Unisex Submitted Surnames

Unisex   Masculine   Feminine
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Saroukhanian Armenian
Here is the combined words meaning of "Saroukhanian" surname: Sar(Armenian origin–սար– means: Mountain ) + u (Armenian origin –եւ– means :and )+ khan( խան _means: prince )+ yan (յան– a suffix for Armenian family names) and the combination of the words finally means The Mountain and Prince or The Prince օf Mountain
Sarpei Akan
Meaning unknown.
Sarr Western African, Serer
Meaning uncertain.
Sarracino Italian
From Neapolitan sarracino, meaning "Saracen", a term used to refer to a variety of ethnic and religious groups, including a nomadic people from Sinai, Muslims, and pirates from the Mediterranean.
Sarradet French (Cajun)
Used commonly by people native to Louisiana, United States, is also a variant of Sarrade.
Sarrazin French
Means "Saracen" in Old French, a name used to refer to Arab Muslims in the Middle Ages. It was probably used as a nickname for an unruly person, a person with a dark complexion, or for someone who had taken part in a Crusade.
Sarré English
Sarrià Catalan
Catalan habitational name from any of the places named Sarrià or Sàrria, in Catalonia.
Sarrikolea Basque
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous neighborhood of the municipality of Larrabetzu.
Sarris Greek
Derived from Turkish sari meaning "blond, fair-haired".
Sarsenbaev Kazakh
Means "son of Sarsenbay".
Sarsenov Kazakh
Means "son of Sarsen".
Sarsour Arabic
Means "cockroach" or "roach" in Arabic.
Sartain French
Means, "Tailor".
Sartori Italian
Variant of Sarto, through Latin Sartorius.
Saruta Japanese
From Japanese 猿 (saru) meaning "monkey" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Sarv Estonian
Sarv is an Estonian surname meaning "horn".
Sarver English, Jewish
English and Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic) occupational name from Old French serveur (an agent derivative of server ‘to serve’), Yiddish sarver ‘servant’.
Sarwar Urdu, Bengali
From the Persian title سرور (sarvar) meaning "lord, master".
Sas Dutch
Cognate of Sachs.
Sasaguri Japanese
From 笹 (sasa) meaning "bamboo grass" and 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut".
Sasahara Japanese
Sasa means "bamboo" and hara means "field, plain".
Sasahara Japanese
From Japanese 笹 (sasa) meaning "bamboo grass" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Sasai Japanese
Sasa means "bamboo grass" and i means "well, mineshaft, pit".
Sasakawa Japanese
From Japanese 笹 (sasa) meaning "bamboo grass" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Sasako Japanese
Sasa means "bamboo grass" and no means "child, first sign of the Chinese zodiac: the rat".
Sasame Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 左 (sa) meaning "left", -s-, used to represent epenthesis between 2 vowels or a possession marker, and 雨 (ame) meaning "rain; rainfall".
Sasano Japanese
From 笹 (sasa) meaning "bamboo grass" and 野 (no) meaning "field, plains". Other characters are also possible.
Sasayama Japanese
笹 (Sasa) means "bamboo" and 山 (yama) means "mountain".
Sasi Estonian
Sasi is an Estonian surname meaning "shock", "skein", and "snarl".
Saska Croatian
Name given to someone from Saxony. From Croatian “saska” which translates to Saxony.
Şaşmaz Turkish
Means "infallible" in Turkish.
Sasori Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 佐曽利 with 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help," 曽 (so, sou, zou, katsu, katsute, sunawachi) meaning "before, ever, formerly, never, once" and 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit."
Sass German
Variant of Sasse.
Saß German
Variant of Sass.
Sassa Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 左雨 (see Sasame).
Sassano Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 颯々 (sassa), sound- and script-changed from 颯爽 (sassō) meaning "gallant; jaunty" and 野 (no) meaning "field; plain", referring to a stately person who traveled to the fields.
Sasse German
Variant of Sachs via the form Sachse.
Sassi Estonian
Sassi is an Estonian surname derived form "sassis" meaning "disheveled", "tangled", and "unkempt".
Sassu Italian
From Sardinian sassu "stone".
Sastri Indian, Kannada, Telugu
Kannada and Telugu variant of Shastri.
Sastrowardoyo Javanese
Means "writings of the heart" from Sanskrit शास्त्र (shastra) meaning "scripture, writings" and हृदय (hrdaya) meaning "heart". This is the name of a Javanese family of nobility.
Sastry Indian
Hindu (Brahman) name, from Sanskrit šāstrī ‘versed in the Shastras’ (from šāstra ‘book of rules’, ‘religious treatise’).
Sata Japanese
From 佐 (sa) meaning "assist" and 田 (ta) meaning "rice paddy, field".
Satake Japanese
From Japanese 佐 (sa) meaning "help, aid" and 竹 (take) meaning "bamboo".
Sather Anglo-Saxon
Sather is a name of ancient Anglo-Saxon origin and comes from the family once having lived in the ancient chapelry of Satterthwaite found near Hawkeshead in Lancashire. This surname was originally derived from the Old English elements soetr meaning shield and pveit meaning pasture... [more]
Sathi Indian, Odia, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Urdu, Thai
Alternate transcription of Sethi.
Sato Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 砂糖 (see Satō).
Satō Japanese (Rare)
Means "sugar" in Japanese, possibly referring to a sugar house owner.
Satoda Japanese
From Japanese 里 (sato) meaning "village" and 田 (ta) meaning "rice field"
Satoh Japanese
Variant transcription of Satō.
Satoh Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 砂糖 (see Satō).
Satoki Japanese
Sato means "village, city" and ki means "wood, tree".
Satomi Japanese
Sato means "village" and mi means "mindset, view, outlook".... [more]
Satomiya Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 里 (sato) meaning "village" and 宮 (miya) meaning "temple, shrine, palace".
Satonaka Japanese
From Japanese 里 (sato) meaning "village" and 中 (naka) meaning "middle".
Satou Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 砂糖 (see Satō).
Satoya Japanese
Sato means "village" and ya means "valley".
Satsuki Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 五月女 (see Saotome).
Satsukijo Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 五月女 (see Saotome).
Satsukime Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 五月女 (see Saotome).
Satsukino Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 五月女 (see Saotome).
Satsuma Japanese
From Japanese 薩摩 (Satsuma) meaning "Satsuma", a former Japanese province in parts of present-day Kagoshima, Japan.
Sattar Arabic, Urdu, Bengali, Persian
Derived from the given name Sattar.
Sattari Persian
From Persian ستار (setâr) meaning "star" (see Setareh or Sitara).
Satterthwaite English
From a place in England named with Old English sætr "shielding" and Old Norse þveit "pasture".
Sattler German
An occupational name meaning "saddle maker".
Sattorov Tajik, Uzbek
Means "son of Sattor".
Sau Estonian
Saue is an Estonian surname meaning "wand" or "staff".
Saudji Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 佐氏 (see Sauji).
Sauerwein German
Occupational nickname for someone who sold sour wine, or perhaps a nickname for someone with a sour disposition, from Middle High German sur "sour" + win "wine", i.e. vinegar.
Sauji Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 佐 (sa) meaning "aid; help" and 氏 (shi) meaning "family, clan". This may also be a variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 佐氏 (see Saudji)... [more]
Saukko Finnish
Means "otter" in Finnish.
Saul Estonian
Saul is an Estonian surname derived from the biblical masculine given name "Saul".
Šaulis Lithuanian
Occupational name from Lithuanian šaulys meaning "rifleman".
Saulnier French
In Middle French (the form of French spoken from 1340 to 1610), it literally means "salt merchant".
Saunder English
From the given name Alexander.
Saupõld Estonian
Saupõld is an Estonian surname meaning "stick field".
Saur German
Variant of Sauer.
Sautome Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 早乙女 or 五月女 (see Saotome).
Sauve' French
Sauve' from France to Canada. Changed probably due to an "a" and an "o" confusion in cursive. My granfather's was typo-ed on WW II old men's sign up in MA. or RI, USA.
Savant French
Nickname from savant ‘learned’, a nickname for a university graduate or a particularly knowledgeable person.
Savard French
Either from Old French savart meaning "wasteland" or the Germanic elements sab of uncertain meaning and hard meaning "brave, hardy".
Savas Greek
From the personal name Sav(v)as, New Testament Greek Sabbas, a derivative of Sabbaton "Sabbath", "Saturday".
Savaş Turkish
From the given name Savaş.
Savasti Thai (Sanskritized, Rare)
Sanskritized transcription of สวัสดี (see Sawatdi).
Savatdee Thai (Rare)
Variant transcription of สวัสดี (see Sawatdi).
Savath Lao
Means "sincere, open, beautiful" in Lao.
Savchenko Ukrainian
Derived either from the given name Savvatiy or Saveliy.
Savchuk Ukrainian
Another form of Savchenko.
Savela Finnish
Derived from Finnish savi "clay". Savela is also a place in Helsinki and Jyväskylä.
Savell English
English variant of Saville.
Savelli Italian
It could derive from the Sabelli (ancient Italic tribe), pre-Roman population, or from toponyms such as Savelli di Norcia (PG) and indicate the origin of the founder.
Savelyev Russian
Means "son of Saveliy".
Savery English
Originally from the given name of Germanic origin, Savaric
Savi Estonian
Savi is an Estonian surname meaning "clay".
Saviauk Estonian
Saviauk is an Estonian surname meaning "clay pit" or "earthen pit".
Savić Serbian
Means "son of Sava".
Savignac French
Habitational name for someone from various communes by this name in France.
Saville English
A habitational name from an uncertain place in Northern France. This is most likely Sainville, named from Old French saisne, 'Saxon' and ville, indicating a settlement.
Savinainen Finnish
Literally translates as Woman Made Out Of Clay. Real meaning and origin remain unknown
Savino Italian
From the given name Savino.
Saviñón Spanish
Probably of French origin, an altered form of Savignon which is from a pet form of the personal name Savin or a habitational name from place called Savignon in Ardèche.
Savinova Russian
Feminine form of Savinov.
Savio Italian
Italian nickname given to a wise, sage man. Saint Dominic Savio is a well-known bearer of this surname.
Savisaar Estonian
Savisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "loam" or "clay island".
Savko Ukrainian
From a pet form of the personal name Sava (see Savas).
Savoia Italian (Archaic)
A Italian royal court name.
Savolainen Finnish
Means "Savonian, person from Savonia". Savonia is a historical province in eastern Finland.
Savva Greek (Cypriot)
From the given name Savvas.
Savvides Greek (Cypriot)
Alternate transcription of Greek Σαββίδης (see Savvidis) chiefly used in Cyprus.
Savvidis Greek
Means "son of Savvas".
Sawa Japanese
From Japanese 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Sawabe Japanese
From Japanese 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh" and 部 (be) meaning "part, section".
Sawabe Japanese
From Japanese 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh" and 辺 (be) meaning "area, place, vicinity".
Sawada Japanese
From Japanese 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Sawadogo Mossi
Not available.
Sawaguchi Japanese
From Japanese 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh" and 口 (kuchi) meaning "mouth, entrance".
Sawai Japanese
Sawa means "marsh, swamp" and i means "mineshaft, pit, well."
Sawai Japanese
From Japanese 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
Sawajiri Japanese
Sawa means "marsh, swamp" and jiri comes from shiri, meaning "rear".
Sawamura Japanese
From Japanese 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "swamp, marsh" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
Sawano Japanese
Sawa means "swamp, marsh" and no means "field, plain, wilderness".
Sawant Indian, Marathi
Derived from Sanskrit समन्त (samanta) meaning "universal, complete, entire".
Sawaoka Japanese
Sawa means "swamp, marsh" and oka means "hill, mound".
Sawara Japanese (Rare)
Sawara (椹) is a type of cypress native to Japan
Sawara Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 佐原 (see Sahara).
Sawaragi Japanese (Rare)
Sawaragi (椹木) literally means "Sawara tree".
Sawasaki Japanese
Sawa means "swamp, marsh" and saki means "cape, peninsula, promontory".
Sawasaki Japanese
From Japanese 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh" and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
Sawashiro Japanese
From Japanese 沢 (sawa) meaning "marsh" and 城 (shiro) meaning "castle".
Sawatdee Thai (Rare)
Variant transcription of สวัสดี (see Sawatdi).
Sawatdi Thai
From Thai สวัสดี (sawatdi) meaning "welfare, prosperity, security, goodness, virtue, moral excellence".
Sawayama Japanese
From Japanese 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
Sawicki Polish
This indicates familial origin anywhere within a cluster of 3 Podlachian villages in Gmina Repki: Sawice-Dwór, Sawice-Wieś, or Sawice-Bronisze.
Sawiris Coptic, Ancient Roman (Arabized)
Derived From the Arabic form of the Latin surname Severus.
Sawtell English (British)
A dialectal variant of Sewell, which was first recorded in early 13th-century England. The later addition of the 't' was for easier pronunciation.... [more]
Sax Upper German, Dutch, Luxembourgish
Upper German variant of Sachs and Dutch variant of Sas.
Sax English, Norwegian
English from an Old Norse personal name, Saxi meaning ‘sword’.
Sax Jewish
Jewish (Ashkenazic) variant spelling of Sachs.
Saxby English (British)
Saxby is the surname of the character Stella Saxby from the book Awful Auntie, by David Walliams. Saxby means "Grand" .
Saxena Indian, Hindi
Traditionally believed to be derived from Sanskrit सखिसेना (sakhisena) meaning "friend of the army", from सखा (sakha) meaning "friend, companion" and सेना (sena) meaning "army"... [more]
Saxer German (Swiss), Romansh
Habitational name for someone from a place called Sax or Saxe.
Saxon English
Derived from the tribe of the Saxons from the Anglo-Saxon element seaxa "a Saxon" derived Germanic elements sahso and sahsaz derived from sahsą "knife"... [more]
Saxonov Russian (?)
Variant transcription of Saksonov.
Saxton English
Habitational name from a place in West Yorkshire, possibly also one in Cambridgeshire, both so named from Old English Seaxe "Saxons" and tūn "enclosure, settlement".
Sayago Leonese (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Sayagu.
Sayagu Leonese
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous comarca.
Sayalath Lao
From Lao ໄຊ (say) meaning "victory" and ລາດ (lath) meaning "pave, pour".
Sayavong Lao
From Lao ໄຊ (say) meaning "victory" and ວົງ (vong) meaning "lineage, family".
Sayed Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Sayyid.
Sayegh Arabic
Means "goldsmith" in Arabic.
Sayelau Thai
Alternate transcription of Saelau.
Sayetan Thai
Alternate transcription of Saetan.
Sayetang Thai
Alternate transcription of Saetang.
Sayetyao Thai
Alternate transcription of Saetiao.
Sayeyang Thai
Alternate transcription of Saeyang.
Saygı Turkish
Means "respect, esteem" in Turkish.
Saygılı Turkish
Means "respectful, reverential" in Turkish.
Sayın Turkish
Means "dear, esteemed" in Turkish.
Saykhman Punjabi
This name is a boy's name. used as surname name. mostly used as boys name of Sikh or Hindu religion. originated from Punjabi. (sikh) means "learner" and (maan) means "mind". "Learner's Mind"
Saylee Thai
Alternate transcription of Saeli.
Saysana Lao
Alternate transcription of Lao ໄຊຊະນະ (see Xaysana).
Sayson Filipino
From Hokkien 世孫 (sì sun) meaning "direct lineal descendant" or 西孫 (sai sun) meaning "western grandchild".
Sayto Japanese (Russified)
Alternate transcription of Saitō more commonly used by ethnic Japanese living in parts of the former Soviet Union and Sakhalin Japanese residing on Sakhalin Island in Russia.
Saytou Japanese (Russified)
Alternate transcription of Saitou more commonly used by ethnic Japanese living in parts of the former Soviet Union and Sakhalin Japanese residing on Sakhalin Island in Russia.
Sayward English (Rare)
English surname which was a variant of Seward.
Sayyid Swahili, Muslim
From the Arabic honourific title سَيِّد (sayyid) which means "master, lord, prince, mister".
Sayyid Arabic
From an honorific title meaning "master, lord" in Arabic, used as a surname by descendants of the prophet Muhammad.
Saza Japanese
From the Japanese 佐 (sa) "assistant" and 座 (za) "seat."
Sazak Turkish
Sazak means soft, warm breeze.
Sazaki Japanese
Sazaki means "wren".
Sbaraglia Italian
From sbaragliare "to defeat, to overcome".
Scafata Italian
Possibly denoting someone from the Italian town Scafati, from Latin scapha "skiff, light boat". Alternately, may be from Italian scafare "to husk peas", either literally referring to someone's occupation, or from the figurative meaning of "to make more confident; alert, shrewd".
Scaggs English
Variant of Skaggs both of English origin and unknown meaning. Famous bearer is singer Boz Scaggs (1944-) of the Steve Miller Band and the band Toto.
Scaglietti Italian
The name of an Italian coachbuilder, with one of its famous customers being Ferrari when it doesn't want a design from Pininfarina.
Scaglione Italian
Derived from scaglione meaning "stallion’s canine tooth" (an augmentative form of scaglie meaning "canine tooth", from Old French escaillon meaning "horse’s tooth"), presumably a nickname for someone with exceptionally large teeth.
Scala Italian, Greek
Habitational or topographic name from any of various places named with scala, "ladder", "steps", "wharf".
Scales English
Name for a person who lives in a shed.
Scali Italian
Habitational name from Scali in Piedimonte Etneo, Sicily. From greek skali, "step", "terrace".
Scali Italian
Variant of Scala.
Scalia Italian
Habitational name derived from Scalea in the province of Cosenza, deriving ultimately from medieval Greek skaleia meaning "hoeing".
Scamp English
Variant of Camp with a prosthetic -s.
Scanagatta Italian
Probably means "cat killer", from Italian scannare "to slaughter, to cut the throat of" and gatto "cat", with the figurative meaning of "cheat, scoundrel". (Compare Pelagatti)... [more]
Scanarotti Italian
Meaning uncertain, possibly a nickname given to a boastful person.
Scanavacca Italian
Possibly an occupational name for a butcher, from scannare "to slaughter, to cut the throat of" and vacca "cow".
Scanavino Italian
Meaning uncertain, possibly related to scanalare "to cut a groove, to plough" and vino "wine".
Scanlan Irish
Anglicized form of Irish-Gaelic Ó Scannláin
Scanlon Irish
Anglicized form of Ó Scannláin.
Scannabissi Italian
Possibly from scannare "to slaughter, to cut the throat of" and biscio "snake". Alternately, the first element may be from an archaic form of zanna, "tooth (of an animal)".
Scannadinari Italian (Rare)
Taken from the Italian scanna meaning "slaying" and dinari meaning "money" in the plural form. Therefore, killer of money.
Scannapieco Italian
Occupational name for a butcher, from scannare "to slaughter, to cut the throat of" and piecuro "sheep, lamb".
Scannell Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Scannail, meaning "Descendant of Scannal," a name meaning "contention"
Scannella Italian
Possibly from Italian scannellare "to channel, to cut a groove", itself from Latin scamnum "ridge (of earth formed by plowing)".
Scannláin Irish
The name originally appeared in Gaelic as Ó Scannláin or Mac Scannláin, which are both derived from the word scannal. which means "contention."
Scarano Italian
Means "marauder, bandit".
Scarborough English
Habitational name from Scarborough on the coast of North Yorkshire, so named from the Old Norse byname Skarði + Old Norse borg "fortress", "fortified town".