ShokutsuJapanese From Japanese 食 (shoku) meaning food and 通 (tsu) meaning "connoisseur".
ShootmanGermanic Uncertain origin, probably occupational, from German, Dutch, or English. If German, possible occupational surname for a cobbler, from Old German Schuchmann, lit. "shoe man". Similar origin if Dutch... [more]
ShortallEnglish Nickname from Anglo-Saxon scorkhals meaning "a person with a short neck".
ShrapnelEnglish A different form of Carbonell. Shrapnel (i.e. metal balls or fragments that are scattered when a bomb, shell or bullet explodes) is named after General Henry Shrapnel (1761-1842), a British artillery officer who during the Peninsular War invented a shell that produced that effect.
ShresthaNepali Means "excellent" in Nepali, ultimately from Sanskrit श्रेष्ठ (shreshtha) meaning "best, most excellent".
ShresthaNewar From Sanskrit श्रेष्ठ (śrēṣṭha) meaning "important; most excellent; great" in Sanskrit. This is originally used by the Shrestha caste but is now adopted by many castes.
SibeliusFinland Swedish Latinization of Swedish Sibbe, the name of an estate in Eastern Uusimaa, Finland. A notable bearer was Finnish composer Jean Sibelius (1865-1957).
SiddiquiArabic, Urdu, Bengali From Arabic صَادِق (ṣādiq) meaning "true, truthful, veracious". It was traditionally used as an honorific title or a nickname for a trustworthy person.
SikanderPersian Sikander ultimately comes from Persian literature by the Shahnameh. It is a variant of Alexander along with the word “Eskander”. Both words are used in Persian literature to refer to Alexander the Great... [more]
SillamäeEstonian Sillamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "bridge hill/mountain".
SillaotsEstonian Sillaots is an Estonian surname meaning "bridge end".
SillasooEstonian Sillasoo is an Estonian surname meaning "bridge swamp/marsh".
SillasteEstonian Sillaste is an Estonian surname meaning "pertaining to bridges".
SillitoeEnglish A different form of Shillito (which is 'a name of unknown derivation and meaning, probably originating in Yorkshire'), borne by British novelist, short-story writer and poet Alan Sillitoe (1928-2010).
SilveyraSpanish Topographic name from silveira 'woodland', a collective derivative of silva (see Silva ); or a habitational name from any of the places called Silveira in Lugo and Pontevedra provinces, Galicia, Iberia.
SimamoraBatak From the Batak prefix si for place names and mamora meaning "rich, prosperous, wealthy".
SimancasSpanish It indicates familial origin within either of 2 places: the municipality in the Comarca of Campiña del Pisuerga or the administrative neighborhood of the Madrid district of San Blas-Canillejas.
SimantovHebrew (Modern) Means "good sign", derived from Hebrew סימן (siman) means "sign" and טוב (tov) means "good".
SinapiusHistory Derived from Latin sināpi, meaning "white mustard". This was the latinized surname of a Bohemian pharmacist and possible maker of the Voynich Manuscript, Jacobus Horcicky.
SinclairScottish (Anglicized) Clan Sinclair is a Scottish clan, which held lands in the highlands; thought to have come to Scotland from France after the Norman invasion.
SingkhamThai From Thai สิงห์ (sing) meaning "lion" and คำ (kham) meaning "gold" or "word, speech".
SiqueiraPortuguese Habitational name from numerous places called Siqueira or Sequeira in Portugal or Galicia, derived from sequeira meaning "arid land" (ultimately from Latin siccus "dry").
SiracusaItalian, Sicilian From the name of the city of Syracuse in Sicily, Italy (siracusa in Italian and sarausa in Sicilian).
SirelpuuEstonian Sirelpuu is an Estonian name meaning "lilac tree".
SkarsvågNorwegian From Norwegian meaning "scarp, promontory, rock cliff". It is derived from a place name in Norway, located in the municipality of Magerøya in the northernmost part of the country. As a surname, "Skarsvåg" likely originated as a toponym, referring to a person who hailed from the Skarsvåg area in Norway.
SlotboomDutch From a place name meaning "lock beam", a piece of wood used to close an opening.
SlotnickJewish (Anglicized, Modern) A Polish, Russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian surname, meaning 'goldsmith'. Also a Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic) occupational name for a goldsmith. Variant/anglicization of Polish Zlotnik, Ukrainian Zlotnyk.
SlughornPopular Culture Combination of English words "slug" and "horn". It is widely known as a name in the Harry Potter series.
SlunjskiCroatian Habitational name for someone from Slunj, Croatia.
SmuldersDutch Occupational name derived from Dutch des mulders meaning "son of the miller". A famous bearer is Canadian-American actress Cobie Smulders (1982-).
SnelliusDutch (Latinized) Latinized form of Snel. A notable bearer was the Dutch astronomer and mathematician Willebrord Snellius (1580-1626; real name Willebrord Snel van Royen), commonly called Snell, for whom the formula Snell's law is named.
SolovyovRussian Derived from Russian соловей (solovey) meaning "nightingale".
SolsticeEnglish Taken from it's usage as a given name, which derived from Latin solsticium and thus ultimately from sol "sun" and stito "to stand still". The English word solstice refers to two times of the year when the sun's apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost or southernmost extremes.
SomatomoJapanese The Japanese surname "Somatomo" (相本) is not a common surname, and its meaning can vary depending on the family's history and origin. However, "Soma" can mean "together" or "mutual," and "tomo" can mean "friend" or "companion." So, "Somatomo" might roughly translate to "mutual friend" or "companion together."
SonozakiJapanese From Japanese 園 (sono) meaning "garden" combined with 崎 (zaki) meaning "cape, peninsula". A notable bearer of this surname is Mie Sonozaki, a Japanese voice-actress who is best known for being the Japanese dubbing voice of Hayley Atwell, Anne Hathaway, Kirsten Dunst, and Elisha Cuthbert.
SontakkeIndian Means 'golden percentage'. It is derived from the words son, meaning 'golden', and takke, meaning 'percentage'. It originated in the region around Pune city, India
SõõrumaaEstonian Sõõrumaa is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "sõõr" ("circle") and "maa" (land").
SorensonJewish Means "son of the son of Sore", a Yiddish female personal name (from Hebrew Sara, literally "princess"), with the addition of the Slavic possessive suffix -in and German Sohn "son".
SotnikovmRussian From сотник (sotnik) a millitary ranking meaning "centurion".
SotoheboJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 外枦保 (Sotohebo), a clipping of 外枦保門 (Sotohebomon) meaning "Sotohebo Gate", a name of a group of several households in the Kadowari System that took place in the Edo Period in the former Japanese province of Satsuma in parts of present-day Kagoshima, Japan, as well as surrounding areas.
SotomuraJapanese From 外 (soto) meaning "except, other, foreign, outside" and 村 (mura) meaning "village, hamlet".
SpalloneItalian From spalla "shoulder, back", indicating someone who carried things on their shoulders. The modern translation is "smuggler". Alternately, may be an elaboration of Spalla.
SpanglerGerman Spangler is an occupational surname for "metal worker" having derived from the German word spange, meaning a clasp or buckle of the sort such a craftsman might have designed.
SpeakmanEnglish English (chiefly Lancashire) nickname or occupational name for someone who acted as a spokesman, from Middle English spekeman ‘advocate’, ‘spokesman’ (from Old English specan to speak + mann ‘man’).
SpellingEnglish, Irish, Jewish Occupational name for a scholar, speaker or a story teller, derived from Middle English spellan meaning "to tell or relate". It could also be a variant of Irish Spillane or Jewish Spellman... [more]
SpieglerGerman, Jewish Occupational name for a maker or seller of mirrors, from Middle High German spiegel, German Spiegel "mirror" and the agent suffix -er.
SpillaneIrish Irish: reduced form O’Spillane, an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Spealáin or ‘descendant of Spealán’, a personal name representing a diminutive of "speal" "‘scythe’"... [more]
SpillmanEnglish From the medieval male personal name Spileman, literally "acrobat" or "jester" (from a derivative of Middle English spillen "to play, cavort").
SpindlerEnglish, German, Jewish Occupational name for a spindle maker, from an agent derivative of Middle English spindle, Middle High German spindel, German Spindel, Yiddish shpindl "spindle, distaff".
SpinelliItalian Variant of Spina, of uncertain etymology: could be related to several place names in Italy, to given names such as Crispino, or to the crown of thorns placed on the head of Jesus.
SpringerGerman, English, Dutch, Jewish Nickname for a lively person or for a traveling entertainer, from springen "to jump, to leap". A famous bearer was Ludwig der Springer (AKA Louis the Springer), a medieval Franconian count who, according to legend, escaped from a second or third-story prison cell by jumping into a river after being arrested for trying to seize County Saxony in Germany.
SpringerEnglish An occupational name for a dancer, or perhaps a hunter, from either Old English springen "to leap" or Middle English springe "snare, trap".
SpurrierEnglish Derived from the Old French word “esperonier,” meaning “to spur on”. It was likely given as a nickname to someone who was known for encouraging or motivating others. The name could have also referred to someone who was skilled at using spurs to control horses.
StallardEnglish Byname for a valiant or resolute person, from a reduced pronunciation of Middle English stalward, stalworth "stalwart" (an Old English compound of stǣl "place" and wierðe "worthy").
StallmanGerman Variant of Staller. German: topographic name for someone who lived in a muddy place, from the dialect word stal. English: habitational name from Stalmine in Lancashire, named probably with Old English stæll 'creek', 'pool' + Old Norse mynni 'mouth'.
StalloneItalian from stallone "stallion" applied either as a nickname for someone thought to resemble a stallion or as a metonymic occupational name for someone who bred horses. from an augmentative of stalla "stable stall" used as a topographic name and as a habitational name from any of the minor places called with this word.... [more]
StamponeItalian Meaning uncertain. Possibly from Italian stampare "to print, to stamp", or from Tuscan stampo "tree stump".
StanawayEnglish Possibly a variant form of English Stanway, a habitational name from any of the places called Stanaway, in Essex, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, and Shropshire, all named with Old English stān ‘stone’ + weg ‘track’, ‘road’
StandishEnglish Habitational name Standish (Lancashire Now Part Of Greater Manchester, and Yorkshire) meaning Old English Stān ‘Stone Rock’ + Edisc ‘Enclosure; or Enclosed Park’.