Submitted Surnames of Length 8

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the length is 8.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Tokairin Japanese
From 東 (to, higashi) meaning "east" combined with 海 (kai, umi, mi) meaning "sea, ocean", and 林 (rin) meaning "grove".
Tokareva Russian
Feminine transcription of Russian Токарев (see Tokarev).
Tokimori Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 時 (toki) meaning "time; moment" (referring to the time of purification of oneself, rituals, and praying for the advent of God) and 森 (mori) meaning "forest; woods".
Tokimoto Japanese
Toki means "time" and moto means "origin".
Tokinoue Japanese (Rare)
Toki means "time", no means "therefore, of", and ue means "above, top, upper".
Tokoyami Japanese
From Japanese 常 (toko) meaning "everlasting, eternal" and 闇 (yami) meaning "darkness"
Toktarov m Kazakh
Means "son of Toktar".
Tokufuji Japanese
Toku means "Virtue" and Fuji means "Wisteria".
Tokugawa Japanese
From 徳 (toku) meaning "virtue" and 川 (kawa) meaning "stream, river".
Tokuhiro Japanese
From 徳 (toku) "virtue, ethics" and 弘 (hiro.i, gu, kou) meaning "broad, vast, wide".
Tokunaga Japanese
From Japanese 徳 (toku) meaning "benevolence, virtue" and 永 (naga 3) meaning "perpetual, eternal".
Tokuyama Japanese
Combination of Kanji Characters 徳 meaning "Virtue" and 山 meaning "Mountain".
Tõldsepp Estonian
Tõldsepp is an Estonian surname meaning "carriage" or "coach smith".
Tolkynov m Kazakh
Means "son of Tolkyn".
Tomahawk Sioux
The name comes from Powhatan tamahaac, derived from the Proto-Algonquian root *temah- 'to cut off by tool'. Algonquian cognates include Lenape təmahikan, Malecite-Passamaquoddy tomhikon, Abenaki demahigan, all of which mean "axe".
Tomaszek Polish
From the given name Tomasz.
Tombaugh German
topographic name from to dem bach ‘at the creek’, perhaps a hybrid form as Bach is standard German, bek(e) being the Low German form. habitational name from places in Hesse, Baden, and Bavaria called Dombach (earlier Tunbach, from tun, tan ‘mud’).
Tomihiro Japanese
From 富 (tomi) meaning "wealth, abundance" and 広 or 廣 (hiro) meaning "broad, wide, spacious".
Tomikawa Japanese
From 富/冨 (tomi) meaning "riches, wealth, fortune" combined with 川/河 (kawa) meaning "river."
Tomimoto Japanese
From 富 (tomi) meaning "wealth, abundance" and 本 (moto) meaning "root, base, origin".
Tominaga Japanese
From Japanese 富 or 冨 (tomi) meaning "wealth, abundance" and 永 (naga) meaning "eternity".
Tomisawa Japanese
Tomi means "wealth, abundance" and sawa means "swamp, marsh".
Tomiyama Japanese
From Japanese 富 or 冨 (tomi) meaning "abundant, rich, wealthy" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Tomiyasu Japanese
Tomi means "wealthy" and yasu means "cheap, inexpensive, relax".
Tomizawa Japanese
From Japanese 富 (tomi) meaning "wealth, abundance" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "wetland, swamp, marsh".
Tomokiyo Japanese
From 友 (tomo) meaning "friend, companion" and 清 (kiyo) meaning "clear, pure, clean".
Tomonaga Japanese
From Japanese 朝 (tomo) meaning "morning, epoch, period" and 長 (naga) meaning "long" or 永 (naga) meaning "eternity".
Tomonaga Japanese
From Japanese 友 (tomo) meaning "friend" and 永 (naga) meaning "eternity".
Tomosaka Japanese
友 (Tomo) means "friend" and 坂 (saka) means "slope, hill".
Tomotake Japanese
Tomo means "friend" and take means "bamboo".
Tomotani Japanese
The surname can have different meanings depending on the kanji used
Tompkins English
Patronymic formed from a diminutive of Tom 1.
Tonderai Shona
Tonderai means "Remember". This name is given as a call to remember a particular event or to remember one's origins.
Tongbang Korean
Korean form of Dongfang, from Sino-Korean 東方 (tongbang).
Tõnismäe Estonian
Tõnismäe is an Estonian surname meaning "Tõnis' (a masculine given name) hill".
Tõnisots Estonian
Tõnisots is an Estonian surname possibly derived from the masculine given name "Tõnis" and "ots" meaning "end"; "Tõnis' end"; a geographical location.
Tõnisson Estonian
Tõnisson is an Estonian surname derived from the Estonian masculine given name "Tõnis" and the Germanic word "son"; "Tõnis's son".
Tõnissoo Estonian
Tõnissoo is an Estonian surname meaning "Tõnis' (a masculine given name) swamp". Probably an Estonianization of "Tõnis' son (son of Tõnis)".
Tonković Croatian
Means "son of Tonko".
Tonnesen Norwegian
Means "son of Tønnes", Tonnes or Tønne(s) being a Norwegian short form of Antonius.
Tonosaki Japanese
From Japanese 外 (to) meaning "outside", an unwritten possessive marker 之 (no), and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
Toomiste Estonian
Toomiste is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "Toomas" (a masculine given name).
Toommägi Estonian
Toommägi is an Estonian surname meaning "prunus (fruit bearing) mountain".
Toompalu Estonian
Toompalu is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "Toomas" (a masculine given name) and "palu" (a sandy heath).
Toompere Estonian
Toompere is an Estonian surname meaning "Toom's (Toomas) family."
Toomsalu Estonian
Toomsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "bird-cherry grove".
Topalova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Topalov.
Topelius Finnish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Latinized form of the Finnish place name Toppila in Ostrobothnia, Finland. Zachris Topelius (1818-1898) was a Swedish-speaking Finnish author, journalist, and historian.
Tordjman Judeo-Spanish
From Arabic ترجمان (turjuman) meaning "translator, interpreter".
Torihama Japanese
From 鳥 (tori) meaning "bird, chicken" and 濱 (hama) meaning "seashore, beach".
Torinese Italian
One who came from Turin.
Toriyama Japanese
From Japanese 鳥 (tori) meaning "bird" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill". A notable bearer of this surname is Akira Toriyama (1955–), a manga artist best known for creating the Dragon Ball manga series.
Törnblad Swedish
Combination of Swedish törne "thorn" and blad "leaf".
Torquato Italian, Portuguese
From the given name Torquato
Torralba Spanish, Catalan, Aragonese
Habitational name from any of several places called Torralba, named with torre meaning "tower" + alba meaning "white".
Torrance Popular Culture
This is the surname of the character of Stephen King’s character Danny Torrance.
Torrence Scottish, Irish
Scottish and northern Irish habitational name from either of two places called Torrance (one near East Kilbride, the other north of Glasgow under the Campsie Fells), named with Gaelic torran ‘hillock’, ‘mound’, with the later addition of the English plural -s.... [more]
Torvalds Finland Swedish
From the given name Torvald. A notable bearer is Finnish software engineer Linus Torvalds (b. 1969), inventor of the Linux kernel.
Touferis Greek
Greek transcription of Tuffère and Tuffèri.
Toulouse French, French (African)
Derived from the name of the city of Toulouse.
Tournier French
French form of Turner.
Toyhacao Filipino, Cebuano
From Cebuano tuyhakaw meaning "to crane one's neck, to pull oneself up tall".
Toyokawa Japanese
From Japanese 豊 (toyo) meaning "bountiful, luxuriant" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Toyonaga Japanese
From Japanese 豊 (toyo) meaning "lush, abundant" and 永 (naga) meaning "eternity, a long time".
Toyosaki Japanese
From Japanese 豊 (toyo) meaning "bountiful, luxuriant" and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
Toyotomi Japanese
From 豊 (toyo) meaning "abundant, plentiful" and 臣 (tomi) meaning "vassal, subject".
Trabelsi Arabic (Maghrebi)
Habitational name for someone originally from the city of Tripoli in Libya from Arabic طَرَابُلُس (ṭarābulus). The city's name ultimately comes from Ancient Greek Τρίπολις (Trípolis) meaning "three cities", from τρι- (tri-) meaning "three" and πόλις (pólis) meaning "city".
Trachang Thai (Rare)
Means "elephant seal" in Thai.
Trafford English
Habitational name derived from either Trafford, Lancashire (an Anglo-French variant of Stratford), from Bridge Mickle and Wimbolds Trafford, Cheshire (derived from Old English trog "trough, valley" and ford "river crossing"), or from the now-lost settlement of Trafford in Northamptonshire (derived from Old English traeppe "trap, fish trap" and ford).
Trajanov m Macedonian
Means "son of Trajan 2".
Trajkova f Macedonian
Feminine form of Trajkov.
Traspeña Spanish
It indicates familial origin within the locality of Traspeña de la Peña in the municipality of Castrejón de la Peña.
Trautwig German (Modern)
From an Ancient German given name made of the name elements TRUD "strength" and WIG "fight"
Travchuk Ukrainian
Either from Ukrainian трава (trava) "grass" or травень (traven') "May (month)", both ultimately deriving from Old Slavic трѣва (trěva) "grass".
Traykova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Traykov.
Treacher English
From a medieval nickname for a tricky or deceptive person (from Old French tricheor "trickster, cheat").
Trefusis English
The name of an estate in Cornwall, England.
Treichel German (Swiss)
Swiss German: from a word meaning ‘cow bell’, presumably a nickname for a cowherd or farmer, or a metonymic occupational name for someone who made cow bells.
Treisalt Estonian
Treisalt is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "treima (turn)" and "salto (somersault)".
Trelawny Cornish
A habitational surname that originated in Cornwall.
Tremaine Cornish
Variant of Tremayne. A famous fictional bearer is Lady Tremaine, the main antagonist of Disney's Cinderella (1950).
Tremayne Cornish
Name for someone from any of various locations called Tremayne (or Tremaine), from Cornish tre meaning "home, settlement, town" and men meaning "stone".
Tremonti Italian
Pluralised form of Tremonte, a habitational name meaning "over the mountain".
Trevisan Italian
From the city of Treviso, in Veneto.
Trewhitt English
From the location of the same name Trewhitt
Triarico Italian
Possibly an altered form of Tricarico.
Trigiani Italian
Adriana Trigiani (1969-) is an Italian-American best-selling author, award-winning playwright, television writer/producer, film director/screenwriter/producer, and entrepreneur based in New York City.
Trilling German
nickname from Middle High German drilinc "one of three one third" which was also the name of a medieval coin.
Trimboli Medieval Italian
Trimboli: Means: "prince of three valleys." Land or (spoils) were given to worthy soldiers for there efforts after conquest. Three valleys in Calabria were given to a soldier who will become known as Francesco Guytano Trimboli, the new perprieitor in an area near Plati, Italy, Calabria.
Trindade Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Means 'of the trinity' in Portuguese.
Trinidad Filipino, Spanish
Means "trinity" in Spanish, referring to the Holy Trinity.
Triomphe French
From French meaning "triumph". A nickname for a person who's successful.
Tripathi Indian, Hindi, Odia, Marathi, Bengali, Punjabi
From Sanskrit त्रिपाठिन् (tripathin) meaning "one who has studied three Vedas".
Tripathy Hindi, Odia, Marathi, Bengali, Punjabi
Variant transcription of Tripathi.
Triplett African American
This surname may be derived from the English word Triplet.
Trippier English
This surname is derived from an occupation. 'a tripherd,' a goatherd, Yorkshire and Lancashire. 'Trip, a flock of sheep, a herd of swine or goats' (Halliwell).
Třísková f Czech
Feminine form of Triska.
Tristano Italian
From the given name Tristano.
Trofimov Russian
Means "son of Trofim".
Trollope English
Locational surname derived from Trolhop, the original name of Troughburn, a place in Northumberland, England. The place name means "troll valley" from Old Norse troll "troll, supernatural being" and hop "enclosed valley, enclosed land"... [more]
Trombino Italian
From a trombino a diminutive of tromba "trumpet" applied as an occupational name for a trumpeter or for someone who made trumpets.
Trondsen Norwegian
Means "son of Trond".
Troutman English (American)
Americanized form of German "Trautmann". The German adjective "traut" means “dear” or "beloved", and it derives from the same root as "trauen": to trust. Worldwide, there are now more Troutmans than Trautmanns.... [more]
Truaisch Romansh
Derived from Romansh torbaces "granary; larder".
Truelsen Danish, Norwegian (Rare)
Means "son of Truels" in Danish.
Trulsson Swedish
Means "son of Truls".
Truslove English
A variant of Truelove. Truelove is common in the North of England whereas Truslove is its southern variant, being found in Warwickshire and Leicestershire. It is unclear if individuals bearing either surname are linked by a common ancestor, or if people bearing the surname Truslove are descended from Trueloves who migrated from further North of England.... [more]
Truumeel Estonian
Truumeel is an Estonian surname meaning "loyal/faithful minded".
Truumees Estonian
Truumees is an Estonian surname meaning "faithful/loyal man".
Truuväli Estonian
Truuväli is an Estonian surname meaning "faithful field".
Tsakiris Greek
Means "crock" in Greek, a nickname for a feeble person. It could also be derived from the Turkish word çakır meaning "gray eyed" or "blue eyed".
Tsarenko Ukrainian
Derived from царь (tsar')
Tsarnaev Chechen (Rare)
Meaning uncertain, possibly from Chechen царна (tsarna) meaning "them, they" or from an unknown given name or nickname. This is the surname of brothers Tamerlan (1986-2013) and Dzhokhar (1993-) Tsarnaev, the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing.
Tsaryova Russian
Someone who is a descendent of a person who worked for the Tsar or Emperor.
Tschamon Romansh
Derived from the given name Schamun.
Tschanun Romansh
Derived from the given name Gian in combination with a diminutive suffix.
Tsechoev Ingush (Russified)
Russified form of the Ingush clan name Цӏечой (Tsechoy), derived from the name of the ancient village of Tsecha-Akhki in present-day Chechnya.
Tserenov Kalmyk
Means "son of Tseren".
Tshering Bhutanese
From Tibetan ཚེ (tshe) "life" and རིང (ring) "long".
Tsiantos Greek
A shortened version of Alexandros. (Aromanian?)
Tsikalas Greek
The Greek version of the Italian surname Cikala.
Tsikunib Circassian (Russified)
Derived from Adyghe цӏыкӏу (c̣əḳ°) meaning "little" and ныбэ (nəbă) meaning "stomach, belly".
Tsimikas Greek
Occupational name for a chemist.
Tsokolov m Russian
From Russian цоколь (tsokol'), meaning "plinth, base, socle".
Tsuchida Japanese
From the Japanese 土 (tsuchi) "earth," "soil," 槌 (tsuchi) "mallet" or 津 (tsu) "harbour" and 知 (chi) "wisdom," "intellect" and 田 (da or ta) "rice paddy" or 多 (da or ta) "many."
Tsuchiya Japanese
From Japanese 土 (tsuchi) meaning "earth, soil, ground" and 屋 (ya) meaning "roof, dwelling" or 谷 (ya) meaning "valley".
Tsudzuki Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 仲 (see Naka).
Tsudzumi Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as either 鼓 or 都積 with 鼓 (ko, tsudzumi) meaning "beat, drum, muster, rouse", 都 (tsu, to, miyako) meaning "capital, metropolis" and 積 (seki,, tsu.mori, tsu.moru, -dzu.mi) meaning "acreage, amass, contents, load, pile, up, stack, volume."... [more]
Tsudzuri Japanese (Rare)
This surname is be used as 綴 (getsu, tei, techi, tetsu, sumi.yaka, tsudzuri,, to.jiru) meaning "bind (books), compose, spell, write."... [more]
Tsuihiji Japanese
Tsuihiji (対比地) is translated as (vis-a-vis; opposite; even; equal; versus; anti-; compare | compare; race; ratio; Philippines | ground; earth) and could be directly translated as "Contrasting Ground"
Tsujiura Japanese (Rare)
Tsuji means "crossroad" and ura means "bay, coast". ... [more]
Tsukioka Japanese
From Japanese 月 (tsuki) meaning "moon" and 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge". A notable bearer of this surname was Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (月岡 芳年, 1839–1892), a Japanese artist who is widely recognized as the last great master of the ukiyo-e genre of woodblock printing and painting.
Tsukushi Japanese
Tsukushi means "horsetail plant". It is also a given name.
Tsunogae Japanese
Tsuno means "corner, point" and gae is a form of kae meaning "substitute, exchange".... [more]
Tsuruoka Japanese
From Japanese 鶴 (tsuru) meaning "crane (bird)" and 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge".
Tsutsumi Japanese
From the Japanese 堤 (tsutsumi) "river, embankment, riverbank."
Tsvetkov m Russian
Derived from Russian word "цветка (tsvetka)" meaning little flower.
Tsyganov Russian
Means "son of a gypsy" in Russian.
Tsyrenov Buryat
Derived from Tibetan ཚེ་རིང (tshe ring) meaning "long life, longevity".
Tudorică Romanian
Derived from a Romanian diminutive of Tudor.
Tuinstra Frisian
Topographic name for a person who lived by a garden or enclosure, derived from Frisian tuin meaning "garden, yard", or a habitational name denoting someone from a place called Tuin.
Tulinius Icelandic
this name is a family name/surname, which are held by only about 10% of Icelanders. The majority of Icelanders use patronymic names and not family names.
Tulipano Italian
Italian form of Tulip.
Tumacder Filipino, Ilocano
Derived from Ilocano tumakder meaning "to stand, to rise up".
Tumasyan Armenian
Means "Son of Thomas" in Armenian. It is the Armenian equivalent to Thompson
Tumbrell English (Rare, Archaic)
Etymology uncertain. Possibly derived from Old English tumbrel, a kind of small, two-wheeled cart designed to be easily tipped over, or from a variant form of timbrel, a percussion instrument similar to a tambourine.
Tunstall English
Habitational name for someone from any of the various locations in England named Tunstall, derived from Old English tun meaning "enclosure, garden, farm" and steall meaning "position, place, site".
Turarova f Kazakh
Feminine form of Turarov.
Turcescu Romanian
means "son of Turk" in Romanian
Turcotte French, Welsh
Means "tower" in French and Welsh.
Türkoğlu Turkish
Means "son of a Turk" in Turkish.
Turkstra Frisian
TURKSTRA - Meaning: From the town of "Turkeye". Turkeye is a small town within Zeelandic Flanders in the western part of Netherlands. This family names was given to persons originating from the village.
Turlanov m Kazakh
Means "son of Turlan".
Turrillo Aragonese
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous municipality in the Comarca of Calatayú.
Tursynov Kazakh
Means "son of Tursyn".
Turturro Italian, Sicilian
Metonymic occupational name for a groom (a person employed to take care of horses), derived from Sicilian turturo, (ultimately from Italian tortoro) meaning "straw, hay, plait used for strapping horses"... [more]
Tuulinen Finnish
Derived from Finnish tuuli meaning "wind".
Tverskiy m Russian
Means "from Tver".
Tvilling Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Means "twin" in Swedish and Danish.
Tweedlie Scottish (Anglicized)
Scottish translation of Quigley.
Tweneboa Akan
Meaning unknown.
Ubushiro Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 天宮城 (see Ugushiro).
Uccheddu Italian
From Sardinian uccheddu, "eyelet, buttonhole".
Uchihara Japanese
From Japanese 内 (uchi) meaning "inside" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Uchisawa Japanese
Uchi means "inside" and sawa means "swamp, marsh".
Uenosono Japanese
From 上 (ue) meaning "top, upper, above", ノ or の (no) being a possessive particle, and 園 (sono) meaning "garden, plantation, orchard".
Ueyanagi Japanese
From Japanese 上 (ue) meaning "above, top, upper" and 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow".
Ugushiro Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 天宮城 (Ugushiro) meaning "Ugu Castle", a castle that was possibly somewhere in the present-day city of Fukuyama in the prefecture of Hiroshima in Japan.
Uiboleht Estonian
Uiboleht is an Estonian surname meaning "wintergreen (genus: Pyrola)".
Ukrainka Ukrainian
Means "Ukrainian woman". This was the pen surname of Lesya Ukrainka, who's real name was Larysa Kosach-Kvitka... [more]
Ukrayina Ukrainian (Rare)
Means "Ukraine" in Ukrainian.
Ülgekütt Estonian
Ülgekütt is an Estonian surname derived from "hülgekütt" meaning "seal hunter".
Ulibarri Basque
From the name of a place in Navarre, Spain, derived from Basque uri "village, hamlet" and barri "new".
Ulshafer German
Altered form of Ulshöfer.
Ulshöfer German
Habitational name for someone from a place called Ilshofen (old form Ulleshoven), near Schwäbisch Hall.
Ulvestad Norwegian (Rare)
Habitational name from any of five farmsteads, most in western Norway, named from Old Norse ulfr meaning ‘wolf’ + staðir, plural of staðr meaning ‘farmstead’, ‘dwelling’.
Ulyanova Russian
Feminine transcription of Russian Ульянов (see Ulyanov).
Umakoshi Japanese
From Japanese 馬 (uma) meaning "horse" and 越 (koshi) meaning "pass, through, over".
Umanodan Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 馬 (uma) meaning "horse", ノ (no), a possessive particle, and 段 (dan) meaning "step", referring to a place with horses and a stepped landscape.... [more]
Umburter Tiv
Means, "Remember the father". Father also used in the context of God.
Uñalivia Spanish (Rare)
Has no specific meaning but it was a rare spanish name
Universe Popular Culture
From the English word universe. It is borne by the titular protagonist in the Cartoon Network show "Steven Universe".
Unsworth English
habitational name from Unsworth (Lancashire) recorded as Hundeswrth in 1291... [more]
Untzueta Basque (Rare)
Derived from Basque (h)untz "ivy" and -eta "place of, abundance of".
Upadhyay Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Nepali
Derived from Sanskrit उपाध्याय (upadhyaya) meaning "teacher".
Upchurch English
habitational name from a place called as "the high church" or possibly the higher of two churches from Middle English up "up high higher" and chirche "church" (Old English upp and cirice)... [more]
Uratsuji Japanese (Rare)
Uratsuji means "Inlet/rivermouth crossroad"
Urbaneja Spanish
Likely derived from Urban. This surname is most common in Venezuela.
Urbanija Slovene
Likely derived from Urban.
Urbansky Czech, Slovak, Polish, Russian, Jewish
In Czech and Slovak usage, it is a habitational name for someone from a place called Urbanice. In Polish usage, it is a habitational name for someone from a place named with the personal name Urban.
Urdanegi Basque
From the name of a neighborhood in the town of Gordexola in Biscay, Basque Country, probably related to Basque urdandegi "pigsty, pig pen".
Urdaneta Basque
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous neighborhood of the municipality of Aia.