All Submitted Surnames

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Randviir Estonian
Randviir is an Estonian surname meaning "beach line/bar".
Rang German
Variant of Range.... [more]
Ranganathan Hinduism
Means ‘lord of mirth’. It is an epithet of Lord Krishna.
Rangarirai Shona
Rangarirai means "Remember, think over, consider".
Range German, French
German: nickname for a ragamuffin, from Middle High German range ‘naughty boy’, ‘urchin’.... [more]
Rangelov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Rangel".
Rangelova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Rangelov.
Ranger English, German, French
English: occupational name for a gamekeeper or warden, from Middle English ranger, an agent derivative of range(n) ‘to arrange or dispose’.... [more]
Rangihau Maori
Rangihau means "windy weather" in Maori
Rangkuti Batak
From a rapid pronunciation of the nickname Orang Yang Ditakuti meaning "The Feared One".
Räni Estonian
Räni is an Estonian surname meaning "flint" and "fire stone".
Raniero Italian
From the given name Raniero
Ranj Indian
From the given name 'Ranj'
Ranjbar Persian
Means "toiler, drudge" in Persian.
Ranjit Hindi, Marathi, Bengali
From the given name Ranjit.
Ränk Estonian
Ränk is an Estonian surname meaning "heavy", "burdensome" and "wicked".
Rankin Scottish, Northern Irish
Patronymic formed from a diminutive of Ronald or Rand.
Ranković Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Ranko".
Rannaääre Estonian
Rannaääre is an Estonian surname meaning "(sea)shore margin/periphery".
Rannamäe Estonian
Rannamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "inshore hill/mountain".
Rannaste Estonian
Rannaste is an Estonian surname derived from "rand" and meaning "beach" or "shore".
Rannells English
Patronymic from the Middle English personal name Rannulf, Ranel, of continental Germanic origin.
Rannik Estonian
Rannik is an Estonian surname meaning "coast".
Rannikmäe Estonian
Rannikmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "beach/coastal hill/mountain".
Rant Estonian
Rant is an Estonian surname meaning "arris" and "flange".
Rantavuori Finnish (Rare)
Means Mountain By The Beach/Bay
Rantzau German, Theatre
This is the surname used in 'I Rantzau' (The Rantzau Family), an opera in four acts by Pietro Mascagni (1892), based on a libretto by Guido Menasci and Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti, based on the play Les Rantzau (1873) by French writers Erckmann and Chatrian, after their novel (1882) Les Deux Frères (The Two Brothers).
Ranz German
The surname that can have one of two origins. In some cases, it is derived from the ancient German given name, Rando, whose origins lie in the word rand, meaning "rim of shield"... [more]
Rao Chinese
From Chinese 饒 (ráo) referring to any of several ancient places called Rao.
Raouf Arabic
From the given name Raouf.
Raoul French, Breton
From the given name Raoul.
Rapace Swedish (Modern, Rare)
From French and Italian rapace meaning "predatory, bird of prey, raptor". A notable bearer is Swedish actress Noomi Rapace.
Raphael English, German
From the given name Raphael
Raphan German
Rapier Dutch
Dutch: perhaps from Middle Dutch rapiere ‘foil, sword’, for someone carrying such a weapon, or form a topographic name Raepier ‘land on which rapes are grown’.... [more]
Rapino Italian
From the name of two municipalities in Abruzzo, Italy. It could also be a nickname for a barber, derived from Italian rapare meaning "to crop, to shave, to scalp".
Rapinoe Italian (Anglicized)
Americanized form of Rapino. American former soccer player Megan Rapinoe (1985-) bears this name.
Rappa Italian, Sicilian
from Sicilian rappa meaning ‘bunch, cluster’ or Italian rappa meaning ‘lock, quiff’, which was presumably applied as a nickname with reference to someone’s hair.
Rappold German
From a personal name composed of the Germanic elements rad "counsel", "advice" + bald "bold", "brave".
Rapson English
Means "son of Rab" or "son of Rap". Both Rab and Rap are diminutives of Robert.
Rapu Rapa Nui
People with this surname have a connection to the Rapa Nui Ngaure clan. Rapu is the surname of Rapanui insurrection leader and mayor of Rapa Nui aka Easter Island Alfonso Rapu (1942) who led a revolt against the Chilean government in 1965... [more]
Rasband American (Americanized, Rare)
This name is not a very common family name found in the United States. The first Rasband (Thomas) coming to the U.S. arrived in New Orleans on the ship North Atlantic on 1 November 1850 and arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah on 13 August 1856... [more]
Rasberry English
Possibly a habitational name from Ratsbury in Lynton, Devon.
Raščius Lithuanian
Probably from Lithuanian raštvedys meaning "clerk" or "scribe".
Rascon Spanish
Possibly a nickname for Rascón, meaning “sharp”, “sour”, or “rail (the bird)”
Rasel Bengali
From the given name Rasul.
Rashad Arabic, Dhivehi
From the given name Rashad.
Rashed Arabic, Bengali
From the given name Rashid.
Rasheed Arabic, Urdu, Dhivehi
From the given name Rashid.
Rashid Arabic, Bengali, Urdu, Persian
From the given name Rashid.
Rashidi Persian, Arabic
From the given name Rashid.
Rashidin Malaysian, Kazakh (Rare)
From the given name Rashid.
Rashidov Uzbek, Kazakh
Means "son of Rashid".
Rashleigh English
From a location in Devon, derived from Old English "roe buck" + léah "clearing".
Rəşidov m Azerbaijani
Means "son of Rəşid".
Rəşidova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Rəşidov.
Rasila Finnish
A variant of the finnish word (rasi) for a forest that has been cleared for slash and burn but has not yet been burnt for agricultural means. The suffix "-la" is usually added to the stem of the word to indicate a location... [more]
Rask Estonian
Rask is an Estonian surname meaning "puttee (a cloth or leather legging)".
Raskin Jewish
Derived from the given name Raske which is a pet form of Rachel.
Raskolnikov Literature
The surname of Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, protagonist of Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. It derives from the Russian word raskolnik, meaning "schismatic" or a member of the Old Believer sect.
Rasmusson Swedish
Means "son of Rasmus".
Rason English
Variant of Reason.
Rasool Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Rasul.
Rasooli Persian
From the given name Rasool.
Rasor English
Probably from Old French rasor, meaning "razor".
Rasoul Persian
From the given name Rasoul.
Rasouli Persian
From the given name Rasoul.
Rasoulian Persian
From the given name Rasoul.
Rasoulzadeh Persian
Means "born of Rasoul" in Persian.
Raspberry English
Variant spelling of Rasberry.
Raspberry English
Variant of Rasberry influenced by the name of the fruit but has no connection to it.
Rassam Arabic
Means "artist, painter" in Arabic.
Rassi Italian
Comes from the Italian rosso, meaning "red".
Rasskazov Russian
From rasskaz, meaning "story".
Rassmussen English (American, Rare)
Americanized spelling of Danish and Norwegian Rasmussen.
Rästa Estonian
Means "thrush (bird)" in Estonian.
Rästas Estonian
Rästas is an Estonian surname meaning "ouzel (bird)" and "thrush (bird)".
Rastegar Persian
Means "free, liberated, saved" in Persian.
Rastoder Bosnian
Possibly derived from hrast, meaning "oak", and derati, meaning "tearing, to tear".
Rastogi Indian, Hindi
Possibly derived from Rohtas, the name of a district in Bihar, India, itself from the name of a Hindu deity.
Rasul Arabic, Bengali, Urdu, Persian
From the given name Rasul.
Rasulev Bashkir, Uzbek, Tatar
Means "son of Rasul".
Rəsulov Azerbaijani
Means "son of Rəsul".
Rəsulova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Rəsulov.
Rasva Estonian
Rasva is an Estonian surname meaning "tallow", "fat" and "grease".
Rasvak Latvian
A officer in the Latvian Waffen SS
Ratas Estonian
Ratas is an Estonian surname meaning "wheel".
Ratassepp Estonian
Ratassepp is an Estonian surname meaning "wheel smith".
Ratchford English
habitational name from Rochford (Worcestershire) from Old English ræcc ‘hunting dog’ (genitive ræcces) and ford "ford"... [more]
Ratcliff English
Habitational name from any of the places, in various parts of England, called Ratcliff(e), Radcliffe, Redcliff, or Radclive, all of which derive their names from Old English rēad meaning "red" + clif meaning "cliff", "slope", "riverbank".
Rath German
1 German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): descriptive epithet for a wise person or counselor, from Middle High German rāt ‘counsel’, ‘advice’, German Rat ‘counsel’, ‘advice’, also ‘stock’, ‘supply’.... [more]
Rathbone English
Of unknown origin, but might denote a person with short legs. From Olde English rhath, meaning "short, and bon, "legs".
Rather German, Jewish
1. Occupational name for a counsellor or nickname for a wise person, from Middle High German rater ‘adviser’. ... [more]
Rathgeber German
From Middle High German ratgebe or Middle Low German ratgever "giver of advice, counselor", an occupational name for an adviser or wise man.
Rathnapala Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala රත්නපාල (see Ratnapala).
Rathnapriya Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala රත්නප්‍රිය (see Ratnapriya).
Rathnasiri Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala රත්නසිරි (see Ratnasiri).
Rathnasooriya Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala රත්නසූරිය (see Ratnasuriya).
Rathnasuriya Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala රත්නසූරිය (see Ratnasuriya).
Rathnaweera Sinhalese
From Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure" and वीर (vira) meaning "hero, man, brave".
Rathnayaka Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala රත්නායක (see Ratnayake).
Rathnayake Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Ratnayake.
Rathnayeke Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala රත්නායක (see Ratnayake).
Ráðúlfsdóttir Icelandic
Means "daughter of Ráðúlfr" in Icelandic.
Ráðúlfsson Icelandic
Means "son of Ráðúlfr" in Icelandic.
Ratigan Irish (Anglicized, Rare)
Anglicized form of Ó Reachtagán, meaning "descendant of Reachtagán", a personal name from a diminutive of reachtaire ("steward", "administrator") or reacht ("law")... [more]
Ratnapala Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure" and पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Ratnapriya Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure" and प्रिय (priya) meaning "beloved, dear".
Ratnasiri Sinhalese, Thai
Derived from Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure" and श्री (shri) meaning "diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty"... [more]
Ratnasuriya Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure" and सूर्य (surya) meaning "sun".
Ratnaweera Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala රත්නවීර (see Rathnaweera).
Ratnayaka Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala රත්නායක (see Ratnayake).
Ratnayake Sinhalese
From Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure" and नायक (nayaka) meaning "hero, leader".
Ratnayeke Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala රත්නායක (see Ratnayake).
Ratnikov m Russian
Means "son of the warrior", from Russian ратник (ratnik).
Rätsep Estonian
Means "tailor" in Estonian.
Rattana Khmer, Thai
Derived from Thai รัตน์ (rạtn) meaning "gem jewel"
Rattanabej Thai (Sanskritized, Rare)
Sanskritized transcription of Thai รัตนเพชร์ (see Rattanaphet).
Rattanapetch Thai (Rare)
Variant transcription of Thai รัตนเพชร์ (see Rattanaphet).
Rattanaphet Thai (Rare)
From Thai รัตน (rattana-) meaning "gem; jewel" and เพชร์ (phet), a variant form of เพชร (phet) meaning "diamond".
Rattanasack Lao
From Lao ລັດຕະນະ (rattana) meaning "precious stone, jewel, gem" and ສັກ (sack) meaning "power, authority".
Rattanasiri Thai
From Thai รัตน (rattana) meaning "gem, jewel" and สิริ (siri) meaning "sacred, prosperity, beauty, grace".
Rattanavong Lao
From Lao ລັດຕະນະ (rattana) meaning "precious stone, jewel, gem" and ວົງ (vong) meaning "lineage, family".
Rätte Estonian
Rätte is an Estonian surname meaning "shawl".
Rattigan Irish (Anglicized)
Variant of Ó Reachtagáin "descendant of Reachtagán".
Ratzinger German
Ratzinger means that someone has origins in the town of Ratzing. There are several German towns with this name. RATZ means ‘Serb’. Serbs were indigenous people in Germany, and many German cities originally had Serbian names (Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, Brandenburg)... [more]
Ratzon Hebrew (Modern)
Means "will, wish, desire" in Hebrew.
Rau German
Nickname for a ruffian, earlier for a hairy person, from Middle High German ruch, ruhe, rouch "hairy", "shaggy", "rough".
Rau English
From a medieval personal name, a variant of Ralph.
Rau Italian
From a local variant of the personal name Rao, an old form of Ralph.
Rau Indian
Variant of Rao 1.
Räuber German, German (Swiss)
German, Swiss German: derogatory nickname, from Middle High German roubære ‘robber’, ‘bandit’, ‘highwayman’ (from roub, roup ‘booty’, ‘spoils’).
Rauch German
Perhaps an occupational nickname for a blacksmith or charcoal burner, from Middle High German rouch, German Rauch ‘smoke’, or, in the case of the German name, a status name or nickname relating to a hearth tax (i.e. a tax that was calculated according to the number of fireplaces in each individual home).
Raud Estonian
Means "iron" in Estonian.
Raudabaugh German (Americanized)
Raudabaugh is a German-Americanized surname of Reidenbach. People include Dan Raudabaugh (American Football coach) and Dave Raudabaugh (Outlaw who was an acquaintance to Billy the kid).
Raudkell Estonian
Raudkell is an Estonian surname meaning "iron clock".
Raudsepp Estonian
Means "blacksmith" in Estonian, literally "iron smith".
Rauf Arabic, Urdu, Dhivehi
Derived from the given name Rauf.
Rauhanen Finnish
Finnish rauha "peace" combined with the common surname suffix -nen. ... [more]
Raum German
From German meaning "room, space".
Raun Estonian
Raun is an Estonian surname derived from "raunjalg" meaning "bird's nest fern" (Asplenium).
Rausch German
Nickname for a noisy person, derived from ruschen, meaning "to make a noise" in Middle High German. ... [more]
Rausing Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Raus, the name of a parish in southern Sweden, and the common surname suffix -ing "belonging to, coming from".
Raut Indian, Marathi, Hindi, Odia, Bengali
Derived from Sanskrit राजपुत्र (rajaputra) meaning "prince".
Rautiainen Finnish
Derived from Finnish rautio "smith".
Raval Gujarati
"Bramhin King"
Raval Indian, Gujarati
From Gujarati રાવ (rava) meaning "king", ultimately from Sanskrit राजन् (rajan).
Rave Low German, Dutch
Variant form of Rabe and Raaf, both meaning "raven".
Ravel French, French (African)
Derived from either a place called Ravel in the district of Drome or Provence, or from the word 'rave' meaning a root vegetable, and hence a grower or seller of such items.
Raveling German
nickname or patronymic from Middle Low German rave(n) ‘raven’
Ravelino Old Celtic (Latinized, Archaic)
It means manufacturing of fine and expensive fabrics. Also means the tailor or weaver. It comes from Asti and Piedmont (noth of Italy).
Ravellino Celtic
It means weaver or taylor. In the Gaelic languaje is wehydd or gwehydd.
Raven English, Dutch
From a variety of sources all ultimately derived from the name of the bird. Could be a patronymic form of a given name such as Raven, Hraban, or Walraven; from a nickname referring to dark hair or thieving tendencies; or from a toponym derived from a given name.
Ravencroft English (Rare)
Probably a variant of Ravenscroft.
Ravenel English, French
Habitational name from Ravenel in Oise or a metonymic occupational name for a grower or seller of horseradish, from a diminutive of Old French ravene ‘horseradish’ (Latin raphanus)... [more]
Ravenhill English
From Rauenilde or Ravenild, medieval English forms of the Old Norse given name Hrafnhildr.
Ravenscar English (British)
From a coastal village with the same name, located in the Scarborough district of North Yorkshire, England.
Ravenscroft English, English (British)
Habitational name from a minor place in Cheshire, England. The place name means "Hræfn's croft", from an Old English personal name Hræfn (itself from Old English hræfn meaning "raven", possibly a byname) and Old English croft meaning "enclosed field".
Ravenswaaij Dutch
From the name of a village in Gelderland, Netherlands, meaning "Raven’s ford", derived from the personal name Raven combined with Old Dutch wade "ford, shallows", later reinterpreted as Middle Dutch way "pool, kolk lake".
Ravenswood English (American)
Ravenswood is a gothic surname.
Raver English (American)
Americanization of Röver.
Ravi Indian
From the given name Ravi
Ravid Hebrew (Modern)
From the given name Ravid, means "ornament, necklace" in Hebrew.
Ravier Occitan
Means "horseradish" in French, denoting someone who selled them.
Raviv Hebrew
From Hebrew רָבִיב (raviv) meaning "droplet, rain, drizzle".
Ravshanov Uzbek, Tajik
Means "son of Ravshan".
Rawlings English
Patronymic formed from the given name Roul.
Rawls English
From the Olde German and Anglo-Saxon personal name Rolf. Originally derived from the Norse-Viking pre 7th Century 'Hrolfr' meaning "Fame-Wolf".
Raya Galician, Spanish
Possibly a habitational name from Raya in Galicia or in Albacete and Murcia provinces. Possibly a topographic name from Spanish raya meaning "line", denoting the boundary between two countries or provinces.
Rayamajhi Nepali
Probably a portmanteau of the Nepali words meaning 'Royal Fishmongers'. A member of the Rajput-Chhetri subcaste of Nepali family names.
Rayan Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Rayyan.
Rayanov Bashkir, Tatar
Means "son of Rayan."
Rayford American
From a Germanic personal name with the elements ric- meaning "powerful" and -frid meaning "peace".
Raykov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Rayko".
Raykova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Raykov.
Rayl German
Variant of Rehl, which it's meaning is probably a habitational name from Rehl in Rhineland or Rehlen in East Prussia.
Raymond English, French
From the Norman personal name Raimund, composed of the Germanic elements ragin "advice, counsel" and mund "protection".
Raymundo Spanish
From the given name Raymundo.
Raynard English
Derived from the baptismal name Rainer.
Rayner English
From the given name Rayner
Raynes English (American)
Patronymic version of many Germanic names with the first element starting with "ragin"
Raynov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Rayno".
Raynova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Raynov.
Rayyan Arabic
Derived from the given name Rayyan.
Raz Hebrew (Modern)
From the given name Raz, means "secret" in Hebrew.
Raza Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Ridha.
Razaq Arabic, Urdu
Derived from the given name Razzaq.
Razavi Persian
From the given name Reza.
Razbornik Slovene
Derived from razborit, meaning "prudent".
Razo Galician
A habitational name from Razo in A Coruña province, Galicia.