Submitted Surnames of Length 4

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the length is 4.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aaby Norwegian, Danish
From a place called Aaby or Åby, from Old Norse á "small river, stream" and býr "farm".
Aali Arabic
From the given name Aali.
Aare Estonian
Aare is an Estonian masculine given name and surname meaning "treasure".
Äärt Estonian
Äärt is an Estonian surname meaning "edge".
Aasa Estonian
"Aasa" is an Estonian surname meaning "wild".
Abad Judeo-Spanish
Nickname from abad ‘priest’ (from Late Latin abbas ‘priest’, genitive abbatis, from the Aramaic word meaning ‘father’). The application is uncertain: it could be a nickname, an occupational name for the servant of a priest, or denote an (illegitimate) son of a priest.
Abas Arabic, Filipino, Maguindanao, Maranao
From the given name Abbas.
Abbs English
Derived from the given name Abel.
Abdo Arabic
From Arabic عبده (abduh) meaning "his slave, his servant". This is one of the epithets of Muhammad.
Abdo Arabic
Derived from the given name Abduh.
Abed Arabic, Persian
From the given name Abed.
Ábel Hungarian, Slovak
From the given name Ábel.
Aber German (Austrian)
Not much is known about this last name... [more]
Abes English
This is likely derived from the given name Abe 1.
Abes Filipino
Possibly of Hispanic origin. Common in the Taytay region of Palawan.
Abid Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
Derived from the given name Abid.
Abke American (Rare)
Abke is an Americanized version of an unknown German surname.... [more]
Able English
Possibly from the English word able.
Abog Visayan
Literally "dust" in Cebuano
Abou Arabic
From the given name Abu.
Acar Turkish
Means "sturdy, hardy" or "bold, fearless" in Turkish.
Acar Ancient Aramaic
The origins of Acar in Lebanon is ACHAR (עָכָר), Anglicized form of Hebrew Akar or Akan, meaning “one who troubles or roils”.
Achi Japanese
Achi means "distant, remote".
Acre English
Variant form of Acker, or an Americanized form of similar-sounding surnames such as Aaker or Egger.
Acri Italian
Habitational name from a place in Cosenza province named Acri.
Adão Portuguese
From the given name Adão.
Adap Filipino, Maranao
Means "in front of, before" in Maranao.
Addy English
From the personal name Addy 2, a medieval diminutive of Adam... [more]
Adem Turkish, Bosnian, Albanian, Uyghur
From the given name Adem.
Ader Estonian
Ader is an Estonian surname meaning "plow".
Adib Arabic, Persian, Bengali
From the given name Adib.
Adie English, Scottish
From the personal name Adie, a medieval pet form of Adam.
Adil Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Adil.
Adly Arabic
Derived from the given name Adli.
Aeby Swiss
Derived from the given name Adalbert.
Afif Arabic
From the given name Afif.
Agam Hebrew (Modern)
Rare variant of the surname Agami, which came from the Hebrew name Agam, means "lake".
Agan Estonian
Agan is an Estonian surname meaning "chaff".
Agar Greek, Italian, French
From the personal name Agar
Agas Filipino, Ilocano
Means "medicine, cure" in Ilocano.
Agha Turkish
Means "chief, master, lord" in Turkish. From the Turkish ağa 'chief, master, lord', from the Old Turkish aqa 'elder brother'. Traditionally it was a title for a civilian or military officer, or often part of such title, and was placed after the name of certain military functionaries in the Ottoman Empire... [more]
Ahad Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
Derived from the given name Ahad.
Ahas Estonian
Ahas is an Estonian surname meaning "slender".
Ahye Trinidadian Creole
French surname, from a topographic name for someone who lived by an enclosure, from Old French haye "hedge". Michelle-Lee Ahye (1992-) is a Trinidadian sprinter. She was the gold medallist at the 2018 Commonwealth Games
Aiba Japanese
From Japanese 相 (ai) meaning "mutual" or 饗 (ai) meaning "banquet", combined with 馬 (ba) meaning "horse", 場 (ba) meaning "location", 羽 (ba) meaning "feathers", 庭 (ba) meaning "courtyard" or 葉 (ba) meaning "leaf".
Aida Japanese
Ai could mean "fit, suit, join", "indigo", or "together, mutual". Da is a form of ta meaning "rice paddy, wilderness, field".
Aida Japanese
From Japanese 相 (ai) meaning "together, mutually" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Aida Japanese
From Japanese 会 (ai) meaning "meeting, gathering" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Aiki Japanese
From Japanese 相 (ai) meaning "together, mutually" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Aimé Haitian Creole, French (African)
Means "loved, love" in French.
Aimi Japanese
From Japanese 相 (ai) meaning "mutual" combined with 見 (mi) meaning "see".
Aino Japanese (Rare)
Means "of love" or "of the love" in japanese. A notable name bearer is a fictional character "Minako Aino" in the "Sailor Moon" anime... [more]
Aird Scottish Gaelic
Derived from a variation of the place name "Aird". The Gaelic term "Aird" would mean "high ground" or "hill" in English.
Aita Japanese
Variant of Aida.
Ajaz Urdu
From the given name Ajaz.
Akan Turkish
Means "flowing, streaming, running" in Turkish.
Akao Japanese
Aka means "red" and o means "tail".
Akay Turkish
From Turkish ak meaning "white" and ay meaning "moon".
Akça Turkish
Means "money, coin" or "pale, whitish" in Turkish.
Åker Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
From Swedish and Norwegian åker "plowed field".
Akey English
Possibly an Americanized form of German Eiche "oak".
Akın Turkish
Means "raid, rush, influx, inflow" in Turkish.
Akol Sundanese
This is my grandpa's (my dad's side) last name
Aksu Turkish
Means "white water" in Turkish.
Akui Japanese
A means "nook", ku means "long time ago, lasting" and i means "well, pit, mineshaft".... [more]
Alaa Arabic
Derived from the given name Ala 1.
Alam Arabic, Bengali, Urdu, Persian
Means "world, universe" (عالم) or "flag, sign, mark" (علم) in Arabic. This spelling represents two separate words in Arabic.
Alas Estonian
Alas is an Estonian surname, derived from either "ala-" meaning "area" and "region"; or "alasti", meaning "bald" and "nude"; "alastus" means "bareness".
Albo Spanish, Italian, Jewish
It is derived from the name Albert, Alberto, Albino, and Alberico.... [more]
Aler English (Rare), German
From the alder tree, a tree found in the Americas, Europe and parts of Asia. The much less common given name Aler is possibly derived from it.
Alić Bosnian
Means "son of Ali 1".
Alig Romansh
Of debated origin and meaning; theories include a derivation from the given name Alexius.
Alim Arabic, Bengali
From the given name Alim.
Alin Swedish
Variant of Ahlin.
Alix French
Derived from the given name Alix.
Aloe Estonian
Aloe is an Estonian surname derived from "loe" meaning "north-west".
Alto Estonian
Alto is an Estonian surname meaning "from below".
Alva Spanish
Variant of Alba.
Alvi Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Ali 1.
Alza Spanish
Means "to rise" or simply "rise"
Amai Japanese
This surname is used as 天井 or 甘井 with 天 (ten, ama-, amatsu, ame) meaning "heavens, imperial, sky", 甘 (kan, ama.i, ama.eru, ama.yakasu, uma.i) meaning "be content, coax, pamper, sugary, sweet" and 井 (shou, sei, i) meaning "community, town, well, well crib."
Åman Swedish
Combination of Swedish å "creek, river, big stream" and man "man".
Aman Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿万 or 阿萬 (see Ama).
Amao Japanese
Aka can mean "sweet" or "heaven" and o means "tail".
Amat Catalan
From the Latin given name Amatus, meaning "beloved".
Ambu Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿武 (see Anno 2).
Amer Arabic, Urdu
Variant of 'Aamir.
Ames English
Derived from the Old French and Middle English personal name Amys, Amice, which is either directly from Latin amicus ‘friend’, used as a personal name, or via a Late Latin derivative of this, Amicius.
Amin Arabic, Bengali, Urdu, Persian
From the given name Amin.
Amir Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Amir 1 or 'Aamir.
Amir Jewish
From the given name Amir 2.
Amis English (British)
Kingsley and Martin Amis, father and son novelists from England.
Amit Jewish
From the given name Amit 2.
Amor Spanish, Portuguese
Means "love" in Spanish and Portuguese, likely denoting an illegitimate child or a philanderer. It could also be from the given name Amor. Qween Amor (1988-) is a performance artist who predominantly utilizes public space for her performances.
Ampo Japanese
From Japanese 安 (an) meaning "calm, peaceful" and 保 (ho) meaning "protect, maintain".
Amro Arabic
Derived from the given name Amr.
Amys English
From the given name Amis. Compare with Ames. An early example using this spelling is Robert Amys of Cambridgeshire, England in 1273.
Anai Japanese
From Japanese 穴 (ana) meaning "hole, pit" and 井 (i) meaning "well".
Anan Various
Anan (Hebrew: עָנַן ‘ānan) is used as both a Hebrew or Arabic name meaning "cloud, vapour" or descriptive "visible water vapour floating above the earth". The Arabic form is from Classical Arabic, possibly adopted from the Hebrew, but with the spelling (Arabic: عَنَان ‘anān) since the proper term of "cloud" in Arabic is saḥāb (سَحَاب).
Anas Arabic
From the given name Anas.
Anbu Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 阿武 (see Ambu).
Ando Japanese
From the Japanese 安 (an or yasu) "relax," "inexpensive," "low," and 藤 (to or fuji) "wisteria." The second character may indicate historical or familial links to the formerly powerful Fujiwara (藤原) clan.
Anes Portuguese
Means "son of João" in Portuguese.
Aney English
English surname of uncertain origin, though it has been suggested that this is an anglicized form of French Ané. Ané itself is said to be taken from a personal name, possibly a gallicized form of Asnar or Aznar, which may be derived from Latin asinarius meaning "keeper of asses, ass-driver", from asinus "ass".
Anib Filipino, Cebuano
Means "chapter, volume" in Cebuano.
Anić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Ana" in Serbo-Croatian.
Anis Arabic, Bengali
Derived from the given name Anis.
Anjo Japanese
An means "peace, relax, cheap" and jo means "castle".
Anna English, Irish, Italian, Hungarian
Probably derived from the female first name Anna.
Anne Indian
Indian (Andhra Pradesh); pronounced as two syllables: Hindu name of unknown meaning.
Anni Estonian
Anni is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "anne" meaning "aptitude for" and "talent"; or "hani" meaning "goose".
Anno Japanese
Means "of hermitage" in Japanese. A famous bearer is famous Japanese illustrator and children's educational book author Mitsumasa Anno (1926-present).
Anno Japanese
From Japanese 阿武 (Anno) meaning "Anno", a district in the former Japanese province of Nagatono in parts of present-day Yamaguchi, Japan.... [more]
Annō Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿武 (see Anno 2).
Anou Japanese
From 安 (a) meaning "peace, cheap, relax" and 納 (nou) meaning "to pay fees, to supply, to store, to complete, to restore".
Anpo Japanese
From Japanese 安 (an) meaning "calm, peaceful" and 保 (ho) meaning "protect, maintain".
Anza Basque
From Basque, which refers to a pasture in the dwarf elder trees.
Aoba Japanese
青 (Ao) means "green, blue" and 葉 (ba) being a form of, ha meaning "leaf". This surname refers to a fresh leaf. ... [more]
Aoda Japanese
So means "green, blue" and da is a form of ta meaning "field, rice paddy".
Aono Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "green, blue" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Aota Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "green, blue" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Aoun Arabic (Mashriqi), Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from a French-influenced variant of a given name based on the Arabic noun عون (aun) meaning "help, aid". This surname is more commonly used by Maronite Christians in Lebanon. A notable bearer is the former Lebanese president Michel Aoun (1933-).
Apas Filipino, Cebuano
Means "catch up with, overtake" in Cebuano.
Apse Latvian
Derived from Latvian apse "aspen tree" (ultimately from Proto-Baltic *apse).
Apte Indian
Hindu (Brahman) name found among the Konkanasth Brahmans, probably from Marathi ap̣ta, denoting the tree Bauhinia tomentosa.
Arai Japanese
From Japanese 新 (ara) meaning "new, natural" or 荒 (ara) meaning "rough, sparse, wild" and 井 (i) meaning "well".
Arak Estonian
Arak is an Estonian surname meaning "arrak (an alcoholic liquor typically distilled from the sap of the coconut palm or from rice)".
Aran Irish
From the given name Aran 1.
Aran Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
From the given name Aran 2.
Aran Japanese
From 亜 (a), a phonetic character, and 蘭 (ran) meaning "orchid."
Arao Japanese
Ara means "wild" and o means "tail".
Arao Japanese
From Japanese 荒 (ara) meaning "rough, sparse, wild" and 尾 (o) meaning "tail, foot, end".
Aref Persian
From the given name Aref
Aren Estonian
Aren is an Estonan surname meaning "developing" and "growth".
Arif Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Arif.
Arık Turkish
Means "thin, lean" in Turkish.
Arik Turkish
Means "thin, lean" in Turkish.
Ariq English (American)
This name means a men with many gifts. The first person with the name spelled as this was an gangbanger from Covington, Kentucky. He died in 1998.
Arne English, Norwegian, Swedish, German
English (northern) Swedish and German: From the (medieval) personal name Arne a short form of Arnold or in Scandinavia any of the many other Norse names of which arn ‘eagle’ is the first element for example Arnbjörn Arnfinn and Arnsten.... [more]
Arnt Norwegian
From the given name Arnt.
Arol Belarusian
Means "eagle" in Belarusian.
Aron Various
From the given name Aron.
Arra Galician, Sicilian
Habitational name from a place in Galicia called Arra, this surname was also found in some parts of Sicily.
Arro Estonian
Arro is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "aroom", meaning "fragrant". Possibly a corruption of "aru", meaning "upland meadow".
Arya Indian, Hindi
From the given name Arya 1.
Asad Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Asad.
Asaf Hebrew
From the given name Asaf.
Asai Japanese
Japanese surname meaning "shallow well".
Asai Japanese
From Japanese 浅 (asa) meaning "shallow" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
Asal Arabic
means "honey" in Arabic
Asao Japanese
Asa can mean "morning", "shallow" or "hemp" and o means "tail".
Asif Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
Derived from the given name Asif.
Aşık Turkish
Means "lover, devotee, suitor" in Turkish.
Asim Arabic, Urdu, Dhivehi
Derived from the given name Asim 1.
Asis Spanish (Philippines)
Unaccented form of Asís primarily used in the Philippines.
Asoh Japanese
Variant transcription of Aso.
Ason English
The name Ason comes from Aythe where Aythe filius Thome received a charter of the lands of Fornochtis in Strathearn from Robert the Steward (later known as Robert II) around 1360. The next of the line was called Johem ayson iuuene... [more]
Asui Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 蛙 (a) meaning "frog" and 吹 (sui) meaning "puff"
Asum Filipino, Maranao
Possibly from Maranao asom meaning "bearded, rugged".
Atak Turkish
Means "rash, audacious, reckless" in Turkish.
Atan Rapa Nui
This name means Adam. This is the surname of the ariki "king" Atamu Tekena's family.
Atay Turkish
From the given name Atay.
Atef Arabic, Persian
Derived from the given name Atif.
Aten Frisian, Dutch
Patronymic form of Ade 2 or Aat.
Ateş Turkish
Means "fever" or "fire, light" in Turkish, ultimately from Persian آتش (atash).
Atif Arabic, Urdu
Derived from the given name Atif.
Atik Turkish
Means "agile, alert" in Turkish.
Atiq Arabic, Bengali, Urdu
Derived from the given name Atiq.
Atis Filipino, Cebuano
Means "sugar apple" in Cebuano.
Atlı Turkish
Means "horseman, equestrian" in Turkish.
Atup Visayan
Literally "roof" in Cebuano
Audi Arabic (Mashriqi)
Lebanese and Palestinian surname. Believed to have originated from the Arabic word "al-'awdi," which means "the one who returns."
Audy French
Occitan form of Audin.
Ault English
Variant of Old.
Aune Norwegian
Derived from Old Norse auðn "wasteland, desolate place".
Aven Norwegian
From the name of a farm, itself derived from Norwegian ave "mud, pool, dam; ebb, eddy in a river".
Aven English
Variant of Avent or Avon.
Aven East Frisian (Rare)
Patronymic form of the Frisian personal name Ave.
Aves English
Derived from the given name Avice.
Aviv Jewish
From the given name Aviv.
Avni Hebrew (Modern)
Means "my stone" in Hebrew, a variant of the surname Even or a diminutive of Avner.
Avon English
From the toponym Avon, meaning "river". Alternatively, from the given name Avine, a pet form of Avis.
Awad Arabic
Refers to a person who makes "Oud", an oriental musical instrument.
Awad Arabic
Occupational name for a player or maker of lutes, ultimately derived from Arabic عود ('ud) meaning "oud, lute".
Awad Arabic
Derived from the given name Awad.
Awai Japanese
Awa means "millet" and i means "well, mineshaft, pit".
Awan Punjabi, Urdu
From the name of a Punjabi tribe which is most likely derived from Arabic عون ('awn) meaning "help, aid" or "helper".
Axel Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Habitational name for someone from either of two places, Aksel in East Flanders or Axel in Zeeland, both possibly derived from a relative of Old High German ahsala "shoulder", referring to an elevated piece of land.
Axén Swedish
Combination of ax, a Swedish word for the fruiting body of a grain plant, and the common surname suffix -én.
Ayan Turkish
Means "evident, clear, manifest" in Turkish.
Ayaz Turkish
Derived from the given name Ayaz.
Ayaz Turkish, Urdu
Derived from the given name Ayaz.
Ayer English, Scottish
Means "heir, inheritor", from Anglo-Norman aire.
Ayer English
From the Middle English given name Aier, a form of Germanic Agihari, possibly derived from agaz "fear" and hari "army".
Ayre English
Variant of Eyre
Ayub Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Ayyub.
Azad Bengali, Persian, Urdu
From the given name Azad.
Azam Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Azam.
Azar Hebrew
Means "(he) helped" in Hebrew, a verb form of Ezer or Ezra.
Azer Persian
Azer or temple fire from the Zoroastrian period in ancient Persia,as a surname relates the individual to the fire maintainers at the Zoroastrian temples
Azim Arabic, Bengali, Dhivehi, Urdu
From the given name Azim.
Aziz Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Aziz.
Azmi Arabic
From the given name Azmi.
Azov Russian, Ukrainian
From the Sea of Azov. Probably denoted to somebody who lived on the Azov coast... [more]
Azua Basque
Habitational and topographic name derived from Basque (h)artsu "stony place; rocky", itself derived from (h)arri "stone, rock" and the suffix -tsu.
Baba Nigerian, Yoruba, Western African
From an honourific title used to denote a father, wise man, or an elder.
Baba Japanese
From Japanese 馬場 (baba) meaning "riding ground".