Submitted Surnames Starting with S

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Stiefel German
Either from stiefel "boot", which could mean a boot maker or from middle low german stief which means "stiff", a nickname for a stubborn person
Stieglitz German
Meaning goldfinch, Stiglitz was borrowed into German from a Slavic language, probably Old Czech stehlec. Several possible origins: of the surname can be: ... [more]
Stiff English (American)
Used sometimes as a derogatory term, stiff means uptight. It is used in a surname in American culture as well as in the media, such as novels, movies or tv shows.
Stifflemire English (American)
Derived from Old English words "stiff" and "mere," which together could have referred to a stiff or rigid body of water, perhaps a lake or pond.
Stift German (Austrian), Dutch
Means "religious foundation, monastery".
Stifter German, German (Austrian)
Means "founder" in Middle High German, from stiften "to bring about, endow, donate", a name for a tenant farmer on previously unoccupied land, or a habitational name from the related word Stift meaning "endowed monastery, secular convent, church foundation".
Stiglitz German
Variant of Stieglitz
Stijepović Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Stijepo".
Stikvoort Dutch
Derived from Middle Dutch voort "ford" and an uncertain first element; perhaps from a relation of Middle High German stickel "hill, slope".
Stile English
Variant of Styles.
Stiles English
From Old English stigel, stigol ‘steep uphill path’ (a derivative of stigan ‘to climb’).
Stilinski Polish (?)
The last name of one of the characters from the Teen Wolf 1980s movie and the MTV show, Stiles Stilinski.
Stillman English
From German still "quiet" and Mann "man", hence, "calm man".
Stinchcomb English
Habitational name from Stinchcombe in Gloucestershire, recorded in the 12th century as Stintescombe, from the dialect term stint meaning "sandpiper" + cumb meaning "narrow valley".
Stinnes German
Indicated that the bearer lived near a prominent stone. See also Stein
Stinson English, Scottish
This is one of the many patronymic forms of the male given name Stephen, i.e. son of Stephen. From these forms developed the variant patronymics which include Stim(p)son, Stenson, Steenson, and Stinson.
Stipančić Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Stipe" or "son of Stjepan".
Stipetić Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Stipe".
Stipić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Stipe".
Stirrett Scottish
Variant of Starrett, probably via Sterrett (since that would better explain the sound transformation).
Stirrup English (British)
Originated in Merseyside, England.
Stiver English
Occupational name from Old French “estivur” meaning “plowman”, coming from Latin “stivarius”. This has also been used as a name for someone who played the stive, a type of bagpipe.
St James English
St. James has English and French origins and is a rare surname in the United States.
St Leger Irish, English
Anglo-Irish surname, from one of the places in France called Saint-Léger, which were named in honour of St. Leodegar.
St Louis French, English
In honor of Saint Louis.
Stlouis French
Habitational name from any of several places named with a religious dedication to a St. Louis.
St Mary English, French
This name is probably used in reference to Mary, Mother of Jesus or one of the many places called St Mary.
St Nicholas English
Indicated the original bearer was from a place named after Saint Nicholas.
Stoakley English
This is an English locational name of Anglo-Saxon origin. The meaning is either the wood from which stocks, that is to say tree stumps or logs were obtained and derived from the Old English pre 7th Century word stocc, meaning a stump and leah, "a wood or glade"... [more]
Stoaks English
A name of unknown meaning that was brought to Britain as a result of the Norman Conquest.
Stobrawa Polish, German
Uncommon Polish surname.
Stock Medieval English
English: A topographic name for someone who lived near the trunk or stump of a large tree, Middle English Stocke (Old English Stocc)... [more]
Stockard Irish
Variant of Stoker, an occupational name for a trumpeter derived from Gaelic stocaire, an agent derivative of stoc "trumpet, horn". The name is borne by a sept of the McFarlanes.
Stockdale English
Habitational name from a place in Cumbria and North Yorkshire, England. Derived from Old English stocc "tree trunk" and dæl "valley".
Stocke English
English: A topographic name for someone who lived near the trunk or stump of a large tree, Middle English Stocke (Old English Stocc)... [more]
Stockhardt German
Nickname for a stiff person, from Stock "stick, staff, trunk" and hart "hard".
Stockholm Danish (Rare), English (American)
Danish variant of Stokholm. English usage could be a habitational name for someone from Stockholm, Sweden (see Stockholm), but this etymology does not apply to Scandinavian usage of the name.
Stocking English
Topographic name from Middle English stocking 'ground cleared of stumps'.
Stockley English
Derived from Old english stocc (tree bark) and leah (clearing), indicating that the original bearer of this name lived in a wooded clearing.
Stockton English
Habitational surname for a person from any of the places (e.g. Cheshire, County Durham, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Shropshire, Warwickshire, Wiltshire, Worcestershire, and North and West Yorkshire) so called from Old English stocc "tree trunk" or stoc "dependent settlement" + tun "enclosure", "settlement".
Stockwell English
An English boy's name meaning "From the tree stump spring"
Sto. Domingo Spanish (Philippines)
Means "Saint Dominic" in Spanish.
Stoehr German
From Middle Low German store ‘sturgeon’, hence a metonymic occupational name for someone who caught or sold sturgeon, or a nickname for someone with some supposed resemblance to the fish... [more]
Stofflet Alsatian (Rare)
Derived from the given name Stoffel in combination with the diminutive suffix -et.
Stogdill English
Possibly a variant of Stockdale.
Stogner German (Austrian, Americanized)
Americanized spelling of Stögner, itself a variant form of Steger or Stegen.
Stohoke Irish
Gaelic name that originated in Ireland.
Stohr German
North German (Stöhr): see Stoehr.... [more]
Stoian Romanian
Derived from Bulgarian Stoyan.
Stoianov Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Stoyanov.
Stoichkov Bulgarian
Means "son of Stoichko", Stoichko being a diminutive of Stoyan... [more]
Stojanoska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Stojanoski.
Stojanoski m Macedonian
Means "son of Stojan".
Stojčeva f Macedonian
Feminine form of Stojčev.
Stojkanović Vlach
Means "son of Stojkan".
Stojkov m Macedonian, Serbian
Means "son of Stojko".
Stojkova f Macedonian
Feminine form of Stojkov.
Stojković Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Stojan".
Stojkovska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Stojkovski.
Stojkovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Stojko".
Stokely English
Variation of Stockley.
Stoker Dutch
Means "stoker, one who stokes a fire" or "firestarter, agitator" in Dutch, an occupational name or a nickname for a troublemaker.
Stoker Scottish, Irish
Means "trumpeter", from Scottish Gaelic and Irish stoc "trumpet, bugle, horn".
Stokes Irish, Scottish
Variant of Stoke and Stohoke... [more]
Stokholm Danish, Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of Norwegian skyta "to shoot" (indicating a protruding piece of land like a cape or headland) and holme "islet".
Stoklasa Czech
Means "rye brome" in Czech.... [more]
Stolarski Polish
Derivative of Stolarz "carpenter" "joiner", with the addition of the common suffix of surnames -ski.
Stolinski Belarusian
This indicates familial origin within the town of Stólin.
Stolk Dutch
Contracted form of Stolwijk, a town in South Holland, Netherlands, probably derived from Middle Dutch stolle "lump, chunk" and wijc "farmstead, village".
Stoller German, Jewish, English
Habitational surname for someone from a place called Stolle, near Zurich (now called Stollen).... [more]
Stollerman German
A man from Stoll, a province of Germany.
Stolt Swedish
Swedish soldier name meaning "proud". ... [more]
Stolte German
Derived from Middle Low German stolt "proud; stately; magnificent".
Stoltenberg German, Norwegian
Habitational name from places so called in Pomerania and Rhineland. A famous bearer is Jens Stoltenberg (b. 1959), Prime Minister of Norway 2000-2001 and 2005-2013.
Stoltzfus German
Stoltzfus is a surname of German origin. It is common among Mennonites and Amish. All American Stoltzfuses are descended from Nicholas Stoltzfus (1719–1774), an Amish man who migrated from Germany to America in 1766.
Stolz German
The surname "Stolz" means "Proud" or "pride" in German.
Stonefield English
Meaning "stone field".
Stonehill English
Meaning "stone hill".
Stonehouse English
From Middle English ston stan 1 "stone" (Old English stan 1) and house "house" (Old English hus)... [more]
Stoneking Cornish, Medieval Cornish
The surname Stoneking was first found in the Hundredorum Rolls of 1273. The name originates in Cornwall, deriving from the Old English word 'stan', meaning stone, and indicates that the original bearer lived near a prominent stone.
Stoneman English
Combination of Stone and English man. Sometimes used an English form of German Steinmann.
Stonestreet English
Topographic name for someone who lived by a paved road, in most cases a Roman road, from Middle English stane, stone, "stone" and street "paved highway", "Roman road".
Stonor English
Locational name from a village in Oxfordshire, England. The name comes from Old English stán "stony" and the place was named for a stone circle on the land.
Stoop Dutch
From Middle Dutch stoop "pitcher, stone bottle, wine jug", an occupational name for an innkeeper or a nickname for a heavy drinker.
Stoops English
May descend from Stoop or Stobe.... [more]
Storbakken Norwegian
From Norwegian meaning "big hill".
Storch German, Jewish
From Middle High German storch "stork", hence a nickname for someone thought to resemble the bird.
Storck German
German. from the meaning the House of the Storks. ... [more]
Storey English
From the Old Norse nickname Stóri, literally "large man". A literary bearer is British novelist and playwright David Storey (1933-).
Storgaard Danish
Combination of Danish stor "large, great" and gård "farm, estate".
Storgård Finland Swedish
From Swedish stor "large, big, great" and gård "farm, estate".
Storie English (American)
Possibly a variant of Storey.
Storm English, Low German, Dutch, Scandinavian
Nickname for a man of blustery temperament.
Storm Dutch, Flemish
Occupational name for someone who rang an alarm bell warning of oncoming storms.
Stormborn English
most likely of Scandinavian origin
Stormo Norwegian
Habitational name from any of numerous farmsteads, notably in northern Norway, so named from stor meaning "big" + mo meaning "moor", "heath".
Stornelli Italian
Meaning uncertain; may be from storno "starling", or directly from stornelli, an Italian lyric or folk song.
Storr German
Nickname for a crude man, from Middle High German storr 'tree stump', 'clod'.
Story English
Variant of Storey.
Stoss German, Jewish
Nickname for a quarrelsome person, from Middle High German stoz 'quarrel', 'fight'.
Stossel Jewish
A diminutive form of Stoss.
Stotch Popular Culture
Butters Stotch is one the reoccurring characters on the animated TV series South Park.
Stoter English (Modern)
Of Dutch origin and still in use there in a restricted region. Herder of large animals such as cattle or horses. May share a root with Ostler (unverified). Note: Stot in Scottish dialect still means a young bull.... [more]
Sto. Tomas Spanish (Philippines)
Means "Saint Thomas" in Spanish.
Stough German (Anglicized)
Americanised spelling of Stauch.
Stout Scottish, English
Probably a nickname for a brave or powerfully built man, from Middle English stout ‘steadfast’. A contrary origin derives from the Old Norse byname Stútr ‘gnat’, denoting a small and insignificant person.
Stowell English
A locational name from various places in England called Stowell
Stoychev m Bulgarian
Means "son of Stoycho".
Stoycheva f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Stoychev.
Stoykov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Stoyko".
Stoykova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Stoykov.
Stoyle English
Variant of Styles.
St Peter English
Originally from French Canadian immigrants, an anglicized form of French St Pierre.
Strachan Scottish, Caribbean
Scottish habitational name from a place in the parish of Banchory, Kincardineshire, which is first recorded in 1153 in the form Strateyhan, and is perhaps named from Gaelic srath ‘valley’ + eachain, genitive case of eachan ‘foal’.
Strada Italian
Italian form of Street.
Stradivari Italian
Italian surname of uncertain origin, either from the plural of Lombard stradivare meaning "toll-man" or from strada averta meaning "open road" in the Cremonese dialect. A famous bearer was Antonio Stradivari (1644-1737), a violin-maker of Cremona.
Stradlater Literature
The surname of Ward Stradlater, a character in J. D. Salinger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye".
Stradling English (British)
Researchers found the origin of this surname Stradling by referring to such documents as the Viking Sagas, the Orkneyinga Sagas, the Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, the Inquisitio and the translations of local manuscripts, parish records, baptismal & tax records, found in the north of Dingwall, and in the Orkneys and Shetlands.... [more]
Straga Medieval Croatian
Straga means behind in Croatian. This surname means behind the hill or behind the knoll.
Strahm German (Swiss)
Derived from Middle Hugh German strām "strip of land".
Straight English
Nickname from Middle English streʒt "straight, upright", presumably applied in either a literal or a figurative sense.
Strain Scottish, Irish
Derived from the valley of the Aan, or strath Aan.
Straka Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak: Nickname from straka ‘magpie’, probably for a thievish or insolent person.... [more]
Strakhonov m Russian
From Russian страх (strakh), meaning "fear", likely denoting to a fearful or feared person.
Strakhov m Russian
From страх (strakh) meaning "fear, terror".
Strandberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish strand "beach, sea shore" and berg "mountain".
Strandheim German, Jewish
From a location name meaning "beach home" in German, from Middle High German strand meaning "beach" and heim meaning "home". As a Jewish surname it is ornamental.
Sträng Swedish
Probably taken directly from Swedish sträng "strict, stern, harsh, grim". although it could also be derived from the name of the city Strängnäs.
Strang English
Originally given as a nickname to one who possessed great physical strength.
Strangeways English
Means "person from Strangeways", Greater Manchester ("strong current").
Strasburg German
It is derived from the Old Germanic phrase "an der Strasse," which literally means "on the street." Thus, the original bearer of this name was most likely someone whose residence was located on a street.
Strassberg Jewish
Ornamental name composed of German Strasse "street" and Berg "mountain, hill".
Strasse German
It derives either from the ancient Roman (Latin) word "straet" meaning a main road, and hence somebody who lived by such a place, or from a German pre-medieval word "stratz" meaning vain.
Strassmann German, Jewish
Topographic name for someone living on a main street, from Middle High German strasse, German Strasse "street, road" and man "man".
Strathairn Scottish
From Strathearn, the name of a large valley of the River Earn in Scotland, derived from Gaelic srath meaning "river valley, grassland" combined with the river's name. A famous bearer is American actor David Strathairn (1949-).
Stratigos Greek
Deriving from the Greek title for a general. Feminine form is Stratigo.
Stratton English
English: habitational name from any of various places, in Bedfordshire, Dorset, Hampshire, Norfolk, Oxfordshire, Somerset, Suffolk, Surrey, and Wiltshire, so named from Old English str?t ‘paved highway’, ‘Roman road’ + tun ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’... [more]
Straube German
Variant of Straub.
Straughan English
Northern English (Northumbria and the Northeast) variant of Scottish Strachan.
Strauss German, Jewish
From the German word strauß, meaning "ostrich." In its use as a Jewish surname, it comes from the symbol of the building or family that the bearer occupied or worked for in the Frankfurter Judengasse... [more]
Strauß German, Jewish
An older spelling of Strauss, which is only used in Germany and Austria.
Stravinskas Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Stravinsky.
Strawberry English (American, Rare)
Possibly from the name of the fruit, or from any of the various places named Strawberry in the US.
Strawbridge English (American)
Someone who built bridges as a living.
Strayer German
Americanized form of German Ströher: habitational name for "someone from any of the places called Ströh in Westphalia and Lower Saxony".
Strazdiņš Latvian
Derived from the name strazds meaning "starling".
Strazds Latvian
Literally means "blackbird".
Stražičić Croatian
Possibly derived from straža, meaning "guard".
Stream English
English topographic name for someone who lived beside a stream, Middle English streme. Americanized form of Swedish Ström or Danish Strøm (see Strom).
Streep Dutch
Means "stripe, hyphen" in Dutch.
Streeter English
English (Sussex) topographic name for someone living by a highway, in particular a Roman road (see Street).
Streicher German
Occupational name for someone who measured grain or inspected cloth
Streisand German, Jewish
Possibly an ornamental name, literally meaning "scattersand" in German. This surname is borne by the American singer and actress Barbra Streisand (1942-).
Streiter German
Topographic name from Middle High German struot 'swamp', 'bush', 'thicket' + -er, suffix denoting an inhabitant.
Strel'chenko Ukrainian (Russified)
Derived from стріл (stril, russified: стрел / strel) meaning "arrow".
Strelevskiy m Russian
Probably related to Strelskiy.
Strelkov m Russian
From Russian стрелка (strelka), meaning "arrow".
Strel'nikov m Russian
Means "son of the shooter", from Russian стрельник (strel'nik).
Strelow German, Polabian
Originally an Polabian name from the city Stralsund (pola. Stralov).
Strelskiy m Russian
From Russian стрела (strela), meaning "arrow".
Streltzin Jewish, Russian, Belarusian
Russian and Belarusian Jewish surname.
Strete English
Strete is derived from Old English "Straet" which, in turn is derived from the latin "strata". This surname has spelling variants including, Streeter, Street, Straight, and Streeten. The first occurrences of this surname include Modbert de Strete of Devon (1100), AEluric de Streitun and his heir Roger (at the time of Henry de Ferrers) and Eadric Streona, Ealdorman of Mercia.
Streufert m German (East Prussian)
Probably originated from northern Germany.
Stribling English
From a medieval nickname for a youthful or inexperienced person (from Middle English stripling "youth").
Stricker German, Low German, Dutch
Occupational name for a rope maker or knitter (of hose, for example), from an agent derivative of Middle High German, Middle Low German stricken ‘to tie’.
Strid Swedish
From the Swedish word stid meaning either "swift, rapid" or "battle, combat, fight".
Strider English
Likely an anglicized variation of the Dutch term "Strijder" or German term "Streiter," this surname represents an occupational designation for a soldier or a descriptive term for someone with a combative demeanor.... [more]
Strigl German
Name given in 1056 a.d. Meaning- Keeper of the Royal Horses.
Strijbis Dutch
Etymology uncertain. Possibly derived from strijd meaning "conflict, strife" or "disputed, contested", an element in some place names.
Strindberg Swedish
Likely a combination of Strinne, the name of a village in Multrå parish, Ångermanland, Sweden, and berg "mountain". A well known bearer of this name was Swedish playwright and novelist August Strindberg (1849-1912).
Stringfellow English
Nickname for a powerful man, Middle English streng ‘mighty’, ‘strong’ + felaw ‘fellow’ (see Fellows).
Stroganov Russian
Meaning uncertain. This was the name of a wealthy Russian family of merchants (later aristocrats), probably of Tatar origin.
Stroh English, German
Means "straw" when translated from German, indicating a thin man, a person with straw-colored hair, or a dealer of straw.
Strohm Upper German
From the noble name Strohmeier. Great river and electricity.
Strojnowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish village of Strojnów.
Strojny Polish
A nickname for a dandy; Elegant and Well-Dressed.
Stroll English
Stroll comes from the English word meaning to walk without hurry, probably for someone who liked to walk.
Strom Norwegian (Anglicized), Danish (Anglicized), Swedish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Danish and Norwegian Strøm and Swedish Ström, all meaning "stream, current".
Strom German
Variant of Strahm.
Strömgren Swedish
Combination of Swedish ström "stream" and gren "branch".
Stronach Scottish
From Gaelic srónach meaning "nosy" or "sharp-nosed".
Strubel German
German (also Strübel): from a diminutive of Middle High German strūp (see Strub).... [more]
Struijk Dutch
Topographic name derived from Middle Dutch struuc meaning "bush, shrub".
Struik Dutch
Variant of Struijk.
Strutz German
Variant of Strauss.
Struycken Dutch
Variant of Struijk, notably borne by the Dutch actor Carel Struycken (1948-).
Struyk Dutch (Anglicized)
Americanized variant of Struijk.
Strycker Dutch
From Dutch de Strycker, an occupational name for someone responsible for measuring out cloth or grain. See also Stryker.