Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the person who added the name is namefix.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aamoth Norwegian (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of the Norwegian surname Aamodt.
Abdrakhmanuly Kazakh (Rare)
Derived from the given name Abdrakhman.
Abdukadirov Uzbek
Means "son of Abd al-Qadir" in Uzbek.
Abdulenko Crimean Tatar (Ukrainianized)
Derived from the Crimean Tatar given name Abdul. It is a Ukrainian style last name.
Abeyta Spanish (Mexican)
Derived from the place "Alba de Yeltes" in the province of Salamanca, Spain.
Abishuly Kazakh (Rare)
Derived from the given name Abish.
Abuev Kazakh, Chechen, Dagestani
Means "son of Abu".
Abukhanov Kazakh
Means "son of Abukhan".
Aca Aztec, Nahuatl
From Nahuatl acatl meaning "cane".
Aceto Italian
Variant of Accetto.
Achladiotis Greek
From Greek αχλάδι (achladi) meaning "pear". Possibly from a village in the island of Syros, Greece.
Acuff English (American)
Possibly a derived from Aculf, a variant of the Old Norse given name Agúlfr, composed of agi "awe, terror, fear" and ulfr "wolf"... [more]
Acuña Galician, Spanish
Derived from a place named "Acuña Alta".
Adamenko Ukrainian
Means "son of Adam".
Adamis Greek
Means "son of Adam".
Addamo Italian
Variant of Adamo.
Adderley English
Habitational name from places called Adderley. (Mostly dominant in the Bahamas)
Adesanya Yoruba
Meaning "first to be born" in Yoruba.
Adiletov Kazakh
Means "son of Adilet".
Adornado Filipino
Derived from the given name Adorno meaning "adorned". However, its root actually came from Spanish meaning “decoration, embellishment, ornament”... [more]
Adorni Italian
Derived from the given name Adorno.
Adrianescu Romanian
Of Romanian origin meaning "son of Adrian".
Afflitto Italian
Derived from Italian "afflitto" meaning "afflicted" or "troubled".
Afghani Persian, Pashto
Derived from the term "افغانی" (Afghan), which means "a person from Afghanistan" in Pashto and Persian languages.
Agar Greek, Italian, French
From the personal name Agar
Agarwala Bengali, Assamese
Bengali and Assamese variant of Agarwal.
Agbeko Western African, Ewe
From Ewe meaning "chief of the family line of the Beko people".
Agras Galician, Catalan (Rare)
Refers to ancient type of grape. Possibly given to someone was known for being a bit tart or sour in personality, or that they owned or worked on a vineyard or in the wine-making industry.
Agraz Spanish
Refers to an ancient type of grape. In Spanish, agraz means "sour grape, unripe grape, verjuice" Possibly an occupational name for someone who worked on a vineyard or in the wine-making industry... [more]
Aguia Portuguese, Galician
Portuguese and Galician cognate of Águila.
Aguiar Portuguese
Portuguese cognate of Aguilar.
Agundez Spanish
Likely derived from from Persian آخوند (akhund) meaning "cleric, teacher".
Aharonov mu Russian, Jewish
Alternate transcription of Aaronov.
Ahladiotis Greek
Alternate transcription of Achladiotis.
Ahmedin Amharic
From the given name Ahmedin.
Ahmedov Uzbek
Means "son of Ahmed".
Ahmedović Bosnian
Means "son of Ahmed" in Bosnian.
Ainstein German (Hispanicized), Spanish (Latin American)
Hispanicized form of Einstein. Most frequently used in Argentina.
Aird Scottish Gaelic
Derived from a variation of the place name "Aird". The Gaelic term "Aird" would mean "high ground" or "hill" in English.
Aires English
It was a name for a person who was well-known as the heir to a title, fortune, or estate.
Aisek Micronesian
Derived from the given name Isaac.
Ajala Edo
Means "chief of the horses".
Akkawi Arabic
Means "from Akka" in Arabic.
Akkawy Arabic
Variant of Akkawi.
Alario Italian, Spanish
Ultimately from Ancient Roman. Derived from the given name Hilarius.
Alario Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian alariu "herald".
Alb Romanian
From Romanian meaning "white".
Albertov Russian
Means "son of Albert".
Albinez Spanish
Means "son of Albino".
Albritton English
An occupational name for a nutritionist.
Alcindor French Creole
From the given name Alcindor.
Aldiyarov Kazakh
Means "son of Aldiyar" in Kazakh.
Aleksandrovich Russian, Belarusian (Russified)
Means "son of Aleksandr" or Russified form of Belarusian Alyaksandravich.
Alemania Spanish (Philippines)
From Spanish meaning "Germany".
Alexie Romanian
From the given name Alexie.
Algieri Italian
Italian form of Algerie.
Alikakos Greek
From Greek αλικός (alikos) meaning "red" with the diminutive suffix -akos.
Alim Arabic, Bengali
From the given name Alim.
Alimkhanuly Kazakh
Derived from the given name Alimkhan.
Alinurov Kazakh
Means "son of Alinur" in Kazakh.
Alioto Italian, Sicilian
Habitational name for someone from Alì in Messina province.
Allemagne French, Jewish
From French meaning "Germany". Used by Ashkenazi Jews in France.
Allingham English
Habitational name from places called Allingham.
Altermann German, Jewish
Literally means "old man" in German.
Álváez Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of Álvarez. Most frequently used in Panama.
Al-Yafai Arabic
From the name of the tribe Yafa of south Yemen, one of the biggest tribes that descended from the ancient Himyarite tribe.
Amanzhanuly Kazakh (Rare)
Derived from the given name Amanzhan.
Amarant English, French
Derived from the given name Amarantus.
Amaranti Italian
Derived from the given name Amaranto.
Amarantos Greek
From the given name Amarantos
Amatuccio Italian
Derived from the given name Amato.
Ammons English
From the given name Ammon.
Amoroso Italian
A nickname for a much loved person.
Amramyan Armenian
Means "son of Amram".
Anai Japanese
From Japanese 穴 (ana) meaning "hole, pit" and 井 (i) meaning "well".
Ananyan Armenian, Jewish
Means "son of Anan 2".
Andreacchio Italian
Derived from the given name Andrea 1.
Andrin French
From the given name André.
Anghelas Romanian
From the given name Anghel.
Angilletta Italian
From Italian meaning "little angel".
Anguila Catalan, Spanish (Latin American)
Ultimately from Latin anguis "snake".
Anguilla Italian
Ultimately from Latin anguis "snake".
Anguille French
Ultimately from Latin anguis "snake".
Anguis Spanish
Ultimately from Latin meaning "snake".
Antigua Spanish
From Spanish meaning "antique".
Antonovas Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Antonov.
Antuña Spanish
From the given name Antonio.
Anza Basque
From Basque, which refers to a pasture in the dwarf elder trees.
Apelsinov m Russian
From Russian aпельсин (apel'sin) meaning "orange (fruit)". Probably denoted to someone who worked with oranges or lived by orange trees.
Appelmann German
German cognate of Appelman.
Appleman English
English cognate of Appelman.
Apúlia Portuguese
Refers to a town named "Apúlia" in Portugal.
Aranha Portuguese
Meaning spider in Portuguese.
Aranyos Hungarian
Occupational name for a goldsmith.
Arbuckle English
Means the "herdsman's portion" (of land).
Arcaro Late Roman
Occupational name for a maker or seller of bows.
Archangel Eastern African
From the given name Archangel.
Arczyński Polish
Patronymic from a name beginning with Jaro- (meaning "strong; robust") such as Jarosław, Jaromir or Jarogniew, suffixed with -yński based on habitational surnames.
Argentino Italian
From Italian argento meaning "silver".
Argueta Spanish
This surname was most likely originally used to identify a person who lived in a characteristically bright or luminous area.
Aries English, French, Dutch, Lombard
From the given name Aries.
Arjune Indian, Hindi, Marathi
Alternate transcription of Arjun.
Armendariz Spanish, Basque
Variant of Basque Armendaritze, a habitational name from a village in Low Navarre named Armendaritze, or directly from a patronymic form of the Basque personal name Armendari or Armentari, from Latin Armentarius "herdsman".
Aron Various
From the given name Aron.
Aronson English (American)
English form of Swedish surname Aronsson.
Aronsson Swedish
Means "son of Aron" in Swedish.
Arrigoni Italian
Derived from the given name Arrigo.
Arslanuly Kazakh (Rare)
Derived from the given name Arslan.
Artega Basque
Variant of Arteaga.
Arturi Italian
Derived from the given name Arturo.
Asari Indian, Hindi, Malayalam
From a caste originating from Kerala, India. They belong to a larger group called Vishwakarma. The caste name is mostly linked to the community of people who do carpentry work.
Asari Persian, Arabic
Derived from the given name Asar.
Asari Indonesian
From the given name Asari.
Asaro Italian, Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian Àsaru. A comune in the Province of Enna, Sicily.
Asche German
Variant of Ascher.
Asensio Basque
It signifies "dweller at the place where the blackberry bushes grew."
Asherov um Jewish, Russian
Means "son of Asher".
Askern English
Variant of Askren.
Askren English (American)
Habitational name from Askern in Campsall near Doncaster (Yorkshire).
Assanti Italian
Derived from the Italian personal name Alessandro.
Asztalos Hungarian
Literally means "carpenter"
Athinganos Greek
Means "gypsy" in Greek.
Atkiss English
Corruption of Atkins.
Austinson English
Means "son of Austin".
Avalon English
Means "island of apples".
Avalyan Armenian
Means "son of Aval".
Aversano Italian
A nickname for a wealthy person.
Aviles Catalan
From Catalan avile "bird".
Avril French
Derived from French avril meaning "April", perhaps indicating a person who was baptized in that month.
Awad Arabic
Refers to a person who makes "Oud", an oriental musical instrument.
Ayanov Kazakh
Means "son of Ayan 2".
Azmoun Persian
Means "test exam" in Persian.
Ba Manding
From the Mandinka word ba(a) meaning "big, great".
Baatirov Kyrgyz
Means "son of Baatir" in Kyrgyz.
Baca Spanish
From Spanish vaca meaning "cow".
Bakalinsky Russian
From Russian Бакали (bakaly) which is derived from Turkish bakkal (Slavicized form bakal) "grocer". Possibly given to someone who dwells in Bakaly or Bakalinsky.
Baksa Polish
From Polish meaning "hawser".
Balboa Galician
Habitational name from the city of Balboa, named with Latin vallis bona 'pleasant valley'.
Baldomir Galician
Derived from the given name Baldo.
Balkarov Karachay-Balkar
Means "son of a Balkar."
Bambino Italian
From Italian meaning "baby, child".
Banette French
Likely a diminutive of Benoît or derived from bannière meaning "banner".
Bantam English (African), South African
Possibly a variant of Bentham. In an alternate interpretation, it could also be from the word "bantam" which denotes someone who's small but mighty.
Baranchik Belarusian
Belarusian form of Baranchyk.
Baranchuk Ukrainian
From Ukrainian баран (baran), meaning "ram".
Baranski Polish
Means "son of Baran (ram)" in Polish.
Barbaro Italian
Occupational name for a barbarian.
Barbella Italian
Derived from Italian barba meaning "beard".
Barbuto Italian
Nickname for a bearded person.
Bardot French
Derived from the Germanic name Bardo.
Barfield English
Dweller at the boar-field.
Barkway English
Derived from the locality of Barkway 'Birch Road'.
Barriera Italian
Means "barrier" in Italian.
Barroso Spanish, Portuguese
Derived from the Spanish word 'barrera' which means 'barrier'.
Bascom English
Derived from a town named Boscombe in England.
Basmaci Turkish
Derived from Turkish basma meaning "printed textile".
Basmajian Armenian
Armenian cognate of Turkish Basmaci.
Bastard French, Catalan, English (Rare)
From old French meaning "bastard". Nickname for a person who's born out of wedlock. Possibly a descendant of 'William the Bastard'
Bastardo Spanish, Portuguese, Italian (Rare)
Spanish, Portuguese, Italian form of Bastard.
Baszucki Polish
Variant of Baszowski. One notable person with this surname is David Baszucki (1963-), CO founder and current CEO of the videogame platform "Roblox".
Batirov Uzbek
Means "son of Batir" in Uzbek.
Batlokwa Tswana, Southern African
a branch of the Bakgatla section of the Bantu speaking communities which originated from the Great Lakes and Northern Central Africa. Batlokwa are said to have been a breakaway branch of the Bakgatla which is another Bahurutse section of the Tswana people.
Batyrbaev Kazakh
Means "son of Batyrbay" in Kazakh.
Bauza Catalan
From Balearic Catalan bausá meaning "foolish" or "silly".
Bazinyan Armenian
Derived from Armenian bazin meaning "falcon".
Bean English
Variant of Benn.
Beans English
Variant of Bean.
Beausire French
French cognate of Bowser.
Beaven Welsh
Variant of Bevan.
Beckles English
From a place in Suffolk named "Beccles". From Old English bæce meaning "stream" and les meaning "meadow".
Bedigian Armenian
Variant of Bedikian. Used by Armenians living outside of Armenia.
Bedikian Armenian
Based on the diminutive form Bedik of the Western Armenian name Bedros.
Beers English
Name for someone who lives in a grove of woods.
Beers Dutch
Could be a habitational name from either of two Dutch villages called Beers, or derived from a short form of the personal name Bernhard.
Begay Navajo
Derived from the Navajo word biyeʼ meaning "his son". This was frequently adopted as a surname among the Navajo when Native Americans were required by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to formally adopt surnames for the purpose of official records.
Beilke German
From ancient Germanic bīl "sword" or bīhel "axe".
Bekov Ingush, Kazakh, Uzbek
Means "son of Bek".
Belgique French (Belgian)
Denotes someone from Belgium.
Bendtner Danish
Derived from the given name Bendt.
Bentancur Spanish
One of the variants of Bettencourt or Bethencourt.
Berchel French
French form of Borchelt.
Berchelt Spanish (Mexican)
Likely a hispanicized form of Borchelt.
Berenguer Catalan
Derived from the personal name Berenguer.
Beres Hungarian
Occupational name for a farm laborer or casual harvest hand, béres, a derivative of bér 'wage', 'payment'.
Bereza Ukrainian
Means "birch tree" in Ukrainian.
Bergwijn Dutch, Frisian, Dutch (Surinamese)
From Dutch berg meaning "mountain" and wijn meaning "vine".
Berinchyk Ukrainian
Possibly from Ukrainian беріть (berit'), meaning "to take".
Berkson Jewish
Means "son of Berke".
Berlanga Spanish
From the village or castle named "Berlanga de Duero" from Soria, Spain. Berlanga itself was derived from "berlain" which comes from the name of a precious stone derived from the Greek. So it could be related to stones.
Berlinskas Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Berliński.
Berryhill English
A name for someone who worked as a servant at the manor house.
Berterame Italian
Possibly derived from the Germanic given name Bertram.
Berwick English, Scottish
Habitational name from Berwick-on-Tweed.
Beterbekov Chechen
Chechen form of Batyrbekov.
Beterbiev Chechen
Chechen form of Batyrbaev.
Bikić Croatian
Occupational name for someone who raised bulls.
Billy English
Derived from the given name Bill.
Bimbo Italian
From Italian meaning "baby, child".
Binger English
Derived from the Old English name Binningas, which was a name for someone who lived near stables.
Birge Hungarian
Occupational name for a shepherd, from birga, a variant spelling of birka 'sheep'.
Biscotti Italian
An occupational surname for someone who sells or bakes biscotti.