Submitted Surnames from Nicknames

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Spanier German
Means "Spaniard" in German.
Spann German
Possibly derived from Middle High German spenne "disagreement, dispute, quarrel".
Spare English
Nickname for a frugal person, from Middle English spare ‘sparing, frugal’ (Old English spær).
Spark English, German
Northern English: from the Old Norse byname or personal name Sparkr ‘sprightly’, ‘vivacious’.... [more]
Sparrow English
English: nickname from Middle English sparewe ‘sparrow’, perhaps for a small, chirpy person, or else for someone bearing some fancied physical resemblance to a sparrow.
Spatafora Italian
This surname originates from the Italian island of Sicily, where it was first borne by a noble family of Byzantine origin, which had settled on the island in the 11th century AD. Their surname was derived from the Greek noun σπάθη (spathe) "blade, sword" (akin to Latin spatha "broad sword with a double edge") combined with Greek φορεω (phoreo) "to carry, to bear", which gives the surname the meaning of "he who carries the sword" or "sword-bearer"... [more]
Späth German
Derived from Middle High German spæte "late".
Spatz German
From German meaning "sparrow".
Speakman English
English (chiefly Lancashire) nickname or occupational name for someone who acted as a spokesman, from Middle English spekeman ‘advocate’, ‘spokesman’ (from Old English specan to speak + mann ‘man’).
Speca Italian
From a variant of spiga "spike, ear (of grain)"
Speed English
A nickname for a fortunate person, from Middle English sped, "success".
Speer German, Dutch, English
German and Dutch cognate of Spear, as well as an English variant of the same surname.
Spendlove English
From a medieval nickname for someone who spread their amorous affections around freely. A different form of the surname was borne by Dora Spenlow, the eponymous hero's "child-wife" in Charles Dickens's 'David Copperfield' (1849-50).... [more]
Speranza Italian
Means "hope" in Italian.
Sperber German, Jewish
From a nickname for a small but belligerent person from Middle High German sperwære "sparrow hawk" (Old High German sparwāri a compound of sparw "sparrow" and āri "eagle").
Spiegelman German (Germanized, Rare, Archaic), Jewish (Ashkenazi, Germanized, Rare, Archaic), Yiddish (Germanized, Rare, Archaic)
The name Spiegelman is a name with both German and Jewish origins. In German the word "Spiegel" translates to "mirror". Also "Mann" translates to "man". So one could interpret the name to mean "mirror man" or less often "man of the mirror"... [more]
Spillman English
From the medieval male personal name Spileman, literally "acrobat" or "jester" (from a derivative of Middle English spillen "to play, cavort").
Spinosa Italian
Most likely from Italian spinosa meaning "prickly, thorny, spiny, ticklish, touchy".
Spiridonov m Russian
From the given name Spiridon.
Splendente Italian
From Italian splendente "bright, shining", supposedly given to an infants abandoned at orphanages on sunny days.
Spoors English
From Middle English spoor "spur", an occupational name for someone who made spurs, or perhaps a nickname for someone known for wearing them.
Spourgitis m Greek (Rare)
Nickname from Greek meaning "sparrow".
Springborn German
Derived from Middle Low German sprinkborn meaning "spring, well", hence either a nickname for someone who lived by a spring or a water well, or from various place names in Germany.
Springer German, English, Dutch, Jewish
Nickname for a lively person or for a traveling entertainer, from springen "to jump, to leap". A famous bearer was Ludwig der Springer (AKA Louis the Springer), a medieval Franconian count who, according to legend, escaped from a second or third-story prison cell by jumping into a river after being arrested for trying to seize County Saxony in Germany.
Sprout English
This name is derived from the name of an ancestor, meaning "the son of Sprot".... [more]
Spruance English
Possibly a variant of Spruce. A notable bearer was Raymond A. Spruance (1886-1969), a United States Navy admiral during World War II.
Spruijt Dutch
Means "sprout" in Dutch, originally a nickname for a young person or a descendant of a wealthy, powerful or important family.
Spruit Dutch
Variant of Spruijt.
Spruyt Dutch
Variant of Spruijt. This surname is especially common in Belgium.
Spry English
Was apparently a nickname for an active, brisk, or smart person. The word spry is of obscure origin.
Squarepants Popular Culture
The surname of the famous cartoon character "SpongeBob SquarePants" from the entitled show.
Squibb English
Nickname for an irascible, unpredictable or petty person, derived from Middle English squibbe meaning "firework, firecracker". A famous bearer is the American actress June Squibb (1929-).
Šramko Belarusian
Belarusian Latin spelling of Shramko.
Srisuwan Thai
From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour" combined with สุวรรณ (suwan) meaning "gold".
Srivastav Indian, Hindi
Alternate transcription of Shrivastav.
Srivastava Indian, Hindi
Alternate transcription of Shrivastav.
Staley English
Byname from Middle English staley "resolute, reliable", a reduced form of Stallard.
Stalinov Russian
Means "son of the man of steel" in Russian.
Stallard English
Byname for a valiant or resolute person, from a reduced pronunciation of Middle English stalward, stalworth "stalwart" (an Old English compound of stǣl "place" and wierðe "worthy").
Stallone Italian
from stallone "stallion" applied either as a nickname for someone thought to resemble a stallion or as a metonymic occupational name for someone who bred horses. from an augmentative of stalla "stable stall" used as a topographic name and as a habitational name from any of the minor places called with this word.... [more]
Stam Dutch
Means "trunk (of a tree), stem" in Dutch, a nickname for a blocky or heavily built man.
Stang German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) from Middle High German stang, German Stange ‘pole’, ‘shaft’, hence a nickname for a tall, thin person, a metonymic occupational name for a maker of wooden shafts for spears and the like, or a metonymic occupational name for a soldier.
Star German, Jewish
Means "starling (bird)" in German, probably denoting a talkative or perhaps a voracious person. Alternatively, an Anglicized form of Stern 2.
Star Dutch
Means "stiff, frozen, rigid" in Dutch, from Middle Dutch staer "having a troubled or gloomy expression; tight, stiff", a nickname either for a gloomy person or for someone who was rigid and inflexible.
Star Slovene
From Slovenian star "old, aged" (see Stare).
Star English
Variant of Starr.
Starikov Russian
From a nickname for a person who was long-lived or wise, derived from Russian старик (starik) meaning "old man".
Stariy m Russian
Means "old" in Russian.
Starke German, Dutch, English
Variant of German and English Stark and Dutch and German Sterk. Nickname for a strong bold person from Middle High German stark Middle Dutch starcke staerke "strong brave".
Starkey English, German
From a diminutive of Stark. This surname is borne by the English musician Sir Richard Starkey (1940-), also known as Ringo Starr.
Starling English
From a medieval nickname for someone thought to resemble a starling, especially in constantly chattering.
Starobrat Polish (Rare)
Possibly comprised of the Polish elements stary "old" deriving from Proto-Slavic *starъ and brat "brother" deriving from Proto-Slavic *bràtrъ or *bràtъ.
State German
Nickname from Middle High German stæt(e) meaning "firm", "steadfast", "constant".
Stauch German
From Middle High German stuche, a term used to denote both a type of wide sleeve and a headcovering. Also a habitational name from a place called Staucha, near Dresden.
Stay English, American
Possibly related to the word Stay, or a nickname for Stanley.
Steel English
Variant spelling of Steele, or an Americanized form of the German and Swedish cognates Stahl or Stål.
Stejskal Czech
Stejskal means "he did complains" in Czech.
Stelter German
nickname for a disabled person; from Middle Low German stelte, stilt "wooden leg"
Sterk Dutch, German
Dutch cognate and German variant of Stark. Nickname from Middle Low German sterk and Middle High German stark Middle Dutch sterke starcke staerke "strong brave".
Sterken Dutch
From Dutch sterk meaning "strong".
Sternke Low German (Rare, ?)
From the German word or surname Stern meaning "star" and the Low German diminutive "-ke". The exact origins of this surname are unknown.
Stiefel German
Either from stiefel "boot", which could mean a boot maker or from middle low german stief which means "stiff", a nickname for a stubborn person
Stieglitz German
Meaning goldfinch, Stiglitz was borrowed into German from a Slavic language, probably Old Czech stehlec. Several possible origins: of the surname can be: ... [more]
Stiff English (American)
Used sometimes as a derogatory term, stiff means uptight. It is used in a surname in American culture as well as in the media, such as novels, movies or tv shows.
Stillman English
From German still "quiet" and Mann "man", hence, "calm man".
Stockhardt German
Nickname for a stiff person, from Stock "stick, staff, trunk" and hart "hard".
Stoker Dutch
Means "stoker, one who stokes a fire" or "firestarter, agitator" in Dutch, an occupational name or a nickname for a troublemaker.
Stolt Swedish
Swedish soldier name meaning "proud". ... [more]
Stolte German
Derived from Middle Low German stolt "proud; stately; magnificent".
Stolz German
The surname "Stolz" means "Proud" or "pride" in German.
Stoop Dutch
From Middle Dutch stoop "pitcher, stone bottle, wine jug", an occupational name for an innkeeper or a nickname for a heavy drinker.
Storch German, Jewish
From Middle High German storch "stork", hence a nickname for someone thought to resemble the bird.
Storey English
From the Old Norse nickname Stóri, literally "large man". A literary bearer is British novelist and playwright David Storey (1933-).
Storm English, Low German, Dutch, Scandinavian
Nickname for a man of blustery temperament.
Stornelli Italian
Meaning uncertain; may be from storno "starling", or directly from stornelli, an Italian lyric or folk song.
Storr German
Nickname for a crude man, from Middle High German storr 'tree stump', 'clod'.
Story English
Variant of Storey.
Stoss German, Jewish
Nickname for a quarrelsome person, from Middle High German stoz 'quarrel', 'fight'.
Stossel Jewish
A diminutive form of Stoss.
Stough German (Anglicized)
Americanised spelling of Stauch.
Stout Scottish, English
Probably a nickname for a brave or powerfully built man, from Middle English stout ‘steadfast’. A contrary origin derives from the Old Norse byname Stútr ‘gnat’, denoting a small and insignificant person.
Straight English
Nickname from Middle English streʒt "straight, upright", presumably applied in either a literal or a figurative sense.
Strakhonov m Russian
From Russian страх (strakh), meaning "fear", likely denoting to a fearful or feared person.
Sträng Swedish
Probably taken directly from Swedish sträng "strict, stern, harsh, grim". although it could also be derived from the name of the city Strängnäs.
Strang English
Originally given as a nickname to one who possessed great physical strength.
Straube German
Variant of Straub.
Stribling English
From a medieval nickname for a youthful or inexperienced person (from Middle English stripling "youth").
Strid Swedish
From the Swedish word stid meaning either "swift, rapid" or "battle, combat, fight".
Stringfellow English
Nickname for a powerful man, Middle English streng ‘mighty’, ‘strong’ + felaw ‘fellow’ (see Fellows).
Stroh English, German
Means "straw" when translated from German, indicating a thin man, a person with straw-colored hair, or a dealer of straw.
Strojny Polish
A nickname for a dandy; Elegant and Well-Dressed.
Stronach Scottish
From Gaelic srónach meaning "nosy" or "sharp-nosed".
Strubel German
German (also Strübel): from a diminutive of Middle High German strūp (see Strub).... [more]
Strutz German
Variant of Strauss.
Strynckx Flemish
Variant form of Dutch Streng "strong, rope, cord", a metonymic occupational name for a rope maker. Alternatively, it could be a nickname derived from streng "strict, severe, cruel".
Stuhr German, Danish, German (Austrian)
A nickname for an inflexible, obstinate person.
Stults German
The Stults surname is derived from the German word "stoltz," which means "proud," and as such, it was most likely originally a nickname, which became a hereditary surname.
Stumm German
Descriptive nickname for a mute person, from Middle High German, Middle Low German stum ‘mute’.
Stump German
From Middle Low German stump ‘tree stump’ (borrowed into Middle English), hence a topographic name for someone who lived by a prominent tree stump, or else a nickname for a short, stocky person.... [more]
Sturdivant English
Perhaps a nickname for messenger, a pursuivant or a hasty person, derived from Middle English stirten, sterten meaning "to start, leap" (ultimately from Old English styrtan) and avaunt meaning "forward" (itself from Old French).
Sturdy English
From a nickname meaning "strong".
Sturgeon English
From the word "sturgeon" from the Old French esturgeon "sturgeon". A nickname for someone who closely resembled the eponymous fish.
Sturtevant English
Variant form of Sturdivant.
Subasingha Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala සුබසිංහ (see Subasinghe).
Subasinghe Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit शुभ (shubha) meaning "splendid, bright, auspicious" and सिंह (sinha) meaning "lion".
Subbotin m Russian
From Russian суббота (subbota), meaning "Saturday".
Subelza Medieval Basque (Latinized, Archaic)
It means bushes weed or shrub tree. Subelza is also Oak or Carrasca tree.
Suckling English
From a medieval nickname for someone of childlike appearance or childish character (from Middle English suckling "infant still feeding on its mother's milk"). Sir John Suckling (1609-1642) was an English poet and dramatist.
Sudan Chinese
From Chinese 苏丹 (sūdān) meaning "sultan". This is a common surname among Hui Muslims.
Sueadao Thai (Rare)
Means "leopard" in Thai.
Suealueang Thai
From Thai เสือ (suea) meaning "tiger" and เหลือง (lueang) meaning "yellow".
Sugarol Filipino, Cebuano
Means "gambler" in Cebuano.
Suguitan Tagalog
From Tagalog sugit meaning "intelligent, bright, clever".
Suhr German
Nickname for a bitter or cantankerous person, from Middle Low German sūr meaning "sour".
Sukharev Russian
From sukhari, meaning "hardtack".
Sukkasem Thai
From Thai ศุข (suk) meaning "joy, happiness, delight" and เกษม (kasem) meaning "contentment, happiness".
Suksamran Thai
From Thai สุข (suk) meaning "joy, delight" and สำราญ (samran) meaning "happy, joyful".
Sulit Filipino, Tagalog
From a nickname derived from Tagalog sulit which can mean "test, gain" or "return of something borrowed, remittance".
Sullen English
Means "gloomy, ill-tempered, moody" in English, with the archaic meanings "lonely, desolate" and "mischievous, malignant, obstinate", derived from Anglo-Norman soleyn "solitary, alone".
Sultán Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Sultan.
Sumitomo Japanese
From Japanese 住 (sumi) meaning "living" and 友 (tomo) meaning "friend".
Summer English, German
From Middle English sum(m)er, Middle High German sumer "summer", hence a nickname for someone of a warm or sunny disposition, or for someone associated with the season of summer in some other way.
Summerly Irish
From Irish Gaelic Ó Somacháin "descendant of Somachán", a nickname meaning literally "gentle" or "innocent".
Sumulong Tagalog
Means "to move forward, to progress, to advance" in Tagalog.
Sun Khmer
Means "surpass, exceed" in Khmer.
Sunday English
Denoted a person who was born on or is associated with Sunday, ultimately derived from Proto-West-Germanic *sunnōn dag. A famous bearer of the name was American evangelist and professional baseball outfielder Billy Sunday (1862-1935), full name William Ashley Sunday, which is an anglicized form of the surname Sonntag as his parents were German immigrants
Sungur Turkish
Means "falcon" in Turkish.
Suos Khmer
Means "artery" in Khmer.
Sur Indian, Bengali (Hindu), Sanskrit
From Sanskrit šūra "brave".
Surace Italian, Sicilian
From the italian Greek surname Surakes possibly from Arabic surraq "robber".
Suraweera Sinhalese
From Sanskrit सुर (sura) meaning "god" and वीर (vira) meaning "hero, man, brave".
Surdi Italian
Meaning "deaf" in Latin.
Suriyaarachchi Sinhalese
From Sanskrit सूर्य (sūrya) meaning "sun" combined with the Sinhala title ආරච්චි (ārachchi) meaning "village leader, sergeant".
Suriyawong Thai
From Thai สุริย (suriya) meaning "sun, solar" and วงศ์ (wong) meaning "lineage, family, dynasty".
Surowiecki m Polish
Derived from surowy, meaning "rough."
Surridge English
Meant "person from the south" (from Old French surreis "southerner").
Suryavanshi Indian, Marathi
Derived from Sanskrit सूर्य (surya) meaning "sun" and वंश (vansha) meaning "lineage, clan".
Susi Estonian
Susi is an Estonian surname, meaning "wolf" in the Võro dialect.
Šuškov Croatian
Derived from šuškati, meaning "to rustle".
Süssmann German, Jewish
A nickname for a sweet person.
Suta Romanian
Means "left handed".
Suur Estonian
Suur is an Estonian surname meaning "big" and "grand".
Suurem Estonian
Suurem is an Estonian surname meaning "major", "bigger" and "greater".
Suurhans Estonian
Suurhans is an Estonian surname meaning "Big Hans (masculine given name)".
Suurjaak Estonian
Suurjaak is an Estonian surname meaning "big Jaak (an Estonian masculine given name)"; a nickname.
Suwan Thai
Means "gold" in Thai.
Suwannarat Thai
From Thai สุวรรณ (suwan) meaning "gold" and รัตน์ (rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
Suwanrat Thai
From Thai สุวรรณ (suwan) meaning "gold" and รัตน์ (rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
Šváb Czech
It's from an animal cockroach.
Svanidze Georgian
Means "son of a Svan". The Svans are a subethnicgroup of the Georgians. Ekaterine "Kato" Svanidze was Stalin's first wife.
Švarc um Croatian, Czech
Croatian and Czech form of Schwarz.
Svärd Swedish
Means "sword" in Swedish.
Svensk Swedish
Means "Swede, Swedish" in Swedish.
Svetlakov m Russian
Derived from Russian word светло (svetlo) meaning "light".
Svetleyshiy m Russian
Svetleyshiy was a title used by non-firstborn children of royals.
Swagger English (American)
Probably a nickname for someone who's confident but aggressive and arrogant.
Swan English, Scottish
Originally given as a nickname to a person who was noted for purity or excellence, which were taken to be attributes of the swan, or who resembled a swan in some other way. In some cases it may have been given to a person who lived at a house with the sign of a swan... [more]
Swann English
Variant of Swan.
Swart Afrikaans
Means "black" in Afrikaans
Swasey English
Unexplained. Possibly an Anglicized form of Dutch Swijse(n), variant of Wijs "wise" (see Wise).
Sweed English
Variant spelling of Sweet.
Sweeting English
Derived from Old English swete and Middle English sweting meaning "darling, sweetheart", hence a nickname for a popular and attractive person, or for somebody who habitually addressed people with the term (see Sweet).
Swett English
Derived from the old English words "swete" and "swot".
Swiss English (American)
Americanized form of German Schweitz.
Świtała Polish
Derived from Polish świt "dawn" "sun" "daylight" or świtać "to dawn". It is a nickname for an early-riser.
Switser English
Either (i) from the medieval nickname Swetesire (literally "sweet sir, amiable master"), applied sarcastically either to someone who used the expression liberally as a form of address or to someone with a de-haut-en-bas manner; or (ii) an anglicization of Schweitzer (from Middle High German swīzer "Swiss person").
Syamak Belarusian
Belarusian form of Semak.
Sychyov Russian
From Russian сыч (sych) meaning "small owl".
Sychyova Russian
Feminine transcription of Russian Сычёв (see Sychyov).
Szady Polish (Archaic)
Nickname from Old Polish szady ‘gray’. Compare Sady.
Szálas Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian szál "thread, stick, straw", a nickname for a tall, thin person.
Szalma Polish, Hungarian
Some characteristic forenames: Polish Jacek, Jozef, Małgorzata, Wiesław, Wojiech.... [more]
Szeremet Polish
Polish cognate of Şeremet.
Szeremeta Polish
Polish cognate of Sheremeta.
Szmulik Polish
The Szmulik surname has much history. Its origins are Hebrew. It has taken on various spellings over the centuries, depending on where the person or family lived in Europe or America.... [more]
Szot Polish
Nickname for a fish seller with a bad reputation, from szot "bad herring".
Szurgot Polish
Nickname from szurgot ‘shuffling sound’
Szyślak Polish
Derived from East Slavic word šišlat "do slowly".
Tabanao Filipino, Cebuano
From Cebuano tabanaw meaning "fake, not genuine".
Tabatabaee Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian طباطبایی‌ (see Tabatabaei).
Taccola Italian
Nickname of a diminutive from Italian meaning "jackdaw".
Tachuri Telugu
Taghlian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Տաղլյան (see Taghlyan).
Taghlyan Armenian
From Turkish dağlı meaning "mountaineer, highlander" or "rude, uneducated".
Taglialatela Italian
Taglialatela means "the person who cuts the cloth" and is typical in the Naples and Caserta areas of Italy.
Tagore Indian, Bengali
Bengali form of Thakur.
Tai Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 泰 (tai) meaning "peaceful".
Taibbi Sicilian (Americanized, Modern)
A Sicilian name of Lebanese origin, Taibbi is a variant spelling of Taibi.
Taibi Sicilian
Taibi is a Sicilian nickname for a robust person; from Arabic ṭayyib "in good health".
Taiminen Finnish
Derived from Finnish taimi meaning "sapling, young tree, plant".
Tait Scottish, English
Nickname for an energetic or cheerful person, derived from Middle English and Older Scots tayt "merry, lively". Compare Tate.
Tajbakhsh Persian
Derived from Persian تاج‌ (taj) meaning "crown" and بخش (bakhsh) meaning "part, portion, section".
Taka Japanese
From Japanese taka, meaning "high, tall". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Talon English, French
Derived from Old French talon "heel", denoting a person with a deformity or a swift person. It could also be a diminutive form of given names Talbot and Talleyrand.
Talts Estonian
Talts is an Estonian surname, possibly deriving from "taltsas", meaning "tame".
Talukdar Bengali, Indian, Assamese
Bengali alternate transcription of Talukder as well as the Assamese form.
Talukder Bengali
From a title for land-owning aristocrats in the Mughal Empire and British Raj who were responsible for collecting taxes. The title itself was derived from Arabic تعلق (ta'alluq) meaning "attachment, affiliation" combined with the Persian suffix دار (-dar) indicating ownership.
Talysh Russian
From Russian талыш (talysh), meaning "a Talysh". The Talysh are a minority ethnic group in Iran and Azerbaidzhan.
Tamazight Berber, Northern African
Derived from ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵗⵜ (Tamaziɣt), the Berber (Amazigh) name for the collective Berber language family used in North Africa.
Tañag Tagalog
Variant of Tanyag influenced by Spanish orthography.
Tanskanen Finnish
Means "Danish" in Finnish.
Tanyag Tagalog
Means "renowned, eminent, illustrious" in Tagalog.
Taouil Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic طويل (see Tawil) chiefly used in North Africa.
Tape English, German
Variant spelling of Tapp.
Tapon French
From the old French word tapon, meaning "cork". Hence this surname was first given to corks makers.
Täpp Estonian
Täpp is an Estonian surname meaning "fleck" or "speckle".
Tapp English, German
Derived from an Old English given name Tæppa, of uncertain origin and meaning. In German, it is a nickname for a clumsy person or a simpleton, derived from Middle Low German tappe meaning "oaf".
Tapper Swedish
Swedish soldier name meaning "brave". ... [more]
Tarafdar Bengali
From a title which denoted a holder of a taraf (a type of administrative division formerly used in South Asia), itself derived from Arabic طرف (taraf) meaning "area, section, side" and the Persian suffix دار (dar) indicating ownership.
Tarafder Bengali
Alternate transcription of Bengali তরফদার (see Tarafdar).
Tardif French, French (Quebec)
From Latin tardivus, "slow". Given its unusually frequency as a family name and derivatives like Tardieu or Tardivel, it may have been a medieval given name.
Tark Estonian
Tark is an Estonian surname meaning "wise" or "sage".
Tarkmeel Estonian
Tarkmeel is an Estonian surname meaning "wise minded".
Tarkpea Estonian
Tarkpea is an Estonian surname meaning "wiseacre" (literally, "clever head").
Tarkus Estonian
Tarkus is an Estonian surname meaning "cleverness".
Tartaglia Italian
From Italian tartagliare "to stutter".
Taş Turkish
Means "stone" in Turkish.
Taşçı Turkish
Means "stonemason, stonecutter" in Turkish.
Taşkıran Turkish
Means "stone breaker" from Turkish taş meaning "stone, rock" and kıran meaning "destroyer, breaker, pestilence".
Tasman Dutch
Derived from Dutch tas "bag" and man "person, man". Usually a metonymic name for someone who made bags, though in at least one case it was taken from the name of a ship, De Tas.
Tassoni Italian
Probably derived from Italian tasso meaning "badger (animal)", though it can also mean "yew (tree)".
Taştan Turkish
Means "stone" in Turkish.
Tatarashvili Georgian
Georgian form of Tatarov.
Tatarenko Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Tatarov.
Tătărescu Romanian
Means "son of a Tatar" in Romanian.
Tatarov m Russian
Means "son of a Tatar".
Tatlı Turkish
Means "sweet, pleasant, agreeable" in Turkish.
Tauro Italian
Taken from the words "bull" or "ox".
Tautou French, Occitan
Derived from French tatou meaning "armadillo". It may have originally been given to a person who resembled an armadillo in some way. A famous bearer is the French actress and model Audrey Tautou (1976-).
Tawil Arabic
Means "tall" in Arabic.
Tecson Filipino
From Hokkien 德孫 (tiak sun) meaning "virtuous grandchild, benevolent grandchild". The bearers of this name are said to be descended from any of the three Tek Son brothers who originally came from Guangzhou, China.
Teder Estonian
Means "black grouse" in Estonian (species Tetrao tetrix, aka Lyrurus tetrix).
Tedtaotao Chamorro
Chamorro name for person who has no people
Teisen Danish
Danish cognate of Tyson 1.
Tek Turkish
Means "single, sole, unique" in Turkish.
Tekin Turkish
From an Old Turkish title meaning "prince".
Temiz Turkish
Means "clean, neat, pure" in Turkish.
Tempest English (British)
English (Yorkshire): nickname for someone with a blustery temperament, from Middle English, Old French tempest(e) ‘storm’ (Latin tempestas ‘weather’, ‘season’, a derivative of tempus ‘time’).
Tempesta Italian
Originally a nickname for a person with a blustery temperament, from Italian tempesta meaning "storm, tempest" (compare Tempest).... [more]
Tempesta Romansh
Derived from Romansh tempesta "hailstorm".
Tep Khmer
Means "god, deity, angel" in Khmer, ultimately from Sanskrit देव (deva).
Teplyakov m Russian
From Russian dialectual тепляк (teplyak), meaning "house, home, enclosure" (literally "warm space").
Tercero Spanish
Means "third" in Spanish (see Tercero).
Terrien French
Topographic name from an adjectival derivative of terre "land", denoting someone who lived and worked on the land, i.e. a peasant. It is Americanized frequently as Landers, and occasionally as Farmer.
Terse English
This name means literally curt, short or stiff. Similar to Stiff (surname) (see Stiff under user submitted names) Not very commonly used. If you're looking for a name for a fictional character who is either an antagonist or just likes to stir things up, you could probably use this.
Terzis Greek
From the Italian surname Terzi 1 ultimately from the Italian given name Terzo, meaning the third given usually name to the third child.
Tester English
From the Old French nickname testard, essentially meaning "big head", for a know-it-all.
Tetik Turkish
Means "vigilant, watchful, alert" in Turkish.
Tetta Italian
Means "boob, tit" in Italian.
Teubert German
Variant of Taube.
Tezcan Turkish
Means "impetuous, impatient, excited" in Turkish.
Thakkar Indian, Gujarati, Marathi
From Sanskrit ठक्कुर (ṭhakkura) meaning "deity".
Thakur Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Punjabi, Odia, Assamese, Gujarati, Nepali
From a feudal title meaning "lord, master", derived from Sanskrit ठक्कुर (thakkura) meaning "deity".
Thammavongsa Lao
From Lao ທັມມະ (thamma) meaning "dharma, virtue, righteousness" and ວົງສາ (vongsa) meaning "family".
Thapa Nepali, Indian, Bengali, Assamese, Hindi, Odia
From an ancient military rank used in the Khasa Kingdom, which ruled parts of South Asia from the 11th to 14th centuries.
Tharu Nepali
Possibly refers to the Tharu, an indigenous ethnic group of Nepal.
Thirtyacre German (Americanized, Rare)
English form of the German Drezigacker.
Thongsuk Thai
From Thai ทอง (thong) meaning "gold" and สุก (suk) meaning "ripe, mature".
Thörn Swedish
Either a cognate of English Thorn or German Torn, or a soldier name derived from Swedish törn "thorn".
Thynne English
Either a nickname meaning “thin”, from Old English þynne, or the designation “of th’Inne” for someone who lived at the Inn of Court.
Tiger Swedish
Perhaps taken from Swedish tiga "to keep quiet, to say nothing". Tiger is one of the names adopted by Swedish soldiers in the 17th century.
Tikhanchik Russian
Derived from тихо (tikho) meaning "quiet".
Tikhon'ko Russian
Means "quietly" in Russian.
Ting Chinese
Alternate transcription of Chinese 丁 (see Ding).
Tiongson Filipino
From Hokkien 長孫 (tióng-sun) meaning "eldest grandson" or 仲孫 (tiōng-sun) meaning "second oldest grandchild, middle grandchild".
Tirado Spanish
Likely a nickname for a person with long limbs, from the Spanish tirado meaning "stretched".
Tizzoni Italian
From Italian tizzone "embers, live coal; firebrand", probably a nickname for a troublemaker or revolutionary.
Tjeknavorian Armenian
Derived from Armenian ճգնավոր (čgnavor) "hermit, anchorite, ascetic". The famous bearer of the name is Iranian Armenian composer and conductor Loris Tjeknavorian (1937-).
Tlebzu Circassian (Russified)
Derived from Adyghe лӏы (ḷə) meaning "husband, man" and бзэу (bzăw) meaning "deer, stag".
Tobar Spanish
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous Castilian municipality.
Tocmo Cebuano
From Cebuano tukmo meaning "spotted dove (Spilopelia chinensis)".