All Submitted Surnames

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Zuaretz Hebrew (Modern)
Means "this land" in Hebrew, also Hebrew form of Suárez.
Zubair Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Zubayr.
Zubayraev Chechen
Means "son of Zubaira".
Zubayraeva Chechen
Feminine transcription of Chechen Зубайраев (see Zubayraev).
Zubčić Croatian
Possibly derived from zubić, meaning "small tooth".
Zubeldia Basque
A famous bearer of this surname is Aritz Aduriz Zubeldia, a Spanish professional footballer who plays for Athletic Bilbao as a striker.
Zubelza Basque (Latinized)
It means bushes, weed or shrub. Also known as oak; in Spanish is Carrasca or Carrasquilla.
Zuber German, German (Swiss)
German: Metonymic occupational name for a cooper or tubmaker, from Middle High German zuber ‘(two-handled) tub’, or a habitational name from a house distinguished by the sign of a tub. ... [more]
Zubiaga Basque
It literally means "from bridge".
Zubiani Italian
It comes from the given name Eusebio.
Zubiarriaín Basque
Zubarriaín has no known meaning.
Zubillaga Basque
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous council of the municipality of Lantaron.
Zubkov Russian
From zubok, meaning "little tooth".
Zucchino Italian
Derived from zucchino meaning "zucchini, courgette" (Cucurbita pepo). It is also related to those surnames derived from zucca meaning "pumpkin" and to those derived from zuccone meaning "dumb, stubborn".
Zuccoli Italian
Derived from the Italian word zucca meaning "pumpkin", originally referred to someone who used to grow or trade pumpkins.
Zucker Jewish
Occupational name for a confectioner or a nickname for someone with a sweet tooth, from German zucker or Yiddish צוקער (tsuker) both meaning "sugar". It is also used as an ornamental name.
Zuckerberg Jewish
Means "sugar mountain" from German zucker meaning "sugar" and Old High German berg meaning "mountain".
Zueena English (American, Modern)
Means "Black Feathers" and it originated with The Analuka Family of America.
Zufall Medieval German
A German name from the Middle High German "zuoval," meaning "benefit," "coincidence" or "windfall." It was a nickname for a lucky person, most likely a person to whom a plot of land had been given. It could also be an occupational name for a tax collector.
Žugić Serbian, Montenegrin
Derived from žuganje (жугање), meaning "whining, complaining".
Zugrăvescu Romanian
Patronymic surname of uncertain origin. It may be derived from the verb a zugrăvi meaning "to paint, to describe figuratively" and therefore mean "The descendant of he who describes/paints".
Zuhair Arabic, Dhivehi
Derived from the given name Zuhair.
Zuhm Low German
Name of a noble family from the island of Rügen.
Zuijdveld Dutch
From zuid "south" and veld "field".
Zuill English, Scottish
From the town of Zuill, Scotland. The "Z" pronounced as "Y" comes from ancient yogh representing a variety of sounds. The name itself is of unknown origin.
Zukas Lithuanian
Shortened form of Žukaskaus.
Zukin Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 頭巾 (zukin) meaning "headscarf, hood, handkerchief".
Zuleta Spanish, Basque
Variant of Zulueta, which comes from the Basque topographic name 'zulo' meaning ‘hole hollow’ + the collective suffix '-eta' meaning "place or group of."
Zulfikar Arabic
From the given name Zulfiqar.
Zulfiqar Arabic, Urdu
Derived from the given name Zulfiqar.
Zuliani Italian
Derived from Zuliano, the Venetian form of Giuliano.
Zuloaga Basque
It literally means "place of holes".
Zulum Kanuri, Nigerian
Derived from the Arabic Salim.
Zumarraga Basque
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous municipality.
Zumpano Italian
Comes from the town Zumpano in the province Cosenza in Calabria, Italy. The meaning is unknown but it possibly comes from a Greek-Calabrese surname.
Zumwalt German
German spelling Zum-Wald (to the forest) older german
Žuna Croatian
Derived from žuna meaning ''woodpecker''.
Žunec Croatian
Derived from žuna meaning ''woodpecker''.
Zúñiga Spanish
Spanish form of Zuñiga.
Zuo Chinese
From Chinese 左 (zuǒ) meaning "left, left-hand side".
Zupanc Slovene
Variant of Zupan.
Županović Croatian
Derived from župan, a noble and administrative title, the leader of a territorial unit called županija.
Zur Jewish
Ornamental name derived from Hebrew צור (tsur) meaning "rock".
Zurabashvili Georgian
Means "son of Zurab".
Zurabishvili Georgian
Means "son of Zurab".
Zurbano Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Zurbao.
Zürcher German
Habitational name for someone from the Swiss city of Zurich.
Zurdo Spanish
Means "left-handed" in Spanish.
Zurer Yiddish
Possibly a variant of Zur or Tzur. Israeli actress Ayelet Zurer (1969-) bears this name.
Zurich German (Swiss)
Habitational name from a city in Switzerland named Zürich.
Zurita Spanish, Aragonese
An Aragonese surname derived from the Stock Bird, a species of bird.
Zurita Spanish
Habitational surname from either of two places called Zurita in Huesca and Cantabria named with a derivative of Basque zuri 'white'
Żurowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish village of Żurowa.
Zurru Italian
From Sardinian "gush, spring (of water)".
Zurzolo Italian
The last name of actor, Lorenzo Zurzolo, who is Niccolo in Baby and Theodore Nott in Harry Potter.
Zuva Shona
Zuva means "sun or day".
Zuylen Dutch
Derived from the place name Zuilen.
Zvaitika Shona
Zvaitika means "It has happened". This name may be given as a celebration that something that was desired or awaited has finally happened.
Zvejniece Latvian
Feminine form of Zvejnieks.
Zvejnieks Latvian
Means "fisherman".
Zver Slovene, Russian, Croatian
Means "beast".
Zvezdanović Serbian (Rare)
Derived from the given name Zvezdan.
Zvezdochka Russian, Belarusian
Means "little star" or "small star", from Russian "звезда (zvezda)" and suffix "-очка (-ochka)" or "-ка (-ka)" meaning "little", " small", or "young". It can also be translated as "starlet"... [more]
Zviadadze Georgian
Means "son of Zviad".
Zviadauri Georgian
From the given name Zviad.
Zvizdić Bosnian
Derived from zvizda, meaning "star".
Zwack Polish
Comes from the Polish name "Czwak." Possible German roots as well.
Zwagerman Dutch
Possibly a compound of Dutch zwager "brother-in-law" and man "man, person".
Zwart Dutch
Means "black, dark, swarthy" in Dutch, a nickname for someone with dark hair or skin.
Zweinstra German
Zweinstra is a German, relatively unknown surname which is also sometimes used in Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein.
Zwiers Dutch
Patronymic form of the given name Swier, composed of swind "strong" and heri "army".
Zwierzchowski m Polish
Derived from Polish zwierz, meaning "beast, animal."
Zwilling German, Jewish
Means "a twin", as in a twin brother or twin sister. Often given to those who were twins.
Zwingli Swiss
Possibly derived from a place name in Toggenburg, Switzerland. A notable bearer was Huldrych Zwingli (1484 – 1531), leader of the protestant reformation in Switzerland, who was born in Wildhaus, Toggenburg... [more]
Žydovič Belarusian
Derived from Belarusian жыд (žyd) meaning "Jew, Hebrew".
Zygmuntowicz Polish
Patronymic from the personal name Zygmunt.
Zyk Russian, Belarusian
A Russian name now found in Belarus and other areas around "white Russia". Literally translates to the Russian word "beetle". It's pronounced "Z'ook" and has taken on other forms of spelling, such as; Zuck, Tzook, Shyk, etc.
Żyła Polish
Means "vein" (figuratively "bore") in Polish.
Zyrin Russian
Derived from Russian зырянин (zyryanin) or зыря (zyrya) meaning "Komi, Zyrian". This may have been a nickname for someone who looked like a person of this ethnic group.
Zyuganov m Russian
Gennadiy Zyuganov leads the KPRF.
Żywicki Polish
A habitational name that was given to someone from a place named ̣Zywy, or possibly from a nickname from the Polish word ̣'zywy', which means ‘live wire’.
Żywiecki Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish town of Żywiec.
Żyźniewski Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Masovian village of Żyźniewo.
Zyzykin Russian
Meaning uncertain.
Zzoha Arabic
Probably from the given name Zoha, which means "Morning light"