Submitted Surnames from Occupations

Given Name   Occupation   Location   Nickname   Ornamental   Other
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Squire English
Surname comes from the occupation of a Squire. A young man who tends to a knight.
Squires English
Surname is plural of Squire. A young person that tends to his knight, also someone that is a member of a landowner class that ranks below a knight.
Staal Dutch
From Old Dutch stal meaning "steel", a metonymic occupational name for a steelworker or blacksmith.
Stadtmueller German
From Middle High German stet meaning "place", "town" + müller meaning "miller", hence an occupational name for a miller who ground the grain for a town.
Staffieri Italian
Means "footman, groom", ultimately from staffa "stirrup".
Stahl German, Danish
Metonymic occupational name for a smith or armorer, from Middle High German stahel "steel, armor".
Stähle German
Variant of Stahl.
Stahler German
Occupational name for a foundry worker, from an agent derivative of Middle High German stal 'steel'.
Stahling German (Rare)
Denoted a person who worked with steel. Derived from the name "Stähling", which was derived from "Stalin."
Staley Belgian
From Old French estalee "fish trap", hence possibly a metonymic occupational name for a fisherman, or topographic name for someone who lived near where fish traps were set.
Stålhammar Swedish
Means "steel hammer" (from Swedish stål "steel" and hammare "hammer"). Was originally a name common among blacksmiths.
Stallman German
Variant of Staller. German: topographic name for someone who lived in a muddy place, from the dialect word stal. English: habitational name from Stalmine in Lancashire, named probably with Old English stæll 'creek', 'pool' + Old Norse mynni 'mouth'.
Stampone Italian
Meaning uncertain. Possibly from Italian stampare "to print, to stamp", or from Tuscan stampo "tree stump".
Stater English
Occupational name for an official in charge of a public weighing machine derived from Middle English stater(er), from Latin statera "balance, scales, steelyard; value", ultimately from Ancient Greek στατήρ (stater) "a weight, a standard; a type of coin".
Staub German (Swiss), German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) occupational nickname for a miller, from Middle High German stoup, German Staub ‘dust’. The Jewish surname may also be ornamental.
Stauber German, Jewish
An occupational name from Staub, with the addition of the German agent suffix -er.
Stavonin Russian
Originally Stavnin (shutter-maker), Stavonin resulted from an incorrect spelling that stuck (for over a hundred years)... [more]
Steel English
Variant spelling of Steele, or an Americanized form of the German and Swedish cognates Stahl or Stål.
Steelworker English (Rare)
Modern version of Smith, meaning "someone who works with steel". Comes from the occupation Steel Worker .
Steger German
Means "head miner" or "overman" from the German verb steigen meaning "to climb" or in this case "to lead a climb".
Stehr German
From Middle High German ster ‘ram’, hence probably a nickname for a lusty person, or possibly a metonymic occupational name for a shepherd.
Steier German
Variant of Steiger.
Steiert German
Variant of Steiger and Steier.
Steiger German
Occupational name from Middle High German stiger 'foreman', 'mine inspector'
Steinbrecher German
occupational name for someone who worked in a stone quarry from Middle High German stein "stone" and an agent derivative of brechen "to break".
Steinbrenner German
occupational name for a lime burner from Middle High German stein "stone" (in this case limestone) and an agent derivative of brennen "to burn".
Steingräber German
occupational name for a quarry worker from Middle High German stein "stone" and agent derivative of Middle High German graben "to dig".
Steininger German
an occupational name for a stone cutter.
Steinmeier German
Distinguishing name for a tenant farmer (Meyer) whose farm was on stony ground or was distinguished by a conspicuous rock formation (Middle High German stein 'rock').
Steinmetz German, Jewish
Occupational name from Middle High German steinmetze, German steinmetz "stonemason", "worker in stone".
Stellmacher German
occupational name for a cartwright from late Middle High German stelle "carriage" (originally "frame chassis") and mahhon "maker"... [more]
Stellrecht German
Occupational name for a cartwright, from Middle High German stel "framework" and reht (from Old High German wurht-) "maker". Compare English -wright.
Stellwagen German
metonymic occupational name for a carter or a cartwright from Middle High German stelle "cart" and wagen "wagon".
Stelzner German
Variant of Stelzer, probably an occupational name for a stilt-maker. Also, a habitational name for anyone from any of the places named Stelzen.
Stempfer German
Derived from occupation means 'Stump remover'
Stender German
Occupational name for a carpenter.
Steurer German
Occupational name for someone who collects taxes from Middle High German stiurære "court assistant, tax collector".
Steward English
Occupational name for an administrative official of an estate or steward, from Old English stig "house" and weard "guard".
Sticca Italian
Possibly from a dialectical word meaning "long shovel".
Stich German, Jewish
metonymic occupational name for a tailor or cobbler from Middle High German stich German stich "stitch".
Stifter German, German (Austrian)
Means "founder" in Middle High German, from stiften "to bring about, endow, donate", a name for a tenant farmer on previously unoccupied land, or a habitational name from the related word Stift meaning "endowed monastery, secular convent, church foundation".
Stirrup English (British)
Originated in Merseyside, England.
Stiver English
Occupational name from Old French “estivur” meaning “plowman”, coming from Latin “stivarius”. This has also been used as a name for someone who played the stive, a type of bagpipe.
Stockard Irish
Variant of Stoker, an occupational name for a trumpeter derived from Gaelic stocaire, an agent derivative of stoc "trumpet, horn". The name is borne by a sept of the McFarlanes.
Stoehr German
From Middle Low German store ‘sturgeon’, hence a metonymic occupational name for someone who caught or sold sturgeon, or a nickname for someone with some supposed resemblance to the fish... [more]
Stoker Dutch
Means "stoker, one who stokes a fire" or "firestarter, agitator" in Dutch, an occupational name or a nickname for a troublemaker.
Stoker Scottish, Irish
Means "trumpeter", from Scottish Gaelic and Irish stoc "trumpet, bugle, horn".
Stolarski Polish
Derivative of Stolarz "carpenter" "joiner", with the addition of the common suffix of surnames -ski.
Stoller German, Jewish, English
Habitational surname for someone from a place called Stolle, near Zurich (now called Stollen).... [more]
Stoop Dutch
From Middle Dutch stoop "pitcher, stone bottle, wine jug", an occupational name for an innkeeper or a nickname for a heavy drinker.
Storm Dutch, Flemish
Occupational name for someone who rang an alarm bell warning of oncoming storms.
Stoter English (Modern)
Of Dutch origin and still in use there in a restricted region. Herder of large animals such as cattle or horses. May share a root with Ostler (unverified). Note: Stot in Scottish dialect still means a young bull.... [more]
Stratigos Greek
Deriving from the Greek title for a general. Feminine form is Stratigo.
Strawbridge English (American)
Someone who built bridges as a living.
Stražičić Croatian
Possibly derived from straža, meaning "guard".
Streicher German
Occupational name for someone who measured grain or inspected cloth
Strelkov m Russian
From Russian стрелка (strelka), meaning "arrow".
Strel'nikov m Russian
Means "son of the shooter", from Russian стрельник (strel'nik).
Strelow German, Polabian
Originally an Polabian name from the city Stralsund (pola. Stralov).
Stricker German, Low German, Dutch
Occupational name for a rope maker or knitter (of hose, for example), from an agent derivative of Middle High German, Middle Low German stricken ‘to tie’.
Strider English
Likely an anglicized variation of the Dutch term "Strijder" or German term "Streiter," this surname represents an occupational designation for a soldier or a descriptive term for someone with a combative demeanor.... [more]
Strigl German
Name given in 1056 a.d. Meaning- Keeper of the Royal Horses.
Strycker Dutch
From Dutch de Strycker, an occupational name for someone responsible for measuring out cloth or grain. See also Stryker.
Stryker Dutch
From Dutch Strijker, an occupational name for someone whose job was to fill level measures of grain by passing a flat stick over the brim of the measure, thus removing any heaped excess... [more]
Strynckx Flemish
Variant form of Dutch Streng "strong, rope, cord", a metonymic occupational name for a rope maker. Alternatively, it could be a nickname derived from streng "strict, severe, cruel".
Strzelec Polish
Occupational name for a rifleman.
Stukely English
Possibly meaning "stucco" or "stuck".
Sturt English
Variant of Stuart
Stutts German
Variation of Stutz. From the webpage: ... [more]
Suciu Romanian
Romanian form of Szűcs.
Sucu Turkish
Means "waterman, water carrier" in Turkish.
Sugarbaker English
Occupational name for an owner of a sugar-house, a factory where raw sugar was made or refined, derived from Middle English sugre, suker meaning "sugar" and bakere meaning "baker".
Suh Low German
North German from Middle Low German su ‘sow’, either a metonymic occupational name for a swineherd or an offensive nickname.
Suiter American (South)
"Suiter" may also refer to a surname that originated in South Germany as an occupational name for a shoemaker. It comes from a metathesized form of the Middle High German word siuter.
Sulzer German
occupational name for someone who made prepared meats from Middle High German sulzer "butcher charcutier". from a derivative of Middle High German sulze "brine" hence a topographic name for someone who lived near a spring of salty water or a habitational name for someone from any of the places called Sulz in Germany Austria Alsace and Switzerland.
Sumpter English
Occupational name for someone who drove a packhorse, from Middle English sompter.
Sumter English
This surname is derived from an official title. 'the sumpter.' Old French sommetier, a packhorseman, one who carried baggage on horseback
Sunadori Japanese (Rare)
漁 (Sunadori) means "fishing".
Sunga Bemba, Central African
Sunga is a surname of the Bemba tribe, meaning "a person that takes care of others".... [more]
Sürücü Turkish
Means "driver" in Turkish.
Sutradhar Indian, Bengali, Assamese
Derived from Sanskrit सूत्रधार (sutradhara) meaning "thread-holder" or "carpenter", from सूत्र (sutra) meaning "thread, string, line" and धार (dhara) meaning "holding, bearing" (referring to a carpenter's role in weaving together different parts of wooden or metal structures).
Sutter German, English
English and South German occupational name for a shoemaker or cobbler (rarely a tailor), from Middle English suter, souter, Middle High German suter, sutære (from Latin sutor, an agent derivative of suere ‘to sew’).
Sutterfield English
Possibly derives from the Old English word ''sutere'', and the Latin word ''sutor'', meaning a shoemaker.
Suttor English
English... [more]
Suurbier Dutch
Dutch cognate of Sauerbier. A famous bearer was the Dutch soccer player Wim Suurbier (1945-2020).
Suutari Finnish
From Finnish meaning "cobbler, shoemaker".
Suwa Japanese
From Japanese 諏 (su) meaning "consult, confer" and 訪 (wa) meaning "visit, call on".
Švec Czech
It means "shoemaker".
Svobodná f Czech
Means "freedom woman".
Svobodný Czech
Svobodný means "freedom man" in Czech.
Swain Scottish, Irish, English
Northern English occupational name for a servant or attendant, from Middle English swein "young man attendant upon a knight", which was derived from Old Norse sveinn "boy, servant, attendant"... [more]
Swarnakar Bengali
Means "goldsmith" in Bengali.
Swigert German (Americanized)
Americanized form of German Schweigert or Zweigert, an occupational name for a gardener or tender of plants, from an agent derivative of Middle High German zwigen, meaning "to graft" or "to plant".
Swinehart English, German
Means "swine herder", from Middle High German swīn "hog, swine" and hertære "herder".
Swing English
Probably an Americanized spelling of German Schwing or from Middle High German zwinc meaning "legal district", hence possibly a metonymic occupational name for a district administrator.
Syezd Russian (Rare), Kazakh (Rare)
The last name is a Russian last name derived from съезд (s"yezd) meaning "conference, congress, convention", but it is mostly used in Kazakhstan.
Syler German
Altered spelling of German Seiler.
Sylvers Irish
Variant of Silvers.
Synov Russian (Ukrainianized)
Ukrainianised form of Sinov.
Szeto Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Situ.
Szroeder German (Polonized), Polish
Polish phonetic spelling of German Schröder 1 or Schröder 2.
Szydło Polish
Means "awl" in Polish, used as an occupational name for a cobbler.
Tabak Jewish
Metonymic occupational name for a seller of tobacco, from German Tabak, Yiddish and Ukrainian tabik (all ultimately from Spanish tabaco, a word of Caribbean origin). Tobacco was introduced to Europe in the 16th century.
Tabak Turkish
Occupational name for a tanner
Tabak Dutch
Occupational name for a butcher or hog breeder, from Middle Dutch tucbake composed of tucken "to pull, push, strike" and bake "hog, pig; meat from the back of a pig".
Taberner Catalan
It literally means someone who owns a tavern.
Tabernero Spanish
Tabernero is a Spanish-language occupational surname literally meaning "tavern keeper".
Tabibi Persian
From Persian طبیب (tabib) meaning "doctor, physician" (of Arabic origin).
Tabony Maltese
A Maltese knight
Tacconi Italian
Possibly from Italian taccone "patch".
Tacey English, English (American)
(East Midlands): From A Pet Form Of The Middle English Personal Name Eustace. Compare Stacey, Stace... [more]
Taciroğlu Turkish
Taciroğlu is a last name adopted by a merchant family in Turkey in January 1934. It literally means "Son of Merchant". "Tacir" is an Arabic word (" التاجر ") in origin which means trader in Turkish... [more]
Tagliacarne Italian
From Italian 'tagliare' "to cut" and 'carne' "meat".
Tagliaferro Italian
From the Italian tagliare "to cut" and ferro "iron" occupational name for an ironworker or a nickname for a strong or ferocious fighter, one who was adept at cutting through the cuirass of the enemy with his sword (see Telfer).
Tagliafico Italian
From the Italian tagliare "to cut" and fico "fig".
Tagliamonte Italian
Tagliamonte means "mountain cutter". From the Italian tagliate (to cut) and monte (mountain).
Tailleur French
French for "tailor."
Tallant English (British, ?), Norman, Irish
English (of Norman origin) occupational name for a tailor or nickname for a good swordsman, from taillant ‘cutting’, present participle of Old French tailler ‘to cut’ (Late Latin taliare, from talea ‘(plant) cutting’)... [more]
Tambor Jewish
Derived from German Tambour "drummer in a regiment", ultimately via French tambour from Old French tambor "drum".
Tamburini Italian
Means "drummer", from Italian tamburo "drum".
Tamrakar Newar, Indian
Means "copper maker; craftsman" in Sanskrit. This is used by the Tamrakar caste of Nepal and India, and mainly of Newar ethnicity in Nepal.
Tamta Kumaoni, Garhwali
Kumaoni and Garhwali form of Tamrakar.
Tantser German (Russified), German (Ukrainianized)
Russified and Ukrainianised form of Tanzer.
Tao Chinese
From Chinese 陶 (táo) meaning "pottery, ceramics", used to denote someone who was responsible for making pottery.
Tărniceriu Romanian
From tărnicer meaning "saddler".
Tasman Dutch
Derived from Dutch tas "bag" and man "person, man". Usually a metonymic name for someone who made bags, though in at least one case it was taken from the name of a ship, De Tas.
Tatelman Russian, Yiddish
Man who tats or sew
Tavernier French
occupational name from Old French tavernier "innkeeper" (from Late Latin tabernarius from taberna "inn")... [more]
Taylar English
Possibly a variant spelling of Taylor.
Tayler English
Variant of Taylor.
Teacher English
From an English word for someone who taught schools.
Teare Manx
Manx form of McIntyre, from Manx "mac y teyr" and Irish "mac an tSaoir" meaning "son of the craftsman"
Tedder English
From the Middle English word Thedere or Teddere which either comes from the Old English name Thēodhere or the Germanic name Theudher. Alternatively, it could be an occupational name from the Middle English Teddere, meaning “one who teds”... [more]
Teissièr Occitan
Occupational name meaning "weaver", ultimately from Latin texarius.... [more]
Tejero Spanish
Occupational Spanish surname for a tiler, its origin may be in Saragossa, Spain. A famous bearer is Antonio Tejero, a Lieutenant Colonel who was responsible for the 23-F coup attempt.
Teklić Croatian
Derived from teklić, a rare form of the word "messenger".
Telee Indian
Variant transcription of Devanagari तेली (see Teli).
Telfer Scottish, English, Italian
From a personal name based on a byname for a strong man or ferocious warrior, from Old French taille or tailler "to cut" + fer "iron" Latin: ferrum "iron" (see Tagliaferro).
Teli Indian
From Sanskrit तेली (tēlī) meaning "oily" in Sanskrit. This is used by the Teli caste who traditionally specialized in oil pressing and trade.
Temple English, French
Occupational name or habitational name for someone who was employed at or lived near one of the houses ("temples") maintained by the Knights Templar, a crusading order so named because they claimed to occupy in Jerusalem the site of the old temple (Middle English, Old French temple, Latin templum)... [more]
Templer English
Templer is an Old English surname denoting either a servant of one of the Knights Templar, or a person living near or serving at a church. The meaning is “church attendant”.
Templier French
French variant of Temple, given to someone who was a member of the Templar order.
Tenaglia Italian
From tenaglia "pincers".
Tenant English
Variant of the surname Tennant.
Tennant English, Scottish
The Strathclyde-Briton people of ancient Scotland were the first to use the name Tennant. It is a name for someone who works as a tenant farmer. The name was applied to those who paid for the rent on their land through working the fields and donating a percentage of the take to the landlord... [more]
Tennor English (American)
Possibly an altered spelling of Tanner or Tenner.
Teo Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Zhang.
Teoh Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Zhang.
Teppan Estonian
Teppan is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "teppija" meaning "quilter".
Tepper German
Meaning "tavern owner"
Terakgi Ottoman Turkish, Turkish (Anglicized, Rare), Arabic
Now mainly used as an arabic surname, mainly in Syria or lebanon. This last name possibliy comes from "Tarak Yapımcısı" which means combmaker. This surname can be spelt as "Terakgi" if a arab or a turkish person were to move to an english speaking nation.
Terziev m Bulgarian
Derived from Turkish terzi meaning "tailor".
Terzieva f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Terziev.
Terziyski m Bulgarian
Derived from Turkish terzi meaning "tailor".
Tesauro Italian
metonymic occupational name for a treasurer or person in charge of financial administration from Old Italian tesauro "treasure treasury" (from Latin thesaurus "hoard"). It may also be from the personal name Tesauro with the same origin.
Tescher German, Danish
Occupational name for a joiner or a variant of Tasch.
Tesoro Spanish, Italian
from tesoro "treasure" (from Latin thesaurus "hoard") applied as a metonymic occupational name for a treasurer. In some cases this may be a habitational name from El Tesoro in southern Spain... [more]
Tessier French
Occupational Name For A Weaver, From Old French Tissier (From Late Latin Texarius, A Derivative Of Texere ‘To Weave’). It Is Also Found In England As A Surname Of Huguenot Origin. Compare Tacey.
Tetreault French
Ultimately derived from French tistre "to weave".
Thackwray English
Means Thatcher, or someone who thatches roofs. A varient of the name Thatcher
Thain Scots, English
Occupational surname meaning a nobleman who served as an attendant to royals or who was awarded land by a king.
Thane Scots, English
Occupational surname meaning a nobleman who served as an attendant to royals or who was awarded land by a king. Variant of Thain.
Theo Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Zhang.
Theuma Maltese
Most likely derived from Arabic ثُوم (ṯūm) meaning "garlic", used in reference to someone who grew garlic or owned a garlic field. Alternatively, it may also be from تَوْأَم (tawʾam) meaning "twin, double".
Thio Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Zhang.
Thondan Tamil, Indian
Tamil for "devotee, votary".
Thrall English
Derived from Old English þræl "slave, serf, thrall".
Threadgold English
Means "person who embroiders cloth with gold thread".
Tiao Taiwanese, Chinese (Hokkien)
Min Nan and Hokkien romanization of Zhang.
Tikhomirov m Russian
Means "son of Tikhomir".
Timber English
An occupational name for a person who chops down trees.
Timmer Dutch, Low German
Means "timber" in Dutch and Low German, an occupational name for a carpenter.
Timmerman Dutch, Flemish
Means "carpenter" in Dutch, literally "timber man".
Timmermans Dutch, Flemish
Patronymic form of Timmerman.
Timoney Irish (Gallicized)
The name Timoney is an Irish name. It originated in the west of Ireland. In Irish it is O'Tiománaí. Tiománaí means driver in Irish.
Timpano Italian
for working stone in big buildings, like temples
Tio Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Zhang.
Tisch Jewish, German
Metonymic occupational name for a joiner, from German "Tisch", Yiddish "tish" meaning table.
Tischbein German, Literature
Means "table leg" in German, from German tisch "table" and bein "leg". This was the surname of a German family of master artists from Hesse which spanned three generations. This is also the surname of the main character of the 1929 novel Emil and the Detectives by Erich Kästner, Emil Tischbein.
Tišljar Croatian
Derived from Chakavian Croatian tišljar, meaning "carpenter".
Tisserand French
French for "weaver."
Tisseur French
Occupational surname meaning "weaver".
Tjeknavorian Armenian
Derived from Armenian ճգնավոր (čgnavor) "hermit, anchorite, ascetic". The famous bearer of the name is Iranian Armenian composer and conductor Loris Tjeknavorian (1937-).
Tkáč Slovak
From Slovak words Tkáč and Tkať meaning "A weaver" and "To weave" respectively.
Tkach Jewish
Ashkenazi Jewish and Ukrainian surname meaning tailor.
Tkach Ukrainian, Jewish (?)
From Ukrainian ткач (tkach), meaning "weaver".
Tkachyov m Russian
From Russian ткач (tkach), meaning "weaver".
Tkacz Polish, Jewish
Variant of Tkach. Means 'to weave'
Tkacz Jewish
Occupational name for a weaver, Polish tkacz, a noun derivative of tkać "to weave".
Tkacz Jewish
Occupational name for a weaver, Polish tkacz, a noun derivative of tkać "to weave".
Tkacz Jewish
Occupational name for a weaver, Polish tkacz, a noun derivative of tkać "to weave".
Todhunter English
From the Old English word todde, meaning "fox", with "hunter",
Toepfer German (Anglicized)
Anglicised spelling of Töpfer.
Tokarev Russian
Patronymic name derived from Russian токарь (tokar) meaning "turner". A turner was a person who used a lathe to create small objects from wood or bone. A notable bearer of this name was the Russian-American singer and songwriter Willi Tokarev (1934-2019).
Tokareva Russian
Feminine transcription of Russian Токарев (see Tokarev).
Tokmak Turkish
Means "mallet" in Turkish.
Tõldsepp Estonian
Tõldsepp is an Estonian surname meaning "carriage" or "coach smith".
Tolivar Asturian (Modern, Rare), English (Rare)
Variant of Tolliver. Apparently, this name may have originated in Candamo, Asturias, in the 18th (or earlier) century. The "var" last syllable may be related to "fer," and the meaning may be related to iron, e.g. iron miner, iron refiner, etc... [more]
Tolkacz Polish
Variant of Tkacz.
Tolkacz Polish
Variant of Tkacz.
Tolkacz Polish
Variant of Tkacz.
Tõllasepp Estonian
Tõllasepp is an Estonian surname meaning "coach maker" or "coach smith"; derived form the compound words "tõld" (coach, chariot) and "sepp" (smith).
Tolley English
Anglicized form of Tolle.
Tombura Zande, Central African
Tombura is of unknown etymology.
Tonnelier French
French for "cooper."
Toohey Scottish Gaelic
Modern form of the ancient pre 10th century Gaelic O' Tuathaigh meaning the descendant of the chief.
Toots Estonian
Toots is an Estonian name derived from "tootja", meaning "manufacturer".
Topçu Turkish
Means "cannoneer, gunner, artilleryman" in Turkish.
Töpfer German
It literally means "potter".
Tordjman Judeo-Spanish
From Arabic ترجمان (turjuman) meaning "translator, interpreter".
Tornatore Italian
Derived from Italian tornatore meaning "turner", which refers to a craftsman who turns and shapes various materials (such as wood and metal) on a lathe. In other words: this surname is the Italian cognate of the English surname Turner... [more]
Torrey English
Means "conqueror, victor" in Old English.
Tournier French
French form of Turner.
Tozer English
Tozer is a surname commonly believed to have originated in Devon, South West England. It is a reference to the occupation of carding of wool which was originally performed by the use of teasels (Latin carduus), via the Middle English word tōsen, to tease (out).
Traeger German
Derived from the German word Trager which means "Someone who carries something." Traeger could also mean "gift of God."
Train English
English (Devon): 1. metonymic occupational name for a trapper or hunter, from Middle English trayne, Old French traine ‘guile’, ‘snare’, ‘trap’. ... [more]
Transon French
Possibly from Old French tronçon "block of wood", perhaps an occupational name for a woodcutter.
Travar Croatian, Serbian
Derived from travar, meaning "herbalist".
Travchuk Ukrainian
Derives from Ukrainian word for grass.
Treadwell English
Occupational name for a fuller, a person who cleaned and shrunk newly woven cloth by treading it. It is derived from Middle English tred(en) "to tread" and well "well".
Treial Estonian
Treial is an Estonian surname meaning "turner".
Trejo Spanish
Spanish habitational surname, for someone from Trexo, a place in Asturias in northwest Spain.
Trexler German
It is derived from the Middle High German "Drehseler," meaning "turner," and was most likely initially borne by a turner or lathe worker.
Trezeguet French
Meaning uncertain, possibly an occupational name derived from Old French treize, treze meaning "thirteen" and guet (itself from Old French gué) meaning "look-out, watch, vigil"... [more]
Trippier English
This surname is derived from an occupation. 'a tripherd,' a goatherd, Yorkshire and Lancashire. 'Trip, a flock of sheep, a herd of swine or goats' (Halliwell).
Triska Czech
Meaning "splinter" in Czech. Nathan Triska is a celebrity born in 1999.
Třísková f Czech
Feminine form of Triska.
Trombino Italian
From a trombino a diminutive of tromba "trumpet" applied as an occupational name for a trumpeter or for someone who made trumpets.
Tromme Belgian, German (Swiss)
From low German meaning "drum".
Trommel Dutch
From Dutch meaning "drum".
Tromp Dutch
Occupational name for a musician derived from trompet "trumpet, horn", or possibly Middle Dutch tromme "drum".
Trotter English, Scottish, German
Northern English and Scottish: occupational name for a messenger, from an agent derivative of Middle English trot(en) 'to walk fast' (Old French troter, of Germanic origin). ... [more]
Troxel German
Roots of the German surname Troxel can be found in the region of Hesse, where the name originated. Troxel may be an occupational name, derived from the Middle High German word "truhsaesee," meaning "leader." In this case, Troxel would be a variation of the German surname Truchsess.
Troy Dutch
From a short form of the personal names Geertrui and Geertruida, Dutch forms of Gertrude... [more]
Troyer German (Anglicized)
Surname common among the Amish and the Mennonites. It is the Pennsylvania German form of the German last name "Dreier", "Dreyer" or "Treyer". Hans Treyer, an early Anabaptist leader, died as a martyr of his faith in Bern in 1529... [more]
Trump English
Metonymic occupational name for a trumpeter, from Middle English trumpe "trumpet".
Trumpfheller German
Means "drummer". From Middle High German trumbeler "drummer", from trumbe "drum" and the agent suffix -er.
Trương Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Zhang, from Sino-Vietnamese 張 (trương).
Truong Vietnamese
Simplified variant of Trương.
Trusty English
This is a late medieval occupation descriptive name given to a professional witness, in effect an early Solicitor, the name deriving from the Olde French "Attester" - one who testifies or vouches for a contract or agreement.
Tsab Hmong
Original Hmong form of Cha.
Tsarenko Ukrainian
Derived from царь (tsar')
Tsarev Russian
Means "son of an emperor" in Russian.
Tsaryova Russian
Someone who is a descendent of a person who worked for the Tsar or Emperor.
Tsimikas Greek
Occupational name for a chemist.
Tsugu Japanese (Rare)
Taugu means "sucession, inherit, continue".
Tsukasa Japanese
From Japanese 司 (tsukasa) meaning "official; director; manager".... [more]
Tsuryu Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 釣流 or 鉤流 (see Tsuryū).
Tsuryū Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 釣 (tsu), from 釣り (tsuri) meaning "fishing; angling" and 流 (ryū) meaning "flow of water, style", referring to a fisher.... [more]
Tsuryuh Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 釣流 or 鉤流 (see Tsuryū).
Tsuryuu Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 釣流 or 鉤流 (see Tsuryū).
Tüfekçi Turkish
Means "gunsmith" in Turkish.
Tulkki Finnish
Means "interpreter, translator" in Finnish.
Tumbrell English (Rare, Archaic)
Etymology uncertain. Possibly derived from Old English tumbrel, a kind of small, two-wheeled cart designed to be easily tipped over, or from a variant form of timbrel, a percussion instrument similar to a tambourine.
Tunnard English
Means "town herd", from Old English tun "town, enclosure, yard" and heord "a herd", an occupational name for someone who guarded the town’s cattle.
Tuppen English
It comes from people who shepherds. The word tup refers to a male sheep, and pen comes from where the sheep were kept. Tupping is a word used to refer to the mating of sheep and may also be related.
Türer German
Means "doormaker" in German, from German Tür "door".