spanish
Meaning uncertain, possibly from the name of a tribe from northwestern Libya or from the name of the town of Huete in Cuenca province, Spain.
Guez גז Judeo-Spanish
Either derived from Hebrew גָּזַז (gazaz) meaning "to shear, to cut (hair)" or Arabic قزاز (qazzaz) meaning "silk merchant, sericulturist".
Guggenheimer Jewish
Originally indicated a person from either Gougenheim in Alsace or Jugenheim in Hesse, perhaps meaning "home of Gogo(n)". Gogo(n) is a Germanic personal name
Gunzenhauser German, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from either of two places named Gunzenhausen, one in Württemberg and the other in Bavaria.
Guralnick Jewish
Occupational name from Ukrainian guralnyk, Yiddish guralnik "distiller".
Gurewitz Jewish
Belarusian and Lithuanian variant of Horowitz, a habitational name from Horovice in central Bohemia, now in the Czech Republic, which is named with a short form of a personal name formed with Hor, as for example Horimir, Horislav.
Gurion גּוּרִיּוֹן Hebrew
Short form of Ben-Gurion.
Gursultur גרסלתר Jewish (Latinized), Kurdish, Hebrew
This name is a composition of the following words: GUR; Hebrew for "lion cub", SUL; which is an abbreviation of Suleman (Kurdish for king Solomon), TUR; this word is derived from the Arba'ah Turim. The Arbaáh Turim are often called simply the Tur, which is an important Halakhic code.... [more]
Gut Jewish
Derived from Yiddish gut "good".
Guth Jewish
Variant of Gut.
Gutherz German, Jewish
Nickname for a kindly or righteous person. Derived from Middle High German guot meaning "good" and herz meaning "heart".
Gütlin German, Yiddish
Diminutive of GUTE and GUTA, recorded in Frankfurt, Germany throughout the 14th century.
Gutmann German, Jewish (Ashkenazi)
German cognate of Goodman. from Middle High German guot man literally "good man, capable man" derived from the elements guot "good" and man "man"... [more]
Gutner Jewish
Variant of Gut.
Gutnik גוטניק Ukrainian, Russian, Yiddish
Yiddish surname meaning "glassworker" from Yiddish hute meaning "glassworks".
Gutt Jewish
Variant of Gut.
Habermann German, Jewish
Occupational name for a grower or seller of oats, composed of the elements Haber and the agent suffix -mann.
Haccoun Judeo-Spanish
Derived from Arabic حق (haqq) meaning "truth", used as a nickname for an honest person.
Hackmann German, Jewish
Occupational name for a butcher or a woodcutter.
Hacohen הַכֹּהֵן Hebrew
Means "the priest" in Hebrew, from the word ha which means "the", and the surname Cohen.
Hadad חדד Arabic, Jewish
Alternate transcription of Arabic حداد (see Haddad), also used by Jews.
Hadar הדר Hebrew (Modern)
From the given name Hadar, means "splendour, glory" in Hebrew.
Hadida חדידה Judeo-Spanish
Derived from Arabic حديد (hadid) meaning "iron", used as an occupational name for a blacksmith.
Hafer German, Jewish
Metonymic occupational name for a grower of or dealer in oats, from German Hafer "oats". Compare Haber. As a Jewish surname, it is in many cases ornamental.
Hagan Jewish
Hebrew, shortened from haganah which means soldier
Hagège Judeo-Spanish
French variant of Hagege.
Hagege חג'אג' Judeo-Spanish
Variant of Hadjadj.
Hägler German (Swiss), Jewish
Accented form of Hagler. Primarily used in Switzerland.
Hagler German (Austrian), Jewish
Topographic name for someone who lived by a hedge or enclosure.
Haïk הייק Judeo-Spanish
French variant of Haik.
Haik חיאק Judeo-Spanish
From the name of a garment worn by Algerian women, derived from Arabic حاك (hak) meaning "to weave". It was used as an occupational name for a maker of these garments.
Haïm חיים Jewish (Gallicized)
French form of Haim.
Haim חיים Jewish
From the given name Haim.
Halbershtot האַלבערשטאָט Yiddish
Yiddish form of Halberstadt. It was first adopted as a surname by Tzvi Hirsh, the rabbi of the eponymous Eastphalian town.
Halevi הַלֵּוִי Hebrew
Means "The Levite" in Hebrew, from the word ha which means "the", and the surname Levi.
Halfen חלפון Judeo-Spanish
Variant of Halfon.
Halfon חלפון Judeo-Spanish
Occupational name derived from Hebrew חלפן (khalfan) meaning "money changer".
Halperin Jewish
Variant of Heilprin, a Yiddish spelling of the city of Heilbronn, Germany.
Halpern Jewish
Habitational name for someone originally from the city of Heilbronn in Germany, derived from Old High German heil meaning "whole" or "holy" combined with brunno meaning "well".
Halphen חלפון Judeo-Spanish
Variant of Halfon.
Hamberg German, Danish, Jewish
German, Danish, and Jewish (Ashkenazic) habitational name from any of several places named Hamberg. Jewish (Ashkenazic) variant of Hamburg.
Hamberger German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) habitational name for someone from any of various places named Hamberg. Jewish (Ashkenazic) variant of Hamburger.
Hamburg German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) habitational name from the great city and port at the mouth of the river Elbe, named with the Germanic elements ham ‘water meadow’ + burg ‘fortress’, ‘fortified town’.
Hamburger German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) habitational name for someone from Hamburg.
Hamel German, Jewish
Habitational name from the town of Hamelin, which sits on the Hamel river.
Hamershteyn האַמערשטיין Yiddish
Hammer German, English, Jewish
From Middle High German hamer, Yiddish hamer, a metonymic occupational name for a maker or user of hammers, for example in a forge, or nickname for a forceful person.
Hammerschmidt German, Jewish
Occupational name for a blacksmith, from German hamer, 'hammer' and schmidt, 'smith. See Hammersmith.
Handelman Jewish
Occupational name for a tradesman merchant or dealer.
Hanouna Judeo-Spanish
Variant of Hanoun used by Jews.
Harareet הֲרָרִית Hebrew
Topographic name derived from Hebrew הֲרָרִית (hararit) meaning "mountainous". A famous bearer was Israeli actress Haya Harareet (1931-2021; birth name Haya Neuberg), who had a prominent role in the movie Ben-Hur (1959).
Harush הרוש Hebrew
Haskell Jewish
From the personal name Khaskl.
Hassenfeld Polish, Jewish
Notable beaters of this surname are the Hassenfeld brothers who founded the Hasbro, INC. an abbreviation of their surname and the word brother. Hasbro, INC. is an American multinational conglomerate with you, board game, and media assets, headquartered in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.... [more]
Hasson חסון Hebrew (Modern)
Means "sturdy" or "strong" in Hebrew, it is not related to the Arabic name Hasan.
Hattendorf German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): habitational name from places called Hattendorf, near Alsfeld and near Hannover. The element hatt, had means ‘bog’
Hauser German, Jewish
From Middle High German hus "house", German haus, + the suffix -er, denoting someone who gives shelter or protection.
Häuter German, Jewish
German cognate of Skinner, from German haut "skin, hide".
Haver English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Jewish
Occupational name for someone who grows or sells oats.
Haverbus האַווערבוס Yiddish, Dutch
Means "blessed friend", from Hebrew חבר (haver) and ברוך (baruch) "blessed".
Haviv Jewish
Means 'Sweet' in Hebrew
Havshush חבשוש Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic (Modern)
Yemenite Jewish surname.
Hayat חייט Hebrew
Means "tailor" in Hebrew.
Hayoun חיון Judeo-Spanish
From a variant of the given name Chaim.
Hazzan Jewish
Occupational name for a cantor or singer of a synagogue, from Hebrew חזן (khazán) "cantor, leader of a congregation".
Hefner German, Jewish
Recorded in several spellings including Hafner, Haffner, and Hevner, this is as surname of early Germanic origins. ... [more]
Heid German, Jewish
Topographic name from Middle High German heide, German Heide ‘heath’, ‘moor’. Compare Heath.... [more]
Heide German, Jewish, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian
Variant of German Heid, and Dutch Vanderheide. Danish and Norwegian surname from various places called Heide all from the German elements heide, heidr, haith all meaning "heath"... [more]
Heidelberg German, Jewish (Ashkenazi)
Habitational name from any of the places called Heidelberg, of which the best-known example is in Bade.
Heidemann German, Jewish
Topographic name for a heathland dweller from heida "heath" (see Heid) and mann "man".
Heifetz Jewish
An invented Jewish name based on Hebrew chefets "pleasure". Lithuanian-born US violinist Jascha Heifetz (1901-1987) was a known bearer.
Heilprin Jewish
From the Yiddish name for Heilbronn, Germany.
Heimberger German, Jewish
Variant spelling of Heimburger.
Heimburger German, Jewish
Status name for a village head, derived from Middle High German heim meaning "homestead, settlement" and bürge meaning "guardian". It could also be a habitational name for someone from numerous places called Heimburg or Heimberg in Germany.
Hein German, Dutch, Danish, Jewish
German, Dutch, Danish, and Jewish (Ashkenazic): from a short form of the Germanic personal name Heinrich.
Heine German, Dutch, Jewish
Derived from a short form of Heinrich.
Heinemann German, Jewish
Combination of Heine, a short form of Heinrich, and Mann "man".
Heinowitz Jewish, German
Possibly a variant of Chaimowitz.
Held German, Jewish, Dutch
Means "hero" in German, ultimately derived from Middle High German helt. This name was bestowed upon a person either in its literal meaning or else in an ironic sense.
Hen חן Hebrew
From the given name Chen 2.
Hendel הענדל, הנדל Yiddish, German, Dutch
From the given name Hendel, a Yiddish diminutive of Hannah.
Henschel German, Jewish
From a pet form of the personal name Johannes (see John), or in some cases from a pet form of Heinrich.
Herbst German, Jewish
Nickname from Middle High German herbest "harvest". The modern German word herbst has come to mean "fall" the time of year when the harvest takes place... [more]
Herschmann German, Yiddish
Variant of Hersch with the addition of the German suffix -mann meaning "man".
Hershkowitz Jewish
Patronymic from the personal name Hershke, a pet form of Hersh.
Hershlag הרשלג Jewish, Yiddish
This is the original surname of Israeli-born American actress Natalie Portman (1981-), birth name Neta-Lee Hershlag.
Hershman Jewish
1 Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant of Hirschman.... [more]
Herzberg German, Jewish
habitational name from any of numerous places called Herzberg. artificial compound name from German herz "heart" and berg "hill".
Herzl הֶרְצְל, הערצל German, Jewish
Variant of Hertz. It was notably borne by the Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist, writer and political activist Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), who is considered the founder of the modern Zionist movement.
Heß German, Jewish
Variant spelling of Hess.
Hillel הִלֵּל Hebrew
From the given name Hillel
Himlfarb הימלפֿאַרב Yiddish
Means "color of the sky".
Himmelreich הימלרייך German, Jewish
humorous topographic name from a place so named as being at a high altitude from Middle High German himel "heaven" and riche "empire" meaning "kingdom of heaven, heavenly kingdom".
Himmelstein German, Jewish
topographic name for someone living by a feature so named from Middle High German himel "heaven, sky" and stein "rock, stone" meaning "stone in the sky, sky stone"
Hirschberg German, Jewish
Derived from many places named Hirschberg in the states of Thuringia and North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, or the historic city of Jelenia Góra in southwestern Poland. It is composed of Middle High German hirz meaning "deer, stag" and berg meaning "hill, mountain"... [more]
Hirschfeld German, Jewish, Yiddish
Ornamental name composed of German hirsch or Yiddish hirsh meaning "deer" and feld meaning "field". It is also a topographic name for someone who lived in an area of land frequented by deer or where millets grew.
Hirschl הירשל German, Jewish
Variant of Hirschel