Submitted Surnames of Length 4

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the length is 4.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Chay Khmer
Variant transcription of Chhay.
Chea Chinese
Variant of Xie.
Chea Khmer
Khmer romanization of the Chinese surname Xie.
Chee Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Xu 1.
Chee Navajo
From Navajo łichííʼ meaning "red".
Chen Thai
Possibly a Name that Thai People with Chinese Descendants have. It has a Meaning of "Deserve".
Chew English
Habitational name from a place in Somerset named Chew Magna, which is named for the river on which it stands, a Celtic name, perhaps cognate with Welsh cyw ‘young animal or bird’, ‘chicken’.
Chew Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Zhou.
Chim Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Zhan.
Chim Khmer
Variant transcription of Choem.
Chin Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Chen.
Chin English
Variant of Chinn.
Chiu Chinese
Alternate transcription of Qiu chiefly used in Taiwan.
Choi Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Cai.
Choo Korean
Variant romanization of Chu.
Choo Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Zhu.
Chow Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Zhou.
Choy Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Cai.
Chua Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Cai.
Chue Hmong
From the clan name Tswb associated with the Chinese character 朱 (zhū) (see Zhu).
Chui Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Xu 1.
Chuo Thai
Thai for Cai.
Chuu Japanese
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 中 or 仲 (see Chū).
Ciro Italian, Spanish
From the given name Ciro.
Clah Navajo
From Navajo nitłʼa meaning "he is left-handed".
Claw English
The surname Claw is a very rare English surname.
Clef Italian
At the end of the 10th century, Gregorian musical scribes increased the precision of early notation by introducing a horizontal line to indicate a base pitch. The pitch of this line was indicated by a letter at its start... [more]
Clem English, Dutch
From the given name Clem.
Clow English
Variant of Clough.
Clue English
Variant of Clough, traditionally found in Devonshire.
Coco Italian, Sicilian
occupational name for a cook a seller of cooked meats or a keeper of an eating house from southern Italian coco "cook" (from Latin cocus coquus).
Cois Italian
Possibly from the name of a lost town, Coni. Alternately, may be from dialectical words meaning "to cook" or "finch", referring to an occupation or nickname.
Coit Medieval Welsh, French, English
The surname Coit was first found in Carnarvonshire, a former country in Northwest Wales, anciently part of the Kingdom of Gwynedd, and currently is divided between the unitary authorities of Gwynedd and Conwy, where they held a family seat... [more]
Coll Catalan
Topographic name from Catalan coll meaning "hill, mountain pass", ultimately from Latin collum.
Colo Italian
From the personal name Colo, a short form of Nicolo (see Nicholas). (Colò) nickname from medieval Greek kolos ‘lame’, classical Greek kylos.
Cone Irish
Reduced form of McCone.
Công Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Gong, from Sino-Vietnamese 公 (công).
Coon Scottish, Irish
Variant of Cunningham 1, Coonaghan and other names from the same family
Coot English
“an early member was a person who seemed to exhibit some of the characteristics of birds.”
Cope Anglo-Saxon
Earliest origins of the Cope surname date from the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture of Britain, for a person who habitually wore a long cloak or cape. The surname Cope is derived from the Old English word cope, which emerged about 1225 and comes from the Old English word cape, which refers to a cloak or cape.
Cord Northern Irish
Reduced form of Mccord.
Core English (American), German (Anglicized)
Core is the anglicized form of the German surname Kohr, also spelled Kürr. Alternately, it is an English name of Flemish origin.
Cork English
Metonymic occupational name for a supplier of red or purple dye or for a dyer of cloth, Middle English cork (of Celtic origin; compare Corkery).
Corr Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Corra "descendant of Corra".
Cort Polish, Russian, Jewish
Derived from the surname "Kutalczuk", "Kotelchik", "Cuttlechuck", or "Kuttlechuck"
Coss English
English short form of Cossio.
Cota Galician
From Galician meaning "animal den".
Cott English
From the Old English personal name Cotta. Possibly an altered spelling of French Cotte, a metonymic occupational name for a maker of chain mail, from Old French cot(t)e ‘coat of mail’, ‘surcoat’... [more]
Cova Catalan, Galician
Topographic name from Catalan and Galician cova ‘cave’, or a habitational name from a place named with this word, in the provinces of Lugo, Ourense, Pontevedra, Catalonia and Valencia.
Cram English
From the the Scottish place name Crambeth (now Crombie), a village and ancient parish in Torryburn, Fife.
Cran Anglo-Saxon
This picturesque name is of Anglo Saxon origin and is a nickname surname given to a tall thin man, or someone with long legs, or some other fancied resemblance to the bird. The derivation is from the old English "cran(uc)", "cron(uc)", "cren(uc)", which means a crane and until the introduction of a separate word in the 14th Century also a heron... [more]
Craw English, Scottish, Northern Irish
One who had characteristics of a crow; sometimes used as an element of a place name e.g. Crawford, and Crawfordjohn in Lanarkshire, Crawshawbooth in Lancashire, and Crawley in Sussex
Crew English
From the given name Crew, possibly a variant of Crewe
Crow English
From Middle English crow, Old English crawa, applied as a nickname for someone with dark hair or a dark complexion or for someone thought to resemble the bird in some other way.
Croy Irish (Anglicized)
A shortened form of the surname McRoy, from Irish Gaelic Mac Rúaidh "son of Ruadh", literally "the red one".
Croy Scottish
Means "person from Croy", the name of various places in Scotland.
Crus Spanish
Variant of Cruz.
Cuba Portuguese, Asturian-Leonese, Galician, Spanish
habitational name from any of the places in Portugal (in the provinces of Alentejo and Beira Baixa) or Spain (in Aragon, Asturies, and Galicia) named Cuba, from cuba ‘barrel’ (from Latin cupa)... [more]
Cuda Slovak
Derives from the word name derives from cuda meaning "miracle".
Cuff English
From the english word "cuff"
Cung Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 龔 (gōng) meaning "general, total".
Cung Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Gong, from Sino-Vietnamese 恭 (cung).
Cust English
Metronymic short form of the given name Custance.
Cyle English
Variant of Kille.
Czak Polish
From Old Polish czakać meaning "to wait", or from the short form of a personal name such as Czabor or Czasław.
Czar Russian
Czar is Russian for Caesar. Czar was the title given to the emperor’s of Russia.
Daae Literature, Norwegian, Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Norwegian surname, originating in Trondheim in the 17th century. Also a variant of Daa, the name of a Danish noble family which originated in Southern Jutland in the 14th century... [more]
Daan Filipino, Cebuano
Means "old" in Cebuano.
Dabb English
Variant of Dobb, a pet form of Robert.
Dacy English
Variant of Dacey.
Dade Irish
Anglicized form of MacDaibheid, meaning "son of David".
Dady Irish
Variant of Deady.
Dady Hungarian
Habitational name for someone from a place called Dad, in Fejér and Komárom counties, or Dada, in Somogy and Szabolcs counties.
Daft English
This is an English surname which was especially associated with the Midland counties of the country. It derived from the Old English word of the pre-7th century "gedaeft" meaning "meek" or "mild", and as such it was a pre-Medieval personal name of some kind of popularity.
Dake English
The origins of the name Dake are from the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture of Britain. It is derived from the personal name David. Daw was a common diminutive of David in the Middle Ages. The surname is a compound of daw and kin, and literally means "the kin of David."
Dale Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Gaelic Dall.
Dale Norwegian, Danish
Habitational name from any of the various farmsteads called Dale in Norway. Derived from Old Norse dalr "valley".
Dall Irish
Derived from Old Irish dall, a byname meaning "blind".
Dame French, English
From the old French dame, "lady" ultimately from Latin domina, "mistress".
Damm German
From a short form of a personal name containing the Old High German element thank "thanks", "reward".
Damm German, Danish
Topographic name from Middle High German damm "dike".
Dang Vietnamese, Khmer
Meaning Unknown. The Vietnamese Hán Nôm Character is 党 meaning "party" or "society".
Dang Vietnamese
Simplified variant of Đặng.
Dáni Hungarian
Derived from the Hungarian given name Dáni.
Dani Gujarati, Sanskrit
Indian (Gujarat): Hindu Vania name, from the Sanskrit epithet dani ‘liberal in giving’.
Dano French
Perhaps an altered spelling of French Danot or Danon, from pet forms of Jourdain or Daniel.
Dano Slovak, Bulgarian
Derived from the given names Daniel, Jordan or Danail.
Danó Hungarian
From a pet form of the given name Dániel.
Danz German
Derived from a given name, a short form of the name Tandulf, the origins of which are uncertain. (In some cases, however, this surname may have originated as a nickname denoting a person who liked to dance, from the Middle High German word tanz, danz "dance".)
Daou Arabic
Dara Khmer
It means star.
Dare English
This interesting surname has two possible derivations. Firstly, it may derive from the Olde English pre-7th Century personal name "Deora", Middle English "Dere", which is in part a short form of various compound names with the first element "deor", dear, and in part a byname meaning "Beloved"... [more]
Dark English
Nickname for someone with dark hair or a dark complexion, from Middle English darke, Old English deorc "dark". In England, the surname is most frequent in the West Country.
Dass Indian, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Das.
Data Polish
Derived from German dato "date" or "day".
Date Japanese
From Japanese 伊 (da) meaning "this" and 達 (te) meaning "achieve, arrive at, intelligent".
Datu Filipino, Tagalog
Means "chief" in Tagalog.
Daum German, Jewish
Nickname for a short person, from Middle High German doum "tap", "plug", or dume, German Daumen "thumb".
Daus German
From Middle Low German dūs denoting the "two on a die or , the ace in cards" hence a nickname for a passionate card or dice player.
Dave Indian, Gujarati
Gujarati form of Dwivedi.
Daws English
"Son of David"
Daye Irish, Scottish
Comes from Irish Ó Déa (m) or Ní Dhéa (f) ... [more]
Daye English
Variant of Day.
Days Welsh
Patronymic from the personal name Dai, a pet form of Dafydd, with the redundant addition of the English patronymic suffix -s.
Daza Spanish
Derived from the Basque word "dazio", meaning "tax". It is a surname that is typically associated with the region of Navarre in Spain.
Dear English (Anglicized, Rare)
Possibly from a nickname meaning "dear".
Deas Scottish
From Old French dez meaning “dice.”... [more]
Debs French
From the given name Debus, a variant of Thebs or Thebus, which was an altered short form of Mattheus. This was borne by American union leader Eugene V. Debs (1855-1926).
Dede Turkish
Means "grandfather" in Turkish.
Deel Low German
Variant of Diehl.
Deen English
Variant of Dean 1 or Dean 2.
Deen Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic دين or Urdu دین (see Din).
Dees Irish
The surname Dees refers to the grandson of Deaghadh (good luck); dweller near the Dee River; one with a dark or swarthy complexion. Also considered of Welsh origin.
Dehn German
the Germanic ethnic name for someone from Denmark
Dema Spanish
1 Spanish: unexplained; it is associated with Uesca province, in Aragon.... [more]
Deol Punjabi
Sikh name based on the name of a Jat clan. Etymology unexplained.
Depp German
Derived from Germanic depp which is a nickname for a joker (person who plays jokes on others). A notable bearer is Johnny Depp, an American actor.
Dere Turkish
Means "creek, brook, stream" in Turkish.
De Sá Portuguese
Variant of .
Deva Indian, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil
Derived from Sanskrit देव (devá) meaning "heavenly, divine" or "deity, god".
Dewi Indonesian
Derived from the given name Dewi 2.
Dhar Indian, Bengali
Derived from Sanskrit उद्धार (uddhara) meaning "credit, deliverance, redemption".
Dhar Indian, Kashmiri
Meaning uncertain, possibly from an honourific title given to a village head, a strongman or a warlord.
Diab Arabic
Derived from Arabic ذِئْب (ḏiʾb) meaning "wolf".
Diao Chinese
From Chinese 刁 (diāo) referring to the ancient state of Diao, which existed during the Zhou dynasty in what is now Shaanxi province. It was adopted due to being homophonous with the character 雕, which was the actual name of the state.
Diem German
German: from a reduced form of the personal name Dietmar ( see Dittmar ).
Diệp Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Ye from Sino-Vietnamese 葉 (diệp).
Diep Vietnamese
Simplified variant of Diệp.
Dier Jewish
the name allegedly means "dyer (of clothes)"
Dieu French, Walloon
From French dieu "god" given as a nickname for someone who played Christ in medieval mysteries or for a presumptious or an overly religious person, or from a short for of the given name Dieudonné.
Dill English
Nickname from Middle English dell, dill, dull "dull, foolish".
Dinç Turkish
Means "energetic, vigorous, active" in Turkish.
Ding Hui
From the Arabic surname al-Din.‎
Đinh Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Ding, from Sino-Vietnamese 丁 (đinh).
Dinh Vietnamese
Simplified variant of Đinh.
Dinn English
From a short form of the personal name Dinis, a variant of Dennis.
Dinu Romanian
Derived from the nickname Dinu.
Dion French
Meaning uncertain. It may be a habitational name from any of various locations called Dion or Dionne, derived from the Gaulish element divon- meaning "(sacred) spring" or Celtic dēwos meaning "god, deity"... [more]
Diop Western African, Wolof
From Joob, the name of a Wolof clan, derived from a totemic word meaning "black craned swan" or "peacock".
Dios Spanish (European)
Means "God" in Spanish.
Dirk Dutch, German
From the given name Dirk.
Dith Khmer
Derived from Sanskrit पण्डित (paṇḍitá) meaning "scholar, teacher, learned man". It can also be considered a form of the Chinese surname Di.
Doak Scots
A Scots Gaelic name said to be either an Anglicized version of Dabhóc that is a pet form of the given name David or a pet form of the given name Caradoc.
Đoàn Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Duan from Sino-Vietnamese 段 (đoàn).
Doãn Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Yin, from Sino-Vietnamese 尹 (doãn).
Doan Vietnamese
Simplified variant of Đoàn.
Dobb English
From a nickname of Robert, a variant is Dobbs.
Doby English
From a diminutive of the given name Dob or Dobbe, itself a medieval diminutive of Robert (one of several rhyming nicknames of Robert in which the initial letter was altered; compare Hobbs).
Dock English, Scottish
Possibly a variant of Duke or Duck. Alternatively, could be derived from a place name such as Doxey.
Dock Norwegian
Habitational name from a farm called Dokk, from Old Norse dǫkk "pit, hollow, depression", itself from Proto-Germanic *dankwaz "dark".
Dock German
An occupational name for someone who worked with textiles, related to the German word Tuch "cloth, piece of fabric".
Dodd English
"Son of Dod." Variant of Dodds.
Dodo Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 闐闐 (see Dondo).
Dogg English
From the word dog this is the stage surname of American rapper Snoop Dogg born Calvin Broadus Jr. (b. 1971)
Doğu Turkish
Means "east" in Turkish.
Dole English, Irish (Anglicized)
English: from Middle English dole ‘portion of land’ (Old English dal ‘share’, ‘portion’). The term could denote land within the common field, a boundary mark, or a unit of area; so the name may be of topographic origin or a status name... [more]
Dolf African
Doll Upper German, German, English
South German: nickname from Middle High German tol, dol ‘foolish’, ‘mad’; also ‘strong’, ‘handsome’.... [more]
Dome English
Occupational name from the Old English root doma, dema ‘judge’, ‘arbiter’. Compare Dempster.
Đồng Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Tong, from Sino-Vietnamese 同 (đồng).
Donn Scottish, Irish
Variant of Donne.
Dönz Romansh
Variant of Tönz.
Dora Romansh
Derived from the given name Dorothea.
Dorn German, German (Austrian), Dutch, Flemish, English
Means "thorn" in German.
Dorn German, English
German cognate and English variant of Thorn from Middle High German dorn "thorn" (from ancient Germanic þurnaz).
Dörr German
Variant of Dürr.
Doss German, German (Austrian), German (Swiss)
German: Habitational name for someone from Dosse in Altmark. Variant of Dose ... [more]
Dota Japanese
From 土 (do) meaning "soil, ground earth" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Doud English, Irish
Variant of Dowd.
Doux French
From French meaning "sweet". Probably a nickname for someone who's gentle and kind-hearted.
Dowd Irish
From Irish Ó Dubhda meaning "descendant of Dubhda", where Dubhda is a byname derived from Irish dubh "black, black-haired".
Dowd English
Derived from the given name Doude.
Down English
Derived from Old English dun meaning "down, low hill".
Dōyu Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 堂 () meaning "temple, shrine, hall" and 湯 (yu) meaning "hot water, bath; hot spring".
Doyu Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 堂湯 (see Dōyu).
Drab Thai (Sanskritized, Rare)
Sanskritized transcription of Thai ทรัพย์ (see Sap).
Drag Norwegian (Rare)
Habitational name from any of several farms named Drag. The place name is related to Old Norse draga "to pull" (compare modern Norwegian dra with the same meaning) and originally denoted a place where boats were pulled along a river or across an isthmus.
Drag Polish
Nickname for a tall, thin person.
Dray English
From Middle English dregh, probably as a nickname from any of its several senses: "lasting", "patient", "slow", "tedious", "doughty". Alternatively, in some cases, the name may derive from Old English drýge "dry, withered", also applied as a nickname.
Drum Scottish
Habitational name from a place and castle in Aberdeenshire named from Gaelic druim "ridge".
Drux German
Variant of Trux, which itself is a contracted form of Truxes and derived from the German word Truchsess, ultimately from Middle High German truhsaeze and Old High German truhtsazzo (from truht "band; cohort; regiment" and saza "seat; chair").... [more]
Drye English
Variant of Dryer.
Dual Romansh
Derived from the preposition de "of" and Romansh ual "brook, creek".
Duan Chinese
From Chinese 段 (duàn) meaning "section, piece, division". According to legend, the name was adopted by the descendants of Shu Duan, a son of a Zheng duke who unsuccessfully tried to overthrow his elder brother.
Dube Ndebele, Zulu
It means Zebra. It is usually a surname instead of a person's name used by Zimbabwean Ndebele people and South African Zulu people.... [more]
Dubé French (Quebec)
Probably a variation of Dubec.
Duca Romansh
Derived from Romansh duca "duke, prince".
Duca Romanian
Derived from the old Romanian title duca "vaivode duke".
Duca Italian
from the title of rank duca "duke" (from Latin dux genitive ducis "leader") an occupational name for someone who lived or worked in the household of a duke or a nickname for someone who gave himself airs and graces like a duke... [more]
Duch Slovak, Czech
Means "ghost" in Slovak.
Dück Low German, German
North German nickname for a coward, from Low German duken ‘to duck or dive’. ... [more]