names are used in the country of Switzerland in central Europe.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kinkle GermanDerived from the Middle High German word "kunkel," which meant "spindle." It is thus supposed that the first bearers of this surname were spindle makers in occupation.
Kipping GermanGerman: habitational name from a place named with Middle High German
kip ‘point’, ‘peak’ or from Kippingen in the Rhineland.
Kipps GermanTopographical name for someone living on a hill, from Kippe 'edge', 'brink'.
Kircher Germanfrom Middle High German
kirchner "minister, sexton patron" hence an occupational name for a priest or a church assistant.
Kirchhoff GermanAn old Norse origin surname. Combination of Norse word Kirkr and Hoff means 'garden'.
Kirchmann GermanFrom Middle High German
kirihha "church" and
man "man" hence an occupational name for someone working in the service of the church or possibly a topographic name for someone living near a church... [
Kirchofer GermanGerman topographic name for someone living near a churchyard, or habitational name for the proprietor or tenant of a farm named as "Church Farm", from Middle High German
kirche "church" +
hof "farmstead", "manor farm".
Kirschenmann Germanfrom Middle High German
kirsche "cherry" and
man "man" an occupational name for a grower or seller of cherries or a topographic name.
Kirtz GermanPatronymic form of
Gero or
Gier, pet forms of names containing the Old High German elements
ger "spear" or
giri "desire, greed".
Kissel GermanFrom a pet form of the Germanic personal name Gisulf.
Kissinger The Kissinger surname derives from the Old High German word "kisil," meaning "pebble," or "gravel." The name may have been a topographic name for someone who lived in an area of pebbles or gravel; or it may have evolved from any of several places named with this word.
Klapp GermanNickname for a gossip or a slanderer, derived from Middle High German
klaff meaning "prattle, malicious gossip".
Klass GermanThe name is patronymic and it comes from the German first name "Clausen" which is a variant of the name "Nicholas".
Kleber German, English (American)Derived from German
kleben "to bind, to stick", hence an occupational name for someone who applied clay daub or whitewash on buildings.
Kleffner GermanTopographic name from Middle Low German
cleff "cliff", "precipice".
Kleffner GermanNickname for a prattler or gossip, from Middle High German, Middle Low German
Kleiber GermanDerived from an agent Middle High German
kleben "to stick or bind" an occupational name for a builder working with clay or in Swabia for someone who applied whitewash. in Bavaria and Austria an occupational name for a shingle maker from Middle High German
klieben "to split (wood or stone)".
Kleinknecht GermanA combining of the German word
klein "small" and
knecht "servant", originally an occupational name for a secondary hired hand. A famous historic figure who bore this surname was Jakob Friedrich Kleinknecht (8 April 1722 in Ulm - 11 August 1794 in Ansbach), a German composer of many works of chamber music and symphonies, flutist and Kapellmeister (chapel master).
Kleinschmidt GermanOccupational surname which means "small smith", that is, a maker of small forged items and metal hand tools.
Kleis Upper German, RomanshDerived from the given name
Kleis, a South German variant of
Klaus. The Kleis settled in Romansh-speaking areas after the Napoleonic Wars.
Klemm GermanEither from Middle High German
klem "narrow, tight", a nickname for miserly person, or from the related
klemme "constriction; narrows", a habitational name for someone who lived in a narrow area... [
Klempner GermanMeans "plumber, tinsmith" in German, originally from Central German and Low German, derived from Middle Low German
klampe "clamp"
Klepper GermanDerived from Middle High German
kleppern "to clatter, chatter; to gossip", a nickname for a talkative or gossipy person.
Klepper GermanA metonymic name for someone who bred or kept horses, from Middle High German
klepper "knight’s horse", possibly derived from
kleppen "to strike rapidly, to ring sharply" in reference to bells on their harness... [
Kliebert GermanOccupational name for a woodsman or woodworker, from an agent derivative of Middle High German klieben meaning "to cleave or split".
Klier German, Czech, Jewishartificial name (for Jews) and nickname (for Germans and Czechs) derived from German dialect
klier "castrated cock".
Klingbeil GermanFrom Middle High German
klingen "to ring or sound" and
bīl "axe", literally "sound the axe", an occupational nickname for a journeyman, carpenter, shipwright (or any occupation involving the use of an axe)... [
Klingemann GermanOccupational surname for a knife maker, literally meaning "knife maker, weapons smith". It is derived from German
klinge meaning "blade".
Klinger GermanKlinger is a German surname meaning ravine or gorge in Old German. The English variant of Klinger is
Klopfer German, Jewish (Ashkenazi)Derived from Middle High German
klopfen "to knock, pound, hammer", an occupational name for a clothmaker, metalworker, miner, or hunter. As a Jewish name, it can refer to a
shulklopfer, someone who knocks to call people to synagogue.
Klose German, SilesianFrom a Silesian short form of the given name
Nikolaus. A notable bearer is the German former soccer player Miroslav Klose (1978-).
Klostermann GermanCombination of "kloster" meaning "monastery," and common German suffix Mann.
Klutz GermanThe ancient and distinguished German surname Klutz is derived from the old Germanic term "Klotz," meaning "awkward, clumsy." The name was most likely initially bestowed as a nickname, either on someone who was clumsy or in an ironic way on someone who was exceptionally graceful.
Kluver GermanFrom the word
kluven meaning "split wooden block". It used to refer to bailiffs.
Knabe GermanGerman status name for a young man or a page, from Middle High German
knabe (English
knave). In aristocratic circles this term denoted a page or squire (a youth destined to become a knight), while among artisans it referred to a journeyman’s assistant or (as a short form of Lehrknabe) ‘apprentice’... [
Knapke GermanA relative of mine has said this surname means “over the hill” and that it is of German origin.... [
Knapp GermanOccupational name from the German word
Knapp or
Knappe, a variant of
Knabe "young unmarried man". In the 15th century this spelling acquired the separate, specialized meanings "servant", "apprentice", or "miner"... [
Knaus GermanComes from Middle High German knuz ‘proud’, ‘arrogant’, ‘daring’, hence a nickname for a haughty person. In Württemberg knaus (and in Switzerland knus) also meant ‘gnarl’, hence a nickname for a short, fat, gnarled person; topographic name for someone living on a hillock, from knaus ‘hillock’ in the Swabian and Alemannic dialects of German
Knecht German, German (Swiss), DutchMeans "servant, assistant" in German and Dutch, an occupational name for a journeyman or male servant derived from Old Germanic
kneht meaning "servant, knight" or "youth, boy"... [
Knick GermanGerman: from
Knick “hedge”, “boundary”, hence a topographic name for someone living near a hedge or hedged enclosure or a metonymic occupational name for someone who lays hedges. Hedging is a characteristic feature of the pastureland of Holstein, Mecklenburg, Westphalia, and Lower Saxony.
Knie SwissA famous bearer is the Knie family, a Swiss circus dynasty that founded it in 1803. Today the circus is an enterprise with about 200 employees, operated by Frédy and Franco Knie and it is famous worldwide.
Knobel German, German (Swiss), YiddishDerived from the Middle High German
knübel probably a nickname for a fat person or in the sense "ankle". However the term also denotes a rounded elevation and may therefore also be a topographic name for someone who lived by a knoll... [
Knodel Germandweller near a hilltop; descendant of Knut (hill, or white-haired); a lumpish, thickset person.
Knoedler GermanOccupational name, probably for someone who made dumplings, from an agent derivative of Middle High German knödel.
Knoll English, German, JewishEnglish and German topographic name for someone living near a hilltop or mountain peak, from Middle English
knolle ‘hilltop’, ‘hillock’ (Old English
cnoll), Middle High German
knol ‘peak’... [
Knopfler English, GermanDerived from
Knopf (German for "button"), this surname was originally given to button makers or button sellers. A famous bearer of this surname is English musician Mark Knopfler (1949-).
Knorr GermanFrom a nickname for a gnarly person, derived from Middle High/Low German
knorre "knot, protruberance".
Koboldt German (Rare)Derived from German
Kobold (Middle High German
kobolt) "kobold; hobgoblin; puck; imp".
Kochendorfer GermanHabitational name for someone from any of several places called Kochendorf, in Württemberg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Bohemia.
Koehnline GermanAnglicized form of the German name
Köhnlein used by people who moved to the US from Germany during the 19th Century.
Koelsch GermanGerman from the adjective
kölsch, denoting someone from Cologne (German
Koelzer GermanFrom a noun derived from
kolzen "ankle boots" (from Latin
calceus "half-boot walking shoe") hence an occupational name for a boot maker or a cobbler. Or a habitational name for someone from Kölzen near Merseburg.
Koerner GermanKoerner is an occupational name for a grain merchant or possibly an administrator of a granary. ... [
Koger GermanSouth German: occupational name for a knacker, from an agent derivative of koge ‘carrion’.
Kohlhaas GermanApparently a nickname from Middle Low German kōlhase, literally "cabbage rabbit".
Kohlman GermanThis surname comes from the Middle High German word kol which translates into English as coal. However, German Kohl, kol or Kohle also translate into English as cabbage. Middle High German man and German Mann translate into English as man... [
Kohr German1. occupational name for a guard or watchman on a tower, Middle Low German kure.... [
Kolber GermanFrom an agent derived from Middle High German
kolbe "club, cudgel" an occupational name for someone who made wooden clubs later for an armorer, or a habitational name for someone from Kolben in Württemberg or Cölbe in Hesse.
Kolden German, NorwegianFrom Middle Low German kolt, kolde ‘cold’, a nickname for an unfriendly person; alternatively, it may be a habitational name, a shortened form of Koldenhof ‘cold farm’ in Mecklenburg (standardized form: Kaltenhof, a frequent place name in northern Germany, East Prussia, Bavaria, and Württemberg).Norwegian: habitational name from a farm called Kolden, from Old Norse kollr ‘rounded mountain top’.
Kolkmann GermanKolk is an old German word that means '' man who lives by the river'' and Mann is German for 'man'. The name Kolkmann comes from a man who lived by the North Rhine.
Koll GermanFrom the given name
Colo or
Koloman. Alternatively derived from Middle Low German
kolle "head".
Koller GermanThe name is derived from the Alemmanic word "Kohler," meaning "charcoal burner," and was most likely originally borne by a practitioner of this occupation.
Kölsch GermanFrom German
kölsch, denoting someone from Cologne (Köln in German).
Konitzer GermanA German habitational name for someone who lives in various places called Konitz in places like Thuringia, Pomerania, Moravia, or West Prussia.
Konzelman GermanOrginating from
Konrad, which is a variant of
Conrad, meaning "brave counsel." The second half of the name indicates one who was a councilman or advisor to someone of importance or power.
Koopmeiners Dutch, GermanPerhaps derived from
koop "purchase, buy" and
meiners "mine." An alternate interpretation is that "meiners" could be derived from the German word
Koppen GermanHabitational name from any of several places named Koppen.
Korb GermanMeans "basket" in German, denoting a basket maker or a basket vendor.
Korn GermanFrom Middle High German
korn "grain", a metonymic occupational name for a factor or dealer in grain or a nickname for a peasant.
Koten GermanDerived from German
Kate / Kote, originally from Middle Low German
kote "small house; hut".... [
Köth GermanFrom Middle High German, Middle Low German
kote ‘cottage’, ‘hovel’, a status name for a day laborer who lived in a cottage and owned no farmland.
Krabbe German, Dutch, DanishMeans "crab, shrimp", either a metonymic occupational name for someone who caught or sold shellfish, or a nickname based on someone’s way of walking.
Kräft German, JewishNickname for a strong man, from Old High German kraft, German Kraft ‘strength’, ‘power’.
Krah GermanNickname from Middle High German
kra "crow" given to someone who resembles a crow.
Krahn GermanNickname for a slim or long-legged person, from Middle Low German
krane "crane". Compare
Krais German, BrazilianBrazilian adaptation of the German surname Greis; altered for easier comprehension by the Portuguese-speaking population of Brazil.
Kranich GermanNickname for a long-legged or tall and slender person, from Middle High German
kranech "crane".
Kratt GermanGerman metonymic occupational name for a ''basketmaker'', from Middle High German
kratte ''basket''.
Kraut Germanmetonymic occupational name for a market gardener or a herbalist from Middle High German
krūt "herb plant; cabbage".
Kray GermanVariant of
Krah nickname for someone who resembled a crow from Middle High German
kra "crow".
Kreisel German, JewishJewish family name and originally a nickname for an active or disorganized person, derived from German
kreisel meaning "spinning top, top", ultimately from
kreis "circle". Alternatively, it could've be used as a nickname for a person with curly hair in the context of "spiral" or "curl".
Kreit Upper GermanTopographic name from Middle High German
geriute meaning “land cleared for farming”
Kreith Upper GermanTopographic name from Middle High German
geriute meaning “land cleared for farming.”
Krengel German, JewishAn occupational name for a pastry chef from Middle High German
krengel German
kringel "(cake) ring doughnut". As a Jewish name this may also have been adopted as artificial name.
Krepp Germantopographic name for someone living in a hollow
Kress GermanFrom Middle High German
kresse "gudgeon", hence probably a nickname for someone thought to resemble the fish in some way or an occupational name for a fisherman.
Kress GermanFrom Old High German
gratag "greedy".
Kretschmer GermanMeans "innkeeper, tavernkeeper, pubkeeper", derived from Proto-Slavic *
Kretzer GermanOccupational name for a basketmaker or a peddler, from an agent derivative of Middle High German kretze 'basket'.
Kreul GermanFrom Middle Low German
krouwel "hook, claw; three-pronged fork, trident, meat hook", a metonymic name for someone who made such tools, or a nickname for someone who used them.
Kreutz GermanTopographical name for someone who lived near a cross set up by the roadside, in a marketplace, or as a field or boundary marker, from Middle High German kriuz(e) 'cross'.
Krey GermanNickname from Middle Low German
krege "crow".
Kriebel GermanNickname from Middle High German
kribeln "to tickle, tingle, itch". Can also be a variant form of
Krieger GermanNoun to
kämpfen meaning "to fight (with words)". Describes a person who likes to argue. A wrangler, a quarreler, a brawler. Literal translation "warrior", from the German noun
krieg "war" and the suffix
Kriegshauser GermanProbably a habitational name for someone from an unidentified place called Kriegshaus, literally "war house".
Kries GermanFrom Middle High German
kriese "cherry" hence an occupation for someone who sold soft fruits or a locational surname for some who lived by a cherry tree.
Kröll GermanFrom Middle High German
krellen "to claw", a nickname for a snappish or cruel person. Compare
Kroll German, DutchNickname for someone with curly hair, from Middle High German
krol "curly", Middle Low German
krulle "ringlet, curl", Middle Dutch
croel, crul.
Kronberg German, SwedishGerman habitational name from any of the places called Kronberg near Frankfurt in Hesse and in Bavaria from the elements
krone "crown" and
berg "mountain, hill". Swedish ornamental name from
kron "crown" and
berg "mountain hill".
Kronen GermanFrom German Krone 'crown', probably as an ornamental name. Or a nickname for a slender, long-legged individual, from a dialect form of Kranich.
Kronenberg German, German (Swiss)Habitational name from a place called Kronenberg (there is one near Wuppertal) or possibly from any of the places called Kronberg (see
Kronberg ) from German
Krone "crown" and German
Berg "mountain, hill".
Krumholz Jewish, GermanGerman and Jewish (Ashkenazic) from
Krumbholz ‘bent timber’, ‘mountain pine’, hence probably a metonymic occupational name for a cartwright or wheelwright. As a Jewish surname it is ornamental.
Krumm GermanFrom a nickname, which in turn is from the Middle High German word
krum, meaning "crooked" or "deformed".
Krumreihn GermanPossibly derived from Middle High German
krum(b) meaning "crooked" and
rein meaning "border of a field, margin", and hence a topographic name for someone who lived by a field with a crooked edge, or perhaps a nickname for a farmer who plowed a crooked furrow... [
Krumwiede GermanLocation-based name for people who lived by a gnarled old willow tree.... [
Kübler German, German (Swiss)Derived from Middle High German
kübel "tub vat barrel", this is an occupational surname referring to a cooper.
Kuch GermanGerman metonymic occupational name for a pastry cook, from German
kuchen ‘cake’, or simply a variant of
Koch ‘cook’.
Kuchenmeister GermanOccupational name for a master cook (literally "kitchen master"), a court official.
Kucher GermanOccupational name for a pastry cook from an agent derivative of Middle High German
kuoche "cake pastry".
Kuchler German (Rare)Often confused with
Küchler a name for a cookie baker, Kuchler is a noble name for an old german family. Kuchler is origined in a city named Kuchl at the border of todays german bavaria... [
Kues German, Dutch (Rare)Habitational name from Cues, now part of Bernkastel-Kues in the Rhineland Palatinate.
Kühl German, Low GermanThe spelling Kühl results from a folk-etymological association with High German
kühl ‘cool’ (Middle High German
küel(e), a nickname from Middle High German
küel ‘cool’, ‘calm’... [
Kuhlman GermanNickname from Middle High German
küel ‘cool’, ‘calm.’
Kul German, DutchDerived from Old High German
kol meaning "coal", perhaps an occupational name for a miner or coal seller.
Kummerow GermanHabitational name from any of various places in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg called Kummerow.
Kunfermann RomanshYounger form of
Gufermann, which was derived from Romansh
gufer "rubble, shingle" combined with German
Mann "man". This name was given to someone who lived near a place filled with rubble.