Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Dell'oroItalian Means "of the gold" in Italian. Might indicate someone with blond hair, someone who worked as a goldsmith, or might be descended from the Latin name Aurius.
Del MundoSpanish (Philippines) Means "of the World" in Spanish. A famous bearer of this name is Fe del Mundo, a Filipino pediatrician.
Del NegroItalian Literally “of or belonging to the black one” hence a name denoting the son, apprentice, associate, or servant of a man bearing this nickname or ethnic name.
DelvecchioItalian The surname Delvecchio is derived from the Italian word vecchi, which further derives from the late Latin word veclus, which measn old, aged, or elderly.
De ManDutch Means "the man" in Dutch, from Middle Dutch man "person, man; husband, vassal". Could be a nickname, perhaps to differentiate an older individual (compare Mann), or a habitational name derived from a house name such as De Geleerde Man ("The Learned Man") or De Zwarte Man ("The Black Man").
DemirtaşTurkish Means "iron rock" from Turkish demir meaning "iron" and taş meaning "rock, stone".
Den BestenDutch Means "the best" in Dutch, from Middle Dutch beste.
Den HartogDutch Derived from Dutch hertog "duke", a nickname for someone behaved in a haughty manner, or an occupational name for someone who worked for a duke’s household.
Den OudenDutch Means "the elder, the senior", from Middle Dutch out "old".
Den UijlDutch Means "the owl" in Dutch, from Middle Dutch ule. A notable bearer was the Dutch prime minister Johannes den Uijl (1919-1987), also known as Joop den Uyl.
DepardieuFrench Means "of by God", derived from French pardieu meaning "by God", originally a nickname for someone who blasphemously uttered the name of God. It could also indicate a person who came from various places in France called Part-Dieu or Pardieu, for example the Lyon-Part-Dieu Business District in the city of Lyon... [more]
De PoorterFlemish, Dutch Means "the burgher, the citizen (of a city)", ultimately derived from poort "gate".
DepooterFlemish Variant of De Poorter, or alternatively, an occupational name for a farmer or gardener derived from poten "to plant, to sow seeds". Compare Potter.
DeppGerman Derived from Germanic depp which is a nickname for a joker (person who plays jokes on others). A notable bearer is Johnny Depp, an American actor.
De PraetereFlemish Means "the prattler", from or related to Middle Dutch praten "to chatter" (c. 1400), from a Proto-Germanic imitative root.
DerryIrish, English English variant of Deary, or alternatively a nickname for a merchant or tradesman, from Anglo-French darree ‘pennyworth’, from Old French denree... [more]
De RuiterDutch Means "the rider" in Dutch, derived from Middle Dutch ruter "freebooter, vagrant, robber", later meaning "cavalryman, soldier, armed horseman". It could also be a nickname based on an event, in one case deriving from an incident involving a ride on a runaway pig.
DesaiIndian, Marathi, Gujarati From a feudal title derived from Sanskrit देश (desha) meaning "country, kingdom" and स्वामिन् (svamin) meaning "owner, master, lord".
DevoyEnglish Anglicized form of Gaelic surname Ó Dubhuidhe ‘descendant of Dubhuidhe’, a name probably derived from dubh "dark, black" and buidhe "sallow".
De WaalDutch, Walloon Means "the Walloon" in Dutch, derived from Middle Dutch wale, originally indicating a person who came from Wallonia, a French-speaking region of southern Belgium. It could also possibly be a variant spelling of Van Der Walle and De Walle meaning "the wall"', though evidence for this is lacking... [more]
De WildeDutch Means "the wild", from Middle Dutch wilt "wild, savage, untamed".
De WinterDutch Means "the winter" in Dutch, a nickname for a cold or gloomy man, or perhaps for someone born in the winter. It could also be a habitational name referring to a house or tavern named for the season.
De WolfDutch, Flemish Means "the wolf", a nickname given to someone associated with wolves in some way, or a habitational name for someone who lived by a sign depicting a wolf. Could also be a patronymic form of Wolf.
DeyIndian, Bengali, Assamese, Odia Derived either from Sanskrit देव (deva) meaning "god" or देय (deya) meaning "fit or proper (for a gift)".
DharmaratneSinhalese Derived from Sanskrit धर्म (dharma) meaning "that which is established, law, duty, virtue" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
DheerasingheSinhalese Derived from Sanskrit धीर (dhira) meaning "steady, firm, courageous" and सिंह (sinha) meaning "lion".
DiabArabic Derived from Arabic ذئب (dhiʾb) meaning "wolf".
DialIndian (Anglicized) Anglicized form of Dayal. It is also found in South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana.
DiamondIrish Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Diamáin "descendant of Diamán", earlier Díomá or Déamán, a diminutive of Díoma, itself a pet form of Diarmaid.
DiaoChinese From Chinese 刁 (diāo) referring to the ancient state of Diao, which existed during the Zhou dynasty in what is now Shaanxi province. It was adopted due to being homophonous with the character 雕, which was the actual name of the state.
DickermanEnglish, German, Jewish Possibly derived from Middle High German dic(ke) "strong, thick" and Mann "man, male, husband".
DieuFrench, Walloon From French dieu "god" given as a nickname for someone who played Christ in medieval mysteries or for a presumptious or an overly religious person, or from a short for of the given name Dieudonné.
DieulafoyFrench From Old French Dieu la foy meaning "God the faith". Famous bearers were the married couple of French archeologists Marcel Dieulafoy (1844-1920) and Jane Dieulafoy (1951-1916). A medical condition of the stomach causing gastric bleeding called "Dieulafoy's lesion" was named after Dr... [more]
DiffeyEnglish Possibly from Anglo-Norman defieu meaning "faithless, disloyal", perhaps denoting an unpious person.
DigneFrench From French digne "dignified, worthy" perhaps a nickname for a hardworking person.
D'ignotiItalian Means "of the unknown", a descriptive term for foundlings of unknown parentage that evolved into a given name.
DikshitIndian, Hindi, Odia From Sanskrit दीक्षित (dikshita) meaning "one who is initiated", ultimately from दीक्षा (diksha) meaning "initiation, dedication". The term was historically used to refer to teachers and scholars of the Brahmin caste.
DilagFilipino, Tagalog Means "beauty, splendour, brilliancy" or "maiden" in Tagalog.
ĐilasSerbian Derived from đilas (ђилас), a rare word meaning "jumper, runner".
DillEnglish Nickname from Middle English dell, dill, dull "dull, foolish".
DimaandalTagalog From Tagalog di maandal meaning "not pushable, not shovable".
DimaanoFilipino, Tagalog Means "not touched, not injured" from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and maano meaning "have something happen" or ano meaning "how, what".
DimaapiFilipino, Tagalog Means "cannot be oppressed" from Tagalog di- meaning "no, not" and inaapi meaning "oppressed".
DimabasaFilipino, Tagalog Means "dry" from Tagalog di- meaning "no, not" and basa meaning "wet, watery".
DimacuhaFilipino, Tagalog Means "unobtainable" from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and makuha meaning "to obtain, to get".
DimaculanganFilipino, Tagalog Means "cannot be diminished" from Tagalog di- meaning "no, not" and kulangan meaning "reduce".
DimadukotFilipino, Tagalog Means "unobtainable" from Tagalog di- meaning "no, not" and dukot meaning "pull, draw out".
DimagibaFilipino, Tagalog Means "indestructible" from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and giba meaning "demolished, destroyed".
DimailigFilipino, Tagalog Means "unshakable" from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and ilig meaning "shaking, mixing".
DimaisipFilipino, Tagalog Means "unfathomable" from Tagalog di- meaning "no, not" and isip meaning "intellect, discernment".
DimalaluanFilipino, Tagalog Means "insurpassable" from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and laluan meaning "surpass, exceed".
DimalantaFilipino, Tagalog Means "cannot be withered" from Tagalog di- meaning "no, not" and malanta meaning "fade, wither, wilt".
DimalapitanFilipino, Tagalog Means "unapproachable" from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and lapitan meaning "approach".
DimalibotTagalog From Tagalog di malibot meaning "not able to be gone around".
DimaliwatFilipino, Tagalog Means "firm, stubborn" from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and liwat meaning "to transfer (liquid from one container to another)".
DimapasocTagalog From Tagalog di mapasok meaning "uninsertable, impenetrable".
DimapilisFilipino, Tagalog Means "cannot be dissuaded" (literally "cannot be twisted") from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and pili meaning "twisted, contorted".
DimaporoFilipino, Maranao From Maranao di' meaning "no, not" and maporo' meaning "tall, high".
DimarucutFilipino, Tagalog Means "cannot be caught" from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and dukot meaning "draw out, pull".
DimasupilFilipino, Tagalog Means "unconquerable" from Tagalog di- meaning "no, not" and supil meaning "controlled, repressed, subdued".
DimatatacFilipino, Tagalog Means "cannot be marked" from di meaning "no, not" and tatak meaning "imprint, stamp, mark".
DimatulacFilipino, Tagalog Means "stubborn" (literally "cannot be shoved") from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and tulak meaning "push, shove".
DimaunahanFilipino, Tagalog Means "champion" (literally "cannot be outdone") from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and unahan meaning "front, head, first".
DimawalaTagalog From Tagalog di mawala meaning "cannot be lost".
DimayacyacFilipino, Tagalog Means "cannot be crushed (in a fight)" from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and yakyak meaning "crushed, trampled".
DimayugaFilipino, Tagalog Means "unshakable" from Tagalog di meaning "no, not" and mauga meaning "shaky, wobbly".
DimerGerman (Portuguese-style) Brazilian adaptation of the German surname Diemer; altered for easier comprehension by the Portuguese-speaking population of Brazil.
DinçTurkish Means "energetic, vigorous, active" in Turkish.
DinçerTurkish From Turkish dinç meaning "vigorous, energetic, active" and er meaning "man, hero, brave".
DineenIrish (Anglicized) Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Duinnín which meant "descendant of Duinnín". The byname Duinnín was derived from a diminutive of Gaelic donn meaning "brown" (i.e. "brown-haired man") or "chieftain".
DioaiutiItalian Means "may god help you", from dio "god" and aiutare "to help, assist". Most often given to foundlings and orphans.
DiopWestern African, Wolof From Joob, the name of a Wolof clan, derived from a totemic word meaning "black craned swan" or "peacock".
DiotalleviItalian Means "god raise you", from Italian dio "god, deity" and allevi "to raise (children)". Often given to abandoned or orphaned children.
DipasupilFilipino, Tagalog Means "cannot be suppressed" from Tagalog di- meaning "no, not" and supil meaning "subdued, suppressed".
DissabandaraSinhalese From Sanskrit दिशा (diśā) meaning "region, quarter, direction" combined with the Sinhala title බණ්ඩාර (baṇḍāra) meaning "chief's son, prince".
DistelGerman, Low German, Dutch Means "thistle" in German and Dutch, a topographic name for someone who lived by a patch of ground overgrown with thistles, or perhaps a nickname for a "prickly" person.
DockEnglish, Scottish Possibly a variant of Duke or Duck. Alternatively, could be derived from a place name such as Doxey.
DodgeEnglish Possibly a nickname from Middle English dogge "dog" (Old English docga, dogga).
DodieScottish (Modern) Dodie is a Scottish shortening of the name "Dorothy" it is quite rare and one of the only famous people with this name is the singer/songwrite Dodie Clark.
DoeEnglish An English nickname for a gentle person from the word for a female deer. Originally a female first name transferred to use as a surname. Well known in American law as a hypothetical surname for a person unnamed in legal proceedings, as in Jane Doe or John Doe.
DoggEnglish From the word dog this is the stage surname of American rapper Snoop Dogg born Calvin Broadus Jr. (b. 1971)
DoğruTurkish Means "true, right, correct" in Turkish.
DoleEnglish, Irish (Anglicized) English: from Middle English dole ‘portion of land’ (Old English dal ‘share’, ‘portion’). The term could denote land within the common field, a boundary mark, or a unit of area; so the name may be of topographic origin or a status name... [more]
DollingEnglish (British) From an unrecorded Middle English word dolling, douling, or dulling meaning “dull person.” Compare Doll. Post-medieval examples of the name may also have arisen from a late assimilation of rl to ll in Dorling, a variant of Darling: Samuel Dorling, 1770 is identical with Samuel Dolling, 1782 in Parish Registers (West Stow Suffolk)... [more]
DollinsEnglish (British) Variant of Dollin, with post-medieval excrescent -s, itself a variant of Dolling, a nickname from an unrecorded Middle English word dolling douling dulling meaning “dull or stupid one” (compare Doll)... [more]
DoolingEnglish Variant of Dolling, a nickname from an unrecorded Middle English word, dolling, douling, dulling meaning “dull or stupid one.”
DoolittleEnglish From a medieval nickname applied to a lazy man (from Middle English do "do" + little "little"). It was borne by the American poet Hilda Doolittle (1886-1961). A fictional bearer is Eliza Doolittle, the flower seller in Bernard Shaw's 'Pygmalion' (1913); and a variant spelling was borne by Dr Dolittle, the physician who had the ability to talk to animals, in the series of books written by Hugh Lofting from 1920.
DoonleSomali The surname "Doonle" can be interpreted as "the one who seeks" or "the seeker." This reflects a meaningful characteristic of pursuit and exploration. The name is derived from the Somali word "doon," which means "to seek" or "to want." Additionally, "doon" also translates to "boat," symbolizing the journey and exploration of new horizons.
DoradoSpanish From dorado "golden" (from Late Latin deaurare "to gild", from aurum "gold"), probably applied as a nickname to someone with golden hair.
DorlandEnglish A variant of Darling. It was a name for a person who was greatly loved by his friends and family. The surname was originally derived from the word deorling, which meant "darling".
DouChinese From Chinese 窦 (dòu) meaning "hole, burrow".
DoubledayEnglish Possibly from the nickname or byname do(u)bel meaning "the twin", or a combination of the given name Dobbel (a pet form of Robert) and Middle English day(e) meaning "servant".
DoucetFrench Nickname for a gentle minded person from French doux "sweet" (from Latin dulcis).
DouillardFrench Nickname for a softie, possibly derived from Old French do(u)ille meaning "soft, tender".
DouwDutch Possibly from the given name Douwe, derived from West Frisian do "dove, pigeon". Alternatively, from a short form of David.
DouxFrench From French meaning "sweet". Probably a nickname for someone who's gentle and kind-hearted.
DovhanichRusyn From Rusyn довгий (dovhyy), meaning "long". This spelling of the last name is rare in the modern day due to Rusyn assimilation with other cultures. For the more common form modernly, see Dovhanych.
DragasesGreek, History, Serbian (Hellenized) Hellenized form of Serbian surname Dragaš. This was the surname of the last Byzantine emperor, Constantine XI Palaiologos, who took her mother's surname, Helena Dragaš, as his second last name
DragonFrench, English Nickname or occupational name for someone who carried a standard in battle or else in a pageant or procession, from Middle English, Old French dragon "snake, monster" (Latin draco, genitive draconis, from Greek drakōn, ultimately from derkesthai "to flash")... [more]
DrayEnglish From Middle English dregh, probably as a nickname from any of its several senses: "lasting", "patient", "slow", "tedious", "doughty". Alternatively, in some cases, the name may derive from Old English drýge "dry, withered", also applied as a nickname.
DreamerEnglish The word dreamer (or surname) comes from the word dream with an added -er at the end indicating someone is dreaming. The word dream comes from the Dutch phrase droom and the German phrase Traum.
DrellJewish (Ashkenazi) Metonymic occupational name from East Slavic drel meaning “borer, gimlet.”
DrepanisGreek From the Greek word for scythe: drepani (δρεπάνι).
DrouillardFrench Probably a derogatory nickname, from a derivative of the regional term drouiller "to defecate", which also has various figurative senses.
DruryEnglish, French, Irish Originally a Norman French nickname, derived from druerie "love, friendship" (itself a derivative of dru "lover, favourite, friend" - originally an adjective, apparently from a Gaulish word meaning "strong, vigourous, lively", but influenced by the sense of the Old High German element trut, drut "dear, beloved").... [more]
DruzhkoUkrainian, Russian Means "friend", from Ukrainian and Russian друг (druh, drug) in a diminutive form.
DưVietnamese Vietnamese form of Yu 2, from Sino-Vietnamese 余 (dư).
DubeNdebele, Zulu It means Zebra. It is usually a surname instead of a person's name used by Zimbabwean Ndebele people and South African Zulu people.... [more]
DucaItalian from the title of rank duca "duke" (from Latin dux genitive ducis "leader") an occupational name for someone who lived or worked in the household of a duke or a nickname for someone who gave himself airs and graces like a duke... [more]
DückLow German, German North German nickname for a coward, from Low German duken ‘to duck or dive’. ... [more]
DudziakPolish Nickname for a person who played the bagpipes or perhaps sold them, derived from Polish duda meaning "bagpipe".
DuguidScottish Probably "do good", from a Scottish nickname for a well-intentioned person or (ironically) a do-gooder.
DuhoňSlovak, Czech Nickname derived from Slovak dúha or Czech duha which both mean “rainbow.” In old Czech duha also means “bruise.”
DukakisGreek Dukakis means "son of the duke or little duke".
DulKhmer Derived from Sanskrit डुल (dula) meaning "shake, tremble".
DullardEnglish From old English dull meaning "dumb, stupid".
DundrearyEnglish This was a nickname for someone who had dundrearies, which were long sideburns.
DunneIrish, English, Scottish This surname means dark and was likely given to those with a dark complexion or with dark hair.
DuongKhmer Means "disk, circle" or "dear, darling, beloved" in Khmer.
DuqbeerSomali Duqbeer would translate to "old farm" in Somali.
DuqueSpanish, Portuguese Spanish and Portuguese cognate of Duke. from duque "duke" (from Latin dux genitive ducis "leader") an occupational name for someone who worked in the household of a duke or as a nickname for someone who gave himself airs and graces.
DuretteFrench Altered form of French Duret, reflecting the Canadian and American French practice of sounding the final -t. In some cases, also derives from the feminine form of Duret.
DurgunTurkish Means "still, calm, stagnant" in Turkish.
DurkoRussian, Ukrainian, Belarusian Derived either from Russian дурной (durnoy) or Ukrainian дурний (durnyi) or Belarusian дурны (durny) all meaning "dump, foolish, stupid".
DurraniPashto Derived from Persian در (dorr) meaning "pearl". It was historically used in the phrase padshah durr-i durran meaning "king pearl of the age", a title used by Ahmad Shah Durrani, the founder of the modern state of Afghanistan.
DurrettFrench Altered form of French Duret, reflecting the Canadian and American French practice of sounding the final -t. Compare Durette.
DuruTurkish Means "clear, pure, limpid" in Turkish.
DushajAlbanian It comes from serbian name ''dusha'' meaning soul.In serbian ''dusha moja'' means my sweatheart.Probably a nickname or name given to the patriarch of the dushaj family that got taken as a surname by his descendants later on,adding the popular albanian ending -aj.
DuszenkoPolish It appears Duza means soul, nickname for someone with a kind heart
DuyckFlemish Nickname from Middle Dutch duuc "duck"; in some cases the name may be a derivative of Middle Dutch duken "to dive" and cognate with Ducker... [more]
DuysterDutch Derived from Middle Dutch duuster meaning "dark, gloomy, obscure" or "stupid, terrible".
DüzgünTurkish Means "smooth, orderly, correct" in Turkish.
DvoeglazovmRussian Means "son of the two-eyed" from двоеглаз (dvoeglaz) meaning "two-eyed"
DwivediIndian, Hindi From Sanskrit द्विवेदी (dvivedi) meaning "one who has studied two Vedas", from द्वि (dvi) meaning "two" and वेद (veda) meaning "Veda".
DybalaPolish nickname from dybac, meaning 'to lurk' or 'to watch for somebody'.
DymekPolish Diminutive of Polish dym meaning "smoke".
DzagoevOssetian (Russified) Russified form of the Ossetian surname Зæгъойты (Zægoyty), which came from the nickname Dzagoy. The name was probably from Ossetian дзаг (dzag) meaning "full, complete", ultimately derived from Persian چاق (čâq) meaning "fat".