Submitted Surnames from Other Sources

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kılık Turkish
Means "appearance, attire, dress" in Turkish.
Kılınç Turkish
Variant spelling of Kılıç.
Killian Irish (Anglicized, Modern), German
Meaning "little church". From cill (Irish for "church") and -ín, a Gaelic diminutive.
Killmonger African
The name (last name) of the villain in Black Panther, played by Michael B. Jordan.
Kilonzo Eastern African
Meaning unknown.
Kilroy English
"Kilroy was here" was a phrase widely written up on walls by American service personnel in the UK during World War II. The identity of the probably mythical Kilroy has been much debated (one theory is that he was a shipyard inspector of Quincy, Massachusetts, who chalked the phrase on material he had checked).
Kim Khmer
Khmer variation of the chinese name "Jin"
Kimata Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood" and 俣 (mata) meaning "fork, crotch".
Kimba Luba
Best known as the international given name of a certain Tezuka character.
Kind German, Jewish, Dutch
From Middle High German kint, German Kind "child", hence a nickname for someone with a childish or naive disposition, or an epithet used to distinguish between a father and his son. In some cases it may be a short form of any of various names ending in -kind, a patronymic ending of Jewish surnames.
Kindem English
1 English: habitational name from a place in Derbyshire, of unknown etymology (probably a pre-English hill name, but the form is obscure).... [more]
Kindiki Meru, Eastern African
Kindiki has no known meaning.
Kindness English (Puritan)
Simply from the English abstract noun
Kingibe Kanuri, Nigerian
Meaning unavailable.
Kingsolver English (American)
Altered form of English Consolver, which is unexplained. Compare Kinsolving.
Kink Estonian
Kink is an Estonian surname meaning "bestowal" or "gift".
Kīnkamäg Livonian
Probably coming from the Livonian coast.
Kinsolving English
Altered form of English Consolver
Kinugasa Japanese
From Japanese 衣 (kinu) meaning "clothing, clothes" and 笠 (kasa) meaning "bamboo hat".
Kipp Estonian
Kipp is an Estonian surname derived from "kippama" meaning to "tilt", "rock" and "topple".
Kippasto Estonian
Kippasto is an Estonian surname derived from "kippama" meaning to "tilt", "rock" and "topple".
Kıral Turkish
Means "supreme leader" in Turkish
Kirdpan Thai
From Thai เกิด (koet) meaning "to become" and พันธุ์ (phan) meaning "breed; species; lineage".
Kirja Estonian
Kirja is an Estonian surname meaning "epistolary" (relating to the writing of letters).
Kirksey English
English: probably a habitational name from a lost or unidentified place. This surname is also common in the American South.
Kirschenbaum German
From German means "cherry tree".
Kirshenbaum German
Means "cherry tree".
Kirt Estonian
Kirt is an Estonian surname derived from "kirtsus" meaning "wrinkled" and "furrowed".
Kisaragi Japanese (Rare)
Old way to say February.
Kisaragi Japanese (Rare)
如月 (Kisaragi) can be translated as "February" and "second month of the lunar calendar" (obsolete term) and the kanji means (如月 = likeness; like; such as; as if; better; best; equal | month; moon)... [more]
Kishlansky Russian (?)
Mark Kishlansky was a historian.
Kisku Santali, Indian
Known as the surname of Rathin Kisku.
Kitsusu Kongo
The surname of a notable Congolese musician whose real first name was Philemon.
Kittell German (Anglicized), English
English: variant of Kettle. ... [more]
Kittirattanawiwat Thai (Rare)
From Thai กิตติ (kitti) meaning "fame; renown", รัตน (rattana) meaning "gem; jewel", and วิวัฒน์ (wiwat) of unknown meaning.
Kivikas Estonian
Kivikas is an Estonian surname derived from "kivikamakas" meaning "rock".
Kivinukk Estonian
Kivinukk is an Estonian surname meaning "stone doll".
Kiyofuji Japanese
From Japanese 清 (kiyo) meaning "clear, pure, clean" and 藤 (fuji) meaning "wisteria".
Kiyomizu Japanese
A variation of the popular surname Shimizu. 清 (Kiyo) means "Pure, Clean" and 水 (Mizu) means "Water".
Kiyoshi Japanese (Rare)
Means "pure, clean" in Japanese. It is more common as a given name (see Kiyoshi).
Kızılkaya Turkish
Means "red rock" in Turkish.
Kjuka Macedonian
Kjuka has its highest incidence in North Macedonia.
Klaar Estonian
Klaar is an Estonian surname meaning "clear" or "ready". Ultimately, from the German word "klar", meaning "clear".
Klahan Thai
Means "brave" in Thai.
Kļaviņš Latvian
Derived from the word kļava meaning "maple".
Klayn Jewish
Variant of Klein
Kleehammer German
Means "Cloverleaf hammer"
Kleffner German
Topographic name from Middle Low German clef, cleff "cliff", "precipice".
Kleinstein Romansh
Corruption of Klein's Thöni, itself a calque of Thöni Pitschen.
Kline American
Kline is one of the smaller groups of anglicized forms of the German surname Klein.... [more]
Kloda Polish, English
Maybe an anglicized form or a variant of Kłoda.
Klooster Estonian
Klooster is an Estonian surname meaning "cloister" and "abbey". Borrowed from Middle Low German "klôster"; ultimately from Medieval Latin "claustrum".
Kloss English (British)
Surname from the model, Karlie Kloss (1992-)
Klostermann German
Combination of "kloster" meaning "monastery," and common German suffix Mann.
Kluge German
Variant of Klug
Klumpp German
Variant of Klump.
Knabe German
German status name for a young man or a page, from Middle High German knabe (English knave). In aristocratic circles this term denoted a page or squire (a youth destined to become a knight), while among artisans it referred to a journeyman’s assistant or (as a short form of Lehrknabe) ‘apprentice’... [more]
Knape German
Variant of Knapp.
Knapke German
A relative of mine has said this surname means “over the hill” and that it is of German origin.... [more]
Knappe German
German variant of Knapp.
Knefac Slovak (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Uncommon surname from Burgenland, easternmost Austria.
Knie Swiss
A famous bearer is the Knie family, a Swiss circus dynasty that founded it in 1803. Today the circus is an enterprise with about 200 employees, operated by Frédy and Franco Knie and it is famous worldwide.
Knodel German
dweller near a hilltop; descendant of Knut (hill, or white-haired); a lumpish, thickset person.
Knutz German
Variant of Kuntz
Ko Korean
There is only one Chinese character for the surname Ko. There are ten different Ko clans, but they are all descended from the Ko clan of Cheju Island. There is no historical information regarding the founder of this clan, but there is a legend which tells of three men who appeared from a cave on the north side of Cheju Island’s Halla Mountain... [more]
Ko Chinese (Hakka), Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hakka, Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Ke.
Ko Japanese
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 神 (see ).
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 神 (see Jin).
Kobari Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" and 針 (hari) meaning "needle, pin".
Kobasigawa Japanese (Anglicized)
The more common form of Kobashigawa in the Western world.
Kobayakawa Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small", 早 (baya) meaning "fast" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river".
Koboldt German (Rare)
Derived from German Kobold (Middle High German kobolt) "kobold; hobgoblin; puck; imp".
Koch Jewish
Koch - which also has the meaning of Cook in German's origin was however not from that meaning. It origins are to be traced in the Jewish ancestory. The original meaning came from the word Star. Amongst the related surnames (with or without bar in front or a ba or similar appended) are: Koch, Kochba, Kok, Kock, Kuk, Coq, Coqui, Cook (as a translation from the perceived meaning of cook) and a host of others... [more]
Kochav Hebrew
Means "star" in Hebrew. Also compare Kochavi.
Köcher German
It literally means "quiver".
Koço Albanian
Variant of Koco.
Kocourek Czech
Diminutive meaning "tomcat".
Kocur Ukrainian
means "tom cat" or "male cat"
Kodaira Japanese
Ko means "small" and daira is a form of taira meaning "peace, level". ... [more]
Kodajima Japanese
From Japanese 古 (Ko) meaning "Old" and 田 (Ta, Da) meaning "Rice Field" and 島 (Shima) meaning "Island"
Kodály Hungarian
Hungarian surname.... [more]
Kodama Japanese
From Japanese 児 or 兒 (ko) meaning "child, young" and 玉 (tama) meaning "jewel, ball".
Kodama Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" and 玉 (tama) meaning "jewel, ball".
Kodzuchi Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small; little" and 土 (dzuchi), the joining form of 土 (tsuchi) meaning "earth; soil; mud, ground".
Koefoed Danish
Probably a Danish form of Dutch Koevoets. The name arrived on the Danish island Bornholm via Lübeck, Germany.
Koel Estonian
Koel is an Estonian surname meaning "weft" and "seal(ant)".
Koell Upper German (Rare)
(Koell) named used when came1880s to 1905 in America changed to( Kohl)... [more]
Koen Jewish
A variant of Cohen
Koga Japanese
From Japanese 古 (ko) meaning "old, past" and 賀 (ka) meaning "congratulate, greet, celebrate".
Kogai Korean (Russified)
Variant transcription of Kogay.
Kogălniceanu Romanian
Meaning unknown.
Kogane Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 黄金, 小金, 古金, 子金, 故金 or 小賀根 with 黄 (ou, kou, ki, ko-) meaning "yellow", 小 (shou, o-, ko-, sa-, chii.sai) meaning "little, small", 古 (ko, furu-, furu.i, -fu.rusu) meaning "old", 子 (shi, su, tsu, ko, -ko, -ne) meaning "child, sign of the rat (1st sign of Chinese zodiac", 故 (ko, furu.i, moto, yue) meaning "cause, circumstances, consequently, especially, happenstance, intentionally, reason, the late, therefore", 賀 (ga) meaning "congratulations, joy", 根 (kon, ne, -ne) meaning "head (pimple), radical, root" and 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold."... [more]
Kogay Korean (Russified)
Form of Ko used by ethnic Koreans living in former Soviet territories.
Koger German
South German: occupational name for a knacker, from an agent derivative of koge ‘carrion’.
Kōgi Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 鴻 () meaning "powerful, prosperous" and 戯 (gi) meaning "frolic".
Kogi Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Kōgi.
Kögltin Kalmyk
Kögltin has no known meaning.
Koh Japanese
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 神 (see ).
Kohira Japanese
A variant of Kodaira.... [more]
Kohli Indian
Derived from the Khatri clan of the Punjab state of India.
Kohvakka Finnish
from the Finnish root word Kohva - meaning ice crust, frozen slush, or something hard... [more]
Kohver Estonian
Kohver is an Estonian surname meaning "suitcase", "trunk" and "coffer".
Koichi Japanese
The Surname "Koichi" translates to "Small Market"
Koigakubo Japanese
Koi means "love", ga is a language particle, ku means "long time ago, lasting" and bo means "guarantee, protect".
Koik Estonian
Koik is an Estonian surname meaning "all".
Koivunen Finnish
From Finnish koivu meaning "birch" and the suffix -nen.
Koiwai Japanese
From 小 (ko) meaning "little, small" combined with 岩 (iwa) meaning "stone" and 井 (i) meaning "pit, mineshaft, well" or 祝 (iwai) meaning "blessing, celebrate, congratulations".
Kōja Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 紅 () meaning "crimson; vivid red" and 蛇 (ja) meaning "snake; serpent".
Koja Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 紅蛇 (see Kōja).
Kök Turkish
Means "root, origin" in Turkish.
Koki Japanese
This surname combines 古 (ko, furu-, furu.i, -fu.rusu) meaning "old" or 小 (shou, o-, ko-, sa-, chii.sai) meaning "little, small" with 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood."
Kokonoe Japanese (Rare)
From 九重 (kokonoe) meaning "ninefold."... [more]
Kokotović Croatian, Serbian
From the Slavic word kokot meaning "rooster, cock".
Koks Estonian
Koks is an Estonian surname meaning "coke" or "charred coal".
Kokubo Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small", 久 (ku) meaning "long time ago" and 保 (ho) meaning "protect".
Kole English
Variant of Cole.
Kolettis Greek
The Greek version of the Italian surname Coletti. A significant person with that name was Ioannis Kolettis, prime minister of Greece.
Kolga Estonian
Kolga is an Estonian surname derived from "kolgas" meaning "back country", "province", and "hinterland".
Kõllo Estonian
Kõllo is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "kõlu" meaning "shells".
Kollodzieyski Polish (Rare)
Best known as the surname of a certain composer called Walter Kollo.