All Submitted Surnames

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kurimita Japanese
Kurimi means "chestnut" and ta means "field, rice paddy".
Kurimoto Japanese
Kuri means "Chestnut" and Moto means "Origin, Source, Root".
Kurimoto Japanese
From Japanese 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut" and 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Kurio Japanese
Kuri means "chestnut" and o means "tail".
Kurisingal Malayalam
Malayalam surname used by the St Thomas Christians of Kerala.
Kurisoo Estonian
Kurisoo is an Estonian surname meaning "evil swamp/marsh".
Kuristik Estonian
Kuristik is an Estonian surname meaning "gully".
Kurisu Japanese
This surname is used as 栗栖, 栗須, 栗洲 with 栗 (ri, ritsu, ononoku, kuri) meaning "chestnut", 栖 (sei, meaning "cobweb, den, hive, nest, rookery", 須 (shu, su, subekara.ku, subeshi, hige, matsu, mochi.iru, moto.meru) meaning "by all means, necessarily, ought" and 洲 (shuu, su, shima) meaning "continent, country, island, sandbar."... [more]
Kurisu Japanese
From Japanese 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut" and 栖 (su) meaning "nest, den".
Kurita Japanese
From Japanese 栗 (kuri) meaning "chesnut" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kuritsuka Japanese
Kuri means "chestnut" and tsuka means "mound, hillock".
Kuritsyn Russian
Derived from Russian курица (kuritsa) meaning "chicken".
Kuriyama Japanese
Kuri means "chestnut" and yama means "mountain".
Kuriyama Japanese
From Japanese 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
Kurizuka Japanese
A variant of Kuritsuka.... [more]
Kurnatowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Greater Polish village of Kurnatowice.
Kurnaz Turkish
Means "sly, cunning" in Turkish.
Kuroba Japanese
From the Japanese 黒 (kuro) "black" and 羽 (ha or hane) "wing."
Kurobe Japanese
From Japanese 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" and 部 (be) meaning "part, section".
Kurobiru Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 畔蒜 (see Abiru).
Kurochkin m Russian
From Russian курочка (kurochka) meaning "little hen, chicken".
Kurogi Japanese
Variant of Kuroki, Kuro means "Black" and Gi means "Tree, Wood".
Kurogiri Japanese
From Japanese 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" and 霧 (giri) meaning "mist"
Kurohashi Japanese
Kuro means "black" and hashi means "bridge".
Kuroi Japanese
Kuro means "black" and i means "mineshaft, pit, hole".
Kuroita Japanese
Kuro means "black" and ita mean "board, plank".
Kurokawa Japanese
From Japanese 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" combined with 川 (kawa) or 河 (kawa) both meaning "river."
Kuroko Japanese (Rare)
Kuro means "black" and ko means "child, sign of the rat". ... [more]
Kuromiya Japanese
Kuro means "Black" and Miya means "Shrine".... [more]
Kuromusha Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 黒武者 (Kuromusha) meaning "Kuromusha", a division in the division of Urano in the area of Iriki in the city of Satsumasendai in the prefecture of Kagoshima in Japan or a name of a group of several households in the Kadowari System that took place in the Edo Period in the former Japanese province of Satsuma in parts of present-day Kagoshima, Japan.
Kurone Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 畔蒜 (see Abiru).
Kuronire Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of 畔蒜 (see Abiru).
Kuronishi Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 畔蒜 (see Abiru).
Kuroniwa Japanese
Kuro means "black" and niwa means "garden".
Kurono Japanese
Kuro means "black" and no means "field, wilderness, plain".
Kuronuma Japanese
Kuro means "black" and numa means "swamp".
Kuropatkin Russian
Derived from Russian куропатка (kuropatka) meaning "partridge".
Kurosaka Japanese
Kuro means "Black" and Saka means "Hill, Slope".
Kurosaki Japanese
From Japanese 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
Kurose Japanese
Kuro means "black" and se means "current, ripple".
Kuroshima Japanese
From Japanese 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kurosu Japanese
From Japanese 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" and 須 (su) meaning "mandatory, necessary".
Kuroyanagi Japanese
From Japanese 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" and 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow".
Kurpjuhn German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German (and thus heavily Lithuanian influenced) name meaning "shoemaker", derived from Old Prussian kurpjuns "shoemaker", ultimately from Old Prussian kurpe, kurpi "shoe".
Kürschner German
Occupational name for a furrier, Middle High German kürsenære, from Middle High German kürsen meaning "fur coat".
Kursumulu Albanian
Meaning unknown.
Kurşun Turkish
Means "lead (the element), bullet, projectile" in Turkish.
Kurt Turkish
Means "wolf" in Turkish.
Kurth German
From the given name Kurt
Kurtoğlu Turkish
Means "son of the wolf" from Turkish kurt meaning "wolf".
Kurtsen Danish (Rare)
Means "son of Kurt".
Kurtz German
Variant of Kurz.
Kuru Japanese
Japanese: though written with the character for ‘give’ or ‘present’, the original meaning may actually be ‘sunset’. The name is listed in the Shinsen shōjiroku and is no longer common in Japan, but there is a city by that name in Hiroshima prefecture and the area may have ancient connections with the family.
Kuru Turkish
Means "dry, bare" in Turkish.
Kurumi Japanese (Rare)
From 栗 (kurumi) meaning "chestnut".
Kurup Malayalam
From a title traditionally bestowed upon weapon makers and masters of martial arts, of uncertain meaning.
Kurushima Japanese
From 栗 (kuru) meaning "chestnut" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kurusu Japanese
Combination of 来 (kuru), meaning "come, next", and 栖 (su), meaning "nest, den".
Kurvits Estonian
Kurvits is an Estonian surname meaning "woodcock" and "snipe".
Kuryakin Russian (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Koryakin.
Kurylenko Ukrainian
Possibly an alternate transcription of Ukrainian Кириле́нко (see Kyrylenko). A famous bearer is Ukrainian-French actress and model Olga Kurylenko (1979-).
Kurylo Ukrainian
From the personal name Kurýlo, a Ukrainian form of the ancient Slavic name Kiril, from Greek Kyrillos, a derivative of kyrios "Lord"... [more]
Kurzawa Polish
Of Polish origin, used by celebrities Karina and Ronald Kurzawa (duo from Sis Vs. Bro).
Kurzberg German, Yiddish, Jewish
From a location name meaning "short mountain" in German, from Middle High German kurz meaning "short" and berg meaning "mountain". As a Jewish surname it is ornamental.
Kurzhals German
Short Neck
Kuş Turkish
Means "bird" in Turkish.
Kusain Filipino, Maguindanao
From the given name Kusain.
Kusainov Kazakh
Means "son of Kusain" (see Husayn).
Kusainova f Kazakh
Feminine form of Kusainov.
Kusaka Japanese
meaning of sound of KUSA-KA is grassy-place. on kanji it means 日(sun) 下(under), there is association which grass grows good under the sun. this is the special case of usage of kanji in Japanese such as 飛鳥 asuka, 春日 kasuga and 長谷川 hasegawa.
Kusaka Japanese
From Japanese 日 (ku) meaning "sun, day" and 下 (saka) meaning "under, below".
Kusama Japanese
From Japanese 草 (kusa) meaning "grass, herbs" and 間 (ma) meaning "among, between".
Kusanagi Japanese
From Japanese 草 (kusa) meaning "grass" and 彅 (nagi) meaning "cutter". A notable bearer of this surname is actor Tsuyoshi Kusanagi (草彅 剛, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, 1974–).
Kusano Japanese
From Japanese 草 (kusa) meaning "grass, herbs" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Kusayanagi Japanese
From Japanese 草 (kusayanagi) meaning "grass" or 日 (kusayanagi) meaning "sun, day". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kusaynov m Kazakh
Alternate transcription of Kazakh Құсайынов (see Kusainov).
Kusaynova f Kazakh
Alternate transcription of Kazakh Құсайынова (see Kusainov).
Kuschmann German, Jewish
Probably derived from a Germanized form of the Ancient Greek given name Kosmas.
Kuşçu Turkish
Occupational name for a breeder, seller or trainer of birds, from Turkish kuş meaning "bird".
Kuse Japanese
Ku means "long time ago" and se means "world"
Kush English (American)
Americanization of Kusz, Kusch, Kuš and Kus.
Kushi Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 久枝 (see Hisaeda).
Kushibiki Japanese
From Japanese 櫛 (kushi) meaning "comb" and 引 (hiki) meaning "pull, stretch".
Kushida Japanese (Rare)
This surname is written multiple ways, Kushi meaning "Skewer" or "Comb" (these are different kanji),and da is "Rice Paddy".
Kushieda Japanese (Rare)
Kushi means "Comb" and Eda means "Branch, Twig".
Kushige Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 櫛笥 (Kushige) meaning "Kushige", a former alley in the area of Kushige in the ward of Kamigyō in the city of Kyōto in the prefecture of Kyōto in Japan.... [more]
Kushige Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 櫛 (kushi) meaning "comb" and 下 (ge) meaning "bottom; low", possibly referring to a comb case.
Kushige Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 櫛下 (Kushige), from 櫛下門 (Kushigemon), the name of one of the groups of several households in the Kadowari System that took place in the Edo Period in the former Japanese province of Satsuma in parts of present-day Kagoshima, Japan, as well as surrounding areas.
Kushman German, Jewish
Variant spelling of Kuschmann.
Kushner Jewish
This surname is a German Jewish given name. A notable bearer is Jared Kushner the son in law of President Donald J. Trump who became president in the year 2016.
Kushwaha Indian
Kushwaha (sometimes, Kushvaha) is a community of the Indo-Gangetic plain which has traditionally been involved in agriculture. The term has been used to represent at least four subcastes, being those of the Kachhis, Kachwahas, Koeris and Muraos... [more]
Kuslapuu Estonian
Kuslapuu is an Estonian surname meaning "honeysuckle tree".
Küster German
It literally means "sexton".
Kusuda Japanese
From Japanese 楠 (kusu) meaning "camphor tree" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kusunoki Japanese
"Camphor Tree"
Kusunoki Japanese
From Japanese 楠 (kusunoki) meaning "camphor tree".
Kusunoki Japanese
From Japanese 楠 (kusunoki) meaning "camphor tree". This name can also be formed from 楠 (kusu) meaning "camphor" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Kutch German (Anglicized)
Americanized variant of German Kutsch.
Kutcher Czech (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Kučer or Kučera. Notable actor Ashton Kutcher is of Czech origin.
Kutlu Turkish
Means "auspicious, blessed, happy, holy, lucky" in Turkish.
Kutnjak Croatian
Derived from kutnjak, meaning "molar".
Kutsar Estonian
Kutsar is an Estonian surname meaning "coachman".
Kutsch German
Topographic name of Slavic origin, from Sorbian kut ‘corner’, ‘nook’. Variant of Kutsche, metonymic occupational name for a coachman or coachbuilder, from the Hungarian loanword kocsi (see Kocsis).
Kutschera German
German cognate of Kučera.
Kutsuku Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese 鞠 (see Mari).
Kütt Estonian
Kütt is an Estonian surname meaning "hunter".
Kuttelwascher German
Surname given to those who had the occupation of cleaning tripe. Combines the words kuttel meaning "tripe" and washer meaning "washer". Bearers of the surname typically live in Austria.
Küttim Estonian
Küttim is an Estonian surname derived from "küttima" meaning "to hunt" or "pursue".
Kuttner German
Originally from a nickname for someone wearing monk robes from Middle High German kuttner "robe wearing monk".
Kutty Indian, Malayalam, Tamil
Means "child" in Malayalam and Tamil.
Kütük Turkish
Means "tree log, stump" in Turkish.
Kutz Italian
Habitational name for someone from Kuhz, near Prenzlau.
Kutz German
From a pet form of the personal name Konrad.
Kutz Polish
Germanized form of Polish Kuc "pony", "short person".
Kutzer German
Occupational name for a coachman or coach builder from old high German kutsche from Hungarian kocsi "coach". Variant of Kutscher.
Kutzler German
This is the surname of my great-grandfather, of German ancestry.
Kuub Estonian
Kuub is an Estonian surname meaning "coat" and "jacket".
Kuul Estonian
Kuular Tuvan
Derived from Tuvan куу (kuu) meaning "swan" or "gray". Names bearing unfavourable meanings were traditionally used by Tuvans to ward off evil spirits.
Kuulmata Estonian
Kullmata is an Estonian surname derived from "kuulmatu" meaning "unheard".
Kuulpak Estonian
Kuulpak is an Estonian surname meaning "bullet ("kuul") "pack/packet/stock" ("pakk").
Kuum Estonian
Kuum is an Estonian surname meaning "hot" and "blazing".
Küün Estonian
Küün is an Estonian surname meaning "barn".
Küünal Estonian
Küünal is an Estonian surname meaning "candle".
Kuur Estonian
Kuur is an Estonian surname meaning "shed" or "hovel".
Kuurmaa Estonian
Kuurmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "shed/hovel land".
Kuusalu Estonian
Kuusalu is an Estonian surname derived from "kuusik" meaning "spruce wood" and "salu" meaning "grove".
Kuuse Estonian
Kuuse is an Estonian surname meaning "fir".
Kuusepuu Estonian
Kuusepuu is an Estonian surname meaning "fir tree".
Kuusik Estonian
Kuusik is an Estonian surname meaning "spruce stand".
Kuusinen Finnish
A surname originating from Eastern Finland, comprised of the elements “kuusi” meaning “six” or “moon”, and the suffix “-nen” which is typical of Eastern Finnish surnames. A notable bearer of this name is the Finnish-Soviet politician and writer Otto V. Kuusinen, one of the original founders of the Finnish Communist Party.
Kuusk Estonian
Kuusk is an Estonian surname meaning "spruce".
Kuuskmaa Estonian
Kuuskmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "fir/spruce land".
Kuuspalu Estonian
Kuuspalu is an Estonian surname meaning "fir (kuusk) heathy woodland (palu)".
Kuut Estonian
Kuut is an Estonian surname meaning "kennel".
Küüts Estonian
Küüts is an Estonian surname meaning "lift".
Kuwahara Japanese
From Japanese 桑 (kuwa) meaning "mulberry" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Kuwajima Japanese (Rare)
Kuwa (桑) means "mulberry", shima/jima (島) means "island". Shima changes to jima because of rendaku. It is also possible to be spelled as Kuwashima
Kuwako Japanese
Kuwa means "mulberry tree" and ko means "child, sign of the rat, first of the Chinese zodiac."
Kuwamoto Japanese
Kuwamoto/桑元 = Mulberry Origin/Book
Kuwashima Japanese (Rare)
Kuwa (桑) means "mulberry", shima (島) means "island". It is also possible to be spelled as Kuwajima
Kuwata Japanese
From Japanese 桑 (kuwa) meaning "mulberry" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kuwatani Japanese
From Japanese 桑 (kuwa) meaning "mulberry" combined with 谷 (tani) meaning "valley". A notable bearer of this surname is Natsuko Kuwatani (桑谷 夏子), a Japanese voice-actress who is best known for voicing Ryōko Asakura from the Haruhi Suzumiya series and Alph from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha.
Kuwayama Japanese
From Japanese 桑 (kuwa) meaning "mulberry" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
Kuyeng Chinese (Russified)
Russified form of Kuang used by ethnic Chinese living in parts of the former Soviet Union (based on the Cantonese romanization of the name).
Kuyon Hungarian, Romanian
Largely unknown, but may have origins in a village in Poland, called Kujan. There’s records on the name at Ellis Island in New York where it was anglicized to the phonetic, Kuyon. There’s also a split in the main families with the name in the US to another diminutive, Kenyon.... [more]
Kuyper Dutch
Variant of Kuiper
Kuypers Dutch
Variant of Kuiper
Kuyt Dutch
Variant of Kuijt, notably borne by the Dutch former soccer player Dirk Kuyt (1980-).
Kuze Japanese
Ku means "long time ago" and ze comes from ze meaning "world".
Kuzin Russian
Means "son of Kuzya".
Kuzina Russian
Feminine form of Kuzin.
Kuzma Ukrainian, Belarusian
From the personal name Kuzma, Greek Kosmas, a derivative of kosmos ‘universe’, ‘(ordered) arrangement’. St. Cosmas, martyred with his brother Damian in Cilicia in the early 4th century ad, came to be widely revered in the Eastern Church.
Kuzmak Ukrainian
From the given name Kuzma.
Kuzmanoska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Kuzmanoski.
Kuzmanoski m Macedonian
Means "son of Kuzman".
Kuzmanovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Kuzman".
Kuzmin Russian, Ukrainian
Means "son of Kuzma".
Kuzmyn Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Kuzmin.
Kuznets Russian
The Russian variation of Smith.
Kuzome Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 久染 (see Hisazome).
Kuzu Turkish
Means "lamb" in Turkish.
Kvasnička Czech
from kvasnička ‘sour cherry’, applied as a nickname.
Kvist Swedish
Swedish surname meaning "twig, branch".... [more]
Kvitsinia Abkhaz
Mingrelian form of the Abkhaz surname Kutsnia; the Abkhaz name was replaced by the Mingrelian spelling during the era of Joseph Stalin. It is most likely derived from Abkhaz икуцны иааз (ikutsny iaaz) meaning "one who migrates", though the word квици (kvitsi) has no real meaning in Abkhaz... [more]
Kvon Chinese (Russified)
Russified form of Kuang used by ethnic Chinese living in parts of the former Soviet Union (based on the Cantonese romanization of the name).
Kvong Chinese (Russified)
Alternate transcription of Kvon.
Kwa Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Ke.
Kwak Korean
From Sino-Korean 郭 (gwak) meaning "outer city" (making it the Korean form of Guo) or 霍 (gwak) meaning "quickly, suddenly".
Kwan Korean
Korean Hanja: 管, 關 ... [more]
Kwasigroch Polish
person who ferments(kwasic) peas(groch)
Kwasnik Polish
Meaning: Sour or acidic.
Kwee Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Guo based on Dutch orthography.
Kwek Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Guo.
Kwiecień Polish
Derived from Polish kwiecień "April (month)".
Kwieciński Polish, Jewish
Habitational surname for someone from a place named Kwiecin, named after the Polish word kwiat, which means "flower".
Kwm Hmong
Original Hmong form of Kue.
Kwon Korean
Korean form of Quan, from Sino-Korean 權 (gwon).
Kwong Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Kuang.
Ky Vietnamese
Meaning Unknown.
Kyagumbo Shona
Meaning unknown.
Kyei African
Ghanaian surname that is derived from the Akan language. It means "greatness" or "to become great" in English.
Kyekyeku Akan
Meaning unknown.
Kyer English (American)
Anglicized form of Geier.
Kylychbekov m Kyrgyz
Means "son of Kylychbek".
Kylychbekova f Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Kylychbekov.
Kylyshbekov m Kazakh
Means "son of Kylyshbek".
Kylyshbekova f Kazakh
Feminine form of Kylyshbekov.
Kyne Irish
From Gaelic Ó Cadháin meaning "descendant of Cadhán", a byname meaning "barnacle goose".
Kyoguchi Japanese
From Japanese 京 (kyo) meaning "capital" and 口 (guchi) meaning "mouth, entrance".
Kyohoh Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 京応 (see Kyōō).
Kyōnō Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 皛 (kyō) of unknown meaning and 納 () meaning "to pay fees, to supply, to store, to complete, to restore".
Kyono Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 皛納 (see Kyōnō).
Kyōō Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 京 (kyō) meaning "capital city" and 応 (ō) meaning "to comply; to respond; to accord".
Kyoo Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 京応 (see Kyōō).
Kyoso Japanese
From Japanese 狂 (kyō) meaning "madness" and 想 (sō) meaning "thought, idea". The kanji that makes up Kyoso can also mean "fantasy".
Kyoto Japanese
From place name Kyoto.
Kyouou Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 京応 (see Kyōō).
Kyrgyzov Kyrgyz
Means "son of a Kyrgyz".
Kyriacou Greek (Cypriot)
Alternate transcription of Kyriakou chiefly used in Cyprus.
Kyriakos Greek
From the given name Kyriakos.
Kyrö Finnish
Origins remain unknown, might be deprived from the rare given name Kyrö or the location name. The earliest documented person with Kyrö as a surname dates back to 1553
Kyrychenko Ukrainian
Derived from the given name Kyryk.
Kyrylenko Ukrainian
Means "son of Kyrylo".
Kyte English
Variant of Kite.
Kyugoku Japanese
A variant of Kyogoku.