Submitted Surnames of Length 4

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the length is 4.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Reha Estonian
Reha is an Estonian surname meaning "rake".
Rehi Estonian
Rehi is an Estonian surname meaning "threshing barn".
Rehn Swedish
Derived from Swedish ren "reindeer".
Reis Portuguese
Means "kings" in Portuguese.
Rémy French
From the given name Rémy.
René French
From the given name René.
Renn English (British)
The surname Renn was first found in Durham where they held a family seat from early times, and were originally descended from Ralph de Raines who was granted lands by William, Duke of Albany in that shire... [more]
Rens Dutch
From a reduced form of the personal name Laurens.
Rest Romansh
Derived from the given name Rest.
Reta Spanish
Castilianized variant of Basque Erreta, a habitational name from a town called Erreta in Navarre, Basque Country
Reus Dutch, German, Catalan
Dutch: nickname for a big man, from Middle Dutch reuse(n) 'giant'. German: topographic name from Middle High German riuse 'fish trap' (Middle Low German ruse) or from a regional term reuse 'small stream', 'channel'... [more]
Reza Persian, Bengali
From the given name Reza.
Rhys Welsh
In addition to being used as a given name, it occurs as a surname both alone and in combination with other surnames. Related patronymic forms of the surname are Price, Prys, Pris and Preece. A notable bearer is John Rhys-Davies.
Riad Arabic
From the given name Riad.
Rial English
Variant of Royle.
Rian Irish (Anglicized, Rare, ?)
An alternate spelling and pronunciation of Ó Riain, due to French influences after the progenitors of the family moved to France from Ireland.
Riaz Arabic
From the given name Riad.
Rich English
Patronymic derived from a short form of Richard.
Rich English
From a nickname of a wealthy person, ultimately derived from Germanic ric "powerful". A notable fictional bearer is Richie Rich who first appeared as a comic book character in 1953.
Rich English
Derived from the name of a (former) village in Lincolnshire, England named with the Old English element ric "stream, drainage channel".
Rick English
1 English: variant of Rich 2.... [more]
Riek German
German: variant spelling of Rieck.
Riel French
French variant of Riehl. Most notable bearer is Canadian Métis political leader Louis Riel, best known for his Red River Rebellion.
Rifi Moroccan
Habitational name from the region of Rif.
Rifi Moroccan
Derived from the Rifian word for Rifian.
Rigo Italian, Catalan
From the given name Rigo a short of any of the given names Rigoberto, Arrigo, and Federigo.
Riis Scandinavian
Nickname from ris 'twigs', 'scrub', or a habitational name from any of several places so named in Denmark. Norwegian: habitational name from any of five farmsteads named Ris, from Old Norse hrís 'brushwood'.
Rilo English
Transferred use of the surname derived from the Old English elements ryge (rye) and lēah (wood, clearing, meadow). See also Riley 1.
Rind German
Probably a metonymic occupational name for a cattle dealer or butcher, from Middle High German rint meaning "cow".
Rino Italian
From the given name Rino.
Ripp English (American), East Frisian, German
From Ripp, a Frisian pet name for Rippert.
Rist Estonian
Rist is an Estonian surname meaning "cross".
Rita Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan
From the female personal name Rita, a reduced form of MargharitaMargaret’, chosen in particular in honor of a 15th-century Italian saint who bore the name in this form.
Ritt German
Either a topographic name from Old High German ritta meaning "reeds" or a habitational name from a place near Kassel, Germany. Alternately it may also be a variant of Ried.
Ritz German
From a short form of the personal name Rizo, itself derived in part from Richard and in part from Heinrich (see Henry).
Riza Arabic
From the given name Ridha.
Rkhi Korean (Russified)
Russified form of Rhee used by ethnic Koreans living in parts of the former Soviet Union.
Roan Irish
variant of Roane
Roby English
From a medieval diminutive form of the given name Robert.
Roca Catalan
Habitational name from any of the numerous places so named, from Catalan roca "rock". This name is also Occitan.
Rock English
Topographic name for someone who lived near a notable crag or outcrop, from Middle English rokke "rock" (see Roach), or a habitational name from a place named with this word, as for example Rock in Northumberland.
Rodd English
Locational name for someone "at the rod" of land, from Middle English rodde. Also could come from the given name Rod, or the parish of Rodd in Herefordshire, England.
Rodé Ancient Greek
A man said it was a location.
Roel English, Spanish, Dutch, German
From the name Roeland, meaning "famous country".
Rohe Low German
The surname ROHE is from a short form of a Germanic formed with Middle High German Rouen 'to roar' or old High German ruin 'Care' , 'intent' (See roch).
Rohi Estonian
Rohi is an Estonian surname meaning "grass" or "pasturage".
Rohr German, Jewish
Topographic name for someone who lived in an area thickly grown with reeds, from Middle High German ror. Also a habitational name from one of the several places named with this word.
Roht Estonian
Roht is an Estonian surname meaning "veld".
Roka Japanese
Japanese name meaning "White crest of the wave".
Rolf English, German
Derived from the given name Rolf.
Roll Upper German, German, English
German: from Middle High German rolle, rulle ‘roll’, ‘list’, possibly applied as a metonymic occupational name for a scribe.... [more]
Romo Spanish
Derived from latin (rhombus) meaning obtuse, blunt.
Romp English, German
Likely a variant of Rump.
Rong Chinese
From Chinese 荣 (róng) referring to the ancient fief of Rong, which existed during the Zhou dynasty in what is now Henan province.
Rong Chinese
From Chinese 容 (róng) referring to a Zhou dynasty title used by officials who were in charge of managing rituals, music, and ceremonies. Alternately it may be derived from the name of the ancient state of Rong (location and time period unknown).
Ronk Estonian
Ronk is an Estonian surname meaning "raven".
Rönn Swedish
Means "rowan" in Swedish.
Roño Spanish
masculine form of roña which means dirt
Rood English
Designating someone who lived near a cross, rood in Middle English
Roog Estonian
Roog is an Estonian surname meaning "reed".
Rook English
From a medieval nickname for someone thought to resemble a rook (e.g. in having black hair or a harsh voice).
Rool Estonian
Rool is an Estonian surname meaning "wheel" and "helm".
Rõõm Estonian
Rõõm is an Estonian surname meaning "gladness".
Rööp Estonian
Rööp is an Estonian surname meaning "parallel" and "beside".
Roop Dutch
Dutch: from a short form of the Germanic personal name Robrecht.
Roos Estonian, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, German (Swiss), Low German
Means "rose" in Estonian and Dutch. Swedish and Danish variant of Ros, also meaning "rose". This could be a locational name for someone living near roses, an occupational name for someone who grew roses, or a nickname for someone with reddish skin.
Root English, Dutch
English: nickname for a cheerful person, from Middle English rote ‘glad’ (Old English rot). ... [more]
Rosi Greek, Italian
Greek: Metronymic from the female personal name Rosa 1, or alternatively a variant of Rosso.... [more]
Roso Croatian
Croatian variation of the Italian surname Rosso.
Rost German
From a nickname for a red-haired person, from Middle High German rost meaning ‘rust’.
Rost German
A metonymic occupational name for a limeburner or blacksmith, from Middle High German, Middle Low German rōst meaning ‘grate, grill’ or Middle High German rōst(e) meaning ‘fire, embers, pyre, grate’ (typically one for burning lime).
Roșu Romanian
Means “red” in Romanian.
Rota Italian
Means "wheel" in Italian, from various place names.
Rott German
As far as I've researched the name dates back to a man by the name of Count Palatine Kuno von Rott (~1083). After he got land from the Pfalzfrafs which seem to be a nobile family line.... [more]
Rouf Bengali
From the given name Rauf.
Rõuk Estonian
Rõuk is an Estonian surname derived from the word "rõuk", a type of traditional stack made for the collection and drying of hay, cereals, or straw, often made with a wooden frame.
Rowe Jewish
A shortened form of the surname Horowitz, a variant of the surname Horovic, from the town of Horovice, Czech Republic.
Roys English
From the given name Roy.
Ruch German (Swiss)
It was originally a nickname for a greedy person, from Middle High German ruoch ‘eager,’ ‘intent.’... [more]
Rudd English
The surname Rudd is derived from the Old English root "rud-," a component in the words "rudig," which means "ruddy," and "ruddoc," which means "red-breast." The surname was originally a nickname for a ruddy complexioned or red-haired person, or perhaps for someone who habitually wore the color red.
Rude Norwegian, German
German: From a pet form of a personal name formed with Old High German hrōd "fame", for example Rudolf or Rüdiger... [more]
Rüga Estonian
Rüga is an Estonian surname derived from "rügama" meaning to "toil" and "rügaja" meaning "toiler".
Ruge German
Nickname from Middle High German ruowe, ruge ‘quiet’, ‘calm’ or Low German rug ‘rough’, ‘crude’.... [more]
Rugg English
Nickname for a person associated with the color red, whether through hair color, clothing, or complexion. Accordingly, the name is derived from the Old French word ruge, meaning red.
Rugh German
A variant of the Alsacian German (and probably Swiss before that) Ruch. Also a variant of the Danish Rügh (not related as far as is known)
Ruhe German
Variant of Ruge. (Rühe) is also a nickname from Rüde ‘hound.’ Habitational name from places named Rühen, Rüden, Rhüden in northern Germany.
Ruhr German
Name given to a person who lived near the Ruhr River in Germany.
Rule Scottish, English
Scottish name from the lands of Rule in the parish of Hobkirk, Roxburghshire. The derivation is from the River Rule which flows through the area, and is so called from the ancient Welsh word "rhull" meaning "hasty or rushing".... [more]
Rull Estonian
Rull is an Estonian surname meaning "spool" and "roll".
Rump Estonian
Rump is an Estonian surname meaning "dugout" and "punt".
Rünk Estonian
Rünk is an Estonian surname meaning "crag" and "rock".
Rush Irish
Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Ruis "descendant of Ros", a personal name perhaps derived from ros "wood". In Connacht it has also been used as a translation of Ó Luachra (see Loughrey).
Russ English
Variant of Rouse.
Russ Romansh
Derived from a diminutive of the given name Rudolf.
Rust English, Scottish
A nickname to someone with reddish hair or a ruddy complexion.
Ruth English, German (Swiss)
English: from Middle English reuthe ‘pity’ (a derivative of rewen to pity, Old English hreowan) nickname for a charitable person or for a pitiable one. Not related to the given name in this case.... [more]
Rutt English, German
English: variant of Root.... [more]
Rutz Romansh, German (Swiss), German (Austrian)
Derived from a diminutive of the given name Rudolf.
Rutz Low German
Derived from Middle Low German rūtze or ruce "cobbler".
Ruus Estonian
Ruus is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "kruus" meaning "mug", "shingle" and "ballast". Possibly derived from "rüüs" meaning "frilled".
Rüüt Estonian
Rüüt is an Estonian surname meaning "golden plover" (Pluvialis apricaria).
Ruut Estonian
Ruut is an Estonian surname meaning "square".
Ryan Korean (Russified)
Form of Ryang used by Koreans in Russia.
Ryen Norwegian
Habitational name from any of more than ten farmsteads, originally named with Old Norse rugr ‘rye’ + vin ‘meadow’.
Ryle English
Habitational name from Royle in Lancashire (see Royle).
Rylo English
Variant of the surname Rilo.
Ryne German (Swiss)
Respelling of Swiss German Rhyn, a topographic name for someone living on the Rhine river, Middle High German Rin.
Ryuk Korean
North Korean form of Yuk.
Saag Estonian
Saag is an Estonian surname meaning "saw".
Saal Estonian
Saal is an Estonian surname meaning "hall".
Saat Estonian
Saat is an Estonian surname derived from "saatja", meaning "sender", "addresser", "guard" and "porter".
Saba French, Occitan
Nickname from a variant of Occitan sabe meaning "tasty, flavorsome". Compare Sabourin.
Saba Arabic
From the given name Saba or Sabah.
Sabo Serbian, Croatian, Romanian
Variant form of Szabó.
Saco Italian
There are several possible derivations for the Saco surname: the Saco name evolved from an old Tuscan personal name, Saccus; it came from the word "sacco" meaning "a sack," and was an occupational name for a maker of sacks or bags; it was a habitational name taken on from the place named Sacco in Salerno province.
Sada Japanese
From 佐 (sa) meaning "assist" and 田 (ta) meaning "rice paddy, field".
Säde Estonian
Säde is an Estonian surname (and feminine given name) meaning "spark".
Sadi Arabic
Derived from the given name Sa'di.
Safa Persian, Turkish, Arabic, Urdu
From the given names Safaa or Safaa'.
Safi Pashto, Afghan, Pakistani
Meaning unknown. This is the name of branch of the Ghurghakhti Pashtun tribe in regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Safi Arabic
From the given name Safi.
Sage English (Modern)
From the English word sage (see Sage).
Saha Indian, Bengali, Assamese, Odia, Nepali
Derived from Sanskrit साधु (sadhu) meaning "merchant, money-lender, banker".
Sahu Indian, Odia, Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Assamese, Gujarati, Nepali
Derived from Sanskrit साधु (sadhu) meaning "merchant, money-lender, banker".
Said Arabic, Somali, Urdu
From the given name Sa'id.
Saif Arabic, Bengali, Urdu
From the given name Saif.
Saiz Spanish
Variant of Sáez.
Saka Japanese
Saka means "slope, hill", often found in other surnames and place names such as Osaka.
Saka Turkish
Either an occupational name for a seller or deliverer of water or a nickname meaning "goldfinch".
Saka Japanese
From Japanese 坂 or 阪 (saka) meaning "slope".
Saki Japanese
Saki means "peninsula, cape, promontory".
Sako Japanese
From Japanese 佐 (sa) meaning "help, aid" and 古 (ko) meaning "old".
Sako Western African, Manding
From the name of a Soninke and Mandinka clan most likely derived from saaxo meaning "heron, egret".
Saks Estonian
Saks is an Estonian surname derived from "Saksa" ("German") and "Saksamaa" ("Germany"). Ultimately derived from "Saxon" and "Saxony".
Sala Latvian
From Latvian sala meaning "island".
Sale English, French
English: from Middle English sale ‘hall’, a topographic name for someone living at a hall or manor house, or a metonymic occupational name for someone employed at a hall or manor house. ... [more]
Sale Sardinian
Derived from Sardinian sale "salt", this name denoted a producer or seller of salt.
Salk English (American)
Likely the English form of Schalk, which means "dweller near a willow tree".
Salt English
Of Anglo-Saxon origin, from the town in Staffordshire.
Salu Estonian
Salu is an Estonian surname meaning "grove".
Same Japanese
Variant reading of 五月女 (Saotome).
Sami Arabic
Derived from the given name Sami 2.
Samy Arabic (Egyptian)
Derived from the given name Sami 2.
Sand English, Scottish, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German, Jewish
From the vocabulary word sand. As a Swedish and Jewish name, often ornamental. Otherwise topographic.
Sand English, Scottish
Derived from a short form of Alexander.
Sand French
Derived from the given name Sando.
Sang Estonian
Sang is an Estonian surname meaning "handle" or "bail".
Sang Chinese
From Chinese 桑 (sāng) referring either to the ancient city of Qiong Sang, which existed in what is now Shandong province, or the ancient state of Sang, which existed in what is now Henan province and was annexed by the state of Qin.
Sani Arabic, Bengali
Derived from the given name Sani 1.
Sans Catalan
From the given name Sans.
Sanx Spanish
A variation of the surname Sáenz, derived from the popular medieval given name Sancho. This given name was originally derived from the Latin name Sanctius a derivative of the Latin word 'sanctus', meaning 'holy'... [more]
Sara Sami
Probably derived from Finnish saari "island", though some claim that it is taken from the given name Sara.
Sard English, French, Spanish, Italian
In the book surnames of the United Kingdom: A Concise Etymological Dictionary by Henry Harrison and Gyda (Pulling) Harrison 1912 - Reprinted 1996. The Sard surname (which has been in England, Italy and Europe for a long time) is defined thus on page 136.... [more]
Sari Estonian
Sari is an Estonian surname meaning "cluster" or "batch".
Sari Indonesian
Means "essence" in Indonesian. In 2014, this was the most common surname in Indonesia.
Sarı Turkish
Means "yellow, blond" in Turkish.
Särk Estonian
Särk is an Estonian surname meaning "shirt".
Sarr Western African, Serer
Meaning uncertain.
Sarv Estonian
Sarv is an Estonian surname meaning "horn".
Sasi Estonian
Sasi is an Estonian surname meaning "shock", "skein", and "snarl".
Sass German
Variant of Sasse.
Saß German
Variant of Sass.
Sata Japanese
From 佐 (sa) meaning "assist" and 田 (ta) meaning "rice paddy, field".
Sato Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 砂糖 (see Satō).
Satō Japanese (Rare)
Means "sugar" in Japanese, possibly referring to a sugar house owner.
Saul Estonian
Saul is an Estonian surname derived from the biblical masculine given name "Saul".
Saur German
Variant of Sauer.
Savi Estonian
Savi is an Estonian surname meaning "clay".
Sawa Japanese
From Japanese 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Saza Japanese
From the Japanese 佐 (sa) "assistant" and 座 (za) "seat."
Seah Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Xie chiefly used in Singapore.
Seal English
Variant of Seals, perhaps an occupational name for a person who makes saddles.
Sean English
The stage Surname of English singer Jay Sean (born Kamaljit Singh Jhooti)
Seay Scottish, Irish
Of uncertain origin and meaning.
Seel German
Occupational name for a person who makes or sells ropes.
Seep Estonian
Seep is an Estonian surname meaning "soap".
Sees German
Variant of Seese.
Seib German
Short form of SEIBOLD. Ultimately derived from names composed of the Germanic name element sigi "victory".
Seid German
From the Germanic given name Sito, a short form of a compound name formed with sigi "victory".
Seid Jewish
Metonymic occupational name from German Seide and Yiddish zayd "silk"
Seif German, Jewish
Metonymic occupational name for a soap maker, from Middle High German seife, German Seife 'soap'.
Seif Arabic, Persian
From the given name Saif.
Seim Upper German
German: metonymic occupational name for a beekeeper, from Middle High German seim ‘honey’.
Sela Hebrew
Means "rock" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of a city, the capital of Edom. Famous bearer is the Israeli model, actress and television presenter Rotem Sela (born 1983)
Self English
East Anglian surname, from the medieval English masculine name Saulf which was derived from the Old English elements "sea" and wulf "wolf".
Selg Estonian
Selg is an Estonian surname meaning "back", "spine" and "back of".
Sell Estonian
Sell is an Estonian surname meaning "apprentice".
Selz German
The Selz is a river in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, and a left hand tributary of the Rhine. It flows through the largest German wine region, Rheinhessen or Rhenish Hesse. Also, Seltz (German: Selz) is a commune in the Bas-Rhin department of the Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine region in north-eastern France.... [more]
Semo Judeo-Italian (Italianized, Archaic)
Semo whose meaning can be Simas or simeon or simão or corruptions of onesimus
Seng German
1. Topographic name for someone who lived by land cleared by fire, from Middle High German sengen ‘to singe or burn’. ... [more]
Seng Khmer
Means "multiply" in Khmer.
Senn German
Derived from the Middle High German word senne meaning "dairy farmer".
Seno Japanese
From 瀬 (se) meaning "current, ripple" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness, plain".
Seok Korean
Korean form of Shi, from Sino-Korean 石 (seok).
Seol Korean
From Sino-Korean 薛 (seol) meaning a type of marsh grass or 偰 (seol) meaning "clear".
Seow Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Xiao.
Sero Japanese
From Japanese 瀬 (se) meaning "rapids" and 呂 (ro) meaning "spine"
Sert Turkish
Means "hard, stiff, stern" in Turkish.
Seta Japanese
From Japanese 瀬 (se) meaning "rapids, current" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Seth Scottish, Irish
Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Sithigh or Ó Síthigh (see Sheehy).
Seth Indian, Hindi, Odia, Bengali, Marathi, Punjabi
Means "merchant, banker" in Hindi, ultimately from Sanskrit श्रेष्ठ (shreshtha) meaning "best, chief, most excellent".
Seto Japanese
Se means "riffle" and to means "door". ... [more]
Seul French
From Fr. "only, alone"
Shad Arabic, Urdu, Persian
Derived from the given name Shad 1.
Shah Indian, Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi
Derived from Sanskrit साधु (sādhú) meaning "gentleman, virtuous man".
Shai Hebrew (Modern)
From the unisex given name Shai.
Sham Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Cen.
Shan Chinese
From the place name Shan. Cheng Wang, the second king (1115–1079 bc) of the Zhou dynasty, granted to a son the area of Shan, and the son’s descendants adopted the place name as their surname. It comes from the Chinese word meaning "mountain"... [more]
Shan Gujarati, Hindi
A Gujarati and Hindi surname with an unknown meaning.
Shan Chinese
From Chinese 单 (shàn) referring to the ancient state of Shan, which existed during the Zhou dynasty in what is now Henan province.
Shao Chinese
From Chinese 邵 (shào) referring to the ancient fief of Zhao, which existed during the Shang dynasty in what is now Shaanxi province. The name of the fief, 召, had the same pronunciation as the character 邵.
Shao Chinese
From Chinese 韶 (sháo) possibly referring to the ancient town of Shao that existed during the Sui dynasty in what is now Guangdong province.
Shay Irish
Variant of Shea.
Shee Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of O'Shea.
Shek Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Shi.
Shen Chinese
From Chinese 沈 (shěn) referring to the ancient state of Shen, which existed during the Zhou dynasty in what is now the Henan province.
Shen Chinese
From Chinese 慎 (shèn) meaning "cautious, acting sincerely, with care".