AkashiJapanese From Japanese 明 (aka) meaning "bright" and 石 (shi) meaning "stone".
AkechiJapanese From Japanese 明 (ake) meaning "bright" and 智 (chi) meaning "wisdom, intellect".
AkehashiJapanese This surname combines 昭 (ake) meaning "shining, bright" and 橋 (hashi) meaning "bridge".
AkehisaJapanese Ale means "bright" and hisa means "long time ago, lasting".
AkemiJapanese Ake means "bright" and mi means "mindset, view".... [more]
AkgünTurkish Means "white day" or "white sun" from Turkish ak meaning "white" and gün meaning "sun, day".
AkiJapanese Aki commonly means "Autumn" and "Bright,Luminous" as a first name and surname,but there's also "Rising Sun", "Crystal (Ball)" ,"Brightness,Luster" or "Obvious,Clear". First name Aki has far more kanji possibilities.
AkibaraJapanese This surname combines 昭 (shou, aki) meaning "shining, bright", 秋 (shuu, aki, toki) meaning "autumn" or 穐 with the same sounds and meaning with 原 (gen, hara) meaning "field, meadow, original, plain, prairie, primitive, tundra, wilderness."
AkimaruJapanese Aki can mean "bright, luminous" or "autumn". Maru means "circle, round".
AkishimaJapanese Aki can mean "autumn" or "bright" and shima means "island".... [more]
AkitaniJapanese Aki can means "bright" or "autumn" and tani means "valley".
AkiyoshiJapanese Aki can mean "bright" or "autumn", and yoshi can mean "good luck, fortune".
AlbiosFilipino (Rare) It derives from the Latin term "Albio" which means "white" or "bright". It has also been linked to geographical locations like "Albion" an ancient and poetic name for Britain. In Celtic mythologies Albio is associated with ancient Gods and Deities often embodying traits like nobility and guardianship.
ApolloItalian, Spanish From the Greek personal name Apollo. There are several saints Apollo in the Christian Church, including an Egyptian hermit and monastic leader who died in 395 ad. The personal name derives from the name in classical mythology of the sun god, Apollo, an ancient Indo-European name, found for example in Hittite as Apulana "god of the gate" (from pula "gate", cognate with Greek pylē), therefore "protector, patron".
ArguetaSpanish This surname was most likely originally used to identify a person who lived in a characteristically bright or luminous area.
AsahinaJapanese From Japanese 朝 (asa) meaning "morning", 比 (hi) meaning "comparison, match, equal" or 日 (hi) meaning "sun, day", and 奈 (na), a phonetic character.
BanglaBengali From বাংলা (Bangla), the endonym of the Bengali people, the region of Bengal (including Bangladesh), and the Bengali language. The word itself is derived either from Vanga, the name of an ancient kingdom on the Indian subcontinent, or from an Austric word meaning "sun god".
BanzonFilipino From Hokkien 萬 (bān) meaning "ten thousand, innumerable" and 孫 (sun) meaning "grandchild".
BarónSpanish nickname from the title barón "baron" applied as a nickname or as an occupational name for a member of the household of a baron; or from an old personal name of the same origin in the sense "free man"... [more]
BauzonFilipino Possibly from Hokkien 茅 (bâu) meaning "thatch, reeds" and 孫 (sun) meaning "grandchild".
BeausoleilFrench (Quebec) Surname of French origin. A topographic name from beau ‘lovely fair’ + soleil ‘sun’ probably denoting a place that was exposed to the sun or a habitational name from any of various minor places called so.... [more]
BernasconiItalian The surname of BERNASCONI is of Italian origin, a locational name meaning the dweller on or near a small hill. The names of habitation are derived from pre-existing names denoting towns, villages, farmsteads or other named habitations... [more]
BertagniItalian Bertagni has a lineage in Genoa and one in Lucca. Possibly derives from Gothic, Lombard and Germanic names containing the root germanica bertha (bright) or the celtic bert (bearer).
BertarelliItalian Probably from a given name containing the Germanic root behrat "bright" or Celtic berta "to carry, to bear".
BerthiaumeFrench French: from a Germanic personal name composed of the elements berht ‘bright’, ‘famous’ + helm ‘helmet’.
BertinFrench From the given name Bertin a diminutive of the ancient Germanic personal name Berhto a short form of various compound names formed with berht "bright famous".
BetschlaRomansh (Archaic) Derived from the Germanic name element beraht "bright". The name was replaced by the Italianized form Bezzola in the 18th century.
BhasinIndian, Hindi, Punjabi Believed to be derived from Sanskrit भानु (bhānu) meaning "ray of light" or "sun".
BlankGerman, Dutch, Jewish Means "white, pale, bright", a nickname for a person with white or fair hair or a pale complexion. As a Jewish name, it’s ornamental.
BlankenbühlerGerman Possibly means "from the bare hill", from blanken "bare, bright" and bühl "hill".
BlijlevenDutch From a nickname meaning "happy life" in Dutch, indicating a cheerful person.
BloodEnglish Derived from the Old English byname Blīþa (meaning "happy, blithe").
BosleyEnglish English habitation surname derived from the Old English personal name Bosa and the Old English leah "clearing, field". It's also possibly a variant of the French surname Beausoleil meaning "beautiful sun" from the French beau 'beautiful, fair' and soleil 'sun'... [more]
BoukourasGreek Name of Dacian/Illyrian or Thracian origin. It means "happy". Also, see the Romanian surname Bukur
BrechtGerman From a short form of any of various personal names formed with Germanic element berth " bright" "famous".
BrightEnglish From a Middle English nickname or personal name, meaning "bright, fair, pretty", from Old English beorht "bright, shining".
BrightwenEnglish From either of the two Old English given names Beohrtwine (a masculine name which meant "bright friend") or Beohrtwynn (a feminine name which meant "bright joy").
BucurRomanian A ancient Romanian name of Dacian origin. It means "happy". A legendary Romanian shepherd named Bucur it is said to have founded Bucharest, the present capital or Romania, giving his name to it (The Romanian city name is Bucureşti).
BunrueangThai From Thai บุญ (bun) meaning "merit" and เรือง (rueang) meaning "bright, brilliant".
CaderasRomansh Derived from Romansh casa "house" and dera "free area".
CanoyFilipino Possibly derived from Hokkien 橄欖孫 (ka-núi-sun) meaning "great-grandchild".
CasabuenaSpanish (Modern, Rare) Means "Happy House" or "House of Happiness" in Spanish, with the Spanish word "Casa", which means "House" and Buena, meaning "Happy" or "Happiness".
CausonFilipino From Hokkien 九孫 (káu-sun) meaning "ninth grandson".
ChaemchamratThai From Thai แจ่ม (chaem) meaning "bright, clear, shining" and จำรัส (chamrat) meaning "brilliant, radiant, prosperous".
ChanrueangThai Means "bright moon", from Thai จันทร์ (chan) meaning "Moon" and เรือง (rueang) meaning "bright; glowing; brilliant".
ChiakiJapanese (Rare) Depending on the kanji used can mean different things. Chi means "thousand" or "wisdom" and aki means "bright", "autumn", "sparkle", "crystal ball" or "shining". This is the last name of Naomi Chiaki, a Japanese singer... [more]
ChitsawangdiThai (Rare) From Thai จิตต์ (chit) meaning "mind; heart; soul; spirit; mentality", สว่าง (sawang) meaning "bright; shining", and ดี (di) meaning "good".
ChomchuenThai Means "congratulations" from Thai ชม (chom) meaning "see, watch, praise, admire" and ชื่น (chuen) meaning "happy, joyful, delighted".
ClaretCatalan Diminutive of clar meaning "clear, bright". This is the name of various towns in Catalonia. A famous bearer of this surname is Catalan saint and missionary Antonio María Claret (1807-1870).
CopernicusHistory Nicolaus Copernicus is a mathematician and astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of the universe... [more]
CorlissEnglish Derived from Old English carleas "free from anxiety; unconcerned", cognate to Old Norse kærulauss. This was a nickname given to a carefree person.
CuizonFilipino From Hokkien 貴孫 (kuì sun) meaning "expensive grandchild" or "precious grandchild".
CulbertEnglish, Scottish, Irish Meaning and origin are uncertain. Possibly derived from an unattested given name composed of beorht "bright" and an uncertain first element, or an altered form of Cuthbert... [more]
DainichiJapanese (Rare) From 大 (dai) meaning "large, big, great" and 日 (nichi) meaning "day, sun".
DaoheuangLao Means "marigold" (literally "bright star") in Lao, from the words ດາວ (dao) meaning "star" and ເມືອງ (huang) meaning "bright, clear, beautiful".
De BonteDutch Means "the colourful", from Dutch bont meaning "motley, multi-coloured; varied, mixed". Probably a nickname for someone known for wearing bright clothing, or perhaps figuratively referring to someone who behaves oddly or unpredictably.
De ClermontFrench Means "of the bright hill" from the French de meaning "of" and clair, cler 'bright', 'clear' + mont 'hill'
DriggersAmerican Corruption of the Spanish surname Rodriguez. Originated in 17th century Virginia as a former slave by that surname was integrated into free society.
DzhiotyOssetian Most likely related to Sanskrit उज्ज्वल (ujjvala) meaning "bright, radiant, luminous".
EchonFilipino From Hokkien 一孫 (it-sun) meaning "first grandson".
EdevaneWelsh, Cornish A rare Welsh surname, believed to be of Cornish origin. This surname is made up of two elements. ‘Ed’ is not a shortened form of Edward, but derives from the ancient (Old English?) ‘ead’ meaning ‘prosperity’ and/or ‘happiness’... [more]
EdirisuriyaSinhalese Derived from Sinhalese ඉදිරි (idiri) meaning "front, forward" and Sanskrit सूर्य (surya) meaning "sun".
EigenGerman Either a status name from Middle High German aigen "unfree; serf" denoting (in the Middle Ages) someone with service obligations to a secular or ecclesiastical authority (also in Switzerland); or from eigen "inherited property" denoting a free landowner (without feudal obligations)... [more]
ElenbaasDutch Reinterpretation of Elenbos or Elebaers (see Elbert), or from another Germanic personal name composed of the elements aljaz "other" or agil "point or edge (of a sword)" combined with berht "bright"... [more]
EngelbertGerman, English, French From a Germanic personal name composed of engel (see Engel) + berht ‘bright’, ‘famous’. The widespread popularity of the name in France during the Middle Ages was largely a result of the fact that it had been borne by a son-in-law of Charlemagne; in the Rhineland it was more often given in memory of a bishop of Cologne (1216–25) of this name, who was martyred.
EngelbrechtAfrikaans The name Engelbrecht has multiple translations, including "Angle Glorious" and "Bright Angel".
EnsorEnglish Derived from Endesor, a village in Derbyshire, indicating a person who lived there. Endesor itself is Old English, coming from the genitive case of the first name Ēadin and ‘ofer’, meaning ‘sloping ridge’ (From ‘Dictionary of American Family Names’, 2nd edition, 2022).... [more]
FaucettEnglish Locational surname from various British places: Fawcett in Cumberland, Facit in Lancashire, Forcett in North Yorkshire, or Fa’side Castle in East Lothian, Scotland. The linguistic origins of the name arise variously from, in Cumberland and Lancashire, "multi-coloured hillside" in 7th century Old English fag or fah, "brightly coloured, variegated, flowery" with side, "slope"; in North Yorkshire from Old English ford, "ford", and sete, "house, settlement"; or, reputedly, in East Lothian, "fox on a hillside"... [more]
FayneEnglish The surname Fayne is derived from the Middle English words "fein," "fayn," or " fane," which all mean "glad." The name was a nickname for a happy or good-natured person.
FeliceItalian Given name Felice, which is the Italian form of Felix.... [more]
FelizSpanish Means “happy” or “fortunate” in Spanish.
FlickGerman Nickname for a quick and lively person. From Middle High German vlücke meaning "awake, bright, energetic".
ForoughiPersian From Persian فروغ (forough) meaning "brightness, lustre".
FraleyEnglish (American) Anglicized/Americanized version of the German surname "Frohlich", meaning "happy" or "cheerful".
FramptonEnglish English: habitational name from any of various places so called, of which there are several in Gloucestershire and one in Dorset. Most take the name from the Frome river (which is probably from a British word meaning ‘fair’, ‘brisk’) + Old English tun ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’... [more]
FranklandEnglish Status name for a person whom lived on an area of land without having to pay obligations. From Norman French frank, 'free' and Middle English land, 'land'. This surname is common in Yorkshire.... [more]
FrankowskimPolish Habitational name for someone from any of the various locations named Franki, Frankowo, or Frankowa, all derived from Polish frank "franc, free"
FreeEnglish Nickname or status name from Old English frēo "free(-born)", i.e. not a serf.
FreiburgGerman Derives from the German words, frei, which means free, and berg, which means hill, and is the name of a city in Germany.
FreierGerman Status name of the feudal system denoting a free man, as opposed to a bondsman, from an inflected form of Middle High German vri "free".
FreimannGerman German cognate of Freeman. from Middle High German vriman "free man" status name in the feudal system for a free man as opposed to a bondman or serf derived from the elements fri "free" and man "man".
FrémontFrench (Americanized), English (American) Fremont is a French surname meaning Free Mountain. People include John Frémont a US Explorer and Politician who fought in the Mexican-American War to free California and many places named after him, Including Fremont, California, and Fremont Nebraska.
FreyGerman Status name for a free man, as opposed to a bondsman or serf, in the feudal system, from Middle High German vri "free", "independent".
FulbrightGerman (Anglicized) Americanized form of German surname Vollbrecht, composed of the elements folk ‘people’ + berht ‘bright’, ‘famous’
GalliganIrish Shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Gealagáin 'descendant of Gealagán' a personal name from a double diminutive of geal 'bright white'.
GanzonFilipino From Hokkien 顏 (gân) meaning "face, colour, hue" and 孫 (sun) meaning "grandchild".
GayEnglish, French Nickname for a lighthearted or cheerful person, from Middle English and Old French gai "happy, cheerful, joyous".
GayeEnglish Possibly a nickname for a cheerful person, derived from the archaic word "gay" meaning "happy". A famous bearer was the American singer Marvin Gaye (1939-1984).
GhiocelRomanian From Romanian ghiocel meaning "snowdrop" (flower).... [more]
GilmorHebrew (Modern) Combination of the surnames Gil and Mor, means "happy myrrh" in Hebrew, also a modern Hebrew version of the surname Gilmore.
GladSwedish Swedish soldier name meaning "happy". ... [more]
GladdingEnglish Given as a nickname to someone who is glad, in high spirits, and happy.
GladneyEnglish Probably means "bright island", from the Old English element glæd "bright" (cf. Glædwine) and the English element ney "island" (cf.... [more]
GlosterEnglish habitational name from the city of Gloucester. The place originally bore the British name Glevum (apparently from a cognate of Welsh gloyw "bright") to which was added the Old English element ceaster "Roman fort or walled city" (from Latin castrum "legionary camp")... [more]
GloucesterEnglish habitational name from the city of Gloucester. The place originally bore the British name Glevum (apparently from a cognate of Welsh gloyw "bright") to which was added the Old English element ceaster "Roman fort or walled city" (from Latin castrum "legionary camp")... [more]
GombertFrench, German French and German: from Gundbert, a Germanic personal name composed of the elements gund ‘battle’ + berht ‘bright’, ‘famous’... [more]
GoudeauGermanic (Rare, Archaic), French Possible variant of the surname Goethe. It also possibly derives from the diminutive Old French of "gode", meaning "happy-go-lucky, debauched".
GozonFilipino From Hokkien 五孫 (gō͘-sun) meaning "fifth grandson".
GuancheSpanish (Canarian), Berber, Guanche Derived from the name of the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands before the Spanish conquest. The Guanche people were a Berber-speaking people who arrived in the Canary Islands in the 5th century AD... [more]
GuanzonFilipino From Hokkein 关孫 (guān-sun), derived from 关 (guān) meaning "frontier pass" and 孫 (sun) meaning "grandchild."
GünaltayTurkish From Turkish gun meaning "sun, day" and altun meaning "gold". A famous bearer was the Turkish prime minister Şemsettin Günaltay (1883-1961).
GündoğduTurkish From Turkish gün meaning "sun, day" and doğdu meaning "born".
GünerTurkish From Turkish gün meaning "sun, day" and er meaning "man, hero, brave".
GuppyEnglish English habitational name from a place in Wootton Fitzpaine, Dorset, Gupehegh in Middle English. This is named with the Old English personal name Guppa (a short form of Guðbeorht "battle bright") + (ge)hæg "enclosure"... [more]
HappyEnglish It comes from an Old English word that means "aspen".
HeureauxFrench (Caribbean) Possibly from French heureux "happy, lucky, good". Ulises Heureaux (1845-1899) was the 22nd, 26th, and 27th president of the Dominican Republic
HibinoJapanese From Japanese 日 (hi) meaning "sun, day", 比 (bi) meaning "comparison, match, equal" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
HibiyaJapanese It consists of the Japanese Kanji meaning day/sun (日), ratio (比), and valley (谷). Chitose Hibiya from the manga and anime Chobits is a notable bearer of this surname.
HidaJapanese Possibly from 日 (hi) meaning "sun" and 田 (ta) meaning "rice paddy, field".
HikasaJapanese From Japanese 日 (hi) meaning "sun, day" and 笠 (kasa) meaning "conical hat".
HimiraJapanese Hi means Fire, hi means sun, Mi means beautiful,ra means Good or ra means Virtuous or ra means respectable
HinataJapanese From Japanese 日向 (hinata) meaning "sunny place", 陽向 (hinata) meaning "toward the sun", or a non-standard reading of 向日葵 (himawari) meaning "sunflower". Other kanji compounds are also possible.
HinodeJapanese 日 (Hi) means "Sun, Day", ノ (No) is a particle, 出 (De) means "Come Out". This surname means "Sunrise" in Japanese. It is uncommon, as a last name and a first name as well.
HinomoriJapanese (Rare) From 日 (hi) meaning "day, sun", 野 (no) meaning "field, plain", and 森 (mori) meaning "forest".
HitaJapanese Possibly from 日 (hi) meaning "sun" and 田 (ta) meaning "rice paddy, field".
HulbertEnglish 1 English and German: from a Germanic personal name, Holbert, Hulbert, composed of the elements hold, huld ‘friendly’, ‘gracious’ + berht ‘bright’, ‘famous’.... [more]
ImbertFrench From the medieval French personal name Imbert, of Germanic origin and meaning literally "vast-bright".
IwaakiJapanese From Japanese 岩 (iwa) meaning "cliff" and 明 (aki) meaning "bright". ... [more]
JacksEnglish Possibly derived as a diminutive of the given name Jack. A famous bearer is Canadian singer-songwriter Terry Jacks, best known for his 1974 single 'Seasons in the Sun.'
JastremskiUkrainian, Polish, Czech Derives from a Slavic surname and originates from western Ukraine. The term was initially used to describe either people from the East (Polish name) or people from the South (Ukrainian name). Jastremski is derived from the word jastrom, meaning 'easterner'.... [more]
JollyEnglish From the English word jolly, which is ultimately from Old French joli# ("merry, happy"). Originally a nickname for someone of a cheerful or attractive disposition.
KaetsuJapanese From Japanese 嘉 (Ka) meaning "applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious", and 悦 (etsu) meaning "ecstasy, joy, rapture". Other kanji combinations are possible, and can create alternate meanings.
KirigiriPopular Culture This surname is used as 霧切 with 霧 (bu, bou, mu, kiri) meaning "fog, mist" and 切 (sai, setsu, ki.ri, -ki.ri, ki.ru, -ki.ru, ki.re, -ki.re, ki.reru, -ki.reru, -gi.ri, -gi.re) meaning "be sharp, cut(off)."... [more]
KiyotaJapanese From the Japanese 清 (kiyo) "clearly," "brightly," "cleanly" and 田 (ta or da) "rice paddy."
KohinataJapanese From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small", 日 (hi) meaning "day, sun" and 向 (na, ta) meaning "approach".
KusakaJapanese meaning of sound of KUSA-KA is grassy-place. on kanji it means 日(sun) 下(under), there is association which grass grows good under the sun. this is the special case of usage of kanji in Japanese such as 飛鳥 asuka, 春日 kasuga and 長谷川 hasegawa.
KusakaJapanese From Japanese 日 (ku) meaning "sun, day" and 下 (saka) meaning "under, below".
KusayanagiJapanese From Japanese 草 (kusayanagi) meaning "grass" or 日 (kusayanagi) meaning "sun, day". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KutluTurkish Means "auspicious, blessed, happy, holy, lucky" in Turkish.
LacsonFilipino From Hokkien 六孫 (la̍k-sun) meaning "sixth grandson".
LajoieFrench From a nickname for a happy cheerful person from joie "joy" with fused feminine definite article la.
LambrosGreek Alternate transcription of Greek Λαμπρος (see Lampros), derived from Greek λαμπρός (lampros) meaning "bright, shining, brilliant"... [more]
LetoItalian From the personal name Leto. From Latin Laetus meaning "happy, joyful"... [more]
LevantEnglish Derived from the Italian word levante, meaning "rising" and the French word levant, meaning "to rise". The term entered the English language in 1497 and was used to describe the "Mediterranean lands east of Italy" by referring to the rising of the sun in the east... [more]
MalsagovIngush (Russified) Russified form of the Ingush clan name Малсагнаькъан (Malsagnaqan) meaning "tribe of Malsag", from a given name derived from Ingush малх (malkh) meaning "sun, solar" and саг (sag) meaning "person, man".
ManivanhLao From Lao ມະນີ (mani) meaning "gem, jewel" and ວັນ (vanh) meaning "sun, day".
MazighArabic (Maghrebi), Berber Derived from Arabic أَمَازِيغ (ʾamāzīḡ) the Arabic designation for the Berber (Amazigh) people of North Africa. The word itself is ultimately of Tamazight origin, from Central Atlas Tamazight ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ (Amaziɣ) of disputed meaning; in modern Central Atlas Tamazight, it means “free-man”.
MehraIndian, Hindi, Punjabi Either derived from Middle Persian mihr meaning "friendship, sun" or from a Punjabi word meaning "chief, master".
MengChinese From Chinese 孟 (mèng) meaning "eldest brother". It was also adopted by descendants of Meng Sun, a prince from the state of Lu that existed during the Zhou dynasty.
MeriwetherEnglish Means "happy weather" in Middle English, originally belonging to a cheery person.
MiyanichiJapanese Miya means "temple, palace, shrine" and nichi means "sun, day".
NaegiJapanese (Rare) This surname is used as 苗木 with 苗 (byou, myou, nae, nawa-) meaning "sapling, seedling, shoot" and 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood."... [more]
NeubertGerman Derived from the German word “neu,” meaning “new,” and the word “Bert,” which is a shortened form of the Germanic given name “Berthold,” meaning “bright ruler.” So, it means “new bright ruler”.
NishantIndian Derived from the Sanskrit name for dawn or the end of night. In Sanskrit Nisha (निशा) means 'Night' and Ant (अन्त) means 'End', which can be alliterated as the end of night or the first ray of the morning sun.
O'GalvinIrish Anglicized form of Ó Gealbháin, which means "descendant of the bright, fair one", derived from the Gaelic elements geal "bright" and ban "fair, white". A known bearer of the original form of the surname is Ciarán Ó Gealbháin, former signer of the Irish traditional music band Danú.
OlmertJewish Possibly from a Germanic given name of uncertain meaning. It could be derived from the Old High German elements ol meaning "ancestor" and mert, a diminutive of merida meaning "fame" or "bright"... [more]
ÕnnepaluEstonian Õnnepalu is an Estonian surname meaning "benefic/happy heath".
OsterdayAmerican (Germanized, Rare) One day in Germany there was a male infant left on the steps to a church. When someone found the baby on the steps, they decided to name him Oster because that day was the day of Easter. Easter in German is Oster... [more]
OzdoevIngush (Russified) Russified form of an Ingush family name, which is derived the old Ingush personal name Ozda used by members of the Ozda teip (clan). The name itself is of disputed origin and meaning, though it is thought to be of non-Nakh, Perso-Arabic origin... [more]
PareliusNorwegian Latinization of a learned Hellenized translation of either Solvorn, a placename in Luster (Sogn og Fjordane), or of Solnør, a placename in Skodje/Ørskog (Møre og Romsdal), Norway. The surname itself is then derived from Greek para heliou "near (or close by) the sun".
PhanouvongLao From Lao ພານຸ (phanou) meaning "light, sun" and ວົງ (vong) meaning "lineage, family".
PhanuwatThai (Rare) From Thai ภาณุ (phanu) meaning "light, Sun" and วัฒน์ (wat), from วัฒน (watthana-) meaning "prosperity, beauty".
PhasukThai From Thai ผาสุก (phasuk) meaning "happy, content, comfortable".
PhilbertEnglish From the medieval French male personal name Filibert, of Germanic origin and meaning literally "very bright, very famous".
PinchesEnglish (British, Rare) This is one of the very earliest of surnames. This is an English name. First recorded in the 12th century it was a nickname of endearment for a bright, chirpy, person, thought by his peer group to be active like a finch... [more]
PinsonFrench From Old French pinson "finch" a nickname applied to someone who whistles or sings like a finch or to a bright and cheerful person.
PleasantAmerican Means being a very bright man in the near future. Also can be used as a alias.
PobjoyEnglish From a medieval nickname for someone thought to resemble a parrot, from Middle English papejai, popinjay "parrot". This probably denoted someone who was talkative or who dressed in bright colours, although it may have described a person who excelled at the medieval sport of pole archery, i.e. shooting at a wooden parrot on a pole.
PriiEstonian Prii is an Estonian surname meaning "free".
PriidelEstonian Priidel is an Estonian surname derived from "prii" meaning "free".
PungaMaori The name means "reason, cause, origin". Punga is the name of the daughter of Ra (Sun) and his spouse Tame. This was the name of Ngati Mutunga chief Apitea Punga (1827?-1885) who had Moriori slaves and was a big land owner... [more]
QuezonFilipino Meaning uncertain, possibly a variant of Quizon or from Hokkien 郭孫 (keh-sun) derived from 郭 (keh) meaning "outer city" and 孫 (sun) meaning "grandchild"... [more]
QuimsonFilipino From Hokkien 金孫 (kim-sun) meaning "golden grandchild".
RadinmRussian From the old Slavic name element радъ (radŭ), meaning "happy, willing".
RainbirdEnglish From the Old French male personal name Rainbert, of Germanic origin and meaning literally "counsel-bright" (cf. Raginbert). The modern form of the name has been influenced by English rainbird "plover".
RambeauFrench (Rare), Frankish Altered spelling of the southern French family name Rambaut, from an Old French personal name, Rainbaut, composed of the Germanic elements ragin "counsel" + bald "bold", "brave", or alternatively from the Germanic personal name Hrambehrt or Hrambald, composed of the elements hramn "crow" & berht "bright" or bald "bold", "brave".
RampersadIndian, Trinidadian Creole, Mauritian Creole From Sanskrit राम (rāma) meaning "pleasing, pleasant, charming" combined with प्रसाद (prasāda) meaning "clearness, brightness, purity". It is primarily used by the Indian community in Trinidad and Tobago as well as Mauritius.
SadulaevChechen From the Arabic given name Sadulla meaning “happiness of Allah” from سَعِدَ (saʿida) “to be happy, to be lucky” combined with Allah.
SaengkrachangThai From Thai แสง (saeng) meaning "light, ray, beam" and กระจ่าง (krachang) meaning "clear, bright, brilliant".
SaengsawangThai From Thai แสง (saeng) meaning "light, ray, beam" and สว่าง (sawang) meaning "bright, shining, brilliant".
SaensukThai From Thai แสน (saen) meaning "very, extremely" and สุข (suk) meaning "happy, pleased".
SamsonFilipino From Hokkien 三孫 (sam-sun) meaning "third grandson".
SaysonFilipino From Hokkien 世孫 (sì sun) meaning "direct lineal descendant" or 西孫 (sai sun) meaning "western grandchild".
ScarlatoItalian Occupational name for a dyer, or as a nickname for someone who habitually wore scarlet or who had bright red hair, From Sicilian scarlatu "scarlet".
ScheinGerman, Jewish from Middle High German schīn German schein "shining brightness" hence a nickname for someone with either a radiant personality or possibly for someone living in a sunny location or a Jewish artificial name.
SchoenwetterGerman German (Schönwetter): nickname for someone with a happy disposition, from Middle High German schœn ‘beautiful’, ‘fine’, ‘nice’ + wetter ‘weather’.
SeabrightEnglish Derives from the Old English name Sæbeorht from sæ meaning "sea" and beorht meaning "bright". Related to Seabert.
SealyEnglish Derived from Old English sælig "blessed, fortunate, prosperous, happy" and was used as a term to describe someone with a cheerful, happy disposition.
SebertGerman, French From a German personal name composed of the elements sigi meaning "victory" + berht meaning "bright", "famous".
SeelyMedieval English Means "Blessed", "Happy", and/or "Lucky." By adding an Un- to Seely makes it "Unblessed", "Unhappy", and/or "Unholy." Used primarily in Northern England and Southern Scotland during the Middle English period but is derived from the Old English sǣl and gesǣlig... [more]
SheldrakeEnglish From a medieval nickname for a dandyish (showy) or vain man, from Middle English scheldrake, the male of a type of duck with brightly-coloured plumage (itself from the East Anglian dialect term scheld "variegated" combined with drake "male duck").
SherrardEnglish Probably from a medieval nickname based on Middle English shere "bright, fair", with the derogatory suffix -ard.
SherrellEnglish This surname is of English locational origin, from the place in Devonshire called Shirwell. The placename is first recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 as Sirewelle, and by 1242 as Shirewill... [more]
SherwoodEnglish From a place name meaning "bright forest", derived from Old English scir meaning "bright" and wudu meaning "tree, wood".
SiasonFilipino From Hokkien 謝孫 (siā-sun), derived from 謝 (siā) meaning "refuse, decline" and 孫 (sun) meaning "grandchild".
SibounheuangLao From Lao ສີ (si) meaning "majesty, glory, splendour" or "color", ບຸນ (boun) meaning "happiness, prosperity, goodness" and ເຮືອງ (heuang) meaning "bright, clear, beautiful".
SibunrueangThai From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, fame" combined with บุญ (bun) meaning "merit" and เรือง (rueang) meaning "bright, glowing, brilliant".
SilvergrassEnglish From English "Silver" and "Grass". Probably given from the plant called "Silvergrass", a Miscanthus type growing in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Islands, or a field shining with the sun.
SiosonFilipino From Hokkien 小孫 (sió-sun) meaning "youngest grandson".
SirueangThai From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour" and เรือง (rueang) meaning "bright, brilliant".
SisonFilipino From Min Nan 四孫 (sì-sun) or 四孙 (sì-sun) meaning "fourth grandchild".
SitchonFilipino From Hokkien 七孫 (chhit-sun) meaning "seventh grandson".
SkarlatosGreek Occupational name for a dyer, or as a nickname for someone who habitually wore scarlet or who had bright red hair, cognate to the Italian surname Scarlato.
SmileyScots, English From elements small and lea meaning "a small clearing" or as a nickname may refer to a person of happy disposition known for smiling.
SokKhmer Means "healthy, peaceful, happy, pleasant" in Khmer, ultimately from Sanskrit सुख (sukha).
SolanoSpanish, Aragonese From various Spanish place names, which are derived from Spanish solano meaning "place exposed to the sun" (from Late Latin solanus "pertaining to the sun", a derivative of sol "sun")... [more]
SolariItalian Habitational name from any of various places called "Solaro" or "Solara", from solaro 'site', 'plot', 'meadow', literally "land exposed to the sun".
SolntsevmRussian Derives from Russian word солнце (solntse) meaning sun. Yevgeniy Solntsev is the chairman of the DNR.
SolnyshkoRussian Derived from Russian diminutive of солнце (solntse), meaning sun.
SolsticeEnglish Taken from it's usage as a given name, which derived from Latin solsticium and thus ultimately from sol "sun" and stito "to stand still". The English word solstice refers to two times of the year when the sun's apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost or southernmost extremes.
SonnenbergGerman, Jewish From various place names derived from Middle High German sunne meaning "sun" and berg meaning "mountain, hill".
SounessScottish (Rare) Perhaps derived from the place name Soonhouse in the town of Melrose in the Scottish Borders area (which is of uncertain meaning), or from the place names Sun-hlaw or Sunilaw near the town of Coldstream, also in the Scottish Borders in Scotland, meaning "south hill" or "sunny hill" in Old English... [more]
SplendenteItalian From Italian splendente "bright, shining", supposedly given to an infants abandoned at orphanages on sunny days.
SubasingheSinhalese Derived from Sanskrit शुभ (shubha) meaning "splendid, bright, auspicious" and सिंह (sinha) meaning "lion".
SuguitanTagalog From Tagalog sugit meaning "intelligent, bright, clever".
SuksaiThai Means "bright, brilliant, radiant" in Thai.
SuksamranThai From Thai สุข (suk) meaning "joy, delight" and สำราญ (samran) meaning "happy, joyful".
SulickPolish Derived from the Polish given name “Sułislaw,” which is composed of the elements “sun” and “sław,” which mean “sun” and “glory”. It is thought to have originally referred to someone who was associated with the sun or who was considered to be illustrious or famous.
SuriPunjabi, Hindi, Indian (Sikh) Based on the name of a clan in the Khatri community, from Sanskrit suri "sun", ‘priest’, ‘sage’. It is also an epithet of Krishna.
SuriyaarachchiSinhalese From Sanskrit सूर्य (sūrya) meaning "sun" combined with the Sinhala title ආරච්චි (ārachchi) meaning "village leader, sergeant".
SuriyabandaraSinhalese Derived from Sanskrit सूर्य (surya) meaning "sun" combined with the Sinhala title බණ්ඩාර (bandara) used for a prince or chief's son.
SuriyawongThai From Thai สุริย (suriya) meaning "sun, solar" and วงศ์ (wong) meaning "lineage, family, dynasty".
SuryavanshiIndian, Marathi Derived from Sanskrit सूर्य (surya) meaning "sun" and वंश (vansha) meaning "lineage, clan".
ŚwitałaPolish Derived from Polish świt "dawn" "sun" "daylight" or świtać "to dawn". It is a nickname for an early-riser.
TabbertGerman, Frisian From Middle Low German tabbert, Middle Dutch tabbaert ‘tabard’, a sleeveless overgarment worn by men in the Middle Ages, (ultimately from French tabard, from Late Latin tabardum)... [more]
TafaraShona Tafara means "We are happy or we rejoice". It is a name of rejoicing