Submitted Surnames from Other Sources

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Tackleberry Popular Culture, American (Rare)
This is a surname most notably used by Officer Eugene Tackleberry (played by the lovably hilarious David Graf) in the classic Police Academy movies of the 1980s-90s. Officer Tackleberry is a markedly boyish police officer who has a passionate adoration for guns and adventure... [more]
Tadayashiki Japanese (Rare)
Combination of Kanji Characters 多 meaning "many" and 田 meaning "rice field", and 屋 and 敷, 屋敷 meaning "great house".
Taechaubol Thai (Rare)
Possibly of Chinese origin.
Tafolla Spanish
Possibly a derivative of southern Spanish tafulla, tahulla, a term denoting a measure of land. The surname is not found in present-day Spain.
Tafoya Spanish
Possibly a variant of Tafolla.
Taga Estonian
Taga is an Estonian surname meaning "behind".
Taghap Filipino, Cebuano
Means "guess, fluke" in Cebuano.
Tagle Spanish (Philippines)
Hispanicized form of Arabic Tagri meaning "frontier."
Tähiste Estonian
Tähiste is an Estonian surname derived from "tähis" meaning "sign" and "symbol".
Tai Chinese
Variant of Dai.
Taimanglo Chamorro
Chamorro for "without wind/breath"
Taina'an Chamorro (Modern, Rare)
Chamorro for "No name or reference".
Taisakan Chamorro (Archaic)
Chamorro for "Without year or age". Alternate form of Taisacan.
Taitague Chamorro
Chamorro for "without meaning/essence/being "
Taitingfong Chamorro
Means "without counting" from Chamorro tai meaning "without, not having" and tufong meaning "count".
Tajanlangit Filipino, Cebuano
From Cebuano tahan langit meaning "to surrender to heaven".
Takafuji Japanese
From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "high" and 藤 (fuji) meaning "wisteria".
Takahide Japanese (Rare)
Taka means "eagle" such as in surname "Takasu" but more commonly means "tall,high" instead. Hide means "fine,excellence". This must be one of the very few Japanese surnames that has "Hide" in it. It is mostly just a first name element... [more]
Takahoshi Japanese
From Japanese 高 (Taka) meaning "tall, high" and 星 (Hoshi) meaning "star" or other kanji with the same pronunciation.
Takamachi Japanese
A surname of Japanese origin. It means "high town". Notable bearers are Nanoha Takamachi from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, and Shiro and Miyuki Takamachi from Triangle Heart 3: Sweet Songs Forever.
Takamaki Japanese
From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" and 巻 (maki) meaning "scroll, book, roll up, tie" or 高巻 (takamaki) meaning "to detour around a waterfall"
Takamaru Japanese
This surname is used as 高丸 with 高 (kou, taka.i, taka, -daka, taka.maru, taka.meru) meaning "expensive, high, tall" and 丸 (gan, maru, maru.i, maru.meru) meaning "curl up, explain away, full, make round, month, perfection, pills, roll up, round, seduce."... [more]
Takanashi Japanese
From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" and 梨 (nashi) meaning "pear".
Takasu Japanese
Takasu is a surname that means "Hawk's nest". Taka alone means "hawk"(and others not used for this)and Su is the "nest".
Takasu Japanese
From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" and 須 (su) meaning "necessary".
Takayasu Japanese
Taka means "tall, high" and yasu means "cheap, inexpensive, relax"
Takehara Japanese (Rare)
Take means "Bamboo" while Hara means "Plain". This surname means " Plain of the Bamboo". Takehara is also a city in Hiroshima and a railway station.
Takeno Japanese
From Japanese and 武 (take) meaning "military, martial" combined with 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Taki Japanese (Rare)
Tami means "Waterfall". This is occasionally a first name too,as a matter of a fact,neither of them are common.
Takiyama Japanese
From Japanese 滝 (taki) meaning "waterfall; rapids" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
Takyi Akan
Meaning unknown.
Talaba Filipino, Cebuano
Means "oyster" in Cebuano.
Talavera Spanish
Spanish: habitational name from any of several places named Talavera, especially Talavera de la Reina in Toledo province.
Talbert English, French
From a continental Germanic personal name composed of the elements tal "valley" and berth "bright".
Talingting Filipino, Cebuano
Means "sieve, plover" in Cebuano.
Talivere Estonian
Talivere is an Estonian surname meaning "winter blood".
Tall Estonian
Tall is an Estonian surname meaning both "lamb" and "stable/barn".
Tallant English (British, ?), Norman, Irish
English (of Norman origin) occupational name for a tailor or nickname for a good swordsman, from taillant ‘cutting’, present participle of Old French tailler ‘to cut’ (Late Latin taliare, from talea ‘(plant) cutting’)... [more]
Talley Irish (Anglicized)
Shortend anglicized form of Ó Taithligh.
Talley English (American)
Americanized form of Tallig.
Talloran German (Modern, ?)
It is unknown whether Talloran is a real surname or not. However, the surname means "brave" and is given to James Talloran, a fictional character working for the SCP Foundation. The SCP Foundation is a secret organization that studies the paranormal... [more]
Talumets Estonian
Talumets is an Estonian surname literally meaning "farm (talu) forest (mets)"; a farmstead in or near a forest.
Talwar Indian
Sikh name based on the name of a clan in the Khatri community, derived from Panjabitəlwār ‘sword’ (Sanskrit taravāri).
Tamamoto Japanese, Ryukyuan, Okinawan
Of uncertain meaning.
Tamang Tamang
From Tamang རྟ་དམག་ (Ta Damag) meaning "Tamang", a Tibeto-Burman ethnic group.
Tamanishi Japanese
From Japanese 玉 (Tama) meaning "jewel; ball" and 西 (Nishi) meaning "west; Spain".
Tamatsuki Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 玉槻 with 玉 (gyoku, tama, tama-, -dama) meaning "ball, jewel" and 槻 (ki, tsuki) meaning "Zelkova tree."
Tambat Marathi
Marathi form of Tamrakar.
Tameishi Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 為 (tame) meaning "advantage; benefit" and 石 (ishi) meaning "stone", referring to useful stone.... [more]
Tamon Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 多門, 多聞 or 田門 with 多 (ta, oo.i,, meaning "frequent, many, much", 田 (den, ta) meaning "rice field/paddy", 門 (mon, kado, to) meaning "gate" and 聞 (bun, mon, ki.ku, ki.koeru) meaning "ask, hear, listen."... [more]
Tampubolon Batak
From Batak tampuk meaning "leaf stalk, base" and bolon meaning "big, large, great".
Tan English (Australian, Rare)
Possibly from the English Word "Tan", or from the Given Name Tan.
Tan Turkish
Means "dawn, daybreak" in Turkish.
Tanabata Japanese (Rare)
This surname refers to the Japanese Star Festival on July 7th.
Tănăsescu Romanian
Patronymic surname meaning "the son of Tănăs".
Tänav Estonian
Tänav is an Estonian surname meaning "street".
Tänavots Estonian
Tänavots is an Estonian surname meaning "street end".
Tandon Indian, Punjabi, Hindi
Of unknown meaning.
Taneja Indian
This surname was apparently derived from tən‘blade of grass’ (from Sanskrit tṛna).
Tangara Western African, Manding
Malian Bambara surname of unknown meaning.
Tanguma Indigenous American (?), Mexican
Mexican surname of uncertain origin, probably Native American.
Tanibuki Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 谷吹 (see Yabuki).
Tanimoto Japanese
Tani (谷) means valley, and Moto (本) means origin or base or root.
Tanji Japanese (Rare)
Rare in Japan, the name is written with characters meaning ‘red’ and ‘govern’. The actual meaning is unclear.
Tanko Romanian (Americanized)
In Romania Tankó is most common in Harghita, Covasna, and Bacău counties. Tankó is also common in Hungary and Slovakia.
Tanno Romansh
Of debated origin and meaning; theories include a derivation from the given name Donatus.
Tanuma Japanese
Ta means "rice paddy, field" and Numa means "swamp, marsh".
Taptiklis Greek
Greek name.... [more]
Tapu Moriori
Tapu in the Moriori language means sacred. This was the surname of a 19th century Owenga Moriori leader named Hirawanu Tapu (?-1900).
Tarabay Arabic
History of this surname is unknown. A famous bearer with this last name is Nick E. Tarabay, a Lebanese-American actor.
Tarassaco Italian
Surname meaning “Dandelion” in Italian
Tarawele Manding
The original variant of Traoré.
Tarcza Polish, Hungarian
Means "shield" in Polish.
Taris Italian
Meaning unknown, probably from Sardinian.
Taron German
Standardized variant of Tarruhn.
Taron German (Rare)
The standardized variant of Tarruhn which has origins in the Neumark region of Brandenburg, Prussia dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries. The Taron family was one of many German families who left the Neumark region and moved eastward into present-day Poland and Ukraine... [more]
Tarro Estonian
Tarro is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "tare", meaning "hut".
Tarruhn German
Origins are found in Neumark, Brandenburg, Prussia.
Țăruș Romanian
From Romanian ţăruş meaning ''stake, picket''.
Tasane Estonian
Tasane is an Estonian surname meaning "flat".
Taşkın Turkish
Means "flood" in Turkish.
Tass Estonian
Tass is an Estonian surname meaning "cup" and "dish".
Tatarshao Abazin
Possibly from a nickname for a Tatar person.
Tate Japanese
Tate can mean "rise, stand".
Tatematsu Japanese
From Japanese 立 (tateru) meaning "stand, rise" and 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree".
Tateo Italian (Italianized)
Italianized version of Tateossian
Tatke German
Unknown source.
Tatopoulos Greek
Surname of dancer and actress Zoï Tatopoulos, and of her father, Patrick Tatopoulos, production designer and director
Tatsuda Japanese
Means "dragon rice paddy" in Japanese. From the Japanese words 竜 (dragon) and 田 (rice paddy).
Tatsumi Japanese
This surname is used as the combinations shown above + others that aren't on this entry.... [more]
Tatsuoka Japanese
Tatsu means "Stand" or "Dragon, Imperial", and Oka means "Ridge, Hill."
Tauler Catalan
From the Catalan word tauler meaning "board".
Tayar Kurdish (Arabized, Rare)
Flying, pilot. This name originated from Arabic.
Tea English
Variant of Tee.
Teach English
This surname is derived from the Middle English phrase "at asche," meaning at,or near the ash tree.
Teates German (Americanized)
Probably an altered spelling of German Dieter .
Tebbs English
Variant of Tibbs.
Tecuanhuehue Aztec, Nahuatl
From Nahuatl meaning "old tiger".
Tedeschi Italian
Plural; From the Italian word tedesco meaning "German".
Tedre Estonian
Tedre is an Estonian surname meaning "grouse" and "freckle".
Teepere Estonian
Teepere is an Estonian surname meaning "roadway family".
Teesalu Estonian
Teesalu is an Estonian surname meaning "road grove".
Tefft English
Variant of English Taft. This surname was already well established in Connecticut and Rhode Island by 1715.
Tehu Estonian
Tehu is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "tahuma" meaning to "hew" and "cut".