SaratxagaBasque It indicates familial origin near the eponymous river.
SaratxoBasque It indicates familial origin within the eponymous council of the municipality of Amurrio.
SaraumiJapanese (Rare) From 皿 (sara) meaning "dish, plate" and 海 (umi) meaning "sea, ocean".
SarazenFrench From a medieval French nickname for a swarthy person, or for someone who had gone on a Crusade (from Old French sarrazin "Saracen"). It was borne by American golfer Gene Sarazen (1902-99), original name Eugene Saraceni.
SardEnglish, French, Spanish, Italian In the book surnames of the United Kingdom: A Concise Etymological Dictionary by Henry Harrison and Gyda (Pulling) Harrison 1912 - Reprinted 1996. The Sard surname (which has been in England, Italy and Europe for a long time) is defined thus on page 136.... [more]
SardaItalian From the feminine form of Sardo or from sarda "large sardine" either a nickname or occupational name for selling sardines.
SardarIndian, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu From a title meaning "chief, leader", derived from Persian سر (sar) meaning "head, authority" and the suffix دار (dar) meaning "possessor".
SardinaItalian, Spanish, Galician From sardina Galician sardiña "sardine" used for someone as a catcher or seller of the fish or a nickname for a thin person.
SärekannoEstonian Särekanno is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "säre" ("violent" or "sudden") and "kanne" ("bearing" or "entry").
SarfatiJudeo-Spanish From Hebrew צרפתית (tsar'fatit) meaning "French". It was originally used to refer to the Biblical place name Tzarfat, which has come to be identified as modern-day France.
SaripMaranao, Maguindanao From a title of nobility meaning "sharif, religious chief", ultimately from Arabic شريف (sharif).
SaripadaFilipino, Maranao From a title meaning "chief" in Maranao, ultimately from Sanskrit श्रीपाद (shripada) literally meaning "holy foot", derived from श्री (shri) meaning "diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty" and पाद (pada) meaning "foot".
SarıtaşTurkish Directly translated from Turkish, sarı means "yellow" and taş means "stone".... [more]
SarkeesianArmenian Variant of Sarkisian. Anita Sarkeesian is a Canadian-American feminist media critic. She is the founder of Feminist Frequency, a website that hosts videos and commentary analyzing portrayals of women in popular culture.
SarnowskiPolish Habitational name for someone from any of the many places in Poland called Sarnowa, Sarnowo, or Sarnów, named with Polish sarna "roe deer".
SarōdoJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 佐良土 (Sarōdo) meaning "Sarōdo", a former village in the district of Nasu in the former Japanese province of Shimotsuke.
SaroukhanianArmenian Here is the combined words meaning of "Saroukhanian" surname: Sar(Armenian origin–սար– means: Mountain ) + u (Armenian origin –եւ– means :and )+ khan( խան _means: prince )+ yan (յան– a suffix for Armenian family names) and the combination of the words finally means The Mountain and Prince or The Prince օf Mountain
SarracinoItalian From Neapolitan sarracino, meaning "Saracen", a term used to refer to a variety of ethnic and religious groups, including a nomadic people from Sinai, Muslims, and pirates from the Mediterranean.
SarrazinFrench Means "Saracen" in Old French, a name used to refer to Arab Muslims in the Middle Ages. It was probably used as a nickname for an unruly person, a person with a dark complexion, or for someone who had taken part in a Crusade.
SarvEstonian Sarv is an Estonian surname meaning "horn".
SarverEnglish, Jewish English and Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic) occupational name from Old French serveur (an agent derivative of server ‘to serve’), Yiddish sarver ‘servant’.
SarwarUrdu, Bengali From the Persian title سرور (sarvar) meaning "lord, master".
SasameJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 左 (sa) meaning "left", -s-, used to represent epenthesis between 2 vowels or a possession marker, and 雨 (ame) meaning "rain; rainfall".
SasoriJapanese (Rare) This surname is used as 佐曽利 with 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help," 曽 (so, sou, zou, katsu, katsute, sunawachi) meaning "before, ever, formerly, never, once" and 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit."
SasportasJudeo-Spanish Possibly derived from Spanish seis puertas meaning "six doors" or Catalan las portes meaning "the doors".
SassanoJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 颯々 (sassa), sound- and script-changed from 颯爽 (sassō) meaning "gallant; jaunty" and 野 (no) meaning "field; plain", referring to a stately person who traveled to the fields.
SastrowardoyoJavanese Means "writings of the heart" from Sanskrit शास्त्र (shastra) meaning "scripture, writings" and हृदय (hrdaya) meaning "heart". This is the name of a Javanese family of nobility.
SauerbierGerman From German sauer meaning "sour" and bier meaning "beer". It originally referred to a brewer of sour beer.
SauerweinGerman Occupational nickname for someone who sold sour wine, or perhaps a nickname for someone with a sour disposition, from Middle High German sur "sour" + win "wine", i.e. vinegar.
SaujiJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 佐 (sa) meaning "aid; help" and 氏 (shi) meaning "family, clan". This may also be a variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 佐氏 (see Saudji)... [more]
Sauve'French Sauve' from France to Canada. Changed probably due to an "a" and an "o" confusion in cursive. My granfather's was typo-ed on WW II old men's sign up in MA. or RI, USA.
SavelliItalian It could derive from the Sabelli (ancient Italic tribe), pre-Roman population, or from toponyms such as Savelli di Norcia (PG) and indicate the origin of the founder.
SavilleEnglish A habitational name from an uncertain place in Northern France. This is most likely Sainville, named from Old French saisne, 'Saxon' and ville, indicating a settlement.
SaviñónSpanish Probably of French origin, an altered form of Savignon which is from a pet form of the personal name Savin or a habitational name from place called Savignon in Ardèche.
SavorgnanItalian (Rare) From a small town near Udine named Savorgnano del Torre, of Friulian origin. This was the name of a Friulian aristocratic family, ascribed to the Venetian participate. The famous bearer of this surname was an Italian-French explorer Pierre Paul François Camille Savorgnan de Brazza (1852-1905)
SawaJapanese From Japanese 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
SawabeJapanese From Japanese 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh, wetlands, swamp" and 部 (be) meaning "part, section" or 辺 (be) meaning "area, place, vicinity".
SawadaJapanese From Japanese 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
SawickiPolish This indicates familial origin anywhere within a cluster of 3 Podlachian villages in Gmina Repki: Sawice-Dwór, Sawice-Wieś, or Sawice-Bronisze.
SawtellEnglish (British) A dialectal variant of Sewell, which was first recorded in early 13th-century England. The later addition of the 't' was for easier pronunciation.... [more]
SaxenaIndian, Hindi Traditionally believed to be derived from Sanskrit सखिसेना (sakhisena) meaning "friend of the army", from सखा (sakha) meaning "friend, companion" and सेना (sena) meaning "army"... [more]
SaxonEnglish Derived from the tribe of the Saxons from the Anglo-Saxon element seaxa "a Saxon" derived Germanic elements sahso and sahsaz derived from sahsą "knife"... [more]