Submitted Surnames of Length 4

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the length is 4.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Känd Estonian
Känd is an Estonian surname meaning "stump".
Kane Irish, Norwegian
From the anglicized Irish surname Cathan, meaning "warlike." In Norway, it's used as a noble name.
Kang Chinese, Korean
From Chinese 康 (kāng), derived from Kangju (康居), the Chinese name for an ancient kingdom in Central Asia (now known as Sogdiana). It may also refer to the city of Samarkand in present-day Uzbekistan, which was called 康 in Chinese.
Kann Estonian
Kann is an Estonian surname meaning "jug" and "pitcher".
Kano Japanese
From Japanese 狩 (ka) meaning "hunt, gather" and 野 (no) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kanō Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "add, increase" and 納 (nō) meaning "settlement, obtain, reap".
Kanō Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "add, increase" and 納 (nō) meaning "settlement, obtain, reap".
Käos Estonian
Käos is an Estonian surname derived from "käosulane", meaning "warbler" (Hippolais).
Käpp Estonian
Käpp is an Estonian surname meaning both "orchid" and "paw".
Kapu Indian, Telugu
It is a Telugu name, denoting an "agricultural worker".
Kara Turkish
Means "black, dark" in Turkish.
Kärg Estonian
Kärg is an Estonian surname meaning "honeycomb".
Kari Finnish, German (Austrian), Slovene (?), Hungarian, Indian, Marathi
As a Finnish name, it is a topographic and ornamental name from kari "small island", "stony rapids", "sandbar", or "rocky place in a field". This name is found throughout Finland.... [more]
Kari Estonian
Kari is an Estonian surname meaning both "reef" and "herd".
Kark Estonian
Kark is an Estonian surname meaning "stilt" (Himantopus himantopus).
Karm Estonian
Karm is an Estonian surname meaning "strict" and "austere".
Kärp Estonian
Kärp is an Estonian surname meaning "stoat" or "ermine".
Karp English
From the given name Karp.
Karp Polish
From Middle High German karp(f)e Middle Low German karpe or Slavic (Russian and Polish) and Yiddish karp ‘carp’ hence a metonymic occupational name for a carp fisherman or seller of these fish or a nickname for someone thought to resemble the fish.... [more]
Karu Estonian
Karu is an Estonian surname meaning "bear".
Kase Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "add, increase" and 瀬 (se) meaning "rapids, current".
Kass Estonian
From the Estonian word kass, meaning "cat".
Kate English
Derived from the given name Kate.
Katz Jewish
An abbreviation of the phrase kohen tsedek "righteous priest".
Kauk German
probably a variant of Kauke from Middle Low German koke "cake" (dialect kauke) hence a metonymic occupational name for a baker or confectioner or a nickname for a cake lover.
Kaul Kashmiri (Modern)
The word Kaul, meaning well-born, is derived from Kula, the Sanskrit term for family or clan.
Kaun Estonian
Kaun is an Estonian surname meaning "pod" or "legume".
Kaup Estonian
Kaup is an Estonian surname meaning "merchandise" or "goods".
Kaur Estonian
Kaur is an Estonian surname (and masculine given name) derived from the given name "Kaur" (loon: Gavia).
Kaus German
From a regional (Hessian) variant of the habitational name Kues, from a place on the Mosel river, probably so named from Late Latin covis "field barn", "rack" and earlier recorded as Couese, Cobesa.
Kaut German
Netonymic occupational name for a flax grower or dealer, from Middle High German kute, from Kaut(e) "male dove", hence a metonymic occupational name for the owner or keeper of a dovecote.
Kaut German
Topographic name from the Franconian dialect word Kaut(e) "hollow", "pit", "den".
Kawa Japanese
Kawa means "river, stream".
Kaya Japanese
From 賀 (ka) meaning "congratulate", combined with 屋 (ya) meaning "house, shop".
Kaye English
From the first name Kaye.
Kaze Japanese
Kaze means "wind".
Kazi Indian (Muslim)
Variant spelling of Qazi ‘judge’.
Kazi Bengali, Indian
Variant of Qazi.
Kazi Bengali, Indian (Muslim)
Bengali form of Qazi as well as an alternate transcription of Hindi काज़ी and Urdu قاضی.
Kear Scottish Gaelic
Kear is derived from the Gaelic name O'Ciarain or O'Ceirin, which comes from the Gaelic word ciar, meaning black or dark brown.
Keay Irish (?), Scottish
Possibly from the given name Kay 1.
Keel English
English habitational name from Keele in Staffordshire, named from Old English cy ‘cows’ + hyll ‘hill’, or from East and West Keal in Lincolnshire, which are named from Old Norse kjolr ‘ridge’... [more]
Keel Irish
Irish reduced form of McKeel.
Keel German (Swiss)
Swiss German variant of Kehl.
Keel German (Anglicized)
Americanized spelling of German Kühl, Kiehl, or Kiel.
Keel Estonian
Keel is an Estonian surname meaning "language/speech" and also "reed".
Kego Scottish
Scottish - Eaglesham, Renfrewshire Scotland
Keim German
Kell Estonian
Kell is an Estonian surname meaning "clock".
Kelm German
Germanized form of Polish Chelm ‘peak’, ‘hill’, a topographic name for someone who lived by a hill with a pointed summit, or habitational name from a city in eastern Poland or any of various other places named with this word.
Kent English (?)
Region in England
Kerk Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Guo.
Kern German, Dutch, Jewish
from Middle High German kerne "kernel, seed pip"; Middle Dutch kern(e) keerne; German Kern or Yiddish kern "grain" hence a metonymic occupational name for a farmer or a nickname for a physically small person... [more]
Kesa Estonian
Kesa is an Estonian surname meaning "fallow".
Kess German (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Keß.
Keta Albanian
Meaning as of yet unknown. Known Albanian bearers of this surname include the colonel Myslym Keta (1925-1966) and the politician Roland Keta (b. 1971).
Keyn Norwegian (Rare)
Derived from the Norwegian word for "strong pillar".
Kham Thai, Lao
From Thai คำ (kham) meaning "gold" or "word, speech" or Lao ຄຳ (kham) meaning "gold".
Khat Khmer
From Chinese 凯 meaning "triumphant","victorious"
Khaw Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Xu 2.
Khem Khmer
Meaning uncertain.
Khen Hebrew (Modern)
From the given name Hen or Chen 2 which both mean "beauty", "grace", "charm" in Hebrew.
Khil Russian
Russian spelling of Hill. A notable bearer was Russian baritone singer Eduard Khil (1934-2012).
Khim Khmer
Means "zither, harp" in Khmer, referring to a type of traditional stringed instrument.
Khổng Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Kong, from Sino-Vietnamese 孔 (khổng).
Khoo Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Qiu.
Khoo Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien spellig of the surname Qiu. This Means a person who lived near a mound, dune or hill. This spelling is found amongst Hokkien and Hakka families in Southeast Asia
Khor Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Xu 2.
Khúc Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Qu, from Sino-Vietnamese 曲 (khúc).
Khuc Vietnamese
Simplified variant of Khúc.
Kida Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kido Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood" and 戸 (to) meaning "door".
Kido Japanese
From Japanese 城 (ki) meaning "castle" and 戸 (to) meaning "door".
Kiel German
German surname of several possible origins and meanings.... [more]
Kiel Dutch
Dutch from Middle Dutch kidel, kedel ‘smock’, hence a metonymic occupational name for someone who make such garments or perhaps a nickname for someone who habitually wore one. Also a dutch habitational name from a place so named in Antwerp or from the German city Kiel in Schleswig-Holstein.
Kiel Jewish
Jewish (Ashkenazic) variant of Kil.
Kiel Polish
Polish from kiel ‘tooth’, ‘fang’, hence a nickname for someone with bad or protruding teeth.
Kies German
Either from Middle High German kis "gravel, shingle", denoting someone who lives in a gravelly place, or kiesen "to choose". Johann Kies (1713–1781) was a German astronomer and mathematician.
Kiều Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Jiao, from Sino-Vietnamese 矯 (kiểu).
Kieu Vietnamese
Simplified variant of Kiều.
Kiff English
the origin of the name KIFF could have come from a variation of KITH as in "kith and kin". The O.E.D. definition of the word KITH is that of a native land, familiar place or home so "kith and kin" meant your home and your relations... [more]
Kiff German
Topographic name from a Westphalian dialect Kiff "outhouse, tied cottage, shack".
Kihu Estonian
Kihu is an Estonian surname meaning "impulse" and "urge".
Kiil Estonian
Kiil is an Estonian surname meaning "keel", "wedge (tool)", and "frog".
Kiin Estonian
Kiin is an Estonian surname meaning both "gadfly" and "cleaver".
Kiku Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese 鞠 (see Mari).
Kile English (American)
Americanized form of Keil.
Kile Norwegian (Rare)
Habitational name from any of thirteen farmsteads named Kile from, ultimately derived from Old Norse kíll "wedge" and, by extension, "narrow bay inlet".
Kill German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Perhaps derived from Kilian.
Kill German (Rare)
A habitational name for someone from a place named Kill.
Kill Jewish
Maybe a nickname derived from Yiddish kil "cool".
Kilp Estonian
Kilp is an Estonian surname meaning both "shield" and "shell".
Kimi Japanese (Rare)
Abbreviated form of Kimigafukuro or Kimigabukuro and written 君.
Kind English, German, Jewish, Dutch
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) from Middle High German kint, German Kind ‘child’, hence a nickname for someone with a childish or naive disposition, or an epithet used to distinguish between a father and his son... [more]
Kink Estonian
Kink is an Estonian surname meaning "bestowal" or "gift".
Kino Japanese
Of unknown meaning. A notable name bearer is a fictional character "Makoto Kino" in the "Sailor Moon" anime.
Kipp Estonian
Kipp is an Estonian surname derived from "kippama" meaning to "tilt", "rock" and "topple".
Kirt Estonian
Kirt is an Estonian surname derived from "kirtsus" meaning "wrinkled" and "furrowed".
Kısa Turkish
Means "short, brief" in Turkish.
Kise Kise
Kise is very Kise
Kish English
A name for a person who worked as a maker of leather armor for the knight's legs.
Kite English
From the name of the bird of prey, derived from Middle English Kete and Old English Cyta.
Kits Estonian
Kits is an Estonian surname meaning "goat".
Kitt English, German
English: From the Middle English personal name Kit, a pet form of Christopher... [more]
Kitz German
Meaning "kid".
Kiur Estonian
Kiur is an Estonian surname meaning "pipit" (Anthus).
Kivi Estonian
From the word kivi, meaning "stone".
Kiya Japanese
Means "tree valley" in Japanese, from 木 (ki) "tree" and 谷 (ya) "valley".
Klin Slovene
Slovenian: nickname for someone with a beak-shaped nose, from kljun ‘beak’, ‘bill’ (old spelling klun).
Klor German (Austrian)
The Klor surname may have evolved from the feminine personal name Klara. Or it may have come from the Middle High German and Middle Low German "Klar," meaning "Pure" or "Beautiful".
Klug German (Austrian)
First recorded in the early 14th century in present-day Austria (southeastern region of the Holy Roman Empire at that time). The surname was derived from the ancient Germanic word kluoc meaning "noble" or "refined".... [more]
Kmet Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Slovak
Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, and Slovak status name for a type of peasant. In Slovenia this denoted a peasant who had his own landed property. In Serbia and elsewhere it was a status name for a feudal peasant farmer who cultivated the land of his lord instead of paying rent or doing military service... [more]
Knab German
Variant of Knabe.
Knez Slovene, Croatian
Derived from knez, meaning "prince".
Knie Swiss
A famous bearer is the Knie family, a Swiss circus dynasty that founded it in 1803. Today the circus is an enterprise with about 200 employees, operated by Frédy and Franco Knie and it is famous worldwide.
Knös Swedish (Rare)
Derived from the name of a farm named Knorren or Knörren in Sweden whose name is unexplained but possibly taken from Swedish knusa "to crush, to crumble". Knös coincides with the Swedish word knös meaning "rich person", but the surname existed before the vocabulary word appeared in the Swedish language.
Kobe Japanese
From the Japanese city of Kobe.
Koca Turkish
Means "large, great" or "husband" in Turkish.
Koch Jewish
Koch - which also has the meaning of Cook in German's origin was however not from that meaning. It origins are to be traced in the Jewish ancestory. The original meaning came from the word Star. Amongst the related surnames (with or without bar in front or a ba or similar appended) are: Koch, Kochba, Kok, Kock, Kuk, Coq, Coqui, Cook (as a translation from the perceived meaning of cook) and a host of others... [more]
Kočí Czech
Kočí means "driver".
Koço Albanian
Variant of Koco.
Koda Japanese
From Japanese 香 (kō) meaning "fragrance, incense", 神 (kō) meaning "god", or 行 (kō) meaning "journey, travel" and 田 (ta) meaning "field".
Kodu Estonian
Kodu is an Estonian surname meaning "home".
Koel Estonian
Koel is an Estonian surname meaning "weft" and "seal(ant)".
Kōen Japanese
Japanese form of Cohen.
Koen Jewish
A variant of Cohen
Kofi Akan
From the given name Kofi
Koga Japanese
From Japanese 古 (ko) meaning "old, past" and 賀 (ka) meaning "congratulate, greet, celebrate".
Kōgi Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 鴻 () meaning "powerful, prosperous" and 戯 (gi) meaning "frolic".
Kogi Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Kōgi.
Koha Estonian
Koha is an Estonian surname meaning "pike-perch (fish)".
Köhn German
From the given name Köhn.
Kohn Jewish
Variant of Cohen.
Kohr German
1. occupational name for a guard or watchman on a tower, Middle Low German kure.... [more]
Koik Estonian
Koik is an Estonian surname meaning "all".
Kõiv Estonian
Kõiv is an Estonian surname which means "birch" in Võro, a dialect of Estonian.... [more]
Kōja Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 紅 () meaning "crimson; vivid red" and 蛇 (ja) meaning "snake; serpent".
Koja Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 紅蛇 (see Kōja).
Kojo Japanese
Occupational name for a gardener.
Kōka Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 紅花 (kōka) meaning "red- or crimson-colored flower", referring to an occupation that involves flowers and rouge powder.
Koki Japanese
This surname combines 古 (ko, furu-, furu.i, -fu.rusu) meaning "old" or 小 (shou, o-, ko-, sa-, chii.sai) meaning "little, small" with 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood."
Kokk Estonian
Kokk is Estonian surname, meaning "cook".
Koks Estonian
Koks is an Estonian surname meaning "coke" or "charred coal".
Kola Finnish
From vernacular forms of Ancient Greek Νικόλαος (See Nikolaos). It could also be from Swedish kol "coal", possibly denoting a coal miner, or kota, a type of conical tent.
Kolb German
Comes from Middle High German Kolbe.
Kole English
Variant of Cole.
Kolk Dutch
"Kolk is Dutch for either whirlpool or canyon. Probably the name refers to wild water."
Koll German
From the given name Colo or Koloman. Alternatively derived from Middle Low German kolle "head".
Köln German
German form of Cologne.
Kolo Polish
A Polish surname for someone who was born in the area of Koło, Wielkopolskie, Poland
Kõlu Estonian
Kõlu is an Estonian surname meaning "shells" and "scrapings".
Kome Japanese
Variant of Yone.
Kömm Upper German
Possible East Franconian dialect variant of Kempf meaning "champion, warrior, fighter".
Kõnd Estonian
Kõnd is an Estonian surname meaning "walk".
Kong Chinese
From Chinese 孔 (kǒng) meaning "hole, opening". According to legend, this name was created by Cheng Tang, the founder and first king of the Shang dynasty. He formed it by combining the character for his family name, 子 () (his full personal name was Zi Lü), with 乙 (yǐ), the second part of his style name, Da Yi (or Tai Yi)... [more]
Kong Khmer
Means "invulnerable" in Khmer.
Kong Hmong
From the clan name Koo or Xoom associated with the Chinese characters 龔 (gōng) or 鞏 (gǒng) (see Gong) or 宋 (sòng) (see Song).
Konn Estonian
Konn is an Estonian surname meaning "frog".
Kōno Japanese
From Japanese 河 (kō) meaning "river" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Kōno Japanese
From Japanese 高 (kō) meaning "tall, high" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Kono Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese 河野 (see Kōno).
Kont Estonian
Kont is an Estonian surname meaning "bone".
Könz Romansh
Variant of Chönz.
Köök Estonian
Köök is an Estonian surname meaning "kitchen".
Koon American
Americanized spelling of German Kuhn or Dutch Koen.
Kööp Estonian
Kööp is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "köök" meaning "kitchen".
Koop Dutch (Modern)
Comes from the Biblical given name Jacob, meaning "he who supplants."
Koop Estonian
Koop is an Estonian given name, derived from "koopa", the genitive form of "koobas", meaning "cave".
Koor Estonian
Koor is an Estonian surname meaning "bark" or "crust".
Koot Estonian
Koot is an Estonian surname meaning both "flail" and "leg/shank".
Kopf German
Means "head" in German.
Kõrb Estonian
Kõrb is an Estonian surname with several meanings depending on the context: "desert", "wilderness", and "chestnut(color)/tawny".
Korb German
Means "basket" in German, denoting a basket maker or a basket vendor.
Kōri Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 氷 (kōri) meaning "ice".
Kori Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 氷 (see Kōri).
Kork Estonian
Kork is an Estonian surname meaning both "cork" and "cap".
Korn German
From Middle High German korn "grain", a metonymic occupational name for a factor or dealer in grain or a nickname for a peasant.
Korp Estonian
Korp is an Estonian surname meaning both "rough/outer bar" and "raven".
Köse Turkish
Means "beardless" in Turkish.
Kosk Estonian
Kosk is an Estonia surname meaning "waterfall".
Kotb Arabic (Egyptian)
Alternate transcription of Arabic قطب (see Qutb) chiefly used in Egypt.
Köth German
From Middle High German, Middle Low German kote ‘cottage’, ‘hovel’, a status name for a day laborer who lived in a cottage and owned no farmland.
Kott German, Polish, Czech
German: variant of Köth or Kotz.... [more]
Kour Indian (Sikh)
Alternate transcription of Punjabi Gurmukhi ਕੌਰ (see Kaur).
Kõva Estonian
Kõva is an Estonian surname meaning "hard", "solid" and "tough".
Krah German
Nickname from Middle High German kra "crow" given to someone who resembles a crow.
Kral Turkish
From Turkish meaning "king".
Kray German
Variant of Krah nickname for someone who resembled a crow from Middle High German kra "crow".
Kreh German
Meaning: Crow. A variant of Krah and Kray
Krey German
Nickname from Middle Low German krege "crow".
Krim Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from the given name Karim.
Kris Danish
From the given name Kris.
Krog Norwegian, Danish
Habitational name from places named with krog "corner, bend".
Krõm Estonian
Krõm is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "krõmp" meaning "crackle".
Krug German
Means "tavern keeper"
Kuba Japanese
Written with characters meaning ‘long time’ and ‘method’, this name is found mostly in the Ryūkyū Islands.
Kuba Dutch, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Jewish
From Kuba, a pet form of the personal name Jakub.
Kubu Estonian
Kubu is an Estonian surname meaning a "bundle" or "truss".
Kuch German
German metonymic occupational name for a pastry cook, from German kuchen ‘cake’, or simply a variant of Koch ‘cook’.
Kudo Japanese
Alternate transcription of Kudō.
Kudō Japanese
From Japanese 工 (ku) meaning "work, craft, art" and 藤 (dō) meaning "wisteria".
Kues German, Dutch
Habitational name from Cues, now part of Bernkastel-Kues in the Rhineland Palatinate.
Kuga Japanese
From the Japanese 久 (ku or hisa) "long time," and 我 (ga) "self."
Kuhi Estonian
Kuhi is an Estonian surname meaning "pile" or "stack".
Kühl German, Low German
The spelling Kühl results from a folk-etymological association with High German kühl ‘cool’ (Middle High German küel(e), a nickname from Middle High German küel ‘cool’, ‘calm’... [more]
Küla Estonian
Küla is an Estonian surname meaning "village".
Kuld Estonian
Kuld is an Estonian surname meaning "gold".
Kull Estonian
Kull is an Estonian surname meaning "hawk".
Külm Estonian
Külm is an Estonian surname meaning "cold" or "chilly".
Kulp German
anglicized version of Kolbe
Kulu Estonian
Kulu is an Estonian surname meaning "sumptuary" and "cost".
Külv Estonian
Külv is an Estonian surname meaning "(seed) sowing".
Kuma Japanese
Kuma could mean "bear", or it could be written with ku meaning "long lasting, long time ago" and ma meaning "horse" or "flax".
Kume Japanese
From Japanese 久 (ku) meaning "long time ago" and 米 (me) meaning "rice".
Kumm Estonian
Kumm is an Estonian surname meaning "vault" and "arch".
Küng Estonian
Küng is an Estonian surname derived from "küngas" meaning "knoll", "mound" and "hillock".
Kung Chinese, Chinese (Cantonese)
Alternate transcription of Chinese 龚 (see Gong) as well as the Cantonese romanization.
Kung Swedish
Swedish cognate of King.
Kuni German (Swiss)
Derived from the given name Konrad.
Künk Estonian
Künk is an Estonian surname meaning "hillock" and "knoll".
Kuno Japanese
A notable bearer is the voice actress Misaki Kuno.
Kuno Japanese
From Japanese 久 (ku) meaning "long time ago" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Kunt Turkish
Means "Solid", also the old Turkish name of a mountain range in Asia where Turks supposedly originated from.
Kupp Estonian
Kupp is an Estonian surname meaning "pip".
Kurg Estonian
Kurg is an Estonian surname meaning "stork".
Kuri Japanese
From 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut".
Kurt Turkish
Means "wolf" in Turkish.
Kuru Japanese
Japanese: though written with the character for ‘give’ or ‘present’, the original meaning may actually be ‘sunset’. The name is listed in the Shinsen shōjiroku and is no longer common in Japan, but there is a city by that name in Hiroshima prefecture and the area may have ancient connections with the family.
Kuru Turkish
Means "dry, bare" in Turkish.