AglerEnglish From one or more Middle English personal names variously written Alger, Algar, Alcher, Aucher, etc. These represent a falling together of at least three different Continental Germanic and Old English names: Adalgar "noble spear" (Old English Æ{dh}elgār), Albgar "elf spear" (Old English Ælfgār), and Aldgar "old spear" (Old English (E)aldgār)... [more]
AguerDinka the name was mainly given to boys of the Dinka tribe ,mainly in the Upper Nile state of South Sudan. meaning is unknown but is synonymous with "tree"
AgundezSpanish Likely derived from from Persian آخوند (akhund) meaning "cleric, teacher".
AguonChamorro From Chamorro agu, meaning "to change, to vary" and the suffix on meaning "to be able". The term's modern usage refers to the starch portion of a Chamorro meal. In the olden days, the Chamorro meal consisted of fish and vegetables, but the starch portion of the meal would highly depend on what was in season.
AhishakiyeRwandan AHISHAKIYE is a both male (most) and female name which means "Whenever God want" and is originally from Rwanda. It is a familiar name in the East African countries speaking Kinyarwanda and Kirundi such as Rwanda, Uganda, RDC, Burundi and Tanzania... [more]
AhlbornGerman From the old personal name Albern, from Germanic adal meaning "noble" and boran meaning "born".
AhlschlägerGerman The Ahlschlager family name was found in the USA, the UK, and Canada between 1880 and 1920. The most Ahlschlager families were found in the USA in 1920. In 1880 there were 6 Ahlschlager families living in Iowa... [more]
AiChinese From Chinese 艾 (ài) referring to the ancient state of Ai, which existed during the Shang dynasty in what is now Jiangxi province. Alternately it may be derived from the name of Xia dynasty official Ru Ai (汝艾) or Ai Kong (艾孔), a minister from the state of Qi.
AikmanEnglish, Scottish Either a modified form of Akerman or Agemund (see Agmundr), or derived from a coven name composed of Old English ac "oak" and man "person, man".
AkbarzadehPersian From the given name Akbar combined with the Persian suffix -زاده (-zâde) meaning "offspring".
AkelloEastern African A Lou surname that originates from the name of a male ancestor, Okello or Akello. The ancestor was so named as he was a child born after the birth of twins. Lou personal names were given based on a circumstance of birth.