Unisex Submitted Surnames

Unisex   Masculine   Feminine
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Nuhiji Albanian
Meaning unknown.
Nuiamäe Estonian
Nuiamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "clubs hill."
Nukhao Thai
Means "white mouse" in Thai.
Nukufuyu Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Nukutō.
Nukuto Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading or transcription of Nukutō.
Nukuto Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 貫 (nuku) meaning "pierce; go through" and 渡 (to) meaning "go across, migrate".
Nukutō Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 抽く (nuku) meaning "to pull out; to draw out" and 冬 () meaning "winter".
Numa Japanese
Numa means "marsh, swamp".
Numahata Japanese
Possibly from 沼 (numa) meaning "swamp, marsh" and 形 (hata) meaning "shape, form, type".
Numan English, German (Anglicized)
Variant of Neumann. A famous bearer is English musician Gary Numan.
Numasawa Japanese
From 沼 (numa) meaning "swamp" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "swamp, marsh".
Numata Japanese
From Japanese 沼 (numa) meaning "swamp, marsh" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Nungesser German
Apparently a variant spelling of German Nonnengasse, derived from a street name meaning "nuns, lane". It could also be a variant of Gnugesser, a nickname for a big eater, derived from g(e)nug meaning "enough" and esser meaning "eater" (which derived from essen meaning "to eat")... [more]
Nunn English
Means someone who is a nun
Nunnallys English (American)
A common surname in America, belonging to 4058 individuals. Nunnally is most common among White (63.36%) and Black/African American (30.93%) individuals.
Nuon Khmer
Means "sweet, tender, modest" in Khmer.
Nuotclà Romansh
Derived from the given names Nuot and Clà.
Nupp Estonian
Nupp is an Estonian surname meaning "knob", "button" and "bud".
Nur Arabic, Bengali, Turkish
From the given name Nur.
Nuraliev Tajik, Kyrgyz, Kazakh
Means "son of Nurali".
Nurchis Italian
Denoting someone from Nure or Nurra in Sardinia, which were possibly derived from the pre-Roman root words nur meaning "fire" or "stones, heap" and the suffix -ke meaning "earth" or "dwelling".
Nureki Japanese
From 濡 (nu, nure) meaning "wet" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Nureyev Russian, Tatar, Bashkir
Alternate transcription of Russian Нуреев and Tatar/Bashkir Нуриев (see Nuriev).
Nureyeva Russian, Tatar, Bashkir
Feminine variant of Nureyev.
Nuriev Tatar, Bashkir
Means "son of Nur".
Nurislamov Tatar
Means "son of Nurislam".
Nuristani Afghan
Derived from the name of Nuristan (meaning "land of light"), a province in northern Afghanistan.
Nurk Estonian
Nurk is an Estonian surname meaning "corner".
Nurm Estonian
Nurm is an Estonian surname meaning "lea" and "meadow" and "pasture".
Nurmatov Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Tajik
Means "son of Nurmat".
Nurme Estonian
Nurme is an Estonian surname, derived from "nurm", meaning "lea" (an open area of grassy land.)
Nurmik Estonian
Nurmik is an Estonian surname meaning "lea/meadow stand".
Nurmiste Estonian
Nurmiste is an Estonian surname derived from "nurm" meaning "lea/meadow".
Nurmsalu Estonian
Nurmsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "pasture/meadow grove".
Nürnberger German, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from the city of Nürnberg in Bavaria.
Nurse English
Variant of Norris 2, from Old French norice "nurse".
Nurullin Tatar
From the given name Nurullah.
Nurzhanov Kazakh
Means "son of Nurzhan".
Nushiro Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 主代 (nushiro), a contraction of 主代 (nushishiro), from 主 (nushi), a variant reading of 主 (shu), a clipping of 主人 (shujin) meaning "master, owner, host" and 代 (shiro), a variant reading of 代 (dai), a clipping of 代理 (dairi) meaning "surrogation; proxy", referring to someone who would represent their master.
Nushishiro Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 主代 (see Nushiro).
Nushiyo Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 主代 (see Nushiro).
Nuss German
from Middle High German nuz ‘nut’, hence a metonymic occupational name for a gatherer and seller of nuts, or a nickname for a man thought to resemble a nut in some way
Nussrallah Arabic
Nasrallah (Arabic: نصرالله‎) is a male Arabic given name, meaning "Victory of God", and is used by Muslims and Christians alike. It may also be transliterated as Nasralla, Nasrollah, Nasrullah and Al-Nasrallah... [more]
Nusuku Okinawan (Rare, Archaic)
From Okinawan 野底 (Nusuku) meaning "Nosoko", an area in the city of Ishigaki in the prefecture of Okinawa in Japan.
Nute Anglo-Saxon, English
Derived from the given name Cnute. Alternatively, it may be of nickname origin, from the Old English word hnutu, which meant brown, and would have been given to someone with a brown complexion.
Nutli Romansh
Variant of Nuttli.
Nutt Estonian
Nutt is an Estonian surname meaning "nut" and also "crying" or "weeping".
Nutt Romansh
Derived from Janutt, a medieval diminutive of the given name Johannes.
Nuttall English
English: habitational name from some place named with Old English hnutu ‘nut’ + h(e)alh ‘nook’, ‘recess’. In some cases this may be Nuthall in Nottinghamshire, but the surname is common mainly in Lancashire, and a Lancashire origin is therefore more likely... [more]
Nutter English
Means either (i) "scribe, clerk" (from Middle English notere, ultimately from Latin notārius); or (ii) "person who keeps or tends oxen" (from a derivative of Middle English nowt "ox")... [more]
Nutti Sami
Derived from the given name Knut via its Finnish form Nuutti.
Nuttli Romansh
Variant of Nutt combined with the diminutive suffix -li.
Nüüd Estonian
Nüüd is an Estonian surname meaning "now" or "at present".
Nuur Arabic, Somali
From the given name Nuur.
Nuut Estonian
Nuut is an an Estonian surname meaning "whip". Also, a masculine given name derived form the Scandinavian name "Knut".
Nwankwo Igbo
From the given name Nwankwo.
Nyaua Indonesian (Rare)
Originally descended from the Pamona tribe, Central Sulawesi which means stinging like a hornet.
Nyblom Swedish
Combination of Swedish ny "new" and blom "bloom".
Nyce English
Variant of Nice.
Nygaard Danish, Norwegian
Danish and Norwegian variant of Nygård.
Nygard English (American), Norwegian (Rare)
Form of Nygård mostly used outside Scandinavia, as well as a (rare) Norwegian variant.
Nygma Popular Culture
The surname of Edward Nygma, also known as the Riddler in DC Comics. The name comes from the term enigma, meaning something that is difficult to understand.
Nyholm Swedish, Danish, Finland Swedish
Derived from Swedish and Danish ny "new" and holme "islet".
Nyhuis Dutch
Variant of Nijhuis
Nykolaev Ukrainian
Means "son of Nykolai."
Nykolaichuk Ukrainian
From the given name Nykolai.
Nykytyn Ukrainian
From the given name Nykyta.
Nyland Norwegian
Combination of Norwegian ny "new" and land "land, yard".
Nylander Swedish
Combination of Swedish ny "new" (possibly a habitational name from a place named with this element) and the common surname suffix -ander (a combination of land "land" and the habitational suffix -er).
Nymann Danish
Danish form of Neumann.
Nyong’o Luo
Best known as the surname of a certain Lupita.
Nyoo Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Yang via Dutch
Nys Belgian
common surname in belgium and wisonsin
Nystrøm Norwegian, Danish
Norwegian and Danish form of Nyström.
O Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 奥 (see Ō).
Ō Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 奥 (see Oku.
Oak English
Topographic surname for someone who lived near an oak tree or in an oak wood, from Middle English oke "oak".
Oak Korean
Variant transcription of Ok.
Oakden English
A variant of Ogden, from a place name derived from Old English āc "oak" and denu "valley". Famous bearers include British diplomat Edward Oakden and English cricketer Patrick Oakden.
Oakenshield English (British), Literature
In J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit", the surname of Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of the Company of Dwarves and the King of Durin's Folk.
Oakes English, Irish
English: Topographic name, a plural variant of Oak.... [more]
Oakland English
This surname is derived from Old English āc and land and it, obviously, means "oak land."
Oakleaf English (American)
Probably an Americanized (translated) form of Swedish Eklöf.
Oaks English
English variant spelling of Oakes and Americanized form of Jewish Ochs.
Oakwell English
Probably either from the former village of Oakwell-in-the-Blean in the county of Kent, or Ockwell Manor, and again a former village, near Bray, in Berkshire
Oates English
Patronymic from the Middle English personal name Ode (see Ott).
Oatfield English
Means "oat field". Cognate of Haberfeld
Oatis English
Altered spelling of Otis, itself a variant of Oates.
Oatridge English
From an unidentified place called Oatridge apparently named with Old English hrycg ‘ridge’ as the final element.
Oats English
Variation of Oates.
Ōba Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 場 (ba) meaning "place, situation, circumstances".
Oba Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese 大場 (see Ōba).
Obaldia Medieval Basque (Latinized, Archaic)
Obaldia comes from the Proto-Euskera or Proto-Basque (ancient Basque languaje) that is Dovaltia (also known as Dobaldia). Its meaning is pear tree or european wild pear.
Obama Japanese
From Japanese 小 (o) meaning "small" and 浜 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore".
O'Bannon Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Ó Banáin meaning "descendant of Banán", a given name representing a diminutive of ban meaning "white".
Obara Japanese
It's written like : 小 (O meaning small) and Bara meaning "Plain". Masakazu Obara's last name is pronounced like this. He is an anime director, he worked on Accel World.
Obar Neithich Scottish Gaelic
Proper, non-Anglicized form of Abernathy.
Obata Japanese
From Japanese 小 (o) meaning "small" and 畑 (hata) meaning "field".
Obata Japanese
From Japanese 小 (o) meaning "small" and 幡 (hata) meaning "flag, banner".
Obata Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 小八田 (see Kobata).
Ōbayashi Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 林 (hayashi) meaning "forest".
Obayashi Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 大林 (see Ōbayashi).
Ó Beargha Irish
Irish Gaelic form of Barry.
Obeid Arabic (Anglicized)
Meaning "humble servant", based on name Ubayd
Obel Danish
Obenauf German
Surname used to refer to someone who lived 'up there' (on a mountain, hill, etc.).
Oberg English
Anglicized form of either Åberg or Öberg.
Oberley English
Of debated origin and meaning; theories include an Anglicized form of Oberle.
Oberlin German, German (Swiss), Alsatian
Derived from an Alemannic diminutive of the given names Albrecht and Albert.
Obermiller German (Americanized)
Partly Americanized form of German Obermüller, a topographic name for the miller at the ‘upper mill’.
Obermok Ukrainian
Obermok is most likely an anglicized form of the surname Oberemok.... [more]
Obesus American
Means "obese" in Latin.
Obinaga Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 帯 (obi) meaning "sash; belt" and 長 (naga), the root form of 長い (nagai) meaning "long; lengthy".... [more]
Obispo Spanish
Means "bishop" in Spanish, ultimately from Greek ἐπίσκοπος (episkopos).
Oblak Slovene, Croatian
Derived from oblak "cloud".
Obligacion Spanish (Philippines)
Derived from Spanish obligación meaning "obligation."
Obolensky Russian
Indicates familial origin within the village of Obolensk in the Kaluga Oblast, Russia. This was the name of a Russian aristocrat family of the Rurik Dynasty.
Ó Bolguidir Irish
The name Ó Bolguidir has changed considerably in the time that has passed since its genesis. It originally appeared in Gaelic as Ó Bolguidir, which likely meant "yellow-belly" (from bolg odhar).
Obradović Serbian
Patronymic from the personal name Obrad, a derivative of obradovati meaning "to give joy".
Ó Branagáin Irish
Means "descendant of Branagán".
Obregón Spanish
Spanish habitational name from Obregón in Santander province.
Ó Bric Irish
Means "descendant of Breac"
Ó Bróithe Irish
Uncorrupted form of Brophy.
Ó Bruic Irish
Means "descendant of Broc"
Obscurite English
A word which means "darkness" in French language.
Ó Buadáin Irish
Means "descendant of Buadán".
Obuća Bosnian
Derived from obuća meaning ''footwear'', denoting someone who made or sold footwear.
Obuch Medieval Polish (Rare)
Obuch is a surname found in Poland and specifically areas that were part of the Polish-Lithuanian Kingdom. It was the name of a long handled battle hammer and may have denoted someone handy with the weapon or who produced the weapon... [more]
Obuchi Japanese
Combination of the kanji 小 (o, "small") and 渕 (淵, fuchi, "abyss, edge"). A famous bearer of this surname is Japanese Prime Minister Keizō Obuchi (小渕 恵三; 1937–2000).
Obukhov Russian
Occupational name for a lumberjack or a maker of axes, derived from Russian обух (obukh) meaning "butt" (referring to the thicker end of a tool or weapon like an axe).
Oby French (Acadian, Americanized), English, Hebrew
English habitat from Oby Norfolk, meaning serving God in Hebrew.
Ó Caingnigh Irish
Means "descendant of Caingneach"
Ó Cairealláin Irish
Means "descendant of Caireallán"
Ocak Turkish
Means "stove, oven, furnace" in Turkish.
Ocampo Spanish, Galician
From the Galician toponym O Campo meaning "the field", also used as a habitational name from a town of the same name in Lugo, Galicia.
Ocaña Spanish
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous Manchego municipality.
Ó Canann Irish
Means "descendant of CANÁN". Canán is a given name derived from the word cano "wolf cub".
O'Carroll Irish (Anglicized)
Originates from the ancient Gaelic name Mac Cearbhaill or O'Cearbhaill, deriving from the word "Cearbh" which means to "Hack". Making it a possible name for a warrior or blacksmith.
Ocasio Spanish (Caribbean)
Meaning uncertain, possibly from Spanish ocasión meaning "occasion" or ocaso meaning "dusk, sunset". This surname is primarily used in Puerto Rico.
Ó Cathail Irish
Means "descendant of Cathal"
Ó Catharnaigh Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic Meaning ‘descendant of Catharnach’, a byname meaning ‘warlike’.
Occhi Italian
From Italian occhio "eye", a nickname for someone with good eyesight, or with distinctive eyes.
Occhibelli Italian
Probably from Italian occhio "eye" and bello "beautiful, good", as a nickname for someone with keen eyesight or attractive eyes. May also originate from a place of the same name.
Occhibianco Italian
Means "white eye" in Italian, most often given to foundlings.
Occhibove Italian
Probably means "ox eyes, cow eyes", from Italian occhio "eye" and bove "ox", perhaps a nickname for someone with large, dark eyes.
Occhilupo Italian
Means "wolf's eye" in Italian.
Occhiochiuso Italian
Probably from Italian occhio "eye" and chiuso "closed, shut", perhaps a nickname for someone who was blind, or known for being lazy.
Occhiodoro Italian
Possibly means "golden eye", from occhio d'oro.
Occhiogrosso Italian
Descriptive nickname meaning "big eye".
Occhionero Italian
From Italian occhio "eye" and nero "dark, black".
Occhiovivo Italian
Probably from Italian occhio "eye" and vivo "vivid, intense; alive", likely given to foundlings.
Occhipinti Sicilian
Derived from Italian occhi "eyes" and pinti "painted", denoting someone with dark eyelashes or with flecked or blood-shot eyes.
Occhirossi Italian
Means "red eyes" in Italian.
Ó Ceanndubháin Irish
Means "descendant of Ceanndubhán"
Ó Cearbhalláin Irish
It means "descendant of Cearbhallán".
Ó Cearnacháin Irish
It means "descendant of Cearnachán".
Ó Cearnaigh Irish
Means "descendant of Cearnach" in Irish Gaelic. Compare Kearney, Ó Ceithearnaigh.
Ó Céirín Irish
Meaning ‘descendant of Céirín’, a personal name from a diminutive of ciar ‘dark’, ‘black’. English patronymic -s has been added superfluously.
Ocharán Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Otxaran.
Ochiai Japanese
From Japanese 落 (ochi) meaning "fall, leave behind, drop" and 合 (ai) meaning "fit, suit, join".
Ochitani Japanese
From 落 (ochi) meaning "fall, leave behind, drop" and 谷 (tani) meaning "valley".
Ochiya Japanese
A variant of Ochitani.
Ochsner German (Swiss)
Means "oxen herder" in Swiss, from Middle High German ohse "ox".
Ó Ciaragáin Irish
It means "descendant of Ciaragán".
Ó Ciaráin Irish
A byname from a diminutive of ciar ‘dark’, ‘black-haired.'
Ó Ciardhubháin Irish
Irish Gaelic form of Kirwan.
Ó Cillín Irish
Meaning "descendant of Cillín"
Ó Cionnfhaolaidh Irish
Means "descendant of Cionnfhaoladh".
Ock Korean
Variant transcription of Ok.
O'Cleary Irish
Variety of O'Clery
Ó Cluanaigh Irish
Means "descendant of Cluanach"
Ó Cnáimhsighe Irish
Means "descendant of Cnáimhseach"
O'Coill Irish
Meaning, "wood, forest, or shrub hazel tree."
O Coingheallach Irish
Meaning, "descendent of Coingheallach."
Ó Coingheallaigh Irish
Meaning, ‘son (or descendant) of Coingheallach.’
O'colgan Irish
Original form of Mccolgan, meaning "son of Colga.
Ó Comhaltáin Irish
It means "descendant of Comhaltán".
Ocón Spanish
This indicates familial origin within either the eponymous Riojan municipality or the Ocón de Villafranca neighborhood of the Castilian municipality of Villafranca Montes de Oca.
Ó Connachaín Irish
Means "Descendant of Connachaín."
Ó Coscraigh Irish
Means "descendant of Coscrach"
Ó Cróinín Irish
It literally means "little saffron-colored one’s descendant".
Ó Cruimín Irish
It means the "descendant of Cruimín," which is derived from the word crom, meaning "bent," or "crooked."
Octavien French
From the given name Octavien.
Octavio Spanish
From the given name Octavio.
Octobre French
Means "October" in French.
Ó Cuill Irish
Meaning, "wood, forest, or shrub hazel tree."
Oda Japanese
From the Japanese 小 (o) "small," 尾 (o) "tail" or 織 (o) "fabric," "material," "cloth" and 田 (ta or da) "rice paddy" or 多 (ta or da) "many."... [more]
Oda Arabic
Means "Several" in Arabic
Ó Daighre Irish
Means "descendant of Daighre"
Odajima Japanese
From Japanese 小 (o) meaning "small", 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Odaka Japanese
From Japanese 小 (o) meaning "small" and 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high".
Odaniel Irish
Maybe means "Son of Daniel" or "Descendant of Daniel"
Odate Japanese
O means "big, great" and date is a form of tate, which could mean "stand, rise".
O'day Irish
Irish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Deaghaidh (see O’Dea).
Odd English
Variant of Ott.
Odda Indian, Tamil
It is a Tamil name, denoting agriculture, such as workers and laborers.
Oddai Indian, Tamil
Alternate spelling of Odda.
Oddar Indian, Tamil
Alternate spelling of Odda.
Odde Indian, Telugu
It is a Telugu name, meaning "earthworker".
Oddo Italian
From the given name Oddo.
Oddy Medieval English
Was first found in Yorkshire where they held a family seat as the lords of the manor of Storkhouse, Gisbern and Withernsea in that shire. Believed to be descended from Count Odo.
O'Dea Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Deaghaidh, ‘descendant of Deaghadh’, a personal name of uncertain origin... [more]
Ó Déadaigh Irish
Irish Gaelic form of Deady.
Ó Deaghaidh Irish
Meaning, "descendent of Deaghaidh."
Ødegård Norwegian
Means "deserted farm" in Norwegian. A combination of øde "deserted, empty" and gård "farm, yard".
Odeh Arabic (Mashriqi)
Derived from Arabic عودة ('awdah) meaning "return". This surname is primarily found in the Levant.
Odelin French
Not to be confused with the similarly spelled Odelín, which is Spanish rather than French, though they could have similar origins in name.
Odén Swedish
Likely a locational name derived from place names containing the elements od or oden (see Oden).
Odendaal Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Odenthal.
Odenthal German
From the name of a town in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia.