Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
TsudzuriJapanese (Rare) This surname is be used as 綴 (getsu, tei, techi, tetsu, sumi.yaka, tsudzuri,, to.jiru) meaning "bind (books), compose, spell, write."... [more]
TsuihijiJapanese Tsuihiji (対比地) is translated as (vis-a-vis; opposite; even; equal; versus; anti-; compare | compare; race; ratio; Philippines | ground; earth) and could be directly translated as "Contrasting Ground"
TsukigataJapanese 月 (Tsuki) means "month, moon" and 形 (gata) means "shape, form, type".
TsukimiJapanese From 月 (tsuki) meaning "moon, month" and 見 (mi) meaning "outlook, view, mindset". ... [more]
TsukishimaJapanese The character 月 means moon or month, and is pronounced “tsuki.” The character 島 means island and is pronounced either “shima” or “jima.”
TsunemiJapanese Tsune can mean "constant" or "always" and mi means "see, outlook, viewpoint" .
TsunetsukiPopular Culture In the case of the character Matoi Tsunetsuki (常月 まとい) from 'Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei', the surname is made up of 常 (jou, tsune, toko) meaning "constant" and 月 (getsu, gatsu, tsuki) meaning "moon, month."... [more]
TulenheimoFinnish Meaning "fire's tribe" in Finnish. A famous bearer was Finnish prime minister Antti Tulenheimo (1879-1952), who was born Antti Thulé.
TuliniusIcelandic this name is a family name/surname, which are held by only about 10% of Icelanders. The majority of Icelanders use patronymic names and not family names.
TullyIrish Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Maol Tuile "descendant of the devotee of the will of God" (from toil "will of God").
TulushTuvan Possibly from a Tuvan tribal measurement used to denote a month or member of a tribe.
TulviEstonian Tulvi is an Estonian surname derived from "tulvil" meaning "brimful" and "brimming".
TumberEnglish English: habitational name from any of the various places so called from their situation on a stream with this name. Humber is a common prehistoric river name, of uncertain origin and meaning.
TurrentineAmerican Origin unidentified (Dictionary of American Family Names: '1881 census has 0, Not in RW, EML'), perhaps from the Italian surname Tarantino.
TwainAmerican Most famously borne in the pen name of American author and one time Mississippi riverboat pilot Mark Twain (1835-1910), whose real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens... [more]
TzviadHebrew (Modern) Combination of the name Tzvi and the word עַד (ʿaḏ) "an eternity". The illustration of the gazelle, along with the value of eternity, creates a meaning that represents the beauty and existence of the Land of Israel.
UdayakumaraSinhalese Derived from Sanskrit उदय (udaya) meaning "going up, rising, sunrise, dawn" and कुमार (kumara) meaning "boy, prince".
UddinBengali, Urdu, Tausug From Arabic الدين (ad-dīn) meaning "the religion", commonly used as a suffix for given names.
UdomEnglish English: nickname for someone who had done well for himself by marrying the daughter of a prominent figure in the local community, from Middle English odam ‘son-in-law’ (Old English āðum).
UkiyoJapanese (Rare) From 浮世 (ukiyo) meaning "fleeting life, floating world," referring to the urban lifestyle, especially the pleasure-seeking aspects, of Edo period (1603-1868) Japan.... [more]
UllaEstonian Ulla is an Estonian surname derived from "üla-", a prefix meaning "upper".
UllahArabic, Urdu, Bengali Means "of Allah, of God" from Arabic اللّٰه (Allah) referring to the monotheistic god in Islam. It is commonly used as a component in given names.
UlusoyTurkish Means "great lineage", derived from Turkish ulu meaning "supreme, great, exalted" combined with soy meaning "ancestry, lineage".
UlvaeusSwedish (Rare) Allegedly a latinization of Ulfsäter, a combination of Swedish ulv "wolf" and säter "mountain pasture". Björn Ulvaeus (b. 1945) is a Swedish songwriter, composer and former member of ABBA.
UmajiriJapanese (Rare) Uma means "horse" and jiri is a corruption of shiri meaning "behind, end, rear".
UmakoshiJapanese From Japanese 馬 (uma) meaning "horse" and 越 (koshi) meaning "pass, through, over".
UmburterTiv Means, "Remember the father". Father also used in the context of God.
UmesakiJapanese From Japanese 梅 (ume) meaning "plum" combined with 咲 (saki) meaning "blossom".
UmlaufGerman German: occupational name for a policeman in a town or city, from Middle High German umbe laufen ‘to make the rounds’.
UmonJapanese (Rare) This surname combines 右 (u, yuu, migi) meaning "right" or 宇 (u) meaning "eaves, heaven, house, roof" with 門 (mon, kado, to) meaning "gate."... [more]
UnjitThai From Thai อุ่น (un) meaning "warm" and จิตร (chit) meaning "beautiful, drawing, mind".
UntEstonian Unt is an Estonian surname derived from a Finno-Ugric topographic stem word, thought to mean somewhere hydronymically essential. In some cases, it may be a corruption of the Estonian word "hunt", meaning "wolf".
UnwinEnglish From the Old English male personal name Hūnwine, literally "bearcub-friend" (later confused with Old English unwine "enemy"). Bearers include British publisher Sir Stanley Unwin (1885-1968) and "Professor" Stanley Unwin (1911-2002), South African-born British purveyor of comical nonsense language.
UpwoodEnglish Derived from a place name meaning "upper forest" in Old English.
UramotoJapanese (Rare) 浦 (Ura) means "Seacoast,Bay" and 本 (Moto) means "Source, Origin, Root". Kentaro Uramoto is a notable bearer of this surname, he is a former Japanese football player.
UrarakaPopular Culture In the case of the character Ochako (Ochaco) Uraraka (麗日 お茶子) from 'My Hero Academia', her surname is made up of the adjective 麗らか (uraraka) meaning "bright, clear, beautiful, glorious" and 日 (ka) meaning "day."
UsɛidBerber Patronymic from the personal name Saïd; the name is of Arabic origin. Also a habitational name from various places with Sɛid in the name... [more]
UtneNorwegian In Norwegian, probably has some pre-Germanic elements (i.e. before approx. 200 CE). Other place-names in the area also has an element of pre-Germanic and unknown origins. It has been suggested that it derives from "Út-tún", meaning the hamlet or farmstead that is "out"
UtsugiJapanese Utsugi can be written in 15 ways, them being: 宇ツ木, 宇次, 宇津城, 宇津木, 宇都城, 宇都木, 卯都木, 卯木, 空木, 槍, 打木, 梼木, 楊盧木, 擣木, 棯. The 宇津木 and 打木 are also place names while 空木 is also a female given name... [more]
UtsunomiyaJapanese This surname is used as either 宇都宮 or 宇津宮 with 宇 (u) meaning "eaves, heaven, house, roof", 都 (tsu, to, miyako) meaning "capital, metropolis", 津 (shin, tsu) meaning "ferry, harbour, haven, port" and 宮 (kyuu, ku, kuu, guu, miya) meaning "constellations, palace, princess, Shinto shrine."... [more]
ÜttEstonian Ütt is an Estonian surname (loosely) meaning "vocative"; a "word of address'' or "exclamatory address".
UudeküllEstonian Uudeküll is an Estonian surname meaning "new enough".
UueniEstonian Uueni is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "uuenema" meaning "reform" and "renew".
UuliEstonian Uuli is an Estonian surname derived from "uulits", meaning "street".
UusiFinnish Uusi is a Finnish surname meaning "new".
UusmeesEstonian Uusmees is an Estonian surname meaning "new man".
UuspereEstonian Uuspere is an Estonian surname meaning "new family".
UysAfrikaans Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include an Afrikaans variant of Huijs which seems to have developed into Uijs and finally into Uys.
UzakiJapanese, Popular Culture From Japanese, 宇 (u) meaning "world, universe, space" combined with 崎 (zaki) meaning "cape, peninsula". A fictional bearer of this surname is Hana Uzaki (宇崎 花) from Uzaki~chan Wants to Hang Out! (宇崎ちゃんは遊びたい!).
UzumakiJapanese (Rare) This name combines 渦 (ka, uzu) meaning "eddy, vortex, whirlpool" or 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick" with 巻 (kan, ken, maki,, ma.ku) meaning "book, coil, part, roll up, scroll, tie, volume, wind up."... [more]
VaaderpallEstonian Vaaderpall is an Estonian surname meaning "level mark".
VaajHmong The name may come from the Chinese who gave Hmong names during the 18th century depending on the place they were in. It's a possible clan surname.
VäänEstonian Vään is an Estonian surname meaning "climbing".