Unisex Submitted Surnames

Unisex   Masculine   Feminine
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ouda Arabic (Egyptian)
Arabic word and surname meaning “return.”
Oudeland Dutch
Habitational name from places called Oudeland in the Netherlands, or perhaps the village of Oudelande in the Dutch province of Zeeland. Their names mean "old land" in Dutch.
Oudenhoven Dutch
Derived from Dutch oude "old" and hoeve "farm; farmstead; manor". As a surname it is derived from one of the many places of this name, for example in Menen, Passendale, Steenvoorde, Steenwerk, Broekburg or Godewaardsvelde.
Oudomsouk Lao
From Lao ອຸດົມ (oudom) meaning "abundant, plentiful" or "superior, supreme, excellent" and ສຸກ (souk) meaning "happiness, pleasure, joy".
Õue Estonian
Õue is an Estonian surname meaning "outdoors".
Ouellette French (Quebec)
Canadian spelling of French (Norman and Champenois) Ouilet, from a Frenchified form of Willet, a pet form of William.
Õuemaa Estonian
Õuemaa is an Estonian surname meaning "courtyard".
Õuemets Estonian
Õuemets is an Estonian surname meaning "open forest".
Ouertani Arabic (Maghrebi)
Found mainly in Tunisia.
Oueslati Arabic (Maghrebi)
Habitational name for someone from the village of Oueslatia in northern Tunisia.
Ouk Khmer
Alternate transcription of Khmer អ៊ុក (see Uk).
Oum Khmer
Alternate transcription of Khmer អ៊ំ or អ៊ុំ (see Um).
Oumaña Leonese
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous comarca of the province of Llión.
Oumarou Western African
From the given name Oumarou.
Õun Estonian
Õun is an Estonian surname meaning "apple".
Õunapuu Estonian
Õunapuu is an Estonian surname meaning "apple tree".
Õunloo Estonian
Õunloo is an Estonian surname meaning "apple swathe/wood row".
Õunroos Estonian
Õunroos is an Estonian surname meaning "apple rose".
Ōura Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 浦 (ura) meaning "bay, inlet".
Oura Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese 大浦 (see Ōura).
Ouriaghli Arabic (Maghrebi)
Moroccan (Rifian): tribal name from the Rifian tribe of Ait Wayagher.
Ousman Western African
From the given name Ousman.
Ousmane Western African
From the given name Ousmane.
Outland Dutch (Anglicized)
Americanized form of Oudeland.
Ouwehand Dutch
Means "old hand" in Dutch, originally a nickname for a fisherman, associated with the phrase "old hands at sea". Another theory holds that it comes from a misdivision of the surname Oudeland... [more]
Ouy French
Some derive this name from the French word "gui," meaning mistletoe. Others think it comes through the Celtic name "Kei," from Caius. Others belive the name comes from the French words "guide," a leader, or "guidon," a banner... [more]
Ouyahia Berber, Northern African
Means "son of Yahia", from the Berber prefix ou- meaning "son (of)" combined with the Arabic given name Yahia (chiefly Algerian).
Ouyang Chinese
From Chinese 歐 (ōu) referring to Mount Sheng in present-day Huzhou, China, combined with 陽 (yáng) meaning "southern face (of a mountain)". The name supposedly originated with a prince of the Yue state that settled in the area surrounding the mountain... [more]
Ovadia Jewish
From the given name Ovadia.
Övall Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish ö "island" and vall "wall, pasture, field of grass".
Ovalle Galician
Galician topographic name from o vale ‘the valley’ (Latin uallis, ualles).
Ovanessian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Հովհաննիսյան (see Hovhannisyan).
Ovanesyan Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Հովհաննիսյան (see Hovhannisyan).
Ovechkin Russian
Patronymic derived from Russian овечка (ovechka) meaning "lamb". A famous bearer is the Russian hockey player Alexander Ovechkin (1985-).
Ovechkina Russian
Feminine transcription of Russian Овечкин (see Ovechkin).
Oved Hebrew
From the given name Oved.
Oven Slovene, German
Derived from Oven "ram, male sheep".
Overath German
From the name of the town of Overath in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. A famous bearer is the German former soccer player Wolfgang Overath (1943-).
Overbeck Low German, German (Modern), English (American, Americanized), Anglo-Saxon
From Low German over meaning "über" (over as a direct english translation) and beck meaning "Bach" (creek, stream). As opposed to many other germanic names it doesn't stem from someone's occupation rather from their address, with the exact meaning being something like "über dem Bach" (over the creek)... [more]
Overbeeke Dutch
Means "over/on brook" or "over/on stream" or "over/on creek"... [more]
Overfelt English
Derived from the Old English "ofer," meaning "seashore," or "riverbank" and "felt" meaning "field".
Overholser German (Swiss)
The Oberholtzer family originated in the Swiss village of Oberholtz, south of Zurich, before the 15th century. However, in 1661, one family left Switzerland for the Palatinate in Germany.
Overson English
Derived from the Old French name Overson, meaning "dweller by the river-banks". The name was probably brought to England in the wake of the Norman conquest of 1066.
Overson Danish, Norwegian
Altered spelling of Oveson, itself a patronymic from the personal name Ove, a Danish form of the older Aghi, with a second element possibly meaning "spear".
Overstreet English
A notable bearer is Chord Paul Overstreet.
Oviedo Spanish, Asturian
Derived from spanish "oveja" meaning sheep.
Oviir Estonian
Oviir is an Estonian surname derived from "viir" meaning "stripe" or "streak".
Ow Chinese
Variant of Ou.
Ōwaki Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 脇 (waki) meaning "side".
Owaki Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 大脇 (see Ōwaki).
Owara Japanese
Variant of Ohara.
Owari Japanese
From Japanese 終 (owa) meaning “last, to finish” and 里 (ri) meaning “village, the home of one’s parents, hometown”. The latter character is also an archaic Japanese unit of area.
Owner English
From English owner meaning "a person who owns something".
Owo Nigerian
From the given name Owo.
Owsley English
Habitational name form a now lost place name in Southern England. Possibly derived from the name of the river name Ouse and Old English -leah meaning "wood".
Owusu Western African, Akan
Means "strong-willed, determined" in Akan.
Oxby English
fortification where oxen are kept (From the Old English words “oxa” and “burh”)
Oxendine English
From an English place name meaning "valley of the oxen", which was derived from Old English oxa "ox" (genitive plural oxena) and denu "valley".
Oxendine Lumbee
The name is a common Lumbee surname. This name was used in the 1700s. This is the surname of Tribal councilman Delton Oxendine as well as Miss Lumbee Laura Oxendine.
Oxenstierna Swedish (Rare)
A notable surname used by an ancient Swedish noble family from Småland dating back to the 13th century. The name means "the ox's forehead". It is a combination of Swedish oxen, a cognate to the English plural of 'ox', and stierna, which is likely derived from German Stirn "forehead", though it is often mistaken for Swedish stjärna "star"... [more]
Øy Norwegian
From Norwegian øy meaning "island".
Oy Khmer, Lao
Khmer and Lao form of Huang, based on Hokkien Oi.
Ōya Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 屋 (ya) meaning "roof, house, shop".
Ōya Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow".
Oya Japanese
Variant of Otani.
Oya Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 大屋 (see Ōya).
Oya Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 大矢 (see Ōya).
Oyakawa Japanese
From the Japanese 親 (oya) "parent" and 川 (kawa) "river."
Oyama Japanese
From the Japanese 大 (o) "big" and 山 (yama) "mountain."
Oyamada Japanese
O means "small", yama means "mountain", da is a form of ta meaning "field, wilderness, rice paddy".
Oyanagi Japanese
O means "great, big" and yanagi means "willow".
Oyaski English (American)
A surname created by Michael Oyaski (formally Michael O'Yaski). The surname is currently known to only be used by one particular branch of the O'Yaski family tree. The surname means "Dragon Rider of the West" according to members of the Oyaski family.
Ọyáwálé Yoruba, Nigerian
Means "the river goddess came home" in Yoruba.
Oyekan Yoruba
Means "the next to be crowned" in Yoruba.
Oyelowo English (African, Rare)
surname born by British actor David Oyelowo (1976-)
Øyen Norwegian
Means "the island" in Norwegian.
Oyiakwan Akan
Meaning unknown.
Oyinvwi Urhobo
A name from the history of the urhobo culture. It's been noted that the name indicate strength and is the name attached to it. The important vice of the tradition. Leads trivial matters in hope for liberty.
Öz Turkish
Means "core, essence" in Turkish.
Oz Hebrew
From the given name Oz 2.
Oza Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati
Alternate transcription of Hindi/Marathi ओझा or Gujarati ઓઝા (see Ojha).
Ozaka Japanese
"Big, great slope". Variant of Osaka.
Ozaki Japanese
A variant of Osaki. O means "Big" and Zaki means "Peninsula, Cape, Promontory".
Ozaki Japanese
From Japanese 尾 (o) meaning "tail, foot, end" and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
Özalp Turkish
Comes from Özalp, Van, Turkey
Ozan Turkish
From the given name Ozan.
Ožana Czech
Ožana - ožanka (Teucrium) - Osana - OSANNA, OSANKA (german) - HOSANA (hebrew)... [more]
Ozanne Ancient Hebrew
Meaning “save now”.
Ozarovskaya Russian
Feminine form of Ozarovsky (Озаровский)
Ozarovsky Russian
Variant of Azarov (Азаров)
Ozato Japanese
Variant of Osato.
Ozawa Japanese
From Japanese 小 (o) meaning "small" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Özbekoğlu Turkish
Means "son of an Uzbek".
Ozbekov Kyrgyz
Means "son of an Uzbek".
Özcan Turkish
Means "pure soul" in Turkish.
Özçelik Turkish
From Turkish öz meaning "core, essence" and çelik meaning "steel".
Özdemir Turkish
Means "pure iron" from Turkish öz meaning "pure" and demir meaning "iron".
Özden Turkish
Means "from self, from essence" in Turkish.
Ozdoev Ingush (Russified)
Russified form of an Ingush family name, which is derived the old Ingush personal name Ozda used by members of the Ozda teip (clan). The name itself is of disputed origin and meaning, though it is thought to be of non-Nakh, Perso-Arabic origin... [more]
Ōzeki Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 関 (seki) meaning "frontier, pass".
Ozeki Japanese
From Japanese 小 (o) meaning "big, great" and 関 (seki) meaning "frontier, pass".
Ozeki Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 大関 (see Ōzeki).
Özel Turkish
Means "private, personal" or "special, exceptional" in Turkish.
Özen Turkish
This Turkish surname has the meaning of "care"
Özer Turkish
From Turkish öz meaning "core, essence" and er meaning "man, male, warrior".
Ozerov Russian
From Russian озеро (ozero) meaning "lake".
Özgür Turkish
Means "free" in Turkish.
Özil Turkish
From Turkish words Öz meaning "core", "essence", "pure" and Il meaning "city", "province".
Özkan Turkish
Means "pure blood" from Turkish öz meaning "pure" and kan meaning "blood".
Özkaya Turkish
From Turkish öz meaning "core, essence" and kaya meaning "rock".
Özlü Turkish
Means "succinct, concise" in Turkish.
Ōzora Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 空 (sora) meaning "sky".
Öztürk Turkish
From the given name Öztürk.
Ozu Japanese (Rare)
In this surname O can mean "small" and zu means "harbor". ... [more]
Özyakup Turkish
From Turkish öz meaning "core, essence, self, pure" combined with the given name Yakup. This name is borne by the Turkish-Dutch soccer player Oğuzhan Özyakup (1992-).
Özyurek Turkish
Formed by the combination of the Turkish words öz "gist, kernel" and yürek "heart".
Paade Estonian
Paade is an Estonian surname relating to "boats".
Paakspuu Estonian
Paakspuu is an Estonian surname meaning "alder buckthorn" and "black alder".
Paal Estonian
Paal is an Estonian surname meaning both "mooring post" and "dolphin".
Paalmaa Estonian
Paalmaa is an Estonian surname meaning both "dolphin land" and "mooring post land".
Päär Estonian
Päär is an Estonian surname derived from "päärima" meaning "chirp" and "twitter".
Päären Estonian
Päären is an Estonian surname derived from "päärima" meaning "chirp" and "twitter".
Paartalu Estonian
Paartalu is an Estonia surname meaning "twain farmsteads" or "a couple of farmsteads".
Paas Estonian
Paas is an Estonian surname meaning "slate".
Paasoja Estonian
Paasoja is an Estonian surname meaning "slate/limestone stream".
Päästel Estonian
Päästel is an Estonian surname meaning "rescue" and "salvage".
Pääsuke Estonian
Means "swallow", taken from the Estonian word.
Paat Estonian
Paat is an Estonian surname meaning "boat".
Paavo Estonian
Paavo is an Estonian surname (and masculine given name) derived from "Paavo", a cognate of "Paul".
Paavola Finnish
Habitational name, from a farm so named from the personal name Paavo, vernacular form of Paulus, + the locative ending -la... [more]
Pabalat Tagalog (Filipinized, Archaic)
A Filipino surname meaning "cover, saddle" or "saddle maker". This surname was probably created when a Spanish surveyor conducts a census sometime in the 19th century in Cavinti, Laguna, Philippines... [more]
Pabelico Filipino
From the word Pabel which means, "Humble". Pabelico means "Humblest".
Pablo Spanish
From the given name Pablo.
Pabón Spanish
Variant of Pavón from Spanish pavón "peacock" from Latin pavo.
Pacal German
South German: pet form of Pach .
Pacana Spanish
From pacana meaning "pecan", "pecan tree", a word of Algonquin origin. This surname is also found in the Philippines.
Pačariz Bosnian
Derived from Turkish "paçariz" meaning "damage, difficulty, or mess" ... [more]
Pacetti Italian
Variant of Pacetto, a pet form of the personal name Pace.
Pacey English
"Habitation name from Pacy-sur-Eure" which took its name from the Gallo-Roman personal name Paccius and the local suffix -acum.
Pach German
Pach is an occupational hereditary surname for a baker in Old German. Pach is also a German local name for someone who lived by a stream, which was originally derived from the German word "bach" which means stream... [more]
Pacieco Ancient Roman (Archaic)
A Roman surname meaning "little one." One of the first persons recorded with this surname is a general named Vivio Pacieco, General Pacieco was sent by Julius Caesar to fight in the Iberian peninsula... [more]
Paciello Italian
Italian surname for "Little peacemaker"; a diminutive for the Italian word "paciere", meaning Peacemaker.
Pacifico Italian
means "peacefull" in Italian.
Pacino Italian
Diminutive form of Pace. The American actor Al Pacino (1940-) is a well-known bearer of this surname.
Pacione Italian
From an augmentative of the personal name Pace.
Packard English, Norman, Medieval English, German (Anglicized)
English from Middle English pa(c)k ‘pack’, ‘bundle’ + the Anglo-Norman French pejorative suffix -ard, hence a derogatory occupational name for a peddler. ... [more]
Packman English
Variant of Pack.
Packwood English
Habitational name from a place in Warwickshire, so named from the Old English personal name Pac(c)a + wudu ‘wood’.
Pacquiao Filipino, Cebuano
From Cebuano pakyaw meaning "wholesale, to buy in bulk", ultimately from Hokkien 跋繳 (poa̍h-kiáu). A famous bearer is Filipino politician and former boxer Emmanuel "Manny" Pacquiao (1978-).
Pacyna Polish
Unflattering nickname from paczyna meaning "clod", "brickbat", or possibly a metonymic occupational name for a boatman, from the same word in the sense meaning "oar", "rudder".
Padaiyachi Indian (Rare), Tamil (Rare)
Variant transcription of Padiachy.
Padar Estonian
Padar is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "pada", meaning "pot" or "cauldron"; or "padur", meaning "fenny coast".
Paddington English
Believed to mean "Pada's farm", with the Anglo-Saxon name Pada possibly coming from the Old English word pad, meaning "toad".
Paddock English
Derived from Middle English parrock meaning "paddock, small enclosure", hence a topographic name for a dweller by a paddock or an enclosed meadow. It could also be a nickname for a person who resembled a toad or frog in some way (derived from Middle English paddock meaning "toad, frog"), or denote a person hailing from one of the many places in England that bear this name, for example the town and civil parish of Paddock Wood in Kent.
Padgett English
Diminutive form of Page, which is of Old French origin, and an occupational name for a young servant, a personal attendant in a noble's house, from the Old French, Middle English "page", ultimately deriving from the Greek "paidion", a boy, child... [more]
Padgham English
A habitational name.
Padiachy Indian, Tamil
It is a Tamil name, denoting a footsoldier of the Palli caste.
Padley English
A habitational name from a place named Padley, which was probably named with the Old English personal name Padda and lēah meaning ‘glade, woodland clearing’. Alternatively, the first element may have been padde, meaning ‘toad’.
Padrik Estonian
Padrik is an Estonian surname meaning "thicket".
Padrutt Romansh
Derived from the given name Padrutt.
Padukone Indian, Kannada (Rare), Konkani (Rare)
From the name of ಕುಂದಾಪುರ (Kundapur), a coastal town in the state of Karnataka in India. This is the surname of Deepika Padukone (1986–), an Indian actress.
Pădureanu Romanian
Derived from Romanian pădurean "forester".
Pae Estonian
Pae is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "pael" meaning "ribbon".
Pae Korean
Alternate romanization of Bae.
Paek Korean
Alternate transcription of Baek.
Pael Estonian
Pael is an Estonian surname meaning "ribbon".
Paesüld Estonian
Paesüld is an Estonian surname meaning "ribbon/tab cord".
Päev Estonian
Päev is an Estonian surname meaning "day".
Paeväli Estonian
Paeväli is an Estonian surname meaning "limestone field".
Paewai Maori
The Maori meaning of it is "driftwood"
Pagác Slovak
Nickname from pagáč meaning "clown", "buffoon".
Pagaduan Filipino, Ilocano
Topographic name for a bountiful place, from a derivative of Ilocano ado meaning "many, much".
Pagán Spanish
Castilianized spelling of Catalan Pagà, from the Late Latin personal name Paganus, which originally meant "dweller in an outlying village" (see Paine).
Paganini Italian
Patronymic form of Paganino.
Paganino Italian
Diminutive of Pagano.
Pagayawan Filipino, Maranao
Means "place of rainbows" from Maranao pagayaw meaning "rainbow".
Pagcaliwagan Filipino, Tagalog
From Tagalog pagkaliwagan meaning "too slow (in doing something)".
Page German
Metonymic occupational name for a horse dealer, from Middle Low German page "horse".
Pagès Occitan, Catalan
Means "peasant" in Occitan and Catalan.
Pagliaro Italian
Occupational name for someone who gathered or used straw, derived from the Italian word paglia "straw".
Pagliarulo Italian
Southern Italian diminutive of Pagliaro.
Paglinawan Filipino, Tagalog, Cebuano
Means "to clarify" or "to make clear" in Tagalog and Cebuano.
Pagourtzis Greek
Derived from Greek Παγούρι (Pagouri) meaning "flask, canteen", a vessel containing (usually) water.
Pagtakhan Filipino, Tagalog
Means "wonder, marvel at" in Tagalog.
Paguio Filipino, Pampangan
Meaning uncertain, of Kapampangan origin.
Pahapill Estonian
Pahapill is an Estonian surname meaning "bad pill".
Pähkel Estonian
Pähkel is an Estonian surname meaning "nut".
Pähkli Estonian
Pähkli is an Estonian surname meaning "nutty" ("walnuts", etc.).
Pähklimägi Estonian
Pähklimägi is an Estonian surname meaning "nutty mountain".
Pahlavan Persian
Means "hero, strong man" in Persian.
Pahlevanyan Armenian
Means "son of the wrestler" or "son of the champion", ultimately from Persian پهلوان (pahlevân) meaning "strong man, champion, wrestler".
Pai Hui
From the Persian name Baiderluden.
Paia Estonian
Paia is an Estonian surname derived from "pai" meaning "good".
Paide Estonian
Paide is an Estonian surname taken from the town of the same name in Järva County.
Paikashvili Georgian
Likely means "child of Paik", derived from the archaic masculine given name Paik (ultimately of Arabic origin) combined with Georgian შვილი (shvili) meaning "child".
Paikidze Georgian
Likely means "son of Paik", derived from the archaic masculine given name Paik (ultimately of Arabic origin) combined with Georgian ძე (dze) meaning "son".
Paimets Estonian
Paimets is an Estonian surname meaning "good forest".
Paine English
From the Middle English personal name Pain(e), Payn(e) (Old French Paien, from Latin Paganus), introduced to Britain by the Normans. The Latin name is a derivative of pagus "outlying village", and meant at first a person who lived in the country (as opposed to Urbanus "city dweller"), then a civilian as opposed to a soldier, and eventually a heathen (one not enrolled in the army of Christ)... [more]
Paing Chinese (Min Bei, Rare)
Variant transcription of Chinese (Min Bei) 冰 (see Baing).
Painter English, Medieval French, German
English: from Middle English, Old French peinto(u)r, oblique case of peintre ‘painter’, hence an occupational name for a painter (normally of colored glass). In the Middle Ages the walls of both great and minor churches were covered with painted decorations, and Reaney and Wilson note that in 1308 Hugh le Peyntour and Peter the Pavier were employed ‘making and painting the pavement’ at St... [more]
Paip Medieval Scottish, Biblical Latin, Scottish Gaelic
An ancient Caithness surname, meaning father. The family changed their name from "Paip" to "Pope".
Pais Estonian
Pais is an Estonian surname meaning "dam" and "dike".
Paisarnkulwong Thai
From Thai ไพศาล (phaisan) meaning "large", กุล, a transcription of Pali kula meaning "clan", and วงศ์ (wong) meaning "family, race"
Paish English
From Pasci, a department in Euce, Normandy
Paistik Estonian
Paistik is an Estonian surname derived from "paistma" meaning to "shine" or "appear".
Paiton English
Locational surname derived from the village of Peyton in Essex, England; Variant of Peyton
Paiva Portuguese
From the Portuguese word "paiva," which refers to a type of river or stream
Paixão Portuguese
Means "passion" in Portuguese, a reference to the Passion, the final period before the death of Jesus commemorated during Holy Week. It was originally used as a nickname for someone born on that day or for someone who had completed a pilgrimage on that day.
Pająkowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish village of Pająków.
Paju Estonian
Paju is an Estonian name, meaning "osier" ("willow").
Pajula Estonian
Pajula is an Estonian surname meaning "willow area".
Pajulaid Estonian
Pajulaid is an Estonian surname meaning "willow islet".