All Submitted Surnames

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Zahidov m Azerbaijani
Means "son of Zahid".
Zahidova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Zahidov.
Zahir Arabic, Urdu, Persian, Bengali
From the given name Zahir.
Zahiri Persian, Arabic
From the given name Zahir.
Zahirović Bosnian
Means "son of Zahir".
Zahitov m Tatar
From the given name Zahit
Zahm Medieval German
Zahm is a nickname from Middle High German Zam meaning "tame".
Zahn German
Zahn was a nickname given to a person with a peculiar tooth or a strange or defective set of teeth. It comes from the Middle High German Zan(t), which means "tooth".
Zähne German
The German surname Zähne is derived from the Middle High German word "zan," which means "tooth." It is believed that the surname takes its origin from a nickname, most likely bestowed on the original bearer due to either a prominent tooth or a missing tooth.
Zahner German
Name given to people who lived in Zahna, near Wittenberg.
Zahniser German
Alteration of German Zahneisen and/or Zahnhäuser and/or Zahneiser... [more]
Zahornacky South Slavic (Americanized, Modern, Rare)
Zahornacky is the americanized version of name Zahornitski, meaning “The people from over the mountain”. The name has roots in Czechoslovakian and Polish decent.
Zahra Maltese, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Zahra.
Zahrani Arabic
From the Arabic زهراني (zahran) meaning "flowering, blossoming"; ultimately from زَهْرَة (zahra) meaning "flower, blossom" (see Zahrah)... [more]
Zahraoui Arabic (Maghrebi)
Means "related to Zahra" in Arabic (chiefly Moroccan and Algerian).
Zähring German, German (East Prussian)
referred to a person from a place called Zehring. Also could refer to a person connected to the Zähringer dynasty that ruled in Southwestern Germany in the 17th century.
Zaib Urdu
From the given name Zaib.
Zaicikas Lithuanian
Could mean "rabbit"
Zaid Arabic
From the given name Zaid.
Zaidan Arabic
Derived from the given name Zaydan.
Zaïdi Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Zaidi chiefly used in the Maghreb and influenced by French orthography.
Zaidi Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Zaid.
Žáik Slovak
Slovak form of Zak.
Zaim Turkish
Zaim may be a representation of the male Arabic given name Za'im / Zaeim (Arabic: ضعیم / زاعِم/ زاعيم‎), meaning leader, chief. Correspondingly al-Za'im (Arabic: الزعيم‎) means "the leader".
Zaimi Albanian, Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from the given name Zaim.
Zaimoğlu Turkish
Means "son of Zaim".
Zain Arabic
From the given name Zayn.
Zaitsev Russian
From zaits, meaning "hare".
Zaizen Japanese (Rare)
From 財 (zai) meaning "wealth, riches, property" and 前 (zen) meaning "front, forward".
Zajączkowski Polish
A habitational name that was given to someone from any of the various places named Zajączki, Zajączkowo, or Zajączków (which were named for 'zajączek', a diminutive of the Polish word 'zając', meaning ‘hare’.)
Zajc Slovene
From zajec, meaning "hare".
Žák Czech
Czech form of Zak.
Zak Polish
A nickname given to youthful or studious people. Comes from the Polish zak, meaning "student" or "schoolboy". It originally meant "novice" or "candidate for the priesthood", and so in some cases it is perhaps a nickname for someone who had been destined for holy orders.
Zakareishvili Georgian
Meaning unknown.
Zakaria Arabic, Bengali
From the given name Zakariyya.
Zakarian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Zakaryan.
Zakariya Arabic
Arabic surname derived from the name of the prophet Zechariah.
Zakariyya Dhivehi, Arabic
From the given name Zakariyya.
Zakaryan Armenian
Means "son of Zakar".
Zaken Hebrew
Means "old man" in Hebrew.
Zakhaev Russian
Russian surname, likely a derivative of the given name Zakhey combined with the Russian suffix "-ev" ("of"), therefore meaning "of Zakhey."... [more]
Zakharenko Ukrainian
Means "son of Zakhar".
Zakharian Armenian (Ukrainianized), Russian (Ukrainianized), Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of the Armenian & Russian surname Zakharyan.
Zakharyan Armenian, Russian
Means "son of Zakhar" with the Armenian suffix yan.
Zaki Arabic
From the given name Zaki.
Zakimi Okinawan (Japanized)
Japanese reading of Japanese Kanji 座喜味 (see Jachimi).
Zakir Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Zakir.
Zaķis Latvian
Means "hare".
Zəkiyev m Azerbaijani
Means "son of Zəki".
Zəkiyeva f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Zəkiyev.
Zakowski Polish
a Polish surname which is most frequent in the cities of Warszawa, Płońsk and Bydgoszcz in central Poland and is also to be found as Zakowski among the Polish diaspora.
Zakrisson Swedish
Means "son of Zakris" in Swedish.
Zakuro Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 柘榴 (Zakuro) meaning "Zakuro", an area in the town of Seika in the district of Sōraku in the prefecture of Kyōto in Japan.
Zaky Arabic (Egyptian)
Alternate transcription of Zaki chiefly used in Egypt.
Zalbidea Basque
Habitational name derived from Basque zalbide "horses’ road", ultimately composed of zaldi "horse" and bide "path, track, way; journey".
Zaldibar Basque
From the name of a town and municipality in Biscay, Basque Country, derived from Basque zaldi "horse" and ibar "valley". Alternatively, the first element could instead be zaldu "wood, copse, forest".
Zaldívar Basque (Hispanicized), Spanish
Castilianized form of Basque Zaldibar "horse valley".
Zale English (American), Polish (Anglicized)
Possibly a habitational name derived from the Polish toponym Żale meaning "on the other side of the wood", from za "beyond" and las "forest".
Zalick English
Comes from the Greek surname Tsalikis.
Zalilov Tatar, Bashkir, Uzbek, Tajik
Variant transcription of Zhalilov.
Zalinsky Polish (Anglicized)
Americanized form of Zieliński, variant of Zielinsky.
Žaliūkas Lithuanian
From žaliūkas meaning "young, strong, healthy man", related to žalias meaning "green".
Zalmai Afghan, Pashto
From the Pashto given name Zalmai.
Zalman Yiddish
From the given name Zalman, a Yiddish diminutive of Solomon.
Zalusky Ukrainian
Derives from the Slavic word zalew, meaning "bay" or "flooded area". Given to families who lived near water or areas that flooded often.
Zaluzhnyy m Ukrainian
Means "meadow (adjective)".
Zamani Persian
From the given name Zaman.
Zamanian Persian
From the given name Zaman.
Zamanova f Azerbaijani, Bashkir
Feminine form of Zamanov.
Zamarripa Basque
Habitational name of the city and province of Zamora, which is located on the Duero in northwest Spain. Because of its strategic position, the city was disputed during the Middle Ages, first between the Christians and Moors, then between the kingdoms of Leon and Castille.
Zambon Italian, Italian (Swiss)
Derived from the given name Zambono, istself a northeastern variant of Giambono.
Zamboni Italian, Italian (Swiss), Romansh
Italian patronymic form of Zambon.
Zambrana Spanish
Likely comes from a town of the same name in Spain.
Zamfir Romanian
From zamfir, a variant of the Slavonic word samfir or safir meaning "sapphire".
Zamfirescu Romanian
Means "son of Zamfir" in Romanian.
Zamloch German (Austrian)
Altered, likely Americanized or Germanized, version of the Czech surname Zemlicka. Zemlicka derives from žemle, meaning "bread roll," and was a name given to bakers.... [more]
Żammit Maltese
Maltese form of the Sicilian name Zammito.
Zammit Berber, Northern African
Tunisian Berber name of unknown meaning.
Zamonte Filipino (Rare, ?)
Possibly a variant of Samonte.
Zamora Spanish
Habitational name from Zamora, a city in northwestern Spain, of uncertain etymology. Possibly derived from Berber azemur "wild olive tree".
Zamudio Basque
From the name of a town and municipality in Biscay, Basque Country, derived from zama "gorge, ravine" and odi "ravine, channel, tube". Alternatively, the second element could instead be -di "place of, forest of".
Zanamwe Southern African
Zimbabwean Surname, originally from the Chivi area, shona speaking people of the Shumba(lion) totem originate from the Masvingo province, Mwenezi, Chitanga,Chikombedzi, Boli Chibwedziva. Some migrated to the Mashonaland East province Mhondoro area and assumed the Moyo(heart) totem
Zañartu Basque
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous rural district in the municipality of Oñati.
Zanbrana Basque
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous municipality.
Zanda Italian
From Sardinian zanda "field poppy".
Zandegiacomo Italian
Zandegiacomo's migrated to America and changed the name to Zandi.
Zandvoort Dutch
From the name of any of several settlements in the Netherlands, derived from Dutch zand "sand" and voort "ford, crossing".
Zane English
Meaning unknown. It could be a Americanization of the German surname Zahn. Zane 1 is also used as a given name.
Zangara Italian
Southern Italian: from a feminine form of Zangaro ( see Zangari ).
Zangiev Ossetian, Soviet, Russian, Popular Culture
The Russified Soviet and Modern Russian form of the Ossetian surname Зæнджиаты Zændžiaty. A famous user of it is wrestler Victor Zangiev, himself the inspiration for Zangief of Street Fighter fame.
Zangoza Basque
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous Navarrese city.
Zani Italian
Comes from the personal name Z(u)an(n)i, a northeastern (Venetian) form of Gianni (from Giovanni, Italian equivalent of John). Zani or Zanni is a comic figure in the Commedia del’Arte, and the surname may be a nickname derived from this use, which is also the origin of the English word zany.
Zanini Italian
The surname Zanini or Zanin was given to the descendants of Giovanni (John). It originates from the diminutive of the Venetian variant of Zani, being Zanino.
Zanjani Persian
Indicated a person from the Iranian city of Zanjan.
Zanni Italian
From the first name Gianni, which derives from Giovanni, which is the Italian version of John, which means "the grace/mercy of the Lord." ... [more]
Zanotti Italian
Comes from a pet form of Zani.
Zanto German
Unknown origin and history.
Zanugg Romansh
Derived from a diminutive form of the given name Gian.
Zanussi Friulian, Italian
Zanussi is best known as the surname of an influential Italian inventor from Brugnera in Friulia. The name likely comes from zanuso meaning ‘sedge’ in Italian.
Zaouche Berber, Northern African
Kabyle name of unknown meaning.
Zapanta Filipino, Tagalog, Hiligaynon
Of Hiligaynon origin and uncertain meaning.
Zapata Spanish
Occupational surname for a shoemaker, from Spanish zapato meaning "shoe". It can also be considered a habitational name for someone originally from any of the various locations in Spain called Zapata.
Zapato Spanish
Means "shoe" in Spanish.
Zapheiropoulos Greek
Meaning descendant of Zapheiris, the name Zapheiris is translated to sapphire.
Zaporozhchenko Ukrainian
Means "from Zaporizhzhya".
Zaporozhets Ukrainian
Means "a Zaporizhzhyan".
Zaporozhskiy m Russian, Jewish (?)
Means "from Zaporozhye".
Zappone Italian
Possibly from an augmentative form of Zappa.
Zarafshan Persian
Means "spreader of gold" in Persian, from زر (zar) meaning "gold" and افشان (afshan) meaning "spreader, scatterer".
Zaragoza Spanish, Aragonese
Name given to someone who was from the city Zaragoza in the Aragon region in Spain.
Zárate Spanish
Habitational surname meaning "entrance to the grove coppice".
Zarate Basque
From the name of a hamlet in Álava province, Spain, possibly derived from Basque zara "thicket".
Zarautz Basque
From the name of a town in Basque Country, Spain, possibly derived from zara "bush, undergrowth" and a variant of (h)aitz "rock, stone".
Zárauz Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Zarautz.
Zare Persian
Derived from Arabic زارع (zari') meaning "farmer".
Zarei Persian
Derived from Arabic زارع (zari') meaning "farmer".
Zaremba Polish
Name for a woodcutter, derived from Polish zarabac, meaning ''to hack or chop''.
Zargari Persian
Derived from Persian زرگر‎‎ (zargar) meaning "goldsmith", ultimately from زر (zar) "gold".
Zaripov m Tatar
From the given name Zarip.
Zarn Romansh
Derived from the given name Balthazar.
Zarta South American
Chiefly used in Colombia.
Zarubina Russian
Famous bearer: Olga Zarubina (Ольга Зарубина), Soviet/Russian singer. ... [more]
Zarvishenko Ukrainian
The surname Zarvishenko is the Ukrainian version of the Urdu name "Zarvish"
Zashchitnik Russian (Rare)
From Russian защитник (zashchitnik), meaning "defender".
Zasimovič Belarusian
Means "son of Zasim".
Zaslavski Russian, Jewish
Variant transcription of Zaslavsky. A notable music producer ZEDD's real name is Anton Zaslavski.
Zaslavsky Russian, Jewish
Name for someone from the city of Iziaslav (or Zaslav) in Ukraine, derived from the given name Iziaslav.
Zatarain Basque
From any of several place names in Basque Country, Spain, probably derived from the toponymic suffix -ain and an uncertain first element possibly meaning "thicket, underbrush". Alternatively, could derive from an altered form of Basque talaia "watchtower, lookout, vantage point", which is ultimately from Arabic طليعة (ṭalīʕa) "forefront, vanguard".
Zatz Jewish
Abbreviation of the Hebrew phrase Zera TSadikim "seed of the righteous", assumed in a spirit of pious respect for one’s ancestors.
Zaun German
From a topographical name from Middle High German zun "fence, hedge" the German cognitive to Anglo-Saxon tun.
Žaŭniarovič Belarusian
Derived from Belarusian жаўнер (žaŭnier) meaning "soldier (of the Polish army)", borrowed from Polish żołnierz via German Söldner.
Zavarzina Russian
Feminine form of Zavarzin.
Zavattari Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian
A derivation of the Old French word 'savate'... [more]
Žavbi Slovene
The surname is mostly tied to prefession but can also be based off of certain personality traits or profession. It comes from the word "žavba", ointment, cream.
Zavos Greek
Used for someone who has a weird character or is considered stupid, found as a surname in Greek, probably derives from the word ζαβολιά (zavolia)which means cheating.
Zawada Polish
From zawada literally meaning "obstacle, hindrance", figuratively meaning "swashbuckler, troublemaker".
Zawadka Polish
Diminutive of Zawada.
Zay French
Frenchified form of German See.
Zayas Spanish, Caribbean
Derives from the Basque word 'zai', meaning watchman or guard.
Zayasu Japanese
From Japanese 座 (Za) meaning "squat; seat; cushion; gathering; sit" and 安 (Yasu) meaning "relax; cheap; low; quiet; rested; contented; peaceful".
Zaychenko Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Zaytsev.
Zaychik Russian, Jewish
Means "bunny" in Russian.
Zaydan Arabic
Derived from the given name Zaydan.
Zaydman Jewish
Russian variant of Seidman.
Zazai Pashto
Meaning uncertain.
Zazhigayev m Russian
From Russian зажигать (zazhigat'), meaning "light up".
Zazhivikhin m Russian
Probably from Russian заживить (zazhavit'), meaning "to heal".
Zazueta Spanish
Probably a topographic name of Basque origin, from an unexplained first element + the collective suffix -eta 'place or group of'.
Zazzara Italian
Ancient and very noble Lazio family, with residence in the city of Viterbo, known as Zazzara or Zazzera, of clear and ancestral virtue, which has spread over the centuries in various regions of Italy.
Zbären German (Swiss)
Zbären means "Bear hunter".
Zbirak Ukrainian (Rare), Polish (Rare)
Derived from the Polish 'zbierac' meaning to collect or gather
Zbornak American
Zbornak is a surname. A famous bearer is Dorothy Zbornak (Bea Arthur) from “The Golden Girls”.
Ždanovich Belarusian
Means "son of Zhdan".
Zdon Polish
Zdorovenko Ukrainian
Derived from Ukrainian здоров'я (zdorov ya), meaning "health".
Zdravković Serbian
Means "son of Zdravko".
Zdravkovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Zdravko".
Zdrojewski Polish
Habitational name for someone from any of several places called Zdroje or Zdrojewo, in particular in Bydgoszcz voivodeship, named with Polish zdroje meaning "springs","spa".
Zdunich Polish
Polish name of unknown meaning or origin. A notable bearer of this name is American actor/singer/artist/songwriter Terrance Zdunich.
Zeagler English (American)
Americanized spelling of German Ziegler.
Zeb Urdu
Derived from Persian زیب‎ (zib) meaning "ornament, adornment, beauty".
Zebrzydowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish village of Zebrzydowice.
Zebua Nias
Nias clan name possibly from a word meaning "biggest, largest".
Zec Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Slovene
Means ''rabbit''.
Zečević Serbian
Derived from zec, meaning ''rabbit''.
Zeches English
The surname Zeches was first found in Silesia, where the name was closely identified in early mediaeval times with the feudal society which would become prominent throughout European history. The name would later be associated with noble family with great influence, having many distinguished branches, and become noted for its involvement in social, economic and political affairs.
Zechman Jewish
Occupational name from Yiddish tsekh meaning "guild" or "craft corporation" and man "man".
Zedda Italian
Possibly from Sardinian zedda "cellar" or cedda "herd of animals", indicating someone who was an innkeeper or shepherd.
Zee Dutch
Reduced form of Dutch Van der Zee.
Zeeshan Urdu
Derived from the given name Zeeshan.
Ze'ev Hebrew
Means "wolf" in Hebrew.
Zeevi Hebrew
From the Hebrew given name Zev, meaning "wolf."
Zeferino Portuguese
From the given name Zeferino
Zeff Jewish
From the given name Zev.
Zegama Basque
From the name of a town and municipality in Basque Country, Spain, of uncertain etymology.
Zegarra Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly a Castilianized form of the Catalan Segarra.
Zeghlache Berber, Northern African
Kabyle surname of unknown meaning.
Zehner German
(chiefly Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland, and Württemberg): occupational name for an official responsible for collecting, on behalf of the lord of the manor, tithes of agricultural produce owed as rent.... [more]
Zehren German (Swiss)
From a prepositional phrase from Middle High German ze hērren, an occupational name for someone was in service of a lord.
Zeid Arabic
From the given name Zayd.
Zeidan Arabic
Derived from the given name Zaydan.
Zeidane Western African
Mauritanian variant of Zidane.
Zeilinger German
Habitational name for someone from Zeiling in Bavaria.
Zeilstra Dutch, West Frisian
Derived from zijl "sluice" and the suffix -stra denoting an inhabitant of a place. The name has also been connected to zeil "sail; to sail", possibly a nickname for someone who made sails or spent a lot of time on a ship.
Zeimet German, Luxembourgish
Western German and Luxembourgeois: probably a variant spelling of Zeimert, a variant of Zeumer, an occupational name for a harness maker, from an agent derivative of Middle High German zoum ‘bridle’.