IzarraBasque Derived from either the village Izarra in Álava, or the town Lizarra in Navarre. The etymology of the former is uncertain, but it coincides with a form of the Basque word izar "star"; the latter derives from lizar "ash tree", but is called Estella ("star") in Spanish due to confusion with the aforementioned word izar.
IzokovmRussian Derived from изок (izok), the Russian term for June used before the Christianisation of the Rus'.
JaadlaEstonian Jaadla is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "jaataja" meaning "yea-sayer". Also, possibly a futher Estoniazation of surnames with foreign language suffixes or roots, such as "Jaakson" and "Jaanson".
JardelFrench Of debated origin and meaning; theories include a derivation from Old French jardel, a diminutive of jard (jardin in Modern French), meaning "garden".
JardimPortuguese Means "garden" in Portuguese, either a topographic name or a habitational name for someone from any of various places called Jardim.
JardinFrench, English Derived from Old French jardin meaning "enclosure, garden", hence a topographic name for someone who lived by a garden or a metonymic occupational name for someone who worked as a gardener.
JavertLiterature The name of the policeman in Victor Hugo's "Les Misérables." His name was taken from the word Javert, which means "to pursue relentlessly."... [more]
JaynesEnglish (British) The Jaynes surname is a patronymic name created from the personal name Jan, which was a Middle English variant of the name John, or as "son of Jan.
JegličSlovene "The Slovenian word for the Carniolan primrose." This name would likely have been given to people who inhabited the meadows of northwestern Slovenia where this flower is endemic.
JeknićMontenegrin Derived from jekanje (јекање), meaning "moaning, crying".
JesselEnglish From a pet-form of Jessop (a medieval male personal name - a different form of Joseph). A literary bearer is Miss Jessel, the governess who has charge of the two troubled and enigmatic children in Henry James's ghost story 'The Turn of the Screw' (1898).
JessieEnglish Possibly a variant of Jessey, an occupational name for someone making jesses (a short strap fastened around the leg of a bird used in falconry).
JewsonEnglish (British) A patronymic (also potentially matronymic) surname that means "the son of Jull", coming from the element Jull, a diminutive form of the personal name Julian or Juette from Iovis, the Roman god of thunder and the sky combined with the suffix of son.
JibikiJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 字 (ji) meaning "letter; character" and 引 (biki), the joining form of 引 (hiki), from 引き (hiki) meaning "pull", referring to a dictionary.
JlassiArabic (Maghrebi), Berber From the name of an Tamazight (Berber) tribal confederation in Tunisia; the name could be from Arabic إِخْلَاص (ʾiḵlāṣ) meaning "sincerity, devotion, loyalty" or of unknown Berber meaning.
JõõgerEstonian Jõõger is an Estonian surname, possibly a corruption of "jääger" meaning "hunter" and "trapper".
JoonasEstonian Joonas is an Estonian surname (and masculine given name); a variant of the name "Jonas".
JoplinEnglish Possibly derived from a Middle English diminutive of Geoffrey, a nickname from Middle English joppe "fool", or from the Biblical name Job... [more]
JowettEnglish From the medieval male personal name Jowet or the female personal name Jowette, both literally "little Jowe", a pet-form of Julian... [more]
JoysonEnglish Metronymic of the name Joy from the female given name Joia, deriving from the Middle English, Old French "joie, joye" meaning "joy". It may also be a nickname for a person of a cheerful disposition.