Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kiyono JapaneseFrom Japanese 清
(kiyo) meaning "clear, pure, clean" and 野
(no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Kiyosaki JapaneseKiyo means "pure" and saki means "cape, promontory, peninsula".
Kiyota JapaneseFrom the Japanese 清 (
kiyo) "clearly," "brightly," "cleanly" and 田 (
ta or
da) "rice paddy."
Kiyoura JapaneseCombination of the Kanji 清 (
kiyo, "clear, pure, refreshing, clean") and 浦 (
ura, "bay, inlet"). A famous bearer of this surname was Japanese Prime Minister Kiyoura Keigo (清浦 奎吾; 1850–1942).
Kizewski PolishPolish, variant of Kiszewski a habitational name for someone from Stara Kiszewa (formerly Kiszewa) in Kościerzyna County in Pomeranian Voivodeship.
Kizuki JapaneseKizuki has various spellings. It combines 木 (ki) meaning “tree”, 気 (ki) meaning “spirit”, 稀 (ki) meaning “rare”, 希 (ki) “hope, rare” and 妃 (ki) meaning “princess” with 月 (tsuki) meaning “moon, month”... [
Klaar EstonianKlaar is an Estonian surname meaning "clear" or "ready". Ultimately, from the German word "klar", meaning "clear".
Klapdi ThaiFrom Thai กลับ
(klap) meaning "return, come back" and ดี
(di) meaning "good, fine, excellent".
Klapp GermanNickname for a gossip or a slanderer, derived from Middle High German
klaff meaning "prattle, malicious gossip".
Klass GermanThe name is patronymic and it comes from the German first name "Clausen" which is a variant of the name "Nicholas".
Klaver DutchMeans "clover" in Dutch, a topographic name for someone who lived by a field of clovers or a sign depicting them, or an occupational name for a clover farmer.
Kleber German, English (American)Derived from German
kleben "to bind, to stick", hence an occupational name for someone who applied clay daub or whitewash on buildings.
Kleffner GermanTopographic name from Middle Low German
cleff "cliff", "precipice".
Kleffner GermanNickname for a prattler or gossip, from Middle High German, Middle Low German
Kleiber GermanDerived from an agent Middle High German
kleben "to stick or bind" an occupational name for a builder working with clay or in Swabia for someone who applied whitewash. in Bavaria and Austria an occupational name for a shingle maker from Middle High German
klieben "to split (wood or stone)".
Kleindienst GermanOriginally an occupational name for a farmhand or laborer, who was second in line to a more highly paid class of servant. Derived from German
klein meaning "small, little" and
dienst meaning "service, duty".
Kleinknecht GermanA combining of the German word
klein "small" and
knecht "servant", originally an occupational name for a secondary hired hand. A famous historic figure who bore this surname was Jakob Friedrich Kleinknecht (8 April 1722 in Ulm - 11 August 1794 in Ansbach), a German composer of many works of chamber music and symphonies, flutist and Kapellmeister (chapel master).
Kleinschmidt GermanOccupational surname which means "small smith", that is, a maker of small forged items and metal hand tools.
Kleis Upper German, RomanshDerived from the given name
Kleis, a South German variant of
Klaus. The Kleis settled in Romansh-speaking areas after the Napoleonic Wars.
Klemm GermanEither from Middle High German
klem "narrow, tight", a nickname for miserly person, or from the related
klemme "constriction; narrows", a habitational name for someone who lived in a narrow area... [
Klempner GermanMeans "plumber, tinsmith" in German, originally from Central German and Low German, derived from Middle Low German
klampe "clamp"
Klepper GermanDerived from Middle High German
kleppern "to clatter, chatter; to gossip", a nickname for a talkative or gossipy person.
Klepper GermanA metonymic name for someone who bred or kept horses, from Middle High German
klepper "knight’s horse", possibly derived from
kleppen "to strike rapidly, to ring sharply" in reference to bells on their harness... [
Kliebert GermanOccupational name for a woodsman or woodworker, from an agent derivative of Middle High German klieben meaning "to cleave or split".
Klier German, Czech, Jewishartificial name (for Jews) and nickname (for Germans and Czechs) derived from German dialect
klier "castrated cock".
Klijn DutchCould be a variant of
Klein "small, little", or could be derived from Old Dutch
kluin (also
klyn or
kloen) "peat".
Klimaszewski PolishName for someone from a place called Klimaszewnica or Klimasze, both derived from
Klimasz, a pet form of the given name
Klin SloveneA nickname for someone with a beak-shaped nose, from
kljun "beak, bill" (old spelling
Kline AmericanKline is one of the smaller groups of anglicized forms of the German surname Klein.... [
Kling DutchOccupational surname meaning "blade" in Dutch, referring to a person who made knives. A Dutch cognate of
Klingbeil GermanFrom Middle High German
klingen "to ring or sound" and
bīl "axe", literally "sound the axe", an occupational nickname for a journeyman, carpenter, shipwright (or any occupation involving the use of an axe)... [
Klingemann GermanOccupational surname for a knife maker, literally meaning "knife maker, weapons smith". It is derived from German
klinge meaning "blade".
Klinger GermanKlinger is a German surname meaning ravine or gorge in Old German. The English variant of Klinger is
Klobučar Slovene, Croatian, SerbianOccupational name derived from Serbian, Croatian and Slovene
klobučar meaning "hatter" (a derivative of
klobuk meaning "hat"), originally indicating a person who made, sold or repaired hats.
Kloek DutchFrom Middle Dutch
cloec meaning "deft, clever, skilful", derived from Old Germanic
*klōkaz "strong, quick, smart".
Klok DutchFrom Middle Dutch
clocke "bell", an occupational name for someone who made or rang bells, or perhaps for a clockmaker. Compare
Van Der Klok and
Klomp Dutch, Low GermanMeans both "lump, block, compact heap" and "clog, wooden shoe" in Dutch, often an occupational name for someone who made such shoes. It could also be a nickname for a stocky or clumsy person, or a habitational name for someone who lived by a sign depicting a clog.
Klooster EstonianKlooster is an Estonian surname meaning "cloister" and "abbey". Borrowed from Middle Low German "klôster"; ultimately from Medieval Latin "claustrum".
Kloosterboer DutchOccupational name derived from Dutch
klooster meaning "monastery, convent, cloister" and
boer meaning "peasant, farmer".
Kloosterman DutchDerived from Dutch
klooster "cloister, monastery" and
man "person, man", given to someone who worked for a monastery or lived near one.
Klopfer German, Jewish (Ashkenazi)Derived from Middle High German
klopfen "to knock, pound, hammer", an occupational name for a clothmaker, metalworker, miner, or hunter. As a Jewish name, it can refer to a
shulklopfer, someone who knocks to call people to synagogue.
Klor German (Austrian)The Klor surname may have evolved from the feminine personal name Klara. Or it may have come from the Middle High German and Middle Low German "Klar," meaning "Pure" or "Beautiful".
Klose German, SilesianFrom a Silesian short form of the given name
Nikolaus. A notable bearer is the German former soccer player Miroslav Klose (1978-).
Klostermann GermanCombination of "kloster" meaning "monastery," and common German suffix Mann.
Klouda CzechFrom
Kloud, a vernacular short form of the Latin personal name
Claudius (see
Kluczewski m PolishHabititional surname for someone from a village called
Kluczewo, derived from
klucz, meaning "key."
Kluczyński m PolishVariant of
Kluczewski. A notable bearer was John C. Kluczynski (1896-1975), an American veteran who served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Klug German (Austrian)First recorded in the early 14th century in present-day Austria (southeastern region of the Holy Roman Empire at that time). The surname was derived from the ancient Germanic word
kluoc meaning "noble" or "refined".... [
Kluit DutchMeans "lump, clod (of earth)" in Dutch.
Kluivert Dutch, Dutch (Surinamese)Nickname perhaps related to Dutch
kluiven meaning "to gnaw, to bite, to nibble". A notable bearer is Dutch former soccer player Patrick Kluivert (1976-).
Klutz GermanThe ancient and distinguished German surname Klutz is derived from the old Germanic term "Klotz," meaning "awkward, clumsy." The name was most likely initially bestowed as a nickname, either on someone who was clumsy or in an ironic way on someone who was exceptionally graceful.
Kluver GermanFrom the word
kluven meaning "split wooden block". It used to refer to bailiffs.
Kmet Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, SlovakSlovenian, Serbian, Croatian, and Slovak status name for a type of peasant. In Slovenia this denoted a peasant who had his own landed property. In Serbia and elsewhere it was a status name for a feudal peasant farmer who cultivated the land of his lord instead of paying rent or doing military service... [
Knabe GermanGerman status name for a young man or a page, from Middle High German
knabe (English
knave). In aristocratic circles this term denoted a page or squire (a youth destined to become a knight), while among artisans it referred to a journeyman’s assistant or (as a short form of Lehrknabe) ‘apprentice’... [
Knabenshue m American GermanThis surname is an American anglicized version of the German surname
Knabenschuh. It means a "boy's shoe." The word maybe related to the English word "knave," which means rogue, scoundrel, or rascal... [
Knafo Judeo-SpanishLikely derived from Tamazight
akhnif referring to a type of woolen hooded cloak (a type of burnous). It has also been connected to the Hebrew word כָּנָף
(kanaf) meaning "wing".
Knapke GermanA relative of mine has said this surname means “over the hill” and that it is of German origin.... [
Knapp GermanOccupational name from the German word
Knapp or
Knappe, a variant of
Knabe "young unmarried man". In the 15th century this spelling acquired the separate, specialized meanings "servant", "apprentice", or "miner"... [
Knapp EnglishTopographic name for someone who lived by a hillock, Middle English "
nappe, Old English
cnæpp, or habitational name from any of the several minor places named with the word, in particular Knapp in Hampshire and
Knepp in Sussex.
Knatchbull EnglishA nickname from Old English
knatch "to strike" +
bull "bull", indicating strength.
Knauer German (Silesian)Nickname for a gnarled person, from Middle High German knur(e) 'knot', 'gnarl'. habitational name for someone from either of two places in Thuringia called Knau.
Knaus GermanComes from Middle High German knuz ‘proud’, ‘arrogant’, ‘daring’, hence a nickname for a haughty person. In Württemberg knaus (and in Switzerland knus) also meant ‘gnarl’, hence a nickname for a short, fat, gnarled person; topographic name for someone living on a hillock, from knaus ‘hillock’ in the Swabian and Alemannic dialects of German
Knavs SloveneSlovenian form of
Knaus, this was the maiden name of Donald Trump's wife, and current First Lady of the United States,
Melania Trump.
Knecht German, German (Swiss), DutchMeans "servant, assistant" in German and Dutch, an occupational name for a journeyman or male servant derived from Old Germanic
kneht meaning "servant, knight" or "youth, boy"... [
Kneen ManxManx cognate of the Gaelic surname
Mac Niadháin, itself derived from the Gaelic personal name
Nia meaning "champion." It may also be a corruption of the surname
McNiven (Anglicized form of
Mac Cnáimhín).
Knick GermanGerman: from
Knick “hedge”, “boundary”, hence a topographic name for someone living near a hedge or hedged enclosure or a metonymic occupational name for someone who lays hedges. Hedging is a characteristic feature of the pastureland of Holstein, Mecklenburg, Westphalia, and Lower Saxony.
Knickerbocker Dutch (Americanized)Americanized spelling of the Dutch occupational name
Knickerbacker "marble baker", i.e., a baker of children's clay marbles. This lowly occupation became synonymous with the patrician class in NYC through Washington Irving's attribution of his History of New York (1809) to a fictitious author named Diedrich Knickerbocker... [
Knie SwissA famous bearer is the Knie family, a Swiss circus dynasty that founded it in 1803. Today the circus is an enterprise with about 200 employees, operated by Frédy and Franco Knie and it is famous worldwide.
Knifati ArabicMeans "Knafeh maker," given to pasty makers specializing in Knafeh, a filo-dough middle-eastern pastry typically filled with cheese and syrup.
Knightley EnglishEnglish surname meaning knight. The book Emma by Jane Austen has a character named George Knightley.
Knighton EnglishEnglish surname which was derived from a place name composed of the Old English elements
cnihta meaning "servant, retainer" (genitive plural of
cniht) and
tun "enclosure, settlement".
Knipe EnglishHabitational name derived from Old Norse
gnípa "steep rock, cliff, overhang".
Knobel German, German (Swiss), YiddishDerived from the Middle High German
knübel probably a nickname for a fat person or in the sense "ankle". However the term also denotes a rounded elevation and may therefore also be a topographic name for someone who lived by a knoll... [
Knock EnglishTopographic name for someone living by a hill, from Middle English
knocke "hill" (Old English
Knodel Germandweller near a hilltop; descendant of Knut (hill, or white-haired); a lumpish, thickset person.
Knoedler GermanOccupational name, probably for someone who made dumplings, from an agent derivative of Middle High German knödel.
Knol DutchDerived from Middle Dutch
knolle "tuber, turnip, lump of earth", a nickname for a fat or clumsy person, or an occupational name for a farmer.
Knoll English, German, JewishEnglish and German topographic name for someone living near a hilltop or mountain peak, from Middle English
knolle ‘hilltop’, ‘hillock’ (Old English
cnoll), Middle High German
knol ‘peak’... [
Knopfler English, GermanDerived from
Knopf (German for "button"), this surname was originally given to button makers or button sellers. A famous bearer of this surname is English musician Mark Knopfler (1949-).
Knorr GermanFrom a nickname for a gnarly person, derived from Middle High/Low German
knorre "knot, protruberance".
Knös Swedish (Rare)Derived from the name of a farm named
Knorren or
Knörren in Sweden whose name is unexplained but possibly taken from Swedish
knusa "to crush, to crumble". Knös coincides with the Swedish word
knös meaning "rich person", but the surname existed before the vocabulary word appeared in the Swedish language.
Knott EnglishEither from the Middle English personal name
Knut, or denoting a person who lived "at the knot", which is the summit of a rocky hill.
Knowles IrishAs an Irish surname it is an anglicized form of Gaelic
Ó Tnúthghail meaning "descendant of Tnúthgal", a given name composed of the elements
tnúth "desire, envy" and
gal "valor".
Knowlton EnglishHabitational name from either of two places so named, one in Dorset and the other in Kent.
Knyazev m RussianDerived from князь (knyaz'), a word for a Russian prince used in the Kiyevan Rus' settlement.
Ko KoreanThere is only one Chinese character for the surname Ko. There are ten different Ko clans, but they are all descended from the Ko clan of Cheju Island. There is no historical information regarding the founder of this clan, but there is a legend which tells of three men who appeared from a cave on the north side of Cheju Island’s Halla Mountain... [
Ko JapaneseVariant transcription of Japanese Kanji 神 (see
Kobakhov m YakutFrom Yakut
куобах (kuobakh), meaning "rabbit, hare, bunny".
Kobari JapaneseFrom Japanese 小
(ko) meaning "small" and 針
(hari) meaning "needle, pin".
Kobashi JapaneseFrom Japanese 小
(ko) meaning "small" or 古 (
ko) meaning "ancient, old, previous" combined with 橋
(hashi) meaning "bridge".
Kobayakawa JapaneseFrom Japanese 小 (
ko) meaning "small", 早 (
baya) meaning "fast" and 川 (
kawa) meaning "river".
Kobiyama JapaneseFrom Japanese 小
(ko) meaning "small", 檜
(hi) meaning "Japanese cypress" and 山
(yama) meaning "mountain".
Koboldt German (Rare)Derived from German
Kobold (Middle High German
kobolt) "kobold; hobgoblin; puck; imp".
Kobori JapaneseFrom Japanese 小
(ko) meaning "small" and 堀
(hori) meaning "moat, ditch".
Koca TurkishMeans "large, great" or "husband" in Turkish.
Koçak TurkishMeans "brave, strong" or "generous" in Turkish.
Koch JewishKoch - which also has the meaning of Cook in German's origin was however not from that meaning. It origins are to be traced in the Jewish ancestory. The original meaning came from the word Star. Amongst the related surnames (with or without bar in front or a ba or similar appended) are: Koch, Kochba, Kok, Kock, Kuk, Coq, Coqui, Cook (as a translation from the perceived meaning of cook) and a host of others... [
Kochavi HebrewFrom Hebrew כוכב
(kokhav) meaning "star", commonly used as a replacement for Ashkenazi surnames containing the old German element
stern "star". For example, it was adopted as a surname by the Romanian-born Israeli archaeologist and university professor Moshe Kochavi (1928-2008), whose birth surname was
Kochendorfer GermanHabitational name for someone from any of several places called Kochendorf, in Württemberg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Bohemia.