MaughanIrish, English Anglicized from the original Irish Gaelic form Ò Mocháin meaning 'descendant of Mochain'. This name was one of the earliest known Irish surnames brought to England and remains a fairly common surname in the North East of the country.
MauleonSpanish (Archaic) All I know is that there is a place in spain "Basque Country" that their town, apartments, holtes are named Mauleon. The language spoken is Basque a form of "Spanish and French"
MauvaisFrench Means "unfortunate" in French derived from Latin malus "bad" and fatum "fate".
MayoralSpanish Occupational name for the foreman of a gang of agricultural workers or the leader of a group of herdsmen mayoral (from Late Latin maioralis originally an adjective derivative of maior 'greater').
MayorgaSpanish habitational name, taken on from the place name Mayorga in Valladolid province of Castile.
MayorovmRussian From Russian майор (mayor), meaning "major".
McadoryNorthern Irish (Rare) Anglicized form of Northern Irish Mac an Deoraidh meaning "son of the stranger", derived from Old Irish déorad "stranger, outlaw, exile, pilgrim".
McAllenScottish, Irish, Scottish Gaelic McAllen or MacAllen is a Scottish and Irish surname, originating from Scottish Gaelic. Historically, the name has migrated to Ireland, where the prefix of the name has been commonly transposed with "Mc".
McateerIrish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac an tSaoir "son of the craftsman" (cf. McIntyre)
McAulayIrish Derived from the Irish "Mac Amhalghaidh" from the prefix Mac- (son of-) and Amhalghaidh, Old Irish form of the name Aulay/ Auley... [more]
MccartyIrish Variant of MacCarthy. A famous bearer was the famous western outlaw William Henry McCarty, also known as Billy the Kid. His other aliases included William H. Bonney and Henry Antrim.
MccloudScottish (Anglicized) Anglicized form of McLeod. The spelling was likely altered to associate it with the English word cloud. A notable fictional bearer was Fox McCloud, the main character in the StarFox video game series, including 1997's StarFox 64 for the Nintendo 64.
McclungScottish (Anglicized) Scottish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Luinge ‘son of Lunge’, a personal name probably meaning ‘seafarer’, although the literal meaning is ‘ship’, from Latin navis longa.
McclureScottish, Irish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Gille Uidhir (Scottish), Mac Giolla Uidhir (Irish), "son of the sallow lad".... [more]
MccurdyIrish (Anglicized), Scottish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Mhuircheartaigh, a patronymic from Muircheartach, a personal name composed of the elements muir "sea" and ceartach "ruler", hence "skilled seaman"... [more]
McelweeIrish, Scottish Of Gaelic origin, found in Ireland and Scotland. Derives from Mac Giolla Ruaidh, meaning "son of the servant of the red-haired youth", possibly a reference to a Dane or Norseman.
McGahanIrish (Rare) Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Eacháin or Mag Eocháin, ‘son of Eachán’ a diminutive of Eachaidh, a personal name based on each ‘horse’. Scottish variants tend to spell the internal fricative x as ch rather than gh or h as in Ireland.
McgrathIrish (Anglicized) Derives from the Irish surname Mac Craith. Famous bearers of the name include the Meic Craith from the Gaelic kingdom of Thomond in the present-day Republic of Ireland. They were historians and poets connected to the Ui Bhriain kings and earls of Thomond.
McnameeIrish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Conmidhe, a patronymic from the personal name Cú Mhidhe, meaning "hound of Meath". Meath is a county in Ierland. This family were hereditary poets in Ulster.
McnultyNorthern Irish (Anglicized) Irish surname historically associated with County Donegal in northwest Ireland meaning "descended of the Ulaid Nation". The surname is derived from an anglicized contraction of the original Irish patronymic Mac "descended" an Ultaigh "Ulaid race".
McVeighScottish, Irish Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Bheatha or Mac an Bheatha, themselves derived from Gaelic Mac Beatha meaning "son of life" (see MacBeth).
MeeboerDutch (Rare) Possibly an occupational name for someone who brewed or sold mead, from Dutch mede (also mee) "mead" and boer "farmer, peasant; merchant, producer (of a product)".
MeesterDutch, Flemish, German Occupational name for a teacher, lecturer or a master craftsman, or a nickname for someone who had a bossy demeanor, derived from Dutch meester meaning "master". A famous bearer of this surname is the American actress, singer and model Leighton Meester (1986-).
MelgosaSpanish This indicates familial origin within either of 2 Castilian municipalities, Melgosa de Burgos or Melgosa de Villadiego. It could also indicate familial origin within the Manchego municipality La Melgosa.
MelmothEnglish From middle english milde, meaning "mild, gentle, friendly" and mouth. The development of the surname may have been influenced by association with Middle English mele-mouth, meaning "mealy-mouthed, reticent, ingratiating, hypocritical".
MelroseScottish, English Habitational name from a place near Galashiels in the Scottish Borders, so named from British words that were ancestors of Welsh moel ‘bare, barren’ + rhos ‘moor, heath’. ... [more]
MeltzerGerman German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for a maltster, a brewer who used malt, from German Meltzer (an agent derivative of Middle High German malt ‘malt’, ‘germinated barley’), Yiddish meltser ‘maltster’... [more]
MendlerGerman Occupational name for a maker of coats from an agent derivative of Middle High German mantel, mandel, mendel "coat".
MendolaItalian topographic name for someone who lived by an almond tree or trees or a habitational name from any of the places called with the dialect term amendolamendula "almond almond tree" (see Amendola ). Compare Lamendola.
MengeleGerman Doctor Josef Mengele (Born on March 16, 1911 - Died on February 7, 1979), also known as the Angel of Death, was a German Schutzstaffel (SS) Officer and physician during World War II. He is mainly remembered for his actions at the Auschwitz concentration camp, where he performed deadly experiments on prisoners, was a member of the team of doctors who selected victims to be killed in the gas chambers and was one of the doctors who administered the gas.
MenottiItalian From the medieval given name Menotto, a diminutive of Domenico via its short form Menico.
MenshovmRussian From Russian меньший (menshiy), meaning "less, lesser". Denoted to a peasent or other person of low economic class.
MensinkDutch Patronymic or habitational name meaning "of Menso", a diminutive of personal name derived from the element megin (see Mense, Menno).
MentzerGerman Habitational name with the agent suffix -er, either from Mainz, earlier Mentz, derived from the medieval Latin name Mogontia (Latin Mogontiacum, probably from the Celtic personal name Mogontios), or from Menz in Brandenburg and Saxony.
MerleauFrench The name Merleau is a rare French given name and surname, derived from "merle" meaning "blackbird" in French with the diminutive suffix "-eau", which can indicate a place of water or serve as a poetic augmentative, enhancing its natural imagery.... [more]
MerlinoItalian Either from the given name Merlino the Italian form of Merlin, a diminutive of Merlo, or for someone who came from Merlino in the Milano province.
MerriamWelsh Derived from either the personal name Meuric, which is the Welsh form of Maurice, or ultimately from the Latin personal name Mauritius, which means "dark".
MessierFrench Occupational name for someone who kept watch over harvested crops, Old French messier 'harvest master' (Late Latin messicarius, agent derivative of messis 'harvest').
MessingGerman, Jewish Derived from Middle High German messinc meaning "brass", referring to a person who makes or repairs brass objects. A famous bearer is American actress Debra Messing (1968-).
MētriņšLatvian The name is a combination of "mētra", the Latvian word for mint and -iņš, a suffix commonly used for Latvian male surnames.
MetsalaEstonian Metsala is an Estonian surname meaning "forest area".
MetsaluEstonian Metsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "forest grove".
MetsolaFinnish From Finnish metso meaning "wood grouse, capercaillie" and the suffix -la indicating a place. Metsola is the realm of forests in Finnish mythology.
MewbornEnglish Rare English name. The only place I have found it in the phone directory (other than several small towns in eastern North Carolina) is in Northumberland, UK. The word mew has to do with stables, and of course born is an English word.
MickleyFrench It originated when an immigrant family named Michelet came to New York from Northern France. Because they had a foreign surname, they made up the names Mickley and Michelin. The originator was Jean Jacques Michelet (John Jacob Mickley), a private in the Revolutionary War... [more]