Swiss Submitted Surnames

Swiss names are used in the country of Switzerland in central Europe.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Barthélémy French
From the given name Barthélémy.
Bartholomäus German
From the given name Bartholomäus.
Bartoli Italian
Derived from the Italian name Bartolo.
Bartolo Italian
From the given name Bartolo
Bartolotta Italian
Bartolotta was the name taken by the followers of Saint Bartholomew. Bartholomew was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus. He is credited as bringing Christianity to Armenia in the 1st century.
Bartolozzi Italian
Derives from the medieval male given name "Bartholomew".
Bärtsch Romansh
Derived from the given name Bartholomäus.
Barwick English, German
English: habitational name from any of various places called Barwick, for example in Norfolk, Somerset, and West Yorkshire, from Old English bere ‘barley’ + wic ‘outlying farm’, i.e. a granary lying some distance away from the main village.... [more]
Barzagli Italian
Probably from barezzo, an old word of Germanic origin used to denote people who bred pigs or sold ham.
Basciani Italian
The surname Basciani derives from a nickname probably given to the family of origin (from the Latin "Bassus"), for the probable short stature of some components, although the derivation from the Campania family "Bassus" is not excluded.
Bascöurt French
The Bascourt or Bascur surname is from France, from that place dates the beginning of the surname, however the French of previous centuries had no records of that surname. ... [more]
Baseggio Italian
Venetian variant of the given name Basilio.
Basel German
Derived from Božel, a diminutive of the given name Božidar.
Basel German
Habitational name denoting someone from the city of Basel, Switzerland.
Baselgia Romansh
Derived from Romansh baselgia "church".
Basileo Galician, Italian, Spanish
From the given name Basileo.
Basilio Italian, Spanish
From the given name Basilio.
Basler German
Habitational name denoting someone from the city of Basel, Switzerland.
Bass Romansh
Derived from Romansh bass "short; low".
Bastian German
From the given name Bastian.
Bastiani Italian
From the given diminutive name Bastiano.
Bastiat French
Meaning of this name is unknown. Possibly derived from Sebastian The surname Bastiat was first found in Poitou, where this family held a family seat since ancient times.
Bastien French
From the given name Bastien.
Baszler German
Bataille French
nickname for a bellicose man from bataille "battle" (from Latin battualia) or a habitational name from (La) Bataille the name of several places in France all named as the site of a battle in former times.
Batistuta Italian
Possibly from a diminutive of the given name Battista. A famous bearer is the former Argentinian soccer player Gabriel Batistuta (1969-).
Battiloro Italian
Means "goldworker", specifically an artisan who applied gold foil to other material, from Italian batti "to beat, to strike" and 'l oro "the gold".
Battiste French
Variant of Baptiste, originated from the occupation as a baptist.
Battistella Italian
From St. John the Baptist, the first bearers of this name were devoted to this saint. Another etymology would be a patronymic from the given name Battista, anyway linked to the aforementioned saint.
Batz Upper German
Derived from Alemannic Swabian Batz "pile; large quantity", possibly applied as a nickname either for a man of large physical proportions or for a man of wealth. The term also denoted a coin and may have been used metonymically for a coiner... [more]
Baud French
Derived from the given name Baldo.
Baudelaire French
A French surname, coming from the word "baudelaire", which is a short, broad, and curved sword used in heraldry.
Baudoin French
From the given name Baudoin.
Baudouin French
From the given name Baudouin.
Baudric French (Rare)
Derived from the medieval French given name Baudric, which was a variant form of Baldéric, the French form of Baldric.
Baudry French
Derived from the medieval French given name Baudry, which was a variant form of Baudric, a given name that itself was a variant form of Baldéric (see Baldric)... [more]
Bauerdick German
A surname originating from the Rhineland region of Germany. It is derived from German Bauer (Bur in the locals dialects) "farmer" and Deich (Diek and Dick in the local dialects) "levee" or Teich "pond"... [more]
Bauersack German
Semi-Germanized form of the Polish surname Burczak, originally derived from Polish burczec "growl; shout".... [more]
Bauknecht German, Upper German
Occupational name for a farm worker from Middle High German buknecht "plowboy, farmhand" derived from the elements bu "farm" and kneht "servant, apprentice".
Bault French
Variant of Baud.
Bauman German, Jewish, Scandinavian
Respelling of German Baumann or Jewish (Ashkenazic) or Scandinavian spelling of the same name.
Baumeister German
Occupational name for a "builder" in German; from Middle High German 'buwen' 'to build' + meister 'master'.... [more]
Baumkötter German (Modern)
From the German words 'Baum' meaning 'tree' and 'Kötter' a type of villager who dwelt in a cottage, similar to the Scottish Cotter. "Presumably a 'Baumkötter' earned money from a small orchard on their property."
Bavaro Italian
Ethnic name from bavaro "Bavarian" someone from Bavaria, now part of Germany, but formerly an independent kingdom.
Baviera Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Catalan
Means "Bavaria" in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Catalan. Indicating for someone from Bavaria a state in Germany.
Bay English, French, Dutch
Derived from Middle English and Old French bay, bai and Middle Dutch bay, all meaning "reddish brown". It was originally a nickname for someone with a hair color similar to that.
Bay German
From the given name Baio.
Bayers German
Variant of Bayer.
Bayle French
Occupational name for a Bailiff from Old French Bailli "bailiff" (from Latin baiulus).
Beamer German (Americanized)
Americanized spelling of German Böhmer or Bäumer.
Bearth Romansh
Derived from the given name Albert.
Beas German
Possibly a variant of Bies.
Beau French
Nickname for a handsome man (perhaps also ironically for an ugly one) from Old French beu bel "beautiful, handsome" (from Late Latin bellus)... [more]
Beauchamp English, French
From the name of various places in France, for example in Manche and Somme, which was derived from Old French beu, bel meaning "fair, lovely" and champ, champs "field, plain".
Beaufay French (Rare)
In most cases, this surname is a locational surname that most likely took its name from the village of Beaufay, which is nowadays located in the Sarthe department of France. The village was called Bello Faeto, Bellofaido and Belfaidus during the Early Middle Ages, ultimately deriving its name from Latin bellus fagus (or bellum fagetum) meaning "beautiful beech tree(s)" or "beautiful beech woodland"... [more]
Beaufoy French (Anglicized, Rare), English (Rare)
Anglicized form of Beaufay. Known bearers of this surname include the English astronomer and physicist Mark Beaufoy (1764-1827) and the British screenwriter Simon Beaufoy (b... [more]
Beaune French
Refers to Beaune, France.... [more]
Beauregard French
Habitational name from any of various places in France named Beauregard for their fine view or fine aspect, for example in Ain, Dordogne, Drôme, Lot, and Puy-de-Dôme, from beau "fair, lovely" and regard "aspect, outlook".
Beauregarde French
Variant of Beauregard used by one of the main characters in Roald Dahl's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" as well as its film and broadway adaptations.
Beauséjour French (Rare)
Literally means "beautiful sojourn", derived from French beau "beautiful, nice, fine" and French séjour "sojourn, short stay". As such, this surname is most likely a locational surname, in that it originally referred to a scenic place to sojourn in... [more]
Beausire French
French form of Bowser.
Beauvais French
From French place names derived from "beautiful sight".
Beccari Italian
Variant of Beccaria, "butcher".
Beccaria Italian
From beccaro "butcher", ultimately from becco "goat".
Becci Italian
Possibly derived from a dialectic form of vecchio "old", or from Celtic becci "beaks", perhaps indicating someone with a large nose.
Bechdel German
Variant of German Bechtel. ... [more]
Becher German
Shortened form of Becherer as well as a surname given to for someone who distilled or worked with pitch, in which case it is derived from Middle High German bech / pech "pitch".
Bechmann German (Rare)
Surname denoting someone who worked with pitch, from Middle High German bech / pech "pitch" and man, a suffix which can mean "man" or simply be used as a name suffix.
Bechtle German
The surname Bechtle was first found in Hessen, where the family contributed greatly to the development of an emerging nation. The earliest bearers of this name to be mentioned in ancient chronicles were Bechtold of Fulda in 1387, Bechtold Suleffel of Frankfurt in 1442, and Tibertius Bechtolf of Frankfurt in 1568... [more]
Beckemeyer German
Beckemeyer is a surname of German origin. The name likely traces back to a place named Beckum, located in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The "-eyer" suffix could potentially mean "from" or "of" in this context, so " Beckemeyer " could translate to "from Beckum".
Becquerel French
A notable bearer was French scientist Henri Becquerel (1852-1908) who discovered radioactivity. A becquerel (Bq), the SI unit for radioactivity, is named after him.
Bedogni Italian
Probably from the archaic term bedogna, a kind of polenta (a dish of boiled cornmeal), or a rosary.
Bedoni Italian
Probably of French origin, from betun "mud" or bedon "paunch, pot belly".
Bedsaul German
Americanized form of the German surname Petzold, which comes from a Slavic pet form of the name Peter.
Bedürftig German
Means "poor, needy" in German.
Beekman German, Anglo-Saxon
This name derives from the pre 5th century Olde German and later Anglo-Saxon word "bah" or "baecc". This word describes a stream, or as a name specifically someone who lived or worked by a stream.
Beeli Romansh, German (Swiss)
Adoption of French Belfort.
Beer English, German, Dutch, German (Swiss)
Habitational name from any of the forty or so places in southwestern England called Beer(e) or Bear(e). Most of these derive their names from the West Saxon dative case, beara, of Old English bearu ‘grove’, ‘wood’ (the standard Old English dative bearwe being preserved in Barrow)... [more]
Beffa Italian
Nickname for a practical joker, from Italian beffa "trick, prank".
Bégon French
Probably from French béguin "(male) Beguin", referring to a member of a particular religious order active in the 13th century, and derived from the surname of Lambert le Bègue, the mid-12th-century priest responsible for starting it... [more]
Bègue French
Means "stutterer, stammerer" in French, used as a nickname for someone with a stutter.
Béguin French
Nickname from beguin, a member of a medieval Christian male religious community (ultimately named after a priest called Lambert le Bègue) that followed a monastic rule without making perpetual vows and was quickly considered heretic; by extension the term came to mean "sanctimonious person".
Beh German
Possibly a variant of Boehm.
Behn German
From the German male personal name Behn, a shortened form of Bernhard. A famous bearer was the English novelist and dramatist Aphra Behn (1640-1689).
Behnen German
Derived from the given name Bernhard.
Behr German, Dutch, Belgian
German and Dutch variant of the personal name Bähr (see Baer).
Behrendt German
Dutch and North German surname which is a variant of Behrend.
Behringer German
Habitational name for someone from either of two places called Behringen, near Soltau and in Thuringia, or from Böhringen in Württemberg.
Beier German
Variant of Bayer.
Beihl English, German
Variant of Biehl, a short form of BIEHLER.
Beilschmidt German
means "Axe Smith" in german
Beining German
This famous surname, one of the earliest recorded in history, and recorded in over two hundred spellings from Benedicte, Benech and Bennet, to Banish, Beinosovitch and Vedyasov, derives from the Roman personal name "Benedictus", meaning blessed.
Beisel German
German:... [more]
Belfiore Italian
Means "beautiful (as a) flower", derived from Italian bel "beautiful" combined with Italian fiore "flower". Two Italian sources claim that this surname was derived from the medieval masculine given name Belfiore (which has of course the same meaning), but I can find no evidence that this was an actual given name in medieval Italy... [more]
Belisario Italian, Spanish
From the given name Belisario.
Béliveau French (Rare), French (Quebec)
Derived from Old French besliver meaning "to stagger along", originally a nickname referring to a drunkard. It could also denote a person who lived in a beautiful, lovely valley, derived from French beau "beautiful" or Old French beu, bel "fair, lovely", combined with val meaning "valley"... [more]
Bellagamba Italian
Means "beautiful leg" in Italian.
Belland French
Variant of Beland.
Bellaria Italian
From the place name Bellaria, in Milan, Veneto, Piedmont and Sicily, these homonyms widespread throughout Italy.
Bellegarde French
Derived from a toponym meaning "beautiful watch-tower, look-out".
Belleisle French
Name for someone from an island named Belle Isle, French for "beautiful island".
Bellet French
Comes from a derivative of bel ‘handsome’.
Bellmann German
Habitational name derived from places in Germany named either Bell, Belle, or Bellen.
Belloc French
Habitational name for a person from the commune of Belloc in southwestern France, of unknown etymology.
Bellocchio Italian
Means "beautiful eyes", from bello "beautiful" and occhio "eyes", or perhaps from belloccio "good-looking, attractive".
Bellon French (Swiss)
Derived from the given name Apollonius.
Belluomini Italian
Variant and plural of Belluomo
Bellut French
Variant of Ballut.
Belmondo Italian
Name of Italian origin meaning "beautiful world". Famous bearers of the name are the French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo (1933-) and the Italian cross-country skier, twice Olympic champion and four times World champion Stefania Belmondo (1969-).
Belzer German
Occupational name for a furrier, from an agent derivative of Middle High German bel(li)z "fur"
Bena Italian
From a reduced form of the medieval personal name Benenato.
Benanti Italian
From a derivative of Bene, a short form of the various omen names formed with this element (from Latin bene ‘well’), such as Benedetto, Benvenuto, etc.
Bender German, German (East Prussian)
As a German surname, Bender is a regional occupational surname from the Rhineland area denoting a "barrel-maker" (the Standard German Fassbinder became "Fassbender" in the local dialects and ultimately was shortened to Bender).... [more]
Benedetto Italian
From the given name Benedetto.
Benedikt German
From the given name Benedikt.
Benefiel French (Modern, Rare)
Meaning: Bean field
Benelli Italian
The distinguished surname Benelli originated in an area of Italy, known as the Papal States. Although people were originally known only by a single name, it became necessary for people to adapt a second name to identify themselves as populations grew and travel became more frequent... [more]
Benigni Italian
Patronymic form of Benigno. A notable bearer is the Italian actor and comedian Roberto Benigni (1952-).
Benigno Spanish, Italian
From the given name Benigno.
Benner German
Occupational name for a basket and bassinet maker, from an agent derivative of Middle High German benne 'work basket', 'bassinet', 'cradle'.
Benni Italian
"son of Benno". From Bennus.
Bens Dutch, German
Patronymic from a short form of Bernhard.
Bents German
Variant of Benz.
Benveniste Judeo-French, Judeo-Catalan, Catalan (Rare), French (Rare)
Likely derived from Spanish bien viniste, meaning "your arrival was good", also serving as a cognate of Bienvenido and Benvenuto.
Benvenuto Italian
From the given name Benvenuto.
Benware French
Americanized spelling of Benoit.
Benz German
South German: (in Alemannic areas) from a short form of the Germanic personal name Berthold, or to a lesser extent of Bernhard
Bérard French
From the given name Bérard.
Berardo Italian
From the given name Berardo.
Béraud French
Derived from the given name Berwald.
Berber German
Possibly a habitational name from a place called Berber near Kevelaer.
Berchel French
French form of Burchell.
Berentzen German
The surname is derived from the given name Bernd and was formerly written "Bernd sin Sohn" which meant "son of Bernd"... [more]
Beretta Italian
Northern Italian variant spelling of Berretta.
Bergamin Italian
Traced to 1437, Bergamo. A 'bergamini' was known as a person famrmed and sold milk cows
Bergamo Italian
From a Celtic word meaning "mountain".
Bergdorf German
Origin unidentified. Possibly a German habitational name from places in Hamburg and Lower Saxony called Bergedorf, Bargdorf in Lower Saxony, or Bergsdorf in Brandenburg.
Bergen German, Dutch, Flemish, Jewish
Originally denoted a person from any of the various places named Bergen in Germany and the Netherlands. It is also a variant of Berg. Famous bearers include the Americans Candice Bergen (1946-), an actress, and Polly Bergen (1930-2014), an actress, singer and television host.
Bergeron French
Diminutive of French berger meaning "shepherd".
Berghold German
Surname that denoted the owner of a vineyard.
Bergholtz Swedish, German (Rare)
Possibly a variant of German Bergholz which is either a derivative of Berchtold or from a topographic name meaning "birch wood"... [more]
Berghorst German
Topographical name for someone who lived by a wilderness area on a mountain, from Berg 'mountain', 'hill' + Horst 'wilderness' (see Horst).
Bergkamp Dutch, German
From the name of various places in the Netherlands and Germany, derived from Old Dutch and Old High German berg meaning "mountain" and kamp meaning "field". This name is borne by Dutch former soccer player Dennis Bergkamp (1969-).
Bergoglio Italian
From the name of a village in Piedmont, Italy. A notable bearer is Jorge Mario Bergoglio (1936-), better known as Pope Francis, the current head of the Catholic Church.
Bergschneider German
topographic name for someone living by a mountain trail (as in cut into the hillside) from Berg "mountain hill" and Schneit "trail path running on a border" (Old High German sneita).
Berland German
From the name Berland.
Berlin German, English
Habitational name from the city in Germany, the name of which is of uncertain meaning. It is possibly derived from an Old Slavic stem berl- meaning swamp or from a West Slavic word meaning "river lake".
Berlinerblau German, Jewish
Means “Prussian blue” in German. A notable bearer of this surname is Jacques Berlinerblau, a professor of Jewish civilization, and Stefania Berlinerblau, an American anatomist and physician.
Bern German, Scandinavian, German (Swiss)
German and Scandinavian: from the personal name Berno, a pet form of Bernhard. In South German it comes from the habitational name from Bern, Switzerland, notably in the south; in other parts from the personal name Berno.
Bernadotte French, Swedish
Possibly from the name of a historical province in Southern France named Béarn. This was originally a French non-noble surname. French general Jean Baptise Bernadotte (1763-1844) became the king of Sweden as Charles XIV John (Swedish: Karl XIV Johan) in 1818 and founded the current royal house in Sweden, House of Bernadotte.
Bernal French, English, Dutch, Czech
Possibly a French, English, Dutch, and Czech version of Bernal or a variant of Bernard.
Bernardini Italian
From the given name Bernardino.
Bernasconi Italian
The surname of BERNASCONI is of Italian origin, a locational name meaning the dweller on or near a small hill. The names of habitation are derived from pre-existing names denoting towns, villages, farmsteads or other named habitations... [more]
Bernath German, English
Derived from the name Bernhard.
Berner German, Low German
German habitational name, in Silesia denoting someone from a place called Berna (of which there are two examples); in southern Germany and Switzerland denoting someone from the Swiss city of Berne. ... [more]
Bernet French
From a pet form of Bernard.
Bernfield German
An Americanized variant of the German surname, "Bergfeld", meaning "mountain field".
Bernier French
From the personal name Bernier composed of the ancient Germanic elements bern "bear" and hari "army". Compare Barney and Barnier.
Bernini Italian
Bernini was the surname of famous sculptor and architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680).
Bernitt German (Rare)
Derived from the name of Bernitt, a municipality in the Rostock district, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Bernius German (Latinized), Lithuanian
German-Latinized form of Berner.... [more]
Bernoulli French
French patronymic surname that was derived from the first name Bernoul (which was probably derived from Bernold or Bernolf).
Berretta Italian
From berretta, originally meaning ‘hooded cloak’ (Latin birrus), later ‘headdress’, ‘bonnet’, hence a metonymic occupational name for a maker of such headgear or a nickname for an habitual wearer.
Berri German (Swiss), Romansh
Derived from Old High German bero "bear".
Berruti Italian
From Late Latin berrutum "cart", indicating someone who drove or made carts.
Berry Romansh
Variant of Berri.
Berschel German
German form of Burchell.
Bertagni Italian
Bertagni has a lineage in Genoa and one in Lucca. Possibly derives from Gothic, Lombard and Germanic names containing the root germanica bertha (bright) or the celtic bert (bearer).
Bertarelli Italian
Probably from a given name containing the Germanic root behrat "bright" or Celtic berta "to carry, to bear".
Bertarini Italian
Alternate form of Bertarelli.
Berther Romansh
Derived from the given name Berchthari (see Berthar).
Berthiaume French
French: from a Germanic personal name composed of the elements berht ‘bright’, ‘famous’ + helm ‘helmet’.
Berthold German
From the given name Berthold.
Bertin French
From the given name Bertin a diminutive of the ancient Germanic personal name Berhto a short form of various compound names formed with berht "bright famous".
Berto Italian, Spanish
From the given name Berto.
Bertocchi Italian
Comes from a pet form of the personal name Berto.
Bertogg Romansh
Variant of Bertsch in combination with the diminutive suffix -ogg.
Bertoldo Italian
From the given name Bertoldo.
Bertoli Italian
Derived from the given name Bertolo, a variant of Bartolo, which is an Italian short form of Bartholomew.
Bertolucci Italian
From a diminutive of Bertoli.
Bertram German
Derived from the German given name Bertram.
Bertucci Italian
Diminutive of Berto.
Bertuzzi Italian
variant of Bertucci.
Bérubé French
Habitational name from some minor place named with Old French bel ru "beautiful stream", with the subsequent pleonastic addition of , variant of bel "beautiful".
Berwald German, Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Originally derived from the given name Bernwald, composed of Old High German bern, bero "bear" and wald "ruler"... [more]
Besemer German
Occupational name meaning "broom maker".