Submitted Surnames of Length 7

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the length is 7.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Pershin m Russian
From Russian перший (pershiy), meaning "first". Probably denoted to a first born child.
Persoon Dutch, Flemish
Dutch cognate of Parsons.
Peruško Croatian
Habitational name for someone from Peruški, Croatia.
Peruzzi Italian
From the given name Piero.
Pervaiz Urdu
From the given name Parviz.
Peshkov m Russian
Derived from Russian пешка (peshka), meaning "pawn".
Pestana Portuguese
Nickname for a person with prominent eyelashes, from Portuguese pestana "eyelash".
Peterli German (Swiss)
Derived from the given name Peterli.
Petrone Italian
Derived from the given name Pietro.
Petroni Italian
Derived from the given name Petronio.
Petzold German
German. Derives from a pet form of a Slavic version of the given name Peter.
Peugeot French
Meaning unknown.
Peureux French
In the war there was a French resistance fighter named Maurice Peureux.
Peverly English
Possibly a variant of Beverley.
Pevtsov m Russian
Means "son of the singer", from Russian певец (pevets) "singer".
Peymani Persian
From the given name Peyman.
Pfarrer German
Means "Pastor" in German.
Pfeffer German, Jewish
Occupational name for a spicer, or a nickname for a person with a fiery temper, for a small man, or for a dark-haired person. Derived from German Pfeffer "pepper".
Pflüger German
Occupational name for a Ploughman, literally meaning "Ploughman/Plowman" in German.
Pheonix English
A rare nickname given for someone's appearance of blonde and red hair just as a phoenix has colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet.
Phillip English
Derived from the given name Philip
Philpot English
English (chiefly southeastern): from the Middle English personal name Philipot/Philpot, a pet form of Philip.
Philson English
Patronymic from Phil, a short form of the personal name Philip.
Phoenix English
From the name of a beautiful immortal bird which appears in Egyptian and Greek mythology. After living for several centuries in the Arabian Desert, it would be consumed by fire and rise from its own ashes, with this cycle repeating every 500 years... [more]
Phongsa Lao
Means "lineage, descent" in Lao, ultimately from Sanskrit वंश (vansha).
Piccolo Italian
Nickname from piccolo "small".
Pickett English
Of Norman origin, from the personal name Pic, here with the diminutive suffixes et or ot, and recorded as Picot, Pigot and Piket. The name is ultimately of Germanic derivation, from pic meaning "sharp" or "pointed", which was a common element in names meaning for instance, residence near a "pointed hill", use of a particular sharp or pointed tool or weapon, or a nickname for a tall, thin person.
Pickler English
Derived from the occupation of "pickler," which referred to someone who worked in the pickling industry, preserving foods such as vegetables or meats in brine or vinegar.
Picquet French
A variant of Piquet of which it's meaning is of a military terminology of one soldier/small group of soldiers on a line forward of a postion to provide a warning of an enemy advance... [more]
Pienaar Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of French Pinard.
Piénoel French (Rare)
French surname that possibly refers to the buckled shoes that the original bearer was wearing, in which case it is derived from Old French pié meaning "foot" combined with Old French noiel meaning "buckle"... [more]
Pierrez French
Derived from the given name Pierre or from medieval French Piers.
Pierrin French
From the given name Pierre.
Piggott English, Irish, Norman
From the Old French and Old English given names Picot and Pigot, or derived from Old English pic meaning "point, hill", hence a topographic name for someone who lived by a hill with a sharp point (see Pike).
Piiroja Estonian
Piiroja is an Estonian surname meaning "border creek".
Piiskop Estonian
Piiskop is an Estonian surname meaning "bishop".
Pikachu Brazilian
From Japanese ピカチュウ (Pikachuu), derived from the onomatopoeic words ピカピカ (pikapika), a sparkly sound, and チュウチュウ (chuuchuu), a mouse sound. It happens to be a nickname for someone with a short stature who runs super fast according to the famous barrier Yago Pikachu (born Glaybson Yago Souza Lisboa) a Brazilian footballer who plays for Fortaleza.
Pikalev m Russian
Variant of Pikalov.
Pikalov m Russian
Means "from Pikalovo, Pikalevo, Pikalev" or other similar sounding places. These are the names of various Russian villages.
Pikamäe Estonian
Pikamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "long hill/mountain".
Piketty French
Perhaps related to the English surname Pickett. A notable bearer is French economist Thomas Piketty (1971-).
Pikhach Ukrainian
From Ukrainian meaning "infantryman".
Pikkmaa Estonian
Pikkmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "high land".
Pikkoja Estonian
Pikkoja is an Estonian surname meaning "long stream".
Pilapil Filipino, Cebuano, Tagalog
Means "rice paddy, rice field" in Cebuano and Tagalog.
Pilcher English
Occupational name for a maker or seller of pilches, from an agent derivative of Pilch. In early 17th-century English, pilcher was a popular term of abuse, being confused or punningly associated with the unrelated verb pilch "to steal" and with the unrelated noun pilchard, a kind of fish.
Piliang Minangkabau
Probably derived from Indonesian pili meaning "a lot, many" and hyang meaning "god, deity" or the phrase pili hyang meaning "the god, the deity" (most likely referring to the Hindu-influenced gods that were worshiped before the arrival of Islam in the Indonesian archipelago)... [more]
Pimenov Russian
Means "son of Pimen".
Pimenta Portuguese
Means "pepper" in Portuguese, used as an occupational name for someone who grew or sold peppers.
Pinches English (British, Rare)
This is one of the very earliest of surnames. This is an English name. First recorded in the 12th century it was a nickname of endearment for a bright, chirpy, person, thought by his peer group to be active like a finch... [more]
Pinchot American
Of unknown origin. Historically, borne most famously by Gifford Pinchot (1865 - 1946) first Chief of the United States Forest Service.
Pincock English
It is believed to be a variant of the surname Pink, which itself can have several origins, including being a nickname for someone with pink cheeks or a rosy complexion, or an occupational name for a dyer or someone who worked with pigment dyes.
Pindsoo Estonian
Pindsoo is an Estonian surname meaning "surface swamp/marsh".
Piñeiro Galician
Galician cognate of Pinheiro.
Pinkham English
habitational name from a lost or unidentified place in or bordering on Devon
Pinkney English
Variant spelling of Pinckney.
Pinsker German, Prussian
Habitational name from any of several places named near Posen (Polish Poznan) and in West Prussia.
Piredda Italian
From Sardinian piredda "small pear". Compare Piras.
Pirelli Italian
From an altered form of the given name Piero.
Pirhadi Persian
Either from Persian پیر (pir) meaning "old" combined with Hadi or from the name of the Persian village of Pirhadi.
Pirzada Urdu
Urdu variant of Pirzadeh.
Piscopo Italian
From a reduced form of episcopo "bishop" (Greek episkopos "bishop", literally "overseer"), hence a metonymic occupational name for someone in the service of a bishop, or perhaps a nickname for a pompous person.
Pitcher English, German
From an agent derivative of Middle English pich ‘pitch’, hence an occupational name for a caulker, one who sealed the seams of ships or barrels with pitch. English variant of Pickard... [more]
Pitcock English
Old English Pytta
Pittler French
A surname which originally belonged to a person who lived by a pit or hollow. Meaning "King of the Pit" or "King of the Hollow".
Pivonka Czech
Czech word for peony. Also given as a nickname meaning one with rosy cheeks
Pizarro Spanish
One who produces, or deals in, slate.
Pizzuto Italian
Italian surname derived from a nickname meaning ‘malicious’.
Platini Italian
Occupational name for a person who coats objects with platinum, derived from Italian platinare literally meaning "to platinize, to coat with platinum". A notable bearer is the former French soccer star Michel Platini (1955-).
Platten English
Diminutive of Platt.
Platter Scottish
Habitational name from the Forest of Plater in Angus.
Plemons English, Irish, German
Variant form of Plemmons. A famous bearer is American actor Jesse Plemons (1988-).
Plescia Italian
From Albanian plesht "flea".
Plouffe French
Altered form of Blouf, which is no longer found in France. It's meaning is unknown.
Ploumas Greek
From the Latin word for ornament, 'pluma'.
Plumier French, Belgian
Possibly an occupational name for a dealer in feathers and quills, from an agent derivative of Old French plume "feather, plume" (compare English and Dutch Plumer)... [more]
Plumley English
Meaning "plum-tree wood or clearing" from the Old English words plume and leah.
Plummer English
1. Occupational name for a worker in lead, especially a maker of lead pipes and conduits, from Anglo-Norman French plom(m)er, plum(m)er ‘plumber’, from plom(b), plum(b) ‘lead’ (Latin plumbum)... [more]
Plunket English
Either an occupational name for someone who sold plunket, a "coarse white woollen cloth", or a location in France with the name Planquette or Planquenet.
Poblete Spanish (Latin American)
Habitational name from Poblete in the province of Ciudad Real.
Poduska Slovak
Poduska means pillow or soft cushion.
Poehler German
German (Westphalian): topographic name for someone who lived by a muddy pool, from an agent noun derived from Middle Low pol ‘(muddy) pool’.
Pogonat Romanian
Meaning unknown.
Põhjala Estonian
Põhjala is an Estonian surname meaning "the North" and "Northern area" as well as "Norse".
Poisson French
Poisson is the French word for fish, and was given to one who was a fishmonger, fisherman, or could be a nickname for one who had the appearance similar to a fish.
Poitier French
Evidently an altered spelling of Pothier. A famous bearer of this surname was the Bahamian-American actor Sidney Poitier (1927-2022).
Poladov Azerbaijani
Means "son of Polad".
Polanco Spanish
Habitational name from Polanco in Santander province.
Põldmaa Estonian
Põldmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "field land".
Põldmäe Estonian
Põldmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "field hill/mountain".
Põldoja Estonian
Põldoja is an Estonian surname meaning "field stream/creek".
Põldots Estonian
Põldots is an Estonian surname meaning "field end".
Põldpüü Estonian
Põldpüü is an Estonian surname meaning "partidge".
Põldvee Estonian
Põldvee is an Estonian surname meaning "field water".
Politis Greek
Politis derives from the Greek word polis, which means 'city'. Therefore Politis means 'citizen'. According to some historians people with this surname have ancestors who came from Constantinople, which was commonly called Polis in the Byzantine era.
Polívka Czech
Means "soup".
Pollack Polish
Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant of spelling of Polak.
Pollari Finnish
Finnish surname from farms with said name in central Finland.
Pollett English
Patronymic of Paul, with the diminutive suffix -et.
Polombo Italian
Derived from Palombo literally meaning "Ring Dove" or Palombella meaning "Wood Pigeon" in the dialects of Southern Italy.
Polyiam Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พลเยี่ยม (see Phonyiam).
Pomante Italian
An occupational name for someone who farms or sells fruit, from Italian pomo "apple", descended from Latin pomum "fruit, fruit tree".
Pomeroy English
From an English surname meaning "dweller by the apple orchard".
Pontiff French
Means "bridge builder". Comes from the French word pont, which means bridge. ... [more]
Ponyiam Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พลเยี่ยม (see Phonyiam).
Poorten Low German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
From any of several places named Poort, derived from Dutch poort "gate".
Popoola Yoruba
"The way of the rich man" or "The way of prosperity"
Poppink Dutch
Uncommon surname, likely sharing a root with Poppinga.
Porcari Italian, English
From Italian porci "pigs", denoting someone who worked as a pig herder.
Porcaro Italian
From Italian porcaro "swineherd".
Portera Italian
Occupational name for a female servant, from Spanish portera.
Portero Spanish
Spanish cognate of Porter.
Portier French
occupational name for the gatekeeper of a walled town or city, or the doorkeeper of a great house, Old French portier (from Late Latin portarius)... [more]
Portman English
Status name meaning "townsman, burgher, citizen" in Middle English, derived from Old English port "port, harbour" (from Latin portus) and mann "person, man".
Portman German (Americanized), Dutch
Americanized form of German Portmann, as well as a Dutch variant of Poortman (and in some cases an Americanized form)... [more]
Portnoy Jewish, Belarusian, Ukrainian
Occupational name for a tailor from Russian portnoj (an adjective derivative of port "uncut cloth").
Portola Spanish, Portuguese, Romani (Caló)
Portola is Spanish and Portuguese for Port and is a Romani calo surname. People include Gaspar de Portolá, a Spanish explorer who was the first governor of Baja and Alta California and had many names after him in California cities and streets.
Portrey Jewish
Origin uncertain. Perhaps an altered form of Jewish Portnoy of North German Portner.
Posavec Croatian
Denotes a person living in Posavina, an area that is adjacent or near the Sava river in Croatia.
Postmus Dutch
Variant form of Posthumus.
Potapov Russian
Means "son of Potap".
Pothier English
One of the Many spellings of Pottier
Potocki Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish village of Potok, Gmina Szydłów.
Pottier French
A variant of the french word for potter, potier.... [more]
Poulton English
English surname that means "settlement by a pool".
Pourali Persian
Means "son of Ali 1".
Povarov Russian
Derived from the Russian word "povar" meaning 'cook'.
Poznyak Belarusian (Russified), Belarusian
Variant and Russified form of Paznyak.
Pradera Spanish
Pradera is a Spanish surname meaning "meadow".
Pradhan Indian, Odia, Bengali, Hindi, Marathi, Assamese, Nepali
From a title derived from Sanskrit प्रधान (pradhana) meaning "chief, head".
Prather Irish
The name Prather derives from the word Praetor which means leader or each of two ancient Roman magistrates ranking below consul.
Pratley English
Originates from a now "lost" medieval village believed to have been in the south east of England.
Pravdić Croatian
Derived from pravda, meaning "justice".
Pravsha Russian
Means "right-handed" in Russian.
Pregler German
Nickname for a chatterer or grumbler, from an agent derivative of Middle High German breglen ‘to chatter’, ‘complain’, ‘yell’, ‘roar’.
Préjano Spanish
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous La Riojan municipality.
Prescod English
A cognate of Prescott.
Preshaw English (British, Rare)
This surname is a habitational name from a locality near Upham on the slopes of the South Downs. It is entirely within a private estate and has its own chapel.
Presley Scottish
From Persley, a small Scottish hamlet on the River Don, Aberdeenshire, now a suburb of the much larger city of Aberdeen, named perhaps with the Pictish word *pres-, meaning 'bushes' or 'undergrowth'.... [more]
Prévost French
From Old French prevost meaning "provost", a status name for officials in a position of responsibility.
Prewett English
The surname Prewett is derived from the Middle English word prou, meaning "brave," or "valiant," with the addition of either of two common diminutive suffixes: -et or -ot. As such, this name is thought to have originally been a nickname for someone small but brave.
Prewitt English
English surname meaning brave, valor.
Priidel Estonian
Priidel is an Estonian surname derived from "prii" meaning "free".
Primeau French
First found in Burgundy France.
Princip Bosnian, Serbian
Probably derived from Latin princeps "leader, initiator, prince", which itself was ultimately derived from primus "first" and capere "to take". The surname may thus have originated as a nickname for someone with a princely appearance, or for someone who was the illegitimate offspring of a prince... [more]
Pringle Scottish
Scottish surname meaning "pilgrim".
Privett French, English, Welsh (?)
French, from the given name Privat (see Privatus). Also an English habitational name from a place so named in Hampshire, derived from Old English pryfet "privet".
Procida Italian
Habitational name from Procida, one of the Flegrean Islands off the coast of Naples in southern Italy.
Proctor English
Occupational name from Middle English prok(e)tour "steward" (reduced from Old French procurateour, Latin procurator "agent", from procurare "to manage"). The term was used most commonly of an attorney in a spiritual court, but also of other officials such as collectors of taxes and agents licensed to collect alms on behalf of lepers and enclosed orders of monks.
Prophet English, Scottish, French, German
Scottish, English, French, and German: nickname from Middle English and Old French prophete, Middle High German prophet ‘prophet’, ‘seer’, ultimately from Greek prophetes ‘predictor’, from pro ‘before’ + a derivative of phemi ‘to speak’... [more]
Prosser Welsh
From 'ap Rosser', meaning "son of Rosser".
Provost English, French
Derived from the Middle English provost; referring to the person who heads a religious chapter in a cathedral or educational establishment. It was also used as a nickname for a self-important person and is a French variant of Prevost.
Průšova f Czech
from a pet form of the personal name Prokop. Feminine name of Průša
Prutton English (British)
it's a cool name
Pryimak Ukrainian
In Ukrainian means 'adoptee'
Pshonka Ukrainian, Belarusian
Derived from Ukrainian "пшоно (pshono)" meaning "millet".
Psyllos Greek
Means "flea" in Greek.
Ptushko Russian
Means "little bird".
Puccini Medieval Italian
Diminutive form of the surname Pucci
Pucheta Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Putxeta.
Puckett English
Of uncertain origin; perhaps a variant of Pocket(t), from a diminutive of Anglo-Norman French poque "small pouch", hence a metonymic occupational name for a maker of purses and pouches or a nickname... [more]
Pudwill German
Of Slavic origin, habitational name from Podewils in Pomerania.
Puentes Spanish
Means "bridges" in Spanish. Originated from "puente". The surname was first found in the valley of the Trucios in the Basque region of Spain.However, families with this surname have been present in Catalonia for hundreds of years... [more]
Puglisi Sicilian
Southern Italian variant of Pugliese.
Pukspuu Estonian
Pukspuu is an Estonian surname meaning "boxwood" (Buxus).
Pulaski Polish
Polish (Pułaski): habitational name for someone from the Pulazie in Łomża Voivodeship.
Puletua Samoan
May come from Pule meaning 'authority, leader, command'.
Pulišić Croatian
Derived From puliš meaning "to smoke". It may refer to a smoker or someone who sells cigarettes.
Pullman German
Variant of Puhlmann, itself a variant of Puhl.... [more]
Pulsoni Italian
Probably from Latin pulso "to beat, to strike".
Puntila Finnish
Borne by the title character in Bertolt Brecht's play 'Mr. Puntila and his Man Matti' (1948), set in Finland in the 1920s.
Pupillo Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Pupillo.