All Submitted Surnames

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Tolomeo Italian
From a personal name which was either a short form of Bartolomeo or an Italian form of the Greek Ptolemaios.
Tölp Estonian
Tölp is an Estonian surname meaning "dock-tailed", "tailless", "short", "scanty", "dull", and "dim-witted".
Tolstenko Ukrainian
Derieved from Russian толстый (tolstyy) meaning "fat".
Tolstoy Russian
Means "fat" from Russian толстый (tolstyy) meaning "thick, stout, fat". This was the name of a Russian family of nobility; a notable member was Count Lev "Leo" Tolstoy (1828-1910), a Russian writer.
Tolton English, Irish
habitational name possibly from either of two places called Tollerton in Nottinghamshire and North Yorkshire. The first is named from the Old Norse personal name Þórleifr and Old English tun "settlement, enclosure"; the second is from Old English tolnere "tax gatherers" and tun.
Tołwiński Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Podlachian village of Tołwin.
Tom Chinese
Common Chinese name
Tomabechi Japanese
From Japanese 苫 (toma) meaning "woven mat", 米 (me) meaning "rice" and 地 (chi) meaning "earth, land".
Tomahawk Sioux
The name comes from Powhatan tamahaac, derived from the Proto-Algonquian root *temah- 'to cut off by tool'. Algonquian cognates include Lenape təmahikan, Malecite-Passamaquoddy tomhikon, Abenaki demahigan, all of which mean "axe".
Toman Czech
Toman is nickname of name Tomas.
Tòmas Scottish
From the given name Tòmas.
Tomás Spanish, Portuguese, Irish
From the given name Tomás.
Tomáš Czech, Slovak
From the given name Tomáš.
Tomas Lithuanian, Polish
From the given name Tomas.
Tomaš Serbian, Croatian, Sorbian, German
From the given name Tomaš.
Tomaschett Romansh
Derived from an archaic diminutive of the given name Tumasch.
Tomašević Serbian, Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Tomaš".
Tomasi Italian
From the given name Tomaso.
Tomasik Polish
Means "son of Tomas".
Tomaso Italian
From the given name Tomaso.
Tómassdóttir Icelandic
Means "daughter of Tómas" in Icelandic.
Tomasy Malagasy
From the given name Tomasy.
Tomasyk Czech
Czech and Slovak (Tomášek) and German (under Slavic influence): from a pet form of the personal name, Czech Tomáš ( see Thomas ).
Tomaszek Polish
From the given name Tomasz.
Tomasży Polish
Comes from the personal name Tomasz and any other name that relates to that name.
Tomatsu Japanese
From the Japanese 戸 (to or do) "door," "shutter" and 松 (matsu) "pine tree."
Tombaugh German
topographic name from to dem bach ‘at the creek’, perhaps a hybrid form as Bach is standard German, bek(e) being the Low German form. habitational name from places in Hesse, Baden, and Bavaria called Dombach (earlier Tunbach, from tun, tan ‘mud’).
Tombros Greek
From the Slavic word (dobr), good, honest.
Tombura Zande, Central African
Tombura is of unknown etymology.
Tomczyk Polish
Derived from the given name Tomek.
Tomé Portuguese
From the given name Tomé.
Tomei Italian
Patronymic form of Tomeo. Famous bearers include American actresses Marisa Tomei (1964-) and Concetta Tomei (1945-).
Tomek Czech
Comes from a pet form of the personal name Tomáš.
Tomeo Italian
From a short form of the given name Bartolomeo.
Tomer Hebrew
From the given name Tomer.
Tomičić Croatian
Variant of Tomčić. Derived from Toma 2.
Tomida Japanese
Tomi means "wealth, abundance" and da comes from ta meaning "field, wilderness, plain".
Tomihiro Japanese
From 富 (tomi) meaning "wealth, abundance" and 広 or 廣 (hiro) meaning "broad, wide, spacious".
Tomii Japanese
Tomi means "wealth, abundance" and i means "well, pit, mineshaft".
Tomiie Japanese (Rare)
Tomi means "wealth, abundance, fortune" and ie means "house, home, building, family, dwelling, residence, habitation".
Tomikawa Japanese
From 富/冨 (tomi) meaning "riches, wealth, fortune" combined with 川/河 (kawa) meaning "river."
Tomimoto Japanese
From 富 (tomi) meaning "wealth, abundance" and 本 (moto) meaning "root, base, origin".
Tominaga Japanese
From Japanese 富 or 冨 (tomi) meaning "wealth, abundance" and 永 (naga) meaning "eternity".
Tomino Japanese
Tomi means "wealth, abundance" and no means "field, plain".
Tomisawa Japanese
Tomi means "wealth, abundance" and sawa means "swamp, marsh".
Tomita Japanese
From Japanese 富 or 冨 (tomi) meaning "wealth, fortune" and 田 (ta) meaning "field".
Tomiyama Japanese
From Japanese 富 or 冨 (tomi) meaning "abundant, rich, wealthy" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Tomiyasu Japanese
Tomi means "wealthy" and yasu means "cheap, inexpensive, relax".
Tomizawa Japanese
From Japanese 富 (tomi) meaning "wealth, abundance" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "wetland, swamp, marsh".
Tomkin English
Derived from the forename Thomas.
Tomko Slovak
From a pet form of the given name Tomáš.
Tomlin English
From a pet form of Tom, a short form of the personal name Thomas.
Tomlinson English
Patronymic from the personal name Tomlin.
Tommaso Italian
From the given name Tommaso.
Tommy English
Derived from the given name Tommy.
Tomobe Japanese
Tomo means "friend" and be means "section, division".
Tomoeda Japanese
Tomo means "Friend", Eda means "Branch, Twig".
Tomoki Japanese
From 友 (tomo) meaning "friend" and meaning 木 (ki) "tree, wood".
Tomokiyo Japanese
From 友 (tomo) meaning "friend, companion" and 清 (kiyo) meaning "clear, pure, clean".
Tomonaga Japanese
From Japanese 朝 (tomo) meaning "morning, epoch, period" and 長 (naga) meaning "long" or 永 (naga) meaning "eternity".
Tomonaga Japanese
From Japanese 友 (tomo) meaning "friend" and 永 (naga) meaning "eternity".
Tomono Japanese
From 伴 or 友 (tomo) meaning "companion, friend" meaning and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Tomooka Japanese
Tomo means "friend" and oka means "hill".
Tomosaka Japanese
友 (Tomo) means "friend" and 坂 (saka) means "slope, hill".
Tomose Japanese
Tomo means "friend" and se means "ripple, current".
Tomotake Japanese
Tomo means "friend" and take means "bamboo".
Tomotani Japanese
The surname can have different meanings depending on the kanji used
Tomović Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Tomo" or "son of Toma 2".
Tomp Estonian
Tomp is an Estonian surname meaning "stump".
Tompkins English
Patronymic formed from a diminutive of Tom 1.
Tompson English
A variant of Thompson.
Tomson English
A variant of Thompson, meaning "Son of Thomas".
Tôn Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Sun, from Sino-Vietnamese 孫 (tôn).
Tonderai Shona
Tonderai means "Remember". This name is given as a call to remember a particular event or to remember one's origins.
Tondi Estonian
Tondi is an Estonian surname meaning "haunted" and "spooky".
Tone English
Was first found in Leicestershire where Ralph de Toni received lands of the Lordship of Belvoir for his services as Standard bearer at Hastings in 1066 A.D.
Tonelli Italian
Derived from a short form of Antonello, itself a diminutive of Antonio.
Toner Irish (Anglicized, Modern)
An anglicized form of the Irish Gaelic surname, O'Tomhrair. Still used in the modern day Republic of Ireland, and relatively common in Atlantic Canada.
Tones English
Variant of Tone.
Toney English
Derived from the given name Anthony.
Tống Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Song, from Sino-Vietnamese 宋 (tống).
Tongbang Korean
Korean form of Dongfang, from Sino-Korean 東方 (tongbang).
Toni Italian
From the given name Antonio.
Tõnismäe Estonian
Tõnismäe is an Estonian surname meaning "Tõnis' (a masculine given name) hill".
Tõnisots Estonian
Tõnisots is an Estonian surname possibly derived from the masculine given name "Tõnis" and "ots" meaning "end"; "Tõnis' end"; a geographical location.
Tõnisson Estonian
Tõnisson is an Estonian surname derived from the Estonian masculine given name "Tõnis" and the Germanic word "son"; "Tõnis's son".
Tõnissoo Estonian
Tõnissoo is an Estonian surname meaning "Tõnis' (a masculine given name) swamp". Probably an Estonianization of "Tõnis' son (son of Tõnis)".
Tõniste Estonian
Tõniste is an Estonian surname derived from the masculine given name "Tõnis/Tõnu".
Tönjachen Romansh
Contraction of a short form of Antonius and Jachen.
Tonkin English, Scottish
Derived from the name of an ancestor. 'the son of Antony; from the nick. Tony, and with diminutive suffix Ton-kin.
Tonkinson English
Means "son of Tonkin".
Tonković Croatian
Means "son of Tonko".
Tõnn Estonian
Tõnn is an Estonian surname and masculine given name related to the masculine given name "Tõnu".
Tonnelier French
French for "cooper."
Tonnesen Norwegian
Means "son of Tønnes", Tonnes or Tønne(s) being a Norwegian short form of Antonius.
Tonnoir French, French (Belgian)
Means "thunder". Originally, a nickname given to loud men. Very rare.
Tôn Nữ Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 孫女 (tôn nữ) meaning "granddaughter", originally used as a title for various royal women belonging to the Nguyễn dynasty.
Tōno Japanese
From Japanese 東 (tō) meaning "east" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Tōno Japanese
From Japanese 遠 (tō) meaning "distant, far off" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Tono Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese 東野 (see Tōno).
Tonosaki Japanese
From Japanese 外 (to) meaning "outside", an unwritten possessive marker 之 (no), and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
Tôn Thất Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 宗室 (tông thất) meaning "imperial clan", originally given to members of the royal family of the Nguyễn dynasty.
Ton That Vietnamese
Simplified variant of Tôn Thất.
Tontodonati Italian
From Italian tonto "foolish, stupid" and the given name Donato.
Tönz Romansh
Variant of Tenz.
Tooding Estonian
Tooding is an Estonian surname derived from "toodang" meaning "production" and "output".
Toodu Estonian
Toodu is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "toode" meaning "product", "manufacture", and "make".
Tooey Scottish
Variant of Toohey.
Toohey Scottish Gaelic
Modern form of the ancient pre 10th century Gaelic O' Tuathaigh meaning the descendant of the chief.
Took Literature
In J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings", the surname of Peregrin "Pippin" Took, a cousin of Meriadoc Brandybuck and second cousin of Frodo Baggins... [more]
Tooke English (Rare)
This unusual English surname is of pre 7th century Old Scandinavian origin.
Tooker Irish
Variant of Tucker.
Tool Estonian
Tool is an Estonian surname meaning "chair".
Toolan Irish
The meaning of the name is unclear, but it seems to derive from the pre 13th century Gaelic O'Tuathalain suggesting that it was probably religious and may translate as "The male descendant of the follower of the lord".
Toolin Irish
The meaning of the name is unclear, but it seems to derive from the pre 13th century Gaelic O'Tuathalain suggesting that it was probably religious and may translate as "The male descendant of the follower of the lord".
Toom Estonian
Toom is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "Toomingas" ("bird cherry") or, from the shortened version of the masculine given name "Toomas".
Toomast Estonian
Toomast is an Estonian surname meaning "Prunus pole/structure".
Toombu Estonian
Toombu is an Estomian surname possibly derived "toompuu" meaning "bird-cherry tree".
Toomet Estonian
Toomet is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "toomingas" ("bird cherry") or, from a variant of the masculine given name "Toomas".
Toomey Irish
from ancient Gaelic personal name 'Tuama', probably derived from 'tuaim', meaning a hill or a small mountain
Toomik Estonian
Toomik is an Estonian surname meaning "Prunus stand".
Tooming Estonian
Tooming is an Estonian surname derived from "toomingas", meaning "bird cherry" (Prunus padus).
Toomingas Estonian
Means "bird cherry (tree)" (species Prunus padus) in Estonian.
Toomiste Estonian
Toomiste is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "Toomas" (a masculine given name).
Toommägi Estonian
Toommägi is an Estonian surname meaning "prunus (fruit bearing) mountain".
Toompalu Estonian
Toompalu is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "Toomas" (a masculine given name) and "palu" (a sandy heath).
Toompere Estonian
Toompere is an Estonian surname meaning "Toom's (Toomas) family."
Toompuu Estonian
Toompuu is an Estonian surname meaning "bird-cherry tree".
Toomre Estonian
Toomre is an Estonian surname derived from "toompuu", meaning "Prunus".
Toomsalu Estonian
Toomsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "bird-cherry grove".
Toomsoo Estonian
Toomsoo is an Estonian surname literally meaning "Toomas' swamp". However, it is a corruption of the surname "Thompson" or "Tomson" that has been Estonianized.
Toon English
From the Old English word tun meaning "enclosure, yard, town"
Tootmorsel Popular Culture
The surname used by the character Harry "Ocho" Tootmorsel in the animated series "The Amazing World of Gumball".... [more]
Toots Estonian
Toots is an Estonian name derived from "tootja", meaning "manufacturer".
Top Turkish
Means "ball, cannon" in Turkish.
Topal Turkish
Means "lame, crippled" in Turkish.
Topalov m Bulgarian
Derived from Turkish topal meaning "lame (unable to walk)".
Topalova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Topalov.
Topaz Hebrew (Modern)
From the given name Topaz, which is a kind of a precious stone.
Topçu Turkish
Means "cannoneer, gunner, artilleryman" in Turkish.
Topelius Finnish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Latinized form of the Finnish place name Toppila in Ostrobothnia, Finland. Zachris Topelius (1818-1898) was a Swedish-speaking Finnish author, journalist, and historian.
Töpfer German
It literally means "potter".
Toplitz German
German: habitational name from Teplice in northern Bohemia.
Topolovec Slovene, Croatian
Several locations in Slovenia and Croatia bare the name "Topolovec".
Topp German
German: from Low German topp 'point', 'tree top', hence a topographic name; or alternatively a metonymic occupational name or nickname from the same word in the sense 'braid'.
Topp English
From an English nickname, possibly derived from Old English topp "hair on the head", for someone with distinctive hair.
Topps English
Variant of Topp.
Toprak Turkish
Means "earth, soil, land" in Turkish.
Topuz Turkish
Means "mace, knob, club" in Turkish.
Torabi Persian
From the given name Torab.
Toraman Turkish
Means "powerful young person, someone who looks big for his age" in Turkish.
Toran Galician, Irish
Galician (Torán): habitational name from the village of Santa María de Torán in Ourense province.... [more]
Torcato Portuguese
From the given name Torcato.
Tordjman Judeo-Spanish
From Arabic ترجمان (turjuman) meaning "translator, interpreter".
Torg English
Possibly from the Old Norse word “torg” meaning “marketplace”.
Toribio Spanish
From the given name Toribio.
Torihama Japanese
From 鳥 (tori) meaning "bird, chicken" and 濱 (hama) meaning "seashore, beach".
Torii Japanese
From Japanese 鳥 (tori) meaning "bird" and 居 (i) meaning "seat, abode".
Torinese Italian
One who came from Turin.
Torino Japanese
Tori means "bird" and no means "field, rice paddy".
Torio Japanese
Tori means "bird" and o means "tail".
Toriumi Japanese
From Japanese 鳥 (tori) meaning "bird" and 海 (umi) meaning "sea, ocean".
Toriyama Japanese
From Japanese 鳥 (tori) meaning "bird" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill". A notable bearer of this surname is Akira Toriyama (1955–), a manga artist best known for creating the Dragon Ball manga series.
Torkington English
From the name of a place in Greater Manchester, originally meaning "Tork's settlement" (Tork being a name or nickname combined with Old English tun meaning "enclosure, yard, town").
Torm Estonian
Torm is an Estonian surname meaning "storm".
Tormey Irish, Scottish
Anglicized form of Ó Tormaigh.
Torn German
Derived from Old High German dorn / torn "thorn". As a surname, it was usually given to someone who lived near a thorn hedge.
Tornatore Italian
Derived from Italian tornatore meaning "turner", which refers to a craftsman who turns and shapes various materials (such as wood and metal) on a lathe. In other words: this surname is the Italian cognate of the English surname Turner... [more]
Törnblad Swedish
Combination of Swedish törne "thorn" and blad "leaf".
Torni Finnish
Means "tower" in Finnish.
Toro Spanish, Italian
Either a habitational name from Toro in Zamora province. Compare De Toro . Or a nickname for a lusty person or for someone who owned a bull or a metonymic occupational name for a tender of bulls or possibly for a bull fighter from toro "bull" (from Latin taurus).
Toronto Italian (Anglicized)
Possibly derived from the Italian province, Taranto.
Toros Greek
From Latin taurus "bull", Greek version of the Italian surname Toro.
Torp Norwegian, Swedish, Danish
Scandinavian form of Thorpe.
Torquato Italian, Portuguese
From the given name Torquato
Torquemada Castilian
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous municipality in the Province of Palencia.
Torralba Spanish, Catalan, Aragonese
Habitational name from any of several places called Torralba, named with torre meaning "tower" + alba meaning "white".
Torrance Popular Culture
This is the surname of the character of Stephen King’s character Danny Torrance.
Torras Spanish (?)
Means 'towers' in Spanish. Similar to name Torres.
Torre Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian cognitive and, Spanish and Portuguese variant of Torres. From torre "tower" (from Latin turris).
Torrence Scottish, Irish
Scottish and northern Irish habitational name from either of two places called Torrance (one near East Kilbride, the other north of Glasgow under the Campsie Fells), named with Gaelic torran ‘hillock’, ‘mound’, with the later addition of the English plural -s.... [more]
Torrent Spanish
A topographical name for someone who lived by a flood stream, deriving from the Spanish torrente. Topographical surnames were among the earliest created, since both natural and man-made features in the landscape provided easily recognisable distinguish names in the small communities of the Middle Ages... [more]
Torrey English
Means "conqueror, victor" in Old English.
Torrez Spanish
Variant of Torres.
Torriente Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Cuban name likely meaning "river".
Torroella Catalan
This indicates familial origin within any of various eponymous localities.
Torrontegi Basque
Derived from Basque dorre "tower" and on "good" with the suffix -tegi "place of".
Torrubiano Spanish
It indicates familial origin within the municipality of Torrubia de Soria.
Torsdottir Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Torsdotter meaning "Tor's daughter". It may also be a Swedification of Icelandic Þórsdóttir... [more]
Torsen Norwegian (Rare)
Means "son of Tor".
Torshkhoev Ingush (Russified)
Russified form of an Ingush family name derived the name of an Ingush teip (clan). The clan's name itself is derived from ТӀаьрши (Tarsh), a village in Ingushetia, of unknown meaning.
Torta Italian
Probably from Italian torto "twisted, bent, crooked", or the related French tort "wrong, deviated".