OkkotsuJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 乙骨 (Okkotsu), a variant reading and spelling of 乙事 (Okkoto), an area in the town of Fujimi in the district of Suwa in the prefecture of Nagano in Japan.
OkmeesEstonian Okmees is an Estonian surname meaning "branch/twig man".
ŌkōchiJapanese From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 河内 (kōchi) meaning "plain in a river basin".
OkotaJapanese (Rare) This name is used to combine 興 (kou, kyou, oko.ru, oko.su) meaning "interest, pleasure," or 小 (shou, o-, ko-, sa-, chii.sai) meaning "little, small" with 古 (ko, furu.i, furu-, -furu.su) meaning "old" and 田 (den, ta) meaning "rice field, rice paddy."
OkoturoNigerian A surname most popular in Nigeria; meaning currently unknown.
OkrojKashubian The name has been in existence in the Kashubian region for centuries.
OksEstonian Oks is an Estonian surname meaning "branch" or "bough".
OktyabrskyRussian Meaning "October" in Russian, it often refers to the October Revolution of November 1917, a coup led by Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) and the Bolshevik Party.
OkuJapanese From Japanese 奥 (oku) meaning "inside; inner depths". It is a reference to an event in the Northern and Southern Courts Period, of 3 sons of Takase who became heroes for the south. The emperor of Japan awarded each of the sons a new surname; Oku for the eldest son, Naka for the middle son, and Kuchi for the youngest son.... [more]
OkuJapanese From Japanese 奥 (oku) meaning "inside, interior".
ŌkuboJapanese From Japanese 大 (o) meaning "big, great" combined with 久 (ku) meaning "long time ago" and 保 (ho) meaning "protect"... [more]
OkuhashiJapanese Oku means "inside, interior" and hashi means "bridge".
OkuiJapanese Oku means "interior, inside" and i means "well, mineshaft, pit".
OkukawaJapanese (Rare) Oku means "interior,secluded,further out" and kawa means "river". Minako Okukawa is a fictional character from Yuri!!! On Ice and it's also the name of a company.
ŌkumaJapanese Combination of the kanji 大 (ō, "big, great") or 逢 (ō, "meeting") and 熊 (kuma, "bear") or 隈 (kuma, "recess, corner, shade")
OlabarriaBasque It indicates familial origin near the eponymous river in the municipality of Markina-Xemein.
OlabeagaBasque From the name of a neighbourhood in the city of Bilbao in Biscay, Basque Country, derived from Basque ola "factory, foundry, ironworks" and -be "lower part" combined with -aga "place of, group of".
OlaetxeaBasque From the name of a tower house in Elgoibar, an industrial town in Basque Country, derived from Basque ola "factory, foundry, forge; cabin, hut" and etxe "house, building".
OlagueBasque From the name of a town and municipality in Navarre, Spain, probably derived from Basque ola meaning "forge, factory, foundry" or "hut, cabin" and the suffix -gune "place, area".
OlahHungarian Oláh (Olah) is a Hungarian surname that means Vlach/Romanian. A similar word is Olasz, meaning "Italian".Hungarian (Oláh): ethnic name from Hungarian oláh ‘Romanian’, old form volách, from vlach ‘Italian’, ‘speaker of a Romance language’.
Ó LaighinIrish Means "of Leinster" or "descendant of the one from Leinster", denoting someone who came from the Irish province Leinster (Laighin in Irish)... [more]
OldEnglish From Middle English old, not necessarily implying old age, but rather used to distinguish an older from a younger bearer of the same personal name.
OldenhaveDutch From the name of a small village in the province of Drenthe, Holland, composed of Dutch oud and hoeve, meaning "old farm".
OldhamEnglish Habitational name from Oldham in Lancashire. The placename derives from Old English ald "old" and Old Norse holmr "island water meadow" or eald "old" and ham "farmstead" meaning either "old lands" or "old farm".
OldknowEnglish Originally "Oldknoll"; deriving from the word knoll meaning ''hill''.
O'LennonIrish Original form of Lennon. Probably a variant of Ó Leannáin (from a by-name meaning "lover"), but may also be derived from O'Lonain (from lon, "blackbird").
OliphantEnglish Means "elephant" (from Middle English, Old French and Middle High German olifant "elephant"), perhaps used as a nickname for a large cumbersome person, or denoting someone who lived in a building distinguished by the sign of an elephant.
OlissaarEstonian Olissaar is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "õli" meaning "oil/fat" and "saar" meaning "island".
OlivaItalian, Spanish Of uncertain origin: derived either from a nickname to those who picked, worked with or sold olives, or from the given name Oliva.
OlivaresSpanish Habitational name from any of several places named Olivares, from the plural of Spanish olivar meaning "olive grove". Compare Portuguese and Galician Oliveira.
OliveraSpanish Comes from the Latin etymology related to olive trees, olive grees and olives.
OliverasCatalan Catalan: variant spelling of the topographic name Oliveres, from the plural of olivera ‘olive tree’, or a habitational name from Las Oliveras in Murcia province.
OlivoItalian, Spanish Topographic name from olivo "olive tree" or occupational name for someone who sold olives. Or from the given name Olivo given to someone born on Palm Sunday.
OlmertJewish Possibly from a Germanic given name of uncertain meaning. It could be derived from the Old High German elements ol meaning "ancestor" and mert, a diminutive of merida meaning "fame" or "bright"... [more]
ÖlmezTurkish Means "immortal, undying, eternal" in Turkish.
OlmreEstonian Olmre is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "olme" meaning "household".
Ó MaoiléidighIrish Means "descendant of Maoléidigh" in Irish. This surname was stressed on the penultimate (second-to-last) syllable, and may have been shortened in some cases to give Leddy.