Submitted Surnames Starting with S

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Szurgot Polish
Nickname from szurgot ‘shuffling sound’
Szurkowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within either of 2 Greater Polish villages named Szurkowo.
Szydło Polish
Means "awl" in Polish, used as an occupational name for a cobbler.
Szymanowski Polish
Name for someone from a place called Szymanów, Szymanowo or Szymanowice, all derived from the given name Szymon.
Szymczuk Polish
From the given name Szymon.
Szynkiewicz Polish, Tatar, Lipka Tatar
Patronymic derived from Szynko, a diminutive of Simon.
Szyślak Polish
Derived from East Slavic word šišlat "do slowly".