McateerIrish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac an tSaoir "son of the craftsman" (cf. McIntyre)
McAulayIrish Derived from the Irish "Mac Amhalghaidh" from the prefix Mac- (son of-) and Amhalghaidh, Old Irish form of the name Aulay/ Auley... [more]
McCalveyIrish Either an Anglicized form of Mac an Chalbhaigh, possibly derived from Irish calbhach "big-headed" or "bald-headed", or an altered form of McKelvey.
MccambridgeScottish Anglicized from Gaelic Mac Ambróis, "son of Ambrose". This name, influenced in its spelling by the English city name Cambridge, is well-established in Northern Ireland.
MccammonScottish, Northern Irish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Ámoinn "son of Ámoinn", a Gaelic form of the Norse personal name Amundr, which is composed of the elements ag "awe, fear", or "edge, point" and mundr "protection".
McCartneyScottish Gaelic Anglicized form of Scottish Gaelic Mac Artaine, (meaning ‘son of Artan’) which is a diminutive of the personal name Art, meaning ‘bear’ or ‘hero’. Compare Irish Mac Artáin (see McCartan), of which this surname is a variant.
MccartyIrish Variant of MacCarthy. A famous bearer was the famous western outlaw William Henry McCarty, also known as Billy the Kid. His other aliases included William H. Bonney and Henry Antrim.
MccaskillScottish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Asgaill ‘son of Asgall’, a reduced Gaelic form of the Old Norse personal name Ásketill, composed of the elements óss, áss ‘god’ + ketill ‘kettle
McClartyScottish, Irish The surname McClarty originated in the ancient Scottish kingdom of Dalriada. This name comes from the personal name Lawrence. And in Scottish Gaelic 'Mac Labhruinn' translates to 'son of Lawrence'. ... [more]
McclintockScottish, Irish, Scottish Gaelic Deriving from an Anglicization of a Gaelic name variously recorded as M'Ilandick, M'Illandag, M'Illandick, M'Lentick, McGellentak, Macilluntud, McClintoun, Mac Illiuntaig from the 14th century onward... [more]
MccloudScottish (Anglicized) Anglicized form of McLeod. The spelling was likely altered to associate it with the English word cloud. A notable fictional bearer was Fox McCloud, the main character in the StarFox video game series, including 1997's StarFox 64 for the Nintendo 64.
McclungScottish (Anglicized) Scottish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Luinge ‘son of Lunge’, a personal name probably meaning ‘seafarer’, although the literal meaning is ‘ship’, from Latin navis longa.
McclureScottish, Irish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Gille Uidhir (Scottish), Mac Giolla Uidhir (Irish), "son of the sallow lad".... [more]
McClurkinEnglish (Anglicized) Anglicized form of the Irish surname Mac Cléireacháin, a variant of Mac Cléirich. A famous bearer of this surname is pastor and gospel singer Donnie McClurkin (1959-).
McCluskeyIrish Anglicized version of Gaelic Mac Bhloscaidh, which comes from "Bloscadh", a personal name probably derived from "blosc" meaning "blast".
MccolganIrish, Scottish Has several possible meanings. It might mean someone from the village of Kilcolgan, County Galway; a follower of St. Columba; or the son of someone named Colga... [more]
MccordNorthern Irish, Scottish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Cuairt or Mac Cuarta, apparently meaning "son of a journey", which Woulfe suggests may be a reduced form of Mac Muircheartaigh (see Mcmurtry).
MccorsleyIrish My guess is that my surname was changed sometime in the early 1800's but have never learned how my family name derived from or from where it originated.
McCorveyEnglish A notable bearer was Norma McCorvey (1947-2017), who was the plaintiff for the case that legalized abortion across the United States.
McCrearyIrish, Scottish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Ruidhrí, a variant of Mac Ruaidhrí, which has been connected to Irish ruadh ‘red’ (see McCrory) and to the Old Norse personal name Hrothrekr, whence Roderick.
MccurdyIrish (Anglicized), Scottish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Mhuircheartaigh, a patronymic from Muircheartach, a personal name composed of the elements muir "sea" and ceartach "ruler", hence "skilled seaman"... [more]
McelhenneyIrish This interesting surname is of Irish origin, and is an Anglicized form of the Old Gaelic "MacGiolla Chainnigh". The Gaelic prefix "mac" means "son of", plus "giolla", devotee of, and the saint's name "Canice".
McelweeIrish, Scottish Of Gaelic origin, found in Ireland and Scotland. Derives from Mac Giolla Ruaidh, meaning "son of the servant of the red-haired youth", possibly a reference to a Dane or Norseman.
McEvoyIrish (Anglicized) Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Fhíodhbhuidhe meaning "son of Fíodhbhadhach", derived from fiodhbhadhach meaning "woodsman".
McevoyIrish (Anglicized) Anglicized form of Mac Giolla Bhuidhe "son of the yellow-haired lad", from giolla "youth, page, boy" and buide "yellow".
McewenScottish, Irish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Eoghain ‘son of Eoghan’, a widespread and ancient personal name, possibly derived from eo ‘yew’, meaning ‘born of yew’. It was Latinized as Eugenius (see Eugene), and was also regarded as a Gaelic form of John... [more]
McfaddenScottish, Irish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Phaid(e)in (Scottish) and Mac Pháidín (Irish) - both patronymics of Patrick (via Gaelic diminutives of the given name).
McGahanIrish (Rare) Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Eacháin or Mag Eocháin, ‘son of Eachán’ a diminutive of Eachaidh, a personal name based on each ‘horse’. Scottish variants tend to spell the internal fricative x as ch rather than gh or h as in Ireland.
McGeehanIrish Irish (Ulster) anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Gaoithín ‘son of Gaoithín’, a personal name derived from the diminutive of gaoth ‘clever’, ‘wise’.
McgillicuddyIrish The surname McGillicuddy comes from the Irish Mac GiollaMochuda, meaning 'son of the devotee of St. Mochuda'. It's part of the O'Sullivan sect and comes from the West part of Ireland in county Kerry... [more]
McgivernNorthern Irish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Uidhrín, a patronymic from a personal name which is from a diminutive of odhar 'dun'. This surname is also found in Galloway in Scotland, where it is of Irish origin.
McgonagleAmerican Irish (Donegal) and Scottish (Glasgow): Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Conghail, a patronymic from the personal name Conghal, composed of Celtic elements meaning 'hound' + 'valor'.
McgorryIrish, Scottish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Gothraidh "son of Gothradh", Gaelic form of the personal name Godfrey.
McgrathIrish (Anglicized) Derives from the Irish surname Mac Craith. Famous bearers of the name include the Meic Craith from the Gaelic kingdom of Thomond in the present-day Republic of Ireland. They were historians and poets connected to the Ui Bhriain kings and earls of Thomond.
McgravesIrish Irish Variant of Graves or a Variant of MacGraves.
McgrawIrish, Scottish Anglicized form of the Old Gaelic Mac Craith (the earlier form of Mac Raith) meaning "son of Craith", composed of the Gaelic elements mac "son of" and Rath, an old byname meaning "grace, prosperity".
MchaleIrish, Welsh From the Irish Mac Céile, a patronymic from the byname Céile, meaning "companion." This was the surname of a Mayo family, tenants of church lands. ... [more]
MckerrowScottish Scottish: of uncertain derivation. Some sources believe it to be an Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Cearrach, Mac Cearrbhaich ‘son of the gambler’, while Woulfe derives it from Mac Ciothruadha ‘son of Ciothruaidh’, a personal name of Norse origin.
MckewonScottish Scottish and northern Irish: variant of McEwen .