Submitted Surnames Starting with A

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Albaz Jewish, Northern African
Ashkenazic Jewish name meaning, "falconer" found mainly amongst Jewish peoples emigrating from Algeria and Morocco.
Albee Scottish
Means either "son of the blond one" or "son of Alpin".
Al Behairy Arabic
Linguistic: Comes from the word BOHAYṘA which means lake, the name "lake" is being employed as an adjective.
Albehbehani Arabic
Meaning "The Behbehani", with "Behbehani" possibly a given name.
Albeiz Basque
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous neighborhood of the municipality of Asparrena.
Albéniz Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Albeiz.
Alber German
Alber family name was first found in Alsace. The nickname given to someone fair in complexion or blond haired is derived from Latin word Albanus, which means white.
Alberico Italian
From the given name Alberico
Alberti Italian
From the given name Alberto.
Albertin French
French form of Albertini.
Albertinelli Italian
Means "son of Albertinello", a diminutive of Alberto.
Albertini Italian
"Son of Alberto".
Albertov Russian
Means "son of Albert".
Albertsdóttir Icelandic
Means "daughter of Albert" in Icelandic.
Albin Romansh
Derived from the given name Albin.
Albinet French
Derived from the medieval French masculine given name Albinet, which was a diminutive (as the -et suffix indicates) of the given name Albin.... [more]
Albinez Spanish
Means "son of Albino".
Albino Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
From the given name Albino
Albinsen Danish, Norwegian
Means "Son of Albin".
Albizua Basque
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous neighborhood of the municipality of Orozko.
Albo Spanish, Italian, Jewish
It is derived from the name Albert, Alberto, Albino, and Alberico.... [more]
Alborty Ossetian
Derived from Loir, the name of a village in present-day North Ossetia-Alania.
Alborz Persian
From the given name Alborz.
Albright American
This name was originally Albrecht. It was changed by German imigrants to America in the 1600s.
Albritton English
An occupational name for a nutritionist.
Alcabasa Filipino
Derived from Spanish el cabeza meaning "the head".
Alcaide Spanish, Portuguese
Ancient occupational or status name from alcaide from Arabic al-qāʾid "the leader, the commander" (see Kaid)... [more]
Alcalá Spanish
Derived from numerous towns with this name (fortified villages during the Moorish occupation of Spain), derived from Arabic القلعة (al-qalʿah) meaning "fortress, fortification, citadel".
Alcalde Spanish
Spanish: from alcalde 'mayor' from Arabic al-qāḍī 'the judge' a title dating from the days of Moorish rule in Spain.
Alcántara Spanish
Habitational name denoting someone originally from the municipality of Alcántara in Extremadura, Spain. The name is ultimately derived from Arabic اَلْقَنْطَرَة‎ (al-qanṭara) meaning "the bridge".
Alcântara Portuguese
Portuguese cognate of Alcántara.
Alcantara Spanish, Filipino
Simplified form of Alcántara.
Alcaraz Spanish
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous Manchego municipality.
Alcázar Spanish
Habitational name from any of various places for example in the provinces of Ciudad Real Cuenca and Granada named with the word alcázar "citadel" or "palace" (from Arabic al "the" and qaṣr "fortress" a borrowing of Latin castrum; see Castro).
Alcobendas Spanish
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous Manchego municipality.
Alcock English
From a diminutive of given names starting with Al-.
Alcorn Scottish
Scottish variation of Allcorn, a name that originally came from Alchorn, a manor in the parish of Rotherfield, Sussex.
Alcott English
English: ostensibly a topographic name containing Middle English cott, cote ‘cottage’ (see Coates). In fact, however, it is generally if not always an alteration of Alcock, in part at least for euphemistic reasons.
Alcox English
Variant of Alcott.
Alcubierre Aragonese
This indicates familial origin within the vicinity of the Sierra d’Alcubierre.
Aldabergenov m Kazakh
Means "son of Aldabergen".
Aldabergenova f Kazakh
Feminine form of Aldabergenov.
Aldane Anglo-Saxon
Derived from "dweller at the old enclosure".
Aldatz Basque
This indicates familial origin within either of 2 eponymous Navarrese neighborhoods: the one in Larraun, Comarca of Leitzaldea or the one in Itza, Comarca of Iruñerria.
Aldaz Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Aldatz.
Aldazabal Basque
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous farmhouse in the municipality of Azkoitia.
Aldea Spanish
Topographic name meaning "village, hamlet" in Spanish, ultimately from Arabic الضيعة‎ (ad-day'a).
Al Delaimi Arabic (Rare)
Variant transcription of al-Dulaimi.
Alderete Spanish
Habitational name from any of the places in Galicia (Spain) and Portugal called Alderete probably from a Gothic personal name or derived from the Old English personal, or first name “Aldrich,” which means old ruler
Alderink Dutch
A personal name from an ancient Germanic personal name Aldheri.
Alderman English
Status name from Middle English alderman, Old English ealdorman, "elder". In medieval England an alderman was a member of the governing body of a city or borough; also the head of a guild.
Alderson English (Modern)
Patronymic from the Middle English forename Alder, derived from two Old English names, Ealdhere ‘ancient army’ and Æðelhere ‘noble army’... [more]
Aldinger German
Habitational name for someone from Aldingen in Württemberg.
Aldis English
Derived from the Old English given name Aldus.
Aldiyarov Kazakh
Means "son of Aldiyar" in Kazakh.
al-Dosari Arabic
Means "the Dosari" in Arabic, referring to a person from the Dawasir (الدواسر) Bedouin tribe of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. The tribe was formed in the town of Wadi Al Dawasir, in the Riyadh Province of Saudi Arabia.
Aldous English
Aldous is one of the thousands of new names that the Norman Conquest of 1066 brought to England. It comes from the Old English female given name Aldus. Ald, the first part of the name, means old.
Aldridge English
habitational name from a place in the West Midlands called Aldridge; it is recorded in Domesday Book as Alrewic, from Old English alor ‘alder’ + wīc ‘dwelling’, ‘farmstead’.
Alduate Basque
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous neighborhood of the Navarrese municipality of Urraulbeiti.
al-Dulaimi Arabic
Means "the Dulaimi" in Arabic, referring to a person from the Dulaim (الدليم) royal tribe of Iraq, Syria, Kuwait and Jordan.
Aldunate Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Alduate.
Aldworth English
From the parish of the same name in Berkshire, England.
Alecu Romanian
Means "son of Alexandru" in Romanian.
Aleem Arabic, Urdu, Dhivehi
Derived from the given name Alim.
Aleena Ancient Greek
This name was inspired by the greek name "Alina" and is used in places like Turkiye
Alegado Spanish (Philippines)
From Spanish alegado meaning "alleged, claimed".
Aleghieri Medieval Italian (Tuscan, Rare, Archaic)
It has a hard to trace meaning, but the research shows that the meaning might be "clurgyman's family" or "son of professers." People know this last name for the poet Dante Aligheri who wrote the Dievine Comedy.
Alegre Spanish, Portuguese
Nickname from alegre "bright, merry" (Latin alacer).
Alegria Spanish, Portuguese
In Spanish, the name is from a location.... [more]
Aleixandre Aragonese
From the given name Aleixandre.
Aleixo Portuguese
From the given name Aleixo.
Alejandra Spanish
Feminine form of Alejandro.
Alejandre Spanish
Variant of Alejandro.
Alejandro Spanish
From the personal name Alejandro, Spanish form of Alexander.
Alejo Spanish
From the given name Alejo.
Alekhin Russian
Variant of Alyokhin (Алёхин)
Alekhina Russian
Feminine form of Alekhin (Алехин)
Alekhine Russian (Gallicized)
French transliteration of Alekhin, most prominently borne by Russian-French chess player Alexander Alekhine (1892-1946).
Aleksanyan Armenian
Means "son of Aleksan".
Aleksiev m Bulgarian
Means "son of Aleksi".
Aleksieva f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Aleksiev.
Aleksinas Greek (?)
A famous bearer is the American former professional basketball player Chuck Aleksinas (1959-).
Aleksovska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Aleksovski.
Aleksovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Alekso".
Alemán Spanish
from alemán an ethnic name for a German also used as a nickname for a Spanish person having some connection with Germany.
Alemdar Turkish
Occupational name for a carrier of flags, banners or ensigns, from Turkish alem meaning "banner, flag".
Aler English (Rare), German
From the alder tree, a tree found in the Americas, Europe and parts of Asia. The much less common given name Aler is possibly derived from it.
Alessandro Italian
From the given name Alessandro.
Alessio Italian
From the given name Alessio.
Alexanderov Russian, Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Aleksandrov.
Alexandersdóttir Icelandic
Means "daughter of Alexander" in Icelandic.
Alexandra English (Rare)
Derived from the given name Alexandra
Alexandre French, Portuguese
From the given name Alexandre.
Alexandrou Greek
Means "son of Alexandros".
Alexandrov Russian
Variant transcription of Aleksandrov.
Alexandrova Russian, Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Aleksandrova.
Alexandru Romanian
From the given name Alexandru.
Alexanian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Aleksanyan.
Alexie Romanian
From the given name Alexie.
Alexis German, French, English, Greek
From the given name Alexis.
Alexopoulos Greek
From the personal name Alexios + the patronymic ending -poulos.
Alexson English
This surname means “son of Alex”.
Aleyeva Russian
Feminine form of Aleyev (Алеев)
Alfani Italian
(or Alfano) three possibilities: from the German word halfer ("helper"), from a place called Alfano, which is supposed to be from the Arab al fannan ("wild donkey"), and Alfana is the name of a race (as in type) of Arab horses, so could be someone related to horses.
Alfeev Russian
Derived from the Russian monastic name Yelevfery, derived from Greek ἐλεύθερος (eleutheros) meaning "free".
Alfeo Italian
From the given name Alfeo.
Alferyev Russian
Derived from the Russian monastic name Yelevfery, derived from Greek ἐλεύθερος (eleutheros) meaning "free".
Alfes Jewish
Official website of the the City of Alfés (in the Province Lleida, Catalonia, Spain) says:... [more]
Alfieri Italian
From Italian alfiere "standard-bearer, ensign", ultimately from Arabic فارس (al-faris) "horseman, rider; knight, cavalier". May alternately derive from the Germanic given name Adalfarus, meaning "noble journey".
Alfonsi Italian
From the given name Alfonso.
Alford English, Scottish
Habitation name found in Lincolnshire, Surrey and Somerset, England and Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The name can be derived by combining the Old English female personal name Ealdg- and -ford meaning "water crossing" or can mean "from the alder tree ford".
Alforque Spanish (Philippines)
Possibly from the name of a place called Alforque in Zaragoza province, Spain, meaning uncertain.
Alfred English, Caribbean
Derived from the given name Alfred.
Alfredi Italian
Derived from the given name Alfredo.
Alfredo Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Alfredo.
Alfsen Norwegian
Norwegian cognate of Alfsson.
Alfstad Norwegian (Rare)
Possibly a combination of the given name Alf 1 and stad "city, town".
Alfvén Swedish (Rare)
Perhaps derived from Swedish älv "river".
Alfyorov Russian
Derived from the Russian monastic name Yelevfery, derived from Greek ἐλεύθερος (eleutheros) meaning "free".
Algerie Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from the French Algérie meaning "Algeria" (referring directly to the country itself). It also refers to someone from Annaba, Algeria.
Al-ghamdi Arabic
Means "the Ghamdi", referring to the Ghamd tribe of Saudi Arabia.
Al-ghoul Arabic
Palestinian surname.
al-Ghoul Arabic (Mashriqi)
Perhaps from the Arabic folklore tradition of the ghoul. In the English speaking world, this name is probably known from the Batman comic/movie characters Ra's al Ghul and Talia al Ghul.
Algieri Italian
Italian form of Algerie.
Algotsson Swedish
Means "son of Algot".
Algus Estonian
Algus is an Estonian surname meaning "beginning".
Al-haddad Arabic
Meaning “The Smith”
Alhadeff Judeo-Spanish
Possibly an occupational name for a weaver from Arabic الهداف (al-̣haddāf) meaning "the weaver's shuttle". Alternately, it may be from Arabic الهدى (al-hadā) meaning "the guided one".
Al-haj Arabic
Variant of Haj.
Alhambra Spanish
Refers to the Alhambra, a palace complex located in Granada, Spain. The name itself is derived from Arabic الْحَمْرَاء‎‎ (Al-Ḥamrā) meaning "the red one" or, ultimately, from Arabic أَحْمَر (ʾaḥmar) "red".
Al Harbi Arabic
Originally indicated a person from the Harb tribe derived from Arabic حَرْبيّ (ḥarbiyy) meaning "military, war, army".
Al-hashimi Arabic
From the given name Hashim.
Alhassan Arabic, Somali, Urdu
From the given name Al-Hasan.
al-Husseini Arabic
Derived from the given name Hussein.
Əlibəyli Azerbaijani
From the given name Əli, the Turkic title bəy meaning "gentleman, mister; lord, master" and the adjective suffix -li.
Alibekov Kazakh, Kumyk, Lezgin
Means "son of Alibek".
Alić Bosnian
Means "son of Ali 1".
Alicea Spanish (Latin American)
Derived from the given name Alicia.
Alıcı Turkish
Means "customer" in Turkish.
Aliesch Romansh
Derived from the given name Alexius.
Alievska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Alievski.
Alievski m Macedonian
Means "son of Ali 1".
Alif Malay (Arabized, Rare, Archaic)
"Good friends" "Close friend" "Best friend" "Companion" "Close companion" "Kind" "Meek" "Gentle" "Compassionated" "soft"
Alifieris Greek
From Italian alfiere "standard-bearer, ensign" cognate to the Italian surname Alfieri.
Alig Romansh
Of debated origin and meaning; theories include a derivation from the given name Alexius.
Aligato Filipino, Cebuano
Means "spark, flying ember" in Cebuano.
Alighieri Italian
From the given name Alighiero, Italian form of Aldiger. A famous bearer of this surname is Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), author of the Divine Comedy.
Alijonov Uzbek
Means "son of Alijon".
Əlili Azerbaijani
From the given name Əli and the Turkic adjective suffix -li.
Alimasag Filipino, Cebuano
Means "flower crab" in Cebuano.
Alimkhanuly Kazakh
Derived from the given name Alimkhan.
Alimpiev Russian
Means "son of Alimpiy".
Alimpolos Filipino, Cebuano
From Cebuano alimpulos meaning "whirlwind, cyclone".
Alimzhanov m Kazakh, Kyrgyz
Means "son of Alimzhan".
Alimzhanova f Kazakh, Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Alimzhanov.
Alin Swedish
Variant of Ahlin.
Alindajao Filipino, Cebuano
From Cebuano alindahaw meaning "drizzle, sprinkle".
Alinurov Kazakh
Means "son of Alinur" in Kazakh.
Alioune Western African
From the given name Alioune.
Alipoor Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian علیپور (see Alipour).
Alipour Persian
Means "descendant of Ali 1" in Persian.
Alirez Spanish (Mexican)
A protector. Rap. Loves all things Coral.
Alirezaei Persian
From the given name Alireza.
Əlirzayev m Azerbaijani
Means "son of Əlirza".
Aliston English
Variant of Allerston, a habitational surname derived from a place so named in North Yorkshire.
Alistratova Russian
Feminine form of Alistratov (Алистратов)
Əliverdibəyov m Azerbaijani
Means "son of Əliverdi bəy", with bəy being a Turkic title meaning "gentleman, mister; lord, master".
Alix French
Derived from the given name Alix.
Əlixanov m Azerbaijani
Means "son of Əlixan".
Əlixanova f Azerbaijani
Femminine form of Əlixanov.
Əlizadə Azerbaijani
Means "son of Əli".
Alizade Persian, Azerbaijani
Persian alternate transcription of Alizadeh as well as an Azerbaijani alternate transcription of Əlizadə.
Alizadeh Persian
From the given name Ali 1 combined with Persian زاده (zadeh) meaning "offspring".
Alizai Pashto
Means "son of Ali 1" in Pashto.
Alizoda Tajik
Tajik form of Alizadeh.
Aljalal Arabic
Meaning "Son of Jalal". Jalal, a Given Name.
Aljand Estonian
Aljand is an Estonian surname derived from "paljand" meaning "outcrop" and "locality".
Aljas Estonian
Aljas is an Estonian surname. It is a corruption of "haljas" meaning "green" and "verdant".
Aljaž Slovene
Etymological origin unknown, possibly from the latin word alias, meaning "different".
Aljošin m Russian
GOST 16876-71 transcription of Alyoshin.
Al-Kadamani Arabic
used Dutch "The Voice Of Holland"'s Hanin Al-Kadamani
Alkaiaga Basque
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous neighborhood of the Navarrese municipality of Lesaka.
Alkan Turkish
From Turkish al meaning "dark red, crimson" and kan meaning "blood".
al-Kashgari Uyghur, Arabic
Alternate transcription of Uyghur كاشغەرىي and Arabic كاشغري (see Kashgari). A famous bearer was Mahmud al-Kashgari (1005-1102), an 11th-century Kara-Khanid scholar and lexicographer of the Turkic languages from the city of Kashgar in Xinjiang, China.
Al Kayyali Arabic
Arabic surname from aleppo
Al Khatib Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic الخطيب (see Al-khatib).
Alkhatib Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic الخطيب (see Al-khatib).
Al-khwārizmī Medieval Arabic
This is the name of 9th century mathematician and astronomer Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmi, derived from the region of Khwarazm
Al-kindi Arabic
"From the Kinda tribe".
Alkış Turkish
Means "applause, acclamation" in Turkish.
Alkiza Basque
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous municipality.
Alksnis Latvian
Means "alder tree" in Latvian.