Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
SarverEnglish, Jewish English and Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic) occupational name from Old French serveur (an agent derivative of server ‘to serve’), Yiddish sarver ‘servant’.
SarwarUrdu, Bengali From the Persian title سرور (sarvar) meaning "lord, master".
SasameJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 左 (sa) meaning "left", -s-, used to represent epenthesis between 2 vowels or a possession marker, and 雨 (ame) meaning "rain; rainfall".
SasoriJapanese (Rare) This surname is used as 佐曽利 with 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help," 曽 (so, sou, zou, katsu, katsute, sunawachi) meaning "before, ever, formerly, never, once" and 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit."
SasportasJudeo-Spanish Possibly derived from Spanish seis puertas meaning "six doors" or Catalan las portes meaning "the doors".
SassanoJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 颯々 (sassa), sound- and script-changed from 颯爽 (sassō) meaning "gallant; jaunty" and 野 (no) meaning "field; plain", referring to a stately person who traveled to the fields.
SastrowardoyoJavanese Means "writings of the heart" from Sanskrit शास्त्र (shastra) meaning "scripture, writings" and हृदय (hrdaya) meaning "heart". This is the name of a Javanese family of nobility.
SauerbierGerman From German sauer meaning "sour" and bier meaning "beer". It originally referred to a brewer of sour beer.
SauerweinGerman Occupational nickname for someone who sold sour wine, or perhaps a nickname for someone with a sour disposition, from Middle High German sur "sour" + win "wine", i.e. vinegar.
SaujiJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 佐 (sa) meaning "aid; help" and 氏 (shi) meaning "family, clan". This may also be a variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 佐氏 (see Saudji)... [more]
Sauve'French Sauve' from France to Canada. Changed probably due to an "a" and an "o" confusion in cursive. My granfather's was typo-ed on WW II old men's sign up in MA. or RI, USA.
SavelliItalian It could derive from the Sabelli (ancient Italic tribe), pre-Roman population, or from toponyms such as Savelli di Norcia (PG) and indicate the origin of the founder.
SavilleEnglish A habitational name from an uncertain place in Northern France. This is most likely Sainville, named from Old French saisne, 'Saxon' and ville, indicating a settlement.
SaviñónSpanish Probably of French origin, an altered form of Savignon which is from a pet form of the personal name Savin or a habitational name from place called Savignon in Ardèche.
SavorgnanItalian (Rare) From a small town near Udine named Savorgnano del Torre, of Friulian origin. This was the name of a Friulian aristocratic family, ascribed to the Venetian participate. The famous bearer of this surname was an Italian-French explorer Pierre Paul François Camille Savorgnan de Brazza (1852-1905)
SawaJapanese From Japanese 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
SawabeJapanese From Japanese 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh, wetlands, swamp" and 部 (be) meaning "part, section" or 辺 (be) meaning "area, place, vicinity".
SawadaJapanese From Japanese 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
SawickiPolish This indicates familial origin anywhere within a cluster of 3 Podlachian villages in Gmina Repki: Sawice-Dwór, Sawice-Wieś, or Sawice-Bronisze.
SawtellEnglish (British) A dialectal variant of Sewell, which was first recorded in early 13th-century England. The later addition of the 't' was for easier pronunciation.... [more]
SaxenaIndian, Hindi Traditionally believed to be derived from Sanskrit सखिसेना (sakhisena) meaning "friend of the army", from सखा (sakha) meaning "friend, companion" and सेना (sena) meaning "army"... [more]
SaxonEnglish Derived from the tribe of the Saxons from the Anglo-Saxon element seaxa "a Saxon" derived Germanic elements sahso and sahsaz derived from sahsą "knife"... [more]
SaxtonEnglish Habitational name from a place in West Yorkshire, possibly also one in Cambridgeshire, both so named from Old English Seaxe "Saxons" and tūn "enclosure, settlement".
SaykhmanPunjabi This name is a boy's name. used as surname name. mostly used as boys name of Sikh or Hindu religion. originated from Punjabi. (sikh) means "learner" and (maan) means "mind". "Learner's Mind"
SaytoJapanese (Russified) Alternate transcription of Saitō more commonly used by ethnic Japanese living in parts of the former Soviet Union and Sakhalin Japanese residing on Sakhalin Island in Russia.
SaytouJapanese (Russified) Alternate transcription of Saitou more commonly used by ethnic Japanese living in parts of the former Soviet Union and Sakhalin Japanese residing on Sakhalin Island in Russia.
ScafataItalian Possibly denoting someone from the Italian town Scafati, from Latin scapha "skiff, light boat". Alternately, may be from Italian scafare "to husk peas", either literally referring to someone's occupation, or from the figurative meaning of "to make more confident; alert, shrewd".
ScaggsEnglish Variant of Skaggs both of English origin and unknown meaning. Famous bearer is singer Boz Scaggs (1944-) of the SteveMiller Band and the band Toto.
ScagliettiItalian The name of an Italian coachbuilder, with one of its famous customers being Ferrari when it doesn't want a design from Pininfarina.
ScaglioneItalian Derived from scaglione meaning "stallion’s canine tooth" (an augmentative form of scaglie meaning "canine tooth", from Old French escaillon meaning "horse’s tooth"), presumably a nickname for someone with exceptionally large teeth.
ScaloniItalian Likely derived from Italian scala meaning "ladder, stairs". It may have originated as a occupational name for someone who built or worked with ladders.
ScanagattaItalian Probably means "cat killer", from Italian scannare "to slaughter, to cut the throat of" and gatto "cat", with the figurative meaning of "cheat, scoundrel". (Compare Pelagatti)... [more]
ScanarottiItalian Meaning uncertain, possibly a nickname given to a boastful person.
ScanavaccaItalian Possibly an occupational name for a butcher, from scannare "to slaughter, to cut the throat of" and vacca "cow".
ScanavinoItalian Meaning uncertain, possibly related to scanalare "to cut a groove, to plough" and vino "wine".
ScannabissiItalian Possibly from scannare "to slaughter, to cut the throat of" and biscio "snake". Alternately, the first element may be from an archaic form of zanna, "tooth (of an animal)".
ScannadinariItalian (Rare) Taken from the Italian scanna meaning "slaying" and dinari meaning "money" in the plural form. Therefore, killer of money.
ScannapiecoItalian Occupational name for a butcher, from scannare "to slaughter, to cut the throat of" and piecuro "sheep, lamb".