Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Desunia Portuguese, FilipinoFrom the Portuguese word
desunir meaning "disunite, separate". This surname is particularly common in the Philippines.
De Talleyrand FrenchA French noble surname. A cadet branch of the family of sovereign counts of Périgord, they took their name from the estate of Périgord owned by these counts, and date back to Boso I, count of la Marche... [
De Tiberio ItalianAncient and noble family, originally from Lombardy propagated, over the centuries, in different regions of Italy where its members acquired the nobility and were welcomed in the important offices of the city where they lived... [
Detweiler German (Swiss)From the name of a village in Switzerland or from one with a similar name (Dettweiler) in France.
De Valera SpanishOriginally indicated a person from one of the two towns named
Valera in the provinces of Cuenca and Badajoz in Spain. This name was borne by American-born Irish president and prime minister Éamon de Valera (1882-1975; birth name George de Valero, also known as Edward de Valera), who was born to an Irish mother and a Cuban-Spanish father.
Devall French, EnglishDevall (also DeVall) is a surname of Norman origin with both English and French ties.Its meaning is derived from French the town of Deville, Ardennes. It was first recorded in England in the Domesday Book.In France, the surname is derived from 'de Val' meaning 'of the valley.'
Devane MarathiSomeone descended from deva(god).Someone who is like a god
Devaney Irish (Anglicized)Anglicized form of Gaelic
Ó Duibheannaigh ‘descendant of
Duibheannach’, a personal name of uncertain origin; the first element is dubh ‘black’, the second may be eanach ‘marshy place’... [
De Vignerot French, French (Belgian)The surname Vignerot was first found in Belgium, where the name became noted for its many branches in the region, each house acquiring a status and influence which was envied by the princes of the region... [
De Vil Popular CultureCruella de Vil is fictional character appearing as the antagonist of the novel 'One Hundred and One Dalmatians' (1956) by Dodie Smith, as well as in the 1961 animated movie '101 Dalmatians' and the 1996 live-action movie with the same name... [
Deville FrenchFrench surname meaning, 'The Village', from French De- 'the' and Ville- 'Village'.
Devon EnglishRegional name for someone from the county of Devon. In origin, this is from an ancient British tribal name, Latin Dumnonii, perhaps meaning "worshipers of the god Dumnonos".
Devon Jamaican Patois (Modern, Rare)The name Devon is of English and Irish origin and means "Warrior of God". This name is also very common in the British West Indies, especially Jamaica.
Devore FrenchFrench: variant of
De Var, a habitational name for someone from a place named Var, for example in Charente. Respelling of French
Devors, a habitational name, with the preposition
de, for someone from Vors in Aveyron.
Devoy EnglishAnglicized form of Gaelic surname
Ó Dubhuidhe ‘descendant of
Dubhuidhe’, a name probably derived from
dubh "dark, black" and
buidhe "sallow".
De Waal Dutch, WalloonMeans "the Walloon" in Dutch, derived from Middle Dutch
wale, originally indicating a person who came from Wallonia, a French-speaking region of southern Belgium. It could also possibly be a variant spelling of
Van Der Walle and
De Walle meaning "the wall"', though evidence for this is lacking... [
De Waard DutchFrom Dutch
waard "innkeeper, host, landlord, protector", derived from Middle Dutch
weert. Alternatively, from Middle Dutch
waert "floodplain, riverine island".
Dewan Indian, PakistaniStatus name for a treasurer or court official, from Arabic
diwan "royal court", "tribunal of justice", or "treasury". Under the Mughal administration in India the dewan was usually the highest official in a state.
Dewan Indian, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, NepaliFrom a title for a high-ranking government official or minister, derived from Persian دیوان
(divan) meaning "royal court, tribunal, ministry, assembly".
Dewasiri SinhaleseFrom Sanskrit देव
(deva) meaning "god" and श्री
(śrī) meaning "diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty" or "holy, sacred".
De Wilde DutchMeans "the wild", from Middle Dutch
wilt "wild, savage, untamed".
De Winter DutchMeans "the winter" in Dutch, a nickname for a cold or gloomy man, or perhaps for someone born in the winter. It could also be a habitational name referring to a house or tavern named for the season.
De Wolf Dutch, FlemishMeans "the wolf", a nickname given to someone associated with wolves in some way, or a habitational name for someone who lived by a sign depicting a wolf. Could also be a patronymic form of
Dhanapala SinhaleseDerived from Sanskrit धन
(dhana) meaning "wealth, riches, prize" and पाल
(pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Dhar Indian, BengaliDerived from Sanskrit उद्धार
(uddhara) meaning "credit, deliverance, redemption".
Dhar Indian, KashmiriMeaning uncertain, possibly from an honourific title given to a village head, a strongman or a warlord.
Dharmadasa SinhaleseDerived from Sanskrit धर्म
(dharma) meaning "that which is established, law, duty, virtue" and दास
(dasa) meaning "servant, slave".
Dharmapala SinhaleseDerived from Sanskrit धर्म
(dharma) meaning "that which is established, law, duty, virtue" and पाल
(pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Dharmapriya SinhaleseDerived from Sanskrit धर्म
(dharma) meaning "that which is established, law, duty, virtue" and प्रिय
(priya) meaning "beloved, dear".
Dharmaratne SinhaleseDerived from Sanskrit धर्म
(dharma) meaning "that which is established, law, duty, virtue" and रत्न
(ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Dharmasena SinhaleseFrom Sanskrit धर्म
(dharma) meaning "that which is established, law, duty, virtue" and सेना
(senā) meaning "army".
Dharmasiri SinhaleseDerived from Sanskrit धर्म
(dharma) meaning "that which is established, law, duty, virtue" and श्री
(shri) meaning "diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty".
Dharmawansa SinhaleseDerived from Sanskrit धर्म
(dharma) meaning "that which is established, law, duty, virtue" and वंश
(vansa) meaning "lineage, clan, family".
Dharmawardana SinhaleseDerived from Sanskrit धर्म
(dharma) meaning "that which is established, law, duty, virtue" and वर्धन
(vardhana) meaning "increasing, strengthening, growing".
Dhobi IndianFrom Sanskrit धोबी (
dhōbī) meaning "washerman".
Dhulgale SomaliDhulgale – "Land Holder" (referring to someone who owns or works a large piece of land)
Diab ArabicDerived from Arabic ذئب
(dhiʾb) meaning "wolf".
Diabate Western AfricanFrom the name of the Diabaté clan of the Mandinka and the closely related Soninke peoples, usually interpreted as “the irresistible.”
Diakos GreekMeaning Deacon. Notable bearer of this name is Athanasios Diakos (1786–1821), a Greek military commander during the Greek War of Independence and a national hero.
Dial ScottishVariant of
Dalziel, representing the usual pronunciation of this name in Scotland. Perhaps also an altered form of Irish
Dial Western AfricanFrom the name of the Dial clan of the Fulani people of unexplained etymology. The younger form of the clan name is
Diallo Western African, FulaDerived from the Fula clan name
Jallo of uncertain meaning. Diallo is a common name throughout West Africa.
Diamandis Greek"Diamonds" in Greek. One notable bearer of the surname is Marina Lambrini Diamandis, A Welsh/Greek Songwriter and Singer who preforms under the stage name of "Marina and the Diamonds"
Diamant JewishDerived from Yiddish דימענט
(diment) meaning "diamond".
Diamantis GreekDerived from the Byzantine Greek word διαμάντιν (
diamántin), itself from the Italian
diamante (Late Latin
diamas), ultimately from the Ancient Greek word ἀδάμας (
adámas) meaning "diamond".
Diamond JewishAmericanized form of a Jewish surname, spelled in various ways, derived from modern German
Demant "diamond", or Yiddish
dimet or
diment, from the Middle High German
diemant (via Latin from Greek adamas ‘unconquerable’, genitive adamantos, a reference to the hardness of the stone)... [
Diamond IrishAnglicized form of Gaelic
Ó Diamáin "descendant of Diamán", earlier
Díomá or
Déamán, a diminutive of
Díoma, itself a pet form of
Diamond EnglishEnglish variant of
Dayman (see
Day). Forms with the excrescent d are not found before the 17th century; they are at least in part the result of folk etymology.
Diao ChineseFrom Chinese 刁
(diāo) referring to the ancient state of Diao, which existed during the Zhou dynasty in what is now Shaanxi province. It was adopted due to being homophonous with the character 雕, which was the actual name of the state.
Diasamidze GeorgianMeans "son of
Diasami", from a Georgian given name of unknown meaning, perhaps meaning "master" or derived from Abkhaz дәаӡа
(dwaʒa) meaning "uncultivated land, virgin soil" (thus used to refer to someone who plowed land)... [
Diawara Western AfricanFrom the name of the Diawara clan and ethnic subgroup of the Soninke people which is apparently derived from the name of the town of Dia in Mali or from the name of the medieval Dia Dynasty of Gao, also in Mali.
Di'bonaria Sardinian (Rare)(Our Lady of Bonaria) Also known as Blessed Virgin Mary located in Cagliari, Italy... Di meaning (of) and Bonaria meaning "Good Natured". Last name given to honor Our Lady of Bonaria.
Di Ciuccio ItalianCiuccio is a surname especially Campano and more precisely of the provinces of Naples and Salerno, should derive from the medieval name Ciuccio, one of the many apheretic hypochoristic forms of the name Francesco, of which a hypochoristic is Francescuccio, which by apheresis becomes Cuccio
Dickensheets English (American)Americanized spelling of German Dickenscheid, a habitational name from a place named Dickenschied in the Hunsrück region. The place name is from Middle High German dicke ‘thicket’, ‘woods’ + -scheid (often schied) ‘border area’ (i.e. ridge, watershed), ‘settler’s piece of cleared (wood)land’.
Dicker EnglishEither an occupational name for a digger of ditches or a builder of dikes, or a topographic name for someone who lived by a ditch or dike, derived from Middle English
dike or
dik meaning "dyke.
Dickey IrishNorthern Irish: from a pet form of the personal name Dick 1.
Di Cola ItalianThe surname Di Cola originates from the diminutive of the male name Nicola, widespread especially in the city of Bari, devoted to its patron saint.
Didukh UkrainianFrom Ukrainian
дідух (didukh), meaning "didukh". A didukh is a Ukrainian Christmas decoration originating from ancient times.
Die FrenchFrom a town called Die in Drôme, France. Possibly from French
dieu meaning "God".
Dieckhaus GermanRefers to a person from a place of the same name near Diepholz in Lower Saxony.
Diehl GermanFrom the given name
Tiel, from
Thilo, a diminutive of given names beginning with
Diet-, as such as
Dielmann German (Modern)It was once spelled as "Dielhmann" and sometimes with one "n". The meaning is unknown, but when I used Google's translator "dielh" means "the" and "mann" was "man".
Diem GermanGerman: from a reduced form of the personal name Dietmar ( see Dittmar ).
Dier Jewishthe name allegedly means "dyer (of clothes)"
Dieringer German (Americanized)Americanized form of German Thüringer, regional name for someone from Thuringia, This was also used as a medieval personal name. Americanized form of German Tieringer, habitational name for someone from Tieringen in Württemberg.
Dierking Low German, DutchHabitational name from a farm so named which once belonged to a certain Dierk and his kin, for instance Dircking (nowadays Derkink) in Enschede.
Dieu French, WalloonFrom French
dieu "god" given as a nickname for someone who played Christ in medieval mysteries or for a presumptious or an overly religious person, or from a short for of the given name
Dieulafoy FrenchFrom Old French
Dieu la foy meaning "God the faith". Famous bearers were the married couple of French archeologists Marcel Dieulafoy (1844-1920) and Jane Dieulafoy (1951-1916). A medical condition of the stomach causing gastric bleeding called "Dieulafoy's lesion" was named after Dr... [