Submitted Surnames of Length 5

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the length is 5.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kolga Estonian
Kolga is an Estonian surname derived from "kolgas" meaning "back country", "province", and "hinterland".
Kolin Russian
Derived from a diminutive Kolya of the Russian given name Nikolay.
Kölle German
Variant of Koll.
Kõllo Estonian
Kõllo is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "kõlu" meaning "shells".
Kolos Hungarian
From the given name Kolos.
Komar Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Slovene, Belarusian (Russified)
Means "mosquito" in many Slavic langauges.
Komen Dutch
This name is more prevalent in Kenya than the Netherlands.
Konda Japanese
Written with characters meaning ‘now’ and ‘rice paddy’, this version of the name is found mostly in eastern Japan. In western Japan it is pronounced Imata.
Konda Telugu
Hindu name meaning ‘hill’ in Telugu.
Konda Slovene
Pet form of the personal name Kondrad
Kondi Kongo, Vili
Of uncertain meaning.
Kondo Japanese
Alternate transcription of Kondō.
Kondō Japanese
From Japanese 近 (kon) meaning "near, close" and 藤 () meaning "wisteria". The latter character could indicate a connection to the Fujiwara clan.
Konge Danish
Danish cognate of King.
Kongo Estonian
Kongo is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "kangur" meaning "weaver", or from "kongus" meaning "hooked".
Kongo Kongo
From Kongo meaning "hunter". This surname could also be from places named "Kongo".
Konks Estonian
Konks is an Estonian surname meaning "hook", "swan neck", and "trammel".
Konno Japanese
Variously written, most usually with characters meaning ‘now’ or ‘near’ and ‘field’. Found mostly in eastern Japan, farther to the northeast it is pronounced Imano.
Konno Japanese
From Japanese 今 (kon) meaning "this, now" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Konno Japanese
From Japanese 金 (kon) meaning "gold, money" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Konno Japanese
From Japanese 紺 (kon) meaning "dark blue, navy blue" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Konoe Japanese
Means "royal guardian" in Japanese. The kanji that make up this name are 近 (kon, "near, close") and 衛 (e, "protection"). A famous bearer of this surname was Japanese Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe (近衞 文麿; 1891–1945).
Konts Estonian
Konts is an Estonian surname meaning "heel" and "stubb".
Konuk Turkish
Means "guest" in Turkish.
Kooij Dutch
From Dutch kooi meaning "cage", often referring to a pen or duck decoy (a plot of land with a pond set aside to lure in ducks). Occupational name for someone who raised or hunted ducks, or who made cages.
Kooli Estonian
Kooli is an Estonian surname meaning "scholastic".
Koops Dutch, Low German
Patronymic from the given name Koop, a diminutive form of Jakob. Alternatively, a variant of German and Dutch Koop.
Koori Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 氷 (see Kōri).
Koort Estonian
Koort is an Estonian surname meaning "cord".
Kopel Jewish
From a Yiddish diminutive of the given name Jacob.
Kopko Polish, Ukrainian
Kopeck is a reduced pet form of the personal name Prokop.... [more]
Kopli Estonian
Kopli is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "koppel", meaning "enclosure" or "paddock".
Koren Slovene, Hebrew
Koren is a surname which has multiple origins. Koren may be a variant of the German occupational surname Korn, meaning a dealer in grain. Alternatively, it may be a variant of the Greek female name Kora... [more]
Kõrge Estonian
Kõrge is an Estonian surname meaning "tall" and "exalted".
Koroi Fijian
Fijian surname of unknown meaning.
Korol Russian, Ukrainian
From Russian and Ukrainian meaning "king".
Kõrts Estonian
Kõrts is an Estonian surname meaning "pub" or "inn".
Korus Czech, Polish
Derived from the given name Kornel.
Kõrve Estonian
Kõrve is an Estonian surname meaning to "scorch" or "singe".
Kösen Jewish (Ashkenazi)
Some characteristic forenames: Jewish Chaim, Joachim, Yosef.... [more]
Košir Slovene
From the Slavic word koš meaning "basket". It originally indicated a person who made or sold baskets.
Koška Belarusian
Derived from Belarusian кошка (koška) meaning "cat".
Koski Finnish
Means "rapids" in Finnish.
Koten German
Derived from German Kate / Kote, originally from Middle Low German kote "small house; hut".... [more]
Kotik Russian
Kotik is a Russian diminutive of кот (kot), meaning cat.
Kotli Estonian
Kotli is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "kotlet" meaning "cutlet" or "chop"
Kotov m Russian, Belarusian
Derived from Russian кот (kot) meaning "cat". It is a Russian surname, but is also present in Belarus.
Kotti Albanian
Kottie or Kotte
Kouno Japanese
Variant transcription of Kono.
Koura Japanese
Ko means "small" and ura means "bay, seacoast".
Kouri Greek
Variant of Kouris.
Kõuts Estonian
Kõuts is an Estonian surname meaning "cat" (also, in Estonian "Kass") or "tomcat".
Kovaľ m Slovak
Slovak variant of Koval.
Kowal Polish
Koyle Old Irish
The surname Koyle was first found in Donegal (Irish: Dún na nGall), northwest Ireland in the province of Ulster, sometimes referred to as County Tyrconnel, where they held a family seat from very ancient times.
Köylü Turkish
Means "villager, peasant" in Turkish.
Kozak Polish, Czech, Slovak, Sorbian, Ukrainian
Ethnic name for a Cossack, a member of a people descended from a group of runaway serfs who set up a semi-independent military republic in Ukraine in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Kozak Jewish
Nickname from Yiddish kozak from a Ukrainian loanword meaning "warrior", "brave man".
Kozar Ukrainian, Russian, Croatian, Slovene
Means “goatherd”.
Kozub Czech, Polish, Slovak
Either denoted a fireplace maker or a saddler depending on the origin, either meaning "fireplace, hearth" in Czech and Slovak or "saddle" in Polish.
Kozue Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 梢, 小梢 or 梢江 with 梢 (shou, kusunoki, kozue) meaning "treetops, twig", 小 (shou, o-, ko-, sa-, chii.sai) meaning "little, small" and 江 (kou, e) meaning "bay, creek, inlet."... [more]
Kraan Dutch
Means "crane" in Dutch, referring to both the bird and the machine. Usually a nickname for a tall or long-legged person, but can also be an occupational name for someone who worked a mechanical crane, or a habitational name from a place containing the element kraan.
Kraav Estonian
Kraav is an Estonian surname meaning "ditch".
Krabi Estonian
Krabi is an Estonian surname meaning "crab".
Krabs Popular Culture
This is the surname of Eugene H. Krabs from SpongeBob SquarePants.
Kräft German, Jewish
Nickname for a strong man, from Old High German kraft, German Kraft ‘strength’, ‘power’.
Krahe German, Spanish
From the German word Krähe, meaning "crow".... [more]
Krahn German
Nickname for a slim or long-legged person, from Middle Low German krane "crane". Compare Kranich.
Krais German, Brazilian
Brazilian adaptation of the German surname Greis; altered for easier comprehension by the Portuguese-speaking population of Brazil.
Krane Dutch, Low German
Variant of Dutch Kraan or German Krahn.
Krasa Thai (Rare)
Means "heron, stork" in Thai.
Kratt German
German metonymic occupational name for a ''basketmaker'', from Middle High German kratte ''basket''.
Kraut German
metonymic occupational name for a market gardener or a herbalist from Middle High German krūt "herb plant; cabbage".
Krawc Sorbian
Means "tailor" in Upper Sorbian.
Kreek Estonian
Means "damson (plum)" in Estonian.
Kreem Estonian
Kreem is an Estonian surname meaning "cream".
Kreit Upper German
Topographic name from Middle High German geriute meaning “land cleared for farming”
Krepp German
topographic name for someone living in a hollow
Kress German
From Middle High German kresse "gudgeon", hence probably a nickname for someone thought to resemble the fish in some way or an occupational name for a fisherman.
Kress German
From Old High German krassig, gratag "greedy".
Kress German
From a much altered pet form of the personal name Erasmus.
Kreul German
From Middle Low German krouwel "hook, claw; three-pronged fork, trident, meat hook", a metonymic name for someone who made such tools, or a nickname for someone who used them.
Kreuz German
From German meaning "cross".
Krief Judeo-Spanish
From Arabic خريف (kharif) meaning "lamb" (a dialectal word).
Krieg German
German word meaning "war"
Krier German, Luxembourgish
Occupational name from Middle High German krier "herald".
Kries German
From Middle High German kriese "cherry" hence an occupation for someone who sold soft fruits or a locational surname for some who lived by a cherry tree.
Kriit Estonian
Kriit is an Estonian surname meaning "chalk".
Krish Indian
Shortened form of Krishna or of any other name beginning with Krishna (such as Krishnan, Krishnaswami, Krishnamurthy, etc.), used in the U.S. by families from southern India. It is not in use in India.
Krist German, Dutch
Variant form of Christ, or a short form of the given name Kristen 1.
Kroes Dutch, Low German
Means "frizzy, curly (hair)" in Dutch.
Kroes Dutch, Low German
Means "chalice, cup, jug" in Dutch, an occupational name for someone who made drinking vessels, such as a potter. Could also be a habitational name for someone who lived by a sign depicting a cup.
Kröll German
From Middle High German krellen "to claw", a nickname for a snappish or cruel person. Compare Kreul.
Kroll Polish (Germanized)
Germanized form of Król.
Kroll German, Dutch
Nickname for someone with curly hair, from Middle High German krol "curly", Middle Low German krulle "ringlet, curl", Middle Dutch croel, crul.
Kroll German
Derived from the given name Rollo.
Kroma English (American)
Surname of popular YouTuber Justin Kroma (LankyBox).
Kross Low German
Occupational name for a maker of mugs and jugs, from Middle Low German krus, kros 'pitcher', 'ceramic drinking vessel'.
Kruip Dutch
Means "crawl, creep" in Dutch, possibly a nickname for someone known for skulking about.
Kruis Dutch, Flemish
Means "cross" in Dutch, a habitational name for someone who lived near a crossroads, a sign depicting a cross, or a place where people were executed. Could also denote someone who made crosses, either the religious symbol or the instrument of torture.
Krull Estonian
Krull is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "kull" meaning "hawk".
Krumm German
From a nickname, which in turn is from the Middle High German word krum, meaning "crooked" or "deformed".
Krūms Latvian
Meaning "bush".
Kruup Estonian
Kruup is an Estonian surname meaning "goat".
Kruus Estonian
Kruus is an Estonian surname meaning "gravel".
Kuban Northern African, Nubian
Unknown Nubian surname.
Kübar Estonian
Kübar is an Estonian surname meaning "hat".
Kubec Czech
Kubec is short form of Jakub.
Kubwa Swahili
From Swahili meaning "large".
Kucha Okinawan (Rare, Archaic)
From Okinawan 古知屋 (Kucha) meaning "Kucha", a former village in the former district of Kin in the former Ryūkyū Kingdom.
Kuchi Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 口 (kuchi) meaning "mouth". It is a reference to an event in the Northern and Southern Courts Period, of 3 sons of Takase who became heroes for the south. The emperor of Japan awarded each of the sons a new surname; Oku for the eldest son, Naka for the middle son, and Kuchi for the youngest son.
Kudoh Japanese
Variant transcription of Kudo.
Kudou Japanese
From 久 (ku) "long time" and 遠 (tou/dou) "distant" OR from 工 (ku) "construction" and 藤 (dou) "wisteria."
Kueda Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 久枝 (see Hisaeda).
Kueng Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Kuang.
Kuijt Dutch
Occupational name for a brewer of beer, derived from Dutch kuit, koyt literally meaning "beer". A famous bearer of this name is retired Dutch soccer player Dirk Kuijt (1980-), also known as Dirk Kuyt.
Kuiva Estonian
Kuiva is an Estonian surname derived from "kuivaks" meaning "dry".
Kukac Croatian (Rare)
Means "insect, worm" in Croatian.
Kukić Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Derived from kuka (кука), meaning "hook".
Kukiç Albanian
Albanian form of Kukić.
Kulak Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish
Means "fist". Was also used to describe Ukrainian farmers who went against the Soviet government in the early 30s.
Kulap Thai
Means "rose" in Thai (of Persian origin).
Kulas Polish
Polish in Origin
Kulik Russian
Means sandpiper in Russian.
Kulju Finnish
Means "quagmire, morass" in Finnish
Kulya Ukrainian
Means "bullet" in Ukrainian. Denoted to a soldier.
Kulyk Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Kulik.
Kumai Japanese
From Japanese 熊 (kuma) meaning "bear" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
Kumon Japanese (Rare)
One notable bearer of this surname is Tōru Kumon (公文 公), the founder of Kumon Education.
Kunce German (?)
Possibly a variant of Kunz.
Kunic Yiddish
Variation on Koenig.
Kunii Japanese
From Japanese 国 or 國 (kuni) meaning "country, land" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
Kunin Jewish
Metronymic form of Kune.
Kunio Japanese
Kuni means "country, large place" and o means "tail".
Kunis Jewish
Metronymic form of Kune. This surname is most famous for its association with the American actress named Mila Kunis.
Kunis German, Dutch
From a derivative of the personal name Kuno or Konrad.
Kuntu Estonian
Kuntu is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "kunde" meaning "customer".
Künzi German (Swiss)
Derived from a diminutive of Kunz.
Kuoni Romansh
Derived from the given name Conrad.
Kupka Czech, Polish, Ukrainian, Slovak, Sorbian, Jewish
Nickname or topographic name from the Polish, Ukrainian, Czech and Sorbian word kupka, a diminutive of kupa meaning "heap, pile", in Upper Sorbian also "lump".... [more]
Kurai Japanese
Kura means "warehouse, storehouse" and i means "well, pit, mineshaft".
Kurio Japanese
Kuri means "chestnut" and o means "tail".
Kuroi Japanese
Kuro means "black" and i means "mineshaft, pit, hole".
Kuroo Japanese
From 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" and 尾 (o) meaning "tail".
Kurth German
From the given name Kurt
Kurtz German
Variant of Kurz.
Kurup Malayalam
From a title traditionally bestowed upon weapon makers and masters of martial arts, of uncertain meaning.
Kuşçu Turkish
Occupational name for a breeder, seller or trainer of birds, from Turkish kuş meaning "bird".
Kushi Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 久枝 (see Hisaeda).
Kutch German (Anglicized)
Americanized variant of German Kutsch.
Kutlu Turkish
Means "auspicious, blessed, happy, holy, lucky" in Turkish.
Kutty Indian, Malayalam, Tamil
Means "child" in Malayalam and Tamil.
Kütük Turkish
Means "tree log, stump" in Turkish.
Kuuse Estonian
Kuuse is an Estonian surname meaning "fir".
Kuusk Estonian
Kuusk is an Estonian surname meaning "spruce".
Küüts Estonian
Küüts is an Estonian surname meaning "lift".
Kuyon Hungarian, Romanian
Largely unknown, but may have origins in a village in Poland, called Kujan. There’s records on the name at Ellis Island in New York where it was anglicized to the phonetic, Kuyon. There’s also a split in the main families with the name in the US to another diminutive, Kenyon.... [more]
Kuzin Russian
Means "son of Kuzya".
Kuzma Ukrainian, Belarusian
From the personal name Kuzma, Greek Kosmas, a derivative of kosmos ‘universe’, ‘(ordered) arrangement’. St. Cosmas, martyred with his brother Damian in Cilicia in the early 4th century ad, came to be widely revered in the Eastern Church.
Kvist Swedish
Swedish surname meaning "twig, branch".... [more]
Kvong Chinese (Russified)
Alternate transcription of Kvon.
Kvyat Russian
Russian form of Kwiat.
Kwiat Polish
Means "flower" in Polish, from the Old Slavic root květŭ.
Kwong Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Kuang.
Kyōnō Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 皛 (kyō) of unknown meaning and 納 () meaning "to pay fees, to supply, to store, to complete, to restore".
Kyono Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 皛納 (see Kyōnō).
Kyoso Japanese
From Japanese 狂 (kyō) meaning "madness" and 想 (sō) meaning "thought, idea". The kanji that makes up Kyoso can also mean "fantasy".
Kyoto Japanese
From place name Kyoto.
Lääne Estonian
Lääne is an Estonian surname meaning "western".
Lääts Estonian
Lääts is an Estonian surname meaning "lens".
Laats Estonian
Laats is an Estonian name derived from "laat", meaning "fair" or "attractive".
Labao Filipino, Cebuano
From Cebuano labaw meaning "surpassing, outdoing, prevailing".
Labba Sami
Meaning uncertain. Perhaps derived from Sami slabba "large reindeer antler shaped like a hand" or from Northern Sami láppis "lamb".
Label French
Variant of Labelle.
Lācis m Latvian
Means "bear" in Latvian.
Ladja Filipino, Tausug
Derived from Tausug raja meaning "king, ruler".
Laeva Estonian
Laeva is an Estonian surname meaning "ship".
Laghi Italian
Possibly originated to denote someone from the Italian town of Laghi.
Lagle Estonian
Lagle is an Estonian surname (and feminine given name) meaning "goose".
Lahey Irish
Lahey and Leahy originate from two different Gaelic surnames. Lahey, Lahy, Lahiff, Lahiffe, Laffey, and Lahive all originate from the Gaelic surname O Laithimh, which itself is a variant of O Flaithimh... [more]
Laico Italian
Means that is not part of the Catholic Church.
Laigu Estonian
Laigu is an Estonian surname derived from "laigustama" meaning "blotchy", "dappled" and "mottled".
Laîné French
distinguishing epithet from French l'aîné "the eldest (son)", used to identify the older of two bearers of the same name in a family.
Laing Scottish
Scottish form of Lang. A famous bearer was the explorer Alexander Gordon Laing.
Laity English
Nickname for a trustworthy person, from Old French léauté ‘loyalty’ (Latin legalitas, a derivative of legalis ‘legal’, ‘by law’).
Lalli Finnish
Of uncertain etymology. This surname has been attested in Finland since 1550 CE.
Lally Irish
A shortened form of Mullally, an anglicised form of Ó Maolalaidh. A famous bearer includes James Lally, an Irish landowner and politician from Tuam, County Galway.
Lalor Irish
Lalor is an Irish surname derived from the Irish Ó Leathlobhair, from leath- “leper; weak, ailing person”
Lambe English
Variant of Lamb.
Lampe German
From German meaning "lamp".
Lance English
From the given name Lance.
Lance French
From Old French lance "lance, long spear", an occupational name for a soldier or a nickname for a fighter who used the weapon.
Lānda Punjabi
Lānda (ਲਾਨਦਾ) is a Punjabi surname that is used amongst families belonging to the Bhat tribe. The bearers of this surname belong to the gotra Lākhanpal, which is of Kshatriya origin.
Landa Polish
Nickname for a persistent and irritating person, from a derivative of the dialect verb landzić "to ask insistently, badger someone".
Landa Jewish
Variant of Landau.
Lande French, Norwegian, Jewish
French: topographic name for someone living on a heath, lande (from Gaulish landa ‘space’, ‘land’), or a habitational name from any of numerous minor places named La Lande from this word.... [more]
Laney English, Irish
Possibly from the given name Laney or the Irish surname McElhinney.
Länik Estonian
Länik is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "elanik" meaning "occupant", "resident" or "dweller".
Lanka Lithuanian, Latvian
Probably a shortened form of Lithuanian Lankauskas.
Länts Estonian
Länts is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "lant", meaning "drail".
Lantz German
Habitational name from places called Lanz or derived from the given name Lanzo.
Lantz Swedish
Swedish soldier name meaning "lance". ... [more]
Lanza Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Lance.
Lánzé Chinese
From Chinese 蓝, 藍 (lán) meaning "blue" combined with 澤, 泽 (zé) meaning "lake, swamp".
Lanzo English (?), German (?)
From the given name Lanzo
Lanzo Italian
Variant of Lanza.
Lapin French
Means "Rabbit" in French.
Lapin Russian
From lapa, meaning "paw".