Submitted Surnames of Length 8

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the length is 8.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Hagiwara Japanese
From Japanese 萩 (hagi) meaning "bush clover" and 原 (wara) meaning "field, plain".
Hagström Swedish
Combination of Swedish hage "enclosure, garden" and ström "stream, small river".
Hagstrom English
Anglicized form of Swedish Hagström.
Hainrick Micronesian
Derived from the given Heinrich.
Hajdaraj Albanian
Means "descendant of Hajdar" in Albanian.
Hajipour Persian
Means "born of Haji".
Hajipour Persian
Means "son of Haji".
Häkkinen Finnish
From given name Heikki
Hakobian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Հակոբյան (see Hakobyan).
Håkonsen Norwegian
Means "son of Håkon".
Hakopian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Հակոբյան (see Hakobyan)
Hakopyan Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Հակոբյան (see Hakobyan)
Hakosaki Japanese
Hako means "box" and saki means "cape, peninsula, promontory".
Hållberg Swedish (Rare)
The first element might be taken from place names starting with (or containing) , hål, or håll. The second element is Swedish berg "mountain".
Hallberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish hall "hall, stone, rock" and berg "mountain".
Hallgren Swedish, English
Combination of the dialectal Swedish word hall (Standard Swedish häll, Old Norse hallr), a type of flat rock, and gren meaning "branch". The first element may be taken from the name of a place named with this element (e.g. Halland, Hallsberg, or Hallstavik)... [more]
Halliche Berber, Northern African
Kabyle surname of unknown meaning.
Halligan Irish
shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÁilleagán "descendant of Áilleagán" a double diminutive of áille "beauty".
Hallikas Estonian
Hallikas is an Estonian surname meaning "grayish".
Hallinan Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÁilgheanáin "descendant of Áilgheanán", a pet form of a personal name composed of old Celtic elements meaning "mild, noble person".
Halliste Estonian
Halliste is an Estonian name relating to "hall", meaning "grey" and "frost".
Hallmark English
From Middle English halfmark ‘half a mark’, probably a nickname or status name for someone who paid this sum in rent.
Hallmets Estonian
Hallmets is an Estonian surname meaning "grey forest".
Halperin Jewish
Variant of Heilprin, a Yiddish spelling of the city of Heilbronn, Germany.
Halstead English
Geographic surname from places by the same name in Essex, Kent, and Leicestershire.
Hamadani Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian همدانی (see Hamedani).
Hamadate Japanese
From the Japanese 浜 or 濱 (hama) "beach" and 舘 or 館(date or tate) "mansion," "large building," "palace"
Hamajima Japanese
From Japanese 浜 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Hamakawa Japanese
From the Japanese 浜 or 濱 (hama) "beach" and 川 or 河 (kawa) "river."
Hamamasa Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 浜正 or 濱正 (see Hamashō).
Hamamoto Japanese
From Japanese 浜, 濱 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore" and 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Hamamura Japanese
From Japanese 浜, 濱 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
Hamanaka Japanese
Hama means "beach" and naka means "middle".
Hamarneh Arabic
Hamashoh Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 浜正 or 濱正 (see Hamashō).
Hamashou Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 浜正 or 濱正 (see Hamashō).
Hamataka Japanese
Hana means "beach" and taka means "tall, high, expensive".
Hamazono Japanese
Hamazono/濱園 = "Beach Garden"
Hamdaoui Arabic (Maghrebi)
Means "relating to Hamid 1" or "relating to Hamad" in Arabic (chiefly Maghrebi).
Hamedani Persian
Indicated a person from the city of Hamedan (or Hamadan) in Iran, from the Old Persian name Hagmatāna meaning "(place of) gathering".
Həmidova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Həmidov.
Hammoudi Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Hammoud (chiefly Algerian).
Hamzagić Bosnian
Means "son of Hamza".
Hamzaoui Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Hamza.
Hanabusa Japanese
From Japanese 花 (hana) meaning "flower" and 房 (busa) meaning "room*.
Hanafusa Japanese
From 花 (hana) meaning "flower, blossom" and 房 (fusa) meaning "room, chamber".
Hanakawa Japanese
From 花 (hana) meaning "flower" and 川 (kawa) meaning "stream, river".
Hanamori Japanese
Hana means "flower, blossom" and mori means "forest".
Hanamura Japanese
From Japanese 花 (hana) meaning "flower" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
Hanasaki Japanese
From Japanese 花 (hana) meaning "flower" or 華 (hana) meaning "flower, petal" combined with 咲 (saki) meaning "blossom". A fictional bearer of this surname is Tsubomi Hanasaki (花咲 つぼみ) from Heartcatch! Pretty Cure.
Hanasawa Japanese
Haha means "flower, blossom" and sawa means "swamp, marsh".
Hanasono Japanese
Hana means "flower" and sono means "garden".
Hanazawa Japanese
From Japanese 花 (hana) meaning "flower" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Hanazono Japanese
Hana means "flower" and zono is a form of sono meaning "garden".
Handique Assamese
The surname of a certain Aideu.
Hanekawa Japanese
羽 meaning feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical
Hanesaka Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 羽根坂 (Hanesaka), the common name for the area of Furukawachōshimono in the city of Hida in the prefecture of Gifu in Japan.
Hanesato Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 羽里 (see Hari).
Haneyama Japanese
From Japanese 羽 (hane) meaning "feather" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
Hänilane Estonian
Hänilane is an Estonian surname meaning "wagtail" (bird species: Motacilla flava).
Hannachi Arabic (Maghrebi)
Refers to Hanencha, a tribe inhabiting eastern Algeria and western Tunisia.
Hanratty Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hInreachtaigh meaning "descendant of Ionnrachtach", a given name meaning "attacker".
Hanzaike Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 繁在家 (Hanzaike), sound- and script-changed from 半在池 (Hanzaiike) meaning "Hanzaiike", a division in the area of Kirida in the city of Towada in the prefecture of Aomori in Japan... [more]
Hanzaiya Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 繁在家 (see Hanzaiya).
Happygod English (African, Rare)
Possibly from the English words happy and god.
Haramija Croatian
Derived from harambaša, which was a historic rank for the senior commander of a hajduk band. The hajduks were bandits and freedom fighters in the Balkans who fought the Ottomans.
Haramoto Japanese
Hara means "plain, wilderness, field" and moto means "origin".
Harareet Hebrew
Topographic name derived from Hebrew הֲרָרִית (hararit) meaning "mountainous". A famous bearer was Israeli actress Haya Harareet (1931-2021; birth name Haya Neuberg), who had a prominent role in the movie Ben-Hur (1959).
Harcourt French
This name is of locational origin either from the town and ancient chateau of Harcourt near Brionne in Normandy.
Hardacre English
Topographic name for someone who lived on a patch of poor, stony land, from Middle English hard "hard, difficult" and aker "cultivated land" (Old English æcer), or a habitational name from Hardacre, a place in Clapham, West Yorkshire, which has this etymology.
Hardekop German (Rare)
Derived from Middle High German hart "hard" and kopf "head". As a surname, it was given to a hard-headed, stubborn person.
Hargitay Hungarian
Denoted one from Hargita, a historical region of Hungary now known as Harghita County in eastern Transylvania, Romania. A famous bearer was Hungarian-American actor and bodybuilder Mickey Hargitay (1926-2006), as well as his daughter, actress Mariska Hargitay (1964-)... [more]
Hargrove English
English: variant of Hargrave.
Harimoto Japanese
Hari means "Extended Net constellation" and moto means "base, origin, source, root".
Haritani Japanese
Hari means "Extended Net constellation" and tani means "valley".
Härjapea Estonian
Härjapea is an Estonian surname literally meaning "ox head", but derived from a colloquial name for "clover".
Harkaway English
From a sporting phrase used to guide and incite hunting dogs.
Harkless English, Scottish, Irish
Derived from Harkin, a Scottish diminutive of Henry.
Harkness Scottish, English (British), Northern Irish
Apparently a habitational name from an unidentified place (perhaps in the area of Annandale, with which the surname is connected in early records), probably so called from the Old English personal name Hereca (a derivative of the various compound names with the first element here ‘army’) + Old English næss ‘headland’, ‘cape’... [more]
Härkönen Finnish
A surname derived from the Finnish word härkä, meaning 'bull', and the common surname suffix -nen.
Härmatis Estonian
Härmatis is an Estonian surname meaning "hoarfrost".
Harriman English
Means "Harry's man" or "Harry's servant".
Hartford English
Habitational name from Hertford, or from either of two places called Hartford, in Cheshire and Cumbria; all are named with Old English heorot ‘hart’ + ford ‘ford’.
Hartikka Finnish
Finnish surname, possibly a Finnish variant of German first name Harteke.
Hartnell English
From a location in Marwood, Devon, derived from Old English heort "stag" + cnoll "hill".
Hartsill English
A habitational name from a place in Warwickshire named Hartshill from the Old English personal name Heardrēd + Old English hyll ‘hill’.
Hartwell English
Habitational name from places in Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, and Staffordshire called Hartwell, from Old English heorot ‘stag’, ‘hart’ + wella ‘spring’, ‘stream’... [more]
Harugaya Japanese
Variant of Harutani meaning "spring valley".
Harukawa Japanese
harukawa means "spring river". the kanji used are 春(haru) meaning "spring (the season)" and 河 (kawa) meaning "river" . you could also use 川 (kawa) as the second kanji, but using 河 looks better.
Harumoto Japanese
From Japanese 春 (haru) meaning "spring" and 本 (moto) meaning "base; root; origin".... [more]
Harutami Japanese
It could be from 春 (haru) meaning "spring season" combined with 民 (tami, tamiyo) meaning "people, nationals, citizens, civil".
Harutani Japanese
Haru means "spring" and tani means "valley".
Haruyama Japanese
From Japanese 春 (haru) meaning "spring" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Hasanaga Albanian
Albanian surname, Hasani and given "Aga" in Ottoman Empire
Hasančić Bosnian
Means "son of Hasan".
Hasanzai Pashto
Variant transcription of Hassanzai.
Hashioka Japanese
From Japanese 橋 (hashi) meaning "bridge" and 岡 (oka) meaning "ridge, hill".
Hasibuan Batak
From the name of Batak king Raja Hasibuan.
Haşımova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Haşımov.
Hastings English, Scottish
Habitational name from Hastings, a place in Sussex, England, derived from Old English Hæstingas meaning "people of Hæsta"... [more]
Hastings Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hOistín meaning "descendant of Oistín", the Gaelic form of a Norse variant of Austin, or possibly Eysteinn.
Hasudera Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 蓮 (hasu) meaning "lotus, nelumbo nucifera" and 寺 (dera), the joining form of 寺 (tera) meaning "temple".
Hasunuma Japanese
Hasu means "Lotus" and numa means "swamp, marsh".
Hatanaka Japanese
From Japanese 畑 (hata) meaning "field" and 中 (naka) meaning "middle".
Hatathli Navajo
From Navajo hataałii meaning ‎"medicine man, shaman", literally "singer" (from the verb hataał ‎"he sings, he is chanting").
Hatayama Japanese
From Japanese 畑 (hata) or 畠 (hata) both meaning "field" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
Hatoyama Japanese
Combination of the kanji 鳩 (hato, "pigeon, dove") and 山 (yama, "mountain"). This surname was borne by Ichirō Hatoyama (1883–1959) and his grandson Yukio (1947–).
Haugland Norwegian
From the name of various farmsteads in Norway, from the Old Norse elements haugr meaning "mound" and land meaning "farmstead, land".
Hauptman German
Variant spelling of Hauptmann.
Hausmann German
From Middle High German hus "house" (see Haus) + man "man".
Hautamaa Finnish
Finnish. Topographical, (haute) meaning, “graves, tomb” combined with (maa) meaning, “country.”
Havelock English
From the Middle English male personal name Havelok, from Old Norse Hafleikr, literally "sea sport". It was borne by the British general Sir Henry Havelock (1795-1857).
Haverbus Yiddish, Dutch
Means "blessed friend", from Hebrew חבר (haver) and ברוך (baruch) "blessed".
Havshush Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic (Modern)
Yemenite Jewish surname.
Hawladar Bengali
Alternate transcription of Bengali হাওলাদার (see Howlader).
Hawlader Bengali
Alternate transcription of Bengali হাওলাদার (see Howlader).
Hayabusa Japanese
This name means "falcon" in Japanese.
Hayagawa Japanese
Variant transcription of Hayakawa.
Hayakawa Japanese
From Japanese 早 (haya) meaning "early, fast" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Hayamizu Japanese
Haya means "fast" or "hawk" and mizu means "water".
Haydarov Uzbek, Tajik
Means "son of Haydar".
Hayhurst English
Topographic name for a dweller ‘(by the) high wood or grove’, from Middle English heigh, high(e) + hirst(e).
Hayworth English
English: habitational name from Haywards Heath in Sussex, which was named in Old English as ‘enclosure with a hedge’, from hege ‘hedge’ + worð ‘enclosure’. The modern form, with its affix, arose much later on (Mills gives an example from 1544).
Hazarika Indian, Assamese
From a military title used during the Ahom Kingdom that indicated an official who commanded over 1,000 soldiers. The title itself is derived from Assamese হাজাৰ (hazar) meaning "thousand".
Hazelden English
Means "person from Hazelden", the name of various places in England ("valley growing with hazel trees").
Hazelton English
Hazel is referring to hazel trees, while ton is from old english tun meaning enclosure, so an enclosure of hazel trees, or an orchard of hazel trees.
Heartman German (Anglicized)
Americanised spelling of Hartmann.
Hebiyama Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 蛇 (hebi) meaning "snake; serpent" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain", referring to a mountain with many snakes.
Hedayati Persian
From the given name Hedayat.
Hedström Swedish
Combination of Swedish hed "heath, moor" and ström "stream, river".
Hedstrom American
Anglicized form of Hedström.
Heerkens Dutch
Derived from a diminutive form of a given name containing the element heri "army". Alternatively, a variant form of Eerkens.
Hegadush Hungarian
Meaning violin maker and violin player deriving from the Hungarian work for violin.
Heiliger German
Heiliger means "Holy" or "Holy One" in German.
Heilmann German
Variant of Heil.
Heilprin Jewish
From the Yiddish name for Heilbronn, Germany.
Heimbach German
Town / City in Germany
Heimburg German
German for "home". Originates in the German village of Heimburg (not to be confused with Hamburg) and the nearby castle of the same name.
Heimlich German
Nickname for a secretive person from Middle High German heimelich German heimlich "confidential secret".
Heinamaa Estonian
Heinamaa is an Estonian surname meaning "hayfield" (literally, "hay land").
Heinapuu Estonian
Heinapuu is an Estonian surname meaning "hay wood".
Heineken Dutch, German
From the given name Hein 1, a Dutch diminutive of Hendrik... [more]
Heinisch German
From a pet form of the personal name Heinrich.
Heinluht Estonian
Heinluht is an Estonian surname meaning "hay meadow/glade".
Heinpõld Estonian
Heinpõld is an Estonian surname meaning "hay field".
Heinsalu Estonian
Heinsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "hay grove".
Heintalu Estonian
Heintalu is an Estonian surname meaning "hay farm".
Heinvere Estonian
Heinvere is an Estonian surname meaning "hay blood".
Helander Swedish
The first element is Hel-, which is probably derived from place names ultimately derived from Swedish helig "holy, sacred, blessed" or the male given name Helge... [more]
Helbling German (Swiss)
Meaning "half penny" or a cheap /stingy man Know surname in Germany andSwitzerland. Helblings were French Huguenot
Helenius Finnish
Possibly derived from the given name Helenus
Helfrich German, French
from the personal name Helfrich composed of the ancient Germanic elements helfa "help" and rih "power rule".
Helgeson English (American), Swedish (Rare)
Variant or anglicized form of Helgesson or Helgesen.
Helgrind Popular Culture
Helgrind is the surname of a King in the fictional series, "Mianite".
Hellgren Swedish
Combination of Swedish häll "flat rock" and gren "branch".
Helliste Estonian
Helliste is an Estonian surname meaning "tender" and "affectionate".
Hellmich German
Derived from a personal name composed of the Germanic elements helm "helmet" and wig "battle".
Helmanis Latvian
This is a Latvian surname. ... [more]
Helmeier German, Dutch, Danish
Variant spelling of Helmeyer.
Helmeyer German, Dutch, Danish
Derived from Middle Dutch meier "bailiff, steward; tenant farmer" and an uncertain first element.
Helmsley English
This English habitational name originates with the North Yorkshire village of Helmsley, named with the Old English personal name Helm and leah, meaning 'clearing'.
Helsinki Finnish
From the capital of Finland.
Helstrom Scandinavian
From a place called Helstrom, meaning a house (or shelter) by a river, from the pre 7th century Olde Norse "hiamlr- straumr".
Hemmings English
Derived from the given name Hemming. It is the last name of the band member of Five Seconds of Summer (5sos), Luke Hemmings.
Hennelly Irish
From the Irish Ó'hIonnghaile, itself "descendant of (a variation of) Fionnghal" (fionn, "white, fair"; gall, "stranger")... [more]
Henrique Portuguese
From the given name Henrique.
Henschel German, Jewish
From a pet form of the personal name Johannes (see John), or in some cases from a pet form of Heinrich.
Henville Welsh
Derived from the name of an ancestor meaning "Son of Anwyl"
Heraldez Spanish (Mexican)
The surname is a variation of Hernando, given birth by an outlaw
Herbarth German, Norman
References Old Norse Deity "Odin" being one of the "Son's of Odin". Remember that the Geats became the Ostrogoths through the Denmark pass--referenced in Beowulf. Or, it means "Warrior of the Bearded One", perhaps a King... [more]
Herbaugh English (American)
Americanized form of German Harbach.
Herbenko Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Gerbov.
Herbster German
Occupational name for a grape picker or vintner from Middle High German herbest "(grape) harvest".
Hereford English
Habitational name from Hereford in Herefordshire, or Harford in Devon and Goucestershire, all named from Old English here "army" + ford "ford".
Heritage English (Rare)
English status name for someone who inherited land from an ancestor, rather than by feudal gift from an overlord, from Middle English, Old French (h)eritage ‘inherited property’ (Late Latin heritagium, from heres ‘heir’).
Herrgott German, Alsatian
Literally means "Lord God" in German.
Herridge English
habitational name from Herridges in Pauntley (Gloucestershire) or Highridge in King's Nympton (Devon). The Gloucestershire placename may derive from Old English hæg "fence enclosure" and hrycg "ridge" or while the Devon placename comes from an uncertain initial element and Old English hrycg.
Hershlag Jewish, Yiddish
This is the original surname of Israeli-born American actress Natalie Portman (1981-), birth name Neta-Lee Hershlag.
Hershman Jewish
1 Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant of Hirschman.... [more]
Herzberg German, Jewish
habitational name from any of numerous places called Herzberg. artificial compound name from German herz "heart" and berg "hill".
Herzfeld German
Derived from the same name of a municipality in Bitburg-Prüm, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
Hesbrook Scottish
Scottish surname.
Heureaux French (Caribbean)
Possibly from French heureux "happy, lucky, good". Ulises Heureaux (1845-1899) was the 22nd, 26th, and 27th president of the Dominican Republic
Hexspoor Dutch
Derived from Middle Dutch hicken "to pick, to chop" and spoor "spur", a nickname for a rider who often spurred on their horse.
Heynckes German
From a diminutive of the given name Heinrich. A famous bearer is retired German soccer player and coach Jupp Heynckes (1945-).
Hibberts English
A variant of Hibbert, ultimately coming from Hilbert to begin with.
Hiemstra West Frisian, Dutch
Derived from West Frisian hiem "home" or the related Dutch Low Saxon hiem "farmstead, homestead" combined with the habitational suffix -stra.
Hietamaa Finnish
Finnish. (hieta) meaning, “fine-sand” combined with (maa) meaning, “country.”
Highland English, German
English, Scottish, and Irish: variant spelling of Hyland 1 or Hyland 2.... [more]
Highmore English
From Old English hēah meaning "high" and mōr meaning "moor, marsh".
Hiiekivi Estonian
Hiiekivi is an Estonia surname, derived from the pre-Christian "hiie", a sacred location, and "kivi" meaning "stone".
Hiielaid Estonian
Hiielaid is an Estonian surname meaning "grove islet".
Hiielepp Estonian
Hiielepp is an Estonian surname derived from "hiis" (a sacred grove) alder".
Hiiemets Estonian
Hiiemets is an Estonian surname meaning "sacred grove forest".
Hiiesalu Estonian
Hiiesalu is an Estonian surname derived from the pre-Christian "hiie" (a sacred location), and "salu" ("grove").
Hijikata Japanese
From 泥 (hiji) meaning "mud, mire," more often written as 土, from tsuchi meaning "earth, soil, dirt, mud," and 方 (kata) meaning "direction, way" or, more rarely, 片 (kata) meaning "one (of a pair); incomplete, fragmentary" (cognate with 方).... [more]
Hikohito Japanese
Hiko means "prince" and hito means "person".
Hikosaka Japanese
From Japanese 彦 (hiko) meaning "boy, prince" and 坂 (saka) meaning "slope".
Hikufuyu Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Nukutō.