All Submitted Surnames

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Eberling German (Austrian)
The surname Eberling was first found in Austria, where this family name became a prominent contributor to the development of the district from ancient times. Always prominent in social affairs, the name became an integral part of that turbulent region as it emerged to form alliances with other families within the Feudal System and the nation... [more]
Eberly Upper German, German (Swiss), English (American)
Variant of Eberle, which is a diminutive of Eberhard.
Ebert German, American
Shortened form of the German given name Eberhard.
Ebikeme African
Unsure of the source, used famously by Charles Ebikeme, African scholar and educator in the 21st century.
Ebina Japanese
From Japanese 蝦 (ebi) meaning "shrimp, prawn" and 名 (na) meaning "name, reputation".
Ebisu Japanese, Japanese Mythology
This name most likely comes from the god Ebisu, his name being spelled in numerous ways, one of them being 戎 (ebisu) meaning "arms" or 蛭 (ebi, hiru) meaning "leech" and 子 (ko, su) meaning "child, sign of the rat"... [more]
Ebitsubo Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 海老坪 (Ebitsubo) meaning "Ebitsubo", a division in the area of Mimura in the city of Ishioka in the prefecture of Ibaraki in Japan.
Ebrahimian Persian
From the given name Ebrahim.
Ebrahimpoor Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian ابراهیم‌پور (see Ebrahimpour).
Ebrahimpour Persian
Means "son of Ebrahim" in Persian.
Ebrahimzadeh Persian
From the given name Ebrahim combined with Persian زاده (zadeh) meaning "offspring".
Ebtehaj Persian
Derived from Arabic ابتهاج (ibtihāj) meaning "joy, delight".
Ecca Italian
From Sardinian ecca "gate".
Eccbeer English (Rare)
From Middle English aker "field" and Old English bǣre "swine pasture," denoting someone who lived near one.... [more]
Eccles English
From the name of a town in Greater Manchester, England or another town or village named Eccles, derived from Latin ecclesia via Romano-British ecles meaning "church".
Echalar Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Etxalar.
Echauri Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Etxauri.
Echelbarger English (American)
Americanized spelling of German Eichelberger.
Echon Filipino
From Hokkien 一孫 (it-sun) meaning "first grandson".
Eck German
From Old High German ekka meaning "edge, corner".
Eckert German
Derived from the given name Eckhard.
Eckhart German
From the given name Eckhart.
Eckhoff German
Derived from Middle Low German ecke meaning "corner, far end of a village", and hof meaning "farm, manor".
Eckland English (Rare), Norwegian (Anglicized, Rare, Expatriate), Swedish (Anglicized, Expatriate)
Possibly a variant of Ecklund. It might also be an anglicization of the rare Swedish surname Ekland or of a Norwegian name derived from several farmsteads named with eik "oak" and land "land".
Ecklund Swedish (Anglicized)
Americanized form of Eklund.
Eckström Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Ekström. Ekström is often anglicized as Eckstrom.
École French (Rare)
From French meaning "school". Given to a person who lived or worked near a school.
Economides Greek
Patronymic form of Economos.
Economos Greek (Anglicized, Expatriate, ?)
Alternate transcription of Greek Οικονόμος (see Oikonomos), which was an occupational surname meaning "one who manages a household, steward of an estate, housekeeper" from the ancient Greek word οἰκόνομος (oikonomos), itself derived from οἶκος (oikos) "house, household" and νόμος (nomos) "law, custom".
Economy Greek (Americanized), English
Americanized form of Greek Οικονόμος (see Economos) meaning "steward", or of the patronymic Οικονόμου (see Economou).
Ecru French (?)
It means "unbleached" in French, but is used in English to mean brown.
Eda Japanese
From Japanese 江 (e) meaning "bay, inlet" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Edamura Japanese
The kanji 枝 (Eda) means "Branch", while 村 (Mura) means "Town, Village". Combine the two and the surname means "Branching Town/Village".
Eddleman German (Americanized)
Americanized form of German Edelmann.
Eddowes English
Derived from the given name Aldus, a medieval variant of Aldous.
Eddudóttir f Icelandic
Means "daughter of Edda 2". Used only by women.
Edduson m Icelandic
Means "son of Edda 2". Used only by men.
Eddy American
A common surname used among people whose ancestry originates from the United Kingdom (England, Ireland and Scottland etc.) Shelia Eddy is an American who was convicted in 2014 for the murder of Skylar Neese in the state of West Virginia.
Edelstein Jewish
Ornamental name derived from German Edelstein "gemstone; precious stone".
Edén Swedish
Possibly a habitational name from a place named with the element ed "isthmus". In some cases it could also be a shortened form of EDENIUS (a combination of Swedish ed "isthmus" and the Latin suffix -enius "descendant of").
Eden English
From Middle English given name Edun, derived from Old English Ēadhūn, with the elements ēad "prosperity, wealth" and hūn "bear cub".... [more]
Eden East Frisian, German, Dutch
Refers to a descendant of someone with the given name Ede or Edo.
Eden German
Refers to someone from one of several places of the same name, mainly in Bavaria and Austria, from Middle High German œde "wasteland" and the suffix n, which signifies an action toward the root word... [more]
Eden Dutch
Variant of Van Eden.
Edens English
Variant of Eden with -s, either possessive or a post-medieval embellishment.
Edens Dutch, German
Possessive form of the give name Ede or Edo.
Edevane Welsh, Cornish
A rare Welsh surname, believed to be of Cornish origin. This surname is made up of two elements. ‘Ed’ is not a shortened form of Edward, but derives from the ancient (Old English?) ‘ead’ meaning ‘prosperity’ and/or ‘happiness’... [more]
Edgars Latvian
Latvian form of Edgar.
Edge English
Topographic name, especially in Lancashire and the West Midlands, for someone who lived on or by a hillside or ridge, from Old English ecg "edge".
Edgecombe English
From a location meaning ridge valley, from Old English ecg "edge, ridge" and cumb "valley".
Edgell English
Probably derived from the Old English given name Ecgwulf.
Edgely English
A surname of Anglo-Saxon origin, and a place name taken from either a village in Cheshire or one in Shropshire. The name means “park by the wood” in Old English.
Edgerly English
Habitational name from any of numerous minor places named Edgerley, Edgerely, or Hedgerley.
Edgerton English
From a place name meaning either "settlement of Ecghere" or "settlement of Ecgheard" (see Ekkehard).
Edging English
Variant of Edge.
Edin Swedish
Variant of Edén.
Edirisingha Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala එදිරිසිංහ (see Edirisinghe).
Edirisinghe Sinhalese
Derived from Sinhalese ඉදිරි (idiri) meaning "front, forward" and Sanskrit सिंह (sinha) meaning "lion".
Edirisooriya Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhalese එදිරිසූරිය (see Edirisuriya).
Edirisuriya Sinhalese
Derived from Sinhalese ඉදිරි (idiri) meaning "front, forward" and Sanskrit सूर्य (surya) meaning "sun".
Ediriweera Sinhalese
Derived from Sinhalese ඉදිරි (idiri) meaning "front, forward" and Sanskrit वीर (vira) meaning "hero, man, brave".
Edith English
From the given name Edith.
Edl German, Dutch, Jewish (Ashkenazi), Yiddish
Some characteristic forenames: German Erwin, Rudi, Alois, Bernhard, Ernst.... [more]
Edler German
"Noble man." It comes from Edelman.
Edmeades English
Meant "son of Edmede", from a medieval nickname for a self-effacing person (literally "humble", from Old English ēadmēde "easy mind").
Edminsteire Scottish
john edminsteire was a person captured at the battle of dunbar in 1651 and shipped to boston in 1652 on the ship john and sarah. we can find no previous record of the edminsteire name. conjecture from f.custer edminster that did the geneology is it is a combination of french and german names and originated from people that migrated to scotland with mary queen of scots about 100 years earlier.
Edmison English, Scottish
Patronymic surname meaning “Son of Edmund”.
Edmiston Scottish
Habitational name from Edmonstone, near Edinburgh, so named from the Old English personal name Ēadmund + tūn meaning "settlement".
Edmondson English
This surname means “son of Edmond”.
Edmunds English, Welsh
Patronymic from the personal name Edmund (see Edmond).
Edmundson English
Means "son of Edmund".
Edney English
From the Middle English female personal name Idony/Edony, a French name from Latin Idonea/Idonia meaning “suitable” introduced to Britain after the Conquest.
Edo Japanese
E means "river, inlet" and to means "wisteria".
Edoh Japanese
Variant of Edo.
Edou Japanese
Variant of Edo.
Édouard French
From the given name Édouard.
Edra Jewish
Some characteristic forenames: Jewish Moshe, Ehud, Haskel, Shalom, Shoshanna, Yoram.... [more]
Edralin Filipino
The most well-known bearer of this name is Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, a Filipino politician, lawyer, and kleptocrat.
Edris Arabic
Derived from the given name Idris 1.
Edson English
Patronymic or metronymic from Eade.
Edström Swedish
Combination of Swedish ed "isthmus" and ström "stream".
Eduardo Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Eduardo.
Edvardsson Swedish
Means "son of Edvard".
Edward English
From the given name Edward
Edy English
Edy... [more]
Eegeesiak Inuit
Eek Swedish, Norwegian
Variant of Ek.
Eek Estonian
Possibly a corruption of Estonian leek, meaning "flame" or "blaze". Or perhaps a corruption of the Swedish word ek "oak" (see Ek).
Eelmaa Estonian
Eelmaa is an Estonian surname derived from "eel" maening "fore" aand "maa" meaning "land".
Eelmäe Estonian
Eelmäe is an Estonians surname meaning "fore hill".
Eelsalu Estonian
Eelsalu is an Estonia surname meaning "fore grove".
Eenlo Estonian
Eenlo is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "eend" meaning "protrusion", "overhang" and "jetty".
Eenmaa Estonian
Eenmaa is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "salu" ("grove").
Eenpalu Estonian
Eenpalu is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "palu" ("sandy heath").
Eenpuu Estonian
Eenpuu is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "puu" ("tree").
Eensaar Estonian
Eensaar is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "saar" ("island").
Eensalu Estonian
Eensalu is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "salu" ("grove").
Eensoo Estonian
Eensoo is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "soo" meaning "swamp/marsh".
Eentalu Estonian
Eentalu is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "talu" meaning "farm".
Eero Estonian
Eero is both an Estonian surname and masculine given name.
Eesik Estonian
Eesik is an Estonian surname derived from "esik" meaning ""front" ad "vestibule" and "entry".
Eesmaa Estonian
Eesmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "(a)fore land".
Eespere Estonian
Eespere is an Estonian surname meaning "in front of (ees) homefolk/family (pere)".
Eespõld Estonian
Eespõld is an Estonian surname meaning "afore/ahead of field".
Eessaar Estonian
Eessaar is an Estonian surname meaning "fore island".
Efe Turkish
Means "older brother, brave" in Turkish.
Efetürk Turkish
Means "brother of the Turks", derived from Turkish efe meaning "older brother, brave".
Effenberg German
Possibly denoted a person coming from a place of this name in Germany, or for someone who lived on or near a mountain or hill covered with elm trees, derived from German effe meaning "elm" and berg meaning "mountain, hill"... [more]
Efimov Russian
Variant transcription of Yefimov.
Efner English
Variant of Hefner.
Efrati Hebrew
From the given name Efrat.
Efremova f Russian, Macedonian
Feminine form of Efremov.
Efron Jewish
From a Biblical place name that was used for a mountain mentioned in Joshua 15:9 and a city mentioned in 2 Chronicles 13:19. It can also be considered to be derived from the given name Ephron.
Efstathiou Greek
Means "son of Efstathios".
Efstratiou Greek
Means "son of Efstratios".
Eftaxias Greek
Derives from the name Eutaxia, means well ordered.
Eftekhari Persian
From Persian افتخار (eftekhar) meaning "honour, pride", ultimately from Arabic.
Eftemie Romanian
Derived from the forename Euthymius.
Efthimiou Greek
Means "son of Efthymios".
Egami Japanese
Variant of Ekami.
Egan Irish
Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAodhagáin (see Hagan).
Egashira Japanese
From Japanese 江 (e) meaning "bay, inlet" and 頭 (kashira) meaning "head".
Egbertson English
Means "son of Egbert".
Egede Scandinavian
Derived from a place name on Sjælland containing the name element EIK meaning "oak".
Egeland Norwegian
From the name of several farmsteads in Norway named with Norwegian eik "oak" and land "land".
Egert German, Jewish
Variant spelling of Eggert.
Eggenkamp Dutch
Probably from Dutch eggen "to harrow, to plough" and kamp "field".
Eggert German, Jewish
Derived from the Proto-Germanic root agi meaning "edge".
Eggestein German (Rare)
Origin and meaning is completely unknown.
Eggimann German (Swiss)
Denotes someone from the Emmental valley, a valley in Switzerland.
Eggington English
Surname derived from a parish named "Eggington" in England.
Eggleston English
Habitational name from a place in County Durham so called, or from Egglestone in North Yorkshire, both named in Old English as Egleston, probably from the Old English personal name Ecgel (unattested) + tūn ‘settlement’, ‘farmstead’.
Eggleton English
Habitational name meaning "Ecgwulf’s town".
Egia Basque
Habitational name derived from Basque (h)egi "border, edge; hill, slope, bank".
Egiarreta Basque (Rare)
From the name of a neighbourhood in Arakil, Navarre, possibly derived from Basque (h)egi "side, slope, bank; edge, border" combined with (h)arri "stone, rock" and -eta "place of, abundance of".
Egilatz Basque (Rare, Archaic)
From the name of a town in Álava, Basque Country, derived from (h)egi "border, edge; hill, slope, bank" and lats "brook, small stream", or possibly latz "rough, crude".
Egner German
From a Germanic personal name formed with the element agi ‘point (of a sword)’.
Egner Norwegian (Rare)
From the name of a farm in Norway, of unknown origin. A known bearer was Norwegian playwright Thorbjørn Egner (1912-1990).
Egorov Russian
Means "son of Yegor".
Eguchi Japanese
From Japanese 江 (e) meaning "inlet, bay" and 口 (kuchi) meaning "mouth, entrance".
Eguía Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Egia.
Eguílaz Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Egilatz.
Eha Estonian
Eha is an Estonian surname (and feminine given name) meaning "dusk"; from Estonian mythology.
Ehab Arabic (Egyptian)
Derived from the given name Ihab.
Ehala Estonian
Ehala is an Estonian surname meaning "sunset glow/twilight area".
Ehasalu Estonian
Ehasalu is an Estonian surname meaning "dusk grove". Eha is also an common feminine given name.
Ehecatl Aztec, Nahuatl
From Nahuatl meaning "wind".
Ehler German
Variant of Ehlert.
Ehlers German
Variant of Ehlers.
Ehlert German
From a Germanic personal name composed of the elements agil "edge", "point (of a sword)" + hard "brave", "hardy", "strong" or ward "guard".
Ehlinger German
Habitational name for someone from Ehlingen in the Palatinate.
Ehm German
Variant of Ohm.
Ehmke German
From a pet form of Ehm.
Ehn Swedish
Derived from Swedish en "juniper".
Ehrenberg Jewish (Anglicized, Rare, Archaic), German
In German it means "mountain of honor"
Ehrenreich German, Jewish, Yiddish
Jewish/Yiddish German ornamental surname meaning “Rich in honour”
Ehrhardt German
From a Germanic personal name composed of Old High German ēra, meaning ‘honor’, and hard, meaning ‘brave’, ‘hardy’, or ‘strong’.
Ehrlich Yiddish
From the German meaning "honest" or "honorable"
Ehrmantraut German
A Latinized joining of the German words irmin(world, all-encompassing) and trud(strength)
Ehsan Urdu, Bengali
Derived from the given name Ihsan.
Ehsani Persian
From the given name Ehsan.
Ehsanpoor Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian احسان‌پور (see Ehsanpour).
Ehsanpour Persian
Means "son of Ehsan".
Ehsanzadeh Persian
Means "born of Ehsan".
Eich German
German from Middle High German eich(e) ‘oak’, hence a topographic name for someone who lived near an oak tree. In some cases, it may be a habitational name for someone from any of several places named with this word, for example Eiche or Eichen, or for someone who lived at a house distinguished by the sign of an oak.
Eichacker German
Topographic name meaning "oak field. from Middle High German eiche "oak" and acker "field".
Eichelberg German
Habitational name from any of various places, notably one southeast of Heidelberg, named from Middle High German eichel meaning "acorn" + berc meaning "mountain", "hill", or topographic name for someone who lived on an oak-covered hill.
Eichelberger German
Habitational name for someone from any of the various places called Eichelberg.
Eichenbaum German, Jewish
German cognate of Eikenboom, from Middle High German eich "oak" and boum "tree".
Eichenberg German
Derived from Middle High German eih "oak" and berg "mountain hill" meaning "oak hill, oak mountain"; a topographic name for someone who lived on an oak-covered hillside or a habitational name from any of the places so named... [more]
Eichenlaub German, Jewish
Derived from Eichenlau, a topographic name from Middle High German eichen "oaks" and loh "forest clearing", reinterpreted through folk etymology as Eichenlaub, meaning "oak leaf".
Eichhorn German, Jewish, Belgian
German topographic name for someone who lived on or near an oak-covered promontory, from Middle High German eich(e) ‘oak’ + horn ‘horn’, ‘promontory’. German from Middle High German eichhorn ‘squirrel’ (from Old High German eihhurno, a compound of eih ‘oak’ + urno, from the ancient Germanic and Indo-European name of the animal, which was later wrongly associated with hurno ‘horn’); probably a nickname for someone thought to resemble the animal, or alternatively a habitational name for someone who lived at a house distinguished by the sign of a squirrel... [more]
Eichhorst German
Denoted someone from a town called Eichhorn in either Brandenburg or Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Eichler Upper German
South German variant of Eich, the -ler suffix denoting association. "eager"
Eickhoff German
From Middle Low German eke "oak" and hof "manor farm."
Eid Arabic
Means "feast, holiday, festival" in Arabic. It is typically used to refer to the two major religious holidays observed by Muslims, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
Eidsness Norwegian (Expatriate)
From Old Norse eið "isthmus" and nes "headland". This was the name of a farmstead in Norway.
Eiermann German
Occupational name for an egg collector or dealer in eggs, from Middle High German ei 'egg' + man 'man'.
Eigen German
Either a status name from Middle High German aigen "unfree; serf" denoting (in the Middle Ages) someone with service obligations to a secular or ecclesiastical authority (also in Switzerland); or from eigen "inherited property" denoting a free landowner (without feudal obligations)... [more]
Eigenmann English
Not available.
Eigo English (American), Estonian, Irish, Filipino
Likely is a variant of "necessary" in Irish and derived from the given name Eigo.
Eiho Japanese (Rare)
From 英 (ei) meaning "excellent" and 保 (ho) meaning "guard, protect".
Eik Norwegian
From Norwegian eik meaning "oak".
Eiland German
Topographic name for someone who lived on or owned property surrounded by water, from Middle High German eilant, "island"
Eileen Literature
From the given name Eileen.
Eiler German
1 North German: variant of Ehlert.... [more]
Eilert Frisian, Norwegian, Swedish
From the given name Eilert.
Eilish f Irish, English (American)
From the given name Eilish.
Eimer German (Sudeten)
Of uncertain meaning. A famous bearer of that surname was Norbert Eimer.
Ein Estonian
Ein is an Estonian surname derived from "eine" meaning "meal" and "refreshments".
Einaste Estonian
Einaste is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "eine", meaning "meal". Possibly also from the German surname "Einmann".
Eingeweide German
A German surname meaning "guts" or "viscera".
Einhorn German, Jewish
Derived from German Einhorn (Middle High German einhorn) "unicorn", denoting someone who lived at a house distinguished by the sign of a unicorn.
Eira Sami
Derived form the given name Erik.
Eiríksdóttir Icelandic
Means "daughter of Eiríkur" in Icelandic.
Eiris Old Irish (Latinized)
Its meaning That is fruitfulness or fertility. It comes from the Irish name Eire Or Eriu (Erin, Eirinn). Another ancient name is Ivernia (Hibernia or Iverni) and its meaning is the green and fertile lands.
Eiriz Portuguese
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous parish of the municipality of Paços de Ferreira.
Eisa Arabic
From the given name Isa 1.
Eisele German
Either from a diminutive of any of the Germanic given names formed with the element isarn meaning "iron" (such as Isanhard) or from Isenlin, a nickname for a blacksmith, ironworker or dealer in iron, composed of Middle High German īsen "iron" and the diminutive suffix -līn.
Eisen German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): metonymic occupational name for an ironworker or smith, or an ironmonger, from Middle High German isen ‘iron’, German Eisen. It may also have been used as a nickname, with reference to the strength and hardness of iron or to its color, while as a Jewish name it was also adopted as an ornamental name from modern German Eisen ‘iron’ or the Yiddish cognate ayzn.
Eisenberg German, Jewish
Means "iron hill" from German isen meaning "iron" and berg meaning "hill".
Eisenberger German, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from any of the several places called Eisenberg. As a Jewish name it is also an ornamental name.
Eisenhauer German
Occupational name meaning "iron cutter" where Eisen- means "iron" and -hauer means "hewer". The verb 'hew' being less well used in English than in earlier times, but still understood to mean cut, such as in hewing tree limbs... [more]
Eisenhower English (American)
American form of German Eisenhauer. A notable bearer was Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), president of the United States between 1953 and 1961. His ancestors immigrated to Pennsylvania from Germany in the 1740s and at some point the spelling changed from Eisenhauer to Eisenhower.
Eisenmenger German
occupational name for an "iron dealer" from Middle High German isarn "iron" and mengære "dealer".
Eisenstein German, Jewish
topographic name for someone who lived by a place where iron ore was extracted or perhaps a habitational name from a place called for its iron works. Jewish artificial compound of German isarn "iron" and stein "stone".
Eisner German, Jewish
Occupational name for an ironworker, smith, or ironmonger, from an agent derivative of Middle High German īsen and German Eisen, meaning ‘iron’ (see Eisen).
Eissa Arabic (Egyptian)
From the given name Isa 1.
Eist Estonian
Eist is an Estonian surname possibly derived from the Germanic "eist"; ultimately from Latin "Aesti". The modern endonym for "Estonia" in the Estonian language is "Eesti".
Eit Estonian
Eit is an Estonian surname meaning "old woman", "crone" and "hag".