Submitted Surnames of Length 5

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the length is 5.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Petre Romanian
From the given name Petre.
Petri Romanian
Derived from Petre, the Romanian form of Peter.
Petru Romanian (Rare)
From the given name Petru.
Petty English, Scottish
Derived from Norman French petit, 'small', thus a nickname for a small or insignificant individual.... [more]
Pevec Croatian
From pevec meaning ''rooster''
Pezda Polish
Probably old polish word for "Orzech Ziemny" (Peanut)
Pfarr German
From Middle High German pfarr 'district' 'parish' or pfarre(r) 'parish priest', hence an occupational name for a parson.
Pfeil German
From Middle High German pfil ‘arrow’ (from Latin pilum ‘spike’, ‘javelin’), either a metonymic occupational name for an arrowsmith or possibly a nickname for a tall thin man.
Pflug German
Means "plough, plow" in German, an occupational name for a plowman or plowwright.
Pfuhl German
a topographic name for someone who lived by a swamp or pond, Middle High German phuol.... [more]
Pfund German
metonymic occupational name for a sealer of weights, or for a wholesale merchant, from Middle High German pfunt ‘pound’ (as a measure of weight and a unit of currency).
Phóil Irish
Possibly a short form of Mac Phóil or Mac Giolla Phóil.
Phùng Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Feng 1, from Sino-Vietnamese 馮 (phùng).
Phung Vietnamese
Simplified variant of Phùng.
Piana Italian
Topographic name from piana ‘plain’, ‘level ground’, from Latin planus, or a habitational name from any of the places named with this word.
Piano Italian
Topographic name for someone who lived on a plain or plateau, Italian piano (Latin planum, from the adjective planus ‘flat’, ‘level’).
Picot French
From Old French picot "pointed object pickaxe" a nickname for someone who used such an implement.
Piech Polish, German (Austrian)
From a diminutive form of Peter.
Piers French, English, Jewish
From the medieval given name Piers
Pigue French
French family last name may have been changed from the original French
Pilar Portuguese
From the Portuguese word for pillar.
Pilch English
From Middle English pilch, a metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of pilches or a nickname for a habitual wearer of these. A pilch (from Late Latin pellicia, a derivative of pellis "skin, hide") was a kind of coarse leather garment with the hair or fur still on it.
Pilot English
Means a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.
Piñal Spanish
Surname whose house was in Hoz de Anero, in the City council of Ribamontán al Monte (Santander).
Pinal Spanish (Mexican)
From Spanish meaning "pine grove".
Pınar Turkish
Means "spring, fountain" in Turkish.
Pinch English
Nickname for a chirpy person, from Middle English pinch, pink ‘(chaf)finch’. Compare Finch. possibly a metonymic occupational name from Middle English pinche ‘pleated fabric’, from Middle English pinche(n) ‘to pinch (pastry)’, ‘to pleat (fabric)’, ‘to crimp (hair, etc.)’, also ‘to cavil’, ‘to be niggardly’.
Pines Jewish
Derived from the given name Pinchas.
Pines English (American)
Surname of the characters, Dipper, Mabel and Stan from Gravity Falls.
Pines English
Plural form of Pine. Possibly given to someone who lives in a pine forest or a pine grove.
Pinna Sardinian
Means "feather" in Sardinian.
Pinoy Tagalog, Filipino
Relating to the Philippine Islands or the Filipinos.
Piqué Catalan
A famous bearer of this surname is Spanish/Catalan footballer Gerard Piqué.
Piras Sardinian
Means "pears", derived from Sardinian pira "pear".
Pirro Italian
Pirro is a nickname for Peter.
Pitka Estonian
Pitka is an Estonian surname meanin "tall" or "long".
Pitre French (Acadian)
From the Old French word pester, meaning “to knead”.
Pitta Tamil
Not available.
Pivec Czech
Nickname for a drinker, from pivo meaning ‘beer’.
Pivov m Russian
From Russian пиво (pivo), meaning "beer".
Pizza Italian
Variant of Pizzo.
Place English
Topographic name for someone who lived in or near the main market square.
Plain French
from Old French plain an adjective meaning "flat" and a noun meaning "plain" hence a topographic name denoting e.g. a dwelling on a flat terrain.
Plant English
An occupational surname for a gardener.
Plass German
From Middle Low German plas meaning "place, open square, street". Can also derive from a medieval form of the given name Blasius.
Plata Spanish
Byname from plata "silver".
Plata Spanish
Habitational name from places in Toledo and Cáceres provinces named Plata, or various places named La Plata.
Plate German, Dutch
metonymic occupational name for a maker of plate armor from Middle High German blate plate Middle Dutch plate "plate armor plating".
Plato German, Dutch, Polish, English
From the Given name Plato the Latinized form of Platon. English variant of Plater.
Plekk Estonian
Plekk is an Estonian surname meaning "tin".
Pleve Dutch (Russified)
Russified form of Plehve.
Pliev Ingush (Russified), Ossetian (Russified)
Russified form of an Ingush and Ossetian name, which is derived from the name of an Ingush teip (clan). The name itself comes from Plievo, the name of a village in Ingushetia, which means "village of the sons of Pkhile", referring to a given name possibly derived from Ossetian пыл (pyl) meaning "elephant".
Ploom Estonian
Means "plum (fruit)" in Estonian.
Pluma Spanish
From Spanish meaning "plume, feather". Occupational name for a scribe.
Plūme Latvian
Meaning "plum, plum tree".
Podda Italian
From Sardinian podda "flour", or pudda "chicken".
Põder Estonian
Means "moose" in Estonian.
Pogue Irish, American
An Irish surname meaning "kiss"
Pohla Estonian
Pohla is an Estonian surname derived from "pohl" ("lingonberry").
Pohon Indonesian
Means "tree" in Indonesian.
Pöial Estonian
Pöial is an Estonian surname meaning "thumb".
Polat Turkish
Means "steel" in Persian. Many Turkish Oghuz descendants are using this surname.
Poley French, German, Jewish
French: variant of Polet, Paulet, pet forms of Paul.... [more]
Polka German, Polish
Variant of German Polk, also a feminine form for the surname Polak, and comes from the given female name Apolonia.
Polke German
Variant of Polk.
Polli Estonian
Possibly derived from the name of a village in Estonia, which may be related to põld "field".
Põllu Estonian
Põllu is an Estonian surname meaning "arable" or "agrestic"; associated with farming ("farmer" = "põllumees").
Ponce Spanish, English
The Ponce name was carried into England after the migration from Normandy following the Norman Conquest of 1066.'Ponce' is derived from 'Ponsoby',a place in Cumberland, where the family settled. The Ponce motto is 'Pro rege, lege grege' meaning "For the King, law, and people"
Ponce Spanish
Derived from the given name Pontius
Pontz English
The name Pontz likely came from Germanic origin, probably originating from the German Pflanzen.
Ponzi Italian
Patronymic form of Ponzio.
Pooga Estonian
Pooga is an Estonian surname derived from "pooge" meaning "graft/grafting".
Poppe German, Dutch, English
German and Dutch variant of Popp 1 and English variant of Popp 2.
Porat Jewish, Hebrew
From the given name Poratha.
Porcu Italian
From Sardinian porcu "pig".
Porko Finnish
Meaning uncertain, possibly derived from Finnish poro meaning "reindeer".
Porss Estonian
Porss is an Estonian surname meaning "bog myrtle" and "bayberry".
Porta Romansh
Derived from Romansh porta "door".
Porte French, German, English
from Old French porte "gateway entrance" (from Latin porta) hence a topographic name for someone who lived near the gates of a fortified town (typically the man in charge of them)... [more]
Posey English, French
Derived from the Greek word "desposyni." The Desposyni is a term referring to a group of people that are allegedly direct blood relatives to Jesus. They are mentioned in Mark 3:21 and Mark 3:31. American actress Parker Posey is a famous bearer.
Potot Filipino, Cebuano
From Cebuano putot meaning "short person", "flower bud" or "young coconut fruit".
Povkh Ukrainian
Means "ground rat" in Ukrainian.
Powis English
The English of Welsh Surname Powys, which derives from the place "Powys" in Wales.
Pöyry Finnish
The Pöyry surname is connected to the ancient Scandinavian male name Biur.
Pozos Spanish, Galician
A habitational name from any of several places named with the plural of pozo, meaning ‘well’. See Pozo.
Pradl Hungarian, German (Austrian)
Meaning unknown. Possibly originating somewhere in Hungary.
Prado Italian
Variant of Prato 1.
Praks Estonian
Praks is an Estonian surname meaning to "crack or "snap".
Prata Italian
Variant of Prato 1.
Prati Italian
Meaning "meadows" in Italian, derived from Italian prato "feild, meadow" (see Prato 1)
Pratl Hungarian
Possible variant of Pradl.
Prato Italian
Meaning "feild, meadow" in Italian, likely detonating to someone who lived on a meadow.
Prato English
From Latin praetor, meaning "reeve".
Prats Catalan
Habitational name from any of the numerous places in Catalonia called Prats, from the plural of prat ‘meadow’
Preci Italian
Italian origin. Native spelling is Preçi.
Preda Italian
Derived from the first name Prato, meaning "field, meadow".
Prees Estonian
Prees is an Estonian surname meaning "brooch".
Press English, Jewish
A nickname for a pious individual from the Middle English form of "priest" or possibly someone employed by a priest. In the Jewish sense, one whose occupation was to iron clothes.
Preto Portuguese
comes from the Portuguese word preto meaning "black" or "dark". referring to someone with dark skin and/or hair. possibly a cognate of the spanish surname Prieto
Prett English
Variant of Pratt.
Preüs German
Variant spelling of Preüss.
Preus German/Norwegian
Unknown, but may have come from Prussia or be Jewish. It could mean to jabber. Maybe the same as Preuss, but eliminated the S when immigrating to America.
Preve Italian
Derives from the Latin "presbyter" with the meaning of "Older". Abundant in the Piedmont region.
Preve Italian
From Greek "πρεσβύτερος" (presbyteros), via Latin "presbyter" with the meaning of "The Old One".... [more]
Price Irish, Northern Irish
The translated form of the surname O'Luachain, of the Hy-Neill septs of Ulster.
Priel Hebrew
Means "the fruit of god"
Prikk Estonian
Prikk is an Estonian surname meaning "(ship's) brig".
Prins Dutch, Jewish
Means "prince" in Dutch, a doublet of Prince. Often a habitational name for someone who lived or worked near a location named Prins, such as an inn or windmill, or sign depicting the Prince of Orange... [more]
Prior English
Occupational surname for a prior (a high-ranking official in a monastery), ultimately from Latin prior meaning "superior, first".
Prior Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Mac an Phríora meaning "son of the prior".
Proia Italian
From the name of a place in Italy. The meaning is uncertain, but it might be derived from Greek πρωία (proía) "morning".
Pronk Dutch
Means "flamboyance" in Dutch, derived from pronken "to show off, to display" or "to sulk, be sullen, be displeased".
Prööm Estonian
Prööm is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "krööm" meaning "grain".
Prose German
From a short form of the personal name Ambrose.
Pross German
Variant of "Prosser"
Prost Dutch
Variant or Americanized form of Proost.
Prude English (American)
This surname comes from the English word prude. The definition for the word prude is a person who is or claims to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity.
Prude African American
This surname came from the English word prude. The definition of the word prude is a person who is or claims to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity.
Pruna Spanish (Rare)
Possibly a habitational name from a place so named in Spain. It could also be derived from Catalan pruna "plum".
Průša m Czech
from a pet form of the personal name Prokop
Pruss Estonian
Pruss is an Estonian surname meaning "beam" and "rafter".
Pruul Estonian
Pruul is an Estonian surname meaning "brew".
Pruun Estonian
Pruun is an Estonian surname meaning "brown".
Pruus Estonian
Pruus is an Estonian surname, possibly a corruption of "pruss" meaning "beam" and "timber".
Prytz Swedish, Norwegian
Swedish and Norwegian surname, possibly of German origin.
Psaki Greek (Americanized)
Derived from the Greek surname Ψάκης (Psakis), of uncertain etymology.
Pucci Italian
Patronymic derived from the medieval given name Puccio.
Puddu Italian
From Sardinian puddu "chicken" (compare Podda).
Puett English (American)
Americinized form of Pütt.
Puetz German
Variant of Putz.
Pueyo Spanish
From Spanish meaning "small hilltop".
Pughe Welsh
Variant of Pugh
Pugno Italian
The Italian family name Pugno is considered by scholars to be of nickname origin. While the majority of surnames that are derived from a sobriquet or nickname reveal to us some aspect of the physical appearance of the initial bearer of the name or may allude to a characteristic of this person, other nickname family names make reference to a particular piece of clothing or favorite article or indeed a favorite color of the bearer of the name... [more]
Puhar Serbian (Modern, Rare)
The last name of the contestant Mirjana Puhar from America's Next Top Model, who originally was born in Serbia. She died on February 24, 2015, aged 19 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Pujol Catalan, French
Catalan and French variant of Puig. Spanish tennis player Marcel Granollers (1986-) bears this name.
Pukki Finnish
The Finnish word for a male goat.
Puleo Sicilian
origin- common name found in Palermo in Scicily
Pulow German
Pulow is the name of a small village in the northeast of Germany. There is also a lake with the same name.
Punay Filipino, Cebuano
Means "yellow-breasted fruit dove" or "pink-necked green pigeon" (both species of bird) in Cebuano.
Punga Maori
The name means "reason, cause, origin". Punga is the name of the daughter of Ra (Sun) and his spouse Tame. This was the name of Ngati Mutunga chief Apitea Punga (1827?-1885) who had Moriori slaves and was a big land owner... [more]
Punke German
Unexplained; possibly an altered form of Bunke, from a Middle Low German personal name.
Punla Tagalog
Means "seedling, sprout" in Tagalog.
Purba Batak
Means "east" in Batak, ultimately from Sanskrit पूर्व (purva).
Purge Estonian
Purge is an Estonian surname derived "purk" meaning "can" and "purgis" meaning "canned".
Purje Estonian
Purje is an Estonian surname derived from "purjetama", meaning "sail".
Pusch German
Name for someone who lived near bushes or a thicket. The distinguished name Pusch is derived from the Old German word busc, which means thicket or brush.
Pusey English
Habitational name from Pusey in Oxfordshire (formerly in Berkshire), so called from Old English peose, piosu ‘pea(s)’ + ēg ‘island’, ‘low-lying land’, or from Pewsey in Wiltshire, recorded in Domesday Book as Pevesie, apparently from the genitive case of an Old English personal name Pefe, not independently attested + Old English ēg ‘island’.
Pusey French
Habitational name form Pusey in Haute-Saône, so named from a Gallo-Roman personal name, Pusius, + the locative suffix -acum.
Puust Estonian
Puust is an Estonian surname meaning "treen" (small handmade functional household objects made of wood) or "wooden".
Puyat Tagalog
Means "sleepless" in Tagalog.
Puyol Catalan
Catalan variant of Pujol. It is borne by the retired Spanish soccer player Carles Puyol (1978-).
Pužek Croatian (Rare)
From puž meaning ''snail''.
Pužić Croatian (Rare)
From puž meaning ''snail''.
Pyeon Korean (Rare)
Meaning unknown. Approximately 15 000 koreans have this surname
Qader Arabic, Bengali
Derived from the given name Qadir.
Qadri Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Qadir.
Qamar Urdu
From the given name Qamar.
Quaas German
Nickname for a big eater, from Middle Low German quās meaning "guzzling", "feasting".
Quách Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Guo, from Sino-Vietnamese 郭 (quách).
Quach Vietnamese
Simplified variant of Quách.
Quade Irish, German
As an Irish surname, it is a variant of Quaid.... [more]
Quaid Irish
Reduced form of Mcquaid.
Quail English, Manx
A variant of Quayle, derived from various patronymics meaning "son of Paul". Alternately, an English nickname derived from the bird, perhaps given to a person who was timid, or known for being promiscuous.
Quain Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicised form of O'Cuáin, which derives from the Old Irish given name Cúán.
Quảng Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 鄺 (Kuàng).
Quant Dutch, German
From Middle Dutch quant meaning "companion, comrade" or "trickster, prankster, rogue", ultimately from an older term meaning "journeyman, tradesman, small merchant". Compare Quandt.
Quant English
Nickname for a clever person from Middle English cwointe/queynte meaning "intelligent, skilled" or "cunning, deceptive", as well as "wonderful, strange, unknown". Ultimately derived from Latin cognitus "known, recognised".
Quark Manx
Alternate form of Corkish, meaning "Mac Mharcuis", or "son of Marcas" via the name Marc or Mark.
Quast German
habitational name from any of several places so named in northern Germany. metonymic occupational name for a barber or nickname for someone who wore a conspicuous tassel or feather, from Middle Low German, Middle High German quast(e) "tuft", "tassel", "brush", also "fool".
Quazi Bengali
Bengali transcription of Qazi.
Quetz German
German family name originating from the town of Quetz (today Quetzdölsdorf).... [more]
Quian Scottish
Anglicized form of Mac Shuibhne.
Quill Irish
Quill or Quille is an anglicised version of the Irish surnames Ó Cuill, Coll, Coill, and O'Coill (Ó Coill), all of which mean wood, forest or shrub Hazel Tree... [more]
Quine Manx
Shortened Anglicization of Manx Mac Vian "son of Mian".
Quist Swedish
Variant spelling of Kvist.
Quyền Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Quan, from Sino-Vietnamese 權 (quyền).
Raabe German
Cognate of Rabe.
Rääsk Estonian
Rääsk is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "rääs" meaning "whale-oil".
Rääst Estonian
Rääst is an Estonian surname meaning "baldachin" (a canopy of typically placed over an altar or throne).
Rabea Arabic
From the given name Rabi 1.
Rabek Arabic
Rabik (Rabek,Rabbek); "Lord" ... [more]
Raben German, Dutch, Danish
Derived from Low German rauben meaning "raven".
Rabie Arabic
Derived from the given name Rabi 1.
Rabov Russian
Means "son of a slave".
Rader German
Variation of Rademacher, meaning "maker of wheels" in German ("rat" meaning wheel), later shortened to Rader and other variations such as Redder, Raeder, Redler, etc.
Radia Filipino, Maranao
Means "king" in Maranao, ultimately from Sanskrit राज (raja).
Radin m Russian
From the old Slavic name element радъ (radŭ), meaning "happy, willing".
Raees Urdu, Indian (Muslim), Arabic, Indonesian
From the Arabic tile رَئِيس (raʾīs) meaning "chief, leader".
Rafik Arabic
From the given name Rafik.
Rafiq Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Rafiq.
Raftu Romanian
Raftu is a surname who was first use in Greece but now is only use in Romania, the name means ,,Bookshelf" in Romanian
Ragab Arabic
Variant transcription of Rajab.
Ragan English
A variant of Reagan.