Submitted Surnames from Occupations

Given Name   Occupation   Location   Nickname   Ornamental   Other
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Bushi Japanese
Bushi means "warrior, smaurai".
Busse German, English
German: variant of Buss. ... [more]
Bussemaker Dutch
Occupational name for a maker of boxes, tins or firearms, from Dutch bus "box, tin, container, firearm" and maker "maker".
Bustan Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Jewish
From Aramaic bustān meaning "garden". Perhaps someone who works or lives near a garden or an orchard.
Butkereit German (East Prussian)
Derived from Prussian-Lithuanian butkėrė (Standard Lithuanian butkėrė), a Balticized form of German Böttcher "cooper, barrel maker" combined with the East Prussian German patronymic suffix -eit.
Butter English, German
1. English: nickname for someone with some fancied resemblance to a bittern, perhaps in the booming quality of the voice, from Middle English, Old French butor ‘bittern’ (a word of obscure etymology)... [more]
Butterman Dutch
Occupational name for someone who made or sold butter.
Buttermann German
An occupational name for a dairyman or seller of dairy produce. See Butter.
Buttery English (British)
The baker in Old English.
Buttiġieġ Maltese
From Maltese bu t-tiġieġ literally meaning "father of chickens", referring to a poulterer or someone who owned chickens.
Buttigieg Maltese
Unaccented form of Buttiġieġ.
Büttner German
Occupational name for a cooper or barrel-maker, an agent derivative of Middle High German büte(n) "cask", "wine barrel". This name occurs chiefly in eastern German-speaking regions.
Buurman Dutch
From Old Dutch bur meaning "neighbour, resident" or "peasant, farmer" combined with man "person, man". Compare Baumann.
By Dutch
Variant form of De Bie. Alternatively, could derive from a place name.
Caan Scottish, German, Jewish
Altered spelling of Jewish Cohen, or probably denoted a person from the city of Aberdeen in Scotland. Famous bearers of this surname include American actor James Caan (1940-2022), as well as his son Scott Caan (1976-), also a noted actor.
Caba Spanish, Catalan
Variant of Cava.
Caballo Spanish, Spanish (Latin American)
Derived from the Spanish word cabello, ultimately derived from the Latin word caballus, meaning "horse". This denoted someone who worked in a farm that took care of horses, or someone who had personality traits attributed to a horse, such as energetic behaviour.
Cabell Catalan, English, German
As a Catalan name, a nickname for "bald" from the Spanish word cabello. The English name, found primarily in Norfolk and Devon, is occupational for a "maker or seller of nautical rope" that comes from a Norman French word... [more]
Cabeza De Vaca Spanish
Literally translates to "cow's head" or "head of a cow". It is likely an occupational name for someone who was associated with cows or cattle, perhaps as a rancher or butcher. Alternatively, it could also have been used to describe someone with a thick-headed or stubborn personality.
Cable English
English: metonymic occupational name for a maker of rope, especially the type of stout rope used in maritime applications, from Anglo-Norman French cable ‘cable’ (Late Latin capulum ‘halter’, of Arabic origin, but associated by folk etymology with Latin capere ‘to seize’).... [more]
Cacciatore Italian
Derived from Italian cacciatore meaning "hunter, huntsman", ultimately derived from cacciare meaning "to hunt".
Caesar Ancient Roman, English
An Ancient Roman political title that indicated a military leader. A famous bearer was Julius Caesar, Roman general, dictator, and politician. In modern times, the surname is used to refer to an individual with a tyrannical attitude, which references the connotative meaning of the word "caesar", meaning "a dictator".
Cage English
from Middle English, Old French meaning "cage, enclosure". Denoting someone who lived by or was the keeper of a cage, in the sense "lock-up, prison for petty offenders".
Caird Scottish
Derived from Scottish Gaelic ceard meaning "craftsman, artist mechanic, travelling tinker".
Cajöri Romansh
Derived from Romansh casa "house" and, by extension, "household, family" and the given name Jöri.
Cajucom Tagalog
From Tagalog kahukom meaning "judge".
Cake English
From the Middle English cake denoting a flat loaf made from fine flour (Old Norse kaka), hence a metonymic occupational name for a baker who specialized in fancy breads. It was first attested as a surname in the 13th century (Norfolk, Northamptonshire).
Calamari Italian
From Latin calamarius "relating to a writing reed, ink pen", a name for a scribe, or perhaps a fisherman from the Italian descendant calamaro "squid, calamari".
Caldeira Portuguese
Name given to a maker of kettles or other cooking vessels.
Caldeira Portuguese
Portuguese cognate of Caldera.
Caldeirao Portuguese
From Portuguese meaning "cauldron".
Calderone Italian
From the Latin word Caldaria "cauldron". Given to someone who worked as a tinker or tinsmith. Italian cognitive of Calderón.
Calero Spanish
Metonymic occupational name for a burner or seller of lime, from calero ‘lime’.
Calger Romansh
Derived from Romansh chalger "cobbler; shoemaker".
Callender English
Occupational name for a person who finished freshly woven cloth by passing it between heavy rollers to compress the weave. From Old Franch calandrier, calandreur.
Calliari Italian (Latinized, Archaic)
This is an Italian surname, in the north of Italy. Calliari is the result of the deformation of the graphically Calligari, where you can clearly see excision of the letter or character D, which is located in the middle of the surname... [more]
Calvez Breton
From Breton kalvez meaning "carpenter".
Calzadilla Spanish
habitational name from any of the places called (La) Calzadilla, named with a diminutive of calzada 'paved road'
Cámara Spanish
Occupational name for a courtier or servant who could access the private quarters of a king or noble, from Spanish cámara meaning "room, chamber".
Câmara Portuguese
Portuguese cognate of Cámara.
Cambareri Italian
Variant of Cammareri, an occupational name from Sicilian cammareri meaning "servant".
Camerlengo Italian
From Italian camerlengo "chamberlain".
Camilleri Maltese, Italian
Derived from Italian cammelliere meaning "camel driver".
Cammareri Sicilian, Italian
Means "servant, waiter" in Sicilian.
Cancino Spanish, South American
A name for a person who first held the position of Chancellor.
Cancio Spanish
A name for a person who first held the position of Chancellor.
Cancrini Italian
Diminutive of Cancro.
Cancro Italian
Derived from Italian cancro "cancer". Probably an occupational name for a person who catches, cooks, sells crabs.
Candela Spanish, Italian, Sicilian, Catalan
Either an occupational name for a chandler (a candle maker or candle seller) or a nickname for a tall thin person, derived from candela meaning "candle" (from Latin candela).
Candy English
perhaps from Middle English candi "crystallized cane sugar" (via French from Persian qand "sugar") and used as a metonymic occupational name for a sugar merchant... [more]
Cane English
From the English word meaning "cane, reed", a nickname for someone tall and thin, or perhaps an occupational name for someone who gathered reeds.
Canela Spanish
Derived from the word 'canela' meaning cinnamon in Spanish. It Could also be a variant of the Catalan surname Candela.
Canella Italian
Probably a variant spelling of Cannella.
Cannavaro Italian
Probably from a nickname used to refer to rope makers or hemp growers. This surname is most famously borne by brothers Fabio (1973–) and Paolo Cannavaro (1981–), former football players.
Cannella Italian
Diminutive form of canna "cane, reed, pipe", possibly a nickname for a tall, thin person, or perhaps taken directly from cannella "cinnamon (spice)" as a metonymic name for a spice merchant.
Cant English
Means "singer in a chantry chapel", or from a medieval nickname for someone who was continually singing (in either case from Old Northern French cant "song").
Cantor Spanish
Occupational name for a singer.
Cantore Italian
From cantore "cantor, singer", itself from Latin canto "sing; enchant, call forth by charms".
Canul Yucatec Maya
Means "protector" in Mayan.
Caparas Pampangan
Derived from Pampangan para's meaning "hot, spicy", possibly used as an occupational name for a cook.
Capdevila Catalan
From Catalan cap meaning "chief, head" and de vila meaning "of the town".
Capelle French, English, Dutch, Flemish
French topographic name for someone living by a chapel, from a regional variant of chapelle "chapel" (compare Chapell 2), or a habitational name from any of several places named La Capelle... [more]
Caplan Jewish
Variant of Kaplan
Caplin English
Means "singer in a chantry chapel" (from Old Northern French capelain, a variant of standard Old French chapelain (cf. Chaplin)).
Caporale Italian, Sicilian
From caporale, meaning "corporal"
Cappellano Italian
From cappellano "chaplain".
Capra Italian
From the Latin word capra meaning "nanny goat." This was a name originally borne by shepherds / goat herders.
Capraro Italian
Occupational name for a goatherd, derived from Italian capra meaning "goat".
Caprio Italian
from Latin caprae ‘goats’ or possibly from Greek kapros "(wild) boar" and so a metonymic occupational name for a goatherd or swineherd or a nickname for someone thought to resemble a goat or boar.
Caraballo Spanish
Occupational name for a knight or a knight's servant.
Caradine English, German (Anglicized)
Americanized form of German Gardein, itself a Germanized spelling of French Jardin. It could also denote someone from the village and civil parish of Carden in Cheshire, England.
Caramella Italian
Name given to a chalumeau player. Italian version of the French surname Caramelle.
Caramelle French
Name given to a chalumeau player, derived from the old French chalemel, calamel or chalemie, which in turn were derived from the Latin word calamus meaning "reed". Italian variations of the surname are: Caramella, Caramelli, Caramello (diminutive: Caramellino) and Caramelo.
Carandang Filipino, Tagalog
Occupational name for someone who dried things using fire, derived from Tagalog dangdang meaning "heating, toasting, drying through exposure to fire or glowing coals".
Caraway English
Probably means "spice merchant" (from Middle English carewei "caraway").
Carbonaro Italian
From carbonaro "charcoal burner".
Carbrey Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Ó Cairbre and Mac Cairbre meaning "descendant of Cairbre", a given name meaning "charioteer".
Card English
English: metonymic occupational name for someone who carded wool (i.e. disentangled it), preparatory to spinning, from Middle English, Old French card(e) ‘carder’, an implement used for this purpose... [more]
Cardamone Italian
Occupational name for a spicer.
Carden English
Derived from Middle English cardoon "wild thistle, artichoke thistle". Could be a nickname for someone who carded wool (which was originally done with thistles), for a person who lived near a thistle patch, or for a prickly and unapproachable person... [more]
Cardenal Spanish, Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish cognitive of Cardinal. This surname is common in Nicaragua.
Cardinal English, French
from Middle English, Old French cardinal "cardinal", a church dignitary (Latin cardinalis, originally an adjective meaning "crucial")... [more]
Cardinale Italian, Italian (Tuscan), French, English
Italian cognate of Cardinal, as well as an English and French variant. A known bearer is the Italian actress Claudia Cardinale (1938-).
Cardon French
from the name of several places in southern France called (Le) Cardon. Or from Old Norman French cardon "thistle" (a diminutive of carde from Latin carduus) hence a topographic name for someone who lived on land overgrown with thistles an occupational name for someone who carded wool (originally a process carried out with thistles and teasels) or perhaps a nickname for a prickly and unapproachable person... [more]
Care English
Occupational name for a locksmith, Middle English keyere, kayer, an agent derivative of keye.
Carganico Italian
Possibly from cargar, an Italic descendent of Latin carrico "to load", indicating someone who carried or loaded items for transport for a living.
Ĉaristo Esperanto
Occupational name for a charioteer, from ĉaro, meaning "a chariot, wagon, or cart", and -isto, a suffix used for professions.
Carlan Irish
Anglicized form of Irish O'Carlain or O'Caireallain, from the Irish carla meaning a "wool-comb" and an meaning "one who" which roughly translates as "one who combs wool"... [more]
Carneiro Portuguese, Galician
Means "ram" in Portuguese and Galician, either used as an occupational name for a shepherd or a habitational name for someone from any of various places called Carneiro.
Carnell English
A crossbowman or archer who protected castles and fortresses.
Carosella Italian
From carosello "carousel, merry-go-round", possibly a nickname for a farmer, as a carousel was an allotment of grain collected by farmers. Also a type of jousting tournament.
Carpenito Italian
This surname derives from a person who had worked as a "carpenter".
Carpentieri Italian
Italian cognate of Carpenter, from carpentiere "carpenter".
Carpintero Spanish
Means "carpenter" in Spanish.
Carradine English, German (Anglicized)
Variant spelling of Caradine. This name is borne by members of the Carradine family of actors, notably the American actor John Carradine (1906-1988).
Carreau French
Variant of Carrel. It could also be a habitational name from several places named Carreau in France.
Carrel French
French: from Old French quar(r)el ‘bolt (for a crossbow)’, hence a metonymic occupational name for a maker of crossbow bolts or a nickname for a short, stout man. The word also meant ‘paving slab’, and so it could also have been a metonymic occupational name for a street layer... [more]
Carrell English
English: from Old French carrel, ‘pillow’, ‘bolster’, hence a metonymic occupational name for a maker of these. In some cases perhaps an altered spelling of Irish Carroll... [more]
Carrier English
An occupational name meaning someone who transports goods.
Carrier French
From carrier, "quarrier, someone who works in a quarry". cf Carrara.
Cartier French, Norman
Original Norman French form of Carter. A notable bearer was Breton-French explorer Jacques Cartier (1491-1557), who is known for discovering the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Cartman English
Originally referred to a man who worked with a cart. A famous bearer is Eric Cartman from the adult cartoon South Park
Cartof Romanian
From Romanian meaning "potato". Possibly given to someone who sells or raise potatoes.
Carville French, Irish
As a French location name it comes from a settlement in Normandy. As an Irish name it derives from a word for "warrior".
Carvoeiro Portuguese
Derived from the Portuguese word "carvão," which means "coal." It likely originated as a surname for someone who worked with or lived near coal, or it could have been a nickname based on physical characteristics or personal attributes associated with coal.
Casella Italian
From casa "house" (Latin casa "hut, cottage, cabin"), perhaps originally denoting the occupier of the most distinguished house in a village. Italian chef Cesare Casella (1960 - ) is one such bearer of this name.
Caslari Jewish (Archaic), Judeo-Provençal, Judeo-Catalan, Judeo-French
Abraham ben David Caslari was a Catalan-Jewish physician. Abraham Caslari (presumably a different man) is also listed in the index of known Jews in France in the late middle ages in the book Judaia Gallica by Heinrich Gross.
Cassel English, French, German
A surname derived from the Latin military term castellum "watchtower, fort". A variant spelling of the word castle. Denoted someone hailing from the commune of Cassel in the Nord départment in northern France or the city of Kassel (spelled Cassel until 1928) in Germany... [more]
Castagna Italian
From Italian castagna "chestnut" (from Latin castanea) for someone who worked with chestnuts... [more]
Catapano Italian
Means "catapan, governor of a catepanate", ultimately from Byzantine Greek κατεπάνω (katepánō) "(the one) placed at the top, or the topmost".
Catching English
Likely a variant of Kitchen.
Catchpole English
Meant "bailiff, especially (originally) one who could seize domestic animals in lieu of tax or debt" (from Anglo-Norman cachepol, from cacher "to chase" + pol "chicken").
Cauchon French, Norman, Picard
Metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of slippers, derived from French chausson literally meaning "slipper".
Cava Italian, Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese
From cava ‘cave’, ‘cellar’ (from Latin cavea), hence a metonymic occupational name for someone employed in the wine cellars of a great house, a topographic name for someone who lived in or near a cave, or a habitational name from any of numerous places named with this word.
Cavadenti Italian
From Italian cava ("to extract, to pull out") and denti ("teeth"), an occupational name for a dentist.
Cavagnaro Italian
Means "basket-weaver."
Cavalcanti Italian
Means "riding" in Italian. An occupational surname for people who worked with horses.
Cavalera Italian
A bearer of this name is Brazilian metal musician Max Cavalera, whose father was Italian.
Cavaleri Italian, Sicilian
occupational name from Sicilian cavaleri "rider mounted soldier knight". It was also used as a patrician title. See Cavaliere.
Cavallaro Italian, Sicilian
either a variant under Spanish influence of Cavaliere or an occupational name for a keeper or dealer in horses Sicilian cavaddaru.
Cavallini Italian
The surname comes from the words "cavallaro," which means a horse dealer; or from "cavalieri," meaning a horseman, rider or knight.
Cave Norman, French, English
A name of various possible origins. As a Norman French name Cave can mean "bald" from cauf or it can mean "worker in a wine cellar" or "one who dwelt in or near a cave". As an English name Cave refers to a Yorkshire river whose fast current inspired the name meaning "swift".
Cayabyab Pangasinan, Tagalog
From Pangasinan and Tagalog kayabyab denoting a person who pounded rice grains with a pestle in a mortar.
Caylor English
Anglicized form of Kaylor.
Cazan Romanian
From Romanian meaning "cauldron".
Cdebaca American (Hispanic)
Altered form of the surname Cabeza De Vaca, meaning "cow's head" or "head of a cow".
Ceasar African American, German (Americanized)
Possibly derived from the given name Ceasar (a variant of Caesar), or an Americanized form of German Zieser.
Ceaușescu Romanian (Rare)
Derived from Romanian ceauș "doorman, courier, usher" (ultimately derived from Ottoman Turkish çavuş "messenger, sergeant"). A notable bearer of the surname is the infamous Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu.
Ceesay Western African, Manding
Gambian surname of Mandinka origin, which originally indicated a descendant of a marabout, i.e. a West African Muslim teacher and religious leader.... [more]
Čelar Serbian, Croatian
Derived from čelar (челар), meaning "beekeeper".
Čeliković Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian "čelik", ultimately from Turkish çelik, meaning "steel". The -ović suffix is a patronym.
Cena Italian
Derived from Latin meaning "dinner, meal, supper". Possibly an occupational name for a cook or a waiter. In an alternative representation, it could be given to someone who's known for hosting or being involved in meals or dinners, or may have given this surname to an illegitimate child who was not welcomed at the dinner table.
Cena Polish
From Polish meaning "price". Possibly an occupational name for a trader or dealer.
Cera Spanish, Italian, Catalan, Sicilian
Metonymic occupational name for a wax seller, derived from Latin cera meaning "wax". A famous bearer of this surname is Canadian actor and musician Michael Cera (1988-).
Cerise French, Italian
Italian habitational name from La Cerise or Torrent-La Cerise placenames in Valle d'Aosta from French cerise "cherry"; and French occupational name from cerise "cherry" (from Latin cerasus) applied as a metonymic occupational name for someone who grew or sold cherries.
Cerojano Filipino
Filipino form of the Spanish Cirujano.
Cerrajero Spanish
Occupational name for a locksmith.
Cespedes Spanish
From the plural of cesped "peat", "turf" (Latin caespes, genitive caespitis), applied as a habitational name from a place named Céspedes (for example in Burgos province) or named with this word, or a topographic name for someone who lived by an area of peat, or possibly as a metonymic occupational name for someone who cut and sold turf.
Cestare English (American, Modern)
There is a similar name, Sastre, which is the Spanish form of the surname Sarto, meaning "tailor." The name CESTARE is phonetically similar to Sastre and could be a derivative of that name.... [more]
Cestaro Italian
From cesta "basket" and the suffix -aro, an occupational name for a basket maker.
Cha Hmong
From the clan name Tsab or Tsaab associated with the Chinese character 張 (zhāng) (see Zhang).
Chaban Ukrainian
Means "sheep herder".
Chadhari Indian, Gujarati
Variant transcription of Chaudhary.
Chage Japanese
From Japanese 茶下 (chage) meaning "giver of tea". A notable bearer is Japanese musician Shūji Shibata (1958-), whose stage name is Chage.
Chait Jewish
Jewish occupational name derived from the Hebrew word חייט‎ meaning "tailor".
Chakkiliyan Indian, Telugu
It is a Telugu name, denoting "cobblers" and "leatherworkers".
Challinor English
Occupational name for a blanket maker, derived from Middle English chaloun "blanket", itself derived from the French city of Châlons-sur-Marne (now Châlons-en-Champagne), where blankets were made in the Middle Ages.
Chamanara Persian
Occupational name for a gardener, derived from Persian چمن (chaman) meaning "lawn, meadow" and آرا (ara) meaning "arrange, decorate".
Chamberlin French
French cognate of Chamberlain. Occupational name for an official in charge of the private chambers of his master from Old French chamberlenc "chamberlain".
Champlin Belgian, English
Means Champion, was a family name in Belgium, a status and influence that was envied by the princes of the region.... [more]
Chan English (Modern, Rare)
Shortened form of Chandler used by lolcow Christian Weston Chandler (1982-), who goes by the nickname Chris-Chan, most likely influenced by the Japanese diminutive suffix ちゃん (chan) commonly used in anime and manga fandom.
Chang Korean
Variant romanization of Jang.
Chantry English
Means "singer in a chantry chapel" or "one who lives by a chantry chapel". A chantry was a type of chapel, one endowed for the singing of Masses for the soul of the founder (from Old French chanterie, from chanter "to sing").
Chapa Spanish
An occupational name for a metalworker meaning "metal sheet", amongst other things. It may also come from the name of a place in Galicia, Spain, or the Basque word and oak bush, "chaparro".
Chapdelaine French
Compound name derived from Old French chape meaning "hooded cloak, cape, hat" and de laine meaning "of wool", probably applied as a metonymic occupational name for a maker of such apparel, or as a nickname for someone who wore a distinctive cloak or hat.
Chapeaux Literature
From the French word 'chapeaux', which means 'hats'.
Chapel French
Occupational name for a maker of cloaks or a nickname for a person who wore a distinctive cloak, from a diminutive of Old French chape meaning "cape, cloak".
Chapin French, Spanish
From a reduced form of French eschapin or Spanish chapín, a term for a light (woman's) shoe; perhaps a nickname for someone who habitually wore this type of footwear or possibly a metonymic occupational name for a shoemaker.
Chaplyn English
son of chaplain or servant of chaplain
Chapuis French
Occupational name from Old French chapuis "carpenter joiner" a derivative of chapuiser "to cut" (from Late Latin cappulare)... [more]
Char French
Name for someone who works as a carter, from French char "cart, carriage".
Char Arabic
French-influenced spelling of Shaar. Borne by both Muslims and Christians.
Char Indian
Name from Sanskrit āčārya "teacher, spiritual guide". Originated among Brahmins, members of the highest caste in Hindu society, who traditionally serve as priests and teachers.
Charbonnier French
Occupation for a charcoal burner.
Chariot French
Means "cart" in French. Perhaps an occupational name for a cartwright or a carter.
Charlier French, Walloon
Occupational name for a cartwright wheelwright from Old French charrelier a derivative of charrel "cart" a diminutive of char "cart carriage".
Charodeev Russian
Patronymic surname derived from Russian чародей (charodey) meaning "wizard, sorcerer, magician, enchanter".
Charretier French
French form of Carter.
Charrette French
Derived from Old French char(r)ete "small cart", itself a diminutive of char "cart carriage".
Charrue French
French for "cartwright."
Chartier French
An occupational name for a carter from an agent derivative of Old French charette "cart".
Chasen Jewish
From the Hebrew חזן "cantor".
Chasseur French
From French meaning "hunter".
Châtelain French
from châtelain "lord (of the manor)" Old French chastelain (from Latin castellanus a derivative of castellum "castle") applied either as a status name for the governor or constable of a castle or as an ironic nickname.
Chatelaine French
A chatelaine is the mistress of a wealthy house or a castle.... [more]
Chattapadhyay Bengali
Alternate transcription of Bengali চট্টোপাধ্যায় (see Chattopadhyay).
Chattopadhyay Bengali
From Chatta, the name of a village, and Sanskrit उपाध्याय (upadhyaya) meaning "teacher, instructor".
Chaucer English
Meaning a "worker who makes leggings or breeches". Notable bearer is author Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400), most well known for his classic 'The Canterbury Tales'.
Chaudari Indian, Telugu
Variant transcription of Chaudhary used in Southern India.
Chaudary Urdu
Variant transcription of Chaudhary.
Chaudhry Indian, Hindi, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Chaudhary.
Chaudron French
From french meaning "cauldron".
Chaugule Marathi
Derived from Marathi चौगुला (chaugula) meaning "village officer".
Chawdhuri Indian, Bengali, Assamese
Variant transcription of Chaudhary.
Chawdhury Bengali
Variant transcription of Chaudhary.
Cheeseman English
Occupational name for a maker or seller of cheese.
Cheever English
Means "goatherd", or from a medieval nickname for someone thought to resemble a goat (e.g. in capriciousness) (in either case from Anglo-Norman chivere "goat"). It was borne by American author John Cheever (1912-1982).
Chekan Ukrainian, Russian
A chekan is an old cavalry weapon. Denoted to someone who made or used chekans.
Chemla Jewish (Sephardic)
Derived from Arabic ﺷﻤﻠﺔ (shamlah) meaning "cloak, mantle", probably used as a name for someone who wore, made or sold cloaks.
Chentsov Russian
From chenets, meaning "monk".
Cheong Chinese (Hakka), Chinese (Cantonese)
Hakka and Cantonese romanization of Zhang.
Cherenkov m Russian
Derived from Russian черенок (čerenók) "handle, hilt", denoting a tall, thin person or a maker of such handles. Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov (1904-1990) was a Soviet physicist who shared the Nobel Prize in physics in 1958 with Ilya Frank and Igor Tamm for the discovery of Cherenkov radiation, made in 1934.
Chérif Arabic (Maghrebi), Western African
Form of Sharif used in North Africa and parts of French-influenced western Africa.
Chettiar Indian, Tamil, Malayalam
Refers to a member of any of the various South Indian castes of traders, businessmen, and merchants. The name itself may be from the Tamil honorific எட்டி (eṭṭi) or from a Sanskrit word meaning "wealth".
Chevrier French
Occupational name for a goatherd from an agent derivative of chèvre "goat" (from Latin capra "nanny goat").
Chevron French
From French chèvre meaning "goat", indicating a person who cultivated goats.
Chiapello Italian
Possibly connected to chiappare "to catch, to trap", a nickname for a hunter. Alternately, may be an elaborate form of Chiappa.
Chiodi Italian
From Italian chiodo "nail", probably given to someone who made or sold nails.
Chokhov m Yakut
From Yakut чох (chokh), meaning "coal". Probably denoted to someone who either lived by coal, or worked with coal.
Choquette French
Altered spelling of French Choquet, a Picard form of Old French soquet, which was the term for a tax on wines and foodstuffs, hence a metonymic occupational name for a collector of such taxes.
Choudhry Indian, Hindi, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Chaudhary.
Choudry Urdu, Punjabi
Urdu and Punjabi form of Chaudhary.
Chougule Marathi
Alternate transcription of Marathi चौगुले (see Chaugule).
Chowdary Indian, Telugu, Tamil
Variant of Chaudhary used in Southern India.
Chowdhary Indian, Bengali
Alternate transcription of Chaudhary.
Chowdhry Indian, Hindi, Bengali
Alternate transcription of Chaudhary.
Chrysler German, Jewish
From a German name referring to spinning or related to a Yiddish word, krayzl meaning "spinning top." The name can refer to a potter who spun a wheel to make utensils or to a person with curly hair or someone known for being continually active... [more]
Chuckler Indian, Telugu
Telugu occupational name for a leather worker, a job historically considered spiritually polluting and impure in India, where the surname belongs to Dalit, or "Untouchables" - members of the lowest caste.
Chung Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Zhang.
Churchward English
Occupational name for a churchwarden, someone who handled the secular affairs of a parish.
Ciabattino Italian
Italian for "cobbler."
Ciaramitaro Italian
From Sicilian ciaramidaru "roof tile maker, potter", ultimately from Ancient Greek κέραμος (keramos) "potter's clay, pottery, tile".
Ciavarella Italian
From Sicilian ciavaredda "goat kid", an occupational name for a goatherd, or perhaps a nickname based on the bearer's appearance or behaviour.
Ciavatta Italian
From ciabatta "slippers", a nickname for a cobbler, or someone known for dressing casually.
Cidro Spanish (Philippines)
From Spanish meaning "citrus fruit". Possibly an occupational name for someone who sells or raise citrus fruits.
Cieśla Polish
Derived from Polish cieśla "carpenter".
Cieślak Polish
Derived from Polish cieśla "carpenter".
Çiftçi Turkish
Means "farmer" in Turkish.
Ciminelli Italian
Diminutive of Cimino
Ciminello Italian
Diminutive of Cimino
Ciminera Italian
from a dialect variant of ciminiera "chimney" hence a metonymic occupational name for someone who built chimneys or worked a furnace oven or kiln with a chimney or a nickname for a tall thin person.
Cimino Italian
Occupational name for a spice dealer, from cimino "cumin", Sicilian ciminu.
Cimpoieru Romanian
Occupation surname originating from bagpipe players; Romanian version of Piper
Ciobotaru Romanian
Occupational name from Romanian ciubotar meaning "shoemaker".
Ciocca Italian
The origin has to do with hair
Cipolla Italian
Means "onion" in Italian, given to someone who farmed onions, or perhaps a nickname for someone who resembled an onion in some way.
Cirujano Spanish, Filipino
Means "surgeon" in Spanish, used for someone who was a surgeon by profession.
Cissé Western African, Manding (Gallicized)
Variant of Ceesay used in parts of French-influenced western Africa.
Citarella Neapolitan
Occupational name for someone who made or played a guitar, derived from chitarra or catarra "guitar".
Citro Italian
From Italian meaning "citrus fruit". Possibly an occupational name for someone who sells or raise any citrus fruit.
Citroën French
Either a variant of Citron or a cognate of Citroen.
Citron French, Venetian
Ultimately from Latin citrum meaning "lemon, citrus fruit". Possibly an occupational name for someone who sells or raise lemons or any citrus fruit.
Citrone English, Italian
Ultimately from Latin citrum meaning "lemon, citrus fruit". Possibly an occupational name for someone who sells or raise lemons or any citrus fruit.
Clarey Irish
Anglicized form of Ó Cléirigh and variant of O'Clery and Cleary.
Clarks English
Variant of Clark.
Clavel Spanish
Metonymic occupational name for a spice trader or a nail maker, derived from Spanish clavel or Catalan clavell meaning "nail", later also "clove", itself a derivative of Latin clavellus "nail".
Clavel French
Metonymic occupational name for a nail maker, ultimately from Latin clavellus "nail", but in some cases possibly from the same word in the sense "smallpox, rash". A fictional bearer is Miss Clavel, a nun and teacher in Ludwig Bemelmans's 'Madeline' series of children's books (introduced in 1939).
Claver English, Catalan
occupational name from Old French clavier Catalan claver "keeper of the keys doorkeeper" (from Latin clavarius from clavis "key").
Clebsch Germanic
Means "baker" in Old Prussian.
Clegg English
From Old Norse kleggi 'haystack'
Clerc French
Occupational or status name for a member of a minor religious order or for a scholar Old French clerc from Late Latin clericus from Greek klerikos a derivative of kleros "inheritance legacy" with reference to the priestly tribe of Levites (see Levy ) "whose inheritance was the Lord"... [more]
Clerico Italian
Occupational or status name for a member of a minor religious order or for a scholar from Late Latin clericus (see Clerc ). Italian cognitive of Clark.
Clerk English
Variant spelling of Clark.
Clevenger English
Occupational name for a keyholder derived from the word claviger, itself from Latin claviger meaning "key-bearer".
Clinger English (American)
Americanized spelling of German Klinger.Possibly a variant of Clinker. an English occupational name for a maker or fixer of bolts and rivets.
Clutterbuck English
English surname of unknown origin, possibly a corrupted form of a Dutch surname derived from Dutch klateren "to clatter" and beek "brook", or from klateren and bok "buck, billy goat", or from an older form of kladboek meaning "account book, minute book".