All Submitted Surnames

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kazımova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Kazımov.
Kázmér Hungarian
From the given name Kázmér.
Kazmi Urdu
From the given name Kazim.
Kaźmierczak Polish
Derived from the given name Kazimierz.
Kazoe Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 主計 (see Kazue).
Kazue Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 主計 (kazue) meaning "(Ancient Japan) tax officer".... [more]
Kazueda Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 数枝 (see Kazue).
Ke Chinese
From Chinese 柯 (kē) meaning "axe handle, stalk, branch".
Keahi Hawaiian
From the given name Keahi.
Keala Hawaiian
From the given name Keala.
Kealoha Hawaiian
From the given name Kealoha.
Keane Irish (Modern)
A nickname for a "brave" or "proud" person deriving from Middle English given name Kene
Kear Scottish Gaelic
Kear is derived from the Gaelic name O'Ciarain or O'Ceirin, which comes from the Gaelic word ciar, meaning black or dark brown.
Kearns Irish (Anglicized)
Irish anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Céirín ‘descendant of Céirín’, a personal name from a diminutive of ciar ‘dark’, ‘black’... [more]
Kearny Irish
Variant of Kearney.
Kearse Irish
Variant of Keirsey.
Kearsley English
Derived from any of the English settlements called Kearsley
Keate English
Variant of KEAT.
Keay Irish (?), Scottish
Possibly from the given name Kay 1.
Keçeci Turkish
Means "felt seller, person who makes felt" in Turkish, derived from keçe meaning "felt, cloth".
Kedem Hebrew
Either means "east" or "ancient" in Hebrew.
Keder Estonian
Keder is an Estonian surname meaning "wheel".
Keedus Estonian
Keedus is an Estonian surname meaning "brew".
Keel English
English habitational name from Keele in Staffordshire, named from Old English cy ‘cows’ + hyll ‘hill’, or from East and West Keal in Lincolnshire, which are named from Old Norse kjolr ‘ridge’... [more]
Keel Irish
Irish reduced form of McKeel.
Keel German (Swiss)
Swiss German variant of Kehl.
Keel German (Anglicized)
Americanized spelling of German Kühl, Kiehl, or Kiel.
Keel Estonian
Keel is an Estonian surname meaning "language/speech" and also "reed".
Keeler English
English: occupational name for a boatman or boatbuilder, from an agent derivative of Middle English kele ‘ship’, ‘barge’ (from Middle Dutch kiel). Americanized spelling of German Kühler, from a variant of an old personal name (see Keeling) or a variant of Kühl.
Keeling Irish, English
Irish: see Keeley. ... [more]
Keenan Irish
Variant of O'keenan.
Keene English
Variant of Keen.
Keener English
Anglicized form of Kiener or Kühner.
Keerd Estonian
Keerd is an Estonian surname meaning "winding", "turn" and "spin".
Keerles Estonian
Keerles is an Estonian surname derived from "keerlema" meaning to "whirl" and "spin".
Keeth Irish
A Scottish and Irish place surname meaning "forest" or "wood" or "windy place".
Keeton English
Habitational name from a place called Ketton in Durham or one in Rutland or from Keaton in Ermington, Devon. The first is named from the Old English personal name Catta or the Old Norse personal name Káti and Old English tūn "settlement"; the second is probably from an old river name or tribal name Cētan (possibly a derivative of Celtic cēd "wood") and Old English ēa "river"; and the last possibly from Cornish kee "hedge, bank" and Old English tūn.
Keevallik Estonian
Keevallik is an Estonian surname meaning "hot spring".
Keever Celtic
From McKeever, a form of McIver, meaning "son of Ivor".
Kefalas Greek
Nickname for a big-headed or obstinate person, derived from Greek κεφάλι (kefali) meaning "head".
Kegler German
Nickname for a skilled or enthusiastic skittles player, from an agent derivative of Middle High German kegel meaning "skittle", "pin".
Kego Scottish
Scottish - Eaglesham, Renfrewshire Scotland
Keheley Irish (Anglicized)
americanized version of an irish clan name
Kehler German
Habitational name from various places called Kehl, notably the town across the Rhine from Strasbourg. In some cases it may be a variant of Köhler.
Kehoe Irish
Variant of McKeogh.
Keicher German
from the East Prussian dialect word keicher "small cake, pastry" hence a metonymic occupational name for a pastry chef or cook.
Keidar Hebrew
Keidar is an ancient nickname given to the descendants of Ishmael.
Keillor Scottish
Habitational name from a place in Angus called Keilor.
Keim German
Keinath German
Possibly a variant of Keinrath, from the personal name Konrad. ... [more]
Keiner German
Reduced form of the personal name Kagenher, from Old High German gagan 'against' + heri 'army'.
Keiper German
Similar to the origins of Kuiper (Dutch) and Cooper (English), Keiper was an occupation which means "cooper" or "barrelmaker".
Keirnan Irish
Gaelic form of Keirnan is Mac Thighearnain, which is derived from the word tighearna, meaning "lord." First found in County Cavan, Ireland.
Keirns English
Name for someone who works at a mill of makes butter.
Keirsey Irish
Topographic name of Norman origin name dating back to the 13th century.
Keiser German
Variation of Kaiser.
Kekkai Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 結解 (see Kekke).
Kekke Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 結解 (kekke), a variant reading of 結解 (ketsuge) meaning "klesha to nirvana".
Kekke Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 結解 (kekke), a variant reading of 結解 (ketsuge) meaning "account settlement", referring to someone who would deal with settlement of accounts.
Keklik Turkish
Means "partridge" in Turkish.
Kekoa Hawaiian
From the given name Kekoa.
Kelava Croatian
Possibly derived from Turkish kel, meaning "bald".... [more]
Kelce English
Variant of Kelsey.
Kelch German
nickname from Middle High German kelch "double chin", "goiter". from another meaning of Middle High German kelch "glass", "chalice", hence a metonymic occupational name for a chalice maker or a habitational name for someone living at a house distinguished by the sign of a chalice.
Kelder Estonian
Kelder is an Estonian surname meaning "cellar".
Kelekolio Hawaiian
From the given name Kelekolio.
Keleş Turkish
Means "brave, handsome" as well as "bald" or "ugly" in Turkish.
Kelham English
Derived from the village of Kelham, near Newark-upon-Trent, Nottingham.
Kell Estonian
Kell is an Estonian surname meaning "clock".
Kelleher Irish
From Gaelic Ó Céileachair meaning "son of Céileachar". The Irish given name Céileachar means "companion-dear", i.e., "lover of company".
Kellen German
From the name of a place in Rhineland, which is derived from Middle Low German kel (a field name denoting swampy land) or from the dialect word kelle meaning "steep path, ravine".
Kellers German
Variant of Keller.
Kellett Irish, English
Unknown meaning. Comes from Anglo-Saxon origin.
Kellner German, Dutch, Jewish, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian, French
German, Dutch and Jewish (Ashkenazic) occupational or status name from the Middle Low German kelner, the Middle High German kelnære, the Middle Dutch kel(le)nare and the German kellner#, all meaning "cellarman"... [more]
Kello Estonian
Kello is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "kell" meaning "clock", or "kellu" meaning "trowel".
Kellogg Irish
Anglicised form of Ó Ceallaigh
Kelm German
Germanized form of Polish Chelm ‘peak’, ‘hill’, a topographic name for someone who lived by a hill with a pointed summit, or habitational name from a city in eastern Poland or any of various other places named with this word.
Kelner German, English, Vilamovian
Means "waiter" in German.
Kelsay English
Variant spelling of Kelsey.
Kelsch German (Anglicized)
Partly Americanized form of German Koelsch.
Kelshaw English
Derived from the villages of North or South Kelsey in Lincolnshire.
Kelso Scottish
Habitational name from Kelso on the river Tweed in Roxburghshire, perhaps so named from Old English cealc "chalk" + hoh "ridge", "spur".
Kelson English
Means "son of Kel"
Kelton Scottish
Scottish habitational name from the village of Kelton in the parish of the same name in Kirkcudbrightshire.
Kelty Scottish
From the name of a village in Fife, Scotland, which was derived from Scottish Gaelic coillte "wooded area, grove".
Kelvin Scottish, English
See the given name Kelvin.
Kemelov Kazakh
Means "son of Kemel".
Kemelova f Kazakh
Feminine form of Kemelov.
Kemerer German
From the Old German word "kämmerer," which means "chamberlain." A chamberlain was the person in charge of the noble household; to him would fall the duty of ensuring that the castle and court of the noble ran smoothly.
Ķemeris Latvian
Derived from the place name Ķemeri.
Kemmer German
Kemmer is a surname. The surname Kemmer is an occupational surname. Further research revealed that the name is derived from the Old German word "kämmerer," which means "chamberlain." A chamberlain was the person in charge of the noble household; to him would fall the duty of ensuring that the castle and court of the noble ran smoothly... [more]
Kempe Swedish
Variant of Kämpe.
Kemper German, Dutch
German: status name denoting a peasant farmer or serf, an agent noun derivative of Kamp ... [more]
Kempes German, Dutch
German and Dutch variant of Kemp or Kamp. It could also be a habitational name for a person from any of the various places named Kempen on the border between Germany and the Netherlands (for example the town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, close to the Dutch border), a status name for a peasant farmer or serf, or an occupational name for an official calibrator who marked the correct weight and measures for verification, derived from Middle Low German kempen... [more]
Kempton English
From the name of a place in Shropshire meaning "Cempa's town" or "warrior town", from a combination of either the Old English word cempa "warrior" or the byname derived from it and tun "farmstead, settlement".
Kenapea Estonian
Kenapea is an Estonian surname meaning "beautiful head".
Kenderdine English
Origins: Staffordshire, England
Kendo Japanese
From Japanese 拳 (ken) meaning "fist" and 藤 (do, dou, dō) meaning "wisteria"
Kendrew English
Variant of Andrew, possibly influenced by Mcandrew. Notable namesake is Nobel Prize winning chemist John Kendrew (1917-1997).
Kendy English (?)
Variant of Kindy(?).
Kenesov m Kazakh
Means "son of Kenes".
Kenesova f Kazakh
Feminine form of Kenesov.
Kenma Japanese
Japanese surname meaning "to see enough".
Kenmuir Scottish
Derived from one of several places named with Gaelic ceann mòr "big end" (of a feature such as a hill or loch).
Kennaway English
From the medieval personal name Kenewi, from Old English Cynewīg, literally "royal war", or Cēnwīg, literally "bold war".
Kenneally Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Cionnfhaolaidh "descendant of Cionnfhaoladh", a personal name derived from ceann "head" + faol "wolf".
Kennebrew Scottish (Americanized, ?)
Americanized form of the Scottish surname Kinniburgh, which is derived from the feminine given name Kinborough... [more]
Kennerk English
The surname Kennerk was first found in Westphalia, where the name emerged in mediaeval times as one of the notable families in the western region. From the 13th century onwards the surname was identified with the great social and economic evolution which made this territory a landmark contributor to the development of the nation.
Kenneth English
Derived from the given name Kenneth.
Kennethson English
Means “Son Of Kenneth.”
Kenney English
Variant of Kenny
Kenny English, Irish, Scottish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Coinnigh "descendant of Coinneach" or Ó Cionaodha "descendant of Cionaodh".
Kenobi Popular Culture
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fictional character in the 'Star Wars' saga, created by George Lucas. The meaning of the name is not known, but as Lucas was very much influenced by Japanese samurai movies, it is possible that the name is a combination of Japanese 剣 (ken) "sword" and 帯 (obi) "belt".
Kensington English
English surname meaning "Cynesige's town", from the Old English personal name Cynesige and ton 'town'.
Kensit English
A surname of Old English, pre-7th-century origins. It derives from a locality, probably either Kingsettle in Somerset, which translates as "the seat of the King", and is believed to relate to Alfred the Great, or possibly Kingside in Cumberland, or to some now lost village or town with a similar spelling.
Kensley English
This surname might derive from the surname Kinsley or from the locational surname Kelsey (denoting someone who is from either North or South Kelsey in Lincolnshire).
Kent English (?)
Region in England
Kentel Estonian
Kentel is an Estonian surname meaning "pendant".
Kentie Scottish, English, Dutch
Origin and meaning unknown. The name Kentie was spread in the Netherlands when a Scottish soldier, Alexander Kenti, settled at Woudrichem, the Netherlands around 1650. Alexander Kenti was born and raised in the Scottish highlands... [more]
Kenton English
habitational name from any of various places so named Kenton, for example in Devon, Greater London (formerly Middlesex), Northumberland, and Suffolk... [more]
Kenttä Finnish
Means "field" in Finnish.
Kenwood English
From the settlement of Kenwood in the parish of Kenton, county of Devon, England. ... [more]
Kenworthy English (British, Anglicized, Rare)
his interesting surname of English origin is a locational name from a place so called in Cheshire, deriving from the Old English pre 7th Century personal name Cyna, a short from of the various compound names with the first element "cyne" meaning "Royal", or, Cena, a byname meaning "Keon", "Bold" or a short form of various compound personal names with this first element plus the Old English pre 7th Century "worthing" "enclosure"... [more]
Kenwyn Cornish (Rare)
This surname is derived from the name of a town and river in Cornwall, England (called Keynwynn in Cornish). It is said that the name is derived from Cornish keyn meaning "back, keel, ridge" and gwynn meaning "white, fair, blessed."
Kenyon English, Welsh
Kenyon is a surname from Wales meaning "a person from Ennion's Mound"
Kenza Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Kenza.
Kenzhebaev m Kyrgyz, Kazakh
Means "son of Kenzhebay".
Kenzhebaeva f Kyrgyz, Kazakh
Feminine form of Kenzhebaev.
Keodara Lao
From Lao ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "jewel, gem" and ດາລາ (dara) meaning "star".
Keogh Irish (Anglicized)
Variant of Keough, which is a shortened form of McKeough, itself an anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Eochadha meaning "son of Eochaidh"... [more]
Keohavong Lao
From Lao ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "gem, jewel", ຫາ (ha) meaning "seek, find, obtain" and ວົງ (vong) meaning "lineage, family".
Keomanivong Lao
From Lao ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "jewel, gem", ມະນີ (mani) meaning "gem, jewel" and ວົງ (vong) meaning "lineage, family".
Keomany Lao
From Lao ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "gem, jewel, glass" and ມະນີ (mani) meaning "gem, jewel, precious stone".
Keopanya Lao
From Lao ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "gem, jewel" and ປັນຍາ (panya) meaning "wisdom, intelligence, reason".
Keopaseuth Lao
From Lao ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "gem, jewel" and ​ປະ​ເສີດ (paseuth) meaning "excellent, magnificent".
Keopraseuth Lao
Alternate transcription of Lao ແກ້ວ​ປະ​ເສີດ (see Keopaseuth).
Keosavath Lao
From Lao ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "gem, jewel" and ສະຫວາດ (savath) meaning "sincere, open, beautiful".
Keosoupha Lao
From Lao ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "gem, jewel" and ສຸພາ (soupha) meaning "beautiful, handsome, pleasant".
Keough Irish, Scottish
Anglicized, reduced form of Mac Eochaidh meaning "son of Eochaidh".
Keovilay Lao
From Lao ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "jewel, gem" and ວິໄລ (vilay) meaning "splendid, beautiful".
Keovongsa Lao
From Lao ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "jewel, gem" and ວົງສາ (vongsa) meaning "family line".
Kepler German
From Middle High German kappe meaning "hooded cloak". This was an occupational name for someone who made these kind of garments. A notable bearer was German astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler (1571–1630).
Kepple English (American)
Americanized form of Köppel and Köpple.
Keppler German
Variant of Kepler.
Ker Scottish
Variant of Kerr.
Keränen Finnish
Possibly from Keräpää, a nickname for a bald person or someone with a round head and/or with closely cropped hair, combined with the common surname suffix -nen. In eastern Finland the name dates back to the 16th century.
Kerbel English, German, Russian (Rare)
Means "chervil" in German, a parsley-related herb. The surname probably came into England via Germanic relations between the two languages, hence it being most common in German & English countries.
Kerbow French
Possibly derived from the French word 'corbeau', meaning "raven".
Kercher German
1 Southern German variant of Karcher .... [more]
Keren Hebrew (Modern)
From the given name Keren.
Keres Estonian
Keres is an Estonian surname derived from "kere", meaning both "hull" and "coach work".
Kerezman Slovak
Also Kerzman;... [more]
Kerge Estonian
Kerge is an Estonian surname meaning both "slight" and "easy".
Kergoat Breton, French
From Breton ker "Village" or "Area" and koad "Woods".
Kerhervé Breton
From Breton ker "Village" or "Area" and the name Hervé.
Kerin Irish (Latinized, Rare)
Irish variation of Kieran. ... [more]
Kerjean Breton
Possibly derived from a Breton place name, apparently composed of Breton kêr "city" and the name Jean 1.
Kerk Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Guo.
Kermani Persian
Indicated a person from the city of Kerman in Iran, derived from Middle Persian klmʾn of uncertain meaning.
Kern German, Dutch, Jewish
from Middle High German kerne "kernel, seed pip"; Middle Dutch kern(e) keerne; German Kern or Yiddish kern "grain" hence a metonymic occupational name for a farmer or a nickname for a physically small person... [more]
Kerouac French (Quebec)
Variant form of Kirouac. This name was borne by the American novelist and poet Jack Kerouac (1922-1969), who was a pioneer of the Beat Generation, alongside William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg.
Kershaw English
It indicates familial origin within either of 3 places named Kirkshaw: 1 in Lancashire and 2 in the West Riding of Yorkshire.
Kerslake English
Topographic name for someone who lived by a stream where cress grew, derived from Old English cærse meaning "watercress" and lacu meaning "stream".
Kerstein German
Derived from -kirsch "cherry" and -stein "stone", variant of Kirstein.
Kerwin Irish
Variant of Kirwan.
Kesa Estonian
Kesa is an Estonian surname meaning "fallow".
Kesaväli Estonian
Kesaväli is an Estonian surname meaning "fallow field".